Mmos Quiz Rules and Regulations: Click Here To Login and Start The Quiz

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• The Quiz will be conducted during the LIVE lesson. Upon submission of the quiz, you
will receive your results via email.

• Please login to your Google Account in your web browser before the lesson. You must
login to participate in the Quiz. (Click Here to create a Google Account)

• Each Google Account is only allowed to submit the Quiz ONE (1) TIME. You will be given
time to do so during the LIVE lesson. Please wait till then, we will do it together! ☺


Group B – Lesson 6

Example 1
Jason works in a pancake café. On a busy Sunday, he had to cook a total of 53 pancakes.
His frying pan can hold two pancakes each time. It takes 4 minutes to fry a pancake, with
each side requiring 2 minutes each to cook fully. How long did Jason take to prepare all the
orders? Give your answer in minutes.

1 Math Mastery Online Series

Example 2
The sum of three prime numbers is 86. List two possible sets of these numbers.

Example 3
Given that 𝑎 and 𝑏 are whole numbers, determine which of the following statements
is/are true:

(i) If (𝑎 + 5𝑏) is even, then (𝑎 − 3𝑏) is even.

(ii) If (𝑎 + 5𝑏) is even, then (𝑎 − 3𝑏) is odd.
(iii) If (𝑎 + 5𝑏) is odd, then (𝑎 − 3𝑏) is even.
(iv) If (𝑎 + 5𝑏) is odd, then (𝑎 − 3𝑏) is odd.

(A) Only (i) is true

(B) Only (i) and (iii) are true
(C) Two statements are true
(D) All statements are true

2 Math Mastery Online Series

Example 4
Some children were divided into two groups. There were 20 more boys than girls in
Group A. There were 12 more girls than boys in Group B. 45% of the children were girls.
How many boys were there in total?

Example 5
If 5 students occupy a room in the youth hostel, 14 students will not have a room.
If 7 students occupy a room, there will be 4 vacant rooms.

a) How many rooms are there in the youth hostel?

b) How many students are staying at the youth hostel?

3 Math Mastery Online Series

Practice 1
The length of a swimming pool is 30 m. Ally and Bella starts swimming towards each other
from opposite sides. Their speeds were 2 𝑚/𝑠 and 3 𝑚/𝑠, respectively. How many times
would they have met in 1 minute?

Practice 2
Given that (𝑎 − 𝑏) is 1995. Find the sum of digits of (𝑎 + 𝑏), given that both 𝑎 and 𝑏 are
prime numbers.

4 Math Mastery Online Series

Practice 3
How many numbers from 1 to 98 can be expressed as the difference of 2 squares?

Practice 4
Ms Wang spent $148 of her money on a dress and of the remainder on a bag. She was
left with 60% of her money. How much did she have left?

5 Math Mastery Online Series

Practice 5
Shawn walks to school every morning. If he walks at a rate of 50 metres per minute, he will
be 3 minutes late. If he walks 60 metres per minute, he will arrive 2 minutes before the
assembly bell tolls. How many kilometres is the school from Shawn’s home?

6 Math Mastery Online Series

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