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Direct democracy is a form of democracy in which all people in a given jurisdiction decide by voting on

policy initiatives directly.

In a true direct democracy, such as ancient Athens had (with the notable exception of non-citizens, women
and slaves), all the people voted on every law, public policy and issue of justice. In the modern age,
NewVote considers it impossible to expect the public to be engaged in every piece of legislation like this.
Even in the case of the best modern example of direct democracy on a national level, Switzerland, only 5%
of laws are subject to direct democratic involvement.

There is empirical evidence in the US that there is an improvement in the overall quality of human life and
subjective happiness correlating to the extent to which direct democratic initiatives are used.

The Australian Election Study found in 2001 that 65% of Australians said referenda were “good”, a further
32% said they were “neither good nor bad” whilst only 2% said that they were “bad”. Unfortunately, the
question has not been asked since 2001 so more recent data by a study of this calibre is not available.
However, the online direct democracy organisation, MiVote, conducted an online poll of the public in
February 2017 and found support for “direct democracy” at 89%, ahead of “referenda” at 66%,
“representative electoral voting” at 55% and “plebiscites” at 25%.

Democracy is known as the finest form of government. Why so?

Because in a democracy, the people of the country choose their
government. They enjoy certain rights which are very essential for
any human being to live freely and happily. There are
various democratic countries in the world, but India is the largest
one. Democracy has withstood the test of time, and while other
forms have the government has failed, democracy stood strong. It
has time and again proved its importance and impact.

Democracy is very important for human development. When

people have free will to live freely, they will be happier. Moreover,
we have seen how other forms of government have turned out to be.
Citizens are not that happy and prosperous in a monarchy or anarchy.

Furthermore, democracy lets people have equal rights. This ensures

that equality prevails all over the country. Subsequently, it also gives
them duties. These duties make them better citizens and are also
important for their overall development.
Most importantly, in a democracy, the people form the government.
So, this selection of the government by the citizens gives everyone a
chance to work for their country. It allows the law to prevail
efficiently as the rules are made by people whom they have selected.

In addition, democracy allows people of various religions and

cultures to exist peacefully. It makes them live in harmony with one
another. People of democracy are more tolerant and accepting of each
other’s differences. This is very important for any country to be
happy and prosper.

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India: A Democratic Country

India is known to be the largest democracy all over the world. After
the rule of the British ended in 1947, India adopted democracy. In
India, all the citizens who are above the age of 18 get the right to
vote. It does not discriminate on the basis of caste, creed, gender,
color, or more.

Further, it follows five principles of democracy. They are secular,

sovereign, republic, socialist, and democratic. All of these maintain
the democracy of India. Following these principles, political parties
contest for elections and the won with the majority of votes, wins.
However, the citizens of India do not vote in abundance. There are
steps being taken to encourage voting for a better future.

Although India is the largest democracy it still has a long way to go.
The country faces a lot of problems which do not let it efficiently
function as a democracy. The caste system is still prevalent which
hampers with the socialist principle of democracy. Moreover,
communalism is also on the rise. This interferes with the secular
aspect of the country. All these differences need to be set aside to
ensure the happiness and prosperity of the citizens.
In short, democracy in India is still better than that in most of the
countries. Nonetheless, there is a lot of room for improvement which
we must focus on. The government must implement stringent laws to
ensure no discrimination takes place. In addition, awareness
programs must be held to make citizens aware of their rights and

Democracy is the rule in which people select who their leaders will be. It is the rule for the people
by the people with the people. Democracy has its origins in ancient Greece where the Greeks were entitled
to selecting their own leaders. In a democracy, citizens of a country can vote for or against certain laws
before they era enforced. There are different types of democracies including parliamentary and presidential
systems. Constitutional monarchies as seen in the United Kingdom and Spain are also considered as
democracies. When it comes to writing essays on democracy, you may find it difficult to choose the right
sources to use. Also, it may be difficult to outline the main points in your democracy essay. So you can
check out sample papers from writing services, and they will guide you. With these, you will be able to
deliver an essay with a well-written introduction and conclusion.

 functioning democracy is defined by various characteristics, like freedom of speech, equality, human
rights, rule of law and many more. When autocratic rulers or monarchs were in power these achievements
of modern society obviously weren’t guaranteed. They might even have respected momentarily those

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