MUBS History

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Our History

Makerere University Business School was established in 1997 to centralize the

development and standardization of business and management education in the country.


MUBS was established by the Makerere University ( Establishment of Constituent

College ) Order 1997 as a Constituent College of Makerere University (Mak) in 2000, the
law was amended to give financial and administrative autonomy to MUBS by the
Makerere University ( Establishment of Constituent College {Amendment} Order
[MUECCA] (a) 2001 ). In 2001, the structure was changed further with the enactment of
the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act which transformed MUBS from a
Constituent College of Makerere University to a public tertiary institution affiliated to
Makerere University.


MUBS was created from a merger between the then Faculty of Commerce (FOC) at Mak
and the National College of Business Studies (NCBS). The merger involved a physical
movement of the FOC from Mak campus to Nakawa where NCBS was situated. The
actual merger and movement took place in January 2008

The School has seen phenomenal growth over the last 13 years of its existence. The
growth is a reflection of the importance of business and management in people’s lives.
The School examines about 15,005 students in its different programmes including
students in the Colleges of Commerce and at Colleges affiliated to it.

MUBS continues to work towards its strategic goal to continue leadership in the
provision of high quality programmes in high volume and high value markets of business
and Management Education programmes in the country and to develop programmes that
are responsive to market needs and satisfy customer requirements and development of
highly qualified and motivated staff.

Makerere University Business School (MUBS) is the school of business of Makerere

University, Uganda's oldest university. MUBS is the leading institution in providing
business and management education at the certificate, diploma, undergraduate and
postgraduate levels and a benchmark for other institutions both nationally and

As of June 2009, the school has the following faculties:

• Faculty of Commerce
o Department of Accounting
o Department of Finance
o Department of Law and Economics
• Faculty of Management
o Department of Entrepreneurship
o Department of Business Administration
o Department of Leadership and Governance
o Department of Human Resource Management
• Faculty of Computing and Business Science
o Department of Business Computing
o Department of Management Science
o Department of Procurement and Logistics
• Faculty of Marketing and Hospitality Management
o Department of Marketing
o Department of International Business
o Department of Travel and Tourism Studies
o Department of Leisure and Hospitality Studies
o Department of Catering Studies
• Graduate Research Center

The Ministry of Education and Sports then Hon. Amanya Mushega

wanted to visit the Faculty of Commerce (FOC) to see and understand
how this Faculty had transformed in a very short time from one of the
smallest (about 200 students in 1990) to the fastest growing and
possibly one of the biggest in Makerere University(over 1,000 students
in 1996). The FOC at Makerere University was established in 1987.
Prior to that it was a Department of Commerce in the huge Faculty of
Social Sciences. From the time of establishment the Faculty proposed
the commencement of private programmes to but this was not granted
until 1991. Up to 1991 FOC had one degree programme then, the
Bachelor of Comimerce with only government supported students
totaling to about 240.

The first admission to both the new BBA and MBA programmes were
made that year. By 1996, the Faculty had over 1000 students in 3-
degree programmes, the largest number was privately sponsored
students. It was this growth that attracted the Minister to the FOC.
The Minister was impressed by the plans of the Faculty and he
suggested that FOC takes over the National College of Business
Studies (NCBS). His view was that by doing so government would
achieve several objectives. Increase intake to University education at
minimum cost, sort out the mess in the Diploma systems at the then
Natational College of Business Studies and improve quality of business
education generally.

In 1997 several meetings were held and both the FOC and NCBS were
not interested in the merger. Nonetheless, in 1997, the Minister
enacted a law creating MUBS as a constituent College of Makerere
University. The name was suggested by FOC which had been trying to
acquire that name in Mak for several years without success. When
debating the move which was resisted by everybody in the FOC, Prof.
Ephraim Kamuntu, the only person who supported the move rose up to
say, that "at time individual interest tend to cloud national interest and
that we shall put our narrow individual interest aside and do what was
in national interest, move to Nakawa and take over the place and grow
it". He predicted what was to come years ahead.

Later in 1997 and in early 1998, Makerere University Senate debated

the law and decided to “actualize” the merger by taking over NCBS. It
was a “takeover” because Makerere University imposed its systems on
the new institution without accommodating NCBS systems. Hon.
Francis Babu, Minister of State for Education then led the Makerere
University team that took over NCBS.

Like in any changing situation, there was a lot of resistance. This
particular change was very difficult because most parties had not even
agreed to it. On the side of the FOC, staff felt that they would be
lowing their status by moving to NCBS. For the NCBS, it was thus
monster, Makerere University coming to swallow them. Inevitably
there were losers and winners. NCBS had Heads of Departments who
lost their headship including key administrative staff. Fortunately, the
Principal was assigned duties in Kenya with a better package, so he
had no cause to complain.

Students of the FOC were insecure. They were to be phased out from
Makerere University and phased into Nakawa. The first year students
joined September 1998 and felt they could not cope with the large
number of Diploma students. The students at NCBS were worried
about who would award their diplomas now that NCBS was no more.
The staff at NCBS were even more anxious. The majority did not meet
the creteria to join statitff of Makerere University since this was a
Diploma Awarding Institution. This was a major challenge. The change
task was phenomenalTo manage the change, Committees were set up
to recommend the way ahead. There were; Academic programmes,
staffing, organization structures, students affairs among others.

Several challenges developed with the parent Makerere. Issues

emerged in sharing resources, absorption of staff, approving
expenditure, approving programmes among others. Makerere tried to
run MUBS like a Faculty at the main campus yet MUBS had more
responsibility than those of an ordinary faculty. It had the largest
number of students, it was running hostels, dinning, maintaining
compound among other things. Disagreement development and since
Makerere University was the parent, it imposed its will on MUBS. The
relationship soured as it became dysfunctional.

In 2000 government decided to resolve the conflict by granting MUBS

financial and administrative autonomy. The Makerere University Act
was again amended extensively giving MUBS a separate vote, a
Council and authority to handle its own finances and staffing matters.
This followed difficulties mentioned above of sharing the resources
MUBS made, appointment of staff and running the institution generaly.
The amendment of the law eased most of the difficulties MUBS had
both internally as a result of the merger and externaly with Makerere
University. Interestingly MUBS was able to appoint NCBS staff that
have been rejected by Makerere University and take decisions over
students and faculties more quickly. Externally the issues Makerere
had with MUBS were resolved since Makerere University was no longer
responsibly for them.

A year later in 2001, Parliament enacted the Universities and Other

Tertiary Institutions Act which took effect a year later. The law
attempted to recognize the difficulties between MUBS and Makerere
University and wanting MUBS to enjoy both autonomy and the benefit
of being with Makerere University, Parliament decided to make MUBS a
Tertiary Institute affiliated to Makerere University. This was not
understood at the beginning but as it unfolded, Parliament had let
MUBS go but had also bound it to Makerere University in a relationship
that was to worsen things. Makerere University started offering
programmes offered by MUBS and despite orders by Government for
Makerere not to duplicate programmes, Makerere University went
ahead to offer the programmes because according to them MUBS was
no longer part of them. The outstanding issues were and continue to
date to be; approval of MUBS programmes, admission of students,
paying of fees, sharing resources for joint activities like examinations,
graduation, transcripts and those other academic related issues. This
law also complicated matters of appointment of various types of staff
especially the Principal.

MUBS has come a long way starting with two (2) undergraduate degree
programmes and one Masters programme. MUBS now commands
nineteen (19) Undergraduate programmes and twelve (12) Masters
programmes, Six (6) Postgraduate Diplomas. It has two (2) Doctoral
programmes. There are 8 Diplomas in NCBS they are now 20 Diploma
programmes and 3 Certificates.

There were 2,000 undergraduate students and 170 on the Masters

programmes at its establishment. There are now 10, 000
undergraduate students, 700 on Masters programmes and over 500
Diploma students. MUBS had about 40 members of Academic staff,
there are now over 300. MUBS now has Professors and Doctors and is
acknowledged in the country as the peace setter and leading business
and management education institution.
Regionally, MUBS leads in the key activities of teaching and research.
Globally, MUBS benchmarks with the best. MUBS will continue to be a
leading edge institution in Business and Management education.
MUBS will in future be the single largest Institution of Higher learning
in the region. That is its destiny from my view. It can only be stopped
by outsiders or poor internal strategies.

Makerere University Business School (MUBS) is the leading institution
in providing business and management education at the diploma,
undergraduate levels and a benchmark for other institutions both
nationally and regionally. It facilitates professional development,
promotes entrepreneurship, and is a leading business management
research institution in the country. The School examines over 15,005
students in its different programmes including students in the Colleges
of Commerce and at Colleges affiliated to it.
Legal Framework

MUBS was established by the Makerere University (Establishment of

Constituent College) Order 1997 as a Constituent College of Makerere
University (Mak) in 2000, the law was amended to give financial and
administrative autonomy to MUBS by the Makerere University
(Establishment of Constituent college {Amendment} Order [MUECCA]
(a) 2001). In 2001, the structure was changed further with the
enactment of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act which
transformed MUBS from a Constituent College of Makerere University
to a public tertiary institution affiliated to Makerere University.

School Vision

The benchmark for Business and Management Education, Research

and Training

School Mission

To enable the future of our clients through creation and provision of


Strategic Goals
Leadership in high quality programmes responsive to market NEEDS.

MUBS core Values

The values to guide the conduct of the affairs of the School are as
•A time conscious Institution
• An information responsive Institution (covers both ICT and customer
•A professionally responsive and ethical Institution
• An Institution that promotes creativity and Innovation
• A team driven Institution

School Strategic Goals

• To provide knowledge and facilitate learning
• To conduct research, promote scholarship and publicize knowledge
• To attract develop and retain staff
• To provide an enabling atmosphere for students to learn
• To ensure appropriate students welfare
• To promote Leadership and entrepreneurship development

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