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Shaaka, M. (2016). Gorilaa Life. Roperii: Rangeeela.

(Sarmad is sitting at restaurant. He is smoking)

Waiter: What can I do for you sir?

Sarmad: One soft drink please.

(Nerd came)

Nerd: Assalam-O-Alaikum! Is it free? Can I sit here?

(No response by Sarmad)

Nerd: I’m talking to you Mr.

Sarmad: Are you talking to me?

Nerd: Yes, can I sit here?

Sarmad: No, it’s not free. Someone in washroom, he gave me 20 bucks to reserve his seat.

Nerd: Are you kidding? I will give him 30 bucks (and sit) when he return.

Waiter: What can I do for you sir?

Nerd: One soft drink please.

(Waiter brings the soft drink)

Waiter: Enjoy your drink!

(Sarmad is still smoking)

Nerd: Do you smoke?

(Sarmad didn’t response)

Nerd: I’m talking to you!

Sarmad: Me?
Nerd: Yes.

Sarmad: I think this is a cigarette & I’m continuously smoking in front of you.

This is a silly question.

Nerd: It means you smoke.

Sarmad: I can say proudly, “Yes”.

Nerd: How long you have been smoking?

Sarmad: It’s been a long time. I think from last 20 years.

Nerd: how many packets for a day?

Sarmad: 3 packets a day!

Nerd: How much for 1 packet?

Sarmad: 7 bucks.

Nerd: Then 7×3=21$

Sarmad: Yes.

Nerd: 21×30(days) =630$

Sarmad: Mmm!

Nerd: 630×12(months) =7560$

Sarmad: Ok

Nerd: 7560×20(years) =151200$

Sarmad: Thumbs up!

Nerd: You had wasted enough money. You know what? You can buy a Porsche for

(Sarmad is still smoking)

Sarmad: Oh my God! You are good in maths.

Nerd: Thank you!

Sarmad: Do you smoke?

Nerd: No, I’m not a Sarmad (proudly).

Sarmad: Then, where is your Porsche?

(Sarmad laughed)

Nerd: Ok! You got me (smiled)

Sarmad: Ok! You can leave me (smiled)

(Nerd paid the bill & move on)

(Waiter came towards Sarmad)

Waiter: Sir, anything else?

Sarmad: No, thanks for your environment.

(Sarmad paid the bill & move on)

(Sarmad exit from restaurant. He searched his pockets for cigarette but found nothing)

Sarmad: Ooh! No, I finished my stuff.

What can I do now?

(He saw a college student smoking under precaution “NO SMOKING” he went to him)

Sarmad: O boy! You didn’t see up there?

College boy: What’s up there?

Sarmad: A restriction board. You are not allowed to smoke here.

(Sarmad snatched his cigarette and throw away)

Sarmad: Move on!

College boy: Sorry sir! I didn’t see.

(College boy ran away)

Sarmad: Picks the cigarette and start smoking. (Laughing)

Ooh my God! back to life.

(Sarmad finished his cigarette & starts walking on the road. He put his foot on cigarette,
then, suddenly, he met his friend on the road)

Syed: Assalam-o-Alaikum!

Sarmad: Wsalam

Syed: Hey! What’s up? Where are you going?

Sarmad: I’m fine, just walking to home. Say what about you?

Syed: Friend I have started a NGO for blood donation #BROTHERHOOD donors. So, I’m
promoting my NGO.

Sarmad: Ooh! That’s good thing, you can also include me.

Syed: Oh really! What’s your bold group?

Sarmad: Mmm! I don’t know.

Khawar: We can go to doctor and confirm your blood group. So, you can join us.

Sarmad: Are you working for any person?

Khawar: No brother, Its complete a student’s organization, helping poor patients who
can’t afford to pay for blood in emergency situation.

Syed: We are here to eliminate the organizations who demand dollars for blood.

Sarmad: Friend that’s a good idea! May ALLAH bless you all!

Syed: So you can join us, we are going to a doctor.

Sarmad: Yes! Sure

(Sarmad along with NGO persons entered the clinic)
Khawar: Assalam-O-Alaikum!

Doctor: Wsalam

Khawar: Dr, how are you?

Doctor: Alhamdulillah! What about you?

Khawar: fine also.

Doctor: How is your organization is going?

Khawar: Pretty well, the credit goes to you also.

Doctor: (Laughs) It’s all your hard work guys.

Khawar: Doctor, we are here to check this guy’s blood group.

Doctor: Ok, wait a minute.

(Doctor calls his assistance)

Assistant: Yes sir!

Doctor: Check his blood group.

Assistant: Ok Sir

Khawar: How is your practice is going?

Doctor: it’s going well.

(Assistant took blood from his body and went to other room for testing)

(Doctor starts talking about organization)

Doctor: This is a good step for humanity. You guys are working hard. May ALLAH bless
you all!

Syed: Thank you doctor, we are doing our task. Every human should participate in tasks
for the welfare of humanity.

(Assistant comes in with the reports)

Assistant: Sir, reports are ready.

(Doctor check the reports)

Doctor: Ooh my God! What you have done with your life? There is 80% Nicotine in your

Khawar: Is there any situation?

Doctor: No, he has limited life my brother. You are at last stage of cancer. (Sadly)

(Sarmad stunt and surprised)

(Oh GOD! what I have done with my life. I have to complete many tasks in my life. I’m alone
resource of my family income. They all are dependent on me).

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