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Copyright © 2019 Pedigree Books, myBIInc

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ISBN: 1230003143452

To the youth out there struggling to fit in and find a place in this
world. To my young sister, Harriet, my young brothers Paul and
Bwalya and to all who would like to help our coming generation
to understand who they are in Christ


I have known Mwiza for a couple of years now and I can surely
attest to the fact that she is someone who has been passionate in
seeking to know God and pouring out that which the Lord has
given her. I was marveled by what she has shared in this book.

I opened this book looking forward to learning what it actually

contained and what it had to say about identity. There are many
perspectives from which we’ve heard people talk about identity.
There is however one perspective that should not be missed by
any Christian.

In this book you will encounter some deep truths that will
certainly shift your perspective on your identity and standing with
Christ. You will come across insights and wisdom for life that will
not only defeat fears but move you into full confidence and
assurance of your identity. I encourage you to read this book with
an open heart and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through
the words contained between the covers of this book.

Ndashi Kapembwa


Acknowledgments vi

Introduction 9

Chapter 1 Our identity in Christ 11

Chapter 2 How are you described 15

Chapter 3 Why should you know your Identity 17

Chapter 4 We are Kings 20

Chapter 5 Servants 26

Chapter 6 We are sons 30

Chapter 7 We are warriors 35

Chapter 8 Do not conform 40

Chapter 9 Who am I grace and blood 44

Chapter 10 About the author 48


My special thanks go to my Mother for bringing me up in love

which has built me. Thanks to Ndashi Kapembwa for the
foreword and encouragement he has given me ever since I knew
Him. I acknowledge my mentor Cham Chilombo for teaching
me the principle of an ‘extra mile’ that is what pushes me.

Special thanks also go to my friends who I gave me a chance to

ask them a few things before writing this book and all who
helped me make this book a reality.

Most importantly I thank and praise my Father, God for giving

me the revelation of this book and saving me from inferiority
complex, and for giving me a new life


I do not know when it actually started, it seemed to have just

gotten into me suddenly but quietly. My childhood imaginations
that I would one day wake up a princess in some beautiful far
away land, in a huge castle with my own big bedroom painted all
pink with a wardrobe of a lot of dresses and a tiara by my bedside,
just stopped working. The reality seemed to be that I would never
be this princess. Though with a few other fantasies of may be
waking up as some super star’s wife or going for studies in
England and accidentally meeting up with a Prince who eventually
loves me, I could not fathom my fears of never being what I
imagined myself to be. I did not know who I was nor was I able to
figure out who I really am.

Today, many people suffer with the question of who they are and
what their purpose is. Somehow, they constantly want to be some
superior self, others could have all they need but still desire to be
somebody else. During research, I discovered that this situation is
not any better for even most people who are born again

After a lifetime of questions, answers began to pop up right out of

the Bible and things even got better when I got to read Myles
Munroe’s book ‘ Rediscovering the kingdom’. This is what I desire to
share in this book. I hope this could cause a change of perception
of most believers and call the unbelievers to believe so that we
could be just what God wants us to be.



The doubts never stopped, the fears never went and the
confidence never built up. At the age of thirteen I gave my life to
Christ by then I was in Grade eight and my doubts about who I
am were still infiltrating my mind in fact, they were accelerating.
Even though I read the Bible and went to church later on, I never
got to understand that it was in this wonderful savior and friend, I
would actually get to know who I really am.

In the beginning, God created man and gave him an identity. He

knew who he was and why he was. There were no doubts. The
problem entered when man disobeyed God and the results
followed. The great fall of man caused him to lose his position
and true identity causing him to have a gap inside, and the
questions began. The worst was the death, the loss of the Spirit
and the beginning of the lost identity.

Fortunately, our God is an awesome GOD. Just when the devil

had thought victory was his, Jesus brought back the lost kingdom
of God back to humanity and restored just what was lost during
the fall. This means that, through our Lord Jesus Christ, the only
begotten son of the Father, our identity that is in our past has
caught up with us today. Through Jesus Christ we can find
ourselves. He is the answer to all questions and the giver of
identity. It is only through Him that we can be confident of who

we really are and have a mind and a character that we should really
have. This means outside Christ every identity we find is a
counterfeit or complete mistake. That is why you will hear some
believers say “I am nothing without Jesus.” I say it too and I
mean it. All there is to be is in Christ.

Followers of Christ must have a character that is unique to them.

We are to be known in a different way. This unique identity is
only by understanding who we are in Christ.


The time I asked my friend how he would describe me to others

was when I was in my last Grade in school. I struggled with
knowing who I really am even later when I completed school. It
may have seemed as though I built some confidence in myself and
became daring and would be found around different people and
make a self that would automatically fit in, but the truth was that
the more I tried to be the me, the more I got lost. Even though I
was born again, I had little knowledge of how and who God
purposed me to be.

Being in Christ does definitely give you a new identity, the true
identity. It restores the initial plan of God upon your life. The old
self is washed away and a new you comes forth (2 Corinthians
5:17). The regeneration takes place. But we need to understand
this new self we become in Christ and stand firm on it. If we luck

the full knowledge of who we are, the devil can easily infiltrate us
with doubts. Doubt is one of the cunning tricks of the devil first
expressed in the Bible and it is the very reason of destruction that
follows us today. Doubt makes you question, causes you to fear
and suspect and lead you to disbelief.

‘And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die: For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil’
Genesis 3: 4-5 (KJV)

Notice the devil here. He does not just tell Eve to get the fruit and
eat, but first create doubt in her. He brings into her doubt of
God’s command and just as the fruits of doubt are, she begins to
think otherwise. If you read further to verse 6, you see how Eve
begins to think that by eating of the tree would make her wise.
God did not make us foolish and dumb, he made us like Himself.
But the with the devils doubts, Eve thought she was not wise and
would become wise by eating the fruit. Notice the devil distort
Eve’s identity by making her doubt her character and her Creator.

So your true identity in Christ is that you are a wise man, but once
doubt comes in you begin to question yourself and lose yourself.

Doubt is a very strong weapon that can cause one’s downfall.

Man’s true identity is only in Christ. Jesus Christ came for

restoration. To restore means to re-establish, bring back to
previous condition, to recover, to give back and so on. He came

to restore the kingdom of God, to restore the initial relationship
between man and God, to take us back to being homes of the
Holy Spirit, restore our position as leaders, and to give back our
identity. He did not put up something new. He did not bring us a
new identity, but gave back the identity we had from the



“So, if someone came asking, ‘who is Mwiza?’ how would you

describe me?” I asked my late friend, Esau. I was still struggling
with even describing myself such that could always consult people
over who they thought I was. Some of the words I was told sunk
in my head and over and over I became either what I was told or
what I expected to be told. It’s funny how we fall into the trap of
living a life of impressing the wrong people.

Some people live the kind of life were they let people decide who
they are. As I once heard, ‘We can either let the world tell us who
we are or let God tell us who we are’. Thus, most people live by
the compliments of others, a very dangerous life. The problem
with man’s describing is that, he sees from an horizontal
perspective, he sees your today, your current position, outward
appearance, judges based on achievements and failures and has no
idea what you can be. Samuel in the Bible was no exception.
When told to go and anoint the king to be, Samuel as most people
would do, looked at Eliab the handsome tall warrior of Saul’s
army and said he surely would be the perfect king. However, God
the maker of kings does not see as man sees, fortunately.

“When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s
anointed Stands before the Lord.” But the Lord said to Samuel “Do not
consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does

not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16; 6-7

So, it is your choice to make. Be described by someone who sees

only the outward appearance or be described by one who sees
your heart. I decided that whatever description that will not come
from God my Father is a fake description and whatever title that
will not be given to me by Him will be fake.

I have heard people a number of times complain that other people

do not understand them.

“If he could only see what’s in my heart he’d understand better.”

One would say.

This statement is said by many. We should understand that the

matters of the heart are best understood by God that is why it is
best for us to be described by Him. Your girl/boyfriend, your
friends, your boss or your funs do not know you better than God.
He even knows you more than you know yourself. A certain man
told me,

“There’s a part of you that you know that others don’t know, a
part of you that others know but you don’t know and a part that
only God knows.”

Build your trust in He that knows what you know, what others
know and what He only knows about you than in one who only
knows a part of you.



Identity in this case of study can be said to be knowledge of who

one is. How you look at yourself, how you relate to the world and
the changes that come along. One’s identity may seem to vary at
different stages of their lives. What one can be like today may vary
from what they might be five years from now due to the different
phases of life and different experiences. Thus one’s identity can be
both built and distorted. In most instances, an identity built on a
weak foundation is bound to fall. For instance, if you build who
you are on a foundation of what a set of people tell you, once
those people tell you something else about yourself, your identity
begins to be distorted.

It is, therefore, very crucial to know who you are. Developing a

strong identity that is able to stand situations no matter what
because it is easy to lose yourself especially in unexpected
overwhelming situations. So not just having an identity but, a firm
identity. Knowing who you are allows you to also have principles
such that you cannot be pushed about by every wind that blows
because you have a ground to which you are rooted. People who
either do not know who they are or understand themselves are
prone to emotional spirals. Knowing who you are includes
knowing your emotions and know how to handle them, but when
you not sure who you are, you can be overtaken by emotions
easily. One minute you are angry, the other you laughing, today

you are all loving and tomorrow you hate on everyone. Then you
say to people,

“Aaah I’m not so sure who I am anymore.”

Not having full knowledge of one self can easily affect our self-
confidence and create self-doubt. It makes you question who you
really are, your abilities and your purpose. It drops your self-
esteem and give you a low sense of personal worth and value.
Gideon who was meant for some much more considered himself
worthless and weak because he did not know his true identity as a
warrior (Judges 6:15). He only understood part of himself and his
background. Moses was no exception, he called himself a nobody,
and he questioned his identity for him to be able to even stand in
front of a king when God sent him to rescue the Israelites from
Egypt ( Exodus 3:11-12). He had a low esteem because he was not
sure of who he was.

Getting to understand your identity makes life easier generally.

You know who you are, so you know your purpose and you
pursue it joyfully because you already know you made it. Knowing
your identity boosts even your self-confidence. The way you carry
yourself, talk, respond or react to situations, the way you work,
your dreams and your planning, there are affected by how well
you know yourself. One’s relations with others is also influenced
by their identity.

However, it is easy to create a wrong identity of yourself. An

identity that tells you opposite what you are. You create a ‘who I
am’ that you really are not. Now this creates limitations for one
self. Let us say, for example, you come from a family background
whose education has not being so well, the most learned ended on
Grade twelve, then you manage to go to college or university. You
encounter some hard tests, you fail more than three times and
begin to remember who you are as a child of a family that failed at
school. May be even worse someone tells that you not any
different from your father. This can make you create an identity as
a failure and have a change of mind-set such that you actually fail.
However, if you know that you are not failure you will work
harder because you know your real self. No one is born a failure,
but what you tell yourself you are, that is what you become.

One has to know their identity, their true identity, the identity that
was placed in them from the beginning.

Identity is a choice. You can choose who you want to be. You can
choose what you want to be. You can choose. We all have free

The following chapters will give us an insight on the titles we have

in Christ.



‘And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth’ Genesis 1: 26

‘The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to man’
Psalms 115: 16

The first thing God gave us was His perfect Spirit. The first role
given, was to have dominion. As I was reading the book by Myles
Munroe (Rediscovering the Kingdom), I came across a question I
would like to share as well as share the answer I got. Have you
ever wondered why God, in all His mightiness with the heavens in
His hands and thousands of angels serving Him, decided to make
man? The answer lies in the very characteristics of God. One of
the characteristics of God is that He is love (1 John 4:8, 16), not
that He has love but He is love. One component of love is that,
love gives and shares itself and it is for this reason that ‘Love’
shared Himself by creating man. So, God being love, He
supernaturally in the nature of love, gave and shared Himself to
man. He being King, He wanted to extend, to share, to give and
to pour out His kingship by the creation of mankind. So God
made us for the purpose that He wanted to extend His love for us
by making us a part of His great heavenly kingdom. Extending the

invisible to the visible and making the visible rule it. ‘…and let
them rule…’ (Genesis 1:26). God made us rulers, He made us in
His image, so we have to reflect God like characteristics of which
leadership is one. God made us the best part of His creation and
blessed us so much with the Holy Spirit that we may portray His
perfect willed leadership.

It is for this very reason that God made us to rule that our design
is in sync with His will. But, it is valid to note here that God
created us to rule over the earth and everything, except fellow

We were created to reign. To be leaders. To be kings and to be

ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom. The plan just got
distracted a bit, but the grace of God is so great that through
Christ we are restored to our original purpose, our original titles as
kings. Don’t get lost here saying what of queens. Is this call only
for men? Why is there no mention of queens? This is because the
Bible speaks from the point of view spirit-men. Every person
male or female has a spirit man in them. This is the reason as to
why instead of referring to the human race as human beings, the
Bible usually says ‘man’. So there isn’t really a reason to worry
about kingship being for the men, we are all kings in Christ, with
thrones set up for us and crowns upon our heads headed by the
King of kings, Jesus (Ephesians 1:10).

When you believe in Christ, you become part of the kingdom of

God. You are made king and this calls for us to behave like kings.

Our mentality ought to be changed so that we know how to
behave as kings. It’s like you have been a peasant all way through
living among servants and subjects, behaving and carrying yourself
like them. Then you become born again and realise that you have
been living a different life. You are called and welcomed into this
great kingdom of kings, the big gates are opened, the royal robs
are rested on your shoulders then you walk into this celebration
specifically for you and you are called king! Superiors celebrating
only because of you, only you, the lowly considered the once lost
and fallen. Praises are being sung, music is beautifully played, the
fattest cow is killed and everyone is called to celebrate this king
who has just gotten back home. This is the welcome that happens
in the heavens when you return to the Father’s house and that the
Father is the king and His children are inherently kings too. (Luke

Who is a king and what does he do? A king who does not know
he is a king, or even know what a king does and what differs him
from servants is just as good as the servants.

One aspect about king is that he inherits a kingdom and after the
death of a previous king.

Notice this, we are called kings because we have been given this as
an inherent gift. As mentioned, the ruling king has to die and so
did He. Jesus is King, the King of kings (Revelations 19:16). For us
to be inheritors, a king had to die. A king died so that we could
inherit the kingdom. He restored unto us our kingship identity

and wiped the servant and slave identities carried by many. What
is amazing is that our King, Jesus, did not die for good, He rose
from death. He resurrected in victory overcoming the devil and
winning us back to God our Father. So by virtue of reconciling us
to the King as His children, we inherently become kings. Jesus
being put above all authority is called the king of kings. The
notion is that King Jesus is a king of kings like the monarchies of
this world, well He is because He has been placed above all
authority, but the kings also include us, who are children of the

However we being kings does not call us to be like kings of this

world, but to emulate the King of kings. What differs King Jesus
from the worldly kings is that He is a king of humility, peace,
righteousness, reconciliation and He has authority over
everything. In the same way, we are to emulate Jesus Christ’s. We
must understand that it is not some people who have been made
kings, but every person who believes in Christ Jesus. This calls for
understanding that even our attitudes should be different, we must
have a king’s attitude. It is not the walk on some red carpet with
flowers thrown before you, or some nice fancy gown, great gold
crown on your head or even a castle that will actually tell you that
you are king. However, being king surpasses such power
expressed materially, it goes deep into how one carries themselves
around and how they react and respond to the situations around,
how their mind is focused and how sure they are of their identity
as a king.

Have you ever wandered as to why, of all the animals in the jungle
the lion is considered to be the king of the jungle? Even better
why the King of kings himself, Jesus is likened to a lion when he
is called the lion of Judah? (Revelations 5:5). It is not the largest
animal in the jungle, it does not have the best speed nor the most
beautiful, but is still feared by animals and people alike. This is
because of its attitude expressed in its magnificence and
confidence. When a lion sees an elephant, it sees food. It does not
worry about how big the lion is or how strong it is, all the lion
sees is dinner.

One day seated in the living room with my family, we watched the
lands largest mammal being attacked by lions, it did not seem so
easy for the lions. They attacked from every angle but bringing
down that elephant seemed like a mission impossible. After hours
of struggling for hours, I suppose, the elephant was down! It was
pitiful to watch the elephant eaten up, however the persistence of
the lion and attitude during that situation was encouraging.

A King never gives up, if it were so, Jesus would have given up on
us already. A king has an attitude of victory, persistence and
confidence. A king is humble, that is why King Jesus is often
likened to a sheep which is a very humble animal. In studying
what a sheep is like, I came to learn that it is very obedient and it
endures pain without much of compliant even when it is taken to
slaughter. These two characteristics of a sheep, without
missioning, others bring about the description of King Jesus. Jesus

the Lamb of God listened and obeyed, He come down to die for a
lost generation and when he was taken to slaughter he didn’t cry
or even scream. He endured the beating and the scorn like a
sheep. In this way, we ought to be as kings.



Matthew 28:18-20 ‘And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying,
all power given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and teach the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy
Ghost: teaching them all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I
am with you all way, even unto the end of the whole world. Amen’

Jesus came to restore God’s kingdom here on earth, a kingdom

that every believer belongs to. This is the reason why Jesus said
that we are visitors in this world (John 17:16). We have been
welcomed into a kingdom that is not of this world and have been
estranged to the world. Our bodies could be here on earth, but
our spirits are seated in heavenly places with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).
However, our being here on earth, in this world does not become
vain when we become God’s own. We start off a journey of being
Servants of our Kingdom.

A servant is one who does a duty and is compensated for it. A

kingdom servant is not exception to it. We are all called to be
servants of the kingdom, we all are. If you do not recognize this
and thus fail to perform your duty, the day is coming when the
wages shall be given, you can judge yourself. Revelation 22:12
‘And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man
according as his work shall be.’(KJV).

We have to know our identity as servants and our duties for a

servant who does not know his work is not good at all. Thanks to
the apostles that lived as servants and set before us an example to
follow for they were servants too (1 Corinthians 4:1).

Our call as servants of the Kingdom of God is to be ambassadors.

An ambassador is one who is sent represent a place they come
from. That is what each one of us in Christ is. We are a public
face of the unseen world. How best one represents it is dependent
on how well they know this unseen kingdom. You cannot
represent what we do not know neither can we influence this
world with kingdom concepts we do not understand. So the first
take to being kingdom representative is knowing the Word of
God, having it on our lips, engraved on our hearts and stuck on
our minds.

When I got to get more and more close to God, I had new
conviction. All along I only thought being Christian was to just be
born again and live in God’s word. I was not wrong to know it
this way because as I read on the awesome Word, I came to
understand that it is not only about getting saved and sitting back.
Therefore, a new conviction to do something for my Savior kept
striking my mind and that conviction has never left me. It is the
conviction of a servant. It is a conviction that comes as part of the
identity of being a servant in Christ. It is a longing that is taken
even onto the grave.

It is this sense of being a servant that the apostles in the Bible died
working for God. Even today we see people who tirelessly and

eagerly work for God, even with Churches that can accommodate
thousands of people, they never stop to reach out to the whole
world, utilizing technology and all media possible just make sure
that the Word of God is being reached to people everywhere.

The same task given to the apostles to proclaim the Gospel is the
same task we have as the servants of God. Colossians 1:25-26 ‘I
have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the
word of God in fullness-the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and
generation, but is now disclosed to the saints’ (NIV). Our union with
Christ makes us selflessly work to make sure that the great secret
and mystery of Christ is spread to others. It is a very selfish act to
know the word and keep it to yourself. If you have a word that
has helped you or a new understanding, you have to share with
you neighbor because you love your neighbor as yourself.

So our duty as servants is to represent the kingdom we belong to

using the Scripture through the wisdom and knowledge given us
by the Holy Spirit. Not our own wisdom for wisdom is
foolishness to God, nor our worldly knowledge for it is futile.

The Bible passage at the beginning from Matthew 28:18-20 was

the official commission of the saints as servants. This was not
meant only for the disciples that were there then, if so, this part
would have been of no use and therefore not included. This
means that, that commission was to all disciples of Christ.
However, we often run away from this call and give all kinds of
excuses. Some say they are waiting to hear this direction from

God, well at least this is the most common one. What I do not
understand is why one would call the Bible the word of God and
still wait to hear a word from Him that he has already spoken.
God directs us yes, but this does not make the directions He has
already given us void. Working as God’s servants by proclaiming
the Gospel is part of our identity and if not recognised, we would
end up filling incomplete.



“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons
of God even to them that believe on His name” John 1:12

Growing up without a father was a bit of a struggle. It affected me

badly when I heard my friends talk about their fathers. Especially
when I was kid, when one got bullied they would mention calling
their father. I would also say I would tell Mum, it would matter
because my mother is huge and feared from afar yet sweet when
nearby. In spite of that, my mother never gave me a reason to
constantly desire a father. She was and still is my father and
mother in one.

One day when I was in Grade one at the school my mother

taught, a boy from class bullied me and I promised to tell my
mother, I did just that. So the next morning, she came to my class.
The excitement that bully will finally see the wrath of my super
mother was bursting out my cheeks as I held back a shout. As she
approached our teacher in the midst of the craziness of children
everywhere, I ran towards my mother and showed her the big

“Oh so you are Michael?” She said to him

“Yes! You’ll see it today!” I thought to myself, except in Bemba

because then my English was not so good, even in my thoughts.

Shockingly, with all attention on what my giant mother’s reaction
would be, she stretched out her hands and lifted Michael with the
joy of a mother and sweetly said,

“Don’t fight Michael”

If I was in Tom and Jerry, that moment was perfect to dig a grave
and bury myself in it. I could only imagine the mockery I was
going to face. Growing up that incident was meaningless because I
grew up a big girl and no one could physically dare to bully me.

Every child desires a father and at a certain point as a teenager, I

began to wish my father was alive. I felt I just needed him. I
missed him even though I had never gotten to know him as he
had died when I was still very little. I was a born again Christian
by then, but I still lacked in terms of the knowledge of God’s
word. In my lonely times I even began to think that may be the
dead could hear and you could summon them. Funnily, I even
spoke to my dead father and expected an answer. Well, he did not
reply. I was all crazy. My dreams were affected too. I constantly
dreamed that my father was still alive somewhere.

During this struggle, I came across Psalms 10:18 ‘A father to the

fatherless, defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling’. This was
God’s own voice, I had never received such direct comfort,
assurance and revelation. I felt safe and all worries and thoughts
were washed out. I thought I was fatherless, but God my Father
showed me that He is my father. My life changed just from this

scripture. The assurance I received has kept me going even in hard

Just by believing in Christ, we are sons of God. (Note here again

that son includes both male and female). It is not by blood
because a time is coming when our blood will be of not much use,
not by any DNA, not be any rule or law and not by any standard
of the earth. We are not born of natural but by God. God Himself
is our Father.

How does is it even help knowing that God is our Father? Firstly
one has to know how a father is. A father provides the needs of
the children, he nurtures them, protects, teaches, guides and so
on. However, all these are inherent of Love! The greatest attribute
of a father is that he loves. It is a pity that today, some fathers
have not adopted the great example of God our Father. God
meant it for all fathers to be like Him, but because of sin that has
entered the world, it is all distorted and only a few fathers have
survived. Some fathers are never fathers, they just have children.
They rape or defile their children, they lead their children into
ditches and leave them there. It is all because of the evil that has
dominated the world. Anyhow, all hope is not gone, the time is
coming when all evil shall be wiped off the face of the earth.

God has fathered all who believe in His son. When you see your
identity of being a son, you will realize great trust in God. You will
push yourself off the adult sit of self-responsibility and let Papa
take over.

Attending a certain meeting where a certain man of God, Apostle
Fredrick Kaluluma, I came to understand and get a great truth. He
said that, the problem we make sometimes is that we want to be
adults when we are children of God. It was not the main teaching,
but it is those small phrases that remain echoing at the back of
your mind. Now an adult is that kind person who is described to
have it all figured out and gotten things under control, well, at
least that is what the world made me think. From that day I have
been as child-like as possible before my Father.

A father is to be revered. He is to be obeyed and put in high

consideration. You cannot go about, as a son of the father’s house
making decisions without letting Him in. So, having the identity of
a son, you have to be ready to accept the Father whole heartedly.
Accept when he corrects you, that is what a father does. A father
out there who thinks or does support a child even when they are
wrong is not showing the right direction and the right way to love.

In the households of our culture, a father was meant to be highly

feared and from descriptions that I have heard from different
people, there seemed to be no close relationships between fathers
and children. This is not to mean all Zambian fathers. However,
with our God, our Father, He desires a close relation between
Him and His children. So, here is the amazing thing, you got a
friend in a Father! Well, at least I know I have found one in Him
through the reconciliation made possible by Christ Jesus (1
Corinthians 5:20)

My beloved brethren, I write as though in the old days, accept this
great opportunity of accepting to be Sons of the most high God
and see how amazing it is to have a father that holds all things.

Romans 8:16 ‘The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s

Your identity in Christ as a son of the Most High God is at the

core. When you become a son of God, His Spirit is made one
with your spirit and it is His Spirit who is in us that proves that we
belong to God. (Romans 8:9). God’s Sons have the Spirit in them,
it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are made the children
of God and have the right to call God, our Father ( Romans 8:14).

The day is coming when God shall call to Himself those who have
the seal of His ownership, and the seal is the Holy Spirit. Only
God’s children have this mark ownership.

Let us stop hovering in the darkness and shying away behind the
children of darkness unleash the light we have as sons of God. Let
us be aware of who we are as sons of God and how great our
Father is. The more you learn of who you are in God, the less
power the evil one has on you.



2 Timothy 2:3 ‘Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus


The identity of being a soldier as a Christian is often over looked

by many. However, understanding that there is a kingdom that has
disconnected itself from the initial kingdom of God to connive
against it, will help us realize that we are at war. Light and
darkness can never blend and because the dark kingdom stands on
scheming against God’s own, we have been placed as soldiers of
our kingdom.

This means we should understand what war has been waged and
what it is we fight and what could lead us to victory. All this is
explained in Ephesians 6:10-18.

‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against rulers of this dark world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places.’ Ephesians 6:12

This tells us what most Christians already know, we do not fight

against flesh and blood. If you fight your neighbor, or some
enemy you have physically, you are fighting the wrong battle. Our
battle is nothing physical. Our weapons are not physical, not
carnal. We do not battle on a carnal battle ground. Even better,
we do it all in prayer (Ephesians 6:18).

Prayer such an amazing gift given to us by God himself. He
opened up for us to be able to meet Him in prayer. Prayer is the
basic act and yet the whole being of a Christian. We have the
Spirit in us who breaths in Prayer and feeds on the word. Cutting
out prayer from your life is like suffocating the Spirit out of you.
That is why to grow as a follower of Christ you need to pray and
meditate on the word. Jesus prayed. If God prayed, who are we
not to pray?

When you pray, the kingdom of darkness trembles, just by

praying. That is why prayer is our battle ground because it brings
God onto the scene. Without understanding the power of prayer
it is hard to overcome the enemy. In fact without being aware or
specifically praying over evil spirits, when you just pray, you
already trouble the evil kingdom especially if you pray for others

One night when I was fourteen and just began reading more of
the Word and praying more, I had an experience so unusual. I had
had many nightmares growing up and countless spiritual attacks, I
cannot even remember much of any beautiful night as a child. I
grew up to fear the night so much. However, this one night was
different. I had prayed before sleeping as would every night and
switched off the lights. The dreams started out normal, (cannot
even remember what I was dreaming of) then all of a sudden a
woman stood in front of me in confrontation.

“Your prayers have troubled me too much, today I will kill you!”

She said.

Suddenly I woke up. Though in fright, I did not shout. Well, I

never shout when I have a bad dreams even as a child, if I ever
shouted upon waking up, it was fake, just in order to get the right
attention. So after praying I went back to sleep. The woman
reappeared in the dream with the same aim. I was leading a prayer
meeting in that dream and all of a sudden she appeared with a
knife trying to kill me. I woke up again, this time called out for my
Mother. We tried to switch on the light, it strangely could not go
on. I was so scared especially when I heard the cry of an owl right
outside the window. My mother prayed with me and prayed
directly against the woman in Jesus name. I went back to sleep
and peacefully did I sleep.

From that day on I came to understand how the evil kingdom

does fear a prayer warrior.

We are prayer warriors that is who we are in Christ. We are in a

battle against evil. Rather than the way the fight against evil is
depicted in movies and cartoons, the fight we have is so
completely different. The battle depicted in movies and even just
in real life mostly renders the good part to win just by chance after
some long struggle and this is because the good that the world has
judged to be the ‘real good’ is so small and inferior. It is shown
that the opposite of God is Satan and the opposite of light is
darkness. However, the Creator of Satan cannot be the opposite
Satan; and if light was the opposite of is darkness, then light

darkness can walk into lightness and they would collide. Darkness
is absence of light, that is why a candle can be lit in a dark room
and you be able to see while darkness cannot be brought into the
light and make you fail to see; unless light is withdrawn . This
must be understood. Simply because Satan has boasted about
being the ruler of the world (Luke 4:6), it does not make him any
stronger as compared to God.

We must understand again that, Satan has never defeated God.

Even before man was made Satan was defeated and he is defeated
right now. Is not so amazing that we are fighting a battle which
has already been won? Christ defeated Satan and all that has to do
with him once and for all when He died on the cross. So we are
warriors/soldiers/fighters who are battle in a war that is won. We
are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37).

Fighting from a point of victory is real victory. For instance,

Jonathan and the young man with him defeated about twenty men
by themselves because God had given them victory and they
accepted it (1 Samuel 14: 6-15). We have conquered in Christ and
if we have such knowledge even as we fight against the evil spirits,
we will find that we do not need the heavy sweating and panic
when we attach.

Spiritual warfare is real and once you become a believer, the devil
wages a war against you. This is because he fears the power in
you, the power that can transform sous and pull away people he
has set to with him to hell. Be aware of the enemy, he is near.

However do not let your heart be startled, you have overcome, we
have overcome in Christ.

Most of the times, we overlook Spiritual warfare and its

importance. There certain things that happen in our lives that just
do not make sense. Sometimes, no matter how much you work
hard, breakthroughs just never come. The disciples could not cast
out that demon without praying and fasting (Matthew 17:21).
Things have to be affected from the spirit realm. There is always
something in the spirit realm affecting what is in the physical
realm. We have to fight the defeated enemy, that is who we are;
warriors in Christ. It does not make sense when we say we fight
a war that is won, but what seems nonsensical is the enemy
fighting a battle he has lost.

Remember to know the enemy too. The ultimate power of Satan

is deception, this is evident from the beginning of the world. The
only war that Eve could have fought then was overcoming the
disbelief that the devil tried to cause, the war was in her mind.
That war is still in our heads, in our minds. You can choose to
accept the lies of Satan or not and this is done when you pray, as
said before. When you pray you retain your trust in God and with
your trust in God, no doubt is strong enough to make you fall.

God is faithful. If you receive the identity that he already has

given, He will keep it on you.



Not knowing who I really was left me feeling empty and dry over
and over again. However, a point came in my life when God
began to expose who I really was in Him. I already had an identity
in Him I just never knew it. In my search to understand what He
had called me to do and the gift He had given me, God began
showing me who I was in the first place. I had to know who I was
and what I was made for before showing me what I asked of Him
in the first place.

I had begun reading books and studying from a lot from the Bible
to understand who I was. Yes, God did not necessarily talk to me
directly with His voice. He spoke to me through the Bible and
other books. With much excitement, the more I learnt the more I
wanted to share with others. Well, that is when the idea of sharing
through a book came up. Working on putting the information
before hand, I discovered that I had already known a lot, I just did
not apply it much. I know too, that you might have known all this,
but never applied daily living.

This is the case, even after believing in Christ and all we are in
Him, we still fail to apply or adapt to this identity in Him. This is
because the world has set standards of fitting in. Being popular,
rich, most beautiful, most intelligent and so on has led most

people astray. For this reason someone would pretend to be what
they are not or do all the wrong things to become what the world
has set as the standard.

Most people get to understand what and who they are, but
eventually lose it when they begin to conform to what the world
has set. What the world renders the best is different from what the
kingdom renders best. The greatest in the kingdom of God is
considered the least in the world (Matthew 18:4; 23:11). So trying
to be great in the world would actually degrade you in the
kingdom of God. Be careful.

The world is lost. We being in it however, should not mean we are

lost too. We are in it, but not of it. We are citizens of heaven who
are visitors in this world. This world is passing by, together with
everything that’s in it. So conforming to this world and its
standards means becoming of it and thus becoming enemies of
God. Furthermore, we will pass by together with it once we

Romans 12:1 ‘Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.’

Having known your identity in Christ, do not lose it by adapting

to the standards of this world. Be firm in who you are and live it

One day, at the school campus, a frog had entered our room and

all my roommates could not step down in fear. I simply got the
broom and pushed it out of the room as they screamed at every
jump it made. I was able not to fear the frog as well as other
animals that would scare people because I understand that I am
ruler of creation and everything is under me. Of course I am not
saying that I would take myself to the lions’ den and make myself
lunch to the lions, or pick up the snake or even throw myself in
the passing swarm of bees. I still need to understand that the
harmony that existed before was broken and the snake might not
be as friendly as to even talk to it. I know, however, that even
after fall, God did not tell the animals to rule us or even give them
that ability. So, we still rule the creation.

We are who we decide to be, if I wish or allow it, today I can be a

slave to something or someone, or I could be the best dancer and
strip in clubs and would be identified as such. My actions and
behavior portray who I really am. Even if the people do not really
understand, at least they would know that this person is not one
to be missed around with. If your language is vulgar, it will be easy
for people to curse around you; if you are a liar, liars will be
comfortable around you. This is why there is a proverb ‘Birds of the
same fathers flock together’. You attract what you are. That is why to
know how you are, access the company you keep.

Therefore, today, I am a child of God because I have decided to

be one. I may not have fully become what I really am, but
becoming is a process and the more I learn His word the more I

become what and who I am in Him.

However, we can only conform to the patterns of heaven to be




Though saved by accepting Christ into my life, I still lived under

sin and was eager to be righteous before God and man. I
remember some nights I would kneel down in my bedroom and
cry to God to make me righteous. Sin still got to me, it hurt me
and every now and then I would fill so filthy and unworthy to be
before God. This had taken away my faith and courage. All I ever
knew was that I have sinned and become unworthy. I struggled,
like most do, to do what is right so that I could be worthy before
God. The problem, just like that, began. I made up principles for
myself and created theories of my own that I thought would keep
me from sin. With an assembled perfect list, I embarked on a road
of self-righteousness.

Full of confidence and assurance in the identity I had created for

myself using a list that drove me, I found myself to be the ideal
character. Pride. There is a thin line between confidence and
pride, on that thin line I once stood and it was not long before I
fell into pride. I thought I could actually be righteous simply by
doing what is right using my own strength and ideas. It was not
long before I found myself in a situation where my strength was
not enough and my principles were compromised. Then after
some years, I came to realize that I had taken up something that I

would not carry on my own.

The heaviness of guilt is not one that can pass by after some time
or even be talked out of. It is something that can only be cleared
by Christ Himself. Hurt is not healed by time, but by love and

‘For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two aged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.’
Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.’ John 1:1 (KJV)

‘And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us,(and we beheld his
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1: 14 (KJV)

The word, Jesus, the discerner of my thoughts did not call me to

explain my guilt or my failures, He only called me to surrender.
He who sees the intents of my heart did not judge or condemn
me, but received me in His arms cleansing me of guilt and fear.
He taught me to be guilty only of His love for me and to fear God
only. The Redeemer of my life renewed my story and a past that
should hurt me remains nothing but a scar that reminds of when I
first met Love.

Who I am today is nothing, but a work of Grace and Blood.
Though it seems like just a story that influences people, Jesus’
death on the cross is a reality that changes people’s lives. Coming
to understand the blood that was poured for my sins to set me
free is not something that can be appreciated by one who is
getting lost in the world, for many people have become the
enemies of the cross.

True understanding of the cross, blood and grace begins by

understanding the Love behind everything. Though this love can
never be fully comprehended, the bit of it you get raises you from
one level to another.

Who I am today is by grace and blood. Even if I knew that I am a

child of God, or that I am a king or a warrior; it would not make
much of a difference if I know not that it is because of Love that
was expressed to me through grace and blood.

So, you could know all that’s in this book but not grasp or
become it all if your life is not in the hands of our Father.

Have an identity that will identify you in His kingdom.

Choices. Choose who you want to be and how you want to
be identified.


Mwiza Hanna whose full name is Mwiza Hanna Bvumburai is

a student at the Copperbelt University pursuing a Bachelor’s
degree in Economics.
Mwiza Hanna Bvumburai is one young lady who is seeks to
manifest God’s kingdom and is passionate about sharing her
testimonies of what God has done in her life as she believes she
can impact someone.
For more details, you can contact her via email;


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