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Course: MGT 351

Sec: 18

Submitted to: Umme Hani Meem

Submitted by:

Anika Tabassum: 1812919630

Durjoy Roy: 1812929030

Kazi Khaled Saifulla: 1722098630

Shefa-UL-Alam Chowdhury: 1713092630

Asif Farhan Porosh: 1620866030

Md. Shah Mehraj Alam: 1813398030

Date of submission: 27.08.2019

Word: 2790

Letter of Approval
Anika Tabassum and group-mates

MGT351 Section 18

North South University

Plot 15, Block B Kuril – NSU Rd, Dhaka 1229

July 28th, 2019

Umme Hani Meem

Lecturer at Department of Management

North South University

Plot 15, Block B Kuril – NSU Rd, Dhaka 1229

Subject: Request for project’s organization approval.

Dear Miss,

I’m Anika Tabassum on behalf of my group-mates writing to you, requesting for the approval for us to
work on the project with Telenor Health.

Telenor Health is a purpose-driven, digital health subsidiary. It is one of the first digital offerings to
address the full spectrum of wellness. Telenor Health has partnership with Grameenphone. The HR
policies of Telenor Health are - Employee services, OD and effectiveness, Staffing and compensation etc.

We do such projects to get the opportunities to collaborate and drive our own learning. It helps us to be

Thank You

Best Regards

Anika Tabassum, 1812919630

Durjoy Roy, 1812929030

Kazi Khaled Saifulla, 1722098630

Shefa-Ul-Alam Chowdhury, 1713092630

Asif Farhan Porosh, 1620866030

Md. Shah Mehraj Alam, 1813398030


Letter of Transmittal
August 27, 2019
Umme Hani Meem (UHM)
Lecturer at Department of Management
North South University.

Dear Miss,
Here is the report that you asked us to submit regarding HR Planning for Telenor Health for
our MGT351 project.
This report is the result of the interview with HR Manager of the Telenor Health, and
knowledge that we gathered from our respected faculty and this course.
We tried our level best for preparing this report. All the contents on the report are based on
the interview we had. Some other information we gathered from the internet.
We, fervently hope that you will find this report worth reading. Finally, we hope you
will appreciate our hard work and excuse our minor errors that we made. Thank you for your
Anika Tabassum, 1812919630

Durjoy Roy, 1812929030

Kazi Khaled Saifulla, 1722098630

Shefa-Ul-Alam Chowdhury, 1713092630

Asif Farhan Porosh, 1620866030

Md. Shah Mehraj Alam, 1813398030


Executive Summary
The paper focuses on the key activities of the branch of HRM the executives of Telenor Health
and their sort of the board, routine with regards to expected set of responsibilities and
examination, wellspring of enlistment, pay and other incidental advantages, work fulfillment and
generally speaking execution of Telenor Health. We attempted to distinguish and clarify
pertinent instruments utilized in enlisting, choosing, inspiring, preparing and holding workers in
Telenor Health. We likewise exhibited the comprehension of pay practices and devices of
advantage with regards to Bangladesh and Telenor Health. The paper depicts about the various
apparatuses and activities of the HRM branch of Telenor Health just as their work, exercises and
how they are making their representatives productive, assessing or remunerating them, every last
bit of it is portrayed inside the report.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………. iv

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….1


Background of the Company……………………………………………………………………………….2



Culture of Interpersonal Relationship…………………………………………………………………3

Situation Analysis of HR ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Recruitment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Selection Process……………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Background Check………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Training and Development…………………………………………………………………………………5


Benefits Offered…………………………………………………………………………………………….….6



As a Manager…………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

As an outside consultant……………………………………………………………………………………9



Telenor Health is a reason driven, advanced wellbeing backup. It was set up by the Telenor
bunch in 2015. Its motivation is an expansion of Telenor Gathering's vision of 'engaging social
orders'. All Bangladeshis merit social insurance benefits that fulfill world class guidelines for
clinical quality. Telenor Health is guaranteeing that their administrations are sheltered, powerful
and open. Tonic is a statement of Telenor Health’s perspective that innovation can have the best
sway. It is one of the principal advanced contributions to address the full range of wellbeing and
wellbeing needs through a signed up, incorporated administration. Tonic fills in as the passage
towards All-inclusive Wellbeing Inclusion and enables individuals and families for settling on
better decisions over their wellbeing to travel. Telenor Health as of late propelled two new
benefits, Tonic Astha and Shurokkha. Presently their individuals can gain admittance to top
specialists in Bangladesh. Telenor Health is joining forces with Grameenphone. Any
Grameenphone clients can join by means of the 789 short code. Tonic is a membership
administration that calls 'participation'. Enrollment is intended to cover a wide scope of
wellbeing and health needs. They mean to build fundamental wellbeing proficiency and
mindfulness for whatever number Bangladeshis as would be prudent.

• Primary Information – We directed a meeting with Shahriar Rahman for our essential
information. We gave our level best to get the most profitable data that would give us a
reasonable image of the organization's Item Executive. We likewise planned a survey that he
addressed which helped us to get a great deal of valuable data to finish the report flawlessly.

• Secondary Information – We utilized the assets, for example, magazines, journals, books,
and so on identified with our venture to our auxiliary information. We searched for accessible
data on the web utilizing standard web indexes like Google, we additionally utilized Telenor
Wellbeing's site. We have visited the organization and furthermore experienced the web to gather
all the fundamental data.

Background of the Company

Telenor Health expects to build up a "computerized front way to wellbeing", that can be scaled to
countless purchasers crosswise over Telenor markets and past. Telenor Health’s central goal is to
"All around encourage practical treatment while keeping up the most elevated guidelines."
Telenor's vision is to guarantee wellbeing offices to their doorsteps. They give the intensity of
computerized correspondence, empowering everybody to improve their wellbeing. Telenor
wellbeing sees itself guaranteeing the day by day wellbeing past Bangladesh. So as to
accomplish the vision Telenor Health’s methodology is to enable social orders, bring
indispensable framework, new administrations and items that animate advancement, change and
improvement.ost Effective Treatment



Digital Inhouse
Health Doctor

("About Us", 2018) ("Vision, Mission and Values | Telenor Myanmar", 2018)

Culture of Interpersonal Relationship

The working society of Telenor Health is open, quick paced and communitarian. It has an open
structure, where the representatives are allowed to move and settle down anyplace or any floor as
long as they complete their work. This causes the representatives to have a loose and gainful
environment and be increasingly agreeable while working.

They normally make them capacity group, in which the individuals plan and deal with their day
by day exercises with almost no supervision. They additionally resolve their everyday issues
rapidly through cooperation.

Be that as it may, the organization keeps up a severe chain of command since when the
organization makes an arrangement it is then passed on to the division administrator and
afterward at last to the workers, who execute it. The representatives don't meddle in the basic
leadership procedure and it is just done by the corporate level expert.

They work interdepartmentally and assignments are finished independently well ordered by
every division. For example, in the wake of promoting division makes a structure the Legitimate
office is the one that supports or dislikes the work. Toward the end, the President is the person
who takes an ultimate choice whether to affirm and dispatch an item or administration or not.

Workers of the organization are relied upon to carry on in a specific way and on the off chance
that they defy the norms or make any contention, they are very much aware that the HR groups
will research the issue and choose whether to keep, rebuff or fire the representatives to blame.
Hence, this ensures the representatives abstain from making dangerous circumstances at work
including lewd behavior and so forth, which encourages the organization to keep up a decent
workplace. There is likewise an intriguing piece of Telenor that they don't put cameras on their
working spot and it's an open work area work. Organization likes to give worker their very own
protection and it makes a superior workplace.

Situation Analysis of HR

Internal Recruitment: At whatever point there is a new position job accessible, the HRM group
puts a round on the mail track with prerequisites and advantages. Individuals who as of now
work for the organization gets an advantage as they get the opportunity to apply for the post
before any other person.
External Recruitment: The HR group utilizes stage like LinkedIn, BD to tell the
individuals about the opening. In the vast majority of the cases Telenor Health sits tight for the in
house representatives to apply and they will in general assemble those people groups who are as
of now working in this division. On the off chance that there is any opening left just, at that point
they utilize this technique yet once in a while they decide on outside enlistment strategy as it
Selection Process
Choice procedure changes from position to position. On the off chance that the individual is
applying for a section level position, he should effectively finish 4 stages before s/he gets the
joining letter.
1. CV Accommodation: When the HR group posts about an opening they likewise include the
last date of applying and approaches to present the CV.
2. Written Test: The competitors who match the prerequisite gets the call to sit for a composed

3. HR and Office board Meeting: The HR group fixes an imprint and the applicants who get over
that imprint gets a require the HR board meet. In this meeting the meeting board comprises of
Head of HR and Office Head who judge the competitor dependent on their standpoint and how
s/he acts in a given circumstance.

4. Final Meeting: Competitors who pass the third stage gets a require the last meet with the Head
of B2B Deals and B2C deals. The term of the last meeting relies upon the candidate and the
assignment. As

On the off chance that a competitor passes these 4 stages, they get selected to the organization.
(Rahman, 2018)

Background Check

When a candidate passes the written test the HR team performs a background check to know
more about that individual. Telenor Health HR team does the background check in 3 ways.

1. The HR representative calls the employee’s current or previous supervisors to know more
about the candidate.

2. With the consent of the candidate the HR team gets the commercial credit ratings from the
companies the candidate is associated with.
3. Check the social media activities.
Training and Development
Telenor Health underscores on the direction program. They have seven days in length direction
program where they train the recently selected representatives and help them coexist with
different workers. They give on employment preparing just as offsite preparing if necessary. The
HR group leads an improvement program once in a month at any rate to build the profitability of
the representatives for the up and coming undertakings. There is no fixed preparing group of the
organization, HR group counsels with division heads and choose who need which preparing or
aptitudes and what can improve their work execution. They will in general give preparing at
work and some of the time send representatives outside to get the preparation required.
Execution examination is done yearly yet it's a progressive procedure dependent on the KPI (Key
Execution Marker) which is overseen by the follow up on the time which is investigated by the
tech group through the advanced dashboard which is then assessed by the announcing line
administrator consistently, they investigate which targets are finished and which are not through
the dashboard which shows the feeling of anxiety (1-8) by which further goals are set.
HR estimates it quarterly how productively a representative is functioning in accomplishing the
KPI's, contingent upon that if the exhibition is great they either increment the compensation or
give advancement and if the presentation isn't attractive they issue admonitions about the amount
KPI they have to accomplish in a particular timespan and if the KPI isn't accomplished the
worker may confront downgrade or even get terminated. In the event that a representative is
working in an office however there isn't sufficient work or he/she is fit better for an alternate job
then the worker may even be moved to that job.

Benefits Offered

Compensation is gotten by a worker as a byproduct of his/her commitment to the association

which is gotten month to month gross sum which incorporates essential pay sum, home lease
stipend, travel remittance relying upon the activity grade. Other than these the accompanying
advantages are advantages.
Health Insurance - It covers the representative's folks, kin, companion and youngsters every
year. With the exception of getting conceded in the emergency clinic every last one of them can
guarantee up to 10,000 takas for each year and if any of them have to get admitted to the medical
clinic they can guarantee up to 1,80,000 takas for every year and the representative can get a
yearly (whenever of the year) full body registration known as "official wellbeing registration".
You can guarantee the protection in 2 different ways –

1) you do the therapeutic treatment at your own expense and after that present the bill to
guarantee the protection sum.

2) you can pre-guarantee a specific sum and after that you complete the restorative treatment and
present the bill where they will alter the sum to the protection cash. You can guarantee extra
50,000 takas in the event of pregnancy of either the worker or the companion

Festival bonus – It is just given on Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, which is 60% of the month to
month net compensation.
Performance bonus – Relying upon the KPI accomplishments the presentation reward is
resolved, when a worker completes his/her trial period and works in a changeless job the
representative gets qualified for the exhibition reward. In the event that a representative
effectively accomplishes at any rate 80% of his KPI's in each quarter he/she gets the reward
contingent upon his/her activity evaluation set by the association. It is paid on a yearly premise.
Profit Share (WPPF – Workers Profit Participation Fund) – It relies upon the entire
associations benefit which is determined every year, a representative gets a specific level of the
associations yearly benefit contingent upon his/her activity grade. In any case, as Telenor Health
has not arrived at them earn back the original investment till now. They don't demonstrate any
benefit share for workers.

Others – On the off chance that you travel anyplace for any business related reason a worker
gets transportation and convenience (whenever required) administrations paid by the association,
pick and drop administrations for venturing out to office and back to home, offers free lunch at
cafeteria and so forth the organization likewise orchestrates in house instructional meetings and
paid instructional meetings relying upon the activity necessity of the representative.

Implications of Strategic Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) affects any hierarchical exhibition and " Telenor Health"
is no special case to that. Telenor Health has a persevering and practical HRM group who
handles all the procedure of the associations enrolling, appraisal, workforce, remunerating of the
representatives. They additionally hold a nearby eye to the authoritative culture, administration
and guarantee consistence with the business. The HRM is likewise in charge of each choice
taken, work done and results to be made. It is a basic piece of the HRM to spur the
representatives and help them making and upgrading the development and adequacy of the

The HRM legitimately handles the enlistment procedure. They pursue a standard configuration
of enlisting method, similar to; CV screening, rounds of meetings, record verification, preparing
and contracting. Telenor Health pursues both interior and outside enrollment.

The HRM forms execution rewards and examinations, execution assessment, office
advancements. They likewise handle the inside and outside wellbeing obstacles of their workers.
HRM calls for yearly/quarterly gatherings as an organization strategy. They can likewise
assemble for exceptional conferences whenever if the circumstance requests so.

As of late Telenor Health has been connecting with themselves in office extension and just as
global development. They are dealing with their worldwide development in Thailand, Britain and

• Work Struggle is a major issue in Telenor Health. There are a few reasons in light of which
clashes may emerge. These hampers the general workplace and prompts diversion from arriving

at the authoritative objectives. To determine this issue refereeing should be handled giving a
protected and progressively powerful workplace.

• As the HR administrators state it's extremely difficult to keep everybody in agreement. What's
more, this is the place the issues in regards to representative fulfillment emerges. To work in an
equivalent group representative, need to organize and perform together and continually should be

• The HR office likewise battles with doling out workers to group ventures. The interest for the
representatives may be more than the need. The group the executives chooses which group
requires what number of and what kind of representatives.

• The interior correspondence in Telenor Health is very splendid. They will in general pursue a
daily practice and mechanical procedures to keep up a sound correspondence. Be that as it may,
they face certain issues also. The issue emerges in estimating correspondence adequacy. To have
an effective inward correspondence it's an absolute necessity realizing the endeavors are working
or not. Here and there arriving at right workers is preposterous and regardless of whether they
did the representatives probably won't be all around connected with the progression of data.

• There are an alternate sorts of outside correspondence issues yet Telenor Health endeavors to
determine the absence of criticism. Criticisms help to improve the effectiveness level of the
association, help meet the objectives and smoothen the collaborator joint effort. However, on the
off chance that the outcomes are overlooked the need of the examination and studies are of no

As a Manager
• Better advantages and evaluations ought to be given to rouse the representatives to work better
which will likewise assist the association with achieving its objectives quicker. The exhibition
ought to be made cement.
• Facility and asset development ought to be made at the same time. The expanded number of
representatives requests better and extended offices with office development. The extensions
ought to be kept on a reasonable proportion.

• Greater openings and higher-level preparing ought to be given which would affect profession
advancement and help making a celebrated resume.
• KPI ought to be set from in advance to watch the work advancement and furthermore to
quantify things are done and should have been finished. This helps monitoring the work
execution and assesses them better.

As an outside consultant
• There ought to be an open stage for more representative collaboration where they can discuss
their assessments and thoughts. This may help them in seeing each other's perspective and just as
create more thoughts through a gainful commitment.

• To evade the inside correspondence issues in Telenor, significant KPIs ought to be set from the
earliest starting point. Every one of the workers must be locked in altogether and the
methodologies ought to be surveyed and balanced all the time.

• Acting on the criticisms is a significant advance in settling the outer correspondence that
Telenor Health is confronting. The inputs ought to be a key to contrast making. The
representatives ought to persuade enough influences to have the option to give unprejudiced


Checking on the report, we can fathom why Telenor is one of the most famous MNCs in
Bangladesh's industry. The authoritative culture truly urges the representatives to work more
earnestly. With the work they do, yet in addition with the relational connection among them and
their partners. We can see how cautiously Telenor Health screens out their applicants before at
long last procuring a representative. Furthermore, later on, the lengths they go to, to prepare and
create them. We have figured out how they offer advantages to their representatives. Telenor
Health’s strategy follows all the related laws and work acts. We have likewise perceived how
and to what degree, the organization's HR division is engaged with the basic leadership
procedure of the organization.

About Us. (2018). Retrieved from

Vision, Mission and Values | Telenor Myanmar. (2018). Retrieved from

Rahman’s. (2018). [In person]. HR Manager Telenor Health.

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