People Maing Desicisons

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12/3/2020 Tool for unrolling long Twitter threads into pretty articles with paragraphs

Twitter thread by Corporate Machiavelli

Machiavellianism in the Modern World

55 Essays on website

Terminally Ill

This Is My Legacy

If you ever see large groups of people making a decision you

think is a bad decision, and you are trying to figure out what
their rationale is open to the possibility that the reason is simply that

they're stupid.

Most people's decisions are *not* carefully thought through.

Starting from the assumption that the person who made the
decision that you think is foolish carefully examined all the
relevant information, and thought through all the possible
consequences, is usually an inaccurate assumption.

Most people's opinions and decisions are NOT formulated by

carefully examining all the relevant information and doing
rigorous logical reasoning.

Most people's opinions and decisions are driven by emotion

and gut instinct, with very little careful critical thinking. 1/2
12/3/2020 Tool for unrolling long Twitter threads into pretty articles with paragraphs

When analyzing the behavior of others, do NOT start from the

baseline assumption that they are logical, rational, and
carefully think through their decisions (since this will be true
of only a tiny minority).

Start from the assumption that their decisions were driven by

emotion and instinct, and had very little careful conscious
thought put into them.

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