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Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30

Scope of colloid mill for industrial wet grinding for batter

preparation of some Indian snack foods
S.N. Solanki a, R. Subramanian a,*
, Vasudeva Singh b, S.Z. Ali b, B. Manohar a

Department of Food Engineering, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570020, India
Department of Grain Science and Technology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570020, India

Received 19 February 2004; accepted 8 July 2004


A colloid mill was comparatively evaluated with domestic wet grinding systems, namely, a mixer grinder and a stone grinder for
grinding of raw rice, parboiled rice and black gram. The wet ground samples were also compared with dry ground samples. The finer
the particle size the greater was the starch damage both in dry and wet grinding. Wet grinding generally resulted in a much lower
average particle size (79–131 lm) than dry grinding (221–297 lm). The starch damage was the least in black gram (3%) followed
by raw rice (8%) and parboiled rice (11%) in dry grinding. In wet grinding, the starch damage in black gram (1–2%) as well as
raw rice (0.5–2%) remained more or less same whereas the parboiled rice (21–35%) showed greater damage. Parboiled rice required
2.5–3 times the energy (216–252 kJ/kg) as that of raw rice (72–108 kJ/kg) for grinding in the mixer grinder and the stone grinder. The
colloid mill appears to have a potential for industrial adoption.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Batter; Black gram; Damaged starch; Dry grinding; Microscopic structure; Parboiled rice; Particle size analysis; Raw rice; Specific energy
consumption; Wet grinding

1. Introduction wet grinding involves both physical and chemical

changes (Kent & Evers, 1994). In wet grinding of cere-
Generally cereal and legume based batter products als, the protein matrix holding the starch is destroyed,
form an important part of the human diet in Southeast releasing the starch from the protein network. Desika-
Asia including India, the Middle East and Africa. There char et al. (1960) conducted a classical study, aimed at
is an increasing interest in traditional foods of Indian eliminating the need for wet grinding and concluded
origin like idli, dosa and vada, which are still being man- that the flour-presoaking method could be an alternative
ufactured according to traditional and technologically to the conventional wet grinding process. However, wet
less advanced methods (Soni & Sandhu, 1990). For the grinding still remains as the practical method for the
preparation of these traditional foods, rice (Oryza sati- preparation of idli as well as dosa, even four decades
va) and black gram (Phaseolus mungo) are principally after their study. Nagaraju and Manohar (2000) studied
used. A critical step in the making of batter for these tra- the particle size distribution in idli batter during the
ditional foods is wet grinding of rice and black gram. course of fermentation and it can be concluded from
Dry grinding is a mere size reduction operation whereas their data that there was no significant increase in mean
particle size after 23 h of fermentation period as com-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 821 251 4874; fax: +91 821 251
pared to the initial batter.
7233. Solanki (2003) has reviewed the developments that
E-mail address: (R. Subramanian). have taken place in wet grinding implements in the

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30

country. Traditionally the pestle and mortar type gad- parboiled by soaking in hot water overnight and
get was the first known implement used for wet grind- steaming at atmospheric pressure for 20 min. Raw rice
ing. This is a manual operation and the drudgery of and parboiled rice were obtained by shelling and mill-
this operation has been almost totally eliminated with ing of the raw paddy and parboiled paddy using a
the invention of modern wet grinders in 1960s. In paddy sheller (Satake Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
these grinders, the mechanical arrangement of provid- and a rice miller (McGill Mill, Houston, USA),
ing rotation to the mortar instead of the pestle nearly respectively. Black gram was procured from the local
simulated the grinding action of the traditional mortar market.
and pestle. Subsequently, mixer grinders generally used
for light duty operations such as juice making were 2.2. Grinding systems used
upgraded for heavy-duty operations and introduced
to the market for wet grinding applications. The batter The following size reduction systems, three for wet
produced from this mixer grinder with adequate care grinding and one for dry grinding were used in the
gave acceptable quality products. Further improve- study: (1) a mixer grinder (kitchen appliance)—Type
ments in the mechanical wet grinder led to the devel- MX32, M/s Braun AG, Frankfurt, Germany; (2) a stone
opment of home-scale tilting and tabletop wet grinder (tabletop type kitchen appliance)—2 L capacity;
grinders. three cylindrical roller stones; Butterfly make; M/s
There were significant attempts at improving existing Gandhimathi Appliances Ltd., Kancheepuram, India;
types and development of new types of wet grinders suit- (3) a colloid mill (pilot scale model)—Model MMS/O-
able for the domestic kitchen, but no effort had been Eco, M/s Fryma Rheinfelden, Switzerland; (4) a
made at developing systems for large-scale operation. hammer mill (pilot scale model), M/s Gardeners Corpo-
On the other hand, the market is witnessing batter being ration, New Delhi, India.
sold in plastic pouches. There is a clear demand for
industrial wet grinding systems that could help in estab- 2.3. Grinding techniques
lishing organized industries so that a variety of batters
could be handled. 2.3.1. Pre-treatment for wet grinding—soaking
The approach to developing an appropriate system Rice samples were soaked for 6 h at room tempera-
necessitates such a system should be able to work in a ture before grinding. Black gram samples were soaked
continuous/semi-continuous mode to produce an only for 3 h as fermentation starts early in black gram.
acceptable quality of batter in terms of product quality
and also be capable of adaptation to any scale of oper- Mixer grinder. The grinding was carried out
ation. Colloid mills appear to hold some promise and intermittently so as to avoid excessive heat generation
are industrially viable for this purpose. in the batter, which could adversely affect its quality.
In the present study, a colloid mill has been evaluated A pre-decided quantity of water was added gradually
and its performance has been compared with the cur- during grinding to facilitate grinding (500, 1200 and
rently used domestic wet grinding systems such as the 1050 ml/kg for raw rice, parboiled rice and black gram,
mixer grinder and the stone grinder (tabletop type) as respectively) based on preliminary runs (for smooth
well as with a dry grinding system (hammer mill) for operation of the grinder). The water added transports
grinding of rice and black gram. Raw as well as par- the solid particles through the action zone in the form
boiled rice was studied as both of them are used either of free flowing slurry (Brennan, Butters, Cowell, & Lilly,
alone or together depending on the type of snack food 1976). The time taken for grinding raw rice, parboiled
being produced. Besides, in the case of parboiled rice rice and black gram (500 g each) were 4, 15 and 2 min,
it is difficult to assess the actual starch damage due to respectively. The corresponding final temperatures of
grinding as it is partially cooked during the parboiling the batter were 34, 40 and 31 °C, respectively (room tem-
process. The assessment of different grinding methods perature (RT) 28 °C).
was mainly based on damaged starch, besides particle
size. Microscopic structure analysis was carried out on Stone grinder. A pre-decided quantity of water
selected samples. was added gradually during grinding to facilitate grind-
ing (600, 1100 and 1400 ml/kg for raw rice, parboiled
rice and black gram, respectively) based on preliminary
2. Materials and methods runs (for smooth operation of the grinder). The temper-
ature did not show any significant rise during the grind-
2.1. Materials ing operation and remained at 28 °C. During grinding
of black gram, a lot of foam was generated which lim-
Paddy (MTU 1000 variety) was procured from the ited the batch capacity (Batch size: rice 1 kg; black gram
National Seed Corporation, Mysore. The paddy was 250 g).
S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30 25 Colloid mill. A pre-decided quantity of water by using 44, 60 and 85 mesh sieves (B.S.S) with 355,
was added during grinding (1330, 1200 and 1300 ml/kg 250 and 180 lm openings, respectively.
for raw rice, parboiled rice and black gram, respectively) In case of wet ground samples, a reasonable quantity
based on preliminary runs (for smooth operation of the of batter (1000 ml) was subjected to successive sieving
grinder). The time taken for grinding 1 kg of parboiled starting from large to small sieves (100–150–200 mesh
rice and black gram were 1 min each. The correspond- sieves) as per the method of Vasudeva Singh, Guha,
ing final temperatures of the batter for raw rice and par- Aswathanarayana, and Ali (2002). Excess water was
boiled rice were 31 and 35 °C, respectively (RT 28 °C). added during each sieving to avoid inter particle adher-
The temperature did not show any significant rise during ence and to improve the sieving efficiency. The individ-
grinding of black gram. ual fractions were dried at 40 °C (48 h) and weighed.
The weight fractions were obtained from the ratio of
2.3.2. Dry grinding individual fractions to the total sum of the fractions.
Dry grinding was performed in the hammer mill fitted
with a control sieve (0.8 mm perforations) in the grind- Wet particle size analyzer. A computerized
ing chamber. inspection system (model: CIS-100, M/s Galai Produc-
tion, Israel) capable of measuring particles in the range
2.4. Performance assessment of 0.2–3600 lm based on time-of-transition (TOT) the-
ory (Weiner, Walther, & Karasikov, 1996) was em-
The grinding performance was evaluated mainly ployed. The TOT technique eliminates inconsistencies
based on damaged starch and by particle size analysis. due to refractive index, viscosity variations, brownian
Microscopic structure analysis was also carried out for motion, thermal convection and other physical phenom-
selected samples. ena. The particle size analysis channel used a 2 mW He–
Ne laser with a wavelength of 632.8 nm. The detector
2.4.1. Damaged starch used was a silicon PIN photo diode. The reliability of Sample preparation. The wet ground samples measurement was up to two decimal places.
were treated with an excess quantity of 50% aqueous A small quantity (10 g) of representative sample was
ethyl alcohol and centrifuged (1100 g) to remove the drawn into a large beaker after thorough mixing of
supernatant. The residue obtained was spread in a thin the batch. The representative sample was diluted suffi-
layer and dried. This prevented agglomeration and lump ciently with water (100 ml). The glass cuvette (3.5 ml)
formation during drying. The dried sample could be was filled with this diluted sample and placed in the laser
converted into a fine powder with gentle pressing by path of the instrument. A magnetic stirrer kept the par-
hand. This method offered reasonably good samples ticles in suspension. The system software automatically
suitable for damaged starch analysis. generated the particle size distribution either in graphi-
Dry ground samples were directly used in damaged cal or tabular mode. Acquisition times for size analysis
starch analysis. were less than 1 min. TheP volume P mean diameter is de-
fined as being equal to (x4 dN)/ (x3 dN), where, x is Determination of damaged starch. The starch the mean particle size corresponding to the range and
damage in the ground rice and black gram samples were dN denotes number of particles in that range. Assuming
determined generally according to AACC method 76- all particles have same diameter, the volume mean diam-
30A (AACC, 1999). Reducing sugars in these samples eter is equal to the weight mean diameter.
were determined generally according to AACC method
80-60 (AACC, 1999). These methods are recommended 2.4.3. Microscopic structure of ground particles
for milled products of wheat (flour and semolina), and Photomicrographs of the ground particles were ob-
were adopted with slight modifications for determination tained using a scanning electron microscope (model:
of starch damage in rice and black gram based on the Leo 435 VP, M/s Leo Electron Microscopy, UK). Dry
confirmatory studies on many non-wheat cereals at the ground and freeze dried wet ground samples were used
Department of Grain Science and Technology at CFTRI. in microscopic structure analysis.

2.4.2. Particle size analysis

Particle size analysis was carried out using two differ- 3. Results and discussion
ent methods, sieve analysis (dry ground powder and wet
ground batter) and using a wet particle size analyzer. 3.1. Raw rice Sieve analysis. This is a physical method of size 3.1.1. Dry grinding
classification using standard test sieves. The dry ground The various size fractions obtained from sieve analy-
powder samples were size classified into four fractions sis of dry and wet ground raw rice samples were
26 S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30

analyzed for starch damage and the results are presented consequently less starch damage compared to the dry
in Table 1. The results shows that starch damage was grinding operation. In studies on the structure of rice
greater in the case of dry grinding (7.7%) compared to starch granules, starch is usually prepared by wet milling
wet grinding (0.4–2.1%). In the case of dry grinding, typ- instead of dry milling, to reduce damage to starch gran-
ically as in the hammer mill, the major force involved is ules (Juliano, 1985). However, power consumption is
ÔimpactÕ. Dry grinding is achieved by the mechanical generally high for wet grinding (Brennan et al., 1976).
conversion of larger pieces in to smaller pieces that re- The average starch damage in the three methods of
sults in more fractures in the starch granule leading to wet grinding employed was generally low and in the
greater damage. The results also showed that the starch range of 0.4–2.1% (Table 1). The wet sieve analysis of
damage increased with greater reduction in particle size. these batters showed that the mean particle sizes were
In other words, the finer the size of the particle, the high- 131, 125 and 82 lm in the mixer grinder, stone grinder
er was the starch damage. This could be probably due to and colloid mill, respectively. As the conditions em-
the fact that greater size reduction requires greater ployed during grinding in different systems were not typ-
grinding energy, which results in greater starch granule ically the same, it was not possible to obtain the same
damage as well. size range of particles in the batters. Significant differ-
ences in starch damage were not seen among the three
3.1.2. Wet grinding types of wet grinding system used. However, it could
As pointed out earlier, the extent of starch damage in be seen that the starch damage was the least in the col-
wet grinding is less compared to that in dry grinding. In loid mill followed by the mixer grinder and the stone
the case of wet grinding, the size reduction takes place grinder. In colloid mill grinding, interestingly the starch
owing to the separation of the starch granules from damage remained the same in all the four size fractions.
the protein matrix in which they are embedded. This is Shear forces are the predominant forces involved in size
a physical phenomenon, involving some chemical reduction in a colloid mill. Stone grinding showed the
changes as well, but not a mere mechanical operation greatest starch damage among the three systems used.
as in the case of dry grinding. This being a gentle oper- The major forces involved in mixer grinding are the cut-
ation resulted in less breakage of starch granules and ting forces while compression and shear are the major

Table 1
Effect of different grinding systems on starch damage in various size fractions of raw rice
Sample description Sieve analysis Starch damagea (%) Specific energy consumption (kJ/kg)
Particle size (lm) Weight fraction (%)
Dry grinding
Hammer mill >355 33.0 4.2 –b
250–355 25.1 6.2
180–250 12.3 8.3
<180 29.2 12.8
272c 7.7d

Wet grinding
Mixer grinder >150 70.3 0.8 72
105–150 6.3 1.2
75–105 – –
<75 23.4 1.6
131c 1.0d
Stone grinder >150 66.8 1.2 108
105–150 – –
75–105 – –
<75 33.1 3.8
125c 2.1d
Colloid mill >150 5.3 0.4 –
105–150 3.5 0.4
75–105 3.5 0.4
<75 88.0 0.4
82c 0.4d
Moisture content of sample, 12% (w.b).
Not determined.
Weighted average particle size.
Weighted average starch damage.
S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30 27

forces involved in stone grinding. The stone grinder wet grinding than dry grinding. Comparing the starch
operation is, perhaps, severe compared to the other damage in dry and wet grinding of raw and parboiled
two methods due to the compressive forces that induced rice, the extra energy required for wet grinding parboiled
greater starch damage. This was also evident from the rice would be much greater than for dry grinding. Com-
higher specific energy consumption values obtained in parison of specific energy consumption values showed
stone grinding. The operations of the mixer grinder that 2.5- to 3-fold energy was required for wet grinding
and the stone grinder are batch type while the colloid parboiled rice over raw rice under otherwise similar con-
mill is suitable for continuous operation. In the colloid ditions. The extent of softening (a desirable effect for
mill, two passes were required to achieve the desired grinding) due to soaking of parboiled rice probably, is
fineness of the batter. not as effective as in the case of raw rice.
The starch damage values measured in parboiled rice
3.2. Parboiled rice batter samples could perhaps be only artifacts not indi-
cating the real effect of grinding alone. Although abso-
The results of starch damage and particle size analy- lute values obtained with parboiled rice may not have
ses obtained with dry grinding and wet grinding of par- any meaning in comparison with raw rice, a compara-
boiled rice in various systems are presented in Table 2. A tive study within the same group would have some
comparison between dry and wet grinding showed that meaning. During parboiling, starch granules become
dry grinding resulted in less starch damage compared much harder due to the hydrothermal treatment necessi-
to wet grinding. This is quite contrary to what was ob- tating much greater forces for segregation of starch
served with raw rice. The starch damage as measured granules from the protein matrix, eventually leading to
was not only due to grinding but also depends on the its greater damage during wet grinding. It was observed
pre-treatment of the grain such as parboiling. This is evi- that wet grinding of raw rice (4 min) took less time than
dent from the fact that the starch damage, in both dry as the grinding of the same quantity of parboiled rice
well as wet grinding in parboiled rice was much greater (15 min) in the mixer grinder. This was also evident from
than raw rice (Tables 1 and 2). In the case of parboiled the power consumption for wet grinding of raw and par-
rice, the starch damage was much more pronounced in boiled rice. As in the case of raw rice, the finer the size of

Table 2
Effect of different grinding systems on starch damage in various size fractions of parboiled rice
Sample description Sieve analysis Starch damagea (%) Specific energy consumption (kJ/kg)
Particle size (lm) Weight fraction (%)
Dry grinding
Hammer mill >355 46.6 6.6 –b
250–355 25.8 9.9
180–250 11.2 13.6
<180 16.3 21.1
297c 10.6d

Wet grinding
Mixer grinder >150 39.4 19.4 216
105–150 9.4 21.7
75–105 – –
<75 51.2 24.2
110c 22.1d
Stone grinder >150 – – 252
105–150 9.5 26.9
75–105 10.9 30.1
<75 79.6 36.5
81c 34.9d
Colloid mill >150 – – 288
105–150 5.1 20.6
75–105 8.1 20.6
<75 86.8 21.1
79c 21.0d
Moisture content of sample, 12% (w.b).
Not determined.
Weighted average particle size.
Weighted average starch damage.
28 S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30

the particle, the larger was the starch damage in dry such low starch damage is exhibited only by black gram
grinding of parboiled rice. The explanation given earlier dhal or is common with all types of pulses/legume dhal
for raw rice holds well in the case of parboiled rice. needs further investigation. A comparison between dry
The analysis of batters obtained from the three wet and wet grinding shows that the difference in the extent
grinding systems employed showed that the particle size of starch damage is only marginal. This may be due to
in these batters fell into a reasonably narrow range be- the nature of the grain. Black gram contains a lot of
tween 79 and 110 lm allowing direct comparison of mucilaginous (slimy) matter (Susheelamma & Rao,
the different methods. As in the case of raw rice, stone 1978), which may provide a cushioning effect to the
grinding showed greater starch damage in parboiled starch granules protecting them from greater damage.
rice. The starch damage in the colloid mill and mixer In wet ground black gram (1.1–2.3%) as well as raw
grinder was nearly the same (21.0% and 22.1%) while rice (0.4–2.1%) individually, the starch damage was al-
it was much more pronounced in the stone grinder most same but much less than that of wet ground par-
(34.9%). Although the speed of operation of the wet boiled rice (21.0–34.9%). The analysis of batters
grinder is much lower than the other two systems, the obtained from the three wet grinding systems employed
time taken is much longer. Besides, the compressive showed that particle size in these batters from black
forces involved in stone grinding induce greater damage. gram fell into a reasonably narrow range between 93
As in the case of raw rice, the starch damage remained and 117 lm allowing direct comparison of the different
nearly the same in all the four size fractions of parboiled methods. There was not much variation in the starch
rice ground in the colloid mill. Very high shear forces are damage between the batters obtained from the mixer
involved in colloid mill grinding and the number of grinder and the stone grinder. The colloid mill operation
passes (three) employed may also play a significant role showed slightly greater starch damage for black gram,
in affecting the starch damage. Specific energy consump- which could be related to the high shear forces and
tion for grinding parboiled rice in the stone-grinder was material throughput in the system. Besides, two passes
higher than the mixer grinder and also corresponds with were employed in the colloid mill. Specific energy con-
the extent of starch damage. However, specific energy sumption for grinding black gram in the mixer grinder
consumption of the colloid mill was higher than the was lower than that of parboiled rice. However, it was
other two systems. The operation of the colloid mill 2-fold higher than that of raw rice, which could be
needs further optimization in terms of capacity utiliza- due to the foaming associated with wet grinding of black
tion with large-scale trials. gram that limits the loading capacity of the grinding sys-
In parboiled rice, gelatinization of starch occurs dur- tem. Generally, the finer the particle size, the greater was
ing the process of parboiling due to the hydrothermal the starch damage in both dry and wet grinding of black
treatment and the fissures in the grains get sealed. Gelat- gram as well as rice.
inization also makes the starch more susceptible to the
action of amylase enzyme, a step required for the meas- 3.4. Scanning electron micrography (SEM)
urement of damaged starch, thereby may interfere with
estimation of damaged starch in parboiled rice. The Photomicrographs of dry ground and freeze-dried
AACC method used for the estimation of damaged mixer grinder samples of parboiled rice are presented
starch is actually the measurement of reducing sugars in Fig. 1(a) and (b). The micrograph of the dry ground
in terms of ferricyanide reduced after hydrolysis by fun- sample shows that only a physical size reduction has
gal amylase enzyme. taken place while in the case of the wet ground sample,
the micrograph shows many separated starch granules
3.3. Black gram which were perhaps released from the protein matrix
in which they were embedded.
The results of starch damage analysis and particle size
analysis obtained with dry grinding and wet grinding of 3.5. Wet particle size analysis
black gram in various systems are presented in Table 3.
As in the case of raw rice, the extent of starch damage in Wet ground batters of rice and black gram obtained
dry as well as wet grinding of black gram was generally from the three grinding methods were subjected to sieve
much lower (<3%) when compared with parboiled rice. analysis and classified into four fractions using 100, 150
The results show that starch damage was marginally and 200 mesh sieves (Tables 1–3). Particle size analysis
higher in the case of dry grinding as compared to wet of the wet ground batter was also carried out using a
grinding. A similar observation was made with raw rice wet particle size analyzer and the results are presented
and the same explanation provided earlier holds good. in Table 4.
Among the three different materials used, black gram The accuracy of the wet particle size analyzer meas-
showed the least starch damage followed by raw rice urement is generally very high and requires less sample
and parboiled rice in the case of dry grinding. Whether as well as significantly less time for the measurement.
S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30 29

Table 3
Effect of different grinding systems on starch damage in various size fractions of black gram
Sample description Sieve analysis Starch damagea (%) Specific energy consumption (kJ/kg)
Particle size (lm) Weight fraction (%)
Dry grinding
Hammer mill >355 10.8 1.6 –b
250–355 14.1 2.1
180–250 13.5 2.5
<180 61.4 3.4
221c 2.9d

Wet grinding
Mixer grinder >150 18.8 0.8 144
105–150 6.3 0.8
75–105 – –
<75 75.0 1.2
93c 1.1d
Stone grinder >150 55.7 1.2 –
105–150 – –
75–105 – –
<75 44.3 1.2
117c 1.2d
Colloid mill >150 35.0 2.1 180
105–150 0.6 –
75–105 0.6 –
<75 63.7 2.5
102c 2.3d
Moisture content of sample, 12% (w.b).
Not determined.
Weighted average particle size.
Weighted average starch damage.

However, the samples needed to be sufficiently diluted pended on the type of grinding but also on the grinding
with water until it became less turbid. The measure- conditions.
ments obtained with the wet particle size analyzer did
not agree with the particle size distribution of the wet
sieve analysis (Tables 1–4). The reasons could be either 4. Conclusions
due to the difficulty in getting a representative sample
from the batch or due to the fact that the error gets mul- The study showed that the colloid mill has the poten-
tiplied with the number of dilutions while obtaining a tial to be developed as an industrial system for grinding
sample with less turbidity. Moreover, a batter contain- rice and black gram. Damaged starch and particle size
ing more soluble substances (higher turbidity) is more analyses revealed that the performance of the colloid
difficult to analyze with the instrument. On the other mill could be matched with the two accepted household
hand, sieve analysis, being a physical method with a methods. In the case of wheat, water retention increases
large size sample, minimized the errors to a large extent. with increase in starch damage and so also its rheologi-
However, this is a laborious method and requires a long cal properties such as stickiness of its dough. Starch
time. The data obtained from the wet sieving method damage is essential for fermentation of batter in the tra-
were considered more authentic and representative of ditional products such as idli and dosa. However, there
the batch. Hence, these values are used for discussion are no reports relating starch damage and quality of
in the earlier sections. As the wet particle size analyzer these rice-based products, which may be worth studying.
offers great convenience in measurement, it is desirable Besides greater shear forces, the temperature rise during
to standardize the procedure for reliable measurements grinding in the colloid mill was also much higher com-
with batter. pared to the other two methods. It may be desirable to
Wet grinding resulted in a much lower average parti- optimize the grinding conditions in the colloid mill
cle size as compared to dry grinding for black gram and including employing a coolant during grinding. An
also for rice (Tables 1–3). Wet milling tends to produce assessment of the final product including sensory analy-
finer particles than those obtainable with dry milling ses should reveal the desired extent of starch damage
operations (Brennan et al., 1976). This not only de- and suitability of the method for industrial adoption.
30 S.N. Solanki et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 69 (2005) 23–30


The authors thank the Director, CFTRI for provid-

ing the necessary facilities. K. Anbalagan helped in
obtaining the photomicrographs in SEM.


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Black gram Mixer grinder 44
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