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Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638

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The effects of freeze, dry, and wet grinding processes on rice flour properties
and their energy consumption
Peerapong Ngamnikom, Sirichai Songsermpong ⇑
Program of Food Engineering, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study attempted to replace the wet grinding process of rice with a freeze grinding process. The freeze
Received 29 September 2010 grinding process involved soaking the rice samples in liquid nitrogen before grinding in a dry grinding
Received in revised form 30 January 2011 machine. Three different types of grinders (hammer mill, roller mill, and pin mill) were used in both
Accepted 1 February 2011
the freeze and the dry grinding processes. Wet grinding resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) smaller aver-
Available online 21 February 2011
age particle size and a lower percentage of damaged starch than the alternative methods of grinding.
Freeze grinding, especially using the hammer mill significantly reduced both the average particle size
and the damaged starch content. Moreover, freeze grinding produced a higher yield after sieving in com-
Freeze grinding
Wet grinding
parison with dry grinding using an identical grinder. In particular, freeze grinding with the hammer mill
Dry grinding gave a significantly higher yield after sieving than dry grinding with the hammer mill. The wet grinding
Rice process had the significantly highest specific energy consumption (13,868 kJ/kg) due to the large con-
Rice flour sumption of electrical energy by the many machines in the process. The energy consumption of freeze
grinding was similar to dry grinding. Consequently, the freeze grinding process was a viable alternative
to the traditional wet grinding process.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction semidry grinding process, the properties of flour are intermediate

to those of both dry and wet ground flour; in aspects of particle
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops in size, viscosity, damaged starch, etc. The semidry grinding process
the world. Broken rice, either from waxy rice or non waxy rice vari- has three steps: soaking, drying to remove excess water (15–17%
eties, is used to produce rice flour by different size reduction pro- wet basis; %wb), and grinding with dry grinding machinery (Nai-
cesses. Rice flour is used to produce many kinds of food and vikul, 2004; Yeh, 2004). Nevertheless, such a method has some
desserts such as noodles, breakfast cereals, unleavened breads, drawbacks such as the extended duration necessary to adjust the
snack food items, crackers, candies and baby foods (Bao and Berg- moisture content of the rice kernels, the excessive consumption
man, 2004). Generally, there are three methods used to prepare of energy needed for the drying procedure, the undue consumption
rice flour: wet grinding, semidry grinding, and dry grinding of water, and the generation of waste water. The type and method
(Chiang and Yeh, 2002). Wet grinding is a traditional method used of grinding potentially has a profound impact on the physicochem-
to prepare rice flour and incorporates five distinctively consecutive ical characteristics of the rice flours produced (Chen et al., 1999).
processes: soaking, adding excess water during grinding, filtering, Yeh (2004) stated that both the model and design of the grinder af-
drying, and sieving; this process includes the use of many ma- fect the performance, as well as the particle size of the flour. Gen-
chines and much manpower. The costs associated with the flour erally, wet ground flour is better suited for the production of
loss, the high water consumption, the treatment of wastewater, traditional rice based products than dry ground flour and semidry
and the high energy consumption call for an alternative method ground flour, regardless of whether the products are steamed or
(Yeh, 2004). Dry grinding uses no water, does not generate waste baked, as wet ground flour results in the lowest amount of dam-
water, and moreover, consumes less energy. Broken rice is ground aged starch and the finest particle size (Chen et al., 1999).
with dry grinding machinery such as a hammer mill, pin mill, roller When polished rice kernels are ground into rice flour, some
mill, or disc mill, etc. However, the level of quality of many food starch granules are damaged due to the mechanical action during
items (for instance noodles, made of dry ground flour) is not ade- the grinding process (Nishita and Bean, 1982; Chen et al., 1999,
quate for many consumers (Naivikul, 2004; Yeh, 2004). In the 2003a; Solanki et al., 2005; Sharma et al., 2008). Chen et al.
(2003a) indicated that the damaged starch and the particle size
distribution were two key factors which affect the physicochemical
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 2 562 5042; fax: +66 2 562 5021.
properties and the application suitability of rice flour. Additionally,
E-mail address: (S. Songsermpong).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Ngamnikom, S. Songsermpong / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638 633


W wet grinding A electric current (ampere)

R dry grinding with roller mill V voltage (volt)
H dry grinding with hammer mill P.F. power factor
P dry grinding with pin mill E electrical energy (kJ)
RF freeze grinding with roller mill Es specific energy consumption (kJ/kg)
HF freeze grinding with hammer mill P electrical power (kW)
PF freeze grinding with pin mill t time (sec)

several components, with the exception of carbohydrate, affect the mill (AP-S, Hosokawa, Japan), a roller mill (Quadrumat Junior,
swelling of flour particles such as protein, ash, and lipids, etc., espe- C.W. Brabender, USA), and a pin mill (Ngow Huat Yoo Machinery,
cially protein which is present in greater amount than the other Bangkok, Thailand) were used.
components in the rice kernel and can block gel formation of the
starch granule during heating (Naivikul, 2004). Damaged starch 2.3. Grinding techniques
is a big concern in flour production, as it is separate from the intact
granules impacting on both the solubility and the susceptibility to 2.3.1. Wet grinding
enzymatic digestion. Yeh (2004) stated that some grinding The broken rice kernels were steeped in water for 4 h to soften
machinery causes higher temperatures than others and that is part the rice kernels using ratio of water to rice of 2:1 (w/w). Then, the
of the reason why such machinery yields flour that has more dam- samples (rice and water) were ground using the super mass collo-
aged starch and does not function well. When the rice is ground, ider. The flour slurry was poured into a thick cloth bag and centri-
amylopectin molecules are broken down into low molecular fuged in a basket centrifuge for 10 min at 1492 rpm to remove the
weight fragments by the mechanical force applied. These amylo- excess water. The wet ground flour was dried in a hot air oven at
pectin fragments block the formation of structures of leached amy- 40 °C for 12 h to obtain a moisture content of approximately 12%.
lose during heating which result in a less rigid structure (Han et al., The dried samples were ground by means of a hammer mill with
2002). Rice flour with a high damaged starch content is rapidly hy- a 0.5 mm sieve. Flour samples were passed through a 100 mesh
drated and hydrolyzed by a- and b-amylase (Megazyme, 2008). sieve (Retsch, Germany) with 150 lm openings, packed in plastic
Flour with a fine particle size has more swelling power and is thus bags and stored in a bucket at ambient temperature (about 25–
more prone to form rigid gel structures than course particle rice 28 °C).
flour (Chen et al., 2003b).
Many parameters of the rice grinding process affect the charac- 2.3.2. Dry and freeze grinding
teristics of flour such as the grinding method, grinding machinery, For dry grinding, the broken rice kernels were ground by the
the rice kernel hardness, the soaking process, rice cultivar (Chen hammer mill with a 0.5 mm sieve, the roller mill, and the pin mill.
et al., 2003a). The important characteristics of rice flour which af- Each sample was ground for two rounds to follow the manner of
fect the food quality, especially in rice noodles, are the particle size wet grinding (using the super mass colloider in the first round
distribution, the amount of damaged starch, and the chemical com- and the hammer mill in the second round).
position (such as amylose, protein, and amylopectin etc.). For freeze grinding, the broken rice kernels were steeped in li-
A new method was investigated that uses a freeze grinding pro- quid nitrogen for approximately 1 min with a ratio of rice to liquid
cess, which includes the freezing of rice with liquid nitrogen prior nitrogen of 2:5 w/v. The frozen samples were ground with the
to dry grinding. At extremely low temperature, the samples are hammer mill, the roller mill and the pin mill. Subsequent to the
generally brittle and easily broken (Fan and Hsu, 1976; Gouveia first round of grinding, the flour sample was dipped into liquid
et al., 2002; Devi et al., 2009). The objectives of the present study nitrogen for 1 min prior to the second round of grinding.
were to compare the performance of the freeze grinding, dry grind- Flour samples (dry and freeze ground) were passed through a
ing, and wet grinding processes on yield, damaged starch content, 100 mesh sieve, packed in plastic bags and stored in a bucket at
average particle size, particle size distribution, microscopic struc- ambient temperature.
tures, and energy consumption. Additionally, three types of grind-
ers (hammer mill, roller mill, and pin mill) were used in both the
2.4. Performance assessment
freeze grinding and the dry grinding processes to compare the effi-
ciency of the different machinery.
2.4.1. Sample temperatures and grinding times
A thermocouple (Rixen, T-60) was used to measure the tempera-
2. Materials and methods ture of each rice or flour sample. In the first round, the temperature
of the rice was measured before grinding and the temperature of the
2.1. Materials flour was remeasured after grinding. The temperature of the flour
was measured again before grinding in the second round and remea-
Thai milled rice (Leuang 11 variety) was used in this experi- sured after grinding in the second round. The temperature measure-
ment, with an amylose content of approximately 32–37% (dry ba- ments were closely monitored, as fluctuations in temperatures were
sis) (Suksomboon and Naivikul, 2006). In each treatment in the considered likely to affect the properties of flour. The grinding times
grinding processes, 2 kg of rice was ground. were recorded with a digital stop watch. The grinding times were
correlated with the temperature readings of samples.
2.2. Grinding machines
2.4.2. Yield
For wet grinding, a super mass colloider (MKPB6–2, Masuko The yield of rice flour was calculated using three formulas (Eqs.
Sangyo, Japan) was used. For dry and freeze grinding, a hammer (1)–(3)):
634 P. Ngamnikom, S. Songsermpong / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638

Grinding yieldð%Þ ¼ ½Flour after grindingðgÞ=Weight of riceðgÞ  100 ble sided tape and a gold coated sputter and investigated under the
ð1Þ SEM at an accelerated voltage of 15 kV in accordance with the
Sieving yieldð%Þ ¼ ½Flour after sievingðgÞ=Flour after grindingðgÞ  100 method described by Suksomboon and Naivikul (2006).

Process yieldð%Þ ¼ ½Flour after sievingðgÞ=Weight of riceðgÞ  100 2.5. Statistical analysis
A randomized complete block design (RCBD) was applied. The
The grinding yield denotes the yield of flour in the grinding part SPSS for Windows program, version 12.0 (IBM, USA), was em-
of the process; the sieving yield represents the yield of flour that ployed for analyzing the statistical results obtained from three rep-
passes through the 100 mesh sieve, whereas the process yield re- lications. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) was calculated for
fers to the yield of total flour that passes through the 100 mesh each treatment. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Duncan’s
sieve per 2 kg of rice. multiple range test (DMRT) were used to compare the differences
between mean values at the 5% confidence level.
2.4.3. Determination of the damaged starch contents The temperature of each sample and the grinding times were cal-
The damaged starch content in the flour samples was deter- culated as the mean ± SD. The yield, damaged starch content, average
mined in accordance with the approved method 76-31 of the particle size, and energy consumption were analyzed statistically.
American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC, 2000), where
damaged starch granules are hydrated and hydrolyzed to malto-
3. Results and discussion
saccharides plus a-limit dextrins by means of a carefully controlled
treatment with purified fungal a-amylase. The fungal a-amylase
3.1. Sample temperatures and grinding times
treatment is designed to result in a near complete solubilization
of damaged granules with a minimum breakdown of the undam-
The temperatures and grinding times in Table 1 show that the
aged granules. This reaction is terminated with the addition of di-
temperature increase was dependent on the type of grinder, the
lute sulfuric acid. Aliquots are treated with excess levels of purified
type of sample, and the grinding time. The temperatures of the
amyloglucosidase to cause the complete degradation of the starch
samples after grinding in the first and the second round were in-
derived dextrin to glucose. The glucose levels in this experiment
creased as the rice kernels or rice flour absorbed mechanical en-
were measured with a high purity glucose oxidase/peroxidase re-
ergy which was transformed into heat. However, the heat did not
agent mixture. With the application of a spectrophotometer (at
affect the physicochemical properties of the rice flour, as the tem-
510 nm), the damaged starch was determined as a percentage of
perature did not reach the gelatinization temperature of rice flour
flour weight on a dry basis.
(approximately 62–65 °C from Rapid Visco Analyzer; RVA), and
thus did not modify the structure of the starch granules. Prior to
2.4.4. Particle size analysis
the first grinding process, the rice kernels used in the wet grinding
The particle size distribution and average particle size were
process had a lower temperature than in the dry grinding process
determined with a Mastersizer (Malvern 2000, UK) with Scirocco
because of they had been soaked in water as an initial part of the
2000 units for the dry samples. The equipment uses a laser beam
process. In the dry grinding process, the samples after grinding in
to detect the individual particles. The flour samples were dried in
the first round had a higher temperature due to the large particle
a hot air oven to reduce the moisture content to approximately
size of the broken rice. But, the temperature prior to and post
8–11%wb prior to the particle size analysis.
grinding in the second round did not appear to change due to the
small particle size of the rice flour. In the freeze grinding process,
2.4.5. Energy consumption
the temperatures of the samples prior to grinding in both the first
Only electrical energy was used during the wet, dry, and freeze
and second rounds were obviously lower than those of the other
grinding processes. The electrical current was measured with a
grinding processes (less than 170 °C) as the broken rice was
clamp meter (Kaise SK-7711, Japan), and the readings were used
dipped into liquid nitrogen for 1 min. After grinding, the actual
to calculate the electrical energy consumption. Energy consump-
temperature of the sample increased rapidly. However, after the
tion was calculated for all wet grinding processes. As for the dry
grinding process the flour had a low temperature. The extremely
and freeze grinding processes, the analysis was performed with
low temperature of the sample at input represents the brittleness
the stated grinding machinery in each method.
of the sample and easy breakage.
The electrical power for single phase and three phase were cal-
The grinding time for each grinding process was different due to
culated using Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively:
differences in the feeding capacity of each grinder with regard to
P ¼ ðA  V  P:F:Þ=1000 for single phase ð4Þ the rice or flour sample. For dry grinding, both the hammer mill
P ¼ ðA  V  1:73  P:F:Þ=1000 for three phase ð5Þ and pin mill generated more heat but used less grinding time dur-
ing both rounds than the roller mill. These results indicated that
The electrical energy consumption during grinding was calcu-
the design of both the hammer mill and the pin mill (which employ
lated using Eq. (6):
impact force) resulted in the generation of more heat than the
E¼Pt ð6Þ compressive force present in the roller mill. In freeze grinding, a
The specific energy consumption was calculated using Eq. (7): significant reduction of the temperature of the flour resulted from
the addition of liquid nitrogen to the rice. The grinding time af-
Es ¼ E=WRS ð7Þ
fected the increase in the temperature of the rice flour in the freeze
The units are P = kW, A = ampere, V = volt, P.F. = no unit, E = kJ, grinding process. In freeze grinding, using the hammer mill in both
t = second, WRS (weight of rice sample) = kg, and Es = kJ/kg. rounds shortened the grinding time so the flour temperature after
grinding was low, which was in stark contrast to the dry grinding
2.4.6. Microscopic structures of the ground particles process using the hammer mill that resulted in higher flour tem-
Microscopic images of the rice flour granules were examined peratures. The first round of freeze grinding with the roller mill re-
with a scanning electron microscope (SEM; SU-1500, Hitachi, quired less grinding time than the pin mill so, after grinding, the
Japan). The samples were mounted on aluminum stubs with a dou- flour had a lower temperature. However, in the second round,
P. Ngamnikom, S. Songsermpong / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638 635

Table 1
Temperature of flour samples and grinding time with various grinding processes.

Grinding Temperature (°C) Surrounding Operated time (min)

process temperature (°C)
Before grinding After grinding 1st Before grinding After grinding 2nd round 1st round 2nd round
1st round round 2nd round
W 27.1 ± 0.8 31.1 ± 0.3 33.7 ± 0.6 39.5 ± 0.7 (with Hammer mill) 32.7 ± 2.3 7.87 ± 1.44 5.99 ± 1.24
R 31.9 ± 4.1 33.7 ± 0.9 33.5 ± 1.0 33.9 ± 0.8 32.0 ± 1.4 22.93 ± 8.88 23.10 ± 5.94
H 32.7 ± 2.9 46.5 ± 2.0 45.1 ± 2.1 44.7 ± 1.5 33.3 ± 2.1 8.98 ± 2.23 5.30 ± 0.89
P 31.3 ± 2.6 43.6 ± 3.1 41.3 ± 2.2 39.4 ± 0.7 33.1 ± 2.1 13.36 ± 1.93 15.72 ± 3.08
RF <170 6.7 ± 10.7 <170 13.7 ± 6.3 31.7 ± 1.8 10.70 ± 3.43 18.96 ± 5.85
HF <170 16.0 ± 14.8 <170 33.5 ± 15.1 30.8 ± 1.5 7.08 ± 0.95 8.59 ± 3.10
PF <170 25.2 ± 8.4 <170 3.6 ± 5.4 31.4 ± 0.5 13.34 ± 5.39 9.21 ± 2.49

Values shown are the mean ± standard deviation; (n = 3).

The sieving yield of wet grinding, dry grinding with the roller
Table 2
Flour yields with various grinding processes. mill, and freeze grinding with the roller mill were significantly
higher than the other grinding processes with yields of 84.74%,
Grinding process Grinding yield (%) Sieving yield (%) Process yield (%)
91.19%, and 91.24%, respectively. These three methods yielded
W 79.02c ± 6.62 84.74a ± 8.84 66.51b ± 3.54 flour with the greatest percentage of particles less than 150 lm,
R 88.97ab ± 9.25 91.19a ± 3.85 80.18a ± 12.60
yet the flour obtained from these three methods did not have a
H 96.06a ± 1.18 53.64c ± 10.13 50.40c ± 7.64
P 92.38ab ± 4.60 39.46d ± 3.25 35.68d ± 4.71
smaller average particle size than that obtained from the other
RF 86.39b ± 5.02 91.24a ± 1.67 78.83a ± 5.09 methods (see further elaboration below in the particle size analy-
HF 89.68ab ± 4.91 75.34b ± 6.32 67.22b ± 1.95 sis). The freeze grinding process reduced the particle size. The siev-
PF 91.58ab ± 1.61 34.04d ± 3.82 27.36d ± 4.89 ing yield of flour obtained by freeze grinding with the hammer mill
Values shown are the mean ± standard deviation; (n = 3). resulted in a significantly higher yield than that of the flour ob-
Means with different letters within the same column differ significantly (P < 0.05). tained by the dry grinding process with an identical grinder; how-
ever no significant divergence was observed for flour obtained
from the grinding processes using the roller mill and the pin mill.
Table 3 The process yield is an indication of the total flour obtained
Average particle size and range and damaged starch from various grinding processes.
from each process. The yields of dry ground flour and freeze
Grinding Average particle Range of particle Damaged starch ground flour produced using the roller mill were significantly high-
process size (lm) size (lm) (%db) er than the yields of flour from the other grinding processes. This
W 61.293d ± 3.579 1.905–239.883 2.78c ± 0.12 observation suggests that the roller mill was able to produce a
R 112.242a ± 1.238 1.259–316.228 10.73a ± 0.37 large amount of flour with a particle size less than 150 lm. How-
H 95.054bc ± 0.461 1.445–316.228 11.43a ± 1.10
ever, this does not confirm that these two flours had the smallest
P 99.752b ± 8.484 1.096–316.228 12.36a ± 1.61
RF 110.897a ± 1.997 2.512–316.228 7.21b ± 1.01 particle size. Both the wet ground flour and the freeze ground flour
HF 87.873c ± 4.913 1.445–316.228 5.88b ± 0.90 with the hammer mill had comparable yields. The dry ground flour
PF 104.768ab ± 8.513 3.802–363.078 12.27a ± 1.67 with the hammer mill, the dry ground flour with the pin mill, and
Values shown are the mean ± standard deviation; (n = 3). the freeze ground flour with the pin mill all had low yields.
Means with different letters within the same column differ significantly (P < 0.05). The grinding time (Table 1) did not relate to the yield of flour, as
%db = percentage on a dry basis. the action zone of the grinder was open on either side of both the
inlet and the outlet, so that the samples were not ground in a
closed chamber. If the samples were ground in a closed chamber
the roller mill required more grinding time so, after grinding, the for a long time, that would affect the flour properties, including
flour had a higher temperature because, in the second round, the yield. The yield was dependent on (1) the sample fed into the grin-
flour agglomerated after being treated with liquid nitrogen and der which determines whether there is any lagging of supply to the
that made it rather hard to feed the flour into the roller mill. action zone, which affects any size reduction; (2) the design of the
action zone of the machinery which differed between machines;
3.2. Yield (3) the actual grinding system; and (4) the properties of the rice
Table 2 shows that both dry and freeze grinding resulted in sig-
nificantly (P < 0.05) higher grinding yields than wet grinding. The 3.3. Particle size analysis and damaged starch content
wet ground flour yield was 79.02%, whereas the freeze and dry
ground flour yields were between 86% and 96%, respectively, as Particle size analysis was performed with a mastersizer to re-
in the wet grinding process, more flour was lost in the step of soak- cord the particle size distribution and to assess the average particle
ing, grinding, removing of excess of water, drying, and regrinding. size (Table 3 and Fig 1). Flour samples were assessed after the siev-
Yields were not significantly different for the dry and freeze grind- ing process, so the particles size did not exceed 150 lm. The results
ing but the sieving yield diverged significantly. Freeze grinding revealed that the wet ground flour was composed of the finest
gave a slightly lower yield than dry grinding with the same grinder, average particle size and had the smallest range in particle size.
because flour spurted out of the container during the pouring of li- The average particle size of wet ground flour was 61.293 lm. The
quid nitrogen into the flour prior to the grinding process in the sec- flour particles resulting from the wet grinding process were found
ond round. Flour obtained after grinding in the second round of to be finer than from the dry grinding process, which confirmed the
each process was sieved with a 100 mesh sieve to obtain the fine findings reported by Chen et al. (1999), Solanki et al. (2005), Suk-
flour particle size necessary for the production of many rice based somboon and Naivikul (2006), and Yeh (2004), and can be clearly
products. The physicochemical properties were subsequently seen in the particle size distribution graph in Fig 1. The wet ground
examined. flour consisted of two particle types, with size of 2–20 lm and 20–
636 P. Ngamnikom, S. Songsermpong / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of rice flour from various grinding types.

Solanki et al. (2005), Suksomboon and Naivikul (2006), and Yeh

Table 4 (2004). The freeze grinding process reduced the damaged starch
Energy used by each grinding process. content in the flour after using an identical grinder to the one used
Grinding process Electrical energy (kJ) Specific energy in the dry grinding process. The roller mill reduced the damaged
consumption (kJ/kg) starch content from 10.73%db to 7.21%db for the dry grinding pro-
W 26,013a ± 158 13,868a ± 5516 cess and freeze grinding process, respectively. The damaged starch
R 1153bc ± 319 801b ± 526 content using the hammer mill reduced from 11.43%db to 5.88%db
H 658d ± 135 420b ± 123 for the dry grinding process and freeze grinding process, respec-
P 1170b ± 204 795b ± 466
tively. Using the pin mill did not produce a significant between
RF 769bcd ± 199 534b ± 333
HF 714cd ± 189 440b ± 59
the damaged starch content for the dry grinding process or the
PF 1144bc ± 303 718b ± 170 freeze grinding process. Since, the rice before grinding in the freeze
grinding process has an extremely low temperature, it is more brit-
Values shown are the mean ± standard deviation; (n = 3).
Means with different letters within the same column differ significantly (P < 0.05).
tle than rice at ambient temperature; it is easily broken and re-
ceives less mechanical action (Fan and Hsu, 1976; Gouveia et al.,
2002; Devi et al., 2009). Therefore, the flour from the freeze grind-
150 lm. Additionally, the particle size distribution showed an in-
ing process had a lower damaged starch content and finer particle
creased volume of fine particle sizes compared with both the dry
size than the dry grinding process based on the results from partic-
grinding process and the freeze grinding processes. Since wet
ular grinding machines (only the hammer mill in this research).
grinding involves a soaking process, rice kernels are softened and
easily broken (Chiang and Yeh, 2002). As for dry and freeze grind-
ing processes, the freeze grinding process not only reduced the 3.4. Energy consumption
average size of the particles but furthermore, increased the volume
of small particles compared with the dry grinding process with Energy results, based only on the grinding process, are shown in
both the hammer mill and the roller mill. Conversely, the pin mill Table 4. Wet grinding consumed significantly more electrical en-
might not provide sufficient levels of efficiency. The results in Ta- ergy and specific energy consumption than the other grinding pro-
ble 3 show that dry and freeze grinding, with the application of cesses because this method had several processes that used
an identical grinder, did not produce significantly different average electrical energy, including grinding with the wet grinding
particle sizes. Both the impact force (the main force) and the shear machinery, removal of excess of water by centrifuging, drying to
force (the minor force) in a hammer mill produce a smaller average adjust the moisture content, and regrinding with the hammer mill.
particle size than the compressive force of a roller mill (Barbosa- The electrical energy and specific energy consumption of dry and
Cánovas et al., 2005). Generally, a fine particle size has the highest freeze grinding with the same grinder were not significantly differ-
swelling power and form a rigid gel structure which results in ent. Dry and freeze grinding with the hammer mill seemed to use
additional strength in comparison with a coarse particle size (Chen less electrical energy and have lower specific energy consumption
et al., 2003b; Hatcher et al., 2002). than the dry and freeze grinding methods. Moreover, flour made by
Flour from wet grinding had significantly the lowest damaged freeze grinding with the hammer mill had closely fine particle size
starch content of 2.78% on a dry basis (%db), as the water in the and lower damaged starch content with wet ground flour.
wet grinding process absorbed the heat during grinding, and the Wet grinding used more energy and water than dry and freeze
plentiful moisture content of the rice kernels resulted in a soft grinding; therefore, it had a higher cost. Industry needs to treat the
structure. Therefore, the flour is composed of fine particles and wastewater which results in additional extra cost. Freeze grinding
has a low content of damaged starch (Chiang and Yeh, 2002). tended to produce flour with a finer particle size and a lower dam-
Wet ground flour normally has a lower volume of damaged starch aged starch content than dry grinding. The cost of liquid nitrogen
in the flour than dry ground flour, as reported by Chen et al. (1999), was less than wastewater treatment for mass production. Addi-
P. Ngamnikom, S. Songsermpong / Journal of Food Engineering 104 (2011) 632–638 637

Fig. 2. Microscopic structure of rice flour by SEM.

tionally, with the freeze grinding process, the plant area will be freeze grinding was lower than from wet grinding but the freeze
cleaner than with wet grinding because there is no water. There- grinding and dry grinding consumed the same energy consump-
fore, freeze grinding is a suitable process to use. tion with the same grinder. Freeze grinding with the hammer mill
consumed a low amount of energy and resulted in a fine particle
3.5. Microscopic structure size and low damaged starch content. In summary, the freeze
grinding process provided a suitable alternative to produce rice
Photographs of wet, dry, and freeze ground rice flour are pre- flour as it uses no water and consumes less energy than the wet
sented in Fig. 2. The microscopic structure of wet ground flour is grinding process and thus enables an environmentally friendly
composed of both small and large particles. There were a greater production of rice flour. Additionally, the use of high performance
number of smaller particles than larger particles. The small parti- equipment in the freeze grinding process may produce a finer par-
cles (starch granules) were generally round in shape with a smooth ticle size and a lower damaged starch content than was achieved in
surface, whereas the large particles (flour particles) had a rough this experiment.
surface and irregular shape. Dry and freeze ground flour samples
from each grinder were significantly different in appearance. The Acknowledgments
freeze ground flour had more sharp breakage angles than the dry
ground flour, resulting from freezing the rice samples before This research was financially supported by The Office of the
grinding. Higher Education Commission, Bangkok, Thailand. The scanning
electron microscope photographs were supported by the Agricul-
4. Conclusions tural and Agro-Industrial Product Improvement Institute, Kasetsart
University, Bangkok, Thailand, and the COAX Group Corporation
The study showed that the freeze grinding process reduced the Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand. The particle size analysis was carried out
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