H&M Code of Conduct - Minimum Requirements: 1. Child Labour

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H&M Code of Conduct – Minimum Requirements

You might have been approved by other brands and certifying bodies. But
please note H&M works in a different way and are stricter on certain issues.
Hence take a close look at this document. A factory proposed to H&M
production of goods will only be approved if the following basic
requirements are fulfilled.


“H&M does not accept child labour. If a supplier does not accept our policy
on child labour, we will not continue our co-operation with this supplier”.

• The factory should develop a policy against child labour and

maintain a good recruitment system that is implemented and
communicated to all relevant personnel in the factory. The purpose
is to ensure that all new workers show their original age verification
to the factory upon taking up employment.
• In areas where falsified age documents are common, the factory
should require the worker to provide a second means of age
• All workers should be registered and copies of their ID verification
document should be kept by the factory.
• Children under the legal working age should never be allowed to
enter the work premises, not even to visit their parents.
• Auditors should be given access to all personnel files and age
documentation for all workers.


“We require from H&M suppliers that the workers’ safety should be of
priority at all times. No hazardous equipment or unsafe premises are

a. Emergency Exits

“The purpose of emergency exits is to ensure that there is more than one
possible way out of the factory in case of an emergency”.

• Every floor or large room must have at least two ways out.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India
• All emergency exits must be clearly marked with emergency exit
• Exit doors and gates should open outwards or to the sides.
• Emergency routes should be kept clear and safe all the way out of
the factory at all times.
• All emergency exits on all floors should be unlocked during working

b. Unblocked passages

• All workers should have free access to and from their workstations
during working hours.

c. Fire Alarm

“The purpose of a fire alarm is to ensure that all workers can be

immediately notified in case of an emergency. Therefore it is important
that the sound and sight of the fire alarm is not used for any other

• The panic buttons should be clearly marked and should be located

on all floors of the factory building.
• Fire alarm should be installed on all floors, and they should be
connected to ensure that all alarms are activated by one touch of
any panic button in the factory. The sirens should be alerted
continuously after one touch of one of the panic buttons.
• The sound of the alarm should be heard in all parts of the factory.
• The alarm system should be checked and tested regularly.
• Revolving lights should be installed in noisy areas where workers
are wearing ear protection.
• The alarm system should function even in case of electrical power

d. Emergency Exit in Day Care Center

• Emergency Exit should be provided for easy exit for children.

e. Safe Building

• Building should be structurally safe.

• Preferably, stability certificate should be obtained from the
concerned department.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India

a. Forced Labour

“We do not accept that bonded workers, prisoners or illegal workers are
used in the production of goods for H&M. Involuntary overtime above legal
limits in connection with threats of punishment is considered as forced

• The factory should develop a policy against forced labour that is

implemented and communicated to all relevant personnel in the
• All workers must have the right to enter into and terminate their
employment freely.
• The factory may not confiscate the workers’ ID documents,
passports, tickets or other documents.
• Wages must always be paid directly to the worker.
• The factory may not withhold payments to the worker.
• Advances should not bear any interest and may not exceed three
months’ pay.
• The factory should not deduct recruitment fees or training fees from
the workers’ wages.
• The factory must employ workers, whether foreign or domestic, in
full compliance with applicable laws.
• The factory should take precautions not to purchase any
components produced by forced labour.

b. Prison Labour

H&M does not accept that our goods are produced by prison labour, and
this is clearly stated in our Code of Conduct. If the supplier is using prison
labour for H&M orders through its own factory or a subcontractor, we will
immediately and permanently terminate our business with the supplier
and withdraw all order(s), both those currently in production and those
confirmed for later delivery. The subcontractor involved will also be
permanently terminated, and cannot be used by any other supplier in the

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India
c. Migrant Workers

“If foreign/migrant workers are employed on a contract basis, they should

never be required to remain employed for any period of time against their
own will. All commissions and other fees to the recruitment agency in
connection with their employment should be covered by the employer”.

Foreign/migrant workers may not be treated less favorably than local

residents. This includes offering the same wages and other benefits – such
as, for example, social security – as for other workers, and granting them
the same rights (for example, the right to organize) and not imposing any
restrictions on their freedom.

• The factory should develop a policy on the employment of migrant

workers that is implemented and communicated to all relevant
personnel in the factory (if applicable).
• The factory should ensure that all workers employed in the factory
have the relevant work and residence permits.
• All requirements mentioned under forced labour and discrimination
also apply to migrant workers.

d. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

“All workers should be free to join any associations of their own choosing,
and they should have the right to bargain collectively. We do not accept
any disciplinary actions from the factory against workers who choose to
peacefully and lawfully organize or join an association”.

• The factory should develop a policy on freedom of association that

is systematically implemented and communicated to all relevant
personnel in the factory.
• The factory should implement a system for resolving workplace-
related problems.
• The management must not interfere if the workers choose to
establish a union in the factory.
• The management must honor the workers’ right to collective
• The factory may not dismiss, threaten, harass or discriminate a
worker for joining or being a member of a union.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India

a. Legal Minimum Wage

“Wages should be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of work

performance. The legal minimum wages should be a minimum, but not a
recommended, level”.

• Minimum wage is only applicable to normal working hours.

Bonuses, allowance and overtime compensation are not included.

b. Contract / Piece Rate Workers

• In the case where the factory employs contract workers, preferably
the contractor needs to be duly registered with the state labour
department and a license needs to be obtained by the contractor for
engaging 20 or more workers stating the nature of service/services
• Contractor needs to maintain at least wage & time records for
his workers.
• Piece rate should be set and communicated to the workers in good
• If the piece rate salary does not reach at least the legal minimum
wage, then the factory must pay the difference to bring the wages
up to minimum level


a. Separate Dormitory

• Dormitories / Hostel / Boarding / Housing provided within the

factory premises are unacceptable.
• Dormitory should be provided outside the factory premises wherein
the workers can reach the dormitory without passing the factory

b. Basic Safety Requirements

• The doors in dormitory should always be opened from inside at all

times without using a key.
• There should be emergency exits provided on each floor.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India
• Emergency exits should be unlocked at all times. If no, the key
should be available next to the door.
• Fire alarm system should be provided in the dormitory.
• Emergency routes should be clear all the way out of the dormitory.


a. Use of Chemicals in accordance with H&M Chemical Restriction


• The person responsible for procurement and handling of chemicals

should ensure that all chemicals used are in compliance with the
H&M Chemical Restriction list.
• H&M’s Chemical Restriction list can be obtained from the website

b. Waste water treatment

• If the waste water is sent away to a common treatment facility, you

should provide a document showing that the facility has agreed to
receive the waste water and under what quality limitations.
• If the waste water treatment facility is located within your own or
your subcontractor’s facilities, ensure:
- that the treatment facility has the capacity needed for the current
volumes of waste water;
- that sludge from the waste water treatment is disposed of in a
legal manner; and
- that every year you provide a waste water quality report stating
the quality of the treated water.
• The factory has to ensure that the ETP is functioning correctly and
the inflow and outflow of water is monitored.


a. Ventilation

• Sandblasting must take place in a separate area in order to limit

dust migration to other work areas.
• The ventilation must be adapted for sandblasting, with a separate
abrasion box with ventilation on each box and filtering of outgoing

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India
b. Sandblasting Material

• The abrasive sand must have a content of less than 1% crystalline

silica (SiO2).
• The sand used must be free from Quartz, Trydimite and
• The contents of the sand used should be verified either from the
sand bags or the MSDS.

c. Personal Protective Equipments

• The personal protective equipment must include a dust mask or

respirator with classification P2 or N95 and eye protection with a
shield or goggles and hearing protection.
• The workers performing the sandblasting should be educated in
safe chemical handling and risks, including how and when to use
adequate personal protection.
• Cleaners should be provided with and use PPE when cleaning the
sandblasting area.

d. Potassium Permanganate (PP)

• PP should be stored safely away from all other acids.

• The PP storage area should be well ventilated.


a. Ventilation

• Adequate ventilation should be provided where metal plating

process is done. In the absence of natural ventilation, the factory
should at least provide mechanical ventilation (exhaust fans).

b. Storage of Non compatible chemicals

• The factory should ensure that all the acids, cyanides and sulphides
are stored separately and provided with a secondary containment.

c. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)

• If HF (hydrofluoric acid) is used, calcium gluconate should be

available in the workshop as an antidote.
• HF acid should be stored in a sealed container.
• The chemical storage area should be well ventilated.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India
• Workers handling the above chemicals must wear masks with filter
classified BE or AG combined with N95 or P2.


a. Transparency

• All relevant documents should be made available for H&M auditors

during the audit and the documents should not contain any
misleading information.

b. Unrestricted Access

• The auditor should be provided with unrestricted access to all areas

in the premises during the audit.

For further information, please contact H&M’s COC department in

Delhi or Bangalore.

H & M Hennes & Mauritz India Private Limited.

New Delhi (Registered Office)

Address Telephone Fax
3rd Floor, 211 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase – III +91 11 4169 4444 +91 11 4161 3585, 4169 4480
New Delhi – 110020, India +91 11 4169 4485 (Logistics Department)

Bangalore (Branch Office)

Address www.hm.com
+91 80 3051 4444 +91 80 3051 4343
301, Tudor Court info.in@hm.com
2 Floor, 40 Lavelle Road
Bangalore – 560 001, India

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