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International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Road Safety Audit of an Existing Road, From Ashram Chowk to

N. Naveen1,2, Dr. S. Velmurugan3
1(Assistant Professor, K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India)
2(Research scholar, VELS University, Chennai, India)
3(Sr. Prin. Scientist, Traffic & Safety Division, CRRI, New Delhi, India)

Abstract: “Pedestrian” includes people who walk, sit, stand in public spaces, or use a mobility aid like
walking stick, crutches or wheelchair, be they children, teenagers, adults, elderly persons, persons with
disabilities, workers, residents, shoppers or people-watchers (IRC: 103-2012). Road Safety audit is the formal
procedure for assessing accident potential and safety performance in the provision of new road schemes, the
improvement and rehabilitation of existing road and maintenance of roads. The road selected for this study is
existing road from Ashram Chowk to CRRI, which is at Delhi to Mathura road. The main tool is Road Safety
Audit. This paper explores the defects in the design and other safety features. Thisaudit is a part of CRRI Road
Safety Audit Training Program. In conclusion, we argue that significant measures should be taken on Road
Safety aspects to mitigate the accidents and ensure the safety to pedestrians and vehicular traffic. This paper
mainly highlights the safety in terms of pedestrians and traffic sign post alignment.
Keywords: Accidents, CRRI, Pedestrians, Road Safety Audit, Safety, Sign boards, Vehicular Traffic.

Road safety audit assess the operation of a road, focusing on road safety as it affects the users of the
road. These users include pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, truck/ bus drivers, on road public transport users,
etc. Road traffic injuries are the No.1 cause of death among those aged 15–29. Road users are not perfect.The
main cause for the accidents is road users, Confusion in drivers, fatigue, stress, negligence may lead to the

RSA is a formal process and not an informal check

 Carried out by persons who are independent of the design and the construction
 Carried out by persons with appropriate expertise, experience and training
 Restricted to road safety issues

The outcome of a road safety audit is the identification of any road safety deficiencies and formulation
of recommendations aimed at removing or reducing those deficiencies.

TABLE1 Percentage wise contribution of various elements in road accidents

Road User 65.0
Road and Surroundings 2.5
Vehicle 2.5
Road User, Road Surroundings 24.0
Road User and Vehicle 4.5
Road User, Road & Surroundings 1.5
and Vehicle

Following considerations should be taken

 Level of safety
 considering the function of the road
 Readability of road
 Delineation
 Roadside hazards 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 134 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Aspects to be checked are Safety and Operational Implications of alignment and junctions, Any
deviation from standards, Facilities for pedestrians, Cyclists and intermediate transport, Road safety implication
on maintenance, Non-Motorized Road Users, Day and Night Trials checks, Drainage, Climate conditions,
Landscaping, Services, Access, Skid resistance, Fences , Adjacent development, Bridge parapets, Local
Alignment, Visibility, New / existing road surface, Safety Aids on steep hills, Road signs markings, T, X, Y-
junctions, Traffic signals, Adjacent land, Pedestrians, Cyclists, Non-motorized vehicles, Signs and Lighting ,
Lighting, Signs, Variable message signs .


The road selected for this study is existing road from Ashram Chowk to CRRI, which is at Delhi to
Mathura road.

Fig 1 The above image showsAshram Chowk to CRRI Road map.

Ashram chowk is a crossways located on the southeastern corner of the Delhi ring road. It is at the
intersection of the ring road and Mathura road from the ITO crossing, the Supreme court, Pragati Maidan,
Purana Quila, Nizamuddin Dargah and Haryana border at Faridabad. The distance between these two points is 4
kilometers. It is a busy area with heavy traffic, even pedestrian traffic is also heavy at this section.
“Pedestrian” includes people who walk, sit, stand in public spaces, or use a mobility aid like walking
stick, crutches or wheelchair, be they children, teenagers, adults, elderly persons, persons with disabilities,
workers, residents, shoppers or people-watchers (IRC: 103-2012).
The key principles of the Safe System approach should be,
i. Recognition of human error in the transport system
ii. Recognition of human physical vulnerability and limits
iii. Promotion of system accountability
iv. Promotion of ethical values in road safety
v. Promotion of societal values 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 135 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142


Fig 2 Team members of Existing Road Safety Audit with the team head Dr. S Velmurugansir.

This audit is a part of CRRI Road Safety Audit Training Program in July,2017. Some of the checklist
included in this audit are like
i. Is the provision for road signs adequate and in accordance with standards?
ii. Are there any situations where traffic signs themselves are obstructing essential line of sight for drivers
and pedestrians?
iii. General adequacy and visibility of road markings, during day/night time and in wet/ dry weather
iv. Are the proposed lighting scheme and illumination levels of an appropriate standard, consistent with
the needs of the location, pedestrian and other factors?
v. Are there any poles, columns along the road and comment on whether some or any of them can be
removed, relocated to less hazardous positions etc.

Fig 3The End treatment of Metal Beam Crash Barrier is missing

3.1. Observation
The End treatment of Metal Beam Crash Barrier is missing.

Reason for Concern:

Vehicles plying on the road may hit the protruded MBCB which may result to fatal accident.

It shall be provided with suitable end treatment with the inclined metal beam mounted to the end post
and fixed into the median. 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 136 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Priority: Highly Essential.

Fig4The sign Boards placed over the footpath and over-head Gantry are place properly

3.2. Observation
The sign Boards placed over the footpath and over-head Gantry are place properly.
Priority: Followed the safety norm completely

Fig5 The slope of ground of the Petrol Pump is towards the carriageway

3.3. Observation
The slope of ground of the Petrol Pump is towards the carriageway

Reason for Concern:

The slope of the ground of petrol pump may discharge the rain water directly to the main carriageway,
resulting in the water-logged situation on the MCW.

Proper drainage shall be provided to check the water directly discharging to the carriageway.
Priority: Highly Essential 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 137 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Fig6 kerb placed is at a great height

3.4. Observation
Water Logging at the Bus-stop
The floor of the Bus-stop is raised abnormally.
The sign board placed near by the bus stop is obstruction to the pedestrians.

Reason for Concern:

This situation obstructs the pedestrians and the public transport users to enter the bus stop

The height of the footpath shall be reduced as per the relevant IRC norms, water logging should be

Priority: Highly Essential

Fig7 Ganty Post lying on the foot path creating hindrance to the pedestrians.

3.5. Observation
Ganty Post lying on the foot path creating hindrance to the pedestrians & Unnecessary construction on
the footpath

Reason for Concern:

This is creating hindrance to the pedestrians & Causes obstruction on the footpath to the pedestrians
during nights

It shall be removed immediately & Extra projections should be removed
Priority: Highly Essential 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 138 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Fig8 Trees planted in the median

3.6. Observation
Trees planted in the median.

Reason for Concern:

The branches protruding creates hindrance to the road users obstructs the visibility.

The Branches shall be trimmed periodically. And the tree plantation shall not be done in the medians.
Priority: Desirable

Fig9 Electric Pole tilted on the footpath

3.7. Observation
Electric Pole tilted on the footpath.

Reason for Concern:

It is causing hindrance to the pedestrians, it may be fatal in the rainy reason.

The pole must be removed/replaced.
Priority: Desirable 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 139 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Fig10 Drainage slab are weak and they are destroyed

3.8. Observation
Drainage slab are weak and they are destroyed& Manhole cover is not properly placed

Reason for Concern:

Very dangerous for the pedestrians and may be hazardous during nights and rains& May cause
obstruction to the pedestrians and the cover may gush out due to water during rains

It should be properly maintained and slabs need to be replaced with good material& Cover need to be
placed properly without causing any projections
Priority: Very Essential

Fig11 Two wheelers using the footpath

3.9. Observation
Two wheelers using the footpath

Reason for concern:

It may cause accidents or uncomfortable to the pedestrians

Proper maintenance of the footpath should be done and the kerb height should be maintained to avoid
the vehicular movement on the footpath 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 140 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

Priority: Essential

Fig12 Improper access to private properties

3.10. Observation
Improper access to private properties.

Reasons for concern:

Lack of Sight distance, Vehicle entering or leaving private property disrupts traffic on main

Auxiliary lanes to be provided for safe entry and exit without affecting pedestrians.Adequate warning
signs to be provided. If not possible close or reroute the access.
Priority: High

Fig13 Footpath discontinuous at various sections

3.11. Observation
Footpath discontinuous at various sections.

Reason for concern:

Pedestrian exposure to vehicular traffic as they are forced to walk on the main carriageway.

Provision for pedestrians to remain on side walk along entire stretch.
Priority: Essential 2017 IJLERA – All Right Reserved 141 | Page

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) ISSN: 2455-7137

Volume – 02, Issue – 08, August – 2017, PP – 134-142

This paper presented a Road Safety Audit that highlighted issues in safety management in clearway
showing the contents like observation, reason for concern, recommendation and priority of the issue. It
examined the defects in the road safety in relation to motorized traffic and pedestrian safety. It suggested the
various recommendations which are easy to do and at low cost. The audit is applied to the risks outside the
framework of standards and codes.

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Organizations/Institutions likeCentral Road
Research Institute, VELS University, K G Reddy College of Engineering and Technology for their contributions
and suggestions for performing this Road Safety Audit.

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