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Submitted by

(REG.NO : 5YMSGL201703)

Uder the guidence of

Guest lecturer

A project report submitted in

Partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of



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Certified that this report entitled the topic “AN ASSESMENT OF

bonafide work of MR.K.BUVANAMANICKAM, who carried out the
work under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my
knowledge the work reported herein does not contain any other part of the
project or desertion on the basis of a degree or award was conferred on an
earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the signature of the Head of the

Supervisor Department

Guest lecturer Professor
Department of geology department of geology
Bharathidasan university Bharathidasan university
Tiruchirapalli-620 023 Tiruchirapalli-620 023

Signature of the examiner

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I do hereby declare that the project report carried out here in the tittle of "AN
carried out by MR.BUVANAMANICKAM K under the guidence of the guest lecturer
DR.S.VIJAYAPRABU department of geology, Bharathidasan University, trichy-023.
This project of report has not been submitted in any other universities or institutions for
award of any degree or diplamo.

Page 4 of 45


The content and euphoria that entails the successful

completion of any task would be incomplete without applauding
and thanking the people who made it possible, because success
is the epitome of hard work, perseverance, undeterred
missionary zeal, steadfast determination and paramount of all
‘Encouraging Guidance.
I hear by express my thanks for the supervisor and the guest
lecturer DR.S.VIJAYAPRABU sir for the guidance for this
extraordinary work and without his guidance the present work
may not exist and I here by feeling proud to express my sincere
thanks to my respected guide.
I here by extend my thanks to the head of the department and
academic coordinator DR.R.SAKTHIVEL sir for his extensive
support and help for this corresponding work what I have
submitted here
I also feel proud to extend my thanks to the guest faculties
DR.S.DEEPA mam for thier extensive co guidance and extreme
support for this work
I also wish to thank all the research scholars who are all gave
me an un expected hope and support for my work and I also
extend my thanks to my friends and my family members who
helped a lot for this work

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CHAPTER 2 9-14








CHAPTER 3 17-19


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CHAPTER 4 20-25



CHAPTER 5 26-33

5.1 COLOUR 27


5.3 ODOUR 28







CHAPTER 6 34-35


CHAPTER 7 36-38

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An assessment of Groundwater quality at kulithalai

and krishnarayapuram Taluk in karur district,



Groundwater quality assessment is one of the most serious problems in the world in the
last decades. Groundwater in many regions, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, is a
substantial supply of water. Groundwater quality depends on the quality of recharged
water, atmospheric precipitation, inland surface water, and on sub-surface geochemical
processes. Temporal changes in the origin and constitution of the recharged water,
hydrologic and human factors may cause periodic changes in groundwater quality.
Water pollution not only affects water quality but also threatens human health,
economic development, and social prosperity. The quality of groundwater has
particularly received immense attention since water of high quality is required for
domestic and irrigation needs. Until recently, groundwater assessment has been based
on laboratory investigation. Groundwater quality study can be a powerful tool for
developing solutions for water resources problems, assessing water quality, preventing
flooding, determining water availability, understanding the natural environment and for
managing water resources on a local or regional scale. In the study area the
groundwater resources are not only the most important resources for drinking purposes,
and they are also used extensively to satisfy agricultural, domestic, and industrial water
demands. In addition, a decrease in drinking water quality has been reported in many
cases followed by groundwater pollution.

Moreover, the effect of groundwater pollution not only harms water supply wells and
aquifers but, with movement towards lakes and rivers, may also pollute surface water
resources which can lead to serious environmental consequences. The widely used for
groundwater quality assessment around the world due to the capability of fully
expressing the water quality information and is one of the most effective tools and
important parameters for the evaluation and management of groundwater quality. The
water quality study has been used to determine the suitability of the groundwater for
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drinking purposes by many authors. From the study, 12 parameters was analyzed to
indicate the quality assessment of groundwater from 9 wells located in kulithalai and
krishnarayapuram taluk, karur district, Tamilnadu used for water quality assess the
groundwater quality by analyzing Ca, Mg, Na, K, SO4, Cl, NO3, pH, EC, TDS and
Total hardness parameters. Only major cations and anions of Ca, Na, SO4, Cl and TDS
were used to locate suitable areas for consumption use in this study.

When compared to all other minerals available on Earth, the groundwater serves to be
precious disturbed resources of the earth. The world total water resource is estimated.
At present nearly one fifth of all the water is obtained from ground water, nearly 80% of
the consumption of water is used for agricultural purpose. Not only for agriculture,
when considering the all animals, fisheries, need abundant quantity of water. About
40% of ground water is used for irrigation purposes. We analyze whether groundwater
to ascertain water is potable and its physical properties and chemical constituents get
altered (Fig 1.1)

Fig.1.1. Hydrological cycle


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Groundwater is also very important as it supplies springs, and much of the water in our
ponds, marshland, swamps, streams, rivers and bays. Although it is “out of sight,” it is
critical that we learn about groundwater, how it is part of the water cycle, and the
importance of protecting and maintaining the quality and quantity of this water
resource. As part of the water cycle, some precipitation infiltrates the ground and
percolates down until it reaches a depth where all the fractures, crevices and pore
spaces are saturated with water. In this saturated zone – called an aquifer – the water is
called groundwater. The upper surface of a zone of saturation is the water table. In other
words, the water table is the first occurrence of groundwater. Above the water table is
the zone of aeration (also called the unsaturated zone). There is some water in the zone
of aeration, but it will not flow into a well. So successful wells need to be deeper than

the water table (Fig 1.2).

Fig.1.2. Formation of Groundwater Zones

Aquifers are geologic formations – layers of sand, gravel and rock – where significant
amounts of water can be stored, transported or supplied to well or a spring. They are
irregular in shape, and can be close to the surface, or very deep. Under your home, there
may be several aquifers layered one on top of another. Because of this, neighboring
homes potentially can have their wells in different aquifers and experience different
water quality. There are two types of aquifers: confined and unconfined. Unconfined
aquifers, generally located near the land surface, have no layers of clay (or other
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impermeable geologic material) above their water table, although they do lie above
relatively impermeable clay beds. The upper limit of groundwater within an unconfined
aquifer is the water table. In many places, the water table is actually above the surface
of land. Wetlands are a great example of where groundwater becomes surface water.
Groundwater in an unconfined aquifer (sometimes called a “water table aquifer”) is
more vulnerable to contamination from surface pollution than a confined aquifer
because pollutants on the land surface can enter the unconfined aquifer as water
infiltrates the soil. Confined aquifers, on the other hand, have layers of impermeable
material above and below them – so they are contained within these layers. The
geologic barriers cause the water to be under pressure. Fractures, or cracks, in bedrock
also are capable of bearing water. Groundwater flows vertically and horizontally
through the aquifers at rates that are influenced by gravity and the geologic formations
of the area. Groundwater can remain in an aquifer for a short period measured in days,
or for many centuries. In fact, the deep aquifers under parts of Virginia’s Coastal Plain
are considered “fossil aquifers” as the water in them has been there for more than
10,000 years.


Groundwater occurs in permeable geological formation known as aquifers. Those

portions of rock are soil, which is not occupied by mineral matter, may be occupied by
ground water. These spaces are known as voids or pore spaces. Groundwater is the
water formed from absorbed precipitated water in the upper most aquifers occurring in
subsoil or in deeper bed rocks above the upper most aquifers. Rock formations
materials which will yields significant quantities of water have been defined as
aquifers. It plays a very important role in the ground water. Aquifers may not be
recharged through the process of precipitation and infiltration and they may have the
recharge area some, where else on the earth surface. The amount of water contains in
the aquifer depends on the porosity of the aquifer formation. An aquifer having water
table in it is called unconfined aquifer or water table aquifer. The impermeable layers
underlying the unconfined aquifer may consist of clay, solid lime stone, shale, igneous
rocks or bed rocks. If the confined aquifers are essentially impermeable then they are
called aquacultures. An aquifers formed by one or two aquifer is called leaky or semi
confined aquifers. The present conditions in the confined aquifers is characterized by
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the piezometric surfaces, which is the surface obtained by connection equilibrium

water levels in the tubes or piezometers penetrating in the confined aquifers (Fig. 1.2).

1.3.1 Unconfined Aquifers

When a water bearing formation is sandwiched between the layers of much less
permeable material like sandy layer, clay layers, sand stones layers or layers of shale
etc, there that is called an unconfined aquifer.

1.3.2 Confined Aquifer

Confined aquifers is a completely filled with ground water and they do not have a free
water table they will have a recharge point some place on the earth surface. The
confined acquires also known as artesian for pressure aquifers, where ground water is
confined under pressure greater than atmospheric by overlying relatively impermeable

1.3.3 Perched Aquifer

The special case of an unconfined aquifer is the perched aquifer. When the ground
water got packed in the relatively impermeable stratum of a small aerial extent in the
main water body of the ground water stratum, called “perched ground water”. The
tapping of ground water from the perched aquifer yield only temporary or small
quantities of water (Fig. 1.3).

Fig 1.3. Confined and Unconfined aquifers

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Generally groundwater originates from surface water. The principle sources of

natural recharge include precipitate, stream, lakes and reservoirs. Other contributions
known as artificial recharge occur from excess irrigation. Seepage from canals and
water purposely applied to augment ground water supplies. Even sea water can enter
underground along coasts where hydraulic gradients slope downward in an island
direction. Water within ground moves downward through the unsaturated zone under
the action of gravity whereas in the saturated zone it move in direction determined by
the surrounding hydraulic situation. Discharge of ground water occurs when water
emerges from underground. Most natural discharge occurs as flow into water bodies.
Flow to the surface apparent as a spring. Ground water near the surface may return
directly to the atmosphere by evaporation from within the soil and by transpiration from
vegetation. Pump age from wells constitutes the major artificial discharge of

Fig 1.4 Recharge and Discharge of under space Groundwater

Infiltration of precipitated water such as rain water, melt water, due, etc., represents the
main source for the ground water recharge. The rate of infiltration depends on both the
nature and intensity of precipitation as well on the permeability of soil and rocks such
that form the zone of aeration. The continuous rains of low intensity which fall when
the relative humidity of the air is about 100 percent are of primary importance to the
ground water recharge. Such rains provide the highest possible rates of rainwater
infiltration into the rocks. In deserts, the ground water recharge may also be provided
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by the consideration of the atmospheric water which precipitates on the cooled rock
particles. In some place, an addition ground water recharge is provided by the inflow of
artesian water from deeper aquifers. This type of ground water recharge is possible in
the area lacking the top aquifer screening for artesian aquifers. Ground water discharge
via springs, see page faces and others ground water outlets (Fig 1.4).


With the ever growing urban population and the need for increased residential
colonies. This has caused a severe impact on the land and water resources and
ultimately leads to severe irreversible damage to both surface and subsurface water
resources. In order to know that effects of urbanization on water resources it was
proposed to conduct the study in the newly developed area of kulithalai and
krishnarayapuram taluk of karur District, Tamilnadu.


❖ To collect the ground water samples from various stations in the study area.
❖ To study the Physical characteristics of the water sample.
❖ To study the Chemical characteristics of the water samples by using Water Kit.

❖ To compare the test parameters with the standards for ensuring the quality of
ground water samples.
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2.1. Sources of water

Water is used for domestic industrial and agricultural purposes are obtained from
various sources. The major sources of water are as follows

• Surface water - ponds, rivers, stream and lake

• Subsurface water – infiltration and bore well
• Groundwater – springs and wells

2.2. Surface water

The surface water may be running stream or it may be ponds are lake, Surface
sources. Cause they can be seen and observed, have always been easier to understand.
It is around groundwater that an area of mystery of superstitions of unfounded theory
had arisen and had resisted the progress made in expanding knowledge our ground
water since the olden days has been immense. Better realization has taken place
importance of ground water sources of supply for the world needs. Only 3% of the
fluid fresh water available at any given moment on our planet earth occurs in stream
and lakes. The other 97% (an estimated 8 trillion) is underground. The ground water
has been accumulating over a period of countries with rain fall each year adding only
slightly to it volume

Study of Lakes & surface water reservoir are the planet’s most important fresh water
resources and provided innumerable benefit. They are source of water for domestic
use and Irrigation. And renewable energy in the form of hydropower and are essential
for induction. They have important social and economic benefits as a result of tourism
and recreation and are culturally and aesthetically important for people throughout the
word (Rajsekhar et al, 2009). The information on the water quality at various depths
with the main objectives of presenting the base line data before the proposed
hypolimnetic aeration to restore the lake.

Studying the impact of pollution on a reservoir serving as a major source of drinking

water for the city of Harare, Zimbabwe as undertaken. At present introduction of
“treated” municipal waste water into Lake Chivero. The introduction of treated
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effluent has resulted in enrichment and extremely high productivity in the
present lake Chivero is a system under extreme pressure both as a source of water and
of waste removal from the city of Harare. (Lindah Mhlanga, 2004). Their basic
objective to know the catchment area , river basin and the main physical , chemical
and biological characteristics of these humid lakes.(Villalobos, et al,2003).
Rapid assessment can be done using a Computer Programme for physic chemical
parameters like pH, BOD, DO, Total Alkalinity, TH and Chloride. (Mohammad
Alam, et al, 2010). Biodiversity in the Pangong Lake is affected due to high salinity
and harsh environmental conditions prevailing in the lake. It seemed that instead PO4,
N2 acted as limiting factor for the aquatic community in the lake. (Bhat. et al.2001).
Assessment of water quality of different stages of sewage treatment plant was done
using some physico chemical parameters using standard method and the result
obtained indicated that the sewage plant worked efficiently and treated can be used
for agriculture and industry uses (Kalpana KumariThakur, et al, 2012). Impact of
physic-chemical characteristics of Shivaji university lakes were observed out of which
13 were found in Rajaram lake. The physico-chemical parameters such as nitrates,
PO4, temperature and Alkalinity are favorable for the growth of phytoplankton.
(Shilpa G. Patil, et al, 2012). The physico chemical studies of the Upper lake of
Bhopal with reference to nitrates and PO4 during revealed these nutrients support the
fast growth of aquatic plants which lead to shrinking of wetland area along with other
complications like low light penetrations. Sometimes the level of O2 depletes which
can lead to fish mortality. (SadhnaTamot, et al, 2006).

2.3. Sub Surface Water

The infiltration wells and infiltration galleries fall under the category of
subsurface water sources. They are dug in the river beds. Rain water that infiltrates
the soil is called sub surface water. But not all of it becomes groundwater. Basically
three things may happen to that water. First it may be pulled back to the surface by
capillary force and be evaporated into atmosphere. Second it may be absorbed by a
process known as transpiration. Third water that has infiltrated the soil deeply enough
may be pulled on down word by gravity until it reaches the level of the zone of
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2.4. Ground Water

Water present in the sub surface environment of earth is called Groundwater, an

important component of water resources systems. Groundwater is the largest
reservoir of fresh water that is really available to humans (90% of Earth’s fresh
water). Extracted from aquifers through pumping wells and supplied for domestic use,
industry and agriculture. With increased withdrawal of groundwater, the quality of
groundwater has been continuously deteriorating. Dug wells, shallow bore wells, deep
bore wells and tube wells under the category of ground water sources. Wide variation
is noticed in the quality of ground from place to place. The ground water reservoirs
that supplies water to wells underground water and sub-surface stream water and
other terms used in referring to water in the none of saturation but ground water is the
preferred term. Ground water may in one continuous body of several separate strata.
The thickness of the zone saturation varies from a few feet to many hundreds of feet.
Factors that determine its thickness are the local geology the availability of pores or
opening in the formations the recharge and the movement of water within from the
area of recharge toward point or area of recharge. As the subject is wide nature this
lecture will mostly deal with the quality of sampling and analysis corrosion and
crusting of well screen and related topic. Water quality is relative and associated with
the intended use of water. In this project we have to analyze the quality of ground
water. Groundwater cleanup is very important in kulithalai and krishnarayapuram
taluk because many communities and individual gets the drinking water from wells.
Groundwater is stored under the surface of the ground in the tiny pour spaces between
rock, sand, soil and gravel. It acquires two ‘zones’ an upper, unsaturated zone where
roots of the pore spaces are filled with air and a deeper, saturated zone in which all the
pour spaces are filled with water. Then add water to half to fill the cup. The bottom of
the cup forms a barrier to the water continuing to move downwards. This barrier can
occur in natural as the bedrock, clay, or permafrost and is called an aquitard. The
water table may be a few feet are many hundreds of feet below ground surface. In
some areas of kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk there is no ground water at all. In
permafrost areas, the ground water is saturated with water but remains frozen all
years. How well loosely arranged rod (such as sand and gravel) holds water depends
on the size and shape of the rock particles. Layers of loosely arranged particles of
uniform size (such as sand) tend to hold more than layers of rocks with materials of
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different sizes. Rock materials can settle in the spaces between larger rocks
decreasing the space available to hold water.


2.5.1. Water Quality Definition

The concept of water quality is complex because so many factors influence in it. In
particular, this concept is intrinsically tied to the different intended uses of the water;
different uses require different criteria. Water quality is one of the most important
factors that must be considered when evaluating the sustainable development of a given
region (Cordoba et al 2010). Water quality must be defined based on a set of physical
and chemical variables that are closely related to the water’s intended use. For each
variable, acceptable and unacceptable values must then be defined. Water whose
variables meet the pre-established standards for a given use is considered suitable for
that use. If the water fails to meet these standards, it must be treated before use.
(Cordoba et al., 2010).Water quality is considered the main factor controlling health
and the state of disease in both man and animals.

2.5.2. Contamination of ground water:

Ground water can be contaminated in many ways .If surface

water that recharge the aquifer is contaminated the ground water will also become
contaminated. This can in terms affect the quality of surface water at recharge areas.
Groundwater can also contaminated by liquid hazardous substances (or solid that can
dissolve in water) that filter through the soil into ground water, by silt water moving
in from the ocean or by minerals that are naturally present in the area. Ground water is
also often withdrawn for agriculture municipal and industrial use by constructing and
operating extractions wells. The study of distribution and movement groundwater is
hydrogeology, also called groundwater hydrology. Groundwater is often cheaper,
more convenient and less vulnerable to pollution than surface water polluted
groundwater is less visible, but more difficult clean up than pollution in rivers and
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2.5.3. Safe Drinking water:

Potable or "drinking" water can be defined as the water delivered to the consumer
that can be safely used for drinking, cooking, and washing. This water must meet the
physical, chemical, bacteriological, and radionuclide parameters when supplied by an
approved source, delivered to a treatment and disinfection facility of proper design,
construction, and operation, and in turn delivered to the consumer through a protected
distribution system in sufficient quantity and pressure (Zuane J., 1997).


2.6.1. The Guidelines for drinking-water quality:

The Guidelines describe reasonable minimum requirements of safe practice to

protect the health of consumers and/or derive numerical “guideline values” for
constituents of water or indicators of water quality. In order to define mandatory limits,
it is preferable to consider the guidelines in the context of local or national
environmental, social, economic and cultural conditions (WHO, 2008, 2014)

2.6.2. The Standard for drinking-water quality:

By definition, a standard is “a rule or principle considered by an authority and by

general consent as a basis of comparison. It is something normal or average in quality
and the most common form of its kind”. A proper standard for drinking water quality is
thus the reference that will ensure that the water will not be harmful to human health.
The framework against which a water sample can be considered good or “safe” is a
drinking water quality standard (Solsona F., 2002).


The primary purpose of the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality is the protection
of public health. Water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory (adequate, safe and
Page 15 of

accessible) supply must be available to all. Improving access to safe drinking water
(WHO, 2008, 2014).

2.7.1. Microbial aspects:

In general terms, the greatest microbial risks are associated with ingestion of water
that is contaminated with human or animal (including bird) faeces. Faeces can be a
source of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths. Faecally derived
pathogens are the principal concerns in setting health-based targets for microbial safety
(WHO, 2008, 2014). Drinking-water-borne outbreaks are particularly to be avoided
because of their capacity to result in the simultaneous infection of a large number of
persons and potentially a high proportion of the community (WHO, 2008, 2014).

2.7.2. Chemical aspects:

The health concerns associated with chemical constituents of drinking-water differ

from those associated with microbial contamination and arise primarily from the ability
of chemical constituents to cause adverse health effects after prolonged periods of
exposure. There are few chemical constituents of water that can lead to health problems
resulting from a single exposure, except through massive accidental contamination of a
drinking-water supply. Moreover, experience shows that in many, but not all, such
incidents, the water becomes undrinkable owing to unacceptable taste, odour and
appearance (WHO, 2008, 2014).

2.7.3. Radiological aspects:

The contribution of drinking-water to total exposure to radionuclide is very small

under normal circumstances. (WHO, 2008).While finding levels of activity above
screening values does not indicate any immediate risk to health, it should trigger
further investigation into determining the radionuclide responsible and the possible
risks, taking into account local circumstances (WHO, 2008, 2014).
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2.7.4. Acceptability aspects (Aesthetics aspects):

Water should be free of tastes and odors that would be objectionable to the
majority of consumers. In assessing the quality of drinking-water, consumers rely
principally upon their senses. Microbial, chemical and physical water constituents
may affect the appearance, odor or taste of the water and the consumer will evaluate
the quality and acceptability of the water on the basis of these criteria. Although these
substances may have no direct health effects, water that is highly turbid, is highly
colored or has an objectionable taste or odor may be regarded by consumers as unsafe
and may be rejected (WHO, 2008, 2014). Ramesh K, Elango et al 2012 stated that the
water samples were analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics. Quality of
groundwater determines its suitability for different purposes depending upon the
specific standards. Chemically, the water used for drinking should be soft, low in
dissolved salts and free from toxic constituents. The drinking water standards of
WHO (1996) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS 2003) was the basis for the
groundwater quality evaluation for drinking use. Srinivasamoorthy et al 2013 stated
that the hydrogeochemical investigation was conducted in a coastal region of karur
district to identify the influence of saltwater intrusion and suitability of groundwater
for domestic and agricultural purposes. As per the PI values, the groundwater of the
study area is moderate to good for irrigation purposes. According to the overall
assessment of the study area, water quality was found to be useful for drinking and
irrigation purposes, This study demonstrated the water quality assessment of the study
area, the concentration can be reduced by dilution with the construction of check
dams as a measure of managed aquifer recharge.
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The kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk are in south eastern India and located at
10.897°N 79.2726°E. The cauvery is the main tributaries of the study area. kulithalai
and krishnarayapuram taluk is an important village located at the center of karur
district in Tamil Nadu. cauvery are the river which flows through the study area. This
river dries up during summer season and water flows only for about nine months in
the year. Hence, people use both bore well water and river water for drinking,
agriculture and industries. So, bore well water is selected for analysis in the present
study. The study was carried out in kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk. Location
are Chinthalavadi, Mayanur, Panjapatti, Sivayam, Vayalur, Vadhiyam, Rajendram,
Marudur, R.T.Malai were collected. There is available physico-chemical analysis in
the area of study. There is rapid industrial progression and also meat market thrive in
this area for many years as the water is used as a waste disposal area for meat market.
Hence, due to the clay soil found on the upper surface, this study is conducted to see
whether any physico-chemical changes have occurred in the water which is used for
drinking. krishnarayapuram is a town panchayat and taluk of karur district,
Tamilnadu, India. As of 2001 India Census, krishnarayapuram had a population of
10792. In this taluk agriculture area is 96 km2 and mean annual rainfall is 349.1 mm.
laterite is the predominant soil type in this area and main occupation of the area is
agriculture. The groundwater level of the study area ranges from 2 m to 8 m bgl
(below ground level). The Reservoir is located in cauvery Basin across a tributary
stream of cauvery River (Figure 4). It receives Regulated Supply diverted from
cauvery River at mayanur Regulator and an additional catchment area of 190 (km)2 of
its own during North East Monsoon. The Reservoir was constructed during
1931-1933 and irrigates an anaycut of 19,200 Hectare. Paddy, banana and coconut are
the major crops grown in and around mayanur anaycut. The Reservoir was formed
with available earth at site which was not suitable for the formation of Reservoir such
formation with nonsuitable soil leads lot of problems such as slips etc., year by year
(Fig 3.1).
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Fig.3.1. Study area Map

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The source from where water is collected should be in regular use. Before
sampling, the source should be adequately flushed. For Hand pump sources, before
collecting the water, the water should be pumped and wasted for at least three to five
minutes to clear dirt, turbidity and slime. Water from wells should be taken in the
middle at mid depth. For lakes, rivers and dams, the water should be collected after
clearing the suspended and floating matter.

Water for chemical examination should be collected in a clean white 1000 ml

capacity leak proof pet bottle or polythene container. Before collection of sample, the
container should be washed/rinsed with the water to be sampled for at least two to
three times. The water should be then filled completely in the container without
leaving any air space. Place a polythene sheet(10 x 10 cm) over the cap and tie it with
a rubber band or twine thread to avoid any leak. Write the field coke number (sample
ID) on the container. The field code number and the source details should be
separately recorded in a notebook. The testing of sample should be completed within
12 hrs from the time of collection.


Using the measuring jar, measure 10ml water and pour it into the 100ml
polypropylene/titration cup. By observing the water in the cup, record qualitatively
the appearance, odour and turbidity. Using the pH paper, measure the pH.

4.2.1. Appearance

Record appearance as follow: Colorless & clear/ Brownish/ slightly brownish/

Greenish/ slightly greenish/ Blackish/ slightly blackish/ slightly whitish/ Turbid etc.

4.2.2. Determination of Odour

Record odour as follows: None/Soil smell/Algal smell/Objectionable odour /

Slightly objectionable odour / Rotten egg smell etc.
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4.2.3. Determination of Turbidity

Record turbidity as follows:

No turbidity / Slightly turbid / Moderately turbid / Highly turbid.

4.2.4 Determination of pH:

To measure the temperature dip the electrode in the standard solution. Set the
temperature as 300

4.2.5. Determination of Acidity

Measure pH and take200ml conical flask, measure 100 ml of water sample

and pour it into conical flask.Add 3 drops of phenolpthalein indicator. Titrate against
burette solution (0.02N sodium hydroxide). Titrate till the pink colour appears.


Total acidity in terms of CaCo3 = {Volume of burette reading x Normality of

NaOH (0.02N) x 50 x 1000} / Volume of sample

4.2.6. Determination of Alkalinity

Measure pH and take 200ml conical flask, measure 100 ml of water sample
and pour it into conical flask. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate
against burette solution (0.02 H2SO4) till pink colour disappear. Record the burette
volume (A) (ie) Alkalinity for phenolphthalein. Add 2 drops methyl orange indicator
in the sample. Continue the titration till reddish brown colour disappear. Record the
burette volume (B) ie, Alkalinity for methyl orange.


Total Alkalinity = {Volume of burette reading(C) x Normality of H2SO4 (0.02N ) x

50 x 1000} / Volume of sample

Alkalinity for phenolphthalein = {Volume of burette reading (A) x Normality of

H2SO4 (0.02N ) x 50 x 1000} / Volume of sample
Page 23 of

Alkalinity for methyl orange = {Volume of burette reading (B) x Normality of H2SO4
(0.02N) x 50 x 1000} / Volume of sample

4.2.7. Determination of Total Hardness

Take 50ml of sample in conical flask. Add 2ml Ammonia Buffer solution.
Add 3 drops Erichrome Black ‘T’ indicator (pink colour). Take EDTA solution in
Burette. Titrate till colour changes to blue.


Total Hardness = {Burette reading x 1000 } / Volume of sample

4.2.8 Determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The approximate value of TDS can be carried at by the following calculation:


Total dissolved solids of given samples = Average specific conductance x

0.65 x 1000

4.2.9. Determination of Fluoride

Take 10 ml of water sample in the 25 ml glass bottle. Add 2 drops of ‘F1’

liquid. Mix and add 5 ml of F2 then mix. Compare the color with “fluoride chart”
provided and record the fluoride value.

4.2.10. Determination of Specific conductivity

Immerse the electrode cell into potassium chloride standard (0.01N). Set the
ambient temperature 300 in instrument. Set the cell constant s 1.00. Set the range and
standardize to 1.409 if need. Immerse in the sample. Select appropriate range and
record reading.

4.2.11. Determination of Chloride

Take 50ml of sample in the conical flask. Add 3 drops potassium chromate (yellow
colour). Take silver nitrate AgNO3 solution in burette. Titrate till yellow colour
changes to reddish brown.
Page 24 of


Chloride concentration (mg/l) = {Burette reading x 1000} / Volume of sample

4.2.12. Determination of Nitrate

Take 100ml beakers and add 50ml distilled water. Add 2ml Con. Hcl for
blank. Take 50ml sample and add 2ml Con. Hcl. In spectrophotometer keep 3-4 filter
read at 220nm. Calculate the nitrate concentration by the absorbance value.

4.2.13. Determination of Phosphate

Take 100ml beakers and add 50ml distilled water. Add 2ml Con. Hcl for
blank. Take 50ml sample and add 2ml Con. Hcl. In spectrophotometer keep 3-4 filter
read at 220nm. Calculate the nitrate concentration by the absorbance value.

4.2.14. Determination of Sulphate

Take 50ml beakers and add 30ml distilled water. Add 10ml of sodium chloride
and 10ml of barium chloride for blank. And take 20ml of sample 10ml of sodium
chloride and 10ml of barium chloride for calibration. In spectrophotometer keep 3-4
filter read at 380-400Nm. Calculate the nitrate concentration by the absorbance value.

4.2.15. Determination of Residual Chlorine

Using the measuring cylinder, take 10 ml water sample in the 10 ml glass

bottle. Add 5 drops of RC liquid. Slightly shake the bottle. If there is no residual
chlorine, the color will not change. If residual chlorine is present, the color of water
will change into yellow color with the chlorine chart provided and record the residual
chlorine values.

4.2.16. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen

Take 300ml sample in BOD bottle and measure temperature. And 2ml MnSO 4
and 2ml alkaline iodide azide. Close and wait for 5 mins. Add 1ml of Con. H 2SO4.
Close and wait for 5 mins. Take 200ml from the solution in conical flask. Take 200ml
from the solution in conical flask. Take standard 0.025N sodium (blue colour ).
Continue titration till colourless.

4.2.17. Determination of Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Lithium, Magnesium

Page 25 of

On the gas and flame photometer. Setup the procedure for calibration. Start the
procedure by the display of the flame photometer as R. O. water and the samples. And
the values of sodium, calcium, potassium, and lithium values are displayed.

Magnesium value can be calculated by

(Ca/2 ) x 1.12
Page 26 of

Page 27 of




Water samples had been collected from Twenty One Number of bore wells
in different location of in kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk are tested. The results
obtained as compared with the Indian standards were established as follows .The table
shows the permissible limits, obtained values and the remarks based on the comparison
with standards. The table does not need any discussion, since the table itself a

Physical properties of groundwater are follows:

• Colour
• Electric Conductivity
• Odour
• PH
• Salinity
• Temperature
• Turbidity
• Density and compressibility
• Taste
• Viscosity

5.1. Colour

Colour of ground water is indicated by its chemistry and the presence of

impurities. Most underground waters are colorless. Hard waters are bluish, ferrous salts
and hydrogen sulphide colour, the water in greenish, blue, organic compounds make it
yellowish, while suspended mineral particles make it grayish.
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5.2. Electric Conductivity

Electrical conductivity of groundwater based on ionic concentration, types of

ions and temperature present in the water (Hem 1985). If the concentration of TDS
increases, conductivity also increases. Since the water is electrolyte solution there will
be Electric conductivity. Electric conductivity is directly proportional to the amount
of dissolve salts. The dissolved water does not conduct electric current. Sensitivities
of underground water range between 0.02 to 1.00m. Radioactivity of ground water is
the result of the presence of uranium, radium. The maximum, minimum and average
concentration of Electrical conductivity of the study Area are 1570 μs/cm, 500 μs/cm
and 918 μs/cm (Fig. 5.1).

5.3. Odour

Groundwater usually have no odour but sometimes it is detectable for example

the hydrogen sulphide imparts the small of rotten eggs to the water stagnant water in
some wood caused well often has an objectionable musty odour. Shallow ground water
will have “marsh” odour is often related to the bacterial decay of organically matter.

5.4. pH

Normally, pH (hydrogen ion) of the water sample depends on the relative contents of
CO3, HCO3 −, and Ca. The change is also controlled by the amount of free HCO3
and CO2. In this study the value is a measure of hydrogen ions present in water. In
this study the pH value for ground water varies within a wide range from 7.6 to 8.6.
The pH values were within the standards prescribed as 6.5–8.5 in WHO (2014)
standards for drinking water. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of
pH of the study Area are 8.6, 7.6 and 8.1 (Fig.5.2).
Page 29 of

5.5. Salinity

The salinity should never exceed 1000 mg/lit. The total salinity of water from 10
mg/lit to 600 mg/lit.

5.6. Temperature

When compare to surface water temperature the test for temperature of the
ground water remain constant throughout the year. The annual variation in ground
water temperature is the largest for tables near the ground surface and decreased with
the depth of ground water surfaces and decreases with the depth of ground water, being
about 1 c at depth of 10 to 20 meters. The temperature of 7 c to 11 c makes drinking
water the most tasty and refreshing. Temperature of about 35 c to 37 c.

Chemical properties of underground water are as follows:

• Hardness
• Chloride
• Total Dissolved Solids
• Sulphate
• Nitrate
• Phosphate
• Sodium
• Potassium
• Calcium
• Lithium
• Magnesium

Normally, the occurrence of Ca and Mg ions is referred to as hardness Water hardness
in most groundwater is naturally occuring from weathering of limestone, sedimentary
rocks and calcium bearing minearls. Hardness can also occur locally in groundwater
from chemical and mining industry effluent or exessive application of lime to the soil in
agricultural areas. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of total
hardness of the study Area are 430 mg/L, 120 mg/L and 254g/L (Fig.5.3)
Page 30 of

5.7.2. Total Dissolved Solids

Total Dissolved Solids is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and
organic substances present ina liquid in molecular, ionized or micro-granular
(colloidal sol) suspended form. As per WHO (2012) standards, the majority of the
samples were within allowable limit. The maximum, minimum and average
concentration of Total dissolved solids of the study Area are 1052 mg/L, 281 mg/L
and 552 mg/L (Fig. 5.4).

Sulphate is commonly found in air, soil and water. Since it is soluble( easily
dissolved) in water,sulphate is found at high concentration in many acquifers and in
the surface water. In this study, the SO4 concentrations are within the limit of WHO
(250 mg/l) standards. The higher values of sulfate may be from domestic waste,
untreated industrial water, and their effluents (Baruah et al. 2008; Krishna Kumar et
al. 2014). The maximum, minimum and average concentration of Sulphate of the
study Area are 159 mg/L, 19 mg/L and 74 mg/L (Fig. 5.5).

5.7.4. Calcium

Calcium dissolves out of almost all rocks and is, consequently, detected in many
waters. Waters associated with granite or siliceous sand will usually contain less than
10 mg of calcium per litre. Many waters from limestone areas may contain 30-100 mg
l-1 and those associated with gypsiferous shale may contain several hundred
milligrams per litre. Ca and Mg ions are important to human. Insufficient intakes of
Ca have been connected with increased causes of several diseases such as kidney
stones, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, and colorectal cancer (WHO 2009). The
maximum, minimum and average concentration of Calcium of the study Area are 96
mg/L, 18 mg/L and 46 mg/L (Fig.5.6). The Ca concentration is due to weathering
process from rocks and minerals (Brindha and Elango 2012).
Page 31 of

5.7.5. Chloride

Chloride anions are usually present in natural waters. A high concentration occurs in
waters that have been in contact with chloride-containing geological formations.
Otherwise, high chloride content may indicate pollution by sewage or industrial
wastes or by the intrusion of seawater or saline water into a freshwater body or
aquifer. A salty taste in water depends on the ions with which the chlorides are
associated. With sodium ions the taste is detectable at about 250 mg l-1 Cl, but with
calcium or magnesium the taste may be undetectable at 1,000 mg; As per WHO
(1993) standards, the acceptable limit of Cl− concentration is specified as 600 mg/l
and all the locations are within the limit. The maximum, minimum and average
concentration of chloride of the study Area are 135 mg/L, 28 mg/L and 83 mg/L

5.7.6. Magnesium
Magnesium (Mg) is the fourth major ion in the human body as well as most important
cation in groundwater. Water in contact with dolomite or magnesium-rich limestone
may contain 10-50 mg l-1 and several hundred milligrams per litre may be present in
water that has been in contact with deposits containing sulphates and chlorides of
magnesium. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of Magnesium of
the study Area are 48.6 mg/L, 17 mg/L and 34 mg/L (Fig.5.8). Common sources of
Mg were the dissolution of calcite, magnesium calcite, and dolomite from host rocks
(Vasanthavigar et al. 2010). Magnesium deficiency affects neurological,
neuromuscular function, resulting in anorexia, muscular weakness, lethargy and
unsteady gait (WHO 2009).

5.7.7. Nitrate
Nitrate the most highly oxidized form of nitrogen compounds, is commonly present in
surface and ground waters, because it is the end product of the aerobic decomposition
of organic nitrogenous matter. Significant sources of nitrate are chemical fertilizers
from cultivated land and drainage from livestock feedlots, as well as domestic and
some industrial waters. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of Nitrate
of the study Area are 50 mg/L, 1 mg/L and 14 mg/L (Fig.5.9)
Page 32 of

5.7.8. Potassium
Potassium ions are very abunduntly found .it is much more than sodium ions .it is
produced by weathering of igneous rocks as well as by the dissolution of potash salt
deposits. As per WHO (2012) standards, both seasons’ samples were within the
acceptable limit. In the case of potassium (K+).As per the WHO (1993) drinking
water standards K+ is specified as 25 mg/l. The maximum, minimum and average
concentration of Potassium of the study Area are 137 mg/L, 2 mg/L and 33 mg/L
(Fig.5.10). The major sources of potassium in groundwater include rainwater,
weathering of potash silicate group of minerals and application of potash fertilizer
(Singh et al. 2014). Potassium is an important element in humans; however higher
level of potassium could result in significant health effect in people with kidney
disease or other conditions.

5.7.9. Sodium

Sodium (Na+) is a most imperative nutrient, and sufficient levels of Na+ are needed
for fine health. However, higher level of Na+ affects human by way of convulsion,
hypertension, and vomiting (Elton et al. 1963). Sodium ions are abundant in ground
water especially in those contains in deep aquifer system of all the cationsthese are the
most abundant one. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of sodium of
the study Area are 150 mg/L, 23 mg/L and 84 mg/L (Fig.5.11).


Following standards for quality of drinking water supply are laid down. These are
primarily based either on U.S. Public health service standard or recommendation of
indian standard organization and are being followed in our country without mach
variations .
Page 33 of

Table.5.1. Indian Standard Drinking Water Specification

Indian standards

Limit of general acceptability Permissible limit

Appearance - -


pH 6.2 - 8.5 Min 6.5, Max 9.2

Turbidity (NTU) 5 10

Electric Conductivity (Mg/lit) - -

Hardness (Mg/lit) 300 600

Dissolved Oxygen (Mg/lit) 500 2000

Nitrite (Mg/lit) 45 100

Ammonia (Mg/lit) - -

Chloride (Mg/lit) 250 1000

Fluoride (Mg/lit) 1.5

Phosphate (Mg/lit) - -

Iron (Mg/lit) 0.3 1.0

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Page 35 of


This study focused on the assessment of groundwater quality and hydrogeochemical

characteristics of the kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk, eleven groundwater
samples were collected during post monsoon seasons and analyzed various
hydrogeochemical parameters. From the analytical measurements, the level of pH is
moderately alkaline in nature; EC 100% samples showed values permissible limit of
WHO standards. TDS classification shows 100% of the samples are fresh water. As
per WHO drinking water standards, water from few sampling locations are apt for
drinking, irrigation and domestic. Based on Cl, water was classified as brackish to
freshwater type. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of Electrical
conductivity is 1570 μs/cm, 500 μs/cm and 918 μs/cm. The maximum, minimum and
average concentration of pH of the study Area is 8.6, 7.6 and 8.1. The maximum,
minimum and average concentration of total hardness is 430 mg/L, 120 mg/L and
254g/L. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of Total dissolved solids
of the study Area are 1052 mg/L, 281 mg/L and 552 mg/L. The maximum, minimum
and average concentration of Sulphate is 159 mg/L, 19 mg/L and 74 mg/L. The
maximum, minimum and average concentration of Calcium is 96 mg/L, 18 mg/L and
6 mg/L. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of chloride is 135 mg/L,
28 mg/L and 83 mg/L. The maximum, minimum and average concentration of
Magnesium is 48.6 mg/L, 17 mg/L and 34 mg/L. The maximum, minimum and
average concentration of Nitrate is 50 mg/L, 1 mg/L and 14 mg/L. The maximum,
minimum and average concentration of Potassium is 137 mg/L, 2 mg/L and 33 mg/L.
The maximum, minimum and average concentration of sodium is 150 mg/L, 23 mg/L
and 84 mg/L. The overview of these studies suggested that groundwater quality of the
kulithalai and krishnarayapuram taluk is at an alarming stage for contamination,
particularly in few places, representing that there is a necessity to take instant actions
for water quality and resources management. Hence, continuous monitoring is needed
for further degradation of the groundwater quality of this region.
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