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Short Summary on ‹‹Differentiating the Higher Education System of Ethiopia –

Study Report››


This 140pages document was prepared by a study group commissioned by Ministry of Science
and Higher Education to give proper recommendation on differentiation of Ethiopian Higher
Education system. As a methodology, the group has reviewed different related documents; it has
physically visited and looked into international experiences; it has organized consultative
workshops and deskreviews; and it has analyzed the current performance of universities of the

The report document shows that the major challenges of higher education sector in Ethiopia are
duplication of disciplines, poor quality of teaching and research, limited program choices, lack of
innovative sprit, and hence production of insufficient skilled manpower. For these practical
reasons, it makes differentiating the higher education system as timely and essential undertaking.

The study analyzed data using “U-Multi-rank Model” that presents different performance
indicators for proper differentiation of higher education institutions. Some of the indicators of the
model are changed by other related indicators to fit the country’s situation. Recommendation of
the study report shows that the public universities shall be categorized into ‹‹Research
University››, ‹‹University of Applied Sciences›› and ‹‹Comprehensive Universities››.

Universities classified under ‹‹Research Universities›› have missions to mainly engage on

research and post graduate teaching. At least 50% of their staff needs to be Ph.D. with annual
publication in reputable journals. The report, based on the analysis, recommends that Bahir Dar,
Jimma, Gondar, Haramaya, Addis Ababa, Hawassa, Mekelle and Arba Minch universities are
categorized as ‹‹Research Universities››.

In the second classification, ‹‹Universities of Applied Sciences››, fifteen universities are listed
namely Ambo, Aksum, Arsi, Asossa, Debre Berhan, Debre Markos, Dilla, Dire Dawa, Jigjiga,
Kotebe Metropolitan, Samara, Wolaita, Wolkite, Wollega and Wollo University. They shall
mainly focus on applied teaching majorly on the undergraduate studies. Academic programs that
universities under this category give major concern are programs that are practical in nature and
demanded by the industry. And, in this category, at least five percent of the academic staff needs
to have an industry experience.

Universities classified under ‹‹Comprehensive Universities›› category are Adigrat, Bonga, Bule
Hora, Borena, Debark, Debre Tabor, Dembi Dollo, Gambella, Injibara, Jinka, Kebri Daha,
Mekidela Amba, Madda Walabu, Metu, Mizan-Tepi, Oda Bultum, Raya, Selale, Wachemo,
Worabe and Woldiya University. They are expected to engage both in teaching and research in a
balanced manner.

This study report has already entered into implementation as all universities are ordered to
redraft their missions, visions and strategic directions according to their category of
differentiation. The document puts, for proper implementation of the differentiation, that there
should be a clear policy support and public awareness. Working for ensuring academic freedom,
institutional autonomy and accountability, and adapting contextual factors like geography and
socio-demographic factors are also recommended as important ingredients for the success of the
differentiation process.

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