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A six column table for JKL Company follows The first two

A six column table for JKL Company follows The first two

A six-column table for JKL Company follows. The first two columns contain the unadjusted
trial balance for the company as of July 31, 2017. The last two columns contain the adjusted
trial balance as of the same date.
1. Analyze the differences between the unadjusted and adjusted trial balances to determine the
eight adjustments that likely were made. Show the results of your analysis by inserting these
adjustment amounts in the table's two middle columns. Label each adjustment with a letter a
through h and provide a short description of each.
2. Use the information in the adjusted trial balance to prepare the company's (a) income
statement and its statement of owner's equity for the year ended July 31, 2017 [Note: J. Logan,
Capital at July 31, 2016, was $40,000, and the current-year withdrawals were $5,000], and (b)
the balance sheet as of July 31, 2017.

A six column table for JKL Company follows The first two

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