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Dear Ali,

Hi, how are you? I have seen your letter and I’m very sorry to hear that you are
facing a problem . I hope you don’t mind if I give some advice.
Let me begin with a really easy and effective way to protect yourself against
COVID-19 if you want to go out to public places. It is important to go out to do
necessary things only. Also, make sure that you wear a mask and carry a hand
sanitizer with you all the time and remember to use it after you touch
Secondly, since it’s difficult to avoid people in public places , I’m sure if you
follow my suggestions you’re going to be safe. Always keep a social distance of
about two meters and keep away from crowded places because there is a very
high risk of getting infected by COVID-19 in such places.
Thirdly, I highly advice you to avoid big family gatherings and be in touch with
family members through social media applications such as WhatsApp video
calls. This way you can be sure that everyone is safe from infection and at the
same time keeping your social ties with other family members.
Finally, always find a way to be happy and safe at the same time, so don’t feel
depressed because everything is going to be fine and COVID-19 will end soon .
Don’t forget to write back soon.
Nooh Mohammed

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