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Essential English

A) Sistemul grammatical al substantivului.

1. Numărul substantivelor. Substantivele numărabile și nenumărabile

Tabel nr. 1

Tabel nr. 2: Pluralul substantivelor străine

Tabel nr. 3: Substantive de origine greacă/latină care își păstrează forma la plural
În general, regula păstrării pluralului etimologic (ca în limba de origine) se aplică
substantivelor din limbajul ştiinţific cu următoarele terminaţii:

Tabel nr. 4: Categorii de substantive folosite cu genitivul sintetic

Tabel nr. 5: Categorii de substantive care nu folosese genitivul sintetic

Table nr. 6: Determinanţii folosiţi cu substantive numărablle şi nenumărabile

I. Determinanţi (numerici, definiţi şi nedefiniţi, generici, demonstrativi)
a. Pentru singular (a/an, one, each, every, the, this, that, no, the first)
b. Pentru plural (no article, the, all (the), two, one hundred, these, those,
several, no, few(er), a few, many, more, most, lots of, a lot of)
II. Determinanți cantitativi pentru singular și plural (no article, much, little, more,
some, any, a lot of)
Grammar practice for upper intermediate students with key

Word formation

For the formation of the negative meaning:

Prefixes with other meanings:

1. Co-star
2. Over-calculated (miscalculated)
3. Over-exposure
4. Inseparable, undergraduates
5. Disrespectful
91 Forming adjectives: suffixes
We often form adjectives from verbs and nouns with these suffixes:

1. Guilty
2. Courageous
3. Imaginative
4. True (truthful)
5. National
1. Regional
2. Weekly
3. Professional
4. Homeless
5. Important
6. Famous
7. Independent
8. Political
92 Forming nouns: suffixes
We form nouns from adjectives:

We form nouns from verbs:

We add suffixes to some nouns to change their meaning:

1. Ability
2. Discovery
3. Invention
4. Developments
5. Civilization
6. Communication
7. Information
8. Destruction
9. Pollution
10. Scientists
11. Politicians
12. Solution

93 -ing and -ed adjectives

These adjectives often mean ‘the thing/person that is…’: a crying baby = a child that is


1. Embarrassing
2. Dried
3. Continuing
4. Changing
5. Stolen
6. Parked
7. Broken
8. Loving

94 Compound adjectives
We can form compound adjectives in a number of ways:

 Adj/adv + past participle (a badly-dressed woman)

 Adj/adv + -ing form (a best-selling novel)
 Adj + noun (a fast-food restaurant)
 Noun + adj (duty-free goods)

1. Hard-working, easy-going
2. Level-headed
3. Middle-aged, well-built
4. Handmade
5. Left-handed
6. Worldwide
1. Blue-eyed
2. Best-selling
3. Fast-moving
4. Modern-days (day)
5. Old-fashioned
6. Air-conditioned
7. Brand-new
8. High-rise

95 Compound nouns

 Noun + noun (a car park)

 Noun + -ing form (air conditioning)
 -ing form + noun (a dining room)
 Other combinations of words: mother-in-law, feedback, makeup
1. Air conditioning
2. Job-sharing
3. Software
4. Feedback
5. Burglar alarm
1. Painkiller
2. Traffic light
3. Computer game
4. Food poisoning
5. Opening hours

Check 17 word formation

1. Ability
2. Organization
3. Surprised
4. Competition (competitor)
5. Unable
6. Unefficient (effective)
7. Disappointing
8. Solution
9. Acting (action)
10. Important
11. Unemployment
12. Misunderstood
13. Reunited
14. Frozen
15. Incompetent
16. Series
17. Running
18. Row
19. Power
20. Thinking
Limba engleză - exerciții pentru admiterea în învățământul superior

1. Londoner

2. Developer
Upheaval (a violent or sudden change or disruption to something)
Housing (locuință)
Enlightenment (iluminare)

3. Cruelty
Dullity (dullness)
Meanity (meanness)
Fixness (fixity)
4. The undersecretary didn’t make any declaration.
The ex-president didn’t give any interview lately.
The predecessor of the marathon runners is the Greek who brought the news of the
victory against the Persians. Why didn’t you dress up your overalls? Don’t forget
there are also non-smokers amongst us. Name and surname, please. His dislike of
animals seems to me rather unusual. Such a project doesn’t allow any imprecision.
It can be found at any big department store. I would like to read „The winter of our
discontentment” by J. Steinbeck. Indeed the antibiotics have saved him. The topic
of his PhD thesis is the antimatter.

5. An unpleasant feeling of boredom caught the listeners. „My kingdom for a horse”.
His wisdom amazed us. According to some people, childhood isn’t the happiest
life period. They became the victims of his carelessness. His kindness is
impressing. The „seascape” he painted is more valuable than „Cityscape”. Note
the length and the width of the basin as well as the depth of the water. He didn’t
stand the failure, loneliness, widowhood, …, persecution not even in mind.
Alarmed by the increasing unemployment, the syndical leaders asked for the
government to take measures in order to put an end to it.

6. Earthquake
Washing machine
Drinking water
Night flight
City planning
Camouflage ??
Foot passenger

a. Advertisement, cable??, mathematics, laboratory, gymnasium, champion,
movie??, veterinary, fan, prefabrication, telephone, autobus, zoological garden,
bicycle, flu
b. British Broadcasting Company, Tuberculosis, L.P.; United Nations; Federal
Bureau of Investigation, television; The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization; Very important person, high-fidelity, General

8. The postal office was already closed when I arrived there. My son-in-law is one
passionate of the crosswords. For such a role you need a special make-up. Nothing
is more beautiful than the rainbow after more rainy days. We have recently moved
in a block with central heating. We are meeting at the station at 8 o’clock. I’m a
high-school student and my sister studies plastic arts. Are you sure you let your
bag in the wardrobe? Please clean the silverware by the weekend.

9. Give the rope another twist, please. Having the teacher had already walked into
the classroom, he just gave an apologetic laugh and sat in his bank. He has taken a
step to the right and then a step to the left. Let’s have a walk at the lakes! Give me
a ring if something steps in. Give the spoon a good rub, please. They had a fight
for the red ball. I’m not that busy today, I just have to make a short visit at ten
o’clock. He gave a nod when he passed by me.

10. A half has two quarters. Run to the car and bring the cigarettes. The defendants
left the room without telling a word. They used their savings to buy some beautiful
furniture. The children were walking two by two. He exposed all the pros and cons
of this idea. The surroundings were so delightful that the price didn’t matter
anymore. The commodities were delivered in time. The discussion always starts
from the ancients. Such a paint worth a fortune. You can’t always avoid the
unpleasant aspects of life. We should defense the poor and the sick.
11. –

a. Cuffs, beliefs, chiefs, cliffs (stâncă), safes (seif), gulfs (golf), proofs, roofs
b. Halves, wolves, leaves, calves, shelves, selves, thieves, loaves (bucată),
wives, knives
c. Scarfs/scarves, dwarfs/dwarves, handkerchiefs/handkerchieves

b. potatoes, radios, heroes, cargos/cargoes, echoes, tangos, buffaloes, Negroes,
14. –
15. Englishmen, Spaniards, Chinese (people), Frenchmen, Poles, Swedes,
Norwegians, Germans, Dutchmen, Italians, Romanians, Russians, Greeks,
Australians, Japanese (people), Danes, Finns, Irishmen, Scots, Pakistanis.

16. –

17. –

1. Spoonfuls
2. Editors-in-chief
3. Sisters-in-law
4. Forget-me-nots
5. Man-servants
6. Theater-goers
7. Passersby

19. Class, jury, audience, assembly, party, herd (cireadă), gang, board, crowd

23. 1. are
2. are
3. are
4. is
5. eat
6. is
7. show
8. is (are)
9. is
10. are
11. Are
12. Is
13. Was
14. Are
15. Live
16. Were
17. Are
18. Is
19. Are
20. Have
21. Include
22. Are
23. Were
24. Is
27. The news I have received by now can’t be trusted / Every news on the astronaut’s
activity is waited with emotion.
The luggage has been done and undone for three hours continuously / if all the
passengers have only one piece of luggage, the customs wouldn’t last that much.
We have to publish all the information needed for the candidates / every piece of
information is important.
It doesn’t compare to our piece of furniture. / the furniture before war isn’t high-

29. 1. I love the fine sand at Mamaia / fine music was heard from the beach.
2. The content of those letters has remained a mystery. / Why don’t you consult
the contents at the end of the book?
3. It’s impossible to understand his handwriting / Byron’s writings have been
issued in thousands of copies
4. The waters of the Mediterranean are highly polluted / How about a cure of
waters at Herculane?
5. I’ll see you in three quarters of hour / nobody knew where the headquarters was.
6. He is doubtlessly an outstanding man of letters. / How many letters have you
got from Helen?
7. These are the negative effects of thrillers. / He was obliged to deposit all
personal effects at the entrance.
8. Let’s have a game of draughts. / You’re going to catch cold if you stand in the

1. Did you know the prize was conquered by Romanians again?
2. She’s the most modern poetess of ours.
3. My sister played the role of the princess.
4. The ambassadress made a speech.
5. She was a very eccentric old woman.
6. I don’t think the widow from the ground floor is at home.
7. The lioness you saw at the circus was brought from Africa.
8. Did the milkmaid come today?
9. It’s nice when you’re served by such polite saleswomen.
10. Are all brides beautiful?

43. a. baker’s
b. tabacconist’s
c. butcher’s
d. chemist’s
e. stationary’s
f. draper’s
g. cleaner’s
h. tailor’s
i. shoemaker’s
j. aunt’s

49. Deer can be harmful. When the public complain, you have to take into consideration
their opinion. His mathematics are very poor. The staff condemned him unanimously.
The Smiths are not upstart. United States has a big surface of productive ground. Dinamo
remained on the second place. Romania’s team is leading and it’s almost sure that they’ll
take the golden medal. When was the still mill in Resita built? We are on the list but we
have to wait for six months. A Romanian effectuated the first vertical flight ever. Women
candidates aren’t supposed to take an oral examination. Are you going to your uncle’s
tonight? It can be found at any jewelry store. And now the main news. Daisy’s living
room, looking like a doll room, is full of the smoke of the cigarettes smoked yesterday.
He continued to walk until he arrived at the shop Selfridge. Money doesn’t bring
happiness. Hoe many fish did you catch yesterday? He has a man head. Many teenagers
offered to help us with the digging. Over a hundred years there will be infinite more data
regarding the vertical take-off.
1. I’ve been told that a special announcement was made on the radio this morning.
2. Doctor Taylor works in a hospital in London, near the Old Vic Theatre.
3. He enjoys life but he hasn’t had an exciting life.
4. \Ve all admire order and discipline and we hate chaos and untidiness.
5. What will you do for lime and cement ?
6. You should stay indoors in wet weather.
7 . It has always been mankind’s dream to explore space.
8. The United Nations seeks to fasten unity among states and to transcend barriers of
politics, nat.ion, race and culture.
9. Beans, no matter how you cook them, taste like beans.
10. The lion is a species of cat.
11. What time is it? (Do you have the time?).
12. She is interested in the study of nature, but she does not leave out human nature.
13. Poets should sing of the dignity of man.
14. Is he a good teacher?
15. They travelled by day night.
16. A lynx is larger than a cat.
17. I pronounce you man and wife.
18. The river has been venerated by poets, peasants and musicians by poet, peasant
and musician.
19. Winter comes after autumn.

20. She is in bad health.

21. Pollution in the last 40 years has created more damage to the marble monuments in
the Acropolis hill than in the past four centuries.
22. I wish I had a top quality Baba.
23. The Communist prisoners were driven from prison to prison to prevent their getting
24. On his way home, Mr. X, chairman of the recent meeting of the apiarists, which took
place at Suceava, in Northern Moldavia, will take a brief stopover at Otopeni
International Airport.

18: 1. Last night there was a premiere performance of a new opera by Ion
Dumitrescu. 2. Rules are not made to be broken.
3. The very best of luck to you!
4. Wheat is ground to flour.
5. He was asked to act as interpreter.
6. We must inspire youth with a sense of duty.
7. Don’t give a word for word translation of the text.
8. Creangä was born in the village of Humulesti.
9. They gave a cocktail party at the Athénée Palace restaurant.
10. I live close to Grozävesti Bridge.
11. Don’t write in pencil, write in ink.
12. We consider him to be a good sportsman.
13. Please come in one at a time.
14. I wou1dn’t like to bring her face to face with him.
15. lt is not on Broadway that you see the most interesting shows.
16. The trade of a potter is not something of a rarity in Romania.
17. Tirgoviate, a town renowned for its historical monu- ments, will in the near future
become a powerful industrial centre.
18. I’m not in a position to tell you whether thèse methods have been introduced on a
large scale or not.
19. As a rule people are told to visit the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly
Circus and the Tate (Gallery).
20. He will encourage the young specialists if he is appointed manager.

1. I’ll tell you some other time ; now I’m in a hurry.
2. You ought to work much and bring your experiments to an end.
3. I can’t come over to your place because l’ve got a terrible headache.
4. I’m sorry but you made a fool of yourself.
5. A short time ago I saw her brother, too.
6. Why is he making such a fuss about his success ?
7. Tom would love to have a ride on your bicycle.
S. It is high time you put an end to this ridiculous situation.
9. Sorry but I’m not in a position to tell you.

1. I can hardly believe this Gloth costs £ 3 a meter.
2. Dan practised the violin 6 hours a day.
3. We meet once a week at the Oituz Pass Inn.
4. I w ant half a rlozen needles.
5. This line should be said in a loud, confident voice.
6.what a strange creature !
7. His inability to speak foreign languages puts him at a disadvant .
8. This was a real surprise!
9. Needles are a penny a dozen.
10. Leave him alone. He is in a bad temper.
11. They are not going to give us the dictionary in exchange for the picture books.
12. Flat 3 is on the ground floor.
13. The train came in on time.
14. The noun “rickets” takes a verb in the singular.
15. He couldn't find the word he needed to voice his dissatisfaction.

Ipu gathers up the weapons, takes them to their hiding place, shuts the lid and covers
everything with earth and grass; then he takes me by the hand and we start towards the
yellowish watercourse and the nearer we get the more attentive we are. We look where
the wind blows from and where the sun is and where the water is.

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