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M a n u a l on the

B uilding o f
Crystal H. Newton, Editor

A S T M M a n u a l Series: M N L 19
ASTM P u b l i c a t i o n C o d e N u m b e r (PCN)

1916 Race Street 9 Philadelphia, PA 19103

Library of Congress Catalogin4~-in-Publication Data

Manual on the building of materials databases / Crystal H. Newton,

(ASTM manual series ; MNL 19)
"ASTM Publication Code Number (PCN) 28-019093-63."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8031-2052-4
i. Materials--Data bases. I. Newton, Crystal H. If. Series.
TA404.25.M36 1993
025.06'62011--dc20 93-36460

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Printed in Ann Arbor, MI

Nov. 1993

THIS MANUALWAS prepared to address a need perceived by ASTM Committee E-49 on

Computerization of Material and Chemical Property Data for guidance in using stan-
dards for assistance in developing material property databases, but is not to be con-
sidered a standard. This manual, and the standards it discusses, often cannot provide
final answers as these are dependent on the database application. What this manual
does provide is guidance to help database design teams address the questions for par-
ticular materials database applications. In addition, the manual may serve as a focal
point for the developing technology and standardization in the material property da-
tabase community.
This publication was sponsored by ASTM Committee E-49. Several members of
ASTM Committee E-49 contributed to the development of the manual concept and
outline; the efforts of John R. Rumble, Jr., Bert J. Moniz, Keith W. Reynard, and Jack
H. Westbrook are acknowledged. The reviewers, who played an essential role in the
development of the manual, also deserve recognition.

Crystal H. Newton


Overview vii

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Building of Materials Databases--


Chapter 2: Program Infrastructure--EDWiN F. BEGLEY 13

Chapter 3: Types of Materials Databases--JOHN R. RUMBLE,JR. 27

Chapter 4: Nomenclature and Current Standards for Identification

of Engineering MaterialS--BERT MONIZ 34

Chapter 5: Nomenclature and Current Standards for Recording of

Test Results and PropertieS--MARILYN W. WARDLE 45

Chapter 6: Data Evaluation, Validation, and Quality--


Chapter 7: Management and Operation of Database Building and

Distribution Functions--J. G. KAUFMAN 68

Chapter 8: Data Transfer--PHILIP SARGENT 75

Chapter 9: Building a Model Database: EXPRESS Example--


Index 105

THIS MANUALFOCUSESon the building of material property databases and the standards
that are available to assist in the process. The building of databases has been discussed
in general terms in many references. What is important to consider here are the steps
in the database building process that are different for material property databases.
What are the key decision points? Where can you find resources for help at those key
decision points? Most importantly, how can standards help with the process of build-
ing a materials database? This manual, and the standards it discusses, often cannot
provide final answers as these are dependent on the database application. What this
manual does provide is guidance to help database design teams address the questions
for particular materials database applications.
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the development of material property data-
bases. The value of material property databases is discussed. Key concepts that are
used throughout the manual are introduced. The standards organizations involved in
materials property databases are discussed. This manual focuses on the use of stan-
dards developed by or in cooperation with ASTM Committee E-49 on the Computer-
ization of Material and Chemical Property Data. ASTM Committee E-49 is at the fore-
front in developing standards in this area. The final section of this chapter introduces
the steps involved in the design of a materials property database. The steps highlight
the use of the ASTM E-49 standards and the other chapters in the manual.
Chapter 2 discusses the functions of the personnel involved in building a database
and considerations regarding the system architecture particularly applicable to mate-
rials databases. Chapter 3 addresses the different types of material property data and
database applications, which influence the system architecture. The data dictionary
can be developed with the help of ASTM standard guides. ASTM Committee E-49 has
divided materials data into two areas: the identification of the material and the re-
cording of test results. Chapter 4 discusses the nomenclature and standards for iden-
tification of engineering materials, and Chapter 5 discusses nomenclature and stan-
dards for recording test results and material properties.
Chapter 6 contains information on evaluating data and database quality. Again, de-
pending on the type of data, the application area, and the use of the database, data
quality may be indicated as part of each record in the database, once for each record,
or as a general indicator of the quality of an entire database. Chapter 7 discusses the
operation and maintenance of databases for computers ranging from PCs to main-
frames. Chapter 8 considers the transfer of data between databases. The last chapter,
Chapter 9, includes example data records from a composite material database, devel-
oped with the assistance of the ASTM E-49 standards.

Crystal H. Newton, Editor

Materials Sciences Corporation
Fort Washington, PA 19034

MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Introduction to the Building 1

of Materials Databases
Crystal H. N e w t o n I

FOCUS The Value o f Materials Databases

The value of materials databases is considerable but, un-
This chapter provides an introduction to the development fortunately, difficult to quantify. The financial benefit of easy
of material property databases. The value of material prop- access to high-quality data during the design process is an
erty databases is discussed. Key concepts that are used intangible figure, difficult to sell to managers who have to
throughout the manual are introduced. The standards or- make a decision based on the bottom line. One difficulty is
ganizations involved in materials property databases are dis- to isolate the contribution of good data readily available to
cussed. This manual focuses on the use of standards devel- a project or, conversely, the cost of having poor data. The
oped by or in cooperation with ASTM Committee E-49 on cost of developing a new material from concept through cer-
the Computerization of Material and Chemical Property tification can be quite high. Intuitively, if the steps involved
Data. ASTM Committee E-49 is at the forefront in develop- in documenting the properties of the new material do not
ing standards in this area. The final section of this chapter need to be repeated, the benefits of accessibility to the orig-
introduces the steps involved in the design of a materials inal data can be substantial. Structured lists of benefits used
property database. The steps highlight the use of the ASTM in order to provide a basis for the demonstration of the ec-
E-49 standards and the other chapters in the manual. onomic consequences of the use of materials databases have
been developed [1,2]. Various socioeconomic barriers to the
development of material property databases have been dis-
VALUE OF MATERIAL P R O P E R T Y cussed [3]. Of particular note is the separation of database
DATABASES features from the associated benefits as shown in Table 1.1.
To be useful to a wide range of users, materials informa-
What is a Database? tion in a database should contain all the information nec-
essary to regenerate the data. It is difficult to establish the
The term database is commonly used in two ways: Tradi- benefits of a materials database, in part, because it is not
tionally, the word database has been used to describe any simply only making the data currently available on paper in
collection of information. More recently the term is used to a user-friendly computerized form. What is extremely im-
describe a computerized collection of related information portant in the development of a database, is ensuring that
which can be used without knowing the details of the storage the metadata, the documentation that identifies the material,
structure, namely, a computerized database. The latter def- the test method, and pertinent variables, are included in ad-
inition will be used in this manual without requiring the use dition to the material properties data.
of the modifying word, computerized. Note that the more This manual concentrates on the ways that standards, par-
traditional definition is still used by many engineers and ticularly the standard guides developed at ASTM, can be
scientists. used to develop effective materials properties databases. The
Databases can be compared to two other computerized guides provide recommendations for the metadata that need
collections of information, the spreadsheet and the expert to be included in the planning of the database structure. In
system. A spreadsheet may contain data, but the structure of addition, information regarding types of data, the evaluation
the data storage, for example, cell location, must be known of the data, operation of the database, and planning for the
to access the data. An expert system is predominantly a col- exchange of data between databases is included.
lection of rules while a database is predominantly a collec-
tion of facts or properties. There is not a completely clear
distinction between the two since some manipulation of data KEY C O N C E P T S
by rules is often implemented in materials databases, and an
expert system often contains data (facts). Important to any discussion is a clear understanding of
the concepts involved. Several concepts are important in the
1Project engineer, Materials Sciences Corporation, 500 Office Cen- development of materials databases. Some of these concepts
ter Drive, Suite 250, Fort Washington, PA 19034. are defined in the ASTM guides discussed in subsequent

Copyright*1993 by ASTM International


TABLE 1.l--Functions, features, and benefits of material databases as developed by CODATA(part shown for illustration only) [1].
Feature Benefit


2.1.1 Database provides comprehensive coverage and the immediate Access to a wide range of data, more quickly, and at costs
availability of the full range of data to an unlimited number of more widely shared than by other means.
users. If the database did not exist, the data would be dis-
persed in the literature and would only be accessible with
2.1.2 Assuming that the database is maintained by a team active in Access to data requiring little if any work to establish its
the scientific field represented by the data, the database will be quality.
qualitatively and quantitatively reliable. The need for checking,
verification, and comparison by the user is minimized.
2.1.3 A database is a coherent source of reference and a working ex- Optimization of test programs, requiting fewer tests, less
ample for anyone setting up a new database (or an extension) screening, and less effort on data comparison.
based upon test programs. So test programs can be more ra-
tionally and economically defined on the basis of awareness of
existing data.
2.1.4 A database organizes a mass of data. Search locations are minimized.
2.1.5 Data are collected in one location. Search time for relevant data is minimized.
2.1.6 Commentaries on the data can be included. Reliability indications and cautions can be obtained.
2.1.7 Databases can easily be updated. The consequences of errors and inadequacies of out-of-
date data may be avoided.
2.1.8 When databases are organized and structured to acceptable The task and costs of providing quality data may be
standards, different databases may be interfaced to exchange shared.
2.1.9 Databases facilitate fast retrieval and comparison of data. Saving of time in engineering applications of data.
(... and so forth) (... and so forth)

chapters. Discussion of these concepts a n d highlights of their a d e p e n d e n t variable based o n other parameters, the yield
i m p o r t a n c e are included here for reference d u r i n g use of the strength should be treated as experimental data.
manual. The decision of what i n f o r m a t i o n can be treated as me-
tadata will affect the grouping of the i n f o r m a t i o n i n the da-
tabase. A database m a y be organized so that the material
Data Terminology
identification a n d test m e t h o d i n f o r m a t i o n are i n c l u d e d once
Data a n d Metadata while the experimental results are repeated for each speci-
I n the materials fields, i n f o r m a t i o n is often divided into men. Some of the guides for recording test data discussed in
(1) data that represent properties, experimental measure- Chapter 4 p o i n t out sets of fields which might be repeated.
ments, a n d so on, a n d (2) metadata. CODATA has developed This again is a decision for the database design team. The
the following definition for data [4]: relative a m o u n t s of m e t a d a t a a n d experimental i n f o r m a t i o n
should be considered. A decision then needs to be m a d e
Data--The set of scientific or technical data measure- based on the trade-off of the storage space saved by repeat-
ments, observations, or facts that can be represented ing groups of fields balanced against the increased complex-
by numbers, tables, graphs, models, text, or symbols ity of the database p r o g r a m m i n g .
and which are used as a basis for reasoning or calcu-
lation. (Sometimes called information bits or databits). Schema
Note "data" is a plural form; "datum" is the singular.
Schemas are views of the database architecture. F o u r dif-
ferent schemas are c o m m o n l y considered [5]:
ASTM Committee E-49 defines m e t a d a t a in accordance with
ASTM Terminology Relating to Building a n d Accessing Ma- 1. The physical schema views the data as the bytes stored in
terials a n d Chemical Databases (E 1443): blocks o n disks a n d possibly tapes.
2. The i n t e r n a l schema is the view of the data as logical files.
3. The conceptual schema is the global view of the data in
Metadata--Information that describes other data. Me-
tadata are used to identify, define, and describe the the database, stored in the data dictionary by most sys-
characteristics of data. tems as a list of files, records, fields, relationships, a n d
The division between properties a n d experimental meas- 4. The external schema is the view the user has of the data.
u r e m e n t s a n d m e t a d a t a depends o n the application area a n d There m a y be several different external schemas for the
the purpose of the database. As a n example, consider yield same database.
strength for cast iron. The yield strength is often considered The discussions in this m a n u a l refer primarily to the con-
as part of the material identification a n d m a y be considered ceptual schema. The physical schema depends on the data-
as metadata. It is, however, a n experimental m e a s u r e m e n t . base m a n a g e m e n t system being used a n d is b e y o n d the
For applications where a n u m b e r of m e a s u r e m e n t s of the scope of this m a n u a l . The internal schema is often consid-
yield strength are made or yield strength is considered to be ered to be the same as the conceptual schema, such as in

the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. plicitly requires that all data to fill the essential fields m u s t
One or more external s c h e m a s should be developed by the be recorded.
designer based o n the users' needs. Particularly, if the users The fields that should be considered essential for a data-
c a n be divided into groups based o n needs, a n external base for a given f u n c t i o n a n d application area need to be
schema for each group of users should be considered. d e t e r m i n e d by the database design team. The ASTM stan-
dard guides provide guidance b u t not r e q u i r e m e n t s in this
Data Dictionary area. The c o n n o t a t i o n of essential fields m a y vary from guide
The data dictionary stores the conceptual schema, defini- to guide. For example, c o m p a r e the data recording guides
tion of data elements, a n d additional i n f o r m a t i o n o n the for metals a n d composites. The composites d o c u m e n t iden-
database. tifies m a n y more fields as essential when c o m p a r e d to the
metals document. The effects of testing m e t h o d a n d material
Recording Format parameters are n o t fully u n d e r s t o o d for composite materials;
The ASTM E-49 guides provide assistance in the develop- consequently, m a n y variables need to be d o c u m e n t e d to
m e n t of s t a n d a r d recording formats. These formats include m a i n t a i n the usefulness of the data w h e n these effects are
essential a n d r e c o m m e n d e d fields, category sets, value sets, determined.
a n d units for specific purposes. I n developing a database, the interpretation of "essential"
depends o n the type of material, the i n d u s t r y involved, a n d
Data Element the database application. One c o n s i d e r a t i o n is how m u c h
ASTM Guide for the Development of S t a n d a r d Data data is i n t e n d e d to be covered by the database being de-
Records for C o m p u t e r i z a t i o n of Material Property Data signed. If certain fields should be considered essential for
(E 1313) provides the following definition: 90% of the data with additional fields necessary for the re-
m a i n i n g 10%, a database design team should consider which
Data element--An individual piece of information used type of data are needed for the particular database applica-
to describe a material or to record test results, for ex- tion the team is addressing.
ample, a variable name, test parameter, etc., synony-
mous with data item. Value Sets and Category Sets
Field Most of the guides for material identification a n d record-
ing test results include value sets a n d category sets. ASTM
A field is the f u n d a m e n t a l location for storing a data ele-
E-49 defines these two terms as [4]:
ment, defined in ASTM E 1443 as'.

Value set--An open listing of representative acceptable

Field--An elementary unit of a record that may contain
strings that could be included in a particular field of a
a data item, a data aggregate, a pointer, or a link.
record. Discussion: a closed listing of such a string is
called a domain or category set.
Fields are established for a record based on the data ele-
Category set--A closed listing of the possible or ac-
m e n t s that the database is required to store.
ceptable strings that could be included in a particular
Essential Field field of a computerized record.

ASTM Committee E-49 has defined a n essential field as [4]:

Most of the sets of acceptable strings in the guides are value
sets (incomplete sets). Some fields for character strings have
no set of acceptable values. The development of category sets
Essential field--A field in a record that must be com-
is impractical for some types of material i n f o r m a t i o n . As a n
pleted in order to make the record meaningful in ac-
cordance with the pertinent guidelines or standard. example, consider the field, material identification. How
Note: fields are considered essential if they are required m a n y different materials exist? A value set for this field could
to make a comparison of property data from different list thousands of acceptable strings a n d still n o t be complete.
sources meaningful. A comparison of data from differ- Again the database design t e a m needs to establish value sets
ent sources may still be possible if essential informa- a n d category sets that are as comprehensive as possible a n d
tion is omitted, but the value of the comparison may use standardized strings w h e n available.
be greatly reduced.
Allowed Value
A field that is identified as a n essential field needs to exist in I n designing a material property database, the concept of
the database, according to E-49 r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s . Also, the allowed values should be considered. An allowed value is de-
j u d g m e n t is made that the d a t u m should be available for any fined as in ASTM E 1313:
data set. One of the questions that m a y be asked in j u d g i n g
the quality of a database (see Chapter 6) is the i n c l u s i o n of
Allowed value--A member of a defined set of permitted
all fields considered to be essential for the application. values; for example, a category set, a value set, etc.
Guidelines that r e c o m m e n d essential fields thus also become
Discussion--For quantitative parameters, the set is a
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for essential data. A different j u d g m e n t o n theoretically or experimentally based range of possible
quality is made for each record based o n having all the es- numeric values; for qualitative parameters, the set shall
sential fields filled. This carries further to the experimental consist of a finite number and enumerated list of stan-
procedure where a reference to the ASTM E-49 guides im- dard words or a well-defined system of codes.

TABLE 1.2--Fields in the term record structure [25]. S T A N D A R D S TO AID T H E D A T A B A S E

9 TEP~,4
9 Type
The use of standards in the development of a materials
TERMNUMBER - DEFININGDOCUMENT RELATED TERM database provides guidelines for selecting and defining data
USED IN LABEL STANDARDTERM elements, creating the data dictionary and database schema,
and developing the database functional requirements. Many
MNEMONIC STANDARD UNITS materials databases have been developed with incomplete
data and with inadequate capabilities. Materials are being
used in ever widening and increasingly advanced applica-
[ ...............
It: .........................
tions. The materials area, in fact, is considered one of the
MODIFIER_DATE ALLOWED VALUE most critical areas for new technology. In order to use new
MODIFIER materials and to use existing materials in new ways, data
that accurately reflect the materials' capabilities are vital.
Guidelines for the data to be included in a database and
guidelines for the database, such that it adequately manip-
ulates the required data, help database designers meet these
The concept of allowed values can be used to establish types Additional reasons for standardization in the database
of fields and ranges for checking input data. area include the development of databases that are used in-
ternationally and the fact that the rate of exchange of infor-
Additional Terminology mation is rapidly increasing9 The amount of communication
of technical data is increasing as is the ability to access da-
Additional terminology is provided in ASTM E 1443 and
tabases remote from the engineer. Examples of projects to
in each of the guides.
enable ready access of a number of databases are described
in Refs 7 and 8. As industries operate with increasing in-
volvement internationally, the need for standards for data-
Thesaurus bases and exchange of data is increasing.
The need for a thesaurus, common to all types of data-
bases, should be emphasized for materials databases. Many Standards Organizations
terms that are used for field names have a number of syno-
nyms. Westbrook and Grattidge provide an example of the ASTM Committee E-49 on Computerization o f
synonyms for modulus of elasticity, as shown in Table 1 of Material and Chemical Property Data
Ref 6. In addition to field names, many synonyms exist for ASTM is a U. S. national consensus organization "formed
data in category or value sets. ASTM Subcommittee E49.03 for the development of standards on characteristics and per-
on Terminology has developed a practice for a term record formance of materials, products, systems, and services; and
structure for use in developing data dictionaries and thesauri the promotion of related knowledge" [9]9 The society de-
(ASTM Practice for Structuring Terminological Records Re- pends on the development and adoption of standards, in-
lated to Computerized Test Reporting and Materials Desig- cluding test methods, definitions, recommended practices,
nation Formats [E 1314]). The fields in the practice are classifications, and specifications, through a voluntary con-
shown in Table 1.2. The need for terminology standardiza- sensus process. Essential to this process is consideration of
tion and harmonization is discussed below. minority opinions.
ASTM Committee E-49 on Computerization of Material
Property Data was organized in 1985 [10,11]. Chemical data
Units of Measurement was added to the scope of the committee in 1991. The com-
mittee's scope is currently being revised to "The promotion
Implicitly or explicitly associated with almost every tech- of knowledge and development of standard classifications,
nical data value is the unit of measurement 9 In constructing guides, specifications, practices, and terminology for build-
a database, the design team needs to be aware of the users' ing and accessing computerized material and chemical da-
assumptions regarding these units. The user is going to be tabases, and exchanging information among those databases
most comfortable using a database that reports the data in and computer software applications and systems using the
the units most commonly used in the application area. The data therein" [12]. The committee has its activities divided
degree to which units need to be stored as part of the data between two sections: materials and chemicals data. Active
set (identified as part of table and graph titles or headings), subcommittees within the Materials Section, shown in Fig.
or assumed, needs to be considered by the database design 1.1, include the following:
team. If more than one system of measurement is commonly 9 E49.01 on Materials Designations
used, units conversion and storage of data in original units 9 E49.02 on Data Recording Formats
need to be addressed as well. As discussed in Chapter 2, the 9 E49.03 on Terminology
importance of identifying accuracy of data increases when 9 E49.04 on Data Exchange
unit conversion is implemented. 9 E49.05 on Data and Database Quality

T A B L E 1.3--Standards developed by or in coordination with

ASTM E49 on Computerization of Materials and Chemical
Property Data ASTM Committee E-49.
Designation Title

Material Section
Chemical Section
I E 1308 Guidelines for the Identification of Polymers
(Excluding Thermoset Elastomers) in Computerized
Material Property Databases
E 1309 Guidelines for the Identification of Composite
Materials in Computerized Material Property
E 1338 Guidelines for the Identification of Metals and Alloys
in Computerized Material Property Databases
E 1339 Guidelines for the Identification of Aluminum Alloys
and Parts in Material Property Databases
E 1471 Guidelines for the Identification of Fibers, Fillers, and
FIG. 1.1--Organizational chart for ASTM Committee E-49 Mate- Core Materials in Computerized Material Property
rial Section. Databases
AWS AD.1 Describing Arc Welds in Computerized Material
Property Databases (under American Welding
Society jurisdiction)
9 E49.06 o n Database Codes , Guidelines for the Identification of Ceramics in
These represent areas of activity for the c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n a n d Computerized Material Property Databases
exchange of material property data. The development of for- * Guidelines for the Identification of Coatings of
mats for material properties have been divided into two prin- Engineering Materials in Computerized Material
Property Databases
cipal areas: (1) the identification of the material a n d (2) the , Guidelines for the Identification of Copper and
recording of test data a n d properties. The two areas are re- Copper Alloys in Computerized Material Property
flected i n ASTM S u b c o m m i t t e e s E49.01 a n d E49.02 a n d in Databases
Chapters 4 a n d 5 of this m a n u a l . Standards applicable to Guidelines for the Identification of Steel Alloys in
Computerized Material Property Databases
b o t h types of formats a n d databases in general are developed
in the other s u b c o m m i t t e e s a n d discussed in the r e m a i n i n g DATARECORDING
chapters. I n f o r m a t i o n o n the activities of ASTM E-49 can be
E 1313 Guide for the Development of Standard Data Records
o b t a i n e d from the ASTM E-49 staff manager, ASTM, 1916 for Computerization of Material Property Data
Race Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19103, telephone (215) 299- [being revised as Guide for Recommended Formats
5513, a n d facsimile (215) 299-2630. for Data Records Used in the Computerization of
The approach that has b e e n taken by ASTM E-49 has b e e n Mechanical Test Data for Metals]
X1. Bearing Test Data Based on ASTM Method
to establish standards related to data collection a n d the con- E 238
tents of databases. The committee feels that it is inappro- X2. Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness Test Data
priate to standardize database design a n d user interfaces. Based on ASTM Method E 399
These areas are presently u n d e r considerable creative devel- X3. Tensile Test Data Based on ASTM Test
opment, a n d it is too early for standards. G u i d a n c e for the Method E 8
X4. Compression Test Data Based on ASTM Test
r e q u i r e m e n t s in this area is being developed. It is a s s u m e d Method E 9
that the database designers will consider the kinds of ques- X5. Notched Bar Impact Data Based on ASTM
tions listed later in this chapter o n p. 7. Test Method E 23
A n u m b e r of formats relevant to the identification of ma- E 1443 Guide for the Development of Standard Data Records
for Computerization of Mechanical Test Data for
terials a n d the recording of test data i n c o m p u t e r i z e d ma- High Modulus Fiber-Reinforced Composite
terial property databases have b e e n developed. These for- Materials (under ASTM D-30 jurisdiction)
mats are listed in Table 1.3 with other standards developed
by ASTM Committee E-49. These standards can be o b t a i n e d DATARECORDING
from ASTM. Additional standards are u n d e r development, E 1454 Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of
also noted in Table 1.3. The relatively large n u m b e r of stan- Digital Ultrasonic Testing Data (under ASTM E-7
dard formats that are u n d e r the jurisdiction of other com- jurisdiction)
E 1475 Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of
mittees a n d organizations is u n u s u a l for a n ASTM c o m m i t - Radiologic Testing Data (under ASTM E-7
tee. However, ASTM Committee E-49 actively supports this jurisdiction)
c o o r d i n a t i o n a n d has been designated a resource committee G 107 Formats for Collection and Compilation of Corrosion
by ASTM, to be consulted by other committees that are de- Data for Metals for Computerized Database Input
(under ASTM G-1 jurisdiction)
veloping r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for the c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n of any Standard Data Records for Computerization of Power
type of material or chemical information. The standards de- Frequency Magnetic Testing (under ASTM A-6
veloped by ASTM E-49 are discussed in this chapter a n d jurisdiction)
most of the other chapters in this m a n u a l . AWS A9.2 Recording Arc Weld Material Property and Inspection
Data in Computerized Databases (under American
International Standards Organization (ISO) S T E P Welding Society jurisdiction)
Materials T e a m * Guide for the Development of Formats for Recording
Data Generated by Standard Tests
The i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n of data exchange related ,
Tensile Test Data for Plastics According to ASTM
to products is occurring u n d e r ISO Technical Committee D 638 and D 638M

TABLE 1.3--Standards developed by or in coordination with b i n e d with the p r o p e r t y n a m e to c o m p o u n d the n u m b e r of

ASTM Committee E-49 - - Continued. possible terms. An e x a m p l e of the s a m e t e r m u s e d for a c o m -
Designation Title pletely different c o n c e p t is the use of m o d u l u s in viscoelas-
Guide for Recommended Data Format of Sliding ticity w h e r e it is defined as the efficacy of r e t u r n i n g i n p u t
Wear Test Data Suitable for Databases (under energy b y an elastomer. An a d d i t i o n a l c o m p l e x i t y for the
ASTM G-2 jurisdiction) m o d u l u s t e r m s is the m e t h o d of calculating the value. The
Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Test Data (E 647) m e t h o d of calculating the m o d u l u s a n d l o c a t i o n on the
Strain Controlled Fatigue Testing per ASTM E 606 stress-strain curve on w h i c h t h a t calculation is b a s e d has
TERMINOLOGY b e e n i g n o r e d in m a n y d a t a b a s e s to date. However, for m a n y
materials, l i n e a r stress-strain curves are the exception. In
E 1314 Practice for Structuring Terminological Records
Relating to Computerized Test Reporting and these cases, the m e t h o d of calculation m u s t b e identified as
Materials Designation Formats p a r t of the t e r m o r b y o t h e r means.
E 1443 Definitions of Terms Relating to Building and I n t e r n a t i o n a l h a r m o n i z a t i o n of t e r m i n o l o g y is even m o r e
Accessing Materials Databases complex. First of all, t e r m i n o l o g y that has a c o m m o n g r o u n d
in s p o k e n l a n g u a g e w i t h i n one c o u n t r y m a y be r a t h e r dif-
ferent in a n o t h e r c o u n t r y in w h a t is, at least nominally, the
E 1407 Guide for Materials Database Management
E 1484 s a m e language. S t a n d a r d s for t e r m i n o l o g y used in the m a -
Guide for Formatting and Use of Material and
Chemical Property Data and Database Quality terials field are the c o m m o n reference v o c a b u l a r y of the Eur-
Indicators opean Materials Databanks Demonstrator Programme, Com-
E 1485 Guide for the Development of Material and Chemical mon Reference Vocabulary [14], the ISO b i b l i o g r a p h y of all
Property Database Descriptions ISO s t a n d a r d s on t e r m i n o l o g y [15], a n d the ASTM c o m p i -
DATABASE CODES lation of t e r m s f r o m t e r m i n o l o g y s t a n d a r d s [16]. None of
these have as yet a d d r e s s e d the real p r o b l e m of h a r m o n i z e d
Practice for Coding of Materials Property Data

1 8 4 / S u b c o m m i t t e e 4 on I n d u s t r i a l Data a n d Global M a n u -
f a c t u r i n g P r o g r a m m i n g Languages. A m a t e r i a l s m o d e l is un-
d e r d e v e l o p m e n t w h i c h a d d r e s s e s m a t e r i a l identification a n d
p r o p e r t i e s . A p p l i c a t i o n protocols, w h i c h are h i g h e r level M u c h of the i n f o r m a t i o n available in texts o n b u i l d i n g da-
models, will be w r i t t e n for specific m a t e r i a l s applications. tabases is a p p l i c a b l e to b u i l d i n g a m a t e r i a l s database. Rec-
F o r i n f o r m a t i o n on the m a t e r i a l s activities of ISO TC 184/ o m m e n d e d p r o c e d u r e s for b u i l d i n g a d a t a b a s e are d e s c r i b e d
SC4, c o n t a c t the STEP Secretariat, NIST, A247 Metrology in a n u m b e r of texts [5,17,18]. Of p a r t i c u l a r note is Ref 5,
Building, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. w h i c h refers specifically to d a t a b a s e s in science a n d engi-
neering. The i n f o r m a t i o n i n c l u d e d here is not i n t e n d e d to
replace those basic texts, b u t to a d d i n f o r m a t i o n relative to
Terminology m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y d a t a b a s e s a n d the s t a n d a r d guides avail-
The need for s t a n d a r d i z e d t e r m i n o l o g y related to m a t e r i a l able to provide assistance. The steps involved in the d a t a b a s e
d a t a b a s e s m u s t be e m p h a s i z e d . A VAMAS r e p o r t [6] notes design process are c o n s i d e r e d in Refs 17 a n d 19 a m o n g oth-
" M u c h effort is e x p e n d e d on t e r m i n o l o g y in i n f o r m a t i o n ers. E a c h of these a p p r o a c h e s is d e s c r i b e d in slightly differ-
technology. To the users it s o m e t i m e s seems to be a tedious ent terms, b u t they are all similar. Here the d a t a b a s e design
a n d nit-picking exercise. To those w h o suffer financially as process can be c o n s i d e r e d to include the following steps for
a result of a m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g , all effort is worthwhile." the p l a n n i n g of the database:
An e x a m p l e of the diversity in t e r m i n o l o g y is s h o w n in 1. Identify the application.
Table 1.4 f r o m W e s t b r o o k a n d G r a t t i d g e [13]. It should be 2. Select the project team.
n o t e d t h a t m a n y m o r e t e r m s t h a n those shown in the table 3. Plan u s e r involvement.
a r e possible. A variety of s y m b o l s a n d m n e m o n i c s are u s e d 4. Define the d a t a b a s e functional a n d p e r f o r m a n c e
in place of a p r o p e r t y n a m e in databases. The directionality requirements.
of m a t e r i a l a n d d i r e c t i o n of the a p p l i e d l o a d are often corn- 5. Select h a r d w a r e a n d software.
6. Identify the d a t a elements.
7. Build the d a t a e l e m e n t dictionary.
TABLE 1.4--Example of the diverse synonyms for a given 8. G r o u p d a t a elements.
term [13]. 9. Identify the retrieval characteristics of each group.
Modulus of Elasticity 10. Identify the r e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n groups.
11. Develop the d a t a b a s e schema.
Elastic Modulus Tensile Modulus
Young's Modulus Coefficient of Elasticity These steps result in the d e v e l o p m e n t of the c o n c e p t u a l a n d
Modulus of Elasticity Modulus in Tension internal schemas. E a c h of these steps will be c o n s i d e r e d
Stretch Modulus Deflection Resistance briefly with c o n s i d e r a t i o n s specific to m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y da-
Monotonic Modulus Extensional Modulus t a b a s e s a n d the use of s t a n d a r d s to assist in m a t e r i a l p r o p -
Static Modulus E
erty d a t a b a s e development.

Identify the Application base design is the long-term use of the database. The short-
term specific goal may be more limited in scope than the
In designing a database for material properties, it is im- eventual use of the database. As much as possible, the long-
portant to consider the intended application for the data- term scope and application of the database should be con-
base. A database intended to provide material properties for sidered at this stage. If data are expensive to obtain, as often
use in design may be very different from a database that is the case, it may be cost effective to develop a database
replaces lab notebooks in the testing lab. Other possible ap- with increased documentation requirements to get the most
plications include quality control, tracking life-history of a use from the database. If the eventual use of the database is
material/product, and material research. The type of the ma-
not clear, a more flexible approach to the database design
terial and the philosophy of the organization building the may be desirable.
database will affect the amount of influence application has
on the database design.
Consider a basic property of a common material: the yield Select the Project Team
strength of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy of 280 MPa (40 ksi). For The development of a database involves four different job
some applications, these data--alloy, heat treatment, and
titles. Depending on the situation, a team member may be
yield strength--may be adequate. For many applications, it involved with one or more of the responsibilities. The project
might also be beneficial to know additional information, leader is responsible for organization of the project, ensuring
such as the material form and dimensions during heat treat- that both materials and software communities are repre-
ment, the test method, the type of test coupon, the location sented, and selling the database concept within or outside
where the test was performed, the environmental conditions, the organization, or both. The software engineer is responsi-
and preconditioning. ble for programming. The materials community is repre-
A quality control database may require a relatively small sented by the data provider and the user. Depending on the
set of data fields, such as date, lot number, measurement, application of the database, the data providers and the users
and value. The quality control application is often a well-
may be members of the same group. Frequent and thorough
defined environment where the same test method, specimen
communication between the database programmers and the
types, and conditions are consistently used. The other ex-
materials community throughout the project is essential to
treme is a research database where every parameter may be
the development of a useful database. The users must com-
varied at some point. The product lines and the number of
municate their needs to the database programmers. The da-
candidate materials described in the database should be con-
tabase programmers must develop the database concept.
sidered. The quality control database is generally limited to Both groups must understand and review the concept in
materials that the company uses or produces, while a design terms of the requirements of the users, the data providers,
or research database will also include candidate materials.
and the programmers. The satisfaction of the users with the
The material class or classes also interact with the company
database can be greatly improved if both the database
philosophy and role. A company that supplies raw materials
programmers and the materials community discuss tradeoffs
would support a database that makes any application data
in task efficiency. The user will perform some tasks many
available to their customers. A company that produces an times and will not be tolerant of slow speeds in these tasks.
end-product will often restrict access to data, noting that the
Other tasks will be performed less often and may be pro-
data are part of their market advantage.
grammed for slower speeds in exchange for higher speeds
These are examples of considerations necessary in the de-
on primary tasks or greater database capacity. If this task
sign of a database. The standard guides discussed, particu-
prioritization is based on assumptions by either community
larly in Chapter 3 and 4, consider a general approach to data.
about the needs of the other without thorough communi-
These are intended to be guidelines that can then be applied cation, chances for high levels of user approval are small.
to the design of each database. Questions that should be
The project leader is responsible for seeing that thorough
asked by the database design team include:
communication occurs. If the data providers and users have
9 What materials will be included in the database? not been involved with databases extensively, they will need
9 How much information is needed for each material? to be educated in how to develop the database requirements
9 Will the database be used for more than one purpose? from their perspective. An engineer or materials scientist will
9 What information is required for each application for each often consider the data values as they commonly appear
material? without considering implicit assumptions regarding units,
9 What assumptions are likely to be violated in even a small quality, and accuracy. Test methods need to be considered
number of cases? for possible effects on the data values. The information in
9 What information will help users get the most use from the Chapters 4 and 5 on identifying materials and reporting test
database? procedures and results can be used to highlight some of this
The range of data that the database can handle must also be information. Additional information on the project team is
considered. Should the database have fields for 90% of the included in Chapter 2 and Refs 20 and 21.
data and metadata with the remaining data and metadata
included in the comment or footnote fields or should a da-
Plan User Involvement
tabase contain sufficient fields to cover all information?
These questions must also be considered by the design team The users must not only be identified as part of the project
for each database. team. The plan should include their involvement at each
Another possibility that should be considered in a data- stage of the design process. User involvement is critical to

the d e v e l o p m e n t of a database. The f u n d a m e n t a l criterion TABLE 1.5--Tester identification fields for different applications.
for evaluating a d a t a b a s e can be stated as follows: "Is the Fields a. E 1313-E8 b. In-House c. External
d a t a b a s e used?" Does it m e e t the users' needs? Is the data-
Engineer 9
b a s e sufficiently easy to use that users consult the d a t a b a s e Technician 9
r a t h e r t h a n s o m e o t h e r reference? The p r o b a b i l i t y of achiev- Facility 9 9
ing satisfactory a n s w e r s to these questions increases with the Street Address 9
a m o u n t of u s e r involvement in the entire d a t a b a s e design City 9
process. State 9
Zip/Postal Code 9
Country 9
Define the Database Functional and Performance Phone 9 9
Requirements E-mail 9 9
The functional a n d p e r f o r m a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s m u s t be de-
fined b a s e d on the a p p l i c a t i o n a n d the users' needs. Func-
tional r e q u i r e m e n t s are defined in t e r m s of queries a n d re-
sponses. Requests for i n f o r m a t i o n that the d a t a b a s e needs e m e n t s include the application, the users' needs, a n d the best
to satisfy are identified in the functional r e q u i r e m e n t s . The use of the data. The i m p a c t of the a p p l i c a t i o n a n d the users'
d a t a w h i c h are r e q u i r e d to r e s p o n d to the queries are also needs has been discussed in general terms.
p a r t of the functional requirements. F o r example, in m a t e r i a l To provide a m o r e specific example, the influence of the
selection, a single m a t e r i a l that satisfies a set of design cri- d a t a b a s e a p p l i c a t i o n on the design of a d a t a b a s e m a y be con-
teria often does not exist. If several m a t e r i a l s m e e t o r exceed sidered for a small subset of i n f o r m a t i o n w h i c h m a y a p p l y
the design criteria, all of these m a t e r i a l s should be identified to all types of m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t i e s databases. Consider the
to the user. If no m a t e r i a l s m e e t all of the design criteria, identification of the p e r s o n o r facility p e r f o r m i n g the test.
the d a t a b a s e should be able to identify those that are closest. M a n y of the ASTM E-49 guides for the r e c o r d i n g of test re-
Both of these possibilities should be c o n s i d e r e d in develop- sults list r e c o m m e n d e d fields for identifying the test. These
ing the functional requirements. fields are c u r r e n t l y being r e c o n c i l e d a m o n g the different
The p e r f o r m a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s for a m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t i e s guides. The fields in Table 1.5 m a y be included. F o r a data-
d a t a b a s e identify needs for n u m b e r s of materials, conditions base that includes only s t a n d a r d , a u t o m a t e d test results,
(for example, t e m p e r a t u r e , environment), a n d properties. An m a n y of these fields w o u l d not be required. ASTM E 1313,
a d d i t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t should be the accepta- Appendix X3, does not r e c o m m e n d any of these fields as
ble response time for one o r m o r e of the typical queries. The s h o w n in Table 1.5, c o l u m n a. F o r tests w h e r e the possibility
functional a n d p e r f o r m a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s are the concrete of the influence of the o p e r a t o r m u s t be considered, m o r e
i n f o r m a t i o n used to specify a d a t a b a s e t h a t will m e e t the i n f o r m a t i o n is required. F o r an in-house database, this m a y
a p p l i c a t i o n a n d users' needs. ASTM Guide for Materials Da- be the t e c h n i c i a n (Table 1.5, c o l u m n b). F o r a d a t a b a s e t h a t
t a b a s e M a n a g e m e n t (E 1407) provides guidelines for addi- is used to a c c u m u l a t e d a t a from a n u m b e r of different fa-
tional r e q u i r e m e n t s for the d a t a b a s e such as a t h e s a u r u s a n d cilities a n d organizations, the e n g i n e e r r e s p o n s i b l e for the
d a t a transfer capabilities. These topics will be discussed fur- test results with affiliation, postal address, p h o n e n u m b e r ,
ther in Chapters 2, 6, and 8. facsimile n u m b e r , a n d e-mail a d d r e s s m a y all be stored in a
r e c o r d (Table 1.5, c o l u m n c). In a well-designed database,
Select Hardware and Software this i n f o r m a t i o n w o u l d p r o b a b l y not all be s t o r e d with each
d a t a record, but the i n f o r m a t i o n w o u l d be accessible in an-
The selection of h a r d w a r e a n d software for the d a t a b a s e o t h e r p a r t of the database. If the d a t a b a s e stores v a l i d a t e d
will be b a s e d on the application, the interests of the users, data, the facility, engineer, o r t e c h n i c i a n involved in per-
the functional a n d p e r f o r m a n c e requirements, a n d the skills f o r m i n g the test m a y not be relevant. In this case, informa-
of the project team. H a r d w a r e selection for the m a t e r i a l s tion identifying the validating o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d process m a y
p r o p e r t y d a t a b a s e is based on users' needs, h a r d w a r e avail- be of greater interest.
able to the users, a n d user's preference. Two r e c o m m e n d a - The best use of the d a t a should also be considered. Current
tions for software should be considered. The first is use ex- a n d p o t e n t i a l future uses of the d a t a a n d d a t a b a s e should be
isting software, shells, d a t a b a s e p r o g r a m s , tools, a n d so on, evaluated. If the a d d i t i o n of a few fields o r d a t a elements
w h e n e v e r possible. That is, do not reinvent the wheel. The w o u l d increase the c u r r e n t usage of the d a t a b a s e or w o u l d
o p p o s i n g r e c o m m e n d a t i o n is do not use software that is in- r e a s o n a b l y be expected to increase the lifetime over w h i c h
a d e q u a t e for the application. The cost of software develop- the data, o r database, o r both, are useful, these d a t a ele-
m e n t is a significant p o r t i o n of the d a t a b a s e design, b u t in- m e n t s s h o u l d certainly be added. If m o r e extensive modifi-
a d e q u a t e software can m a k e the entire project unattractive cations to the d a t a e l e m e n t list are required, the increased
to the u s e r c o m m u n i t y a n d therefore r e n d e r the d a t a b a s e cost of d e v e l o p m e n t a n d the i n c r e a s e d software a n d hard-
u n u s a b l e o r unused. ware d e m a n d s s h o u l d be c o m p a r e d to the benefits of the
modification. An e x a m p l e of this c o n s i d e r a t i o n is the devel-
Identify the Data Elements o p m e n t of a d a t a b a s e within one d e p a r t m e n t of a c o m p a n y .
If a d d i t i o n a l fields w o u l d allow the d a t a b a s e to also be u s e d
The d a t a elements to be i n c l u d e d in the d a t a b a s e n e e d to by a n o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t in the c o m p a n y , n o w o r in the future,
be identified. F a c t o r s to c o n s i d e r in identifying the d a t a el- that possibility s h o u l d be c o n s i d e r e d now. In o t h e r words,

like many other projects, the advantages and cost savings of

planning ahead also apply to databases. Identification of Metals and Alloys
The majority of the guides developed by ASTM Committee (E 1338)
E-49 are most useful at this stage in the development of the
database. These guides are based on a division of the infor-
mation into material identification and recording of the test
procedure and results. The use of these guides requires at
least one guide representing each of the types of informa- Recording of Metals Test Data
tion. For an example, consider a database for properties of (E 1313)
metals and alloys. The fields and related data elements to
identify each metal or alloy are recommended in ASTM
FIG. 1.2--Guides used in the development of a database for
Guidelines for the Identification of Metals and Alloys in
metals and alloys.
Computerized Material Property Databases (E 1338), and
the fields and related data elements to record the testing in-
formation and results are recommended in ASTM E 1313.
the critical criterion for deciding between two different
An example with greater complexity is a database for prop-
guides is as follows: Are the fields provided in one guide and
erties of fiber-reinforced composite materials and their con-
stituents. For material identification, ASTM Guide for the not in the other needed for the particular database
Identification of Composite Materials in Computerized Ma- application?
terial Property Databases (E 1309), ASTM Guide for Identi- For the identification of materials, for which ASTM guides
fication of Fibers, Fillers, and Core Materials in Computer- are not available, the best approach is to select the guide that
seems to come closest to the situation and use that guide as
ized Material Property Databases (E 1471), ASTM
a model. Similarly, the test recording guides can be used as
Guidelines for Identification of Metals and Alloys in Com-
models for situations where an appropriate guide does not
puterized Material Property Databases (E 1338), ASTM
Guide for the Identification of Polymers Thermoset Elasto- exist.
mers Excluded in Computerized Material Property Data-
bases (E 1308), and ceramics (currently under development)
may all be required. Additional information regarding
Build the Data Element Dictionary
weaves and prepregs may also be needed. (Guides for preim- The construction of the data element dictionary is the next
pregnated material and fiber assemblies are in the planning step in the development of the database. All information re-
stage in Subcommittee E49.01.) For recording test data of quired for each data element is accumulated. For each data
composite materials, ASTM Guide for Development of Stan- element, several types of information may be stored in the
dard Data Records for Computerization of Mechanical Test database or established as part of the database design.
Data for High-Modulus Fiber-Reinforced Composite Mate- Among these are the data element name, any equivalent or
rials (E 1434) is available. Any of the other test recording synonymous names, value representation, allowed values,
guides may be relevant depending on what properties and units, quality indicator, and any other information required
which materials will be included in the database. The use of to understand the data value. The data element name and
the guides is illustrated in Fig. 1.3, which can be compared any equivalent or synonymous names are discussed in the
to Fig. 1.2, the metals and alloys example. section on a thesaurus and also in Chapter 2. The value rep-
In considering the standard guides, the database design resentation may be a single value, a range of values, an av-
team may encounter some difficulty in deciding which guide
to use. For example, the criteria that discriminate between
a polymer and a polymer-matrix composite can be some-
ComposRe Matet~al I
what unclear. There is a gray area where materials can be Identification (E 1434}

considered one or the other depending on the application

and the user community. There is a whole area of reinforced I
plastics that are described by the composite material defi- I .............
nition, but the user community treats them as plastics. An --] I t__
example material that may be treated as a plastic or com- I .......
posite material is liquid crystal polymer (LCP). Depending I
on the use of the data, while LCP is not by definition a com- Fiber, Filler, and Core
Matr Ider~hfieation
Matrix Matenal
Identiflcation (link)
posite, it may be treated as one in a database in order to (E 1472)

include directionality effects, which are often neglected in

polymer databases. ASTM E 1308 includes an appendix that
includes guidelines for discriminating between the two types
of materials. This information was not included in ASTM E
1309 because the criteria are not the same as those for dis-
criminating between metals and metal-matrix composites
and ceramics and ceramic-matrix composites. (The subcom-
mittee plans to add the tables to ASTM E 1434 when all three FIG. 1,3--Guides that may be used in the development of a
have been developed.) Database designers should note that database for composite materials and their constituents,

TABLE 1.6--Standard document identification. (D 3410-B) indicates the compression test of a composite
Field Value Field Value material using conical wedge grips.
The use of generic constructs or blocks of fields where one
ASTM, ISO, or other
applicable or more fields define the remaining fields may be suitable for
standard method A S T ME 8 the database design. An example of the use of a generic con-
number struct is included in ASTM E 1471 where different types of
Date of applicable 1990 Standard ASTM E 8 90 dimensions are used to characterize fibers, fillers, and core
standard test materials. Table 1.7 shows the generic construct used and
the value sets appropriate for two of the fields. The generic
construct eliminates the need for a separate length field,
width field, inside diameter field, and so on. In other words,
these fields are the equivalent of the 60 fields, the 12-dimen-
erage, and average with error ranges, an average with a stan- sion p a r a m e t e r fields combined with the 5-dimension distri-
dard deviation or coefficient of variation, a typical value, a bution p a r a m e t e r fields (including the sample size). This is
maximum or m i n i m u m permitted value, and so on. A quality particularly efficient when the n u m b e r of fields that are used
indicator may be used to show that the value is based on a for any one record are small. These fields, as well as other
single measurement or several measurements, and to show fields in the ASTM guides, may need to be repeated.
the level of evaluation and certification applied to the origi-
nal measurement(s). The allowed values need to be consid-
Group Data Elements
ered. For quantitative information, the allowed values are
those values within a theoretically or experimentally deter- Most database programs are more efficient when the data
mined permissible range. For qualitative information, the al- elements are grouped in some logical fashion. These group-
lowed values may be established in a value set or category ings may depend on the identification and test results of in-
set. Establishing allowed values provides the basis for data dividual specimens as compared to groups of specimens,
checking during data input. fields that may be repeated for a single data set, or data el-
The units that are used for a particular element should be ements. Some indication of element grouping is apparent in
considered. A set of units should be selected for the data- the data formats. An example of individual specimens and
base. These are the standard units, most commonly the In- groups of specimens is ASTM E 1434. Many of the test meth-
ternational System of Units (SI). The database designer, ods to which E 1434 applies, require the reporting of statis-
however, also needs to be aware of the units that the typical tical parameters for groups of specimens, such as the aver-
user is accustomed. For example, the user may be accus- age, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. ASTM
tomed to seeing measurements in the inch-pound measure- E 1434 recognizes that the designers of many databases
ment system, or to certain quantities measured in centime- would like to include the results for individual specimens,
ters or Angstroms (both now deprecated units in SI (ASTM and the guide provides fields for both types of approaches.
Practice for Use of the International System of Units [SI] In the case where data are reported for individual specimens,
[the Modernized Metric System] [E 380]). If this is the case, the relevant group of fields is repeated for each specimen.
it may be feasible to store the data in standard units, and Another example of repeating fields is shown in Table 1.6.
present the data in the customary units or both standard and Both of the example dimension parameters for a fiber may
customary units. apply to the same fiber. Provision should be made in a da-
Finally, additional information may be necessary to fully tabase containing fiber information to repeat fields 13
understand the value. For example, the elastic modulus of through 17 in Table 1.6 as necessary. Other logical groupings
composite materials may be calculated several different of data elements may be data elements related to specimen
ways. It may be necessary for a database to indicate the conditioning, specimen preparation, composition, experi-
method of calculation as a chord modulus between 1000 and mental procedure, and so forth. Such groupings may be
6000 microstrain or an initial tangent modulus evaluated us- based on the data input but should certainly consider the
ing a certain curve-fitting method with parameters x, y, and groupings natural to the database user who is accessing the
z. Separate fields may be required for each of these values. information.
The representation of several pieces of information in one
field might be considered. For example, the data recording
guides, discussed in Chapter 5, generally have separate fields
Identify the Retrieval Characteristics of Each
for the standard test method n u m b e r and the date of ap-
proval. These two fields may be concatenated into one field, For any database structure, the retrieval characteristics of
providing that data entry checking is sophisticated enough the group should be considered. The groups discussed so far
to check for the three different pieces of information (Table have not really depended on the type of database structure
1.6). On the other hand, three fields may be used: (1) the that is used. That is, the structure of the database could be
standards producing organization, (2) the standard method relational, object-oriented, or hierarchical. The implemen-
number, and (3) the date of approval. For standard test tation of the groupings within the database depend on the
methods where more than one method is included in the structure of the database. At this point, it is easier to con-
same document, more information may be included, for ex- tinue the discussion assuming a relational database struc-
ample, ASTM Test Method for Compressive Properties ture. Similar considerations apply to other database
of Unidirectional or Crossply Fiber-Resin Composites structures.

TABLE 1.7--Dimension information for the identification of fibers, fillers, and core materials.
Field Value Sets Filler Example: Example:
No? Field Name or Units (particulate) Fiber Fiber
13 dimension parameter see Value Set 1 median size diameter filament count
14 dimension value floating point 2.3 ~m 0.145 mm 12 000
15 dimension distribution see Value Set 2 standard deviation NA NA
16 dimension distribution floating point 1.2 p.m NA NA
parameter value
17 dimension distribution integer 5 NA NA
sample size
Value Set 1 Value Set 2
Length cell size standard deviation
Width percent open cell range ( + - )
Inside diameter denier coefficient of variation, %
Outside diameter filament count other (specify)
Thickness fiber yield ...
Wall thickness other (specify) ...
aField numbers are provided for referencing Table 6 in E 1471; no other meaning should be attributed to them.

In a r e l a t i o n a l d a t a b a s e , the g r o u p i n g s w o u l d be files o r s h o u l d consult the d a t a b a s e expert on the project t e a m o r

tables. As in o t h e r types of databases, the field o r fields u s e d one of the d a t a b a s e texts referenced in this chapter. Addi-
to identify a n d access a p a r t i c u l a r r e c o r d in a table o r file tional i n f o r m a t i o n o n the design a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of a
s h o u l d be essential a n d r e q u i r e d to be filled. Those fields t h a t m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y d a t a b a s e is i n c l u d e d in the o t h e r c h a p t e r s
a r e identified as essential fields in the guides m a y be consid- of this m a n u a l , p a r t i c u l a r l y Chapters 2, 6, a n d 7.
ered as c a n d i d a t e keys preferentially over o t h e r fields.

Identify the Relationships Between Groups CONCLUSIONS

R e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n the g r o u p s will d e p e n d on the da- This c h a p t e r has c o n s i d e r e d the value of m a t e r i a l s p r o p -
t a b a s e s t r u c t u r e selected a n d the groupings. If the applica- erty databases, key concepts in their design a n d i m p l e m e n -
tion for the d a t a b a s e is archival of experiments, the d e s i g n e r tation, s t a n d a r d s that are available to assist in the design a n d
m a y have d e c i d e d to include the m a t e r i a l identification in- i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y databases, a n d w h e n
f o r m a t i o n for e a c h specimen. I n such a case, there m a y only those s t a n d a r d s can be used in the design process. The t h r e e
be one g r o u p (of file), c o n t a i n i n g b o t h m a t e r i a l identification m o s t i m p o r t a n t r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s from this c h a p t e r are as
a n d test r e c o r d i n g information. I n m a n y cases, it m a y be follows:
m o r e efficient to store m a t e r i a l identification in one g r o u p 9 Assemble a d a t a b a s e t e a m r e p r e s e n t i n g m a t e r i a l s expert(s),
a n d the individual s p e c i m e n results in another. H o w r e c o r d s d a t a b a s e expert(s), a n d users.
in one g r o u p are a s s o c i a t e d with r e c o r d s in a n o t h e r g r o u p 9 Use the ASTM E-49 formats as a starting p o i n t for the de-
d e p e n d s o n the d a t a b a s e structure. It is very i m p o r t a n t that v e l o p m e n t of y o u r d a t a d i c t i o n a r y a n d d a t a b a s e schema.
these r e l a t i o n s h i p s be c o n s i d e r e d d u r i n g the d a t a b a s e design 9 Tailor y o u r d a t a b a s e s c h e m a to y o u r application.
The next four c h a p t e r s of this m a n u a l discuss the d a t a b a s e
infrastructure, types of d a t a a n d applications, a n d the stan-
Develop the Database Schema d a r d s for m a t e r i a l identification a n d r e c o r d i n g test results.
Chapters 6 t h r o u g h 8 c o n s i d e r d a t a evaluation, the m a n a g e -
The d a t a b a s e s c h e m a is the design of the d a t a b a s e struc-
m e n t of a m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y database, a n d d a t a transfer.
ture. It s h o u l d include all of the i n f o r m a t i o n a c c u m u l a t e d
The final c h a p t e r provides a n e x a m p l e of a m a t e r i a l s p r o p -
a n d decisions m a d e in the steps p r i o r to this one. Three basic
erty d a t a b a s e i m p l e m e n t e d using EXPRESS.
s c h e m a s have b e e n defined in ANSI standards: (1) a concep-
tual schema, (2) a n internal schema, a n d (3) an external
s c h e m a (discussed in Refs 17 a n d 25).
Steps 6 t h r o u g h 11 have developed the conceptual s c h e m a REFERENCES
of the database. N o r m a l i z a t i o n of the s c h e m a should be con-
sidered at this time. N o r m a l i z a t i o n is the e l i m i n a t i o n of re- [1] Barrett, A. J., "The Benefits and Economic Consequences of Ma-
terials Property Databases," Computerization and Networking of
d u n d a n c i e s a m o n g the d a t a b a s e fields. F u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n of
Materials Databases: Second Volume, ASTM STP 1106, J. G.
the d e v e l o p m e n t of the d a t a b a s e s c h e m a s is b e y o n d the Kaufman and J. S. Glazman, Eds., American Society for Testing
scope of this c h a p t e r b u t is covered in m o s t d a t a b a s e texts and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 17-25.
including Refs 5, 17, a n d 18. The r e a d e r with a b a c k g r o u n d [2] Barrett, "The Provision of Materials Property Data via Com-
in d a t a b a s e design a n d m a n a g e m e n t should u n d e r s t a n d puterized Systems: the Role of CODATA," Materials Information
these procedures. A r e a d e r with a m a t e r i a l s b a c k g r o u n d for the European Communities, N. Swindells, N. Waterman, and

H. Kr6ckel, Eds., Commission of the European Communities, Databases: Second Volume, ASTM STP 1106, American Society
Luxembourg, 1990, pp. 7-11. for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 73-83.
[3] Rumble, J. R. Jr., "Socioeconomic Barriers in Computerizing [12] Bylaws, ASTM Committee E-49 on Computerization of Mate-
Material Properties Data," Computerization and Networking of rial and Chemical Property Data, American Society for Testing
Materials DataBases, ASTM STP 1017, J. S. Glazman and J. R. and Materials, Philadelphia, Feb. 1992.
Rumble, Jr., Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, [13] Westbrook, J. H. and Grattidge, W., "The Role of Metadata in
Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 216-226. the Operation of a Materials Database," Computerization and
[4] Guide to Material Property Database Management, CODATABul- Networking of Materials Databases, Second Volume, ASTM STP
letin No. 69, Nov. 1988. 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. S. Glazman, Eds., American Society
[5] Rumble, Jr., J. R. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 84-102.
and Engineering, Adam Hilger, Philadelphia, 1990. [14] Gasiunas, A. A., Halliday, T. D., and Berman, P., European Ma-
[6] Reynard, K. W., "VAMAS Activities on Materials Data Banks," terials Databanks Demonstrator Programme, Common Reference
Computerization and Networking of Materials DataBases, ASTM Vocabulary, Commission of the European Communities, Lux-
STP 1017, J. S. Glazman and J. R. Rumble, Jr., Eds., American embourg, 1988.
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 43- [15] ISO Bibliography 8, National Standard Vocabularies, 3rd ed., In-
52. ternational Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzer-
[7] Kaufman, J. G., "The National Materials Property Data Net- land, 1985.
work, Inc.--A Cooperative Approach to Reliable Performance [16] Compilation of ASTM Standard Definitions, 7th ed., American
Data," Computerization and Networking of Materials Databases, Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990.
ASTM STP 1017, J. S. Glazman and J. R. Rumble, Jr., Eds., [17] Date, C. J., Introduction to Database Systems, Addison-Wesley
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1989, Publishing Company, Reading, MA, Vols. 1 and 2, 4th ed., 1987.
pp. 55-62. [18] Korth, H. F. and Silberschatz, A., Database System Concepts,
[8] Swindells, N., "An Outline Description of the Demonstrator Pro- 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, Inc., New York, 1991.
gramme," Materials Information for the European Communities, [19] Compilation of ASTM Standard Definitions, 7th ed., American
Commission of the European Communities, 1990, pp. 55-61. Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990.
[9] Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, American [20] Atre, S., Data Base: Structured Techniques for Design, Perform-
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, July 1992. ance, and Management, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York,
[10] Kaufman, J. G., "Standards for Computerized Material Prop- 1988.
erty Data--ASTM Committee E-49," Computerization and Net- [21] Gorman, M. M., Managing Database: Four Critical Factors, QED
working of Materials Databases, ASTM STP 1017, American So- Information Sciences, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 1984.
ciety for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 7-22. [22] Gorman, M. M., Database Management Systems Understanding
[11] Rumble, J., "Standards for Materials Databases: ASTM Com- and Applying Database Technology, QED Information Sciences,
mittee E-49," Computerization and Networking of Materials Inc., Wellesley, MA, 1991.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Program Infrastructure
E d w i n F. Begley ~

INTRODUCTION vision for the uses of the final production database carries
special weight. Sometimes the intended uses differ signifi-
What Will and Will Not Be Included in This cantly, and, as will be discussed in the section on the re-
Chapter sponsibility of the software engineer, the software must be
written so that any conflicts that might arise are minimized.
This chapter will focus on the methodology and basic sys-
tem components needed for successful implementation of a
materials database. The discussion will be presented in a The Contribution o f the Data Provider
"hints, tips, and everyday wisdom" manner so that the
reader, hopefully, will come to recognize troublesome areas The data provider may often be the individual who also
and, perhaps, sidestep or hurdle them when possible. performs experiments and collects data. In addition to the
Some readers may wish to delve into the underlying theory responsibilities of designing the experiment properly (cali-
of database systems, which will not be explored in this chap- brating instrumentation, using appropriate measurement
ter. Excellent, extensive, and eloquent references are avail- standards and sampling procedures), the provider must me-
able, including Date [1], Martin [2], Ullman [3], and Wei- ticulously record all experimental details. If this information
derhold [4]. is not reported, the data loses their context and may become
At times, the use of database jargon will be unavoidable. somewhat less valuable to the user. This problem can be par-
The last section of this paper is a glossary of terms that ticularly acute when computerized data acquisition systems
should help the reader. are used, since procedural details may be embedded in soft-
Building a materials database is not achieved simply by ware. And, even if data are accurately reported and mea-
applying some technical programming skills to an informa- surement details are documented, the data provider is likely
tion problem. In fact, writing code is actually a small part to encounter variations in the actual measured values. In
of the total effort. Balancing the interactions of the people such events, the data should be critically evaluated to estab-
involved in the project is the true challenge, and so, the rest lish a level of validity acceptable to the individuals who will
of this introduction will spotlight them: the users, the data use the data.
providers, the software engineers, and the project managers. Data providers who are not involved with the generation
It is important to realize that it is not unusual for an indi- of data, but rather its location, must possess knowledge of
vidual to fall into more than one of these categories, but each where public and private sources may be found. Locating
will be treated separately in the subsequent discussion. information requires contacts with colleagues, identification
of reprints, reports, directories of data sources, and referral
centers, especially computerized data centers and informa-
The Vision o f the User Community tion services.
The user of a scientific database generally assumes a more
active role in its design than the user of a business or com- The Responsibility o f the Software Engineer
mercial database application primarily because the technical
nature of the stored information requires special attention. The primary responsibility of the software engineer, sim-
Scientists and engineers can best define how the numeric ply stated, is to construct a database system that satisfies the
data will be used in their calculations, experimental designs, broad spectrum of user needs. This can be a difficult task
and product development, which influences the specifica- particularly when a diversified user community exists and
tions for the database. The requirements for commercial ap- data arrive from disparate sources. Software must be written
plications, in contrast, are dictated most often by manage- that allows each distinct group of users to view the data in
ment needs, but the software systems are rarely used directly a manner appropriate to its needs. This implies choosing the
by managers. In this sense, the scientific user community's best structure for storing the data and building a flexible user
interface that is properly designed only in close collaboration
~Computer scientist, NIST, Building 223, Room A256, Gaithers- with the users themselves.
burg, MD 20899. Furthermore, the software engineer must be prepared to
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

manage data that are provided in nonuniform formats. This odologies tended to place too much emphasis on "up-front"
usually requires conversion software based upon an under- analysis. Most of a project's funding, sometimes as much as
standing of the rules for interpreting the data. 70%, would be spent on analyzing system requirements and
In essence, the software engineer must reconcile the dif- writing functional specifications. Once the analysis was com-
ferent user requirements for the database and the contrast- pleted, coding would begin, and the user ultimately would
ing formats of the supplied data while maintaining the proj- be presented with a final product. This approach lacked a
ect's budget and schedule. clear system of checks and balances, and the user all too
often would arrive at the uncomfortable and difficult posi-
tion of having to accept, without redress because of ex-
The Support of the Project Manager
hausted project resources, a system that did not adequately
To provide quality support for the development of a ma- meet stated needs.
terials database, the project manager must be caring, tech- After enough failures of this kind, project managers and
nically competent, and respected. A good project manager software engineers adopted a different approach to database
will realize immediately that people (users, data providers, development known as the iterative methodology. The key
and software engineers) are the primary participants in the aspect of this methodology is sustained user participation in
construction of the database, not computers and software. every stage of database implementation. Development pro-
The needs and demands of all these individuals must be ceeds as a series of well-defined tasks leading to demonstra-
carefully considered and given balanced judgment. Natu- tion and prototype systems, respectively. The user reviews
rally, without a technical understanding of the issues in- the results of each task and must give approval before work
volved and thorough attention to details, the project man- on subsequent tasks begins. If the user disapproves, the task
ager would be incapable of making pertinent choices and in question is revisited until it is satisfactorily completed.
would rapidly lose the respect required for successful Certainly, analysis is required but demonstration and pro-
leadership. totype systems serve as excellent checkpoints for assessing
The project manager carries the responsibility for the en- how well the database design reflects the analysis. Superfi-
tire project and must ensure that the database is completed cially, the iterative methodology appears time consuming,
on time and within its budget. She must also ensure that the but it more than adequately ensures that the database proj-
software meets the users needs, functions well and easily, ect is developed according to the needs of the user.
and has been carefully tested and is as error free as possible.
Additionally, she must exercise foresight to determine how H o w Are They Built?
the materials database might be integrated with other appli- The demonstration system is built almost exclusively by
cations of interest to the user community. the user, although the software engineer provides extensive
Lastly, she must be flexible enough to know when to com- encouragement and guidance. The goal is to get the user to
promise and when to stand firm when making decisions lay out ideas on paper. For example, the user probably has
regarding the difficult issues and unforeseen problems that some thoughts regarding how interaction with the software
inevitably arise.
should look and proceed. The software engineer will assist
the user with designing interface screens such as menus and
the link between the menu's choices and the specific actions
THE DEMONSTRATION SYSTEM AND THE each choice initiates. Clearly, there is a certain level of func-
PROTOTYPE tional specification occurring at this point, which is com-
pletely user driven. When the user and software engineer
What Are They and H o w Are They Different? mutually agree that enough progress has been made, com-
The purpose of building a demonstration system is to iden- puter code will be written that simply gives a "look and feel"
tify the goals, problem characteristics, resources, and partic- quality to the ideas on paper. Stubs, which are essentially
ipants pertinent to the database project. Implementation placeholders for code not yet available, are written for the
should occur as quickly as possible with the primary em- actions corresponding to menu choices, for instance. Then
phasis on problem scope and representation. While the dem- the demonstration package is presented to the user who es-
onstration system is not intended to be complete, it serves sentially tries it out, fully aware that it is not yet a database
as a vehicle for understanding the problem, the information system but rather a tool for tightening requirements and spec-
required to solve the problem, and the possible routes to so- ifications. The user, of course, may ask the software engineer
lution of the problem. to make some adjustments and when completely satisfied
The prototype sharpens the definition of the concepts, sub- will give approval for prototype development to begin. Dur-
problems, and control features identified during the dem- ing the prototyping stage, fully functional software is writ-
onstration stage and transforms them into a working system. ten, that is, stubs are fleshed out, and the user can perform
searches of the database and display retrieved information.

Why Are They Important?

The most important reason for developing demonstration
and prototype systems is to tie database functionality di- The Hardware and Software Conundrum: Work
rectly to user expectations by gaining timely feedback on With What's Available or Start From Scratch?
how well the development process meets those needs before Before work on the database begins, a very difficult deci-
the project begins to drift. In the past, development meth- sion must be made regarding the choice of a development

platform, that is, the combination of hardware and software Is t h e r e h a r d w a r e and

software, adequate for U s e h a r d w a r e and
necessary to implement the database system. There are in- Yes d a t a b a s e development, No software which
commonly available ~ m i n i m i z e s the cost
tertwined constraints composed of budgets, deadlines, peo- throughout the user to the user.
ple, and politics, and it is unlikely that a clean, straightfor- community?

ward resolution of the hardware and software conundrum

exists. The project manager, therefore, must be capable of
making a firm, potentially unpopular, decision based on ex- IS the software
e n g i n e e r familiar NO
Is there sufficient time
and m o n e y in the budget No
Begin development
using h a r d w a r e and
perience and common sense. A streamlined example of some with t h e h a r d w a r e - - ~ for the software e n g i n e e r - - ~ s o f t w a r e familiar to
and software? to learn the h a r d w a r e and software engineer
questions to be addressed and some plausible conclusions is software? OR
presented in Fig. 2.1. Change software
Yes Yes

SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Begin development Train software engineer.

using c o m m o n l y
available h a r d w a r e
T h e Data Dictionary and software.

A data dictionary is essentially a guide for understanding FIG. 2.1--Questions and possible actions regarding hardware
the information in a database and has features similar to and software choices.
those found in a language dictionary. In the data dictionary,
one can find a description, the origin, and the usage of each
specific piece of data presented in the database. Unlike a
language dictionary, a data dictionary will provide additional
information describing the relationship of a given piece of
data to all other pieces of data. It will also indicate who has
responsibility for ensuring the quality of a particular piece TABLE 2.1--Sample format--generic identification of metals and
of information and which format best fits the data, such as alloys (ASTM 1338).
numeric, alphanumeric, date, or customized [5]. Field CategorySets, Values,
The data dictionary is the framework on which the data- Number" Field Name or Units
base is built. A great deal of work has already been done by 1 Material Class Alphanumeric String
ASTM, which eases the development of dictionaries for ma- 2 Family Name Alphanumeric String
terial property databases. ASTM Subcommittee E49.01 on 3 Family Subclass Alphanumeric String
Identification of Materials has issued standard guides for the 4 Application Group Alphanumeric String
5 Product Group
identification of metals and alloys (ASTM Guide for Identi- 6 Specification Organizationb Alphanumeric String
fication of Metals and Alloys in Computerized Material Prop- 7 Specification Numberb Alphanumeric String
erty Databases [E 1338]) and aluminum alloys and parts 8 Specification Versionb Alphanumeric String
(ASTM Guide for Identification of Aluminum Alloys 9 Specification Designationb Alphanumeric String
10 UnifiedNumber System
and Parts in Computerized Material Property Databases Numberb Alphanumeric String
[E 1339]) in computerized material property databases. Sub- 11 Common Nameb Alphanumeric String
committee E49.02 has issued a guide (ASTM Guide for De- 12 Compositional Detail (Key)b Alphanumeric String
velopment of Standard Data Records for Computerization of 13 Elemental Symbolb Alphanumeric String
Material Property Data [E 1313]) for the development of 14 Measured Weight Percent b Floating Point
15 Minimum Weight Percent b Floating Point
standard data records for computerization of material prop- 16 Maximum Weight Percentb Floating Point
erty data. The guidelines contained in these standards help 17 Manufacturer Alphanumeric String
the developer define the informational content of the data- 18 Country of Origin Alphanumeric String
base. For example, Table 2.1 lists fields useful for the generic 19 Manufacturer's Plant Location Alphanumeric String
20 Production Date YYMMDD
identification of metals and alloys. The discussion of this ta- 21 Manufacturer's Designation Alphanumeric String
ble in ASTM E 1338 includes definitions for each field. 22 Lot Identification Alphanumeric String
23 Additional Detail ( K e y ) Alphanumeric String
Internal Consistency 24 Primary Process Typeb Alphanumeric String
25 Primary Process Detail (Key) Alphanumeric String
Diverse user communities often see the same set of data 26 Secondary Process Typeb Alphanumeric String
in different ways, and problems may arise from misunder- 27 Secondary Process D e t a i l Alphanumeric String
standings associated with differing viewpoints. Building a (Key)
data dictionary is a very effective way to extract whatever 28 Part Identification Numberb Alphanumeric String
elements are common to all viewpoints and thereby create a 29 Geometric Shapeb Alphanumeric String
30 Thicknessb Floating Point mm (in.)
consistent, logical meaning for particular pieces of infor- 31 Width Floating Point mm (in.)
mation. This is especially important when data providers 32 Length Floating Point mm (in.)
with different backgrounds and interests need to understand 33 Fabrication Historyb Alphanumeric String
what data are required of them. 34 Fabrication Details ( K e y ) Alphanumeric String
35 ServiceHistoryb Alphanumeric String
In addition to enabling a user to understand the contents 36 ServiceDetails ( K e y ) Alphanumeric String
of the database, the dictionary imposes internal consistency 37 Supplementary Notes Alphanumeric String
in the way data are entered and stored. An individual will aField numbers are for discussion purposes only.
not be able to add alphanumeric information into a field that bEssential field, if applicable.

has been defined as strictly numeric, for example, or will TURER, can be defined to contain the name of the material's
need to enter data in a specific format if required. manufacturer, nothing more and, generally, nothing less.
A record is a collection of related fields. Looking back to
Interlinking Capability Table 2.1, the combination of the 37 tabulated fields would
Another important function of the data dictionary lies in be a record for the generic identification of a metal or alloy.
its use for interlinking applications. An industrial site, for M1 records pertaining to metals and alloys could be com-
instance, might maintain a materials database for coordi- bined to form a file. And, finally, a database is a collection
nation of research results, for computer-aided design (CAD), of related files. Building on the example provided by Table
and for materials selection and ranking. The CAD package 2.1, one might have a file for the identification of metals and
might require property measurement values for a material alloys, another file containing particular thermal property
to be used in a design component. The data dictionary measurements for each metal and alloy, and perhaps others
should provide sufficient information about the content of for additional property measurements or supplementary in-
the database for an interface to be built, which will identify formation. Linking all these files creates a database.
the relevant property fields, retrieve the needed data, and
pass them to the CAD package for subsequent processing. Data Existence and Constraints
The same materials database might also be used by an expert
Data existence and constraints refer to the checks and bal-
system, which will select and rank candidate materials ac-
ances for ensuring the quality and validity of the data and,
cording to some preferred criteria for pre-design engineering
in turn, the quality of the database itself. Generally, the da-
analysis. It would be wasteful to maintain three separate,
tabase developer is concerned primarily with field and rec-
identical databases to satisfy these different needs. The in-
ord existence and constraint issues.
terlinking capability of the data dictionary can greatly re-
Existence refers to whether a field must have a value as-
duce costly, redundant, and very likely, inconsistent facilities
sociated with it. It may not always be possible to provide a
for collecting and storing information, which is useful for
name for the MANUFACTURER in the identification file. If
multiple applications.
a name can be provided, the developer may wish to define
some constraints on its type, size, syntax, and value. Perhaps
The Schema and Subschemas the type should be an alphanumeric string rather than a
number or date. Its size would most likely be restricted to
A schema is a perspective, a way of seeing the information less than 35 characters. Its syntax might enforce last name
in a database. The three widely accepted schemas are called followed by a comma followed by first name, and its value
conceptual, physical, and external or subschema. may not include certain manufacturer names.
The conceptual schema is the complete, logical view of the At the next level, the developer could decide to reject re-
entire database including the data dictionary along with the cords if one field or a combination of fields did not meet
data existence requirements and constraints. This concep- some criteria. An identification record for the metal or alloy
tual viewpoint is represented by the fields, record structures, might be rejected if information for any of the essential fields
files and file relationships used to build the database. (Table 2.1) was missing.
The physical schema is basically the viewpoint of the com-
puter's operating system and includes descriptions of data-
base file characteristics, that is, physical layout including
field and record sizes, links to indexes, and links among files Data Entry
that comprise the database.
Building data dictionaries and database schemas some-
The external or subschema is the user's and often a pro-
times appears straightforward compared to the problem of
gram's view of the database. The subschema is so named
actually entering data into the database system. The next
because frequently the user or program is presented with
only a subset of the full contents of the database. One user, three sections will discuss useful approaches to streamlining
the data entry process.
for instance, may have use for certain information contained
in the database and, therefore, will only be able to "see" that
particular subset whereas another user with different inter- The Importance o f Developing a Data Reporting
ests may be presented with another subset of appropriate Format
data. Often data exist on paper in formats unsuitable for direct
Subsequent subsections and sections of this chapter will entry into the database. In such cases, a data reporting form
explore the conceptual and external schemas. Discussion of based on the fields included in the database schema and sub-
the physical schema would involve examining the low-level schemas will assist data providers as well as those perform-
nuts-and-bolts of the database management system, which ing data entry. The form or worksheet establishes guidelines
is beyond the scope of this chapter; but, the reader devel- and promotes consistency and completeness for data re-
oping an understanding of the database program infrastruc- porting. This in turn eases the data entry process. Appendix
ture will not suffer significantly from such an omission. A [6] is one example of a data reporting format and was
designed for the Structural Ceramics Database [7] project at
Fields, Records, and Files the National Institute of Standards and Technology using
A field is the smallest piece of information contained in ASTM Committee E-49 guidelines for the characterization
the database. As an example, a field, named MANUFAC- of the data source and for the specification of the material.

Conversion Software for Alternative Formats TABLE 2.2--Techniques for reducing or increasing displayed
A d a t a r e p o r t i n g w o r k s h e e t may, of course, be of l i m i t e d
value if the d a t a h a d b e e n previously r e c o r d e d in m a c h i n e - Reduce information by:
9 Providing graphic rather than alphanumeric displays
r e a d a b l e form. In such cases, c u s t o m i z e d d a t a conversion 9 Formatting displays to correspond to the user's immediate
p r o g r a m s m a y need to be w r i t t e n to r e a r r a n g e the source requirements
d a t a into the structure r e q u i r e d by the d a t a b a s e schema. To 9 Providing less powerful commands
successfully p r e p a r e conversion software, it will be n e c e s s a r y 9 Providing less complex interactions
Increase information by:
to u n d e r s t a n d : (1) the logical a n d physical structure of the 9 Providing more powerful commands
m a c h i n e - r e a d a b l e data, (2) the rules relevant to i n t e r p r e t a - 9 Providing more complex interactions
tion of that data, a n d (3) the c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n the d a t a
items to be converted a n d the d a t a b a s e fields a n d records.
Ideally, i n f o r m a t i o n useful for achieving this u n d e r s t a n d i n g
will be available, b u t s o m e t i m e s it will be incomplete, a n d Visual Real Estate
the only recourse will be careful analysis c o u p l e d w i t h com- The display area, or visual real estate, of a video m o n i t o r
m o n sense. is finite and, consequently, valuable. The software e n g i n e e r
m u s t take care to use the given a r e a effectively w h e n imple-
What to Do When the Data Arrive on Storage Media m e n t i n g the interface b e t w e e n the u s e r a n d the m a t e r i a l s
Different From the Target Medium database. The p r i m a r y design focus should be o n the quan-
Periodically, it will n o t be possible for the d a t a p r o v i d e r tity of i n f o r m a t i o n presented. There are a n u m b e r of tech-
to send m a c h i n e - r e a d a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n on a storage m e d i u m niques available to the software engineer for reducing o r in-
convenient for conversion a n d d a t a entry. F u r t h e r m o r e , creasing the a m o u n t of i n f o r m a t i o n d i s p l a y e d (Table 2.2) [8].
e q u i p m e n t m a y not be available to those w o r k i n g on d a t a In a d d i t i o n to the q u a n t i t y of information, a t t e n t i o n m u s t
e n t r y to convert from the source m e d i u m to the target me- be given to the a p p e a r a n c e of the interface, since it can easily
dium. So w h a t c a n be done w h e n the d a t a arrives on 2400- e n h a n c e or detract from a n individual's ability to use the
ft reels of 9-track 800 b p i m a g n e t i c t a p e 2 a n d can only be database. In this respect, aesthetics is an i m p o r t a n t p a r t of
converted a n d l o a d e d if it is on 3.5-in. high density disk- each screen's design a n d plays a large role in u s e r accep-
ettes, 2 b u t e q u i p m e n t is n o t available to c h a n g e the m e d i u m ? tance. S o m e general guidelines are to keep all interface
F i n d the section entitled "Data" in y o u r local Yellow Pages screens simple a n d uncluttered. Color c o m b i n a t i o n s s h o u l d
a n d look at the "Data Processing Services" s u b h e a d i n g for be m i n i m i z e d to avoid distractions a n d to m a i n t a i n consis-
businesses t h a t specialize in d a t a conversion. Also, cross- tency a m o n g all screens. Space s h o u l d be allocated for the
check the " C o m p u t e r s - - S o f t w a r e & Services" section listed u s e r to see the results of a n y actions taken. All possible ac-
u n d e r "Computers." M a n y of these c o m p a n i e s also offer a tions from a screen s h o u l d be p r e s e n t e d to the user, prefer-
scanning service for n o n m a c h i n e - r e a d a b l e formats. ably in the s a m e l o c a t i o n on all screens. A m o n g these actions
should be a m e t h o d for getting help. Finally, s o m e p o r t i o n
of the screen should be reserved for a n n o u n c i n g the p r e s e n t
The User Interface for the Storage, Retrieval, and status of the system [9]. It is disconcerting to m o s t users, for
Display o f Data example, when the d i s p l a y s i m p l y r e m a i n s b l a n k a n d i m p a s -
sive during a search of the d a t a b a s e , p a r t i c u l a r l y d u r i n g long
One of the m o s t i m p o r t a n t c o n s i d e r a t i o n s in the c o m p u t - searches. It is m u c h b e t t e r to write a few lines of code w h i c h
erization of m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y d a t a is the i n t e r a c t i o n be- generate a message indicating that a search is in progress. A
tween the c o m p u t e r a n d the user. A d a t a b a s e is typically a few m o r e lines of code m a y even be used to tell h o w far the
large collection of files a n d fields, w h i c h c a n p r e s e n t a daunt- s e a r c h has progressed.
ing navigational challenge to finding d e s i r e d i n f o r m a t i o n , Of course, there are wide variations in h a r d w a r e a n d soft-
p a r t i c u l a r l y if the user m u s t l e a r n the syntactic a n d s e m a n t i c w a r e that m i g h t dictate the use of different styles of inter-
subtleties of the l a n g u a g e of the d a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t sys- faces: line-by-line mode, full-screen mode, a n d g r a p h i c a l
tem. To eliminate this b u r d e n a n d to assist the u s e r in lo- u s e r interface, o r GUI ( p r o n o u n c e d goo-ee), b u t all of the
cating i n f o r m a t i o n effectively, a "user-friendly" interface is design guidelines for the p r e s e n t a t i o n of i n f o r m a t i o n can
c o d e d w h i c h allows access to the d a t a b a s e w i t h o u t requiring a n d should be observed.
a knowledge of file structures, field a t t r i b u t e s a n d character-
istics, o r languages. Line-by-Line Mode
User-friendly to a certain extent is a subjective evaluation. M a n y systems still exist that only write to the display one
The interface designer, however, can influence this evalua- line at a time with limited c u r s o r control. Generally, m e n u s
tion by gaining a knowlege of the user's subject d o m a i n in- that list choices for the user's selection are used extensively
cluding its t e r m i n o l o g y a n d designing with an e m p h a s i s on u n d e r these circumstances. W h e n c o m p o s i n g menus, con-
clarity, consistency, e r r o r handling, a n d help facilities. The sider the o r d e r a n d n u m b e r of the m e n u items. The u s e r will
interface m u s t m e e t these r e q u i r e m e n t s in each of its three m o s t likely have s o m e preference for o r d e r i n g these items
m a j o r c o m p o n e n t s : i n f o r m a t i o n storage, retrieval, a n d by relative i m p o r t a n c e o r for g r o u p i n g s i m i l a r items. And,
display. certainly, m e n u s with too few or too m a n y selections are to
be avoided. Lastly, using the m e n u system b e c o m e s increas-
2Commercial designation. ingly complex as the n u m b e r of m e n u s rises. Look for ways

Strength Property Selection

Property Temperature (~ Pro Software_ Documentation
-- Choose "Range" to specify
,i..... .....gth I, II aoini.......i......
r?nge. Some readers may wonder why software documentation
Tensiles....gth I II is included in this section on system architecture. It is the
2 Erase current entry
3 Erase screen
author's humble opinion that integrating documentation
Comp....ire Strength [ l J with the other database components greatly facilitates un-
derstanding and maintenance of the software. Yet, for many
Weibull M~ I I [ ](slope) software engineers, documentation is anathema. Often, they
will claim the software is self-documenting, that is, that it is
viokor, .at0.... I II t oP"
so clearly written that it explains itself. Generally, this state-
....pHrO .... I ]I loP" ment is true only for the programmer herself and only for a
finite period of time when the code is still fresh in her mind.
,.oturo Tough.... I ]I ]MPO, Revisiting a section of code even one month from its writing
quickly reveals the limits of one's memory. Another protes-
E........ergy I II ]J,o2 tation is that documenting software wastes precious time. It
(F1] Help (F3] Zoom ((Esc] to exit Zoom) [Esc] Exit
does not. The author has had full meals of spaghetti code
[F2] Choices [F9] Ok, Continue Arrows move cursor without documentation condiments and can claim unequiv-
ocally that such repasts are distasteful to the palate, difficult
FIG. 2.2--An example of a full-screen fill-in-form. The user may to swallow, nearly impossible to digest, and have kept him
move the cursor to the appropriate prompt (represented by at the dinner table for uncomfortably long periods of time.
rectangles) and specify values for the property and/or meas- Good documentation is actually quite easy to write. It need
urement temperature. not be verbose, just clear and concise. Explanations should
include what a module or section of code does, what the
variables mean and how they are used, and a discussion of
to reduce the number of menus without sacrificing clarity or any special conditions or features that exist. The documen-
functionality. If the number of menus cannot be reduced, tation should be placed close to the code it refers to and
use system status messages and screen titles to help the user distinguished from the code itself by being placed in a box.
navigate. After the database project has been completed, a section
known as the "change list" should be created at the very be-
ginning of the software. The change list includes the date a
change was made to the software; the name of the individual
who made the change and some information on how to con-
Full-Screen Mode tact her; a short, clear, and concise discussion of the nature
of the change; and a list of the sections of code that were
affected by the change.
A full-screen, or block, mode interface offers more flexi-
bility than the line-by-line design because memory buffers
are used to store and manipulate the screen. One major ben-
efit is flexible cursor control. The software engineer can SYSTEM FEATURES
sense the location of the cursor and also move it as desired.
As a result, such constructs as fill-in-forms may become part
of the interface. These forms greatly simplify data entry and The Basics
query specification. Figure 2.2 is an example of a full-screen
The normal capabilities of a database system, data storage,
retrieval, and display, should be supplemented with a few
basic features that ease and enhance the user's interaction
The Graphical User Interface with the software. These are data security; a help facility; a
status line; data indexing; brief and full display capabilities;
One of the most recent significant advances in computing
data downloading; and data facilities for accuracy, signifi-
is the development of the GUI. GUIs are immediately rec-
cant figures, and quality indicators.
ognizable because of their visual orientation. They have win-
dows, pointing devices, icons (small pictures linked to ac-
tions), buttons, menus, and dialog boxes. Output to the Security
screen is in the form of text, pictures and icons with input The database software and the information contained in
taking place either directly or indirectly (through dialog the database must be protected from unintended and, within
boxes, for instance) through the same screen. reason, malicious deletion or alteration. The former is rela-
The GUI is definitely user-oriented but can present com- tively easy to accomplish because modern hardware and
plex technical challenges to the software engineer. Even the software provide sophisticated control features. The latter
simplest GUI includes long lists of features and options. can be more difficult. There will always be unscrupulous in-
Also, the learning curve is very steep. Tools, however, are dividuals insufficiently clever to find meaningful ways to oc-
gradually becoming available that help streamline the devel- cupy their minds, and thwarting them requires good and reg-
opment of a graphical user interface. ular backup Procedures.

Help Facility and Glossary R e c o r d s in D a t a b a s e Index for M a n u f a c t u r e r Field in


The most basic and arguably the most important feature R e c o r d Key: I Record Key: XYZ C o r p o r a t i o n
of a thoughtfully implemented interface is the help facility. Material: silicon nitride Pointer: 1
Manufacturer: XYZ C o r p o r a t i o n Pointer: 3
If the user does not understand the meaning of a term, does Designation: XYZ-1O0
not know what to do next in a particular circumstance, or Impurities: Fe Record Key: ABC, Ltd.
Pointer: 2
has made an error, help needs to be available. It is very com- Record Key: 2
Material: silicon carbide
mon to establish a function key, generally F1, for what is Manufacturer: ARC, Ltd.
know as "context-sensitive" help. Context-sensitive simply re- Designation: ABC-I
Impurities: AI, Ti
fers to what the user is currently trying to do. For instance,
the user may need to specify a value for a particular prompt Record Key: 3
Material: silicon nitride
but does not know what that prompt means. By writing soft- Manufacturer: XYZ C o r p o r a t i o n
ware that "knows" on which prompt the cursor is located, Designation: XYZ-250
Impurities: A1
that is, the context is known, the F1 key will supply help
appropriate for that prompt. Also, general help may be given
FIG. 2 . 3 - - A n example of an index for a field in a database.
for the database system as a whole and is usually available
by pressing key combinations which include F1, such as
Shift+F1 or Ctrl+F1. Alternatively, systems with mouse sup-
port often have a button simply labeled "Help." After clicking ror trapping and reporting can undermine an otherwise well-
on the button, a help facility is revealed. written program.
Recovering from an error should not take the user by sur-
prise. The best action would be to provide a helpful message
Error Handling and return the user to the point just prior to where the error
Humans are error prone and, with respect to a database occurred.
system, can make mistakes as end users or as software en-
gineers. Errors are caused by any combination of misunder- The Status Line
standings, lack of appropriate information, lapses in logic, One or two lines on the video display should be reserved
syntax errors, or inadvertent mistakes. for messages that provide information about where the user
The incidence rate for software errors can be greatly re- is in the database system and what kind of work is being
duced by proper software design and implementation. Soft- performed. Typically, they are located at the bottom of the
ware should be written in components called modules. Each screen and are displayed using video attributes different
module will perform a specific task and can be tested inde- from their surroundings for easy identification. The status
pendently. As a result, it is more straightforward to identify lines are particularly useful for short help and error mes-
and correct programming errors. An additional and impor- sages. Many systems employ color, such as red for error mes-
tant benefit of the modular design is that it simplifies revi- sage text, to draw the user's attention to particularly impor-
sions to the software, since only those modules requiring tant information.
changes are affected. Software modularity will be revisited
in the section on Getting the Software to Work Right. Indexing
Errors on the part of the user may also be significantly Nearly everyone would agree that an index in a book is
reduced by altering the software design. Menus, function usefltl primarily because it expedites the location of infor-
and hot keys, buttons, icons, and mouse support are among mation. Indexes for a materials database serve the same pur-
the most well-known constructs created to simplify the user's pose, and all modern database management systems include
interaction with software and thereby reduce frustration and facilities for constructing them.
increase efficiency. Menus, for example, can be very effective Database indexes are usually composed of a key value and
in the reduction of typographical errors and can also provide a pointer back to the record in the database that contains
a good reference frame for the user of a complex database that key value. Figure 2.3 represents a scaled down example
system. Function keys, hot keys, buttons, and icons with of what an index might look like for a manufacturer of a
clearly defined actions and meanings relieve the user of the material found in a database of silicon nitrides and silicon
burden of learning a command language. The mouse stream- carbides.
lines the user interface by providing a point-and-shoot aher- To the left of the figure are three sample database records.
native to cursor and "Enter" key combinations when working Each record has a unique identifier, the record key, to dis-
with menus, icons, and buttons. tinguish it from all other records. In the example, integers
Despite the best efforts of the software engineers, errors are used but any unique identifier is usually permissible. Of-
are still likely to occur. It is important to recognize this fact ten, if there are no unique candidates, fields (perhaps Man-
and prepare for it by providing helpful error messages and ufacturer and Designation in this example) will be concate-
graceful recoveries. nated for use as the record key.
Too often, cryptic or seemingly nonsensical messages are To the right are two Manufacturer index records. The key
displayed that only confuse and annoy the user. A common for the index record is the manufacturer's name and the
example is "Invalid entry, try again." What was wrong? What pointer is the key of the database record that contains that
should be tried next? It takes just a few lines of code to run name in its manufacturer field. As is clear from the fist index
a value through an edit check, discover what was wrong, and record, multiple pointers are possible because multiple da-
inform the user clearly and concisely. Cutting corners on er- tabase records contain that particular manufacturer's name.

This example touches very lightly on the myriad possibil- Total nuaber of records found using current search criteria was 5.

ities for customizing database and index records. Quite fre- Record I
quently, memory addresses are used instead of pointers be- Number Material Manufacturer Designation

cause records can be accessed more efficiently if the 1 silicon nitride GTE (Wesgo Division) SNW-IOOO
2 silicon nitride NGK Insulators, Ltd. NGK-SN73
database management system does not need to perform any 3 silicon nitride Norton Company NC-132
4 silicon nitride
calculations to determine the locations of records. This spe- 5 silicon nitride
Norton Company
United Technologies
cial topic and many others may be found in the references
provided in the introduction to this chapter.
One needs to be judicious, however, and not create inap- [FI] Help [PgDn] Next page [Esc] Exit brief display
propriate indexes because they consume precious disk space IF2] Choose records [PgUp] Prior page

and may not add any significant speed improvements for lo-
FIG. 2 . 4 - - A n example of a brief display. The user presses [F2] to
cating information. For example, it is generally not a good
select records for full display.
idea to index a field that has little variation in its content. In
these circumstances, it is nearly as quick to sequentially ex-
amine the database records as it is to access the index, read
a long list of pointers, and collect the relevant records. There Data Facilities for Accuracy, Significant Figures, and
is too much overhead associated with the use of an index of Indicating Quality
this type, which includes consumption of disk space devoted
Numeric data for materials databases, as in all scientific
to the maintenance of that index. Also, it is not wise to index
databases, vary widely in precision, which is tied to the pre-
fields that will be searched infrequently, if at all. Disk space
cision of the test method, and accuracy [10]. Measurements
will simply be wasted on such indexes.
may be made to many significant figures or simply reported
In summary, indexes are extremely valuable for finding in-
as a range of values, but, whenever possible, it is important
formation fast, but selecting appropriate database fields to
to store and display the appropriate number of significant
index requires thought and insight into how the user actually
figures. Searching for a special real value with a certain
wants to access information.
number of significant figures, however, is a difficult if not
The Brief Display impossible task. Searches involving such numbers are con-
ducted more effectively if the user is given the opportunity
Searching a database of even moderate size often identifies
to specify a range of values. It is customary to provide ca-
many records satisfying the search criteria, but the user will
pabilities for selecting a minimum and/or maximum value
probably be interested in only a select subset of those re-
along with relational operators, such as < (less than), <= (less
trieved. As an aid for establishing the subset, a list of the
than or equal to), > (greater than), and >= (greater than or
material specifications along with several other fields found
equal to), which allow flexibility in searching numeric val-
in the records is displayed. The user may choose those re-
ues. Figure 2.6 shows how this was implemented for one
cords of interest in the list for which complete information
particular database.
is subsequently provided. The list is called a brief display
Since materials databases include numeric data from a
because it does not contain all the information in a record
wide variety of sources, it is important to include an indi-
but rather enough to whet the user's appetite (Fig. 2.4). It
cation of the quality of the data. The quality indicator should
should be noted that the fields to be included in the brief
be supported by a discussion or short commentary on the
display are usually specified by the user during the demon-
precision and resolution of the instrument used to generate
stration stage of development.

The Full Display

Presentation of the complete record is called the full dis-
play (Fig. 2.5). The software engineer must exercise caution Name: silicon nitride
(Morton Company NCX-34)
~Record: 4 of 5
in designing the full display taking care to compartmentalize Material: monolithic Chemical: nitride Structure: polycrystalline
similar information and to highlight important fields such as Form: billet
Method: hot-pressed
cautions or special notes concerning the material. It is very History: billets were 150 ram x 150 mm x 25 ram. WC balls used in ball-
m i l l i n g led to WSi2 conta~nination
possible that the full display of a record will require multiple
specimen state: modified
screens, and the transition from screen to screen and record Modification: machined to 32 x 6 x 3 mm with tensile face
to record should be implemented cleaddy and consistently. perpendicular to the hot-pressing direction, faces
were ground lengthwise using 320 grit diamond wheels,
edges were chamfered lengthwise
Downloading Phase(s): unknown% 8; unknown% H-phase (YIOSi6024N2); trace%
Users will want to place information retrieved from the Impurities: 0.5% AI; 0.05% ca; 0.75% Fe; 0.1% Mg; 3.0% W
Sintering Aids: 7.0% Y203
database in reports, papers, or other applications software,
and a downloading capability simplifies this use of the da-
tabase. Options should allow downloading to a file and, pos-
sibly, to output devices such as printers and plotters. File [F1] Help {PgDn] Next record [Esc] Exit reportin,
[F2] Choose properties [PgUp] Prior record
formats typically include ASCII but others, such as DIF (data
interchange format), may be required depending upon user FIG. 2 . 5 - - A n example of a full display. The user selected this
needs. Windows-based software will provide a clipboard or record from the brief display and all information about the ma-
dynamic data exchange (DDE). terial is made available.

Strength Property Selection

the d a t a as well as the specific test m e t h o d employed. Three Property Temperature ( ~ Property Value
r e c o m m e n d e d quality i n d i c a t o r s arose f r o m w o r k done on a
large m a t e r i a l s d a t a b a s e project [11]: l i m i t e d use data, qual-
Flexural Strength [

ified data, a n d highly qualified data. Suggested s t a n d a r d s for Tensile Strength [ Mpa
each category are s u m m a r i z e d in Table 2.3 (see C h a p t e r 6).
Compressive Strength [ Mpa

Weibull Modulus [ (slope)

The Bells and Whistles
Vickers Hardness [ Gpa
Additional system features t h a t are often requested b y The range of flexural strength values currently in the database is
users include a graphics capability, units conversion, statis-
tical analysis, a n d a thesaurus. These features, while n o t
Fracture Toughness
64.4 - 1030.0 Mpa.
Please enter a minimum and/or maximum value in the window below.
. Range .
~ Mpam~ %
strictly necessary, enable one to m a k e m o r e effective use of Minimum 1300 l
the database. Fracture Energy J/m~2
Maximum l 1

Graphics Facilities for Data Visualization [FI] Help [F3] Zoom ([Esc] to ex/t Zoom) [Esc] Exit
[F2] Choices [Fg] Ok, Continue Arrows move cursor
The h u m a n eye a n d b r a i n m o r e readily perceive periodic-
ity a n d t r e n d s in n u m e r i c d a t a w h e n they are p r e s e n t e d in FIG. 2 . 6 - - A n example of how range searching was implemented
g r a p h i c a l r a t h e r t h a n t a b u l a r fashion. Adding a graphics fa- for the Structural Ceramics Database. The user places the
cility to the d a t a b a s e system, however, can be a f o r m i d a b l e cursor at the appropriate prompt, the software states the ac-
t a s k d e p e n d i n g u p o n u s e r requirements. W h e n s o p h i s t i c a t e d ceptable range of values, and the user can then request mini-
capabilities are needed, it is best to explore linking the da- mum and maximum values.
t a b a s e to one of the m a n y excellent c o m m e r c i a l l y available
graphics packages. An i m p o r t a n t issue to c o n s i d e r w h e n pur-
suing this alternative, however, is the licensing r e q u i r e m e n t
of the package, p a r t i c u l a r l y for p e r s o n a l computers. Royalty-
free a d d - o n s greatly simplify the d i s t r i b u t i o n of the c o m -
p l e t e d d a t a b a s e system.
A n o t h e r possibility is a l i b r a r y of graphics functions. These
libraries are available for a wide variety of h i g h e r level lan-
guages such as C a n d FORTRAN. While they do not c o n t a i n
the u s e r interface f o u n d in graphics packages, they do offer TABLE 2.3--Suggested data quality standards [12].
g r e a t flexibility and, in m o s t cases, a very rich collection of Limited Use Data
graphics functions. Of course, if the project is flush with 9 Data are traceable to an individual, organization, or reference
money, time, a n d talent, graphics functions m a y be w r i t t e n (both the data "Source" and "Digitizer" are identified)
f r o m scratch; but, the a u t h o r ' s viewpoint is that there are 9 After independent review, an identifiable authority approved
the digitized version for inclusion in the database
very few reasons to do this. The best graphics libraries have 9 Basis of the data is identified
t a k e n m a n y years to develop a n d have b e e n carefully a n d a. experimental measurements
extensively tested. The t i m e saved by using these libraries is b. derived data--specify theoretical basis and data
well spent on developing the m o s t r o b u s t m a t e r i a l s d a t a b a s e c. estimated data
9 Type of data is indicated
system possible. a. original point values
b. analyzed data
Units Conversion bl. standard fit--specify fit and data
b2. fit unknown
Most n u m e r i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n has a p r e f e r r e d unit of meas- Qualified Data
u r e m e n t a s s o c i a t e d with it, b u t often there are m a n y possible 9 Number of measurements and data sets stated
9 Nominal confidence limits estimated (that is, 0.90, 0.95, n)
alternative units. Ideally, storing, searching, a n d displaying 9 Traceable materials specification assures reproducibility
d a t a b a s e r e c o r d s will o c c u r using the units of the original 9 Testing methods are specified and conform to a standard
m e a s u r e m e n t , b u t conversion software m a y be w r i t t e n to 9 Data are traceable to a testing/data generating organization or
provide users with a choice of units b a s e d u p o n preferences. individual
The software can be e m b e d d e d in the d a t a b a s e system, a n d Highly Qualified Data
9 High confidence limits determined (that is, 0.99, 0.95, n
m o s t often s i m p l y entails a conversion factor o r formula. 9 Perform minimum number of individual measurements
The tradeoff that m u s t be a d d r e s s e d involves w h e n to use a. from minimum number of sample lots
alternative units. If the d a t a b a s e system is totally flexible, b. from multiple suppliers (if appropriate)
units conversion m a y o c c u r anywhere, b u t there m a y be sig- 9 Data determined for each variable (that is, form, processing
condition, size, and so forth) that significantly affects property
nificant d e g r a d a t i o n in system response p a r t i c u l a r l y d u r i n g 9 Independent testing performed (other than the producer and
s e a r c h a n d display. It is possible to avoid d y n a m i c a l l y con- preferably by several testing labs)
v e n i n g units by r e d u n d a n t l y storing the d a t a b a s e using a 9 A second, independent evaluation (evaluator identified)
fixed set of alternative units. The d r a w b a c k with this ap- 9 All features explainable
p r o a c h is the excessive use of disk space. 9 Producer(s) identified

Statistical Analysis cords. Each record may be composed of the data elements
as follows:
Much of the discussion on graphics facilities also applies
TERM is the key to the the-
to statistical analysis. There are many excellent packages
saurus record.
available for analyzing data and, if requirements are exten-
TERM_TYPE is the category into
sive, it is advisable to consider interfacing the database sys-
which the term fits,
tem with the statistical package. This may be accomplished
such as material,
easily by using the downloading facility to prepare files that
property, unit, or
may be uploaded to a variety, perhaps the most common, of
statistical packages or, with more effort, by writing a seam-
DESCRIPTION contains text de-
less interface to the statistical programs.
scribing TERM.
Minimal requirements, such as summary statistics for the
BROADER_TERM is a multiple occur-
number of values in a data set, minimum, maximum, mean,
ring data element
variance, and standard deviation, may be coded and inte-
which identifies
grated in a separate module within the database system.
broader categories
into which TERM
Thesaurus fits.
STANDARD_TERM is the standard no-
A thesaurus of terms can be an important part of the on-
menclature for
line help facility and a requirement for units conversion. It
is usually a separate file in the database with records that
USED_FOR is another multiple
can be searched and displayed. The thesaurus includes def-
occurring data ele-
initions as well as relationships among terms that support
ment which con-
the use of the materials database system. For units conver-
tains commonly
sion, a term in the thesaurus will be a unit, and the record
used alternative
for that unit will also contain information about alternate
names for TERM.
units and the necessary conversion factors and formulas.
STANDARD_UNITS holds the name of
Figure 2.7 contains examples of possible thesaurus re-
the standard meas-
urement units for
TERM = A92024
TERM TYPE = material STANDARD_CONVERSION_FACTOR provides the con-
DESCRIPTION = This wrought a l u m i n u m a l l o y , c o n t a i n i n g c o p p e r , m a g n e s i u m , and
m a n g a n e s e as hardeners, can be precipitation hardened b y h e a t t r e a t m e n t t o version factor for
strength levels among the highest of the commercially available aluminum
a l l o y s . B e c a u s e o f it h i g h s t r e n g t h , f o r m a b i l i t y , m a c h i n a b i l i t y , and
a v a i l a b i l i t y in m o s t p r o d u c t f o r m s , it is w i d e l y u s e d in a e r o s p a c e s t r u c t u r e s . which yields
Nevertheless, its use is l i m i t e d s o m e w h a t b y its r e l a t i v e l y i n f e r i o r c o r r o s i o n
r e s i s t a n c e a n d w e l d a b i l i t y as c o m p a r e d w i t h s o m e o t h e r a l u m i n u m a l l o y s , s h e e t , TERM.
s t r i p , and plate are a v a i l a b l e in c l a d f o r m w h i c h is recoramended for
applications where corrosion may be a problem. The alloy has useful strength
at t e m p e r a t u r e s u p t o a b o u t 300~ W i t h f u r t h e r i n c r e a s e s in t e m p e r a t u r e , its
strength d e c r e a s e s s h a r p l y .
B R O A D E R _ T E R M = a l u m i n u m a l l o y s - w r o u g h t , heat treatable
BROADER_TERM = aluminum based - wrought
BROADER TERM = aluminum alloy
USER FOR = 2024
USED FOE = 24s (obsolete)
U S E D _ F O R = S A E J 4 5 4 (2024) Alpha Testing and Debugging
USED_FOR = AA 2024

TERM = bulk modulus Alpha testing is the performance testing that is conducted
TERM TYPE = property
D E S C R I P T I O N = R a t i o of m e a n n o r m a l s t r e s s t o t h e c h a n g e in v o l u m e p e r u n i t
by the developer or testing group prior to the public release
v o l u m e . It is a m e a s u r e of i n c o m p r e s s i b i l i t y of a m a t e r i a l w h e n s u b j e c t e d t o of the software. For large projects, alpha testing is performed
hydrostatic pressure.
BROADER TERM = compression properties by a professional testing group as code is being developed.
STANDARDTERM = bulk modulus
USED FOE = bulk modulus of elasticity
This reduces the development cycle and gets the product to
USED FOR = bulk modulus market faster than waiting for the software to be completed
S T A N d A R D _ U N I T S = pascal
and then iteratively tested and debugged. For smaller pro-
TERM = centxmeter
TERM TYPE = unit jects, alpha testing is often done by the individuals who
DESCRIPTION = A unit of length equal to
BROADER_TERM = size units
I/i00 of a meter or 0.3937 inch.
wrote the software. While this is an undesirable circum-
STANDARD_TERM = centimeter stance because it is hard for the software engineers to be
STANDARD UNITS = m objective about their own code, it is, nonetheless, reality.
The first stage of alpha testing is to develop a plan that
TERM = cold reduction
TERMTYPE = variable
includes what will be tested, how testing will proceed, and
DESCRIPTION = Percent cold reduction of a m a t e r i a l , usually during a step in who will do the testing. Commit the plan to paper or com-
the fabrication process
STANDARD TERM = cold reduction puter file so that nothing will be forgotten, and also remem-
USED FOE = cold reduction
ber that the plan must be flexible enough to accommodate
FIG. 2.7--Examples of possible thesaurus records, which might Determining what to test can be particularly difficult when
be used with a materials property database [ 13]. the software contains many options and features. The best

approach is to tabulate the options and features along with placed in end user hands, beta testing may begin. Select beta
the test cases that will be applied to each. Test cases should testers from the pool of people who might use the software
include normal cases, boundary conditions, and invalid con- and recognize from the outset that these will not be profes-
ditions. Normal cases are the obvious things a user might sional testers and should not be expected to rigorously re-
do: pick a choice from a menu, enter valid values to a view the software according to a pre-designed plan. They will
prompt, perform a search, produce a report. If the obvious use it in intended and unintended ways and will invariably
cases do not work, testing should discontinue until the soft- find bugs. When the problems have been corrected, the da-
ware has been debugged. tabase is ready for the finishing touches in preparation for
Boundary conditions test the limits of the software options production release.
and features. For example, what will the software do if the
user attempts to download a record to a file for which in-
Fine Tuning
sufficient disk space is available?
Invalid conditions are those that are just plain wrong. For Software engineers must carefully weigh the advantages
instance, what happens when the user enters an invalid value and disadvantages of fine tuning software that, in most
for a prompt? Does the software crash or the computer cases, works well and works fast. In a database application,
hang? attention certainly must be focused on potential bottlenecks,
Determining how to test the code involves choosing be- such as search, retrieval, sort, and display times, but fine
tween black-box and white-box (or glass-box) testing. Black- tuning every module of code is not only unnecessary, it can
box testing means that one is only concerned with whether create problems. The software can easily become difficult to
the software does what it is supposed to do and not with read, maintain, and extend. Let common sense be your
how it actually does it. If written specifications have been guide.
prepared for the database, they serve as a statement of what
the software should do and testing may proceed from the
specifications. M O V I N G F R O M P R O T O T Y P E TO
White-box testing is essentially a code review. The tester PRODUCTION
reads through the code while applying tests for the normal
cases, boundary conditions, and invalid cases. This m a n n e r The Professional Touch and Software
of testing can be extremely valuable because careful reading Distribution
of the code will unveil the precise location of errors and can
suggest additional test cases. However, it is possible to be- The emphasis to this point has been on the infrastructure
come so entrenched in the code that the tester begins to view of a materials database system. But, no matter how well con-
the logic of the solution in the same way as the developer structed the database may be, if "little" things are neglected,
and, therefore, the same errors remain undetected. the user may view the system in a somewhat less favorable
The software engineer should not have primary responsi- light and, worst of all, simply not use it. This section will
bility for testing the code unless no one else is available. The discuss several items that will improve the overall quality of
developer is not likely to be highly objective or likely to test the finished product.
conditions that were not explicitly coded if they were not
part of the functional specifications. Choose an individual, User D o c u m e n t a t i o n
preferably with prior testing experience, who will execute a It should be every software engineer's goal to create a sys-
test plan and accurately report the results. tem that can be used without any documentation. Neverthe-
less, one must be realistic and recognize that all users differ
in their approaches to learning about a software application,
The 1%, 10%, a n d 1 0 0 % Loads in this case a materials database. Good user documentation,
If the materials database is of moderate to very large size therefore, is an essential part of the total database package.
(roughly 1000 to greater than 1 000 000 records), consider Part of the documentation, online help, has already been
testing at three levels of capacity: 1% of the data loaded, 10% discussed. The printed user manual should include clear
loaded, and 100% loaded. Testing in this manner will more software installation instructions if needed, a guide with ex-
readily help expose performance problems, such as slow planations of every feature in the database system, and a
searches, sorts, and reports, since reference points will be sample session that the user can run using the database,
developed in reasonable increments. The records for the 1% which will simultaneously provide an assurance that the
and 10% loads may be selected at r a n d o m from the full data software was installed correctly, and a tutorial on how to
set. use the system.
The most important stylistic issue regarding the user man-
ual is to minimize jargon and, where its use is unavoidable,
G E T T I N G T H E S O F T W A R E TO W O R K provide examples with explanations.
A u t o m a t e d Installation
Beta Testing and Debugging Installation of the materials database, particularly if it is
to be placed on a personal computer or workstation, is es-
After alpha testing is complete, that is, the developers and sentially the software engineer's salutation to the user; and
testers feel that the database software is robust enough to be a crisp, professional installation process announces that the

Thank you for p u r c h a s i n g t h e

software was developed with care and with an emphasis on Database.
quality. First impressions should not be underestimated Would you please take a moment to answer the following
t o u s e so t h a t w e m i g h t i m p r o v e o u r p r o d u c t a n d b e t t e r
q u e s t i o n s and return it
serve the scientific
since they directly influence the user's overall perception of community?

the software product. Name Company

The installation process should be straightforward and as Position Title

accommodating as possible with clear instructions available How did you hear about this database?
for every step. It must be thoroughly tested and debugged.
Are you satisfied w i t h the software on this database?
It is also an excellent idea to test the process on individuals
who have little or no experience installing software, prior to Do you have any suggestions for improvements?

public release of the database system. Weaknesses in the in-

stallation software and instructions will be exposed quickly. Are you satisfied w i t h the documentation on this database?

Is it e a s y to follow and understand?

Runtime Packages and License Agreements What is t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f t h i s database t o y o u r work?

Runtime packages and licensing agreements protect the

How frequently do you expect to use this database?
rights of software engineers and distributors. Runtime pack-
What additional features would you like to see added to this database? - -
ages are trimmed down versions of development packages.
They will run applications that were built using a particular
package but do not contain the full set of development tools.
How often would you l i k e t o see u p d a t e s ?
For nondistributed systems, each user usually receives a
runtime copy of the database with a unique license number Please return this form to: Standard Reference Data
assigned to it. Sometimes it is possible to negotiate a site N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e of S t a n d a r d s and Technology
Bldg. 2 2 1 Room A320
license for the rnntime package if demand is sufficiently Gaithersburg, MD 20899

high. One way to totally eliminate the overhead is to write Any further questions, please call: (301) 975-2208
the database software using a language or package that does
not require royalty payments. FIG. 2.8--An example of a feedback questionnaire used by the
Standard Reference Data program at NIST.
Technical Support for the Software
Support should be available whenever users encounter
technical problems with the database. There are many ways Announcing Future Releases of Software
to provide this support via telephone, mail, electronic mail, Announcing new releases of the software requires some
and fax machines, but the approach should be consistent no organization with regard to mailing lists and user feedback.
matter which route the user takes. Technical support should It is important to learn who purchased the software and
be courteous, punctual, and correct. why. An effective method of gathering this information is by
Courtesy is usually the first attribute to be dismissed when distributing a user feedback form with the software package.
an angry user requests support, but it is surprising how often Figure 2.8 is a feedback questionnaire and used by the Stan-
good ideas and comments arise from such encounters when dard Reference Data program at NIST. It covers all the ba-
one reins in the temptation to simply respond to the user in sics such as user identification, how the database is being
kind. used, what problems exist, and which features are missing.
Punctual response to a request for assistance is another In general, approximately 10% of the questionnaires will be
indicator of the care that has gone into developing the prod- completed and returned, but even this small number will
uct. This assures the user that the support request is taken provide valuable insight into how the user community per-
seriously. ceives the product and what changes should be incorporated
Failing to provide correct technical responses to users' into future versions. As a consequence, announcements for
questions undermines their confidence in the database sys- new releases will reflect responsiveness to user needs.
tem and may lead them to discard it entirely. If a correct
response cannot be made promptly, explain this to the user
and give a conservative but reasonable estimate of the time
it will take to provide the necessary help. MAINTENANCE
It is best to place technical support contact information in
the printed user manual for the software.
Database developers must be prepared to maintain their
software following public release of the system. For large-
Technical Support for the Data
scale projects, maintenance time can eventually exceed de-
Separate support should be provided for the data since it velopment time, and project managers must be prepared to
is likely that the software engineer does not also have in- allocate the necessary resources for this activity. Data and
depth knowledge of the information in the database. The code may be added, removed, or altered, which means that
same rules of support--courtesy, punctuality, and correct- the latest version of the database will need to be tested and
ness--apply, however, and should not be ignored. debugged before being released to the public. The project
Data support contact information should also appear in a manager will need to establish a timetable for new releases
convenient location in the printed manual. of the database.

D e m o n s t r a t i n g the S y s t e m STRUCTURAL CERAMICS DATABASE : CONTRIBUTOR

Name: J. J. S m i t h Date: 3/1/89

The topic of demonstrating the database system is not
strictly germane to program infrastructure, but the author Organization: Ceramics Corp.

considers it extremely important. He has witnessed too many

Address: 1234 M a i n St.
projects where the developers committed the egregious error S u b u r b i a , CA 98111
of not thoroughly preparing the demonstrations. This care-
less attitude not only insults the audience, it can scuttle the Office Phone:

entire project or significantly change its management and FAX Number :

General Notes:
The guiding principle is to never demonstrate anything
D a t a r e p o r t e d h e r e w e r e m e a s u r e d by several staff m e m b e r s as p a r t
that has not been previously tried using the current version of a s e r i e s of c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n tests on m a t e r i a l s p r o d u c e d by o u r
of the system. Prepare a demonstration that thoroughly company.

covers all the highlights of the database but politely decline

invitations from the audience to demonstrate features that WARNING: T H I S E X A M P L E IS I N T E N D E D TO SERVE AS A G U I D E >>>
had not been explored before the demonstration. Honesty F O R T H E S U B M I S S I O N OF D A T A T O T H E S T R U C T U R A L
and humility are more graciously received than humiliation. R E F E R E N C E S IN THIS E X A M P L E A R E I D E A L I Z E D A N D

FIG. 2 . 9 - - T h e first page of the SCD data format documents the
Compound Key--A key field comprised of any combination name and contact information of the contributor.
of fields from a record.
Database--An organized collection of related files.
Data Element--see Field.
Field--Also known as a data field or data element; it rep-
resents the basic unit of information storage in a database
and is always defined to be an element of a record. A field
has attributed associated with it, such as name, type (for
example, character, numeric, date), and length.
File--The primary physical storage unit into which a data- STRUCTURAL CERAMICS DATA8ASE : BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION

base is organized. Database records are stored in files. Citation Number: 001

Index--A set of key values, similar to the index of a book, A u t h o r s Names: < Last name, Initials >
which enable rapid retrieval of records from a database. Smith, J. J.
P o i n t e r - - A n address or a key value in an index record, Wilson, T. D.

which provides the information necessary for locating a

record in the database. T i t l e of Paper:

Record--A collection of related data fields. Selected Thermal Properties of Hot P r e s s e d S i l i c o n C a r b i d e

Redundant Data--Identical data that is stored in multiple

locations in a database. N a m e of J o u r n a l , Book, or R e p o r t w h e r e P u b l i s h e d :

Schema--A conceptual model of the structure of the data- J. R e s u l t s

base, which defines the data contents and relationships. V o l u m e Number: 96 I s s u e Number: 6 Pages: 614-621 Year: 1988
Virtual M e m o r y - - A n input/output management technique
P a t e n t Number:
that keeps the most recently and most often accessed in-
N a m e of E d i t o r :
formation in memory during execution of a database ap-
plication program. It reduces the amount of required ac-
N a m e of P u b l i s h e r : S o c i e t y of R e s e a r c h
tual disk I/O, resulting in improved performance.
Language of P u b l i c a t i o n : English

APPENDIX G e n e r a l Notes:

Figures 2.9 through 2.13 represent an example of the data

acquisition format developed for the Structural Ceramics FIG. 2.10--Published sources of data are documented as bibli-
Database project. Included are completed forms for contrib- ographic information in the SCD data format.
utor and bibliographic information, material specification,
measurement method, and property measurements.


Material Identification Number: SC-123-A citation Number: 001 Material Identification Number: SC-123-A citation Number: 001

Material Class monolithic ceramic Property Name: specific heat

Structure Class pelycrystalline Measurement Method Name: DSC ( ~ 500 *C) and D r o p C a l o r i m e t r y (> 500 *C)

Chemical Class carbide Cautions and s p e c i a l Observations:

Generic Name silicon carbide A c c u r a c y d e c r e a s e s w i t h increasing temperature.

T e m p e r a t u r e s are m i d - p o i n t values.
Formula SiC P r o p e r t y v a l u e s are g i v e n with a 95% c o n f i d e n c e range b a s e d o n five
i n d e p e n d e n t m e a s u r e m e n t s at each temperature.
Manufacturer C o m p a n y Name, Inc.
Material Name SCX-123 Variable: Temperature Property
Lot Number N123456
Product Date 9/1/as Unit: ~ J g--l K--I

Fabrication Process hot p r e s s e d Values: 25 +/- 5 0.670 +/- 0.001

Form billet
Notes 5 hrs. at 2100 ~ and 150 M P a 100 +/- 5 0.840 +/- 0.002

Primary Composition Si; C 500 +/- 5 1.12 +/- 0.02

Wt. P e r c e n t 68.5; 29.5
S t a n d a r d Dev. 0.5; 0.5 1000 +/- 50 1.26 +/- 0.06

M a t e r i a l Phases alpha; beta 1500 +/- 50 1.36 +/- 0.07

Wt. P e r c e n t 96; 2
S t a n d a r d Dev. 1.0; 0.5

Sintering Aids A1203

FIG. 2.13--Precision and accuracy statements are expected en-
Wt. P e r c e n t 2.0 tries in the SCD data format.
S t a n d a r d Dev. 0.5

Other Dopants None

Wt. P e r c e n t
S t a n d a r d Dev.

Impurities AI; Ca; C1; P; Pe

Wt. P e r c e n t 0.03; 0.008; 0.01; 0.1; 0.007
S t a n d a r d Dev. 0.01; 0.001; 0.002; 0.02; 0.001

Density 3.10 +/- 0.03

Unit g/cm^3
Percent Theoretic 96.5 REFERENCES
Measurement Method A S T M C373-72 (1977)

Porosity (%) 0.2 +/- 0.05 [1] Date, C. J., An Introduction to Database Systems, Vols. 1 & 2,
Grain Size 0.8 +/- 0.3 4th ed, Addision-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA, 1987.
Unit 10"(-6) m [2] Martin, D., Advanced Database Techniques, The MIT Press,
Application Notes heat e x c h a n g e r s Cambridge, MA, 1986.
[3] Ullman, J. D., Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Sys-
tems, Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1988.
FIG. 2.11--General and detailed data are used to specify mon- [4] Wiederhold, G., Database Design, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
olithic ceramics. New York, NY, 1983.
[5] Atre, S., Database: Structured Techniques for Design, Perform-
ance, and Management, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York,
NY, p. 59, 1988.
[6] Munro, R. G. and Begley, E. F., "The Structural Ceramics Da-
Measured Property: specific heat [ Citation Number: 001 tabase: Data Acquisition Format for Monolithic Ceramics,"
Method Name: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1991, pp. 250-
Measurement Environment: argon
[7] Begley, E. F. and Munro, R. G., "The Structural Ceramics Da-
Specimen Preparation:
tabase: Topical Report," NISTIR 4601, The National Institute
of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 1991.
A sample
of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 cm in length was c u t from a rod of
0.625 cm and then crushed into a powder.
[8] Galitz, W. O., Handbook of Screen Format Design, OED Infor-
mation Sciences, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 1985, p. 21.
[9] Rumble, J. R. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science and
Measurement Procedure: Engineering, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, England, 1990, p. 70.
A s p e c i m e n of 0.i g of powder was placed in a gold pan. A reference
[10] Rumble, J. R. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science and
material, a l p h a a l u m i n a powder, was p l a c e d on a s e p a r a t e g o l d p a n in Engineering, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, England, 1990, pp.
the DSC. The two m a t e r i a l s were heated s i m u l t a n e o u s l y at a rate of
i0 *C/min from 25 *C to 500 *C.
[11] Grattidge, W., Westbrook, J., McCarthy, J., Northrup, C., Rum-
Other Measurement Notes:
ble, J., "Materials Information for Science & Technology
(MIST): Project Overview," NBSSP 726, U.S. Government Print-
A detailed discussion of the m e a s u r e m e n t procedure is given in
ing Office, Washington, DC, 1986.
"DSC M e a s u r e m e n t of Specific Heat" by J. J. Smith [12] Grattidge, W., Westbrook, J., McCarthy, J., Northrup, C., Rum-
and K. L. Jones, J. R e s u l t s 94, 134-142 (1986).
ble, J., Database Systems in Science and Engineering, IOP Pub-
lishing Ltd., Bristol, England, 1990, pp. 32-33.
FIG. 2.12--Nonstandard methods need detailed preparation [13] Kaufman, J. G., MPD Network, Thesaurus, private communi-
and procedural information and preferably a reference. cations, 1988.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Types of Materials 3
John R. Rumble, Jr. 1

INTRODUCTION Materials databases can be classified with respect to their

access, whether as a stand-alone personal computer data-
base, as part of an online system, or as integrated into an
The purpose of this chapter is to define different types of engineering workstation. The access characteristics affect
materials databases using several classification schemes. The the database building process not only from the viewpoint
schemes include: material data type, user type, application of hardware and software, but also with respect to the in-
type, and access type. tegration of a materials database with other materials
The range of materials information is wide and the process databases.
of providing computer access must reflect this diversity. The Thus this chapter will examine the types of materials da-
use of materials data is more than going into the laboratory, tabases in four ways: (1) the type of materials data included,
performing a measurement, and using that test result in a (2) the community of users, (3) the application of the data-
design. Materials information is more like the flow of a slow base in engineering and scientific work, and (4) the different
moving river in which individual test measurements are col- types of access and dissemination. This will be done to pro-
lected together and over time aggregated into commonly ac- vide the database builder with an understanding of the dif-
cepted "property" values that are found in handbooks and ferent types of materials databases and what the impact of
design manuals. the type chosen will be on the final database [1].
One goal of this chapter is to define the flow of materials There are two basic types of databases concerning mate-
information from its generation to its use and to demon- rials: (1) those that deal primarily with the description of
strate how this flow affects computerization. The flow con- materials and (2) those that contain information on the
sists of four primary stages: generation, analysis, aggrega- properties and performance of materials. While these data-
tion, and analysis. The most obvious effect of this flow is the bases are usually linked together in some way, this does not
difference among publications associated with each stage. As always occur. The description of materials in databases is
we computerize materials information, each stage will pro- covered in detail in Chapter 4 and will not be discussed fur-
duce databases that reflect the specific nature of that partic- ther in this chapter. Note that the considerations in the later
ular stage. Databases with raw test results will look very dif- sections of this chapter apply to both basic types of
ferent from application databases. databases.
A second type of classification of materials databases re-
lates to the user community. A database may be intended for
a single user, a group, an institution, or the public. Each
class of users will present different demands on the database CLASSIFICATION BY TYPE OF MATERIAL
project. DATA
Another important consideration in classifying materials
databases relates to their use in specific applications. Today Data on the properties and performance of materials is
almost every engineering and scientific activity is comput- dynamic information, initially generated over a period of
erized, and the use of materials data as found in databases time and changing and improving as time passes. This hap-
is not confined to simple search and retrieval. Computerized pens both because a material becomes better defined in
material data resources must be integrated with other engi- terms of composition or processing and because test meth-
neering software such as expert systems, finite-element anal- ods are improved or extended. Most materials properties
ysis, process control, design, and product maintenance. An used in engineering are not intrinsic properties but are de-
understanding of the different types of materials databases pendent on the test method. These materials properties gen-
needed to support this software will allow computerization erally result from a specific test procedure that has been de-
to proceed and be integrated more effectively. signed to capture some aspect of material service and can be
used to predict performance.
1Program Manager, Standard Reference Data, National Institute As a material is subjected to more and more testing and
of Standards and Technology (NIST), A323 Physics Building, Gaith- as test results are analyzed more completely, individual test
ersburg, MD 20899. results are aggregated together into commonly accepted val-
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

TABLE 3.1--Types of technical databases. (3) test p a r a m e t e r s t h a t were established initially a n d n o t

Source of Data Type of Database varied,
(4) test p a r a m e t e r s t h a t vary a n d are m o n i t o r e d t h r o u g h o u t
Measurement Laboratory Notebook
Analysis Report the test,
Aggregation Handbooks (5) details of the m a t e r i a l b e h a v i o r a n d a p p e a r a n c e d u r i n g
Application Application the test,
(6) the r a w test results,
(7) i n f o r m a t i o n of the validity of the test results, a n d
(8) i n f o r m a t i o n on the analysis of the r a w test results, such
ues. The flow of m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y data, while fuzzy at the
as conversion of a voltage c h a n g e to a strain.
b o u n d a r i e s , is readily identifiable in the bulk. F o u r distinct
stages exist: test generation, analysis, a g g r e g a t i o n into prop- The key to successful use of test results d a t a is the exis-
erty data, a n d use in application. The d a t a b a s e s that are gen- tence of s u p p o r t i n g d a t a t h a t m u s t be kept to m a k e further
e r a t e d in each stage are quite distinct a n d have features quite use of the results possible. The m o r e expensive o r u n i q u e the
different from d a t a b a s e s f r o m o t h e r stages (Table 3.1). The test, the m o r e i m p o r t a n t these d a t a become. S u c h ancillary
ideas i n c o r p o r a t e d in the flow m o d e l have b e e n previously d a t a are often well-defined, either from long practice o r by
discussed b y Bullock et al. [2], Mindlin a n d S m i t h [3], West- standards. F r o m the earliest stages, r e s e a r c h e r s a n d r e s e a r c h
b r o o k [4], a n d R u m b l e et al. [5]. m a n a g e r s m u s t be m i n d f u l that d a t a collection is for b o t h
the i m m e d i a t e p u r p o s e as well as long-term use. It is m o r e
difficult to m a k e notes on a c o m p u t e r file t h a n it is to write
Laboratory Notebook Databases in a l a b o r a t o r y notebook. E i t h e r a d a t a b a s e m u s t have all
d a t a items or d a t a fields for likely i n f o r m a t i o n that m i g h t be
The first stage for m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y d a t a is their genera-
included or have a large free-text c o m m e n t s section. Free-
tion, usually by testing o r experiment. Presently, a l m o s t all
form c o m m e n t s are difficult to m a n i p u l a t e a n d a well-
m a t e r i a l s test e q u i p m e n t is c o m p u t e r i z e d so that all d a t a col-
t h o u g h t - o u t structure is preferable. The use of a l a b o r a t o r y
lected is a l r e a d y c o m p u t e r i z e d . Before c o m p u t e r i z e d test
n o t e b o o k d a t a b a s e to replace a w r i t t e n l a b o r a t o r y n o t e b o o k
e q u i p m e n t , these d a t a were collected on p r i n t e d forms that
as a legal d o c u m e n t , say for p a t e n t purposes, is just n o w
r e q u i r e d c o n s i d e r a b l e diligence a n d p a t i e n c e to fill out com-
being explored.
pletely for each test. N o w that the i n f o r m a t i o n is collected
The successful use of c o m p u t e r s to collect test d a t a re-
b y c o m p u t e r , m o s t test results c o m e with a m u c h m o r e com-
quires two kinds of c o m p u t e r - r e l a t e d tools that are n o w
plete test record. R o u n d - r o b i n testing to establish the valid-
available in laboratories: d a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t systems
ity of a test m e t h o d o r to c o m p a r e test m a c h i n e s can often
(DBMS) a n d d a t a r e c o r d i n g standards. The DBMS m u s t
find the r e a s o n for differences m o r e easily since m o r e inde-
have the features a n d capabilities necessary for the collecting
p e n d e n t factors can be correlated.
of test data, as discussed in C h a p t e r 2. Data s t a n d a r d s refer
The p r i m a r y function of collecting a n d storing test d a t a is
to r e c o r d i n g of test d a t a as discussed in C h a p t e r 5.
the p r e s e r v a t i o n of the m e a s u r e m e n t results. This m i g h t
In s u m m a r y , l a b o r a t o r y n o t e b o o k d a t a b a s e s c o n t a i n orig-
s e e m obvious; however, s o m e m e a s u r e m e n t s are m a d e sim-
inal test results data. If the m e a s u r e m e n t results are u s e d
ply to s u p p o r t i n s t a n t a n e o u s decisions. E x a m p l e s are deter-
solely by the g e n e r a t i n g group, only a b b r e v i a t e d o r brief ad-
m i n i n g the t e m p e r a t u r e of a solution to see if the next proc-
ditional i n f o r m a t i o n needs to be stored. If results will be
essing stage can begin or m e a s u r i n g the h a r d n e s s of a steel
m a d e available on a w i d e r basis in the future o r if the orig-
to see if a s h i p m e n t meets its specifications. Many experi-
inal u s e r will r e t u r n to the d a t a b a s e after a lengthy p e r i o d
m e n t s or tests yield d a t a w o r t h saving. It is often costly to
of time, m o r e c o m p l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n m u s t be added.
r e p r o d u c e these d a t a a n d s o m e t i m e s i m p o s s i b l e to do so. In
the past, e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a were collected a n d preserved in
l a b o r a t o r y notebooks. In the last 30 years, c o m p u t e r s have
Report Databases
b e c o m e prevalent in a l m o s t every type of technical a n d test
e x p e r i m e n t and, in effect, have r e p l a c e d l a b o r a t o r y note- Once a set of m a t e r i a l test results are gathered, they are
books. C o m p u t e r s can r e s p o n d faster t h a n a h u m a n observer a n a l y z e d a n d m a d e available. Analysis m i g h t be a simple
a n d are m o r e accurate; they are also c a p a b l e of m o n i t o r i n g g r a p h i c a l c o m p a r i s o n to d e t e r m i n e suspect d a t a p o i n t s o r
tests for long time periods. They certainly can collect a n d m i g h t be s o p h i s t i c a t e d c o r r e l a t i o n analysis. Most types of
process large a m o u n t s of d a t a m o r e easily. m a t e r i a l s test m e t h o d s have an established analysis proce-
The c o m p u t e r i z e d collections of test results d a t a are called dure, usually c o m p u t e r i z e d , either as p a r t of a test instru-
" L a b o r a t o r y N o t e b o o k Databases." Although m o s t testers m e n t or as a s e p a r a t e software package.
a n d r e s e a r c h e r s do not c o n s i d e r t h e m to be databases, these In the analysis, often m u c h of the individual test detail is
d a t a collections are usually treated in the m a n n e r of data- not included, especially once the result of the analysis is
bases, that is, they are searched, analyzed, edited, updated, written up in a r e p o r t o r a paper. M a n y analysis p r o c e d u r e s
m a n i p u l a t e d , a n d displayed. The p r i m a r y features of labo- p r o d u c e a set of coefficients o r p a r a m e t e r s t h a t essentially
r a t o r y n o t e b o o k d a t a b a s e s are the a m o u n t of d a t a c o n t a i n e d fit the test results to one o r m o r e i n d e p e n d e n t variables, a n d
a n d their completeness. Test results include the following: the scatter a m o n g the test d a t a m a y be lost. Analysis m a y
(1) i n f o r m a t i o n on the m a t e r i a l from w h i c h the test speci- also include d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the p r e c i s i o n a n d bias associ-
m e n was taken, ated either with individual test results o r with a set of results.
(2) details of the test specimen, D a t a b a s e s a s s o c i a t e d with the d a t a analysis process are

TABLE 3.2--Functions of technical data analysis and reporting. Handbook Databases

Derivation of properties After test data have been collected, analyzed, and reported,
Increased usability
Improved understanding they are used for a variety of applications. Over the years,
Extension of data domain scientists and engineers have found that retrieving published
Quality assurance data is a difficult process. The data in the original literature
Uniformity are often not easy to use. Similar data are reported in a va-
Presentation of information
riety of units. Different test methods may have been used to
measure the same properties with varying results. Materials
data are published in many sources, often difficult to find.
called "Report Databases" and contain the analyzed results. Consequently, data are often aggregated together with
Today most of this data analysis is done on computers, and other results into collections, usually in the form of a hand-
the use of databases to help the process and store the results book or data evaluation compilations. Aggregated data
is a logical consequence. sources have become the most important source of materials
There are several purposes for the data analysis and re- data in many situations, thereby greatly reducing the cost
porting process as shown in Table 3.2. In each of these cases, and improving the efficiency of data accessibility. A typical
example of an aggregated data source is a handbook. These
the test data are examined in different ways, depending on
the discipline, and the results are published as journal arti- contain a wide range of data for large numbers of materials,
cles, reports, and other technical literature. The derived data and they come in a variety of formats with many tables and
are the form primarily included in handbooks and used in graphs. Usually handbook data have been evaluated to some
applications. degree, in many instances, with individual editors responsi-
At the present time, report databases are just beginning to ble for small sections.
be built because they generally do not contain many data. A An important type of materials database, called a "Hand-
typical published report of analyzed data contains only a few book Database," corresponds to these data compilations.
data tables and graphs, and the typical report database con- These generally, but not always, contain a wide range of data
tains only a few analyzed data sets. Generally speaking, for a number of materials and represent a compilation and
when analyzed data are aggregated into handbooks, as dis- selection of available analyzed data.
cussed in the next section, materials databases then become Many data users are not experts in data measurement and
large enough to be worth distributing. are not particularly adept at determining the quality of data
The importance of databases in the data analysis stage from original sources. In data compilations that are uneval-
cannot be minimized, however, because of the need for pre- uated or for which the evaluation process is not documented,
serving analysis results as well as documenting the analysis determining data quality is even more difficult because ex-
technique itself. In many cases, the test measurements are perimental details have been left out. Therefore, evaluated
converted into derived data, for example, by statistical anal- data compilations have become very important to users.
ysis, especially to determine the influence of certain varia- Data evaluation represents the efforts of neutral critical
bles. In some instances, the number of measurements of an evaluators who assess the quality of a given set of data re-
easily changed independent variable, for example, tempera- gardless of the origin. Evaluation is usually based on three
ture, is large, and the amount of data is also very large. Data criteria: (1) documentation of the test method, (2) compar-
reduction techniques, such as curve fitting, can reflect de- ison to known physical and empirical laws, and (3)
tailed variations in the experimental data while providing comparison to other measurements of the same quantity.
compact expressions for further use. Handbooks and other data compilations are usually the
Mechanisms are needed for preserving these small mate- data source of first choice. Unfortunately, few handbook da-
rials databases that should contain both the derived data and tabases now exist, and it is a void that is keenly felt. Not all
the original test results for future data aggregation. Presently handbook databases contain evaluated data. For example,
data analysis results are often published on paper even material producing companies are now producing databases
though the data were initially collected on a computer, all that primarily contain information on their materials. The
analysis was done on a computer, and all the tables and data might be wide in coverage though simply a collection
graphs included in the publications were made on the com- of test measurements made by the company. These materials
puter. Users often need the published data in computerized databases are similar to published data sheets and often pro-
form for use in simulation or modeling software and must vide important summary information to materials selectors,
retype the data and verify the accuracy. Such a process is of for example, in computer-aided design. However, the data
course subject to errors, inefficiency, and incompleteness included in these databases reflect the needs of the produc-
and can be improved by creating and disseminating report ing company and not of the consuming scientific public.
databases. Data can be issued primarily to build sales or make products
In summary, report databases contain the results of an look attractive. Users must be aware of the purpose of a
analysis procedure applied to a set of test data. Only in some database.
cases are the original data included. The supporting infor-
mation should include enough details on the analysis pro-
Application Databases
cedure that users can determine if it is acceptable or correct.
Typical data resulting from analysis are properties or statis- The work of materials engineers and scientists involves
tically analyzed best values. problem solving. Rapid access to pertinent materials infor-

mation is a major factor in determining solutions in a timely effort that have gone into them are considerable, but their
fashion. A data collection targeted to one specific application developers have made conscious decisions and know their
area containing relevant data from a wide range of sources goals. Other application databases that result from wishful
is called an "Applications Database." When materials infor- thinking and lack adequate support are failures. If resources
mation is completely computerized, applications databases are not readily available, database builders need seriously to
will be of primary importance. consider stopping the project before wasting time and
Specific data collections for individual applications are money.
created (1) for convenience because the work they do often
requires data from a wide variety of different sources and
(2) for quality because the data have already been tailored CLASSIFICATION BY U S E R GROUP
to meet their needs. Data in these specialized collections are
much changed from the original measurements and repre- A second classification scheme for materials databases is
sent the highest refinement that technical data undergo. made with respect to their user community (Table 3.3).
Applications databases are now being built for materials A "personal database" is intended only for its creator. Its
applications, directly comparable to the specialized use may be intensive or sporadic. Because it is aimed at only
publications mentioned above. The decisions taken in build- the builder, many short cuts and abbreviations may be used,
ing such databases are entirely dependent on the application. depending on the memory or habits of the builder.
The user interface and the search and display strategies are A "group database" is used by a group working on the
optimized to the application. same problem or using the same experimental equipment or
In other circumstances, applications databases will be put computer software. The users may be connected by telecom-
together for a particular problem using different data munications. The contents are characterized by their brevity
sources, both published and computerized, along with new and the informality of conventions and documentation. De-
data directly related to that problem. For example, a mate- pending on the size and closeness of the group involved,
rials specialist might have to determine the structural integ- these will still be more formal than for a personal database.
rity of bolts and other fasteners within a nuclear power When a materials database becomes an "institutional da-
plant. Data must be taken from the design, plant perform- tabase," a different level of support is involved, and more
ance, and materials databases, then combined perhaps with formal conventions are needed. Included are databases used
additional test results. by several groups, by a company, or even by a large corpo-
These working databases often take on a value and life of ration. At this level, good formal documentation is needed
their own in the sense that they remain after a project is and careful planning and design are important to accom-
completed. The more intense the work and the longer it modate multiple needs. However, some conventions are still
takes, the more likely such a database will become impor- likely, reflecting common institutional practice. For exam-
tant. When its value is recognized, steps must be taken to ple, materials might be referred to by trade names only.
preserve it and expand its use. Often this would require ad- A "collegial database" is one used across institutions, by
ditional resources or time that cannot be easily justified. both small and large numbers of people working in a related
Critical decisions must then be made regarding the future of materials area, but usually on a fairly formal basis. The data
the database. An analogous situation exists with respect to contents may use general terminology, thereby avoiding
paper data collections. Often these are put in files never to tradename problems or proprietary concerns. Formats for
be used again because of the high cost of cleaning up the data contributors may be well-defined. Documentation qual-
data or adding full documentation. The same applies to da- ity can vary, but the larger the community of colleagues, the
tabases if they are only archived in a tape library. more extensive it will be.
One of the most expensive and difficult aspects of building "Public databases" are those materials databases made
a database is retro-fitting, that is, adding or changing infor- available to the public or to a significant portion thereof.
mation. Working databases intended for short-term projects Since these databases are often used differently than antic-
should be reviewed at the earliest possible stage for possible ipated or intended, documentation needs to be complete,
preservation or long-term use. Preservation can be achieved, and if wide usage is intended, the contents should use com-
but not without planning and resources. It does not just hap- monly accepted terminology.
pen. The decision to change the nature of such a database "Archival databases" place primary emphasis on managing
must be made consciously and with careful planning. and saving materials data for future use. Sometimes a need
Many materials applications databases, namely those that for these databases arises from the sheer volume of materials
are becoming successful, are products of well-planned and data. Data may also be archived because the immediate de-
deliberate efforts to appeal to a given market. The time and mand has passed but a future demand is foreseen.
The level of usage is as important as the stage of technical
information flow in characterizing a technical database. A
TABLE 3.3--Classification of databases by types of users. database moves from one level of usage to the next only with
difficulty if it is done without planning. The mere existence
Personal (one person)
Group of a group database does not imply that it can be used by
Institutional an institution as a whole or be distributed to colleagues. Ref-
Collegial erences, documentation, and metadata may have to be retro-
Public fitted, and this can be one of the most expensive and time-
consuming acts related to database building. This is why

TABLE 3.4--Uses of materials information [7]. tion with the appropriate user community as described in
Calculation of properties later chapters.
Evaluation of properties The use of materials databases with the computer software
Design engineering used in different applications has general features. First a
Materials selection brief discussion of data transfer between engineering soft-
Materials performance
Materials development ware is given. Then, integration of materials databases with
Production engineering two types of software, expert systems and numerical mod-
Quality assurance eling, will be briefly discussed. Finally, the use of materials
Failure analysis databases by nonexperts will be commented on.
Product information

planning and designing a materials database is so important:
to identify whether more widespread use is probable and, if The fundamental nature of a materials database is its use
so, to take this into account from the beginning. After con- within an engineering activity. One framework for integrat-
sideration, it may be decided that indeed such wider use will ing materials databases with other computerized engineer-
not occur or is not worth the expected effort or expense. ing tools is ISO 10303 on Industrial Automation Systems and
Planning may take time, but usually only a few days, a mea- Integration--Product Data Representation and Exchange,
ger cost compared to the time spent retro-fitting a database. called "STEP." This international standard defines the data
used in the life cycle of a manufactured product including
materials data. The purpose of STEP is to facilitate transfer
MOVING A MATERIALS DATABASE of the information generated in any engineering activity re-
BETWEEN TYPES lated to a manufactured product by means of a neutral for-
mat. The standard will be discussed in Chapter 8.
Materials databases are built in the normal course of the The physical transfer of data through a STEP file format
creation and use of materials data. For each stage as previ- will be accomplished more easily than the interpretation and
ously described, databases can logically and easily be built understanding of materials by a "computerized" engineer. If
but for different reasons, with different characteristics, and the primary use of a database will be in an integrated envi-
for different types of use. Databases arising in one stage may ronment, considerable control will be needed for materials-
be inappropriate for use in another stage. People needing related terminology and the meaning of different material
materials data may find that a materials database created for property data. The database developer must work with soft-
a different stage or for a different user group may have too ware developers to ensure that users who access materials
little or too much information. databases from other engineering software are able to un-
A problem that has not been addressed by materials da- derstand the terminology and translate their needs into the
tabase builders is how data might flow through the system. language of the materials databases. If a materials database
Report databases do not now get their data from laboratory is intended to support a large number of diverse applica-
notebook databases. Handbook database builders certainly tions, this will have considerable influence on the database
do not extract data from report databases. In the future this design. Almost every enterprise has evolved a specialized ter-
will be a major consideration because, as we have indicated, minology for materials that must fit together with the data
computers have taken over all aspects of technical work. transfer standards.
Readers should now be in a position to classify their ma-
terials database efforts with respect to the flow of technical
information and the user group and to assess the possibility
Expert Systems
that the database will cross from one stage to another. Care- A discussion of expert systems themselves is beyond the
ful planning is needed to make sure that the database will scope of this manual. Generally expert systems are devel-
support its intended uses. Search paths, data items included, oped using specialized software, usually in the form of
and output displays all change among types and need to be expert system shells that have a database capability built di-
reviewed carefully. rectly into their software. Use of the database by the expert
system is then automatic and is solely for the support of the
expert system. Materials databases built using this capability
O V E R V I E W OF T Y P E S OF M A T E R I A L S are directly attached to the expert system.
APPLICATIONS A second situation is one where an expert system tries to
use an existing materials database that has been built with-
Information about materials is used in many different out this use in mind. At present, a few expert system soft-
ways, and this is reflected in the wide range of materials ware packages can "link" to outside database management
databases that are possible and have been built (Table 3.4). systems. Use of these linkages requires considerable pro-
The databases that are associated with each of these uses gramming to make sure the database schema is intelligible
contain different amounts and types of supporting infor- to the expert system. If this use is to derive new rules related
mation. The database schema and user interface also vary. to materials performance, great care must be taken and an
Details for each application must be worked out in conjunc- appropriate materials expert needs to be intimately involved.

Numerical Modeling loaded and ready to use. Occasionally additional software,

such as a graphics package, is required. PC databases also
The situation with regards to numerical modeling is better
allow for appealing user interfaces. Workstations can be
than that for expert systems because many database man-
viewed as very powerful PCs and, in fact, the distinction has
agement systems support outside calls and easily provide a
become blurred. Basically the same considerations apply to
data value that can be used by modeling software. For a sta-
workstation databases as to PC databases.
ble database environment, that is, when the same numerical
PC databases are distributed on a variety of diskettes and
software interrogates the same materials database over and
for different operating systems. Many combinations con-
over again, the problem can be solved fairly easily by use of
front the database vendor, and usually only a few configu-
the STEP materials model. For situations where a variety of
rations and diskette types are supported. If the database uses
materials databases are accessed, each with its own schema,
a commercial database management system, suitable licens-
full use of the STEP capability will be needed.
ing agreements must be made. Most DBMS vendors do allow
third-party distribution of a run-time version of their prod-
Materials Data for the Nonexpert uct for a small fee. A key consideration is whether the user
will be allowed to make changes in the database, such as
Engineering materials are complex substances that are
adding new fields or additional data. If this is the case, some
chosen to perform well in both expected and unexpected cir-
vendors feel that the users are no longer using just a run-
cumstances. Because of the inherent variation in a material,
time version, but instead are doing their own database man-
test results also show a variation that is not always mean-
agement, and the vendors charge the full licensing fee. It is
ingful to a nonmaterials expert. These variations lead to
important to settle these issues before work has progressed
safety factors or property multipliers, so unexpected failure
too far. Of course, home-built databases can be disseminated
is avoided. The suitability of a particular material for a given
without such licensing problems.
application is often dependent on a limiting factor that is
not immediately obvious. The body of experience for suc-
cessful materials utilization is slowly being transferred to Online Systems
expert systems, but these systems usually focus on a very
narrow application. Ashby [6], among others, is developing A materials database can be made widely available by an
a set of software tools that provide a nonexpert system al- online system, often through a third-party vendor. Materials
terative for materials selection and utilization, but these database builders must work closely with the vendors to
tools are just in their infancy. A considerable period of time achieve compatibility. A database may need to be modified
will likely pass before materials selection can be computer- substantially to make it suitable for the vendor's system, a
ized beyond one application. process that takes time, heavy involvement of the builder,
The STEP materials model will not solve these problems and some cost. Rarely is a database so attractive financially
because it is just a data transfer mechanism. The "knowl- that a vendor does this work free. The usual pattern is for
edge" associated with a materials expert cannot be trans- the database builder to waive royalties for a period of time,
ferred so easily. rather than actually transfer funds. The transformation work
can easily take several months for a mid-sized database. Sev-
eral factors must be considered in adding a database to an
(1) correct interpretation of the data; each data field must
Databases are built to be used, and their access has an be understood and handled accurately,
important impact on the entire building process. Access (2) determination of the equivalence of data and data fields
choices must be actively considered at the beginning of the with other databases on the system,
building process because they require different actions. The (3) transformation of the physical data structure to a new
primary options are as follows: DBMS, and
(1) personal computer and workstation packages, (4) display of the data on the online system.
(2) online systems, and Making a materials database available via an online sys-
(3) mainframe packages. tem has real advantages. Materials users often must turn to
Each has advantages and disadvantages, and the choice several different sources to find all the information needed
depends on the user community, application, and the kinds to solve a problem. An online system offers the possibility
of computers the users will have. that the entire set of databases needed can be found through
one access point. The online system usually integrates dif-
Personal Computer and Workstation Packages ferent databases together with a common terminology and
materials equivalency tables so using several databases is the
The widespread availability of personal computers (PCs) same as using one. An online system also shares the costs,
has opened tremendous possibilities for materials databases. both developmental and operational, over all databases on
PCs now allow databases to reach end users and be totally their service.
under the user's control. Their self-contained nature makes Many groups are opting to make materials databases avail-
them attractive; generally the user simply has to put a disk- able both online and in PC format to satisfy different user
ette into a PC, type a few commands, and the database is groups.

Mainframe Packages also in the u s e r interface a n d d a t a displays. A m a t e r i a l s da-

tabase b u i l d e r should classify each m a t e r i a l s d a t a b a s e before
Often d a t a b a s e s are i n t e n d e d for use on m a i n f r a m e com-
b e g i n n i n g work. This a s s e s s m e n t m u s t be done with the
puters, allowing access by n u m e r o u s users. In this case,
users so that the resulting d a t a b a s e will have the greatest
m a g n e t i c tapes have b e e n the m e d i u m of choice to date to
acceptance. In s o m e cases, this p l a n n i n g m a y s h o w the da-
l o a d the d a t a b a s e onto the m a i n f r a m e . Magnetic t a p e s have
t a b a s e will not be cost effective. Finally, p r i o r to using a da-
b e e n well-standardized, a n d h a r d w a r e a n d o p e r a t i n g system
tabase, a u s e r should be a w a r e of its purpose.
p r o b l e m s are rare. W i t h the w i d e s p r e a d availability of local
a r e a networks, u p l o a d i n g d a t a b a s e s from a PC is possible,
a n d the d a t a b a s e can be sent on floppy disks.
One p r i m a r y difference b e t w e e n p a c k a g e s for PCs a n d
those for m a i n f r a m e s is the w a y d a t a b a s e s are used a n d
m a i n t a i n e d b e c a u s e of the absence of direct control b y users
on a m a i n f r a m e . Starting a n d stopping the software, the [1] Rumble, J. R. Jr. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science
h a n d l i n g of errors, as well as file m a n a g e m e n t take on n e w and Engineering, Adam Hilger, Bristol, England, 1984.
dimensions. The licensing of DBMS software packages can [2] Bullock, E., Kr6ckel, H., and van de Voorde, M., "Data Systems
also be m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d on a m a i n f r a m e . A n o t h e r p r o b l e m for Engineering Materials, the Materials Engineer's Point of
View," Materials Data Systems for Engineering, A CODATA Work-
is a lack of a u s e r interface. Because the d a t a b a s e will be
shop, Westbrook, J. H. et al, Eds., Fachinformationszentrum
l o a d e d o n t o a n existing system with its own interface, a spe- Energie, Physik, Mathematik GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1986.
cialized interface is n o t needed. Of course, the PC version [3] Mindlin, H. and Smith, S. H., "Database System Considerations
could be l o a d e d onto a m a i n f r a m e if an e m u l a t i o n p a c k a g e in Engineering Design," Managing Engineering Data: The Com-
is available. E m u l a t i o n p a c k a g e s can be very slow a n d usu- petitive Edge, R. E. Fulton, Ed., American Society of Mechanical
ally do not s u p p o r t interface features such as full-screen Engineers, New York, 1987.
addressing. [4] Westbrook, J. H., "Some Considerations in the Design of Prop-
erties Files for a Computerized Materials Information System,"
The Role of Data in Scientific Progress, P. S. Glaeser, Ed., North-
SUMMARY Holland, Amsterdam, 1985.
[5] Rumble, J., Sauerwein, J., and Pennell, S., Scientific and Tech-
nical Factual Databases for Energy Research and Development,
Materials d a t a b a s e s can be classified a c c o r d i n g to several No. DOE/TC/40017-1, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Sci-
different m e t h o d s : d a t a type, u s e r groups, applications, a n d entific and Technical Information, Oak Ridge, TN, 1986.
access m e t h o d s . E a c h d a t a b a s e type distinctly changes the [6] Ashby, M. F., "Materials and Shape," Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 39,
n a t u r e of a m a t e r i a l s database, not only in the schema, b u t No. 6, 1991, pp. 1025-1039.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Nomenclature and Current

Standards for Identification 4
of Engineering Materials
Bert Monizl

IDENTIFICATION OF AN ENGINEERING neering materials. An adequate description of composites re-

MATERIAL quires us to separately distinguish the basic materials that
form the composite, plus describe the arrangement, shape
and product form of the reinforcing component of the
The identification or description of a material is one of the composite.
most important features of a materials property database. It The same identification nomenclature may have entirely
is the primary method by which users enter and search any different meanings in different industries, such as the de-
database and by which materials property developers rec- scriptions for end products in the aluminum and steel in-
ognize or code their materials. dustry [1]. An industry's internally focused view of itself may
If the material identifier or identifiers used in the search also complicate the identification process, as with the use of
are too broad, we are inundated with irrelevant data. If it is the adjective, "advanced," in composites and ceramics. Ad-
too narrow, we may be denied extremely relevant data.
vanced composites and advanced ceramics are highly engi-
Equally important, what is the value of any data if we cannot neered materials, but should be identified in computerized
understand the description of the material? Identification is
databases as composites and ceramics, respectively, since
a complex subject and is difficult to relegate to a single field the qualifier "advanced" is bound to disappear with time.
in a database.
Suppose we are searching for hardenability data on Amer-
ican Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 4340 low alloy steel. This
low alloy steel is often used in demanding applications O B J E C T I V E S OF I D E N T I F I C A T I O N
where ability to strengthen (harden) large section sizes is an
important criterion. Searching by "steel" or "low alloy" steel To allow information from different databases to be com-
is obviously too broad a category. On the other hand, use of pared, it is important to define the material identification
the identifier G43400 (the Unified Numbering System des- features that are considered essential to any database. The
ignation for AISI 4340) may not produce all the data we re- number of essential fields could be reduced significantly if
quire. This is because H43400, an alternate designation for universal coding systems for different families of materials
4340, is used to describe a special version of 4340, developed existed and were maintained.
to meet specified hardenability requirements. If we can ex- The four objectives of describing a material in a form suit-
perience such potential problems searching for data on a able for computerizing are as follows:
well-established alloy, imagine the difficulty of obtaining all 9 To ensure that each material is unique
the relevant data on materials having specialized applica- 9 To ensure that material equivalency can be determined to
tions, such as advanced ceramics or experimental polymers, the level desired
where identification schemes are not well established. 9 To ensure that the material can be found again
Human and institutional factors complicate the problem 9 To ensure that different identification nomenclature sys-
of identification. We tend to associate materials with names tems are supported (because there will always be different
common to our end use and expect to be able to search da- sets of nomenclature systems)
tabases using these friendly names. For example, the term ASTM Subcommittee E49.01 or Materials Designation is
rubber has a strict identification, which is thermoset elas- chartered to develop guidelines for materials identification
tomer, yet most engineers would begin a general search us- in computerized material property databases. The subcom-
ing the term rubber. Consequently, there must be provisions mittee has approached the task by producing generic guide-
for finding data using both the common and the more rig- lines for the major classes of engineering materials. These
orous identifications. have led to more specific guidelines for materials or groups
Composites are a class of materials that usually contain of materials within the major classes. Work is also proceed-
discrete amounts of two or more different families of engi- ing on describing structural joints between materials and
coatings or linings of one material upon another.
'Consultant, DuPont Company, P.O. Box 6090, Newark DE 19714- Subcommittee E49.01 has also reviewed and encouraged
6090. the development of unified identification codes for materials.
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

The development of these codes would greatly simplify data pends on the class of materials, for example, metal versus
entry, exchange, and searching. Some unified coding systems metal-matrix composites, and so forth.
are well accepted in specific geographic locations, such as
the UNS in North America. There are many barriers, politi-
cal and commercial, to the development of unified coding
systems. Consequently, there is no ideal "one-step descrip- Specification fields contain information that is recorded
tion system" for the various classes of materials, and no on drawings, requisitions, and design data in order to proc-
short-term solution to the problem. ess or fabricate a material. Where relevant specifications for
a material exist, it is important to reference them. They help
describe the material in its commercially available form(s)
G E N E R I C D E S C R I P T I O N OF E N G I N E E R I N G produced to industry standards such as ASTM. The number
MATERIALS of applicable specifications usually grows with the commer-
cial maturity of a material.
The information required to completely describe an engi- In commercial transactions, the year or revision code for
neering material may be placed into nine segments. a standard is usually omitted, for example, we write ASTM
D 2466 for PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings, not D 2466-89. With
9 Primary Identifiers
computerized material property databases it is essential to
9 Specifications
include the year or revision code because properties may be
9 Characterization
changed as a result of revisions to a standard.
9 Reference Test Results
9 Source
9 Processing History Characterization
9 Product Form
Characterization fields contain structural, compositional,
9 Fabrication
and other details that narrow the definition of a material.
9 Supplemental Information
Measured properties in response to chemical, thermal, me-
The boundaries between these segments are flexible and vary chanical, or other stimuli, which are commonly used to de-
with the experience and viewpoint of specific technical scribe a material, are placed in the Reference Test Results
communities. segment. For emerging engineering materials, characteriza-
The nine segments have evolved through a process of it- tion may include many types of information, such as descrip-
eration. Subcommittee E49.01 initially developed descrip- tion of grain size for a ceramic. With mature materials much
tion formats for the four major groups of engineering ma- of the important characterization data has been refined into
terials (metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites), standards and specifications, so there is less need for char-
analyzed the types of fields and records in them, and began acterization data in the unique identification of a material.
to place the information into various segments. As empha-
sized previously, the segments are not rigid and the order of
individual fields is based on the protocols of the technical Reference Test Results
communities or industries that support any specific Reference test results fields describe data from chemical,
database. thermal, mechanical, or other tests used to characterize a
material, especially when used and recognized, to demon-
P r i m a r y Identifiers strate that a material has properties associated with a par-
ticular specification. Examples include a maximum hardness
Primary identifiers are fields that broadly distinguish a value for some steels or melt flow index for polyethylene.
material from other classes of materials or describe a par-
ticular material within a class. The four major classes of en-
M a t e r i a l Source
gineering materials are metals and alloys, polymers, ceram-
ics, and composites. Although most primary identification Material source fields contain information on where,
fields are self evident, the standards provide guidance, when when, and by whom a material was produced. The amount
it is necessary, to decide the class in which a material should and type of information contained in this segment depend
he placed. For example, most polymers contain additives and on the end usage of the database. End usage may be classi-
fillers to modify or improve their properties. Strictly speak- fied as internal or external, and experimental or commercial.
ing, this places them in the class known as composites; how- Internal databases created by a material producer may con-
ever, industry recognizes them as polymers or plastics. The tain information on experimental and commercial materials
draft Standard Guide for the Identification of Polymers (ex- which are made available externally at the manufacturer's
clusive of Thermoset Elastomers) describes the differences discretion. External databases usually contain only that in-
between a reinforced polymer and a polymer matrix com- formation which the producer considers essential for unique
posite to help classify a material. The relevant format de- materials identification and adequate understanding of the
pends on the application of the database and the viewpoint property data for external use. Experimental materials re-
of the users, as discussed in ASTM Guide for the Identifi- quire more information about their source compared with
cation of Composite Materials in Computerized Material commercial materials because information in segments,
Property Databases (E 1309). The general differentiation be- such as specifications and characterization, is less well de-
tween a homogeneous material and a composite material de- veloped or understood.

Processing History TABLE 4.1--Format for identification of metals and alloys

(ASTM E 1338).
Processing h i s t o r y fields c o n t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n on h o w a Field Numbera Field Name
m a t e r i a l was p r o c e s s e d a n d t r e a t e d to achieve its p r i m a r y
shape a n d properties. These d a t a are usually o b t a i n e d f r o m
Primary identifiers
1 material class
the p r i m a r y p r o d u c e r of a m a t e r i a l o r p r o d u c t form. The 2 family name
a m o u n t a n d detail of p r o c e s s i n g history, as with the source 3 family subclass
segment, will d e p e n d on the end use of the database. Internal 4 application group
m a n u f a c t u r e r s ' d a t a b a s e s c o n t a i n significantly m o r e infor- 5 product group
m a t i o n o r p r o c e s s i n g history, s o m e of w h i c h m a y be pro- 6 specification organizationb
p r i e t a r y o r relevant to the competitive a d v a n t a g e of a prod- 7 specification number b
uct. I n f o r m a t i o n t h a t is not p r o p r i e t a r y a n d w h i c h uniquely 8 specification versionb
identifies a m a t e r i a l is c o n s i d e r e d essential. F o r example, so- 9 specification designationb
lution a n n e a l i n g t e m p e r a t u r e a n d m e t h o d of cooling austen- 10 UNS number b
itic stainless steel are c o n s i d e r e d essential i n f o r m a t i o n be- 11 common name
cause these items of d a t a are critical to ensuring the 12 compositional detail (key)b
c o r r o s i o n resistance of the product. 13 elemental symbolb
14 measured weight percent b
15 minimum weight percent b
16 maximum weight percent b
Part or Sample Detail Material source
17 manufacturer
P a r t o r s a m p l e detail fields c o n t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n on the 18 country of origin
p r o d u c e d s h a p e o r part, o r the s a m p l e o b t a i n e d from it to 19 manufacturer's plant location
create a test specimen. The a m o u n t a n d type of i n f o r m a t i o n 20 production date
21 manufacturer's designation
in this s e g m e n t d e p e n d s u p o n w h e t h e r the m a t e r i a l is an 22 lot identification
e n g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t o r a p r i m a r y form. E n g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t s 23 additional detail (key)
e n c o m p a s s m a t e r i a l s like composites, specific a l u m i n u m al- Processing history
loys, a n d s o m e ceramics. These m a t e r i a l s are m a n u f a c t u r e d 24 primary process typeb
25 primary process detail (key)
close to, o r in, the final f o r m in w h i c h they are used, a n d are 26 secondary process typeb
often t a i l o r e d to a specific application. A c o n s i d e r a b l e 27 secondary process detail (key)
a m o u n t of i n f o r m a t i o n m a y be r e q u i r e d to describe an en- Part of sample detail
g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t . P r i m a r y forms are b a s i c shapes m a d e b y 28 part identification number b
p r i m a r y m a n u f a c t u r e r s , such as steel sections o r green ce- 29 geometric shape b
30 thicknessb
r a m i c parts. These are further p r o c e s s e d b y s e c o n d a r y m a n - 31 width
u f a c t u r i n g steps, a n d usually b y an o r g a n i z a t i o n o t h e r t h a n 32 length
the p r i m a r y m a n u f a c t u r e r . P r i m a r y forms are well defined Fabrication and service
a n d require relatively little s u p p l e m e n t a r y i n f o r m a t i o n to history
33 fabrication histor3P
c o m p l e t e l y describe them. The p a r t o r s a m p l e detail s e g m e n t 34 fabrication details (key)
contains no i n f o r m a t i o n on the test specimen, because it is 35 service historyb
either d e s c r i b e d in the specifications s e g m e n t o r it exists 36 service details (key)
with the b o d y of d a t a u s e d to r e c o r d test results a n d p r o p - Supplemental information
erties. See C h a p t e r 6. 37 supplementary notes
~Fieldnumbers are for discussion purposes only.
~Essential field, if applicable.
Fabrication and Service History
F a b r i c a t i o n a n d service history fields c o n t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n Essential Fields
on the joining, m a c h i n i n g , o r s h a p i n g t e c h n i q u e e m p l o y e d There m u s t be equivalency b e t w e e n specific d a t a sets a n d
on the part, plus a p p l i c a b l e service experience, which c a n n o t m e t a d a t a in o r d e r to c o m p a r e i n f o r m a t i o n b e t w e e n data-
be e n t e r e d elsewhere. The i n f o r m a t i o n in this s e g m e n t de- bases. The f o r m a t s for identifying m a t e r i a l s c o n t a i n all the
p e n d s on the type of material: e n g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t versus pri- elements r e q u i r e d for c o m p l e t e identification. F o r each type
m a r y form. E n g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t s (see previous section) m a y of material, there is a m i n i m u m a m o u n t of i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t
require relatively little a d d i t i o n a l f a b r i c a t i o n information. m u s t be i n c l u d e d to achieve the four objectives for describ-
P r i m a r y forms require a relatively large a m o u n t of fabrica- ing a m a t e r i a l o u t l i n e d at the b e g i n n i n g of this chapter. Con-
tion information, especially if the d a t a b a s e is developed b y sequently, certain fields are d e s i g n a t e d essential in all the
an end u s e r of the material. guidelines p r o d u c e d . F o r f u r t h e r discussion see C h a p t e r 1.


Supplemental Information A N D ALLOYS
S u p p l e m e n t a l i n f o r m a t i o n fields c o n t a i n o t h e r relevant in- Metals a r e the m o s t c o m m o n l y u s e d class of engineering
f o r m a t i o n t h a t does n o t fit elsewhere. materials; their p r o p e r t i e s are well u n d e r s t o o d , a n d they are

supported by an enormous industrial infrastructure, which TABLE 4.2--Format for identification of aluminum alloys and
shapes, forms, and joins them. ASTM Guide for the Identi- parts (ASTM E 1339).
fication of Metals and Alloys in Computerized Material Prop- Field Number~ Field Name
erty Databases (E 1338) is a genetic guide applicable to all Primary identifiers
metals and alloys and is used to aid the database developer 1 material class
in defining essential and recommended fields to identify spe- 2 family name
cific families of alloys (Table 4.1). 3 family subclass
The essential fields in E 1338 relate to specifications; com- Specifications
4 specification organization b
monly used names or designations; chemical composition 5 specification numberb
details; information on the primary and secondary manufac- 6 specification material b
turing process and the shape produced; and fabrication and designationb
service history. 7 specification versionb
8 UNS numberb
Metals and alloys are relatively mature products. Conse- 9 common nameb
quently, they are well characterized, and important features 10 application group
of the characterization segment have found their way into 11 product groupb
specifications. The principal area of characterization, which Characterization
ought to be designated, is chemical composition (a range, or 12c element symbol
13c actual weight percent
a maximum or minimum value). Reference test results (for 14c maximum weight percent
example, a maximum allowable hardness value) may also be 15c minimum weight percent
part of the identification. Material source
16 manufacturer
17 country of origin number
Aluminum Alloys and Steels 18 manufacturer's plant location
19 production date
20 lot identification
Guidelines for aluminum alloys and steels have been
Processing history
drafted using the guidelines of the generic document. One 21 temper b
of these has evolved into ASTM Guide for Identification of 22 temper detail
Aluminum Alloys and Parts in Computerized Material Prop- Part or sample detail
erty Databases (E 1339). See Table 4.2. Aluminum alloys are 23 part identification number
24 geometric shape
sometimes made as engineered products, details of which 25 thickness b
have to be included in the identification. To achieve this, 26 width
ASTM E 1339 includes product and application group in the 27 length
specifications segment and requires the application group to Fabrication and service
be an essential field. history
28 fabrication history
A draft standard for steel products is currently being bal- 29 service history
loted (ASTM Draft Standard Guide for the Identification of Supplementary information
Steel Alloys and Parts in Computerized Material Property 30 supplementary notes
Databases). See Table 4.3. ~ numbers, if applicable, are providedfor informationonly.
One widely used coding system, for metals and alloys, is bEssential field, if applicable.
CFields 12 to 15 are repeated as often as needed.
the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys [2], or
UNS. It is based on chemical composition and consists of a
letter followed by five numbers, for example, $30400 for 304
stainless steel or T30402 for D2 tool steel. Both materials are
better recognized by their friendly shorthand descriptions, pounds or as shapes and parts, fabricated using a wide va-
which are 304 and D2 from the original AISI designation riety of processes.
system. The UNS is used principally for North American al- ASTM Guide for Identification of Polymers (Excludes
loys and is not accepted globally. For several groups of non- Thermoset Elastomers) in Computerized Material Property
ferrous alloys (copper, aluminum, and magnesium), the UNS Databases (E 1308) is a generic guide for this class of ma-
terials (Table 4.5). It does not encompass thermoset elasto-
coupled with a temper designation provides an entry point
into a database, which can uniquely describe a material, mers (rubbers). They are different in nomenclature and
based on its allowable chemical composition and processing processing requirements and will have their own identifica-
history (Table 4.4). tion format.
There are two levels of primary identifiers for polymers:
(1) those that establish various polymer families and (2)
those that distinguish members within a polymer family. The
STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFYING first level organizes information from ASTM Classification
POLYMERS System for Specifying Plastic Materials (D 4000) (Fig. 4.1).
The second level permits documentation of various types of
Polymers consist of molecular chains and linkages char- compositional, structural, and application information, plus
acterized generally by the repetition of one or more types of any reference test results commonly used to identify the
monomeric units and usually based on carbon. Polymers are polymers within one family. The last named are identified
available as raw materials for formulation, as molding com- by a repeating field called, Classification Property (corre-
38 B U I L D I N G OF M A T E R I A L P R O P E R T Y D A T A B A S E S

TABLE 4.3--Draft format for identification of steel alloys and parts. TABLE 4.4--UNS and temper designation calls out much of the
essential information on some alloys.
Field Number" Field Name
9 A96061-T6
Primary identifiers Aluminum Alloy 6061 in artificially aged condition
I material class 9 M11610-F
2 family name Magnesium Alloy AZ61A in as-fabricated condition
3 family subclass 9 C82600-TB00
4 application group Beryllium Copper Alloy 245C aged at 345~ for 3 h
5 product group
6 specification organization
7 specification number
8 specification material
designation TABLE 4.5--Format for identification of polymers (excluding
9 specification version thermoset elastomers).
10 UNS number
11 AISI designation Field Numbeff Field Name
12 common name Primary identifiers
13 grade (I)* material class
14 type (2)* polymer class
15 commercial name (3)* polymer family
Characterization (4)* family abbreviation/code
16 element symbol Specifications
17 actual weight percent (10) ~ specifying institution
18 maximum weight percent (10a) specification number
19 minimum weight percent (10b) revision number or version
Material source (10c) issue date
20 manufacturer (10d) grade designation
21 country of origin number (1 l)* unified name (line call out)
22 manufacturer's plant location (12) a other naming systems
23 production date Characterization
24 heat number (5) *a component(s)/composition
Processing history (5a) ~ component attribute
25 melt practice (5b) measured component quantity
26 cast practice (5c) maximum component quantity
Heat treatment (5d) minimum component quantity
27 thermal cycle (5e) residual monomer content
28 time of thermal cycle (6) *a attribute
29 temperature of thermal cycle (6a) attribute
Part or sample detail (6a) (Iteration 1) attribute
3O part identification number (6a) (Iteration 2) attribute
31 geometric shape (6a) (Iteration 3) attribute
32 thickness (7) *~ modifier(s)/modifier composition
33 width (7a)" modifier attribute
34 length (7b) measured modifier quantity
35 diameter type (7c) maximum modifier quantity
36 diameter (7d) minimum modifier quantity
37 weight (8) *a application descriptors
Reference test results (8a) attribute
38 ultimate tensile strength, min (8a) (Iteration 1) attribute
39 ultimate tensile strength, actual (Sa) (Iteration 2) attribute
4O number of ultimate tensile tests Reference test results
41 number of ultimate tensile tests (9) *a classification property
42 yield strength, min (9a) test method
43 yield strength, actual (9b) test specimen
44 yield strength, max (9c) value or range
45 number of yield strength tests (9) (Iteration I)* classification property
46 elongation, min (9a) test method
47 elongation, actual (9b) test specimen
48 elongation, max (9c) value or range
49 number of elongation tests (9) (Iteration 2)* classification property
5O reduction of area, rnin (9a) test method
51 reduction of area, actual (9b) test specimen
52 reduction of area, max (9c) value or range
53 number of reduction of area tests (9) (Iteration 3)* classification property
Hardness (9a) test method
54 hardness (9b) test specimen
55 hardness scale (9c) value or range
Impact (9) (Iteration 4)* classification property
56 Charpy V-notch toughness (9a) test method
value (average of 3 tests) (9b) test specimen
57 temperature for Charpy tests (9c) value or range
aField numbers, if applicable, are provided for information only.

TABLE 4.5--Format for identification of polymers (excluding cation d o c u m e n t offers s o m e guidelines for a d a t a b a s e m a n -
thermoset elastomers). (Continued) ager in distinguishing t r a d i t i o n a l r e i n f o r c e d p o l y m e r s f r o m
Field Number" Field Name p o l y m e r m a t r i x composites.
Source The modifiers in a p o l y m e r are generally small relative to
(13 )4 polymer production m o l d e d p a r t size a n d are s u p p l i e d in r a n d o m o r i e n t a t i o n to
(13a) monomer purity the m o l d i n g e q u i p m e n t as p a r t of a m o l d i n g c o m p o u n d . Al-
(13 c) source-manufacturer t h o u g h they c a n e n h a n c e the strength o r o t h e r p r o p e r t y of
(13d) source-not manufacturer the p o l y m e r i c p a r t o r shape, the p o l y m e r r e i n f o r c e m e n t s do
(14) traceability: plant
(14a) lot number n o t require the detail of structure (for example, weave o r
(14c) date braid) o r precise g e o m e t r i c p l a c e m e n t (for example, orien-
(15) molding compound production t a t i o n o r o r d e r of lay-up) in processing o r identification as
(15a) formulation do r e i n f o r c e m e n t s in c o m p o s i t e materials. W h e n such detail
(15b) processing
(15c)* use of reclaim of r e i n f o r c e m e n t structure a n d g e o m e t r i c p l a c e m e n t is re-
(15d)* polymerization state quired, the c o m p o s i t e s identification s t a n d a r d , ASTM E
(15e)* form 1309, s h o u l d be used.
(15f)* commercial name/grade
(15g) * source--manufacturer
(15h) source--not manufacturer STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFYING CERAMICS
(16) traceability: plant
(16a) lot number
(16b) manufacturing date Ceramics e n c o m p a s s n o n m e t a l l i c i n o r g a n i c materials,
(16c) shipping date generally f o r m e d by the a p p l i c a t i o n of heat. They include
Processing history oxide a n d n o n o x i d e c o m p o u n d s a n d are either crystalline o r
(17)* additional formulation noncrystalline. F o r the p u r p o s e of identification, c e r a m i c s
(17a)* regrind, rework usage consist of two m a i n groups, w h i c h are refractories a n d ad-
(18) *~ processing method
(18a) *~ processing conditions v a n c e d ceramics. Refractories have w i d e s p r e a d structural
(18b) processor (molder) uses, b u t there has b e e n little driving force to s t a n d a r d i z e
(18c) traceability: plant d a t a on their identification a n d properties. A d v a n c e d c e r a m -
(18d) lot number ics are p r o c e s s e d into e n g i n e e r e d p r o d u c t s t h a t extend the
(18e) date
Part or sample detail range of physical e n v i r o n m e n t s a n d m e c h a n i c a l conditions
(19)* sample form u n d e r w h i c h they can operate. The generic identification
(20)* sample material state s t a n d a r d of c e r a m i c s is c u r r e n t l y a draft f o r m a t (ASTM
(21) *a sample modification Guide for the Identification of Ceramics in C o m p u t e r i z e d
(2 la)* processing Material P r o p e r t y Databases). See Table 4.6. The word, "ad-
(2 lb)* treatment
vanced," was r e m o v e d from the title b e c a u s e it b e c o m e s re-
(*) is used to mark essential fields or segments.
~Some fields and segments may need to be repeated for multiple item d u n d a n t with time. However, the subject m a t e r i a l covers
listings. w h a t are c u r r e n t l y k n o w n as a d v a n c e d ceramics.
bSegment/FieldNumber/Designation is for convenience only. Historically, c e r a m i c s have b e e n identified b y designations
CUnits for data not resolved. Use of ISO units is favored for eventual
harmonization. related to their c h e m i c a l composition. This is not sufficient
dSpecificationD 4101 does not give the year of publication of the test meth- to describe in m a n y varieties of c e r a m i c s t h a t are in use to-
ods it references. Documents associated with ClassificationD 4000 might in- day. No s i n g u l a r o r unified coding system has g a i n e d b r o a d
clude the publication year to better define the test methods. When known, the
complete test method designation should be used, that is, Test Method D 638. agreement, b u t a Versailles A g r e e m e n t on Advanced Mate-
"Iteration example: Thermoforming could require sheet extrusion before rials (VAMAS) g r o u p is w o r k i n g on it. Consequently, the
part or shape fabrication.
n u m b e r of p r i m a r y identifiers is relatively large c o m p a r e d
with o t h e r materials. Since ceramics are highly t a i l o r e d to
e n d usage, the a p p l i c a t i o n s group field is essential
s p o n d i n g to Reference Test Results), for example, F l o w Rate information.
p e r ASTM Test M e t h o d for F l o w Rates of T h e r m o p l a s t i c s b y Although s o m e specifications exist for c e r a m i c s to facili-
Exclusion P l a s t o m e t e r (D 1238). tate t h e i r engineering application, the c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n seg-
Essential fields for identifying p o l y m e r s are shown in Ta- m e n t is extremely i m p o r t a n t for a n a d e q u a t e d e s c r i p t i o n of
ble 4.3 a n d include i n f o r m a t i o n from the P r i m a r y Identifiers, the material, especially for the m a n y c e r a m i c s t h a t are tail-
P o l y m e r F a m i l y Identifiers (Characterization), Specifica- o r e d to specific e n d uses. The c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n fields in-
tions, Processing History, a n d S a m p l e Detail segments. cluded describe the c h e m i c a l a n d physical features of the
ceramic. F o r the s a m e reason, processing i n f o r m a t i o n is of-
ten highly specific a n d u n i q u e l y defines a product. M a n y of
Polymer Versus Polymer Matrix Composite the c e r a m i c s processing fields are essential.
It is s o m e t i m e s necessary to d i s t i n g u i s h a reinforced pol-
y m e r from a p o l y m e r m a t r i x composite. In practical use, dis- STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFYING
crete s e c o n d - p h a s e ingredients (modifiers) are i n c o r p o r a t e d COMPOSITE MATERIALS
into m a n y p o l y m e r s to e n h a n c e p r o p e r t i e s o r cost. Many, if
n o t a m a j o r i t y of c o m m e r c i a l "polymers" (plastics), s h o u l d Composite materials, usually called c o m p o s i t e s o r ad-
be strictly classified as "composites." The p o l y m e r identifi- v a n c e d composites, are the m o s t c o m p l e x engineering ma-


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Group Broad [ Rein- % Rein- Table r Suffix
Type [ Group Class Grade ]
forcement forcement I xxxl
Physical Properties

0 - One digit for expanded group, as needed.

1 - Two or more letters identify the generic family based on Abbreviations D 1600.
2 - Three digits identify the specific chemical group, the modification or use class, and the grade by
viscosity or level of modification. A basic property table will provide property values.
3 - One letter indicates reinforcement type.
4 - Two digits indicate percent of reinforcement.
5 - One letter refers to a cell table listing of physical specifications and test methods.
6 * Five digits refer to the specific physicat parameters listed in the cell table.
7 - Suffix codes indicate special requirements based on the application, and identify special tests.

FIG. 4.1mASTM D 4000 designation system can provide detailed identification of polymers.

terials to identify. Composites consist of two or more ma- entation, and ordering of the reinforcement component of a
terials that are insoluble in each other and are considered composite material. Essential fields include information on
on a macroscopic scale to form a single engineering material the precursor source, matrix identifier, reinforcement iden-
that exhibits specific properties not possessed by the con- tifier, and process description (Table 4.7).
stituents. Composites are comprised of metal, polymer, and ASTM E 1471 covers the description of fibers (continuous
ceramic matrix (base) types. The are made into precursors and discontinuous), fillers of various geometries, and core
(primary shapes later formed into end-use products) and en- materials (foam, honeycomb, or naturally occurring mate-
gineered products. rials such as balsa wood), which are used in sandwich-type
ASTM E 1309 documents the format for the identification composites. These materials are distinguished from bulk ma-
of all composite materials. It references ASTM Guide for the terials by the importance of their tailored geometric shape
Identification of Fibers, Fillers, Core Materials in Comput- to their properties, which is reflected in the use of essential
erized Databases (E 1471), which uses the metal, polymer, geometry fields as a major component in their characteri-
and ceramic formats for information on constituent mate- zation (Table 4.8).
rials. Presently E 1309 includes examples of application to
filament-wound polymer-matrix composites, laminar poly-
mer-matrix composites, and ceramic-matrix composites. An
example of metal-matrix composites will be added when STANDARDS FOR IDENTIFYING JOINTS
data are available with no limits on distribution. BETWEEN MATERIALS
ASTM E 1309 is a generic guide. Presently it includes ex-
amples of application to filament-wound, polymer-matrix A joint between two or more materials requires a radically
composites, laminar polymer-matrix composites, and ce- different identification format from those used to identify
ramic-matrix composites. It is being broadened to include the materials themselves. Special classes of materials may
metal-matrix components. be used to obtain permanent joints such as weld filler metals,
The identification of composites is complex because they brazes, solders, or adhesives. The joining parameters are sig-
are formed by combining different materials in varying nificant components in the identification of a joint.
amounts and configurations, resulting in an infinite n u m b e r There are m a n y types of joints between m a n y kinds of ma-
of possibilities. An effective description scheme must be ca- terials. A draft format was developed for the most commonly
pable of identifying the majority of possible combinations, used industrial joint, the arc weld. The format is published
without overburdening the system to include details relevant by the American Welding Society (AWS) Guide for Describ-
only to a limited number of material systems. ing Arc Welds in Computerized Material Property and Non-
The primary objective of ASTM E 1309 is to describe the destructive Examination Databases (AWS A9.1).
final composite material (engineered product) and its pre- The materials description segments in AWS A9.1 consist
cursors, so that minimal information is contained on the of the first base metal, second base metal, backing material,
constituent materials that form the composite matrix or the filler material, additives, gases, and tungsten electrode. The
reinforcement. The constituent materials of the composite welding procedure description segments consist of applica-
should themselves be fully described where possible, accord- ble standard, joint, welding process, welding technique,
ing to the applicable guides for metals, polymers, and ceram- welding orientation, welding thermal cycle, postweld heat
ics or other materials. treatment, electrical characteristics, weld metal, and testing
ASTM E 1309 concentrates on describing the form, ori- laboratory information (Table 4.9).

TABLE 4.6--Draft format for identification of ceramics. TABLE 4.6--Draft format for identification of ceramics
Field Number Field Name
Field Number Field Name
Primary identifiers
1 *material class Processing history
2 *structure class 47 *manufacture of precursor
3 *ceramic class 48 *manufacture of powder
4 *traditional name 49 *preparation of powder
5 **Oxide type 50 *compaction
6 *primary chemical 51 *shaping
constituent 52 consolidated form
*minimum purity of primary 53 *consolidation process
chemical constituent 54 consolidation process
*maximum purity of primary conditions
chemical constituent 55 *finishing process
9 *minor chemical constituents 56 finishing process conditions
10 *major application group 57 joining process
11 Secondary application group 58 joining process conditions
12 Tertiary application group Part or sample detail
13 Ceramic identification code 59 product geometric form
14 Code organization 60 product length dimension
Specifications 61 product area dimension
15 *specification organization 62 product volume dimension
16 *specification number Fabrication and service
17 *specification version history
18 *specification designation 63 *service history
19 supplemental specification Supplementary information
information 64 supplementary notes
20 chemical component
21 chemical symbol or formula
22 chemical component quantity ally relatively thin c o m p a r e d with the s u b s t r a t e a n d are
23 reported estimated standard
deviation m a d e of metals a n d alloys, polymers, ceramics, o r
24 measurement units composites.
25 method of analysis A draft f o r m a t for the d e s c r i p t i o n of metallic coatings
26 phase component ASTM Draft Guide for Identification of Coatings of Engi-
27 chemical formula or analysis neering Materials in C o m p u t e r i z e d Material P r o p e r t y Data-
of phase
28 phase quantity bases, is in the balloting stage. Key differences between it
29 repted estimated standard a n d the engineering m a t e r i a l s formats lie in the processing
deviation history segment, b o t h of w h i c h require i n f o r m a t i o n on sur-
30 measurement units face p r e p a r a t i o n a n d in the type of reference test results
31 grain boundary structure
class used.
32 measured density The identification segments r e q u i r e d for coatings a n d lin-
33 density test method ings include generic field types that are n o t utilized in the
34 percent of theoretical density f o r m a t s previously d e s c r i b e d for engineering m a t e r i a l s a n d
35 theoretical density calculation joints. These include p r e p a r a t i o n of the identified s u b s t r a t e
36 percent porosity surface, m e t h o d of a p p l i c a t i o n of the identified coating o r
37 type of porosity lining, form of m a t e r i a l applied, h o m o g e n e i t y of coating o r
38 mean grain size lining, porosity, thickness, a n d u n i f o r m i t y (Table 4.10).
39 grain size estimated standard
40 grain size distribution
41 manufacturer MATERIALS
42 country of origin
43 production date
44 lot number M a n y d e s i g n a t i o n systems for engineering m a t e r i a l s have
45 manufacturer's designation b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d this century, p r i n c i p a l l y to serve the needs
46 ceramic type of c o m m e r c e . F o r example, t r a d e associations such as the
C o p p e r D e v e l o p m e n t Association, were the first to develop
o r d e r l y d e s i g n a t i o n systems for their materials. The multi-
plicity of systems has s o m e t i m e s h a m p e r e d m a t e r i a l s selec-
tion, b u t the p r o b l e m s have been tolerable b e c a u s e m a t e r i a l s
specialists have b e e n able to interface a n d interpolate be-
t w e e n d e s i g n a t i o n systems as needed.
Coatings a n d linings are m a t e r i a l s t h a t m a y be a p p l i e d to The e m e r g e n c e of c o m p u t e r i z e d m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y data-
a n o t h e r m a t e r i a l (substrate) for the p u r p o s e of i m p r o v i n g bases has seen a pressing n e e d to h a r m o n i z e d e s i g n a t i o n sys-
the p r o p e r t i e s of the substrate. The coating o r lining is u s u - tems. W i t h o u t h a r m o n i z a t i o n , it is m o r e difficult to link in-
42 B U I L D I N G OF M A T E R I A L P R O P E R T Y D A T A B A S E S

TABLE 4 . 7 - - F o r m a t for identification o f c o m p o s i t e s TABLE 4 . 8 - - F o r m a t for identification of fibers, fillers, a n d core

(ASTM E 1309). m a t e r i a l s (ASTM E 1471).
Field Number Field Name Field Number Field Name
Primary identifiers Primary identifiers
1 material reference number 1 material reference number
2 m a t e r i a l class ~ 2 class ~
3 m a t r i x class ~ 3 s u b c l a s s~
4 r e i n f o r c e m e n t class ~
4 chemical family number ~
5 s y m m e t r y type
6 s t r u c t u r a l detail Specifications
7 ply c o u n t 5 common name d
8 lay-up code 6 additional name information
Precursor identifiers b 7 specification o r g a n i z a t i o n
9 precursor material reference number 8 specification n u m b e r
10 p r e c u r s o r type d 9 specification v e r s i o n
11 precursor commercial name d 10 specification d e s i g n a t i o n
12 precursor manufacturer ~ Characterization
13 precursor production date 11 density~
14 p r e c u r s o r lot n u m b e r 12 c r o s s s e c t i o n type
15 p r e c u r s o r specification o r g a n i z a t i o n
13 dimension parameter b
16 p r e c u r s o r specification n u m b e r
17 p r e c u r s o r specification v e r s i o n 14 dimension value b
18 p r e c u r s o r specification d e s i g n a t i o n 15 dimension distribution parameter ~
19 precursor dimension parameter" 16 dimension distribution parameter
20 precursor dimension value value
21 precursor reinforcement content by weight 17 dimension distribution sample
22 precursor reinforcement orientation(s) size
23 precursor additional information Material source
24 precursor reinforcement area weight 18 manufacturer
25 p r e c u r s o r volatile c o n t e n t , b y w e i g h t 19 m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s identification
26 volatile c o n t e n t test c o n d i t i o n s
27 p r e c u r s o r m a t r i x flow, by w e i g h t 20 lot n u m b e r
28 m a t r i x flow test c o n d i t i o n s 21 d a t e of m a n u f a c t u r e
29 p r e c u r s o r m a t r i x gel t i m e Processing history
30 m a t r i x gel t i m e test c o n d i t i o n s 22 process conditions
Matrix identifiers b 23 s u r f a c e t r e a t m e n t type
31 matrix cross reference 24 s u r f a c e t r e a t m e n t detail
32 matrix s u b c l a s s~
33 matrix c h e m i c a l family ~ ~ field, if applicable.
34 matrix commercial name a bDimension parameter and value should be given for each relevant dimen-
sion. Type is essential information if value is given.
Reinforcement~core CFor each dimension where distribution width is relevant, the parameter is
identifiers b essential if parameter value is given.
35 reinforcement/core material ~
cross reference
36 r e i n f o r c e m e n t / c o r e class ~
37 r e i n f o r c e m e n t / c o r e s u b c l a s s~
38 reinforcement/core chemical ~ class
39 reinforcement form ~
40 reinforcement/core commercial ~ name
41 reinforcement/core production date
Process descriptors d
42 p r o c e s s specification o r g a n i z a t i o n
43 p r o c e s s specification n u m b e r
44 p r o c e s s specification v e r s i o n
45 p r o c e s s s t a g e type a
46 p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t type
47 process stage conditions
48 processor ~
49 process date
50 process records reference
Part descriptors
51 part form ~
52 part-dimension parameter ~
53 part dimension valuec
54 p a r t specification o r g a n i z a t i o n
55 p a r t specification n u m b e r
56 p a r t specific v e r s i o n
57 p a r t specification d e s i g n a t i o n
58 part reinforcement content, by volume
59 part additional information
60 p a r t void c o n t e n t , b y v o l u m e
61 p a r t volatile c o n t e n t , b y w e i g h t
62 volatile c o n t e n t test c o n d i t i o n s
63 part history~
~Essential field, if applicable.
bComposites may contain more than one precursor, matrix material, or re-
inforcement. These fields should be supplied for each.
CDimension parameter and value should be included for each relevant di-
mension. Type is essential if value is given.
TABLE 4.9--Format for identification of arc welds (AWS A9.1).
Material Information date of receipt of material
First base metal composition (repeat as many times as necessary)
specification organization elemental symbol
specification number measured weight percent
specification version method of analysis
specification designation dew point
UNS number gas nozzle inside diameter
CAS number gas nozzle flow rate
common name root shielding (back side) flow rate
manufacturer/supplier trailing gas shield flow rate
heat/lot identification plasma orifice gas flow
composition (repeat as many times as necessary) other information
elemental symbol Tungsten electrode
measured weight percent specification organization
method of analysis specification number
material condition specification version
manufacturing history classification
service history UNS number
product form CAS number
thickness (wall thickness for pipe) common name/type
diameter (for tubular sections) manufacturer/supplier
Second base metal (repeat if different from first base metal) heat/lot identification
Backing (repeat per first base metal if used) diameter
Filler metal (if more than one filler material, repeat for each) electrode tip geometry
specification organization comments (material and consumables)
specification number
specification version Welding Procedure
classification Applicable standard
UNS number specification organization
CAS number specification number
common name (tradename) specification version
manufacturer/supplier specification title
heat/lot identification Joint
date of receipt of material joint type
composition (repeat as many times as necessary) joint preparation techniques
elemental symbol groove type
measured weight percent surface preparation techniques
ymethod of analysis backing placement
product form back gouging
dimensions other information
other information Weld Type
Flux welding process (repeat as many times as necessary)
specification organization method of application
specification number Setup
specification version contact tip to work distance
specification title electrode extension
particle size travel speed
CAS number oscillation method
common name/type (tradename/type) oscillation width
manufacturer/supplier pass/layer sequence (and limits)
heat/lot identification peening
date of receipt of material interpass cleaning techniques
composition (repeat as many times as necessary) other information (multiple electrodes, hot or cold wire feed,
element/compound symbol tacking electrode extension/set back)
measured weight percent Orientation
method of analysis weld position (orientation of joint)
additive (alloying materials, etc) welding progression
type travel angle
amount work angle
placement other information
Gases (repeat as necessary) Welding Thermal Cycle
specification organization preheat temperature
specification number preheat maintenance (temperature kept above minimum during
specification version duration of welding)
specification title interpass temperature, max
CAS number postheat temperature (for example, promote hydrogen
common name/type outgassing)
manufacturer/supplier postheat time
lot identification other procedure details

TABLE 4.9--Format for identification of arc welds (AWS A9.1). TABLE 4.10--Draft format for identification of coatings.
Field Number Field Name
Postweld heat treatment
heating rate Primary identifiers
1 material form
holding temperature range
2 coating name~
holding time 3 coating subclassa
cooling procedure (cooling rate or quench procedure) 4 application groupb
other procedure details (for example, step cooling procedure, 5 product groupb
furnace type, atmosphere) Specifications
Electrical characteristics (repeat for multiple power sources and 6 specification organization~
for change as the weld progresses) 7 specification numbeff
manufacturer/supplier 8 specification versiona
common name 9 specification designationa
current type 10 common namea'b
polarity 11 grade or type
welding current (rms) 12 commercial name
wire feed speed Characterization
welding voltage 13 average coating numberb
comments (for example, pulsed power parameters, machine 14 maximum coating thicknessb
settings, and conditions for parameter changes) 15 minimum coating thickness
Weld Metal 16 identification of coating materialc
composition (in actual weld, including dilution) (repeat as many Material source
times as necessary) 17 manufacturer
18 country of origin
elemental symbol 19 manufacturer's plant location
measured weight percent 20 production date
method of analysis 21 batch number
Processing history
Laboratory Testing I n f o r m a t i o n 22 coating applicator
Weld identification number 23 country of application
Laboratory Which Performed Test 24 applicator's plant location
Laboratory PQR Identification 25 application date
Date of Completion 26 application batch number
Comments general 27 number of coatings
28 surface cleaning
29 surface profiling
30 surface priming
Part or sample detail
f o r m a t i o n from different databases a n d fully utilize the 31 part identification number
power of the c o m p u t e r to m a n a g e information. Currently, 32 surface identification number
30 to 70 fields are required to identify a material with as 33 surface reference document code
m a n y as 10 to 20 being considered essential. 34 surface area
Reference test results
35 post coating surface resistance
36 post coating surface impedance
Current S i t u a t i o n 37 post coating surface themal conductivity
38 post coating surface reflectivity
39 post coating hardness
The c u r r e n t situation with respect to unified coding sys- 4O scale for post coating hardness
tems is given below. ~ field, if applicable.
9 For metals a n d alloys, the compositionally based UNS has bFieldis repeated as often as needed.
CUseformats that uniquelyidentifythe coatingmaterial,for example,ASTM
wide use in North America. It m a y be e n h a n c e d by includ- 1338.
ing a t e m p e r designation (to include heat t r e a t m e n t a n d
m e c h a n i c a l working i n f o r m a t i o n ) i n the identification.
There is no i n t e r n a t i o n a l system. ISO tried to introduce REFERENCES
one several years ago a n d did n o t gain sufficient interna-
tional support.
9 For polymers, the n u m b e r i n g systems given in ASTM D [1] Westbrook, J. H., "Designation, Identification and Characteriza-
4000 (for polymers) a n d ASTM Guide for Classifying a n d tion of Metals and Alloys," Computerization and Networking of
Specifying Adhesives (D 4800) (for adhesives) appear to be Materials Databases, STP 1017, American Society for Testing and
excellent starting points for coding systems. Materials, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 23-42.
[2] Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System, ASTM DS
9 For ceramics there is n o system. However, VAMAS in con-
56E, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
j u n c t i o n with ASTM Committee C-28 o n advanced ceram- 1993.
ics is a t t e m p t i n g to develop a coding system [3]. [3] ISR Newsletter, Vol. 2 Issue 4, Dec. 1991, pp. 9-10.
9 For composites, the complexity of the situation has defied [4] Aluminum Association Nomenclature System for Aluminum Metal
a n y t h i n g b u t a few proposals for specific groups [4]. Matrix Composite Materials, Aluminum Association.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Nomenclature and Current

Standards for Recording of 5
Test Results and Properties
Marilyn W. Wardle 1

INTRODUCTION area is required. Furthermore, these available documents are

only guides, intended to aid the database designer in making
One of the important tasks associated with the design decisions regarding database content and organization. They
phase of a materials properties database is defining and un- are by no means a complete solution nor do they eliminate
derstanding the exact nature of the data to be stored in the the need for close consultation with the materials experts.
database. Among the key questions are: In most cases the standardization process in Committee
E-49 began with material identification and description for-
(1) What are the data types: character strings, numbers, nu- mats, so the standards discussed in the previous chapter are
merical arrays, graphics, images? fairly well advanced at least for the common classes of ma-
(2) For numerical data, what is their format: integer, floating terials. Data recording formats generally were not begun un-
point, exponential? How many decimals? How many sig- til the material identification formats were well along, so they
nificant figures? are in a somewhat earlier stage of development. It is impor-
(3) What metadata need to be associated with the data, and tant to keep in mind throughout the discussion of these stan-
what is their form? dards that we are looking at a "snapshot" of them in a partic-
Without a thorough understanding of the data themselves it ular state of development, and this snapshot may have
is difficult for the database designer to create an adequate changed by the time this manual is in the hands of the reader.
vehicle for storage and retrieval. Since in many cases the
designer is a computer systems person or someone not in-
timately familiar with the materials and functions of the da-
tabase, it is vitally important that this input be gathered from STANDARD FORMATS
those who do know the materials and applications, namely,
the people who will be supplying data to the database and Standardization is essential to extracting maximum value
those who will be using it. and utility from a database. For example, if a search for
One of the problems that the designer will rapidly discover "compressive strength" values overlooks potentially useful
is that within the materials community there is a wide spec- data because they are stored as "compression strength," the
trum of usage in things like property names, definitions, and database is clearly not delivering full value. Some latitude in
data reporting practices, which are critical to the database property naming can be accommodated through an internal
design. The human mind has an innate capability for dealing thesaurus, but this requires considerable forethought and suf-
with and resolving ambiguity and "fuzziness," which is not ficient knowledge of the materials and properties.
shared by the computer. Thus, while an engineer may cope Standard data formats are important for two additional
easily with different names for the same property (elastic reasons. First, data exchange between database systems is
modulus, Young's modulus, initial modulus), the computer greatly facilitated if the properties are defined and formatted
is much more limited. The computerization of material the same. This is especially true if format information is not
properties data requires a far higher level of standardization stored as metadata along with the data and may not be trans-
in this area than we have previously enjoyed. mitted with them. Second, proper definition and use of stan-
The data reporting standards discussed in this chapter are dard formats preserves the intent and precision of the orig-
the first steps in this direction. They attempt to capture the inal measurements and allows proper display of numerical
thinking of scientists and engineers working in the field and data. (It is important that the storage and display formats for
subject it to the consensus process for development of stan- numerical data not imply a level of precision higher than that
dards. Clearly the few documents discussed here represent a justified by the original measurement technique, a factor that
very limited subset of the entire range of materials properties is commonly overlooked in database design, particularly
that are measured and reported, and ongoing work in this where internal unit conversion and calculations are done.)
Data entry to the database is much easier if the data are
1Senior research associate, E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company, presented at the entry point in the desired format. This
Inc., Advanced Materials Systems, Chestnut Run Plaza, Wilmington, means that the use of the standard formats should ideally be
DE 19880-0701. incorporated into all of the processes before entry to the da-
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

TABLE $.l--Issued standard guides for data recording.

Test Jurisdiction
Number Title Method(s) (Liaison)

E 1313-91A Development of Standard Data Records for Computerization of

Material Property Data E-49 (E-28)
X1 Pin Type Bearing Test of Metallic Materials Bearing Test Data E 238 E-49 (E-8)
X2 Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials E 399 E-49 (E-28)
X3 Tension Testing of Metallic Materials E 8
X4 Compression Testing of Metallic Material at Room
Temperature E 9
X5 Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials E 23
E 1434-91 Development of Standard Data Records for Computerization of
Mechanical Test Data for High-Modulus Fiber-Reinforced
Composite Materials various D-30 (E-49)
A 9.2 Recording Arc Weld Material Property Data in Computerized American Welding
Databases ... Society (E-49)
G 107-91 Formats for Collection and Compilation of Corrosion Data for
Metals for Computerized Database Input . .. G-1 (E-49)

tabase. F o r this r e a s o n these formats s h o u l d be r e g a r d e d as not material, test, o r p r o p e r t y type specific, as are the rest
d a t a r e c o r d i n g f o r m a t s a n d n o t just f o r m a t s for c o m p u t e r i - of the s t a n d a r d s to be discussed, it is necessarily a very ge-
zation of data. The f o r m a t s will be m o s t effective if they are netic d o c u m e n t p o s e d at a high-level of abstraction. How-
used all the w a y f r o m the testing laboratory, where meas- ever, it gives us a f r a m e w o r k for discussion a n d c o m p a r i s o n
u r e m e n t s are m a d e , t h r o u g h analysis a n d statistical process- of the other, m o r e specific guides, a n d p o i n t s the w a y for
ing, to the d a t a b a s e gateway. In this w a y one can be certain those yet to be written.
that w h a t goes into the d a t a b a s e has the s a m e level of pre- The annexes to ASTM E 1313 c o n t a i n e x a m p l e s of mate-
cision a n d reliability as that w h i c h was originally p r o d u c e d . rial a n d test type specific guides that will be discussed later.
It should be clear by now that there is a great deal more to ( W h e t h e r these guides will r e m a i n as annexes to ASTM
material properties data than simply numerical data values. Guide E 1313 o r be a t t a c h e d to the specific ASTM Test Meth-
Along with each piece of data, there is a body of accompanying ods to w h i c h they a p p l y is still u n d e r discussion. Alterna-
m e t a d a t a that is necessary to the understanding and interpre- tively, ASTM Guide E 1313 m a y be a m e n d e d to limit its
tation of the numerical value. These pieces of information are scope to metallic materials, a n d all the metals d a t a r e p o r t i n g
as important as the numerical values themselves and need to f o r m a t s m a y be i n c o r p o r a t e d as annexes to it. In a n y case,
be treated with as m u c h care. Thus a great deal more of the ASTM E 1313 is the generic p a r e n t from w h i c h all of the
data recording format is devoted to defining the metadata re- d a t a r e p o r t i n g f o r m a t s derive.)
quirements than to the data themselves. Again, use of these One of the first p o i n t s ASTM Guide E 1313 m a k e s is that
formats throughout the data generation process is the best way it, a n d all of the specific guides t h a t spring from it, are not
to ensure that the m e t a d a t a are complete and accurate. i n t e n d e d to s t a n d alone, b u t are to be used in c o n j u n c t i o n
A list of d a t a r e p o r t i n g f o r m a t guides w h i c h have b e e n with the a p p l i c a b l e guide for identification for the m a t e r i a l s
finalized is given in Table 5.1 along with the ASTM S t a n d a r d u n d e r discussion (see C h a p t e r 4). Certain i n f o r m a t i o n fields
Test M e t h o d s to w h i c h the guide applies. Table 5.2 lists a p p e a r in b o t h the identification f o r m a t a n d the d a t a re-
guides t h a t a r e k n o w n to be u n d e r development. Unless oth- cording format. These provide the necessary linkage b e t w e e n
erwise noted, j u r i s d i c t i o n lies with ASTM C o m m i t t e e E-49. the m a t e r i a l description, its p r o p e r t y data, a n d the d a t a
In m a n y cases o t h e r ASTM c o m m i t t e e s (shown as liaisons) source. In an actual physical d a t a b a s e this r e d u n d a n c y is not
are actively involved in the drafting of the guides. In m o s t necessary if the r e l a t i o n s h i p is otherwise defined by the da-
cases r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for the d o c u m e n t s will eventually be t a b a s e structure. Typically the r e d u n d a n t items are as fol-
t r a n s f e r r e d to t h e i r jurisdiction. It is the goal of C o m m i t t e e lows:
E-49 to t r a n s f e r the d a t a r e p o r t i n g s t a n d a r d s to the a p p r o - 9 Generic type o r class of m a t e r i a l
priate technical c o m m i t t e e s for refinement a n d mainte- 9 Specific m a t e r i a l within class
nance, since they r e p r e s e n t the principle users of the stan- 9 Material d e s i g n a t i o n
dards. I n one case of the d o c u m e n t on arc weld properties, 9 Material p r o d u c e r o r source
the guide was originally developed jointly b y E-49 a n d the 9 Lot n u m b e r o r o t h e r identification
A m e r i c a n W e l d i n g Society (AWS) a n d has n o w been t u r n e d 9 Data source
over to the AWS for m a i n t e n a n c e .
The last item, d a t a source, does NOT a p p e a r in all of the
GENERIC FORMATS m a t e r i a l identification formats, in w h i c h case it s h o u l d def-
initely be included in the d a t a r e p o r t i n g format.
ASTM Guide for the Development of Standard A n o t h e r feature of the d a t a r e c o r d i n g f o r m a t s is that, like
Data Records for Computerization of Material the m a t e r i a l identification formats, they identify b o t h essen-
Property Data (E 1313) tial a n d desirable d a t a fields. Essential fields are those with-
Guide E 1313 identifies the types of m e t a d a t a that s h o u l d out w h i c h the ability to m a k e m e a n i n g f u l d a t a c o m p a r i s o n s
be i n c l u d e d in a m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t i e s database. Since it is is seriously c o m p r o m i s e d . An e x a m p l e of a n essential field

T A B L E 5.2--Standard guides for data recording in preparation.

Number Title Designation (Liaison)
E 1313 Development of Standard Data Records for Computerization E 49
of Material Property Data
X20 Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates Test Method E 647 (E 08)
X21 Constant-Amplitude Low-Cycle Fatigue Testing Practice E 606 (E 08)
X?? Creep, Creep Rupture, and Stress Rupture Tests of Metallic Practice E 139; (E 28)
Materials; Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of Practice E 292
Recommended Data Format for Wear Test Data Suitable for (G 02)
Development of Standard Data Records for Computerized (E 07)
Storage and Transfer of Digital Ultrasonic Test Data
Recommended Standard Data Records for Computerized (E 07)
Storage and Transfer of Digital Radiologic Test Data
Recording Property Data for High Explosives in (E 27)
Computerized Databases
Tensile Properties of Plastics Test Method D 638, (D 20)
D 638M
Standard Fracture Toughness Test Data New Method E 08

for r e p o r t i n g d a t a on a n o t c h e d b a r i m p a c t test is " s p e c i m e n s p e c i m e n geometry, a n d failure to r e p o r t these m a k e s the

type," while an o p t i o n a l field is "testing m a c h i n e type." I n d a t a useless for m a n y purposes. F u r t h e r m o r e , while for es-
the o p i n i o n of the writers a n d reviewers of this guide, the t a b l i s h e d materials, such as m e t a l alloys, s i m p l y citing the
conditions a n d constraints of the n o t c h e d b a r i m p a c t test c o r r e s p o n d i n g ASTM Test M e t h o d m a y c o m p l e t e l y define
m a k e it m e a n i n g l e s s to c o m p a r e d a t a f r o m different sources the test s p e c i m e n geometry; this is often n o t the case for
if the s p e c i m e n type is n o t known, while such a c o m p a r i s o n m a t e r i a l s like c o m p o s i t e s a n d polymerics, w h e r e the existing
can be m a d e w i t h o u t k n o w l e d g e of the testing m a c h i n e . The test m e t h o d s allow c o n s i d e r a b l e latitude. Thus it is necessary
c o m p a r i s o n will be m o r e definitive, however, if the test m a - to include this i n f o r m a t i o n explicitly in the d a t a report.
chine type is also known. Obviously, w h a t is essential a n d
w h a t is m e r e l y desirable will vary f r o m one test m e t h o d a n d Test Conditions
m a t e r i a l to another, a n d is influenced b y the p r e j u d i c e s a n d Along with the test description, of course, m u s t go the en-
experiences of those w h o write a n d review the s t a n d a r d s , v i r o n m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n s u n d e r w h i c h the test was p e r f o r m e d ,
w h i c h m a y differ from those of o t h e r experts in the field. a n d if n o t i n c l u d e d in the m a t e r i a l description, i n f o r m a t i o n
This, however, is the n a t u r e of consensus s t a n d a r d s a n d is on p r e c o n d i t i o n i n g or previous service h i s t o r y of the mate-
one r e a s o n w h y these d o c u m e n t s are p r e s e n t e d as guides. rial tested. A p r o b l e m p e c u l i a r to c o m p u t e r i z e d systems
As we shall see, s o m e of the m a t e r i a l a n d test specific for- arises in f o r m a t t i n g fields for p a r a m e t e r s like test t e m p e r a -
m a t s i n t r o d u c e a v a r i a n t on the essential field theme, incor- ture, since m o s t d a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t systems require t h a t
p o r a t i n g fields that are c o n d i t i o n a l l y essential. That is, t h e y fields be predefined as either n u m e r i c o r c h a r a c t e r string. As
are essential only if a n o t h e r field c o n t a i n s a p a r t i c u l a r value. long as actual n u m e r i c t e m p e r a t u r e values are consistently
An e x a m p l e of such a field m i g h t be, "calculation m e t h o d , " reported, this is not a p r o b l e m . U n f o r t u n a t e l y test t e m p e r a -
w h i c h is essential only if the calculated p r o p e r t y is reported. ture is c o m m o n l y r e p o r t e d as "ambient" o r " r o o m t e m p e r a -
I n general the formats include a few essential fields a n d a ture," w h e r e t e m p e r a t u r e d u r i n g the test was n o t controlled.
m u c h larger n u m b e r of desirable fields. One intent was to Translating these into a n o m i n a l n u m e r i c a l value m a y create
help prevent the d a t a b a s e developer f r o m i n a d v e r t e n t l y a false i m p r e s s i o n of the degree of t e m p e r a t u r e control t h a t
o m i t t i n g s o m e t h i n g t h a t m i g h t be of i m p o r t a n c e to the ap- was actually exercised, while storing t e m p e r a t u r e in a char-
plication. The n u m b e r of fields d e p e n d s on the c o m p l e x i t y acter field m a y result in a less efficient s e a r c h procedure.
of the m a t e r i a l s a n d the specificity of the tests. Thus the for- This m a y s e e m a trivial concern; however, it is a n illustration
m a t s for r e c o r d i n g static m e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of c o m p o s i t e of the type of p r o b l e m with w h i c h the d a t a b a s e developer
m a t e r i a l s typically have m a n y m o r e fields t h a n those for m u s t grapple to create a system that is b o t h efficient a n d
metals, w h e r e the m a t e r i a l s are not as v a r i e d a n d the test easy to use.
m e t h o d s are m o r e definitive. A n o t h e r potential source of confusion a b o u t test condi-
I n a d d i t i o n to the i n f o r m a t i o n c o m m o n to the m a t e r i a l s tions, w h e n dealing with l a b o r a t o r y data, is the distinction
identification formats, the ASTM Guide E 1313 calls for the b e t w e e n n o m i n a l a n d actual m e a s u r e d values of p a r a m e t e r s
following classes of m e t a d a t a : like test t e m p e r a t u r e . In s o m e cases d a t a m a y be r e p o r t e d
with a n o m i n a l test t e m p e r a t u r e , t h a t is, the t e m p e r a t u r e of
Test and Specimen Description the lab o r the t e m p e r a t u r e at w h i c h the e n v i r o n m e n t a l
It is u n f o r t u n a t e l y all too c o m m o n to find m a t e r i a l s p r o p - c h a m b e r was held d u r i n g the test. In o t h e r cases, the actual
erties d a t a for w h i c h test a n d s p e c i m e n d e s c r i p t i o n are n o t s p e c i m e n t e m p e r a t u r e at the t i m e of test m a y be r e c o r d e d
reported. F o r s o m e materials, the results of p r o p e r t y m e a s - b a s e d on r e a d i n g s from a t h e r m o c o u p l e o r o t h e r m o n i t o r i n g
u r e m e n t s are highly d e p e n d e n t on the details of the test a n d device. The d a t a b a s e design s h o u l d m a k e clear w h i c h of

these is intended. In some cases, it may be desirable to in- erally the standard format identifies which lists are category
clude fields for both. sets and which are value sets.

Property Descriptions Validity Criteria

Appropriate indicators of data quality should be included.
Another important part of the data record is the descrip-
These may be "check offs" of items enumerated by the Test
tion of the properties being reported. This should include
Method ("Did failure occur in the gage section, yes or no?")
property name, units, definition, format, and precision. For
or the results of assessment of the data against some pre-
numerical data, units should always be specified. Where the
defined quality criteria. (See Chapter 8 for more on this sub-
database must handle more than one set of units for a given
property, the database developer must decide how to store ject.) Where these criteria are not part of the Test Method
they should be fully documented in the database.
the data and make conversions. One option is to store the
data in a set of default units and use stored conversion fac-
tors and equivalence tables to convert at display time to the
alternate units. This has the advantage of saving storage P H Y S I C A L P R O P E R T Y DATA R E C O R D I N G
space, but may slow down retrieval and display. On the other FORMATS
hand, data may be stored in both forms, in which case con-
versions are made at or before data entry. In either case it There are as yet no formats for specific physical property
is important that the conversion process preserve the preci- tests, so this is an area that needs further work. Many of the
sion of the original measurement. Also it is recommended material identification formats include a selection of physi-
that the number of significant figures and a flag that identi- cal properties as part of the identification and, in some cases,
fies the original units he stored along with the data. even provide for limited metadata (for example, test method)
Where the property is a derived result, it is important to in association with these. For example, the polymeric ma-
specify the method used to determine it. For example, if the terials identification format includes density. This arises be-
property is calculated from the slope of a two-dimensional cause materials are routinely classified based on properties
plot, as is the case for Young's modulus and many rate par- as well as on composition. For the database developer this
ameters, specify how the slope was determined--by the raises the interesting question of when is a property an iden-
chord, secant, linear fit, or "eyeball" m e t h o d - - a n d between tifier and when is it part of the data? Until specific criteria
what points on the curve the calculation was made. are developed, a recommended procedure is to include prop-
erties as identifiers only where nominal values, without ad-
Test Results ditional documentation as to how they were measured, will
suffice. Where complete documentation of the test, condi-
The type(s) of data to include in the database--"raw" (un- tions, method, and so forth, are required, they are best
analyzed) data, calculated results, or the outcome of statis- treated as property data. (In some cases it may be desirable
tical analyses (means, allowables)--must be decided based to make provision for both a nominal value of the property
on the purpose of the database and the type of data available. and the result of an actual confirmatory measurement.)
However, wherever possible, if the "raw" data are not in-
cluded, sufficient information should be included to make it
possible to trace them to their source. Where data are sta-
tistically analyzed, the type of analysis and statistical para-
meters measuring uncertainty (standard deviation, coeffi-
cient of variation, and confidence interval) should be
reported along with the number of data points used for the In the mechanical property arena the data recording for-
analysis. mats have been broken down by material class since in most
Test Observations--For mechanical property tests, a de- cases there are significant differences in test methods be-
scription of the failure mode is important to the interpreta- tween classes.
tion of the results, especially for materials that exhibit a va-
riety of types of failure behavior. In other types of tests, Metals
observations of what actually occurred during the test may
be an important indicator of reliability and should be Annexes to A S T M E 1313
included. In the annexes to ASTM Guide E 1313 are formats for
For test observations and nonnumerical data, a category recording data from several mechanical property tests meth-
or value set, which is a list of acceptable entries, can be used ods for metals. (See Tables 5.1 and 5.2.) Annex l, the re-
to limit the variety of responses. For example, where a qual- cording format for ASTM Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test
itative observation, such as failure location is called for, the of Metallic Materials (E 238) is relatively straightforward
category set might be limited to "gage section," "under grip and provides a good example of the application of the ge-
section," and "between grip and gage section." Category sets neric guide. In all, 34 items of information are described
are considered to be closed. That is, they contain all the pos- with 11 identified as essential. It should be noted that there
sible acceptable entries for the given field. Value sets, on the will not necessarily be a one-for-one correspondence be-
other hand, are lists of typical or representative entries, but tween the items in the format and the actual fields in the
are not necessarily complete, leaving it again up to the de- database. For example, the first three items (material, lot,
veloper to decide how to structure the actual database. Gen- and data source identification) will actually be multiple fields

as discussed in the material identification formats. Other has now been turned over to Committee D-30 on High-Mod-
items may require repeated fields. For example, if there is ulus Fibers and Composites. The guide has some important
both an ASTM and an ISO (International Standards Organ- limitations in scope:
ization) test method and it is desirable to store the numbers 9 It is specific to tests of laminated composites and their lam-
of both, two test method number fields may be needed. inae (plies).
Like the other formats we will examine, this one does not 9 It covers only tension, compression, and shear tests.
specify field format beyond the level of numeric/character 9 While it is intended to cover ceramic and metallic matrix
string, nor is there a standard field name or mnemonic. It composites, in addition to polymerics, all of the examples
has been, unfortunately, extremely difficult to obtain con- are for polymerics.
sensus at this level of detail. Without this, the problem of However, the format is sufficiently general that it should be
data exchange from one system to another is still a difficult easily extensible to other test methods and material forms,
one. Also this format does not contain a number of the fields
and wider use should be encouraged.
recommended by the generic guide, including precision and Testing of composite materials is not highly standardized.
variance. It does however, have a number of validation fields For example, there are several competing methods for meas-
from the reference test method. It is also a good example of uring in-plane shear and compressive properties. For this
the use of closed category sets and representative value sets
reason these formats will probably not be associated with
to limit the responses for nonnumeric fields. specific test methods but will likely remain grouped in an
The second annex format, Plane Strain Fracture Tough- independent document. The ASTM test documents explicitly
ness Test Data, is rather more complex, reflecting greater the covered by this format are as follows:
complexity of the analysis and the larger number of input
parameters required. There are, however, no significant new (1) Tension Tests (ASTM Test Method for Tensile Properties
features in this format. of Fiber-Resin Composites [D 3039] and Test Method for
The remaining annexes to ASTM Guide E 1313 will not be Tensile Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Metal Matrix
discussed in detail. Some are still fairly early in the devel- Composites [D 3552])
opment cycle and may be subject to considerable modifica- (2) Compression Tests (ASTM Test Method for Compressive
tion before they are finally adopted. While some of the dif- Properties of Unidirectional or Crossply Fiber-Resin
ferences may be removed as they receive further editing and Composites [D 3410])
evaluation, it is instructive to compare them briefly in their (3) In-Plane Shear Tests (ASTM Practice for In-plane Shear
present state. Whereas the Notched Bar Impact format, An- Stress-Strain Response of Unidirectional Reinforced
nex 5, exemplifies the bare bones approach to metadata as- Plastics [D 3518], Guide for Testing In-plane Shear Prop-
sociated with a relatively simple, well standardized test erties of Composites Laminates [D 4255], and a new
method, the three annexes still in preparation (X20, X21, method for V-notched beam specimens, now being
and the as yet unnumbered one for Creep, Creep Rupture balloted)
and Stress Rupture) go to the other extreme, calling for not (4) Apparent Interlaminar Shear Test (ASTM Test Method
only the type of equipment used for the measurement, but for Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength of Parallel Fi-
also the make, model, and serial number! This level of detail ber Composites by Short Beam Method [D 2344])
is probably far greater than that required for most databases, Most of the composite test methods are relatively nonre-
but there may be cases where it is relevant, and it is part of strictive. Parameters like specimen dimensions, for example,
the database developer's job to determine just how much de- may not be completely specified by the test method. Thus
tail is required to meet the present and future needs of the this information must be included in the metadata. Because
users. of this, the formats contain a relatively large number of
The three draft annexes each list well over a 100 items of fields.
information. These are complex tests with many possible This document illustrates the use of the conditionally re-
variables. Annex 20, Fatigue Crack Growth Rate, also has quired field, that is, a field that may be required, depending
several examples of properties used as material descriptors on the content of another field. Composite materials prop-
(for example, hardness and ultimate tensile strength) with erties are frequently reported normalized to a common fiber
no associated metadata. In this case it might be better prac- volume percent. When the "normalization" field indicates
tice for a database to include these as material properties that normalization by fiber volume has been performed, the
with complete metadata and cross reference them when the field for "normalized fiber volume percent" must also be
fatigue results are recorded. The creep format attempts to filled for the data to be complete.
include two-dimensional data in what is essentially a one- This format also provides explicitly for reporting of either
dimensional data format. The latter would be easier to han- the results of measurements on individual specimens or sta-
dle by choosing a database management system that is ca- tistically derived values (mean, standard deviation, and so
pable of storage and retrieval of graphical data. forth) for an ensemble or set of nominally identical speci-
mens. Either or both can be included, depending on the re-
quirements of the database application.
Composite Materials The format calls for eight classes of information (compare
ASTM Guide for the Development of Standard Data Re- to the discussion of ASTM Guide E 1313, above):
cords for Computerization of Mechanical Test Data for 9 Material identifiers
High-Modulus Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials (E 9 Test procedure description
1434) was developed by ASTM Subcommittee E49.08 but 9 Individual specimen description

9 Individual s p e c i m e n test p a r a m e t e r s C O R R O S I O N , E R O S I O N , A N D W E A R DATA

9 Individual s p e c i m e n s test results a n d analysis RECORDING FORMATS
9 E n s e m b l e (set of identical test specimens) d e s c r i p t i o n
9 E n s e m b l e test p a r a m e t e r s ASTM Standard Guide for Formats for Collection
9 E n s e m b l e test results a n d analysis and Compilation o f Corrosion Data for Metals for
Computerized Database Input (G 107)
Material Identifiers
As in the o t h e r formats, this one has s o m e fields in c o m - Developed by ASTM C o m m i t t e e G-1 on C o r r o s i o n of Met-
m o n with the m a t e r i a l identification format. It also includes als, in c o n j u n c t i o n with C o m m i t t e e E-49, this guide provides
i n f o r m a t i o n on p r e c o n d i t i o n i n g of the s p e c i m e n s before test- f o r m a t s for r e c o r d i n g of d a t a on corrosion of metals, ex-
ing a n d results of nondestructive inspection ( a n o t h e r exam- cluding electrochemical corrosion. Because c o r r o s i o n tests
ple of a test result being used as a m a t e r i a l descriptor). The are c o n d u c t e d in a variety of ways with a variety of objec-
latter is i n c l u d e d b e c a u s e s o m e form of nondestructive eval- tives, the f o r m a t is necessarily lengthy a n d complicated. A
u a t i o n (NDE) is c o m m o n l y p e r f o r m e d as a quality control c o m p a r i s o n of this s t a n d a r d with the others we have dis-
p r o c e d u r e on c o m p o s i t e test specimens. More detailed for- cussed also reveals an interesting difference in emphasis.
m a t s for c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n of NDE results will be discussed Here the p r i m a r y focus is on the e x p e r i m e n t o r test, a n d not
later. the material. Hence the test d e s c r i p t i o n occurs first a n d oc-
cupies a m u c h m o r e p r o m i n e n t position in this format. The
Test Procedure Description drafters of this s t a n d a r d were m o r e c o n c e r n e d with the
The p r o c e d u r e d e s c r i p t i o n includes d o c u m e n t a t i o n not m e t h o d o l o g y a n d i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of corrosion tests t h a n with
only of test m e t h o d , geometry, a n d e q u i p m e n t but detailed the m a t e r i a l s themselves. They have identified nine catego-
records of by w h o m , when, a n d w h e r e the testing was per- ries of i n f o r m a t i o n to be recorded, which reflect this em-
formed. This m a y a p p e a r to be excessive, b u t in m a n y of the phasis:
industries using a d v a n c e d c o m p o s i t e materials, total trace- 9 Test i d e n t i f i c a t i o n - - c o d e o r identifier associated with a spe-
ability of the d a t a is a r e q u i r e m e n t . cific set of s p e c i m e n s exposed to the s a m e e n v i r o n m e n t at
the s a m e t i m e
Individual Specimen Description 9 Test T y p e - - s t a n d a r d , laboratory, o r field test
This section provides for r e c o r d i n g each critical g e o m e t r i c 9 Test E m p h a s i s - - s p e c i f i c form of d a m a g e tested for, for ex-
d i m e n s i o n of the specimen. Also included is a field for spec- ample, corrosion, pitting
i m e n cross-sectional a r e a u s e d for stress calculations. Since 9 Test E n v i r o n m e n t - - c h e m i c a l d e s c r i p t i o n of the environ-
this value is derived from the o t h e r dimensions, the d a t a b a s e ment
designer m a y decide not to include it in the database, pre- 9 E x p o s u r e C o n d i t i o n s - - t i m e , t e m p e r a t u r e , pH, a n d so forth
ferring to calculate it from the stored d a t a w h e n required. 9 Material Identification
9 S p e c i m e n Identification
Individual Specimen Test Parameters 9 P e r f o r m a n c e Data (results)
The only test p a r a m e t e r s listed for the individual speci- 9 Data Source o r Reference
m e n s are date, t e m p e r a t u r e , a n d h u m i d i t y since o t h e r testing The difference b e t w e e n this f o r m a t a n d the o t h e r formats
p a r a m e t e r s (for example, strain rate) were i n c l u d e d with the is m o r e one of form t h a n content, since basically the s a m e
test p r o c e d u r e and, by inference, are only r e c o r d e d once for types of i n f o r m a t i o n are recorded, although the o r g a n i z a t i o n
the entire set of specimens. If, in practice, a p a r a m e t e r varies is different. This points u p one of the challenges the d a t a b a s e
with each individual s p e c i m e n (as, for example, s p e c i m e n designer m u s t face: different disciplines need to view the
t e m p e r a t u r e o r s p a n - t o - d e p t h ratio) it s h o u l d be r e c o r d e d for s a m e d a t a from different perspectives. A good d a t a m a n a g e -
each specimen. m e n t system m u s t be able to a c c o m m o d a t e this.
We have a l r e a d y discussed the t r e a t m e n t of physical prop-
erties as descriptive characteristics. F o r c o m p o s i t e s it is im-
ASTM Guide for R e c o m m e n d e d Data Format for
p o r t a n t that the test p r o c e d u r e s used to m e a s u r e fiber vol-
Wear Test Data Suitable for Databases
u m e a n d o t h e r physical p r o p e r t i e s be recorded; so they are
best treated as physical p r o p e r t y d a t a a n d linked to the me- This format, being written in c o n j u n c t i o n with ASTM
chanical p r o p e r t y d a t a on the s a m e material. C o m m i t t e e G-2 on W e a r a n d Erosion, is still in draft form
a n d needs c o n s i d e r a b l e work. Presently it consists only of a
Ensemble Description, Test Parameters, and Results list of essential a n d desirable fields without definition o r dis-
These parallel the individual s p e c i m e n i n f o r m a t i o n except cussion. The f o r m a t a p p e a r s to be a i m e d at r e c o r d i n g of d a t a
t h a t the average values a n d s t a n d a r d deviations for the entire from A-B c o m p a r i s o n tests w h e r e two m a t e r i a l s are evalu-
set of specimens are r e c o r d e d here. ated side by side for their resistance to w e a r o r erosion, b u t
no related S t a n d a r d Test M e t h o d s are cited.
Polymeric Materials
Presently, the only d a t a r e c o r d i n g f o r m a t s u n d e r devel- N D E DATA R E C O R D I N G F O R M A T S
o p m e n t for p o l y m e r i c m a t e r i a l s are those for tension tests,
ASTM S t a n d a r d Test Methods D 638 a n d D 638M. Additional Dealing with the results of nondestructive evaluation in a
f o r m a t s are expected to be developed with time. c o m p u t e r i z e d d a t a b a s e p r e s e n t s s o m e u n i q u e challenges be-

cause such data are typically in the form of images (X-rays, the whole range of characterization tests that might be per-
CT scans, ultrasonic images) and not simple one or two-di- formed on the subject materials.
mensional numerical arrays. Unless the database is to be
limited to recording the conclusions drawn from the evalu-
ation (pass/fail or text description of observations), provision Arc Welds
has to be made for storing and reconstructing images them- The Standard Guide for Recording Arc Weld Material
selves. Unfortunately, the two existing draft guides for NDE Property Data in Computerized Databases was developed by
data, ASTM Standard Guide for Recommended Standard the American Welding Society in cooperation with ASTM
Data Records for Computerized Storage and Transfer of Dig- Committee E-49. The final standard has been issued and will
ital Ultrasonic Test Data and the sister document for Com- be maintained by the AWS as Standard A9.2 along with the
puterized Storage and Transfer of Digital Radiological Test standards for identification and description of arc welds. It
Data do not provide a standard format for handling the im- is intended to describe properties of the weld structure itself,
age data themselves. Rather, they specify what accompany- not the properties of the parent materials or any filler ma-
ing identification and metadata should be stored with the terial (although these might be described elsewhere in the
data. Part of this information is a description of the format database).
of the actual digital data file. Included in the format is the Unlike the other standards we have discussed, the primary
following: purpose here is to record the information necessary to sub-
9 Traceability (header) Information stantiate that the weldment under test meets the require-
9 Test Description ments of certain trade specifications, and as such, its scope
9 Equipment Description is rather limited. In several cases the only result reported is
9 Sample Description a pass/far flag based on the requirements of the cited spec-
9 Coordinate System and Scan Description ification. While for specialized application this may be ade-
9 Test Parameters quate, actual numeric results, along with the specification
9 Data File Description m a x i m u m and m i n i m u m values for each measured property,
9 Data File should be included in the database for more general appli-
Like the corrosion format discussed earlier, the focus here cations. (In the case of a post failure investigation, it might
is on the test and methodology rather than the material. be useful to know if "pass" means "by the skin of the teeth"
(This format is applicable to NDE results on any class of or "with a healthy margin.")
materials.) The equipment and procedures are specified in The format provides for recording the results of several
detail, while the sample gets only a minimal description. types of mechanical and physical property tests, with mini-
The traceability information includes when, where, and by mal metadata. Also included are formats for results of mi-
whom the test was performed along with reference to appli- croscopic and NDE examination (with only pass/fail results).
cable standards or test methods. This kind of concern for For a more complete format for NDE results, see the previ-
traceability is c o m m o n in industries where NDE is used for ous section.
quality control of critical hardware.
Similarly, the equipment description calls for the exact High Explosives
type, manufacturer, and serial n u m b e r of the equipment
used as well as the values of setup parameters used to run ASTM Guide for Recording Property Data of High Explo-
the test. Because NDE procedures must be adapted to the sives in Computerized Databases, which is still in the very
requirements of the particular specimen, it is important that early draft stages, provides for recording a broad range of
these details be recorded here. physical, thermal, mechanical, and explosive properties of a
The image file description supplies the information nec- very specialized class of materials. The properties section of
essary to translate the numerical values stored in the file into the format is still incomplete, consisting only of a list of prop-
meaningful information about the specimen giving, for ex- erties without definitions, formats, or metadata specifications.
ample, the resolution and range of the data stored, along
with the n u m b e r of points and the physical format in which
they are stored. From this information it should be possible CONCLUSIONS
to take the image data file and reconstruct the original image
produced by the inspection.
Data recording formats for most materials except metals
and some composite materials are still very m u c h in the de-
velopmental stages. However, the generic standard guide ap-
pears to have successfully established a pattern for the de-
velopment of guides for specific material types and tests.
There is clearly a great deal of work to be done even consid-
This section discusses two additional draft formats for re- ering only those tests that have been successfully standard-
cording of data on specialized materials that do not fit the ized through the efforts of ASTM and other organizations.
categories already covered: arc welds and high explosives. While Committee E-49 has been leading the effort, it is an-
Both of these standards differ from those already discussed ticipated that increasingly the technical committees having
in one important aspect: they are not limited to the results jurisdiction over the test methods will themselves recognize
of a specific type of test but attempt to include results from the value of standard reporting formats and assume respon-

sibility for their preparation as a routine part of updating ization of data reporting formats will have other benefits
existing test methods or creating new ones. such as improving the traceability and useful lifetime of
While the principle driving force behind this effort has properties data as well as making it easier to compare data
been the move to computerized data management, standard- from different sources and arrive at meaningful conclusions.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Data Evaluation, Validation, 6

and Quality
A n t h o n y J. Barrett I

INTRODUCTION it by c o m p u t e r is so attractive. There is good news a n d b a d

news for those w h o do this.
The g o o d news is that the storage a n d m a n i p u l a t i o n of all
Background the available d a t a in the engineering m a t e r i a l s universe is
well w i t h i n the technical capability of the c o m p u t e r h a r d -
The t e r m "data" m e a n s scientific o r technical m e a s u r e - ware t h a t is available. The b a d news is that the s a m e p a r t s
ments, values, o r facts, w h i c h can be r e p r e s e n t e d b y n u m - of the universe are seen differently by different observers.
bers o r in o t h e r ways. These values o r facts form the basis R e t u r n i n g to o u r simple analogy, different sources r e p o r t
of calculations a n d of t e c h n i c a l o r scientific decisions. To be m o r e o r less different values for the contents of the s a m e
m o r e specific, m a t e r i a l s d a t a should a c c u r a t e l y r e p r e s e n t cells in this universe. More confusing still, each observer,
such values as u l t i m a t e s t r e n g t h in tension, stiffness in tor- w h o is in fact a d a t a g e n e r a t o r o r experimenter, often r e p o r t s
sion, hardness, a n d up to 50 o r m o r e s i m i l a r m e c h a n i c a l d a t a a p p r o p r i a t e to values of the p a r a m e t e r s for the tests o r
p r o p e r t i e s in a d d i t i o n to n u m e r o u s electrical, electronic, p r e d i c t i o n s they each make, w h i c h are different t h a n those
thermal, a n d o t h e r physical properties, corrosion, oxidation, u s e d b y o t h e r observers. So questions arise as to w h i c h sets
a n d processing characteristics. E a c h d a t a value c o r r e s p o n d s of d a t a should be stored in a database, h o w sets at v a r i a n c e
to a p a r t i c u l a r l o a d i n g condition, t i m e of application, a n d m a y be utilized, h o w the reliability of the d a t a t h a t are to be
set of values for each of several possible a m b i e n t environ- s t o r e d m a y be improved, a n d h o w the quality of the d a t a
m e n t a l a n d o t h e r p a r a m e t e r s . First, however, the m a t e r i a l finally built into the d a t a b a s e m a y be c o n t r o l l e d a n d as-
itself needs to be identified u n a m b i g u o u s l y in t e r m s of its sessed. The p u r p o s e of this c h a p t e r is to a d d r e s s these a n d
c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n , form, h e a t a n d o t h e r t r e a t m e n t , related questions.
source, a n d more. Finally, b e y o n d the m e c h a n i c a l a n d phys-
ical properties, d a t a m a y be r e q u i r e d on the cost of a target
material, on its availability, its e n v i r o n m e n t a l impacts, a n d Terminology
even, perhaps, its aesthetic qualities. Most of these d a t a are
A small n u m b e r of special t e r m s will be d e s c r i b e d in p r a c -
n u m e r i c values, b u t t h e y do not s t a n d alone. The m e c h a n i c a l
tical language as they are needed. A s h o r t list of m o r e au-
properties, for example, are d e p e n d e n t u p o n the test meth-
thoritative definitions is given at the end of the c h a p t e r in
ods o r predictive m a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l s that were used to de-
A p p e n d i x B.
t e r m i n e them.
So the totality of m a t e r i a l s data, including i n f o r m a t i o n
a b o u t those data, o r m e t a d a t a , m a y be likened to a complex, The Nature o f Raw Data
m u l t i - d i m e n s i o n a l universe of "cells" c o n t a i n i n g d a t a values,
each one relating to one set of the various p a r a m e t e r s de- At one extreme, the d a t a b a s e b u i l d e r m a y have available
s c r i b e d in the previous p a r a g r a p h . The different ways of con- m a n y large sets of values of different properties, derived b y
veniently using these d a t a m a n u a l l y , in calculations o r as the tests c o n d u c t e d in a n u m b e r of different establishments, b y
basis for r e a c h i n g decisions, m i g h t each require a different different m e t h o d s , u n d e r different a m b i e n t conditions; such
o p t i m u m a r r a n g e m e n t of the cells. Contemplate, for exam- a store of values is well d e s c r i b e d by the t e r m "raw data."
ple, the different ways in w h i c h the d a t a n e e d to be organ- The t a s k facing the d a t a b a s e b u i l d e r is to m a n i p u l a t e this
ized if one is s e a r c h i n g for a p a r t i c u l a r p r o p e r t y of a k n o w n store into a useful a n d readily accessible tool, to be able to
m a t e r i a l as distinct f r o m looking for a m a t e r i a l with a given, describe its contents uniquely, a n d to be able to indicate its
o r m i n i m u m value, of s o m e property. It is, of course, be- reliability a n d o t h e r qualities. Deciding w h a t should o r
cause of the c o m p l e x n a t u r e of the m a t e r i a l s d a t a universe s h o u l d not be s t o r e d in a m a t e r i a l s d a t a b a s e is a t a s k re-
t h a t c a p t u r e a n d s u b s e q u e n t m a n i p u l a t i o n of all o r p a r t of quiring careful planning. The easy solution w o u l d be to store
everything r e p o r t e d a b o u t each material, b u t this creates
1Consultant, formerly, Chairman and Chief Executive of Engi- m o r e p r o b l e m s t h a n it solves if the d a t a b a s e is to be a n ef-
neering Sciences Data Unit Ltd., 6 Deanway, Chalfont St. Giles, fective a n d efficient engineering design tool. U n d e r these cir-
Bucks, HP8 4JH, United Kingdom. c u m s t a n c e s storing a n y a n d every m a t e r i a l s d a t a value t h a t
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

might have been determined, without any judgment being tions, and much else. In ideal circumstances standard test
made of the quality of those data, can hardly be in the in- procedures will have been available, used, and referenced in
terests of economy, and such a database, in the hands of an the reports that provide the raw data; but this is very much
unskilled or unexperienced user, could lead to expensive an ideal. Because it is necessary to cast a net widely in the
mistakes or worse. Under other circumstances, such as in search for adequate quantities of raw data, results have to
materials quality control or in research, raw data may be be used from experiments made against different national
stored in a database. It is important that in all cases a trail and international standards as well as results from experi-
should be provided that concerned users may follow to find ments made against no set of standards whatsoever. It will
the raw data from which the values in the database were be many years before the work currently in hand to har-
derived. monize these standards will have progressed to a point
where they will have been in wide and regular application
long enough for it to be acceptable to ignore results from
Compilations of K n o w n Pedigree
tests conducted before such standards were available.
Quite frequently the database builder will be faced with a
task not as daunting as that in which a start has to be made
with completely raw data. A long established compilation of Theoretically Predicted Data
data, such as that in a handbook, a set of standards, or a
company design manual, may have to he put into machine In addition to data derived from tests, other data may be
readable form. This is certainly a different task to that which available that have been derived by theoretical prediction
starts with raw data. However, the computer is a hard task methods. Here one should expect to see the data accompa-
master, intolerant of inconsistency and the many irration- nied by an adequate description of the assumptions and
alities that may appear in a data compilation originally con- idealizations that have been made in order to make the pre-
strncted for manual use! Whatever the starting point in the diction method amenable to mathematical modelling. Alter-
building of a database, with raw data or with an authorita- natively, one must expect that a standard prediction method
tive handbook type source, the need to refine the data in has been employed and to find that method clearly specified.
some way will often become evident if only so that some
minimum basis of quality may be indicated for the reassur-
ance of the eventual user. Data About Data
The resources of raw data from which a database is built
RAW DATA R E S O U R C E S contain a great deal in addition to the data values them-
selves. Indeed, it may sometimes seem to those who apply
Data may originate from tests, which may include service data that those who generate data, namely, the experimen-
experience, and theoretical predictions. In addition to the talist and theoretician, are more concerned with scientific
numeric values themselves, it is necessary to obtain and rec- method or mathematical principle than they are with the
ord their metadata. We will start by reviewing the origins of practical value of the results obtained. The database builder
data and some of the causes for differences between sets of must resist the temptation simply to transfer numerical val-
data obtained under nominally identical circumstances. The ues into a database and ignore the other information, me-
first steps in constructing a database, once its scope and ap- tadata, which hopefully accompanies the data in their orig-
plications have been determined in relation to user needs, inal form. In the final analysis, it is only possible to assure
include finding suitable sources of raw data, deciding which and certify the quality of a database if all that is known about
to use, and being cautious at every stage of collecting raw each of the data sets included has been properly assessed.
data. After reviewing these steps, this section of the chapter Inconsistencies between data sets, in terms of the infor-
introduces the concept of data refinement and the processes mation that accompanies them, must be taken properly into
involved. account, and any deficiencies or omissions must be consis-
tently recorded. For example, there has been a vast improve-
Data from Tests ment, over the last two or three decades, in the practices of
measuring the fatigue lives of materials specimens and com-
When a database is being constructed from scratch, a start ponents. In the early days of materials fatigue testing it was
has to be made with a vast collection of raw material. This not unknown for such "details" as whether a steady load has
raw material is frequently in the form of reports originating been superimposed on the fluctuating loading to escape
from basic research hut may also include information from mention in the test report or for the frequency of application
applied research that has been undertaken during the devel- of the fluctuating loading to be left unrecorded! The first of
opment of products. These records are generally numerous these omissions invariably renders the results unusable, and
and their content includes commentaries on how the data the lack of a record of the frequency may or may not be
were derived. If they were experimentally derived the report serious depending upon the material of the test specimen.
will, in addition to providing numerical results, contain This may seem to be an incredible state of affairs, and it
more or less complete descriptions of such things as the de- brings home an important point. As time passes experimen-
sign of the experiment, apparatus used, the test procedures tal techniques develop and new parameters are identified
employed, the readings taken, corrections made to these that can seriously affect the interpretation of test results and
readings together with ancillary readings of ambient condi- the value of the raw data obtained.
1.50 ,

1.00 ~

sYMBol I

005, t00"150 0451 lO 0"2~ 0251 100.550 035, to 0"~50 0451 ,0 0"5501055, tO 0 650!0651 tO0 750

* I | l ~ I " I - -~ " 1 "

Note: The sizes, together with the size of
/ the original rod, bar, or sheet thickness,
0"90 r of both the fatigue test specimen and the
n Rr~ / component must be considered before the
v-vv -c~.~o probable fatigue characteristics of the
0 70 . ~ component can be deduced.

~ ~ M. . . . . . . t~ou~ ~O~y ageddata
S_..~a ~ ~ ~ only. Data points with 2 tags relate to
,, 0.50 \ . . . . . . o sheet.
-A _Sm
0.40 "m.

o3o , ~--~'-~,,. -~- ~ o . ~ ~ ,

o ~ 3~I0
0-3 "~e." e

0.20 z, ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~..

0.18 ~ v V" v ' ~ v v~ v ~ . _ 0-5

O"'6 " ~ ..,~A: 9

0-12 I I ~ l ' I I t
IO" IO~ N I0" I0' 10'

FIG. 6 . 1 - - F a t i g u e d a t a f o r a t i t a n i u m alloy (for illustration only).

Different Sets o f Raw Data ready been made that although a database can be con-
structed just to store and retrieve the raw data, such a system
The derivation of materials data from tests that have not
is of little interest to those wishing to use materials property
been standardized allows much scope for "error" or, to put
data in engineering applications. It is the experience of the
it at its best, inconsistency. The researcher may be unaware
author that the vast majority of the regular users of an en-
of these inconsistencies, and they may never come to light
gineering data service, with which they are familiar and
unless several sets of raw data on the same properties of the
which they trust, have no interest in the original raw data.
same material have been collected together. In general a
Such users are actually seeking reliable data of adequate
group of such data sets will exhibit a cloud of points, when
quality, which they can access quickly and easily.
presented in the graphical form, rather than the neat rela-
tionship that might be expected or that a mathematical
model might predict. Locating Sources o f Data for Use in Materials
Even when different data sets have been reduced to a con- Databases
sistent set of conditions and characterized in terms of, say,
their loading states, scatter will remain within the set and The primary sources of data on engineering materials are,
different sets will overlap. This is illustrated (Fig. 6.1) by the of course, the laboratories of materials producing compa-
results of fatigue tests on a particular titanium alloy [1]. Val- nies, user companies, government laboratories and the lab-
ues of fatigue endurance cycles N are plotted for different oratories of universities and independent organizations that
values of the normalized alternating stress Sa/f~. Each set of are often employed by official bodies to provide data in sup-
data appropriate to a different mean stress level Sin~f, uses a port of national handbooks and defense and commercial
different symbol. Several small "clouds" of data may be de- programs. Directories of laboratories are generally available
tected. To produce the mean curves that are the resultant in most industrialized nations, and engineering librarians
evaluated data from these clouds requires the application of and information specialists are familiar with the report se-
correlation techniques, statistics, and a great deal os and ries that organizations, at least those in their own countries,
experience. Incidentally, it can be seen (Fig. 6.1) that im- produce.
portant metadata are provided in the two passages of notes, Collections of data on engineering materials, world-wide,
which also refer to further information in the original text are fairly numerous though not always very visible. Wa-
[Z]. wrousek et al. have produced an indexed catalog [2] of some
Many different sets of raw data provide the material from 1250 different sources of data on materials properties. Their
which a database might be constructed. The point has al- description [3] of the philosophy and scope of that work ref-

erences a number of directories to sources of materials data this will be done. Generally speaking the resources of raw
in North America and several countries overseas including data, such as the sets of values obtained in experimental in-
France, Germany, Israel, Japan, and the United Kingdom. vestigations, are vast and widely scattered. Often individual
Other recently produced directories concentrate on sources sets of results are presented in research reports prepared by
in France [4] and on those originating, or readily available research workers with their peers in mind; others wishing to
to users, in the United Kingdom [5]. A number of authori- use these data may have difficulty in understanding the lan-
tative sources of materials property data in countries of the guage and may lack sympathy with the researcher's preoc-
former USSR and of the onetime Council for Mutual Eco- cupation with method rather than result. Sets of data from
nomic Assistance (COMECON) have been reviewed by Ko- different sources, though nominally relating to the same
zlov [6]. At the present time, the great majority of the sources physical phenomenon, will often be found to be inconsistent.
included in these directories provide data in the traditional The development with time of the precision of the research
report or other printed forms. A directory that relates only techniques available, the understanding of the parameters
to numeric databases in the machine readable form has been that may affect a particular material property, and the error
produced by the International Council for Scientific and and bias that the individual investigator may introduce are
Technical Information (ICSTI) [7]; it covers nine scientific but a few of the reasons why inconsistencies arise. Before it
disciplines. The largest group among these relates to engi- may be used, this vast, untidy resource has to be extracted
neering materials and consists of 70 entries. from whatever media it may inhabit and be refined. Refine-
Directories on most technical subjects become out of date ment comprises evaluation to ensure that the data values
in a very short time; this does not render them totally useless have scientific integrity. It also includes validation where the
by any means. Generating materials data is a long-term ex- use of data in some specified class of application has to be
ercise, and the interests of the specialists involved and the assured, and it may also include certification where use in a
addresses where they are located do not change frequently. specific application has to he authorized. It also involves en-
So, if one is prepared to be patient and to make a few in- suring that the associated metadata are available and sound.
quiries, even a badly outdated directory can be of consider- At the present time, most of the available experience of
able help. Direct contact will in any case be necessary in conducting evaluation and validation processes relates to the
order to obtain all the detail that eventually will be required production of printed data compilations. From time to time
by anyone with a serious interest in obtaining data from a reference will be made in what follows to some of the most
particular source. Out-of-date directory information on well established of these printed media. They are valid ex-
scope, names of personnel, and all other details can be cor- emplars since, up to the point of embodying data into a ma-
rected when that contact is made. chine readable form, the same principles and practices re-
lating to evaluation and validation continue to be relevant
and applicable.
Precautions when Collecting Data for Materials
The location of sources, from which it is reasonable to
expect to be able to obtain data of quality, is the first task DATA EVALUATION M E T H O D S A N D
that has to be undertaken once the scope and content of a PROCEDURES
new database have been decided. The task of deciding that
scope in terms of the materials, specifications, forms, heat
Data evaluation has to do with establishing the basic sci-
treatment conditions, and the properties, over what ranges
entific integrity of data. It is a process with different stages,
and types of mechanical, thermal, and other loadings, and
each with its own procedures and methods. These stages in-
under what corrosive or other ambient environmental con-
ditions, to be included is principally a management respon-
sibility. The decisions made xadll need to take account of (1) Critical assessment of sources of data sets.
proven user needs and a range of what are essentially mar- (2) Examination of individual data sets.
keting factors. (3) Examination of groups of nominally compatible data
The case of producing a database to cover only the con- sets.
tents of an already existing handbook is quite different but (4) Dealing with gaps in the available data.
still requires that the scope of the database be clearly spec- (5) Correlation, application of statistical tools, and mathe-
ified so that potential users may be properly informed. The matical models.
more common case of using an already existing handbook To some extent, these stages are interdependent. For ex-
compilation as one source among several requires that the ample, the quality and acceptability of a data source, about
scope of the projected database be specified independently which little else may be known, will become increasingly ap-
of the known scope of the handbook. Under these circum- parent as data sets that it has produced are examined. More
stances the handbook data must be accredited according to will be revealed again as those sets are compared with nom-
exactly the same criteria as any other source being included. inally compatible data sets from other sources, particularly
if those other sources have already established a standing in
Data Refinement the experience of the evaluator. Gaps in the coverage pro-
vided by a source that is a generator of data, a testing estab-
It is useful at this point to review the reasons why refine- lishment, for example, may tell the evaluator much about
ment is necessary and to introduce the processes by which the abilities and equipment of the source; this may not nec-

essarily be derogatory. Dealing with gaps in the available test The m o s t telling d e m o n s t r a t i o n of the quality of a source
d a t a m a y often involve the use of m a t h e m a t i c a l models. is, of course, the quality of the d a t a that are p r o d u c e d over
So, a l t h o u g h in the d a y - t o - d a y practice of evaluation these the long term. So all aspects of the p r o d u c t s (data) of the
stages are never c o m p l e t e l y i n d e p e n d e n t , n o r are they nec- source n e e d to be kept u n d e r review continuously. Evalua-
essarily c a r r i e d out in the o r d e r d i s p l a y e d above, it is con- tors will n o r m a l l y r e n e w their a s s e s s m e n t s of the quality of
venient to a d d r e s s t h e m one b y one. a source each time they e x a m i n e a d a t a set originating f r o m
that source.
It is not to be expected that the a s s e s s m e n t of even the
Critical A s s e s s m e n t o f S o u r c e s o f Data Sets m o s t r e n o w n e d source o f e x p e r i m e n t a l m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y
d a t a will be f o u n d to have a perfect r e c o r d in terms of sat-
The precepts by w h i c h sources of d a t a m a y be assessed isfying these criteria to a high level. They are p r e s e n t e d as
are e x a m i n e d following the p r o p o s a l s of K a u f m a n [8] with a n ideal, to give the r e a d e r an idea of the qualities to look
a d d i t i o n s a n d a few modifications. F o r simplicity, a n d to fa- for in the sources of r a w d a t a and, over a p e r i o d of years, to
m i l i a r i z e the r e a d e r with the idea of m a k i n g s y s t e m a t i c m a k e simple quantitative assessments involving these crite-
quantitative a s s e s s m e n t s of quality, a n u m b e r of check items ria a n d to b u i l d up a c o h e r e n t p e r c e p t i o n of the abilities,
are p r e s e n t e d on each of w h i c h a d a t a e v a l u a t o r w o u l d m a k e strengths, a n d weaknesses of the sources available.
a n assessment. This a s s e s s m e n t m i g h t be in the f o r m of a M a n y of the principles that a p p l y to the search for reliable
r a t i n g on a scale of, say, 1 (lowest s t a n d a r d ) to 5 (highest sources of r a w d a t a m a y also be a p p l i e d to the identification
standard); finer scales w o u l d not be justified. Alternatively, of reliable databases. Accordingly, m a n y of the tests that da-
a m o r e qualitative system m i g h t be preferred. On each of the t a b a s e b u i l d e r s should a p p l y to the sources of the d a t a they
items on the check list the e v a l u a t o r will need to frame ques- use are the s a m e as those by w h i c h the quality of t h e i r da-
tions of the type illustrated a n d take a view b a s e d u p o n his t a b a s e s will eventually be judged!
o r h e r o w n knowledge a n d experience, o r that of close Having found sources of r a w d a t a a n d m a d e s o m e assess-
colleagues. m e n t of their reliability a n d quality, the e v a l u a t o r m a y t u r n
to the m a n i p u l a t i o n of the d a t a themselves.
Rating the Source as an Establishment
E x a m i n a t i o n o f Individual Data Sets
1. A c c o u n t a b i l i t y - - I s the source a g o v e r n m e n t lab, a pro-
d u c e r r e p o r t i n g on its o w n materials, a p r o d u c e r r e p o r t i n g In the p r e s e n t context, by "data set" is m e a n t a single
o n a n o t h e r ' s materials, a n i n d e p e n d e n t laboratory, o r g r o u p of n u m e r i c d a t a a n d a s s o c i a t e d m e t a d a t a for one
what? If its d a t a were f o u n d to be defective, to w h o m p r o p e r t y of a single material. A simple e x a m p l e m i g h t be a
w o u l d the source be a c c o u n t a b l e ? set of related pairs of stress a n d strain values o b t a i n e d f r o m
2. E x p e r i e n c e - - H o w long has the source been in the busi- one r u n of a tension test on a c o u p o n of a well identified
ness of generating m a t e r i a l s data? material. The first stage in evaluating such a d a t a set is to
3. Integrity a n d b i a s - - H a s the source a t r a c k r e c o r d in these assess its quality in t e r m s of (1) c o m p l e t e n e s s of m a t e r i a l
respects? description, (2) completeness of test m e t h o d description,
4. E q u i p m e n t a n d c a l i b r a t i o n p r a c t i c e s - - H o w consistently a n d (3) c o m p l e t e n e s s of test d a t a reported. E a c h of these
are these r e p o r t e d ? W o u l d the source w e l c o m e an on-site h e a d i n g s relates to a range of attributes t h a t the d a t a a n d
review? a s s o c i a t e d m e t a d a t a in a set s h o u l d cover. These a t t r i b u t e s
5. M a n a g e m e n t attitude to use of s t a n d a r d s - - H o w a w a r e is are listed at the end of this c h a p t e r in Appendix A in the
m a n a g e m e n t of relevant standards, a n d how supportive m a n n e r p r e s c r i b e d by K a u f m a n [8]. The role of m e t a d a t a in
are they of their a p p l i c a t i o n within the e s t a b l i s h m e n t ? the design a n d o p e r a t i o n of m a t e r i a l s d a t a b a s e s is d e s c r i b e d
by W e s t b r o o k a n d Grattidge [9].
Rating the Personnel Associated with the Source Once the p r o v e n a n c e a n d pedigree of the d a t a set have
b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d a p r e l i m i n a r y , critical, visual e x a m i n a t i o n
1. Qualifications a n d experience of p e r s o n n e l - - A r e these re- s h o u l d be u n d e r t a k e n . G r a p h i c a l p r e s e n t a t i o n of the d a t a set
corded, for example, in the source's a n n u a l reports? Are is usually m o s t convenient. S o m e of the m o r e c o m m o n tell-
they k n o w n from p e r s o n a l contact? tale features that such p r e l i m i n a r y e x a m i n a t i o n m a y reveal
2. Accessibility of p e r s o n n e l - - D o e s the m a n a g e m e n t en- are illustrated in simple t e r m s in Fig. 6.2.
courage outside c o n t a c t with its technically qualified The diagnosis of the likely cause of s o m e of the features
staff? Are those staff e n c o u r a g e d to take p a r t in o u t s i d e illustrated d e p e n d s u p o n w h e t h e r the d a t a set of Fig. 6.2 re-
activities? lates to a c o n t i n u o u s test of a single specimen, as in a tension
3. Attitude of p e r s o n n e l to outside i n q u i r i e s - - W h e n c o n t a c t test, o r to a series of tests on m a n y specimens, one for e a c h
is made, w h a t is the a t t i t u d e of technically qualified staff? p o i n t on the figure, such as a series of fatigue tests. In the
Do they w e l c o m e c o m m e n t o r are they overly defensive following diagnosis s relates to a d a t a set involving single
w h e n criticism is offered? s p e c i m e n s a n d m applies to sets each involving m u l t i p l e
4. D e m a r c a t i o n b e t w e e n duties of d a t a g e n e r a t o r s a n d any specimens.
d a t a evaluators e m p l o y e d - - I s this clear o r do the s a m e
p e r s o n n e l generate d a t a a n d evaluate t h e m t o g e t h e r with Discontinuity
the d a t a of o t h e r investigators? Has the source a history 9 a m b i e n t conditions varied (s,m)
of being able to h a n d l e its o w n d a t a a n d those of others 9 s p e c i m e n s d r a w n f r o m m o r e t h a n one p o p u l a t i o n m
in an objective m a n n e r ? 9 type, o r point, of failure c h a n g e d m

nal a p p a r a t u s m a y n o t be available for inspection, a n d the

staff w h o used it m a y no longer be accessible for interroga-
tion. Despite these difficulties the evaluator m a y still be able
to a p p l y corrections, for example, to reduce results to stan-
d a r d a m b i e n t conditions. In o t h e r cases it m a y be d e c i d e d
to accept results f r o m an i n a d e q u a t e l y c h a r a c t e r i z e d mate-
DISCONTINUITY rial if those results are to be p o o l e d with others, o r if the set
r e p r e s e n t s all that are available. But under all such circum-
ANOMALYAT / ~ OUTLIER stances the outcome must be clearly recorded and qualified.
Subsequent validation of what has been done must take such
qualification fully into account.
In the real w o r l d of d a t a evaluation a n d validation, there
will be m a n y instances where a p a r t i c u l a r d a t a set will be
highly deficient of quality in the d a t a values a n d in their me-
tadata. These deficiencies m a y be b e y o n d rectification for all
sorts of reasons a n d a l m o s t the only virtue t h a t the set m a y
FIG. 6.2--Telltale symptoms in raw data (arbitrary axes). have is that it is the only set available that relates to a par-
ticular group of p a r a m e t e r s . It is in relation to such d a t a sets
that evaluators will have to d r a w u p o n their experience, t h a t
of colleagues, a n d p e r h a p s a n u m b e r of m o r e o r less subjec-
Anomaly at Origin
tive conclusions in deciding how, a n d if at all, such a d a t a
9 i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n errors, for example, b a c k l a s h (s,m) set m a y be usefully a n d safely employed. Often the knowl-
9 systematic r e a d i n g errors (s,m) edge that the d a t a are eventually to be validated for use un-
d e r p a r t i c u l a r c i r c u m s t a n c e s will be of s o m e assistance in
Outlying Value
m a k i n g this decision; see the later section of this c h a p t e r
9 r e a d i n g e r r o r (s,m) entitled " V a l i d a t i o n . "
9 instrumentation error m Once a d a t a set has been accepted, albeit after c o r r e c t i o n
9 rogue s p e c i m e n m a n d qualification of its quality, it will next be c o n s i d e r e d in
relation to o t h e r d a t a sets t h a t m a y exist a n d a p p l y to the
Values Exceeding Known Physical Limits (not
s a m e material, form, condition, a n d test p a r a m e t e r s .
9 i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n o r r e a d i n g errors (s,m)
9 s p e c i m e n s d r a w n from m o r e t h a n one p o p u l a t i o n m
Examination of Groups of Nominally Compatible
Data Sets
Discontinuities m a y a p p e a r as a step change in the value
a n d also as a step change in the g r a d i e n t of the best fit to Different sets of r a w d a t a m a y be b r o u g h t together in the
the values on either side. The outlying value featured in Fig. evaluation process for one of a n u m b e r of reasons. Part of
6.2 calls for further investigation on two counts. Its o r d i n a t e the process of evaluating a single set m a y be to c o m p a r e it
falls well s h o r t of the best fit t h r o u g h its c o m p a n i o n points with one o r m o r e o t h e r sets of a l r e a d y established integrity.
a n d also there is a n u n u s u a l l y long interval, o n the horizon- Or, different sets of d a t a m a y be b r o u g h t t o g e t h e r to inves-
tal axis, from its n e a r e s t c o m p a n i o n to the left. This strongly tigate w h e t h e r a test p a r a m e t e r , varied a m o n g them, a p p e a r s
suggests a m i s r e a d i n g of at least the function r e p r e s e n t e d by to be of a n y real consequence. Or, different sets m a y be
the abscissa. b r o u g h t t o g e t h e r with the p r o s p e c t of c o m b i n i n g t h e m into
It w o u l d be unrealistic to s u p p o s e t h a t m a n y of the d a t a one set that c o m p r i s e s m o r e samples, covers a w i d e r range
sets on the engineering p r o p e r t i e s of materials, w h i c h a n ev- of test p a r a m e t e r s , o r relates to a w i d e r range of a m b i e n t
a l u a t o r is likely to e n c o u n t e r currently, will satisfy all the c o n d i t i o n s t h a n w o u l d be otherwise available. At best, the
r e q u i r e m e n t s that are specified in this chapter. S o m e will be careful e x a m i n a t i o n [IO] of several d a t a sets t o g e t h e r m a y
deficient in the completeness of the d e s c r i p t i o n of the ma- a d d c o n s i d e r a b l y to the store of knowledge on a m a t e r i a l a n d
terials involved, for example, a n d the e v a l u a t o r will have to give a d d e d confidence in the n u m e r i c a l values r e p r e s e n t i n g
m a k e a decision on the extent to w h i c h missing items of its properties. At worst, the simple "pooling" of several d a t a
i n f o r m a t i o n should eliminate the d a t a set from any further sets can be i m p r u d e n t , misleading, a n d d a n g e r o u s .
c o n s i d e r a t i o n o r limit the level of quality the d a t a are The p r o c e d u r e with groups of n o m i n a l l y c o m p a t i b l e d a t a
ascribed. sets is as follows:
I n s o m e cases, it m a y be r e a s o n a b l e to decide that correc-
tions can be made. The best place to seek c o r r e c t i o n o r the
r e p l a c e m e n t of missing i n f o r m a t i o n is with those w h o gen-
Separate Examination of Each Set
e r a t e d the results in the first place, a n d the evaluator m u s t Follow the p r o c e d u r e s d e s c r i b e d in the e a r l i e r sub-section
m a k e every effort to contact the source of the d a t a set before of this c h a p t e r entitled " E x a m i n a t i o n of Individual Data
r e a c h i n g a n y decision alone. Of course, it m a y be m a n y years Sets." This is to e n s u r e t h a t there are no "rotten apples,"
since the tests on w h i c h the d a t a are b a s e d were run, a n d w h i c h m i g h t c o n t a m i n a t e the validity of the s u b s e q u e n t
e x p e r i m e n t a l techniques m a y well have changed. The origi- stages.

Data Harmonization results, take averages, and otherwise manipulate a group of

Data harmonization is the conversion of different data sets data sets in which one or more sets may be suspect. Even
to common terms, units, test conditions, analytical tech- the pooling of data sets that seem totally compatible may
niques, values of fundamental constants, and so forth. Any lead to questionable results [18].
data set in the group for which this cannot be done should
be held as suspect. Dealing with Gaps in the Available Data
A few data values or fragmentary data sets may be insuf-
Intercomparison and Judgmental Evaluation ficient to produce an evaluated set covering as wide a range
This part of the procedure can be assisted by graphical, as might be needed of the independent variables governing
analytical, or statistical methods. a particular material property. Data synthesis from such
fragmentary data may be possible. In brief, the procedure
Extraction of a Unified Evaluated Data Set involves, first, the critical examination of each fragmented
This should be done with an assessment of its quality in data set according to the methods already described. Assum-
appropriate terms. ing the fragmented data are credible and survive preliminary
examination, they may then be used with well established
empirical equations, theoretical methods, and semiempirical
The last two stages are key to the examination of groups
techniques that the evaluator has available and that enjoy
of data sets. Intercomparison may often be carried out by
his or her confidence. A number of these methods and tech-
plotting individual values in standardized graphical forms.
niques were referenced [16] in the previous subsection of
Authoritative descriptions of this part of the process will be
this chapter. Experienced evaluators will add their own var-
found in the introductory sections of Refs 11 and 12. Alter-
iants to the published methods and regard them very much
natively, computerized methods may be employed. These
as part of their "tools of the trade."
methods involve the comparison of individual data sets with
The objective of filling gaps is to ensure that the resulting
mathematical models, or correlating equations, and the sub-
set of recommended values is not only internally consistent
sequent comparison and manipulation of the parameters of
but also covers as wide a range of the controlling parameters
those equations. There is a wide variety of such models.
as possible. This can generally be done, to acceptable engi-
Some are represented by relatively simple empirical expres-
neering accuracy, providing that the basic fragmented data
sions [13,14], such as those used to represent uniaxial stress-
are not too sparse. The VAMAS "round-robin" comparison
strain relationships for monotonic loading into the post elas-
[17] of data correlation methods used by some 15 experts in
tic range. Others are more complex, such as those relating
5 different countries showed that, within the extremes of the
to the parameters involved in forming and machining proc-
data values to which a variety of correlating equations were
esses [15] and those that relate to creep strain-time data.
applied, the variations between different equations and dif-
A review of relationships for creep strain-time data, mod-
ferent implementations of the same equation were not ex-
els relating to creep-rupture data, high-cycle fatigue data and
treme enough, in general, to make interpolated data values
fatigue crack growth data, has been made for the Versailles
unacceptable for most engineering applications. However,
Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) by
among values that were extrapolated beyond the range of the
Nishijima et al. [16]. A most revealing study of the results
experimental data the differences were unacceptably high.
obtained by different evaluators using some of these models
Accordingly, in general, the evaluator must look upon ex-
has also been made for VAMAS [17]. This study concluded
trapolated data with extreme caution; any such data that are
that the results of applying even the same model are not
passed on for use in data compilations or in databases must
unique because of the different ways in which it is possible
be qualified most carefully.
to implement it in actual practice. So there is much still to
Raw data on materials properties are often not available
be done before even the correlation methods used in mate-
in the quantities and over the ranges that will permit eval-
rials data evaluation can be thought of as acceptably repeat-
uations to be produced and designated to high levels of qual-
able between different evaluators.
ity. The cost of evaluated data sets is conditioned very much
The procedures of rectifying or explaining differences be-
by the quality level that is required by the user and what it
tween data sets, and of untangling incompatibilities between
is reasonable to demand for use with engineering design and
data sets and well authenticated correlating equations, run
analytical processes. These processes may themselves be sur-
parallel to those discussed in an earlier subsection of this
rounded by considerable uncertainties and vague supposi-
chapter entitled "Examination of Individual Data Sets." They
tions. Quality indicators in relation to the manner in which
involve seeking confirmation of identical ambient condi-
data are to be applied is a concern of the process of valida-
tions, points of failure, instrumentation usage and so forth.
tion and will be described later. Methods of achieving qual-
Where corrections can be applied, the evaluator should do
ity, at whatever level, are inherent to the process of evalua-
so, keeping careful records of what was done and why it was
tion. Statistical analysis is one of the most powerful tools
necessary. Reference should always be made back to the
originators of data sets that seem incompatible with others
in the group. Those who generated the data may well not be
aware of other data sets that an evaluator may have discov- Statistical Tools, Quality Indicators, and
ered, and they will usually work diligently with the evaluator Correlation
to examine, explain or rectify any incompatibilities. If all else Experimentation in the engineering setting can be very ex-
fails, the evaluator must avoid the temptation simply to pool pensive. Materials specimens, the maintenance of ambient

conditions, and testing under static or fluctuating loads over procedures in the evaluation process, will continue to de-
possibly long periods are costly. This may limit the number pend upon subjective human influence. This will not be re-
of tests, for example those relating to creep or fatigue, to placed until effective and reliable expert systems become
what in statistical terms may be very small samples. The sta- available that are appropriate to the field of materials prop-
tistical techniques used in analyzing such data need careful erty data manipulation. Similar subjective influences have an
definition, and the evaluator needs access to them in terms even greater role to play in the companion process of vali-
that will be familiar and readily comprehensible [12,19]. dation, to which the reader's attention is now turned.
Where there is a need for consistent interpretation and
application of materials data under legislative or contractual
circumstances, validated sets, such as those in officially VALIDATION
sponsored compilations [11,12] and their machine readable
forms, will be qualified according to broad groupings based Validation has to do with authenticating the soundness
on criteria expressed in terms of probability and confidence and defensibility of data and very often also with approving
levels. Where such qualifications are not given, other less them as "validated data" for application under specified cir-
specific valuations may be indicated. For example, ASTM cumstances. Beyond this there may be legal implications re-
Guide for Formatting and Use of Material and Chemical garding the acceptability of compilations or databases of
Property Data and Database Quality Indicators (E 1484) as- such data when they are to be used under particular con-
cribes the following codes for the quality descriptor that in- tractual conditions. Such validated data may be classed as
dicates the statistical basis or other foundation of a database "certified." At the other extreme of the scale of quality, there
value or set: may be data that are simply offered as appropriate, say, for
use in education, in preliminary design, for the purposes of
A = 95% confidence that 99% of values will equal or exceed comparative study, or for the initial selection of materials;
(the database) value, these should be described as being of "limited validity."
B -- 95% confidence that 90% of values will equal or exceed This section of the chapter deals with the process of vali-
(the database) value, dation in general terms. The terminology used has a wide
S = specification limit values, international acceptance [20], and most of the procedures
D = combination of A, B, and S values, described have been extensively employed for many years.
C = other statistical basis, Some of the terms used to describe these procedures may
T = theoretical value, not correspond exactly with those that may be in current use
P = predicted value, in particular localities. The position in relation to ASTM use
I -- interpolated value, of the term "validation" is commented upon at the end of
E = extrapolated value, the chapter in Appendix B.
M = mean or average values, Users of materials data are becoming increasingly sensi-
N = nominal or typical values, tive to the need for quality in data as they are also to the
U = unprocessed single-point test values, raw data, and costs of providing that quality. This could in turn encourage
X = unknown. the dubious practice of attempting to select data of a quality,
and therefore cost, just adequate to suit the job in hand.
The process of determining how the groupings should be Under such circumstances it will be particularly necessary
specified is part of validation; see the later section of this that the exact status of their validation be declared and un-
chapter entitled "Validation." The process of determining the derstood by all who may have access to them.
allocation of experimental results among such groups is pri-
marily a task that is part of evaluation. As part of the process
Validation May Remedy Limitations in the
of evaluation, sets of data may be correlated to derive rela-
Evaluation Process
tionships that are then used to calculate data values to one
of the qualities listed above. It is common practice to express The skilled evaluator working on materials property data
these relationships as "best-fit" lines. The form of the line using well established standards for the characterization of
and the concept of what constitutes "best fit" are somewhat materials, seeking well defined experimental methods for
arbitrary; indeed, for most practical cases, perfect correla- which there are generally accepted methods of correction,
tion between point values and a line may be obtained if that and which are known to be repeatable within well accepted
line is described by a polynomial of sufficiently high degree. limits, might at first sight be thought to be capable of ful-
But it does not follow that the coefficients of that polynomial filling the requirements of the process of validation. In fact,
would be of any physical significance! such a person would be working to validate standards pre-
The formalized methods of correlation have the important determined by whatever group of experts provided the evi-
advantage of reproducibility though it must be remembered dence behind the qualifications "well established, generally
that they have no greater inherent legitimacy than "best-fit" accepted, known to be repeatable," and so forth. But such a
lines drawn under the eye of an experienced evaluator. The lone evaluator has the severe handicap of not being likely to
formal methods also have the advantage that they may be recognize personal errors or bias to which he or she might
highly automated, though it is prudent to do this only if have succumbed. Evaluators, in common with data genera-
there is every opportunity for human surveillance and inter- tors, have no special immunity to these limitations, and it is
vention. The supervision of correlation, and of many other one of the purposes of the validation process to eliminate,

as far as is humanly possible, all residual weaknesses in the protect the interests of those serving that market, whether
data before they are committed to a database. commercially or otherwise.

Validation as a Group Activity Methodology

Whereas evaluation is a process that usually involves only Quite apart from their role as quality assessors, groups of
one person, validation is essentially a group activity. Judg- independent experts engaged in the validation process can
ments have to be made that will be defensible among a wide make a substantial contribution to the quality of the data
population of users of the data and among those who may themselves; this point and the choice of members of these
in any way be affected by products designed and constructed groups will be discussed after first examining the things that
in materials to which the data relate. Validation must also they are expected to do.
lead to a common interpretation of the data within a speci- The validation group has a number of duties including re-
fied range of applications and under specified circumstances. sponsibility for ensuring the following:
It is in the interests of efficiency, economy, and safety that (1) The processes of evaluation have been properly applied.
government contractors and partners in collaborative indus- (2) All known sources of relevant raw data have been
trial enterprises should share the same validated data re- included.
sources. Where this is not the case, incompatibilities be- (3) The reasons for discarding any particular data are sound.
tween the materials selections and the property values (4) Any outliers have been properly accounted for.
adopted in different establishments may prove costly. Such (5) Data needing statistical qualification have been identified.
inconsistencies may hinder the auditing of failures in teamed (6) Statistical analysis has been properly applied.
projects. (7) Probability and confidence levels used are those relating
In some cases engineering companies and their subcon- to current practice.
tractors may have no choice in the matter because they are (8) Limitations to the applicability of the data are declared.
constrained to use particular evaluated and validated com- (9) The presentation of data is clear, convenient and appro-
pilations. For example, the Metallic Materials Data Handbook priate to the abilities and needs of the intended user.
[12] automatically becomes a contract document when the
It is in relation to decisions relating to items towards the
contract calls for the Design Requirements of the U.K. Min-
bottom of the above list that skill and experience in making
istry of Defence to be applied. Similarly, most of the data
qualitative judgments, as much as an ability to be strictly
contained in Mil-Hdbk-5 [11] are formally recognized as be-
objective, will be exercised. Subjective influences figure less
ing acceptable to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and
prominently in the evaluation process though they are never
the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA). Such regulations have
totally absent. Exposure of any subjective bias that may have
an important long-term influence on the standards of quality
come into play during the evaluation process and examina-
that are expected of data, and this expectation eventually
tion to assess its rationality are also among the tasks of the
extends well beyond the contractors whom they were origi-
validation team.
nally intended to control. A migration of this effect to involve
the computerized versions of such officially sponsored data
compilations may be expected though probably not for a Management
considerable time. A survey [21] of users of Mil-Hdbk-5 re-
vealed a somewhat ambivalent attitude in the aerospace in- Example Organizations
dustry itself towards the suggestion that Military and Federal The basic objectives of validation are achieved in some of
Aviation Agency regulations should be changed in order to the world's leading materials data compilations by organi-
encourage the use of a computerized version. Less than 20% zations suited to local circumstances. Most of these organi-
of respondents were prepared to contemplate the phasing zations have yet to tailor and apply their methods to the
out of the printed handbook at any time in the future. Since validation of the machine readable database format. How-
that survey, data from the Handbook have become available ever, it seems likely that the validation of data compilations
on the Material Property Data Network, but it is too early to up to the point of their embodiment in machine readable
judge whether there has yet been a change in the basic at- form will continue to be achieved by much the same groups
titudes of industry. and the same methods that have been successful over many
Validation is a matter of concern not only to users of ma- years with the hardcopy (printed) form. A few examples of
terials databases but also to those who create them. Offering how validation is managed for some high-quality materials
a database may expose its producers and distributors to lit- data compilations will illustrate that there is some room for
igation. It may be important, in the defense of a liability suit, variation.
to be able to produce evidence that data alleged to be faulty In the United States, administrative and technical man-
in some respect have been validated under the scrutiny of a agement of Mil-Hdbk-5 [11] is the responsibility of govern-
group of recognized, independent experts. So the methods ment agencies working in conjunction with a subcommittee
used and the management of the people employed in the of the Federal Aircraft Design Criteria Committee. This ar-
process of validation are of direct concern not only to users rangement carries the data through to include certification
but to all others involved with materials databases. In these (see later section of this chapter entitled "Certification").
respects quality is not just something to be provided in re- Similarly, in the United Kingdom, data in the Metallic Ma-
sponse to a market demand for it is also needed to help to terials Data Handbook [12] are validated and also certified

by a panel approved and sponsored by the Aerospace Indus- individual whose professional credibility is suspect because,
try, the Ministry of Defence, and the Civil Aviation Authority. say, of inexperience, extreme bias, or other causes. One
It comprises experts drawn from industry, Government De- might well expect such a result. The model also illustrates
fence and Civil Aviation agencies, Government research es- that the inclusion of but one such biased member can extend
tablishments, as well as two independent members. the time taken to reach decisions to an alarming degree. This
In the international setting, the former COMECON coun- too coincides with the general experience of those who have
tries and the USSR employed a meticulous procedure [6] for spent much time in any sort of committee situation, consen-
the validation of materials and substances databases and sus seeking or not. The phenomena that this simple model
their certification for inclusion in the COMECON Standard illustrates are of a type and scale entirely consistent with the
Reference Data System (SRD). Under the supervision of a author's experience in working with true consensus seeking
working group that met twice a year, a candidate database groups.
developed in one of the participating countries would be In summary, the validation process using groups of ex-
demonstrated at an international seminar. Then, for an ex- perts will achieve high reliability in the judgments that are
perimental period of 12 to 18 months, the database would made when those groups are managed so as to"
be used to answer requests for data, free of charge, from (1) Base decisions on a true consensus among their
organizations in the COMECON countries. In addition to as- members.
sisting the validation and certification processes, this ar- (2) Include only members of as uniformly high a judgmental
rangement revealed potential users of the database, and reliability, experience, and ability as possible.
tested the complete database system, its field performance, (3) Avoid inclusion of any member of suspect reliability, of
serviceability, and general user friendliness. At the end of the limited experience or known to be motivated by bias.
experimental period the working group would discuss the (4) Work well within the limits of their knowledge and
results and make final recommendations to the COMECON experience.
Commission on Standardization regarding the inclusion of
In addition, these groups need to be supported by a well
the database in the SRD.
trained, competent technical staff who can present the issues
In the United Kingdom the Engineering Sciences Data
on which decisions have to be taken, clearly and as unam-
Unit (ESDU International) and its forbears have employed
biguously as possible. That staff function also embraces the
refined procedures for the validation of data for over 50
exposition of technical issues in different ways until consen-
years. The general engineering properties [12] and fatigue
sus is achieved. High caliber validation processes, like those
properties of materials [22] are presently included in this
for evaluation, require substantial investments of time and
service. The organization and management of the ESDU val-
money. The resultant quality of the data sets and systems
idating groups, which work over a wide range of different
that are achieved by these processes can comfortably justify
engineering disciplines, are discussed in Ref 23. Perhaps the
the investment made in them where they offer sufficient ben-
most important requirement identified is that these groups
efits in accordance with market needs and where those ben-
should be managed as consensus seeking bodies, and be
efits can be clearly identified and demonstrated. Such an in-
carefully constituted, if they are to be of maximum efficacy.
vestment may also have to be made if there is the possibility
A Consensus Seeking Group Model that the producer or distributor of a database or system may
be exposed to claims of legal liability. Suitable markets de-
The term, "consensus," is here used in its original sense,
pend upon the existence of a potential customer population
meaning, unanimous agreement on all matters of substance.
that is involved with the choice and application of materials
A model of a true consensus process has been set up on the
in critical design situations and that is aware of, or can be
basis of a number of simplifying assumptions concerning the
educated to appreciate, the dependence of the quality of a
way in which the group applying the process is managed and
product upon the quality of all things, including the data,
the absence of any personality differences among its mem-
that are used in connection with its design, production, and
bers. This model illustrates Ref 23, for example, that the re-
service life. Further discussion of costs, value, and benefits
liability of an individual expert's judgment may be magnified
will be found in Refs 23 and 24.
by a factor of 1000 when applied in a group of six such ex-
perts. There is, of course, a price to be paid; it is a price in
the time taken by the group to reach a decision. The group
will reach decisions at one quarter the rate achieved by the CERTIFICATION
individual; even so, what other management system offers
such good value? Data values or data sets that have been recognized by a
The time taken to reach consensus is increased for deci- warranting authority are known as certified data [20]. As was
sion tasks in which the reliability level of each individual suggested in the introductory paragraph of the previous sec-
participant is lower than that for the tasks with which they tion, certification implies the acceptance by some controlling
may be more familiar. Thus, for example, agreement on val- authority of a data set, compilation, or system for specified
idation questions concerning any data sets that are towards applications for which that authority is in some way respon-
the boundaries of an expert group's experience takes much sible. That responsibility may be for regulation, as in the
longer to obtain than on questions that involve more familiar case of civil aviation, or for funding, as in the case of defense
sets. Another effect that this simplified model exposes is that contracting, or for prescribing safe design procedures, as in
the reliability of decisions taken by such a group is dispro- the case of pressure vessel codes, and so on. There is clearly
portionately weakened by the inclusion in the group of any some scope for a certification body to select and further ma-

nipulate evaluated and validated data sets and to limit their even on the same apparatus and with all other conditions
use to prescribed circumstances. An authority responsible remaining constant, so as to give results varying by less than
for the safety of a particular class of engineering component, about 1% (an accuracy of 1 part in 100). So while it may be
for example, may certify only a small range of design values rational to record individual results to whatever precision
derived from evaluated data to which have been applied the instrumentation may have offered during the tests, it is
more or less arbitrary safety factors based upon favorable not rational to deliver those results from a database for ap-
service experience with that class of component. Thus there plication to a design or engineering problem at a precision
are no universal procedures beyond the stage of validation greater than the real accuracy that can be claimed.
for the development of certified data; each controlling au-
thority will have its own objectives and philosophies. Databases Derived from Handbooks
Even though objectives and philosophies will vary from High-quality materials property handbooks quote most
one controlling authority to another, there are certain items property values to a precision of three significant figures, re-
of information that must accompany any compilation of cer- stricting their accuracy to less than 0.1%. Where statistical
tified data. These are as follows: measures are applied, the highest grade indicates values
(1) Name and address of controlling authority. above which at least 99% of values are expected to fall with
(2) Names of any other authorities associated with the cer- a confidence level of 95%. Representation of these values by
tified data. more than three significant figures would not be justified. Yet
(3) Names and affiliations of members of committees or sim- it is not unknown for properties, based upon such handbook
ilar groups responsible for supervising certification. input, to be retrieved by computerized databases to a mis-
(4) Applications and purpose(s) for which the data are leading precision of six or more significant figures!
Unit Conversions and Other Manipulations
(5) References to regulatory, contractual, or similar associ-
ated documents. Many materials property databases offer a choice of the
(6) Sources of data used. system of units, for example, customary units or metric
(7) Name, address, phone, and fax numbers of technical units, in which the property data shall be retrieved and dis-
contact. played. The values required may be stored in the database
(8) Dates of issue and latest amendments. in a system that is not what a user elects to use. In this case,
(9) Arrangements for updating. a simple conversion subroutine will be applied to the values
between retrieval and display. It can happen that data stored
to, say, three significant figures in customary units emerge
from a conversion subroutine to a meaningless precision of
DATA/RECORD/DATABASE QUALITY seven or more digits according to the precision level of the
INDICATIONS arithmetic to which the computer is set! Whenever the data
held in the database have been manipulated, and always be-
False impressions of the quality of a data value, or of a fore they are presented to a VDU or printer or interfaced
complete database, may be given by the way in which those with a CAD/CAM program, data values should have excess
data are presented to a potential user. Scruffy manuscript digits removed.
presentations, and slovenly printed work, are often mis- A number of materials property and design allowable val-
trusted just as high resolution graphical presentations give ues cannot be measured by direct tests. They may have to
the impression of being more trustworthy than those which be obtained by graphical methods, mathematical models op-
are less precise. Both reactions may be completely unjusti- erating on test results, or from parameter relationships. Ex-
fied. So, in this section of the chapter, before considering amples of such data include the elastic moduli, offset yield
quality indicators as such, the need for care in choosing ap- or proof stress values, fatigue limits and crack propagation
propriate levels of precision and accuracy will be discussed. data, and many more. Values produced by these means are
Circumstances where confusion in this matter is often en- not likely to have an accuracy at all comparable to the pre-
c o u n t e r e d - i n databases derived from handbooks and in the cision with which they may emerge from the methods by
procedures that are sometimes offered as added value fea- which they have been calculated.
tures to some computerized databases--will be considered Care should be taken to display data to a precision no
before describing a systematic procedure for the assessment greater than that justified by the accuracy of the procedures
of database quality. used to derive them. Rarely, in the case of materials property
and design data, will this exceed three significant figures.
Matching Presentation to Reality The credibility of otherwise high-quality databases and of
application software is undermined by a failure to observe
The ability of the computer to store, calculate, and display these simple precautions.
numerical values to extreme levels of precision is intrinsi-
cally valuable but can be meaningless within the context of
Quality Indicators
materials property data. Most property data are derived from
physical tests of one sort or another. The precision with Quality, as applied to data records or databases, is the to-
which the results of those tests are recorded may be very tality of features and characteristics that are significant in
high; 1 part in a 100 000 or more is not unusual. However, determining their capability of satisfying the user's needs.
many types of property tests are unlikely to be repeatable, Quantifiable and acceptable criteria will have to be defined

in each application area to achieve a universal assessment dimension by dimension, of the working space offered by the
of quality level [20]. database and what is required to satisfy the user's ideal. Var-
A guide for the formatting and the use of material and ious indifference levels may be tried. Each time the number
chemical property data and database quality indicators has of dimensions that are satisfied by a candidate system may
recently been issued as ASTM Guide E 1484. It provides a be counted, and the dimensions (that is, the attributes rep-
range of quality indicators relating to the following: resented by the indicators) that are satisfactory may be
Data Quality Simple, quasi-quantifiable methods, such as the method
just outlined, are generally preferable to those that build up
(1) Source--handbook, government, producer, and so forth.
a total score by summing numerical ratings awarded to each
(2) Statistical basis--(see a previous subsection of this chap-
attribute in turn. This is because the type of method outlined
ter entitled "Statistical Tools, Quality Indicators and
gives not only a simple numerical comparison, but also re-
tains the information about which attributes are critical. The
(3) Material status--in production, experimental, or obsolete.
potential user can thus immediately see the practical com-
(4) Evaluation status--if evaluated and by whom.
promises that may have to be made when using the system
(5) Validation status--if validated and by whom.
and its data. A similar procedure could be adapted as an
(6) Certification status--if certified and by whom.
alternative to that proposed earlier in this chapter in the sub-
section entitled, "Critical Assessment of Sources of Data
Database Quality Sets."
(1) Completeness of information--material form, condition Whatever method is used for assessing the quality of a set
and processing. of data, a database, or a complete system in relation to the
(2) Test procedures--if standard test procedures, or not, or requirements of a user, or for comparing two competing da-
if derived from service experience. tabases, that method should be devised in association with
(3) Support status of database--if and how supported. potential users. The user also has an important role in the
ASTM Guide E 1484 includes informative guidelines on testing of newly constructed database systems.
the use of the above indicators. In addition, the following
criteria relating to the operation of the database itself should
not be overlooked:
Database Operation
(1) Availability--unrestricted, proprietary, government clas- Testing is an important stage both in quality control and
sifted, and so forth. in quality assessment. Database systems should be subjected
(2) Distribution medium--on-line, floppy disk, CD-ROM, to phases of testing similar to those that may be familiar to
and so forth. the reader in relation to the testing of software:
(3) Payment arrangements--on-line charge, subscription,
and so forth.
(4) Access source--details of supplier. Alpha Testingis an initial functional test agenda worked
through by a small in-house group after the system has
been developed past the initial debugging stage.
A Suggested Procedure Beta Testing is usually a secondary level of testing, car-
ried out by offsite users before making the system gen-
Each of the indicators, listed in the previous subsection of erally available or marketing it.
this chapter, such as source, statistical basis, and so on, re-
late to attributes of a database that potential users will scru-
tinize when assessing the quality of that database in relation
to the extent to which it will fill their needs and suit their
types of application. A simple, systematic procedure for do-
ing this is first to make a list of indicators that are pertinent,
ignoring those to which one is indifferent. For example, un- The possible deterioration of the quality of a database
der the operation heading, a government contractor might through the "aging" of the data it contains has to be guarded
well be indifferent to availability if his security status is al- against, particularly if the data are likely to be accessed by
ready well established. By contrast, the circumstances under users involved in critical design or analytical projects. Ar-
which a database might be made available could be a matter rangements should be made, at the time the data are being
of great concern to a university researcher. built into the database in the first place, to provide an audit
The indicators in the final list may each be regarded as a trail back to the origins and date of generation of each data
"dimension" of a multidimensional space. Although attrib- set. All data should be subjected to regular review and up-
utes such as the different types of medium of distribution dating as necessary. For the benefit of users engaged in
are not quantifiable on a continuous scale, the different me- highly critical design, such as aerospace, which is controlled
dia can be grouped into those that are acceptable and those by official regulations, arrangements should be made to rec-
that are not; or it may even be possible to rank them in terms ord the contents of the entire database at regular recorded
of their appeal to the user. Finally, a comparison is made, intervals for archival purposes.

SUMMARY 2. Completeness of Description of Test Method

(a) test standard
The chapter has presented an introduction to the concepts (b) specimen type, size, shape, finish
of refining data and improving their quality as part of the (c) specimen location and orientation
task of building materials property databases. The processes (d) specimen relation to end use situation
involved, together with the practical procedures and meth- (e) loading rate
ods that can be applied, have been described, and these are (f) temperature and method of measurement
themselves being refined as experience is built up in what is (g) environment and method of monitoring
still a relatively new field. Among all scientific databases, the (h) statements of precision and accuracy
construction of those concerned with materials property
data presents some of the most profound challenges. There
are many reasons for this. Materials data are highly multi- 3. Completeness of Reporting of Test Data
variable in nature. They can be obtained and derived by a
(a) report format
number of different routes and, unlike m a n y other numeric
(b) coverage of logical variables
data, they have to interface a diversity of levels of skill
(c) tests run to completion/according to test plan
among their h u m a n users. They also have to interface reli-
(d) replications
ably with external computerized systems.
(e) documentation of units and conversions
It has been suggested [26] that perhaps as much as 80%
(f) consistency of results, (see also the introductory para-
of the raw data on materials that will be available at the start
graphs of the section of this chapter entitled "Data Eval-
of the next century are already in existence, so it is already
uation Methods and Procedures")
too late to apply quality control to their derivation where this
(g) failure type and description
has not already taken place. What it may be possible to
achieve by adding value to those data, the assurance of their
quality, and the costs of so doing, are governed by this
reality. APPENDIX B
The ultimate evidence of the quality of a materials data-
base system will be found in the quality, economy, safety, S o m e Authoritative Definitions Concerning Data
and social acceptability of the products that it plays a crucial
The following authoritative definitions of terminology
role in helping to create and provide. Engineers and scien-
should help to draw attention to the different qualities of
tists who are involved with materials property database sys-
data, how they are related, and the circumstances of their
tems will be at the leading edge of information technology
for some time to come. They may transfer much to other
scientific and technical disciplines from the privileged view-
point that this location offers. Data--Scientific or technical measurements, values cal-
culated therefrom, observations, or facts that can be repre-
sented by numbers, tables, graphs, models, text, or symbols
and which are used as a basis for reasoning or further cal-
APPENDIX A culation. Note "data" is a plural form; "datum" is the
Raw Data--Data that have not been processed or reduced
The matters to he considered when assessing individual from their original form; (typically) experimental test
sets of data and metadata provided by a single source as results. 2
outlined in this chapter are expanded here in the form pre- Evaluation (of data)--The process of establishing the ac-
scribed by Kaufman [8]. curacy and integrity of materials property data. Evaluation
involves the examination and appraisal of the data pre-
sented, (typically raw data), assessment of experimental
1. Completeness of Description of Material technique and associated errors, consistency checks for al-
lowed values and units, comparison with other experimental
(a) producer or theoretical values, reanalysis and recalculation of derived
(b) heat/lot identification quantities as required, selection of best values, and assign-
(c) status of material (e.g. commercial or experimental) ment of probable error or reliability. 2
(d) name/UNS number Validation (of data)--The process of substantiating that
(e) specification(s) data have been subjected to a process of evaluation, and as-
(f) condition/temper/type/grade/class suring their soundness and defensibility leading to their rat-
(g) product form ification or confirmation, or to make them legally effective
(h) chemical analysis and binding in some specified application(s). 2
(i) any special melting practice or source material, for ex- Quality--As applied to data records or databases, the to-
ample, vacuum cast, powder metallurgy tality of features and characteristics that are significant in
(j) process/thermal history
(k) microstructure 2The definition has been simplified slightly from the original ver-
(1) background properties (i.e. tensile properties) sion to suit the purposes of this manual.

d e t e r m i n i n g the c a p a b i l i t y of satisfying the user's needs. Quan- of Sciences, CODATA Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 2, Hemisphere Pub-
tifiable a n d a c c e p t a b l e criteria will have to be defined in e a c h lishing Corp., New York, 1990.
a p p l i c a t i o n a r e a to achieve a universal a s s e s s m e n t of quality [7] ICSTI Numeric Data Group, Numeric Databases--A Directory,
level. International Council for Scientific and Technical Information,
Paris, 1991. {S]
Metadata--Data a b o u t data. Description of d a t a in a da-
[8] Kaufman, J. G., "Standards for Computerized Material Property
t a b a s e to provide systematic i n f o r m a t i o n for users, applica-
Data--ASTM Committee E-49," Computerization and Network-
tion p r o g r a m s , a n d d a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t software. Meta- ing of Materials DataBases, ASTM STP 1017, J. S. Glazman and
d a t a m a y also be m a n i p u l a t e d a n d searched. J. R. Rumble, Jr., Eds., American Society for Testing and Ma-
terials, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 18-19. {S}
The above definitions are t a k e n from Ref 20, which, for [9] Westbrook, J. H. and Grattidge, W., "The Role of Metadata in
m o s t p r a c t i c a l p u r p o s e s a n d in the a b s e n c e of a n equally the Design and Operation of a Materials Database," Computer-
a u t h o r i t a t i v e a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e alternative, m a y be re- ization and Networking of Materials Databases: Second Volume,
g a r d e d as a de facto i n t e r n a t i o n a l standard. It includes m a n y ASTM STP 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. S. Glazman, Eds., Amer-
t e r m s l o c a t e d in glossaries p r o d u c e d by n a t i o n a l a n d inter- ican Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp.
n a t i o n a l s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n bodies, t e r m s p r o p o s e d b y m e m -
[10] Yu, M. T., Lu, F. J., Topper, T. H., and Irving, P., "Fatigue Data
b e r s of the C o m m i t t e e on Data for Science a n d T e c h n o l o g y
Pooling and Probabilistic Design," Computerization and Net-
of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Council of Scientific Unions (CODATA), working of Materials Databases: Second Volume, ASTM STP
m e m b e r s of ASTM C o m m i t t e e E49.03 on T e r m i n o l o g y for 1106, J. G. Kaufrnan and J. S. Glazman, Eds., American Society
Materials Databases, a n d o t h e r e m i n e n t i n d i v i d u a l experts. for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 197-213.
It s h o u l d be n o t e d that ASTM E 1484 uses the term, "val- [11] DoD/FAA, "Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Ve-
idation," in effect as no m o r e t h a n the s u b s t a n t i a t i o n t h a t hicle Structures," Military Standardization Handbook, Mil-
evaluation has b e e n p r o p e r l y c a r r i e d out. ASTM E 1484 does Hdbk-5E, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC,
n o t recognize the concept of v a l i d a t i o n of d a t a for applica- 1987, updated periodically. IS}
tion to p a r t i c u l a r p u r p o s e s except b y an e m p o w e r e d a u t h o r - [12] ESDU, Metallic Materials Data Handbook, Ministry of Defence
Standard 00-932, ESDU International plc, London, Oct. 1990,
ity, as is the case in d a t a certification. It is believed t h a t the
updated periodically. [S]
t e r m i n o l o g y r e c o r d e d by W e s t b r o o k a n d Grattidge [20], a n d [13] Barrett, A. J. and Michael, M. E., "Generalised Stress-Strain
as d e s c r i b e d t h r o u g h o u t this c h a p t e r of the m a n u a l , will be Data for Aluminum Alloys and Certain Other Materials," Jour-
f o u n d to be c o m p a t i b l e with t h a t m o s t generally u s e d inter- nal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Vol. 59, No. 2, Royal Aer-
n a t i o n a l l y in the actual p r a c t i c e of d a t a evaluation, valida- onautical Society, London, 1955, p. 152.
tion, quality control, a n d assessment. [14] Osgood, W. R., "Stress Strain Formulas," Journal of the Aero-
nautical Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences, New York, 1946, p. 45.
REFERENCES [15] Westbrook, J. H. et al., Eds., "Materials Data Systems for En-
gineering," Proceedings of a CODATA Workshop, Schluchsee,
Fachinformationszentrum - Karlsruhe, Germany, 1986, Chap-
The references, given below, c o m p r i s e a r e a d i n g list to as-
ter 16.
sist those w h o wish to follow u p specific points r e f e r e n c e d
[16] Monma, Y., Kanazawa, K. and Nishijima, S., "Computational
t h r o u g h o u t the text a n d to a u g m e n t the m a t e r i a l p r o v i d e d in Models for Creep and Fatigue Data Analysis," VAMAS Techni-
this chapter. P a r t i c u l a r items, m a r k e d IS}, are s t a n d a r d s , cal Report No. 7, National Research Institute for Metals, Tokyo,
drafts of s t a n d a r d s , o r authoritative c o m p i l a t i o n s of ancil- Japan, Oct. 1990.
lary information. [17] Nishijima, S., Monma, Y. and Kanazawa, K., "Significance of
Data Evaluation Models in Materials Databases," VAMAS Tech-
[1] ESDU, "Fatigue of Wrought and Cast Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy nical Report No. 6, National Research Institute for Metals, To-
(In Bending and Under Axial Loading)," Fatigue-Endurance kyo, Japan, Oct. 1990.
Data Item 77027, ESDU International plc, London, 1977, p. 31. [18] Barrett, A. J., "On the Evaluation and Validation of Engineering
[2] Wawrousek, H., Westbrook, J. H., and Grattidge, W., "Data Data," Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data, P. S.
Sources of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Engineering Glaeser, Ed., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North Holland,
Materials," Physik Daten, No. 30-1, Fachinformationszentrum- 1987, p. 124. {S}
Karlsmhe, Germany, 1989. [S] [19] ESDU, "Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Test Results," Fatigue-
[3] Wawrousek, H., Westbrook, J. H., and Grattidge, W., "Data Endurance Data Items 68012 - 68017, ESDU International plc,
Sources of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Engineering London, 1968. {S}
Materials," Computerization and Networking of Materials Data- [20] Westbrook, J. H. and Grattidge, W., "A Glossary of Terms Re-
bases: Second Volume, ASTM STP 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. lating to Data, Data Capture, Data Manipulation and Data-
S. Glazman, Eds., American-Society for Testing and Materials, bases," CODATA Bulletin, Vol. 23, Nos. 1-2, Hemisphere Pub-
Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 142-157. {S] lishing Corp., New York, 1991. [S}
[4] Marx, B., "Banques de Donn6es Mat6riaux, Pratique des Ma- [21] Westbrook, J. H. and McCreight, L. R., Eds., "Computerized
t6riaux", Chapter 1.3, Les Rdf&entiels Dunod, Dunod, Paris, Aerospace Materials Data," Proceedings of a Workshop for the
Sept. 1990. IS] Aerospace Industry, American Institute of Aeronautics and As-
[5] Reynard, K. W., U.K. Materials Information Sources, 2nd ed., tronautics Inc., New York, 1987.
Design Council, London, 1992. [S] [22] ESDU, Engineering Sciences Data Items on Fatigue-Endurance
[6] Kozlov, A., "Materials and Substance Data Banks in COMECON Data, 8 Volumes; and on Fatigue-Fracture Mechanics, 4 Vol-
Countries and in the USSR," The Provision of Materials Prop- umes, ESDU International plc, London, 1992, updated fre-
erty Data via Computerized Systems, Report on a CODATA quently. {S}
Symposium held at the Siberian Division of the USSR Academy [23] Barrett, A. J., "The Evaluation/Validation Process--Practical

Considerations and Methodology," Development and Use of Nu- G. Kaufman and J. S. Glazman, Eds., American Society for
merical and Factual Databases, AGARD LS-130, NATO Advisory Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 17-25.
Group for Aerospace Research and Development, Paris, 1983. [26] Barrett, A. J., Discussion of Swindells, N. and Heine, G, "In-
pp. 5.1-5.14. IS] formation Engineering:Adding Value to Data," Computerization
[24] Barrett, A. J., "The Benefits and Economic Consequences of and Networking of Materials Databases: Third Volume, ASTM
Materials Property Databases," Computerization and Network- STP 1104, Thomas I. Barry and Keith W. Reynard, Eds., Amer-
ing of Materials Databases: Second Volume, ASTM STP 1106, J. ican Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Management and
Operation of Database
Building and Distribution
J. G. K a u f m a n 1

PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND SUMMARY 9 S e c u r i t y of Data

intentional a l t e r a t i o n or r e m o v a l
unintentional alteration or removal
The p u r p o s e of the m a t e r i a l in this c h a p t e r is to provide 9 Costs of O p e r a t i o n s
guidelines for builders, m a i n t a i n e r s , a n d d i s t r i b u t o r s of c o m - The i n f o r m a t i o n a n d guidelines h e r e i n related to quality
p u t e r i z e d m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t i e s d a t a b a s e s for a n y delivery sys- a n d reliability of d a t a a n d d a t a b a s e s are of interest not only
tem, for example, p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r , workstation, m a i n - to d a t a b a s e builders, b u t also to d i s t r i b u t o r s of d a t a b a s e s
frame, o r online systems. It provides s o m e basic tenets of a n d d a t a b a s e systems. The overriding guideline is to b u i l d
d a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t a n d o p e r a t i n g philosophy. These ten- the quality into the o p e r a t i o n itself, a n d the result will be
ets are i n t e n d e d to ensure the development, m a i n t e n a n c e , i m p r o v e d reliability in the database.
a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n of m a c h i n e - r e a d a b l e m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y da- The i n f o r m a t i o n a n d guidelines herein are equally appli-
t a b a s e s that are easily accessed a n d utilized, a n d are respon- cable, in m o s t cases, to d a t a b a s e s built a n d d i s t r i b u t e d in all
sive to users' needs a n d expectations with respect to quality, types of media, including p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r floppy o r CD-
reliability, a n d degree of d o c u m e n t a t i o n . ROM disks a n d online systems, as well as h a r d c o p y d a t a
The scope, r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a n d guidelines, are p r o v i d e d sources. W h e n certain guidelines are a p p l i c a b l e to a specific
as i n d i c a t e d in the p a r a g r a p h s that follow. The o r g a n i z a t i o n m e d i u m , it is generally specified w h e n it m a y not be obvious
is such that those c o n c e r n e d w i t h m a n a g e m e n t will find from the content.
m o s t of w h a t they need to k n o w in the section on M a n a g e - While n o t always a p p a r e n t , the guidelines are often di-
m e n t a n d Operations, a n d those involved in d a t a m a n a g e - r e c t e d at the search a n d retrieval software i n s t e a d of o r in
m e n t will find m o s t of w h a t they need to k n o w in the section a d d i t i o n to the d a t a themselves. M u c h of u s e r a c c e p t a n c e of
on Data a n d Data M a n a g e m e n t , a n d so forth. The result a d a t a system is related to the host software as well as to the
there is s o m e degree of overlap in a few areas, b u t this is in data.
the best interests of completeness. Assessments of s t r e n g t h o r weakness in several of the as-
9 M a n a g e m e n t of O p e r a t i o n s pects of d a t a b a s e o p e r a t i o n s covered by these guidelines are
qualifications of p e r s o n n e l in s o m e cases relatively subjective. In certain areas, it is im-
s t a n d a r d p r o c e d u r e s a n d practices possible to state specific practices to be universally applied,
a u d i t a b l e quality a s s u r a n c e p r o g r a m s t h o u g h even in such cases, s o m e general guidelines are of
maintenance and updating value.
9 Data a n d Data M a n a g e m e n t In developing these guidelines, the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s of a
c o m p l e t e n e s s a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n of d a t a variety of i n t e r n a t i o n a l g r o u p s a n d services have been con-
consistency a n d quality of d a t a solidated a n d a n d in s o m e cases amplified [1-I4]. It is ap-
d a t a evaluation practices p r o p r i a t e to note t h a t the guidelines h e r e i n are e v o l u t i o n a r y
d a t a loading a n d r e l o a d i n g in nature, b e c a u s e of the relative newness of highly focused
9 System Capabilities a n d M a n a g e m e n t a t t e n t i o n to c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n of detailed n u m e r i c p r o p e r t i e s
b a s i c system capabilities data. More specific guidelines m a y be available in the future.
basic d a t a system content
the u s e r m a n u a l
ease of access a n d use of system MANAGEMENT OF OPERATIONS
help services for users
testing of d a t a system Qualifications of Personnel
It is essential to have e x p e r i e n c e d a n d k n o w l e d g a b l e per-
1President, The National Materials Property Data Network, Inc., sonnel involved in the process of locating, assembling, eval-
P.O. Box 02224, Columbus, OH 43202. uating, a n d i n p u t t i n g data, as well as in the o p e r a t i o n of a
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

well-supported data source. While this aspect is among those mended to assure maximum user understanding, accep-
to which largely subjective judgments must be employed in tance, and the ability to deal smoothly with such changes.
lieu of more stringent specifications, it is necessary that at (1) Provide ample warning in advance of the timing and na-
least two areas of knowledge and experience be represented: ture of forthcoming changes in hardware or software.
the area of technical/scientific knowledge encompassed in (2) Provide provisions for holders of earlier versions of soft-
the database and the area of the building, maintenance, and ware packages to obtain updates quickly and easily.
operation of an electronic (machine-readable) database. (3) Make every effort to keep current in developing system
It is inappropriate to specify limiting measures of the enhancements to ensure a minimum of obsolescence for
knowledge and experience required, and it is recognized that users of interactive databases and related software and
not every staff member can have extensive background in hardware.
the areas noted above. However, it is clear that at least one
engineer or scientist working on any specific database
should be knowledgable in the technical field(s) involved, Maintenance and Updating
and at least one staff member should have some database Employ regular maintenance operations, and provide ad-
management training or experience, or both. equate information and guidelines to users of your systems
about their own needs for system maintenance, if any.
Provide for regular and easily used procedures for obtain-
Standard Procedures and Practices ing user feedback, and for assuring adequate attention to the
A reliable database builder, maintainer, or supplier, or all input provided. Mechanisms for feedback may include mail
of these, should have a regular set of procedures for all or or phone contacts, help lines, such as those discussed in the
most elements of their activity, as illustrated subsequently. section on Help Services for User or, in the case of online
These are, in effect, standard practices for the respective op- systems, electronic mail direct from the service. All such in-
erations, ensuring a consistent quality to those operations. put should feed through a single service group capable of
Further, the standard practices should be such that they as- relating it to feedback from others (perhaps indicative of
sure the maintenance of high quality and reliability, both of trends or basic system weaknesses) and to recall database/
the content of the database and of the service to the user of system capability.
that database.
Procedures for collecting and for assessing quality and re-
liability should be consistent, unbiased, and carried out on DATA A N D DATA M A N A G E M E N T
bases that the user will understand and accept as reasonable
and reliable. T y p e or Statistical Significance of Numeric V a l u e s
Terminology, including nomenclature, abbreviations, sym- There should be unambiguous descriptors of the type of
bols, units, and acronyms should be clearly defined and pre- numeric values given in a database, that is, whether they are
sented. It should reasonably conform to industry standards individual test results, averages of several values, statistically
and expectations, and he used in a consistent manner. derived values or values specified as minimum by some cer-
Interfaces should be developed carefully and consistently tification organization. When they are statistically derived,
to ensure user understanding and high standards of reada- the specific statistical definition should be cited.
bility and clarity.
Attention should be given to ensuring that unreasonable
precision is not suggested by extra, apparently significant fig- Completeness of Data
ures resulting from unit conversions and other transforma-
Consistent attention should be given to the completeness
tions of the data, or display programs.
of the documentation of numeric data so that the utility and
For online systems, telecommunication links and the as-
reliability of the data to the user are maximized. In general,
sociated access and logon procedures should be based upon
it is appropriate to utilize standard data formats to ensure
current industry practices, and should be consistently and
that there is sufficient and consistent background informa-
easily carried out.
tion on the material itself, the test methods, and the prop-
erties. These elements of information, though secondary in
Auditing Quality Assurance Programs many respects to the specific performance data required by
any given user, are essential to comparisons of data from
The practices employed for assurance of quality regarding various sources. See ASTM Standards E1308, E1309, E1338,
operation and consistency and quality of data should be au- and E 1313 for more specific guidance on these points.
ditable (see section on Security). Sufficient records should
be kept documenting what, when, and by whom checks and Material Descriptions
corrective actions are taken so that it is possible for a person Complete descriptions of the materials for which detailed
not directly involved in the process to ascertain that well- performance properties are given should also be included in
defined quality assurance practices are being utilized on a the database. While the specific information needed will vary
regular basis. depending upon the application area, there is generally some
Among the most serious of complications facing users of minimum essential set of facts required to ensure adequate
database management systems are those associated with comparability. But for the broadest applicability additional
hardware and software changes. Several steps are recom- detail may be highly desirable. In general, factors, such as

product form, size and condition, must be considered when Practices should be defined for the assembly and proof
attempting to compare data from different sources and must checking of data to assure that the best sources are identi-
be retained in a useful database. fied, that all of the essential support information is included,
and that the values are correctly transcribed from the orig-
Test Methods inal source to the new machine-readable database. In the
It is essential to provide test method descriptors, notably latter case, computerized auditing and verification practices
standard test method references where applicable, plus such that automatically reject input in inappropriate forms, units,
information as specimen type, size, and direction (orienta- or numbers of decimal places are highly recommended.
tion), and loading rate. Such information is even more im- Practices should also be defined for correcting any and all
portant when dealing with data developed with nonstandard types of errors found in the database, and recording the na-
methods. The availability of test method documentation en- ture of the correction, for example, by whom, when, and
ables users to judge the comparability of data generated by what was changed.
different laboratories. Factors used in the reduction and Practices should be defined for assessing, on a continuous
analysis of data, such as percent offset for yield strength basis, the level of user satisfaction with the content and the
measurements and gage length for elongation measurement capability of the service provided, and for reacting to input
in tension tests, are also important for comparisons of data from the users with regard to improved services and
from different countries. capabilities.
In the event that key variables, such as temperature, are
known but not stated explicitly in a database as originally
produced (for example, all data are for "room temperature"), Data Evaluation Practices
consideration should be given to their addition before the Standard procedures and practices should be established
database is widely distributed. and rigorously employed in the evaluation of data or data
sets for user consumption, or both.
Test Conditions Evaluation refers to the processes of quantitative or qual-
Independent variables, such as temperature, humidity, en- itative review of individual test results or groups of test re-
vironment, and exposure times, should always be specified, sults (datasets) by acknowledged experts in the appropriate
even though they may not have been varied within the spe- discipline. The object of the review is to determine the rea-
cific set of data being compiled; any or all may differ when sonableness, relation to theory, or relation to other datasets,
one dataset is compared with another. or all of these. Another purpose may be to analyze the da-
tasets to calculate average or statistically defined properties,
Test Results
parametric representations, or mathematical distributions.
All elements of the individual test results should be in- Consistent practices should exist for dealing with the eval-
cluded in any database that is to be a source of "raw" test uation of the content and attributes of candidate databases
data (that is, the original individual test results as contrasted for a network, as well as for the review of additional data to
to calculated average or statistically derived values). be added to existing databases.
In any situation where evaluated data are presented to the
Validity Criteria
user, the fact that data have been evaluated, by whom and
Some test results and calculated properties have specific when they were evaluated, and the evaluation procedures
criteria associated with them, which provide essential infor- applied should be identified.
mation as to whether or not they were correctly generated
or derived. In all such cases, the validity criteria and the
original data upon which the judgment of whether or not Units
the criteria were met should be included in the database Units and unit conversions should be handled consistently
whenever possible. For example, the reporting of plane- and precisely in storing and distributing materials data.
strain fracture toughness data requires at minimum a de- It is recommended that data be stored in the original units
scriptor indicating whether or not the requirements of ASTM in which they were generated, even in cases where the da-
Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic tabase is distributed in some converted system of units.
Materials (E 399) are met, and preferably would contain the As noted above, in providing for conversion of units, care
specific results of the measurements required to deal with should be taken to avoid the inappropriate and incorrect im-
those requirements. pression of a greater level of precision of the converted num-
bers than of the original data by presenting a greater number
Consistency and Quality of Data of significant figures in the converted numbers than in the
original data.
Specific practices for ensuring the quality and reliability
of data and of service to users should be defined and consis-
tently utilized. These will constitute a quality assurance pro- SYSTEM CAPABILITIES AND CONTENT
gram for both the database content and the operational as-
pects of the service provided to users of the system.
Basic System Capabilities
Practices should be defined for the identification of can-
didate types and sources of data for inclusion in any new Once connected to an online data source or in possession
database, and for the final selection of the sources. of a PC data disk of any kind, the user should find a basic

set of capabilities available for accessing, searching, retriev- Test Procedures

ing, and utilizing the information. The following elements How the data were generated.
are recommended:
Evaluation of Data
Straightforward procedures for logon, and procedures to How and by whom are data evaluated?
follow if logoff or disconnection occurs.
Prompts and error messages should be self-explanatory or Key Contact
clearly explained.
Names and phone numbers or other access modes for in-
Regular and clear help functions which anticipate reason-
dividuals to contact if questions arise about the technical
ably well the questions likely to arise.
content beyond that covered in the database.
A limited, relatively simple, and unambiguous set of com-
mands, consistently used throughout the system. Sufficient Nomenclature~Terminology
repetition of the basic commands so that users are comfort-
able and rarely if every "hung up" (that is, in a situation Basis and limits of terms and abbreviations used in the
where no obvious c o m m a n d seems to work). In response to database.
incorrect commands, the system should provide helpful er-
ror messages pointing the user to correct procedures.
A variety of search paths and options, including some Units include system of units used in the database and
which are clearly guided, menu-driven paths for the new or options available for conversion (highly recommended). The
occasional user as well as an "expert" or "command" mode International Standard System of units (SI) is recommended
that bypasses most menus for the experienced user. as the primary set (see ASTM Practice for Use of the Inter-
The ability to backtrack to review previous screens without national System of Units [SI] [The Modernized Metric Sys-
losing a search path (a search path tracking system). tem] [E 380)]).
Clear descriptions of special capabilities for viewing data
such as the utilization of "windows" or color graphics. The User Manual
Complete descriptions of the types of data contained in the
system, clearly stating indices of reliability (or lack thereof) A readable, straightforward user manual should be pro-
in a factual (not subjective or judgmental) manner, records vided, containing at m i n i m u m some introductory informa-
of the original source(s) of the data, and who the user may tion, a data system overview, access procedures, guidance on
contact to learn more about the background of the terminology capabilities and limitations, general explana-
information. tions of user commands, and more detailed explanations of
Terminology that conforms to user/market industry stan- commands and search options available to the searcher.
dards. The interface should either present a reasonable lat- Among the specific things recommended for coverage in the
itude in terminology and nomenclature or provide quick and manual are the following:
easily followed guidance on the preferred terms. Abbrevia-
tions and units shotdd be given the same attention. Introduction to the database or group of databases, cov-
Capability for conversion from one system of units to eting the scope of the source (materials and properties) and
others. types of data presented.
The ability to download data electronically into a reason- Installation and start-up procedures for personal com-
able range of compatible software/database management puter or work station databases.
systems. Access and logon procedures, and procedures to follow if
Easily followed procedures for ending searches, returning logoff or disconnection occurs.
to key menus, and exiting the system. A clear description of the search options available in the
database or network, preferably with a schematic or flow
chart summary, and typical screen displays.
Basic Data System Content Information about the quality and reliability of the data in
the individual databases in factual (nonsubjective) terms, in-
Several basic elements of information associated with the cluding procedures for collecting and evaluating the data,
data should be provided, at minimum: the completeness of documentation of test methods, and the
traceability of the data in situations where only summaries
Scope of evaluated data are presented.
Materials and properties covered by the data source. Breadth of terminology usable in searching, including no-
menclature, abbreviations, symbols, units, and acronyms.
Source A clear s u m m a r y of the commands used throughout the
Original source of data, either the data generator or the Help functions, including prompts and error messages
prior producer/publisher of the data.
that may appear on specific occasions.
Clear guidance on how to end searches, return to key
Type of Data menus, and exit the system.
Raw test results, statistically analyzed data, design values, One or more example runs of the system. These should
and so forth. start from the offline situation, giving the precise inputs re-

quired of the user, and showing exactly what the response Ease of Startup of Disk-Loaded Databases
of the system is at each stage. Users of PC or CD-ROM disk-loaded databases should
Contacts for problem resolution. quite readily be able to load and startup the search and re-
An index to the contents of the user manual itself. trieval system, plus any other special capabilities of the
Ease o f Access to and Use o f Online Systems
Hardware and Software Requirements
Users should quite readily be able to establish connections Specific hardware requirements for accessing the software
to any online data source. and data files should be spelled out clearly and concisely in
Networks the accompanying documentation. Also, if other software is
required to completely utilize or to supplement the use of
The system should be connected to a commercially avail- the database software that should be clearly spelled out.
able and widely accessible public packet-switched network
operating within the X25 protocols. The means to connect Loading Procedure
should support the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
The procedure for loading the software and associated files
model of the International Standards Organization (ISO).
onto the user's host system should be straightforward and
Connection Capacity clearly explained in literature accompanying the disks. Quick
startup procedures should be provided for the experienced
The minimum capacity of the connection between the host
users and made readily visible in the documentation
and the public network should be 2400 baud. A capacity of
9600 baud is highly recommended.
Accessing the Database
Number of Users
The procedure for initiating use of the search and retrieval
The connecting device between the X25 network and the
software should be straightforward, logical, and clearly ex-
data source should allow for multiple users having simulta-
plained in the documentation. Prompts and error messages
neous access to the system. While no specific limit is appro-
shall be either self-explanatory or clearly explained.
priate and needs will vary with database content, limits of
less than five users are not recommended. User Interface
Logon Procedure The interface screens should be clear, concise, and readily
understood, so that at any point during use of the data sys-
The logon procedure should be straightforward and clearly
tem, a user easily understands the options available, the de-
explained; prompts and error messages shall be either self-
explanatory or clearly explained. Procedures for recovery cisions necessary, and the response syntax required to
from disconnection, if different from those for the original proceed.
connection, should also be explained. Procedures for recovery from hangup or losing the soft-
ware, if different from those for the original connection,
User Interface should also be explained.
The interface screens should be clear, concise, and readily
understood, so that at any point during use of the data sys- Help Services for the User
tem, a user easily understands the options available, the de-
cisions necessary, and the response syntax required to A complete user manual, online help services, and an off-
proceed. line ("hotline") communication service, and in the case of
disk-loaded database system, reference contacts are mini-
Times of Normal Access mum requirements for any operating data system.
Access to any public system should match the normal
business operations of the user community being served. At User Manual
minimum, access shall be from 1000 to 1600 h Monday The user manual should contain an introduction and over-
through Friday, in the countries of origin and of primary view of the system, instructions for connecting to the system,
service. A system serving an international community must general and detailed explanations of the commands, listings
recognize the wide range of normal business hours involved. of the types of help available to the user, and example runs
of the system. It should also contain some treatment of what
Availability the user needs to know about nomenclature, terminology,
During the hours of operation, the availability of the sys- symbols, units and abbreviations in using the system, nota-
tem to users should be at least 90%, averaged over a four- bly the breadth/limitations of the dictionary/thesaurus.
week working period.
Online Help
Serviceability Regularly utilized commands should be frequently, if not
The serviceability (percentage of time in operating condi- continuously, presented on screen. At any point in use of the
tion) of the data system, computer, and supporting systems system, the user should have the ability to access either a
by its maintainers should be at least 98% averaged over a specific help screen tailored to that position in the search or
four-week working period. a general help system, within which it is quite easy to locate

helpful information. At a minimum, the help system should them at the outset, so they are not erroneously underesti-
explain the function and syntax of commands recognized by mated and budgeted, with resultant poor quality or
the data system. When incorrect commands are entered, the performance.
user should get helpful error messages rather than a simple
rejection of the command.
Cost of Locating the Data
Offline Help In most instances the data are widely spread and rather
A help desk accessible by public phone connections should laborious to locate. Some may be identified by bibliographic
be maintained by the data system provider and be accessible database searching, and the extensive followup required to
during all normal operating hours of the system. The mini- assure relevance; others must be tracked by working through
mum level of assistance available in this manner should pro- original data records, frequently an ever more laborious
vide competent guidance to the user through the system op- process, but actually preferable because it offers the oppor-
erating procedure. tunity to avoid errors of multiple transfer, and often provides
the opportunity to obtain better and more complete back-
Reference Contacts ground information.
In the case of PC or CD-ROM disk-loaded databases, help
and backup information should always be available for users
Cost of Assembling the Data
from disk or database producers. Phone numbers, and where
possible, the appropriate names of contacts should always Dependent upon the path used to locate the data, obtain-
be provided. ing access may be accomplished at the same time, but about
equally often, additional steps to obtain more complete
Testing of the Database or Network System backup information or acquire it once identified from other
Before a database or network of databases is placed in the parties is involved. This can be one of the most time-con-
marketplace for general sale or distribution, or both, it suming steps in the process.
should be carefully and completely tested with a finite, but
significant number of representative users. Care should be Sorting and Organizing the Data
directed at the selection of test participants to assure that all
types and backgrounds of potential users are represented, Unless great care has been utilized in the original data
especially if the system is directed at other than professional assembly, sorting and organizing the available data are often
information specialists. labor-intensive processes, but are key to the value and utility
of the resultant database. It is essential that the data unit
plan and type of search and retrieval anticipated be well
SECURITY thought out as the first step of this process, and that all sub-
sequent work be maintained to fit that plan carried out. The
Security of Data Content result of this step in the process may well be a good hard-
copy version of the file.
The data system should be protected to prevent intentional
or unintentional contamination of the information con-
tained therein, and inappropriate access to the system by Cost of Evaluating the Data
unauthorized users. Of all of the costs, this may well be the most difficult to
estimate unless a very specific analytical evaluation is what
U p l o a d i n g Limitations is required. As defined in Chapter 6, there are many types of
evaluation processes, and the need will vary greatly with the
Uploading of data to original online producer-supplied da- type, quality, and reliability of the source data. The major
tabases should not be permitted. If it is the service provider's point to recall is that this may well be a very time consuming
intent to carry user created files, they should be maintained process, and it will require individuals who are expert in the
completely independently of the original database. discipline involved.

Unintentional Alterations Cost of Producing Machine-Readable Products

PC disk-loaded databases should make it very difficult, if There may well be several components of cost embedded
not impossible, for the user to inadvertently change files in the total cost of producing machine-readable product. If
while browsing or retrieving data. complex tables, graphs, and other figures are involved, a ma-
jor part of the cost can be the table or graphic capture proc-
ess, which is far more than a simple scanning since the in-
COSTS tent is to enable the material to be searchable, not simply
represented. This requires capture of each component of the
The relatively high cost of some operations associated with table or figure in a database format itself, and organization
building, maintaining or distributing materials databases, or of that material for searching. If tabular or graphical infor-
both, is sometimes a deterrent to high-quality products and mation is not involved, it may involve only keying or scan-
services in this field. It is well to be knowledgable about ning the numeric data. Recall, however that most numeric

d a t a require an extensive a m o u n t of factual s u p p o r t infor- F a c t o r s affecting the cost of m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t i e s d a t a b a s e

mation, including t h e i r units, a n d all m u s t be i n c l u d e d in o p e r a t i o n s are also s u m m a r i z e d .
the digitization process.

Cost of Peripheral Databases (Thesauri,

If the system h a p p e n s to b e a n online d a t a d i s t r i b u t i o n
system, in which a n u m b e r of files are accessed a n d searched
as a cluster, there m a y be a n e e d for the a d d i t i o n of n e w [1] Code of Practice for the Operation of Materials Data Systems,
t e r m s a n d associated factual d a t a in a cross-file t h e s a u r u s o r produced by the European Communities Network Demonstrator
d i r e c t o r y type of database. There are powerful a d v a n t a g e s to Programme, Petten Establishment, Netherlands.
such systems, b u t also an intellectual effort. [2] "Materials Data Systems for Engineering," J. H. Westbrook et
al., Eds., Proceedings of a CODATA Workshop, Schluchsee, Ger-
many, Sept. 1985, Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ-Karlsruhe),
Other Elements of Cost 1986.
[3] Barrett, A. J., "On the Evaluation and Validation of Engineer-
Other elements of cost m a y very well be involved, d e p e n d - ing Data," Computer Handling and Dissemination of Data, P. S.
ent u p o n the status of the software involved, the a m o u n t of Glaser, Ed., CODATA, Elsevier Science Publishers, North Holland.
p r o g r a m m i n g r e q u i r e d to p r o d u c e search a n d display files 1987.
t h a t m e e t the objectives of b o t h the u s e r a n d the host soft- [4] Guide to Material Property Database Management, CODATA
ware, a n d the n u m b e r of n e w features that m a y be n e e d e d Task Group on Materials Database Management, J. G. Kaufman,
b e c a u s e of the a d d i t i o n of a n e w file. Even if the software is Ed., CODATA Bulletin 69, June 1988.
well developed, there m a y be s u b s t a n t i a l p r o g r a m m i n g [5] Kaufman, J. G., "Data Validation for User Reliability," Mate-
rials Property Data: Applications and Access, MPD-1, PVP-Vol 111,
ASME, New York, 1986, pp. 149-158.
As is obvious from the previous information, it is i m p o s - [6] Computerized Materials Data Systems, Proceedings of the Fair-
sible to state even an a p p r o x i m a t e cost of b u i l d i n g a data- field Glade Conference, J. H. Westbrook and J. R. Rumble, Eds.,
b a s e w i t h o u t a clear s t a t e m e n t of specific scope, content, a n d National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, 1983.
i n t e n d e d use. [7] Materials Data for Engineering, Proceedings of a CODATA
Workshop, Schluchsee, Germany, J. H. Westbrook et al., Eds., FIZ-
Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 1985.
SUMMARY [8] Kroeckel, H. and Gunter, S., "European Activities Towards the
Integration and Harmonization of Materials Data Systems," Com-
Guidelines have b e e n p r o v i d e d for the building, m a i n t e - puterization and Networking of Materials Property DataBases, STP
1017, J. S. Glazman and J. R. Rumble, Eds., American Society for
n a n c e a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n of c o m p u t e r i z e d m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, April, 1989, pp. 63-74.
databases. Key factors in the four m a j o r areas r e q u i r i n g [9] Reynard, K. W., "Materials Designation Systems: Their Prob-
m a n a g e m e n t structure include: lems and Possible Solutions," Computerization and Networking of
(1) I n overall m a n a g e m e n t operation: Materials Databases, STP 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. S. Glazman,
(a) qualifications of p e r s o n n e l Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
(b) s t a n d a r d p r o c e d u r e s a n d practices 1991, pp. 57-74.
(c) a u d i t a b l e quality a s s u r a n c e p r o g r a m s [10] Rumble, J., "Standards for Materials Databases: ASTM Com-
(d) m a i n t e n a n c e a n d u p d a t i n g mittee E49," Computerization and Networking of Materials Data-
bases, Second Volume, STP 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. S. Glaz-
(2) F o r d a t a and d a t a m a n a g e m e n t :
man, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials,
(a) completeness a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n of d a t a Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 73-83.
(b) consistency a n d quality of d a t a [11] Westbrook, J. H. and Grattidge, W., "The Role of Metadata in
(c) d a t a evaluation practices the Design and Operation of a Materials Database," Computeri-
(d) d a t a loading a n d r e l o a d i n g zation and Networking of Materials Databases, Second Volume, STP
(3) F o r system capability a n d m a n a g e m e n t : 1106, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
(a) b a s i c system capabilities 1991, pp. 84-102.
(b) b a s i c d a t a system c o n t e n t [12] Kaufman, J. G., "Increasing Data System Responsiveness to
(c) the user m a n u a l User Expectations," Computerization and Networking of Materials
(d) b a s e of access a n d use of the system Databases, Second Volume, STP 1106, J. G. Kaufman and J. S.
Glazman, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phil-
(e) help services for users
adelphia, 1991, pp. 103-113.
(f) testing of the d a t a system [13] Ambler, E., "Engineering Property Data-A National Priority,"
(4) F o r security of data: Standardization News, Aug. 1985, pp. 46-50.
(a) intentional a l t e r a t i o n o r r e m o v a l [14] Rumble, J. R., Jr. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science
(b) u n i n t e n t i o n a l a l t e r a t i o n o r r e m o v a l and Technology, Adam Hilger, Bristol, England, 1990.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Data Transfer
Philip Sargent ~

OVERVIEW world type) and recognizing that some information will just
not be capable of representation (as represented by the dark-
The major difficulty in transferring materials property in- shaded areas in Fig. 8.1 or by (2) attempting to find some
formation among database systems is the conceptual mis- more abstract set of entities from which all potential infor-
match of the sending and receiving systems, between the mation can be derived. This latter technique (abstract
ways in which (1)materials are designated and (2)proper- closed-world) nearly always introduces multi-valency be-
ties are defined. The second major difficulty is that the two cause any sufficiently abstract concepts can usually he
systems usually represent relationships between data and combined in multitudinous ways to produce equivalent
metadata [1] using different conventions. Third are the rel- descriptions.
atively minor technical problems of agreeing text or binary
file formats, which relate names of terms to their values, and
which represent numbers, symbols, units, and text. There are Software
organizational problems of agreeing which and what kind of
Translator software costs money to develop, and histori-
information should be transferred, what pricing scheme to
cally the most successful transfer formats have emerged ei-
use, determining who should pay for the development of
ther by following a commercially successful product (such
translator software, and determining how it should be sold
as the DXF drawing format from AutoDesk or the Post-
or distributed. These are even more problematic in practice
Script | page description format from Adobe) or from gen-
than the technical issues. Transfer of all technical data has
erous, long-term support from a single large government
certain things in common with respect to scope, software,
agency (such as TCP/IP networking protocols from the De-
and organization.
partment of Defense, or the Spatial Data Transfer Format
from the Department of the Interior and Geological Survey).
Scope Consortia-developed formats are more common but also
generally more troublesome because different organizations
Any transfer format should be capable of representing all choose to implement them in slightly different ways by
the different varieties of information that are present in the adapting their own software in the cheapest manner. The
sending and receiving systems; it must have a super-set of Initial Graphics Exchange System (IGES) engineering draw-
capabilities. However, it must also not be "multi-valent," that ing standard is notorious for this, as is error-handling in
is, it should not be possible to represent the same informa- Standard Query Language (SQL)-based database systems
tion in more than one way, or the receiving system must be (which is not covered by the SQL international standard).
significantly more complex in order to recognize such It is unfortunately the case that engineers do not have the
equivalence. training in modern discrete mathematics that is necessary if
These two requirements can both be satisfied for closed- nearly unambiguous specifications for technical data trans-
world types of information, such as moves in the game of fer formats are to be defined. (In any case, completely un-
chess, or engineering drawings with a pre-defined list of al- ambiguous specifications are a theoretical impossibility.)
lowed geometric entities, unfortunately they cannot be rec- This means that "standard" data formats are defined in prac-
onciled for open-world information where new entities and tice with respect to a reference implementation and not with
relationships can be created by any participant such as respect to the specification itself. The number of companies
moves in the game of soccer or unique properties of new claiming compatibility with IBM's use of SQL in its DB2 da-
materials. tabase is a case in point.
Open-world information can be handled in one of two The news is not all bad. Occasionally a good, complete
ways: either by (1) pre-defining a limited set of entities and standard transfer format emerges from a communal effort
allowed relationships (transforming it to the simple closed- which is widely accepted without modification or extension.
The Electronic Data Interchange Format developed by a
~Senior software manager, Quillon Systems Ltd., St. John's Inno- Stanford computer science professor with support from 14
vation Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom, CB4 4WS. Californian electronics companies has been very successful,
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

the role of an intelligent agent and to negotiate with a source

database the best translation of terms and relationships into
those of the receiving system. To a degree, commercial soft-
ware of such sophistication already exists and is in intensive
use (invisibly) in the routing and communication in Apple's
local networking system for Macintoshes [2].

FIG. 8.1--Transfer formats have a superset of representations

with respect to the databases between which they communi-
History o f Materials Data Transfer
cate, but some data cannot be transferred. Successive international workshops and symposia have
identified data transfer as a critical need, but it was at the
(VAMAS) workshop in Petten in Nov. 1988 that several im-
possibly because it was designed so that translator software plications for materials data interchange resulting from the
would be easy to write and to maintain. activities of materials database users became apparent.
There were three main results [3] as follows:
"Neutral" Data Formats 1. Specific needs for data interchange were articulated.
2. Self education was acknowledged as a necessary precur-
A "neutral" file format is one that is independent of any sor to intelligent discussion of data interchange formats,
proprietary system but that is capable of transferring any both technically and with respect to other relevant
materials information. From the above discussion on scope organizations.
and software, the idea that there could be such a thing as an 3. It appeared that two or three formats was a feasible goal
entirely "neutral" universal data transfer format for materials to aim for.
information can be seen to be fatally flawed, both in the ab-
A meeting was organized in Sept. 1989 at Derby in the
stract sense (closed-world assumption) and in the practical
United Kingdom to identify a workable format and an in-
(the common need for reference software implementations).
formal, international round-robin attempt followed. Several
However this does not mean, now that we have been alerted
important lessons were learned from the experiment, nearly
to the dangers and difficulties, that it is impossible to pro-
all of which were independent of the format that was no-
duce useful data transfer formats.
tionally the subject of the test.
The simple message to someone contemplating the con-
There were problems of communication within individual
struction of a materials database is that if materials data
participating organizations as to the precise purpose of the
transfer with any other information systems is to be part of
test. Commercial organizations, particularly the small com-
the project, then it must be planned and designed first be-
panies that typify those involved with materials databases,
cause it is the most constraining influence on the structure
find it very hard to provide data modeling and software sup-
of the database schema.
port for a project with no immediate profitable outcome. The
round robin was considered too "applied" for research fund-
Passive Transfer and Active Interchange ing, but significant research was nevertheless required since
the different data schemata of the communicating databases
This chapter discusses techniques for transferring mate-
presented a significant and intractable problem.
rials information "passively," that is, without participation
from the receiving system when the transmitting system is
preparing the transfer. The information is assumed to be
prepared, transmitted, and received as separate operations,
and the information in transit contains everything required
for its correct interpretation. Such passive data transfer sys- Four major types of materials data transfer are generally
tems are suitable for archiving information and for broad- acknowledged, and the early work in particular acknowl-
casting information where the recipients are not known and edged a close relationship between data transfer and termi-
indeed may not yet exist. Current examples are the free ma- nology consistency [4-6]:
terials information systems produced by materials suppliers (1) Initial data entry to a database.
as part of their marketing efforts, and by technical associa- (2) From a database to the user interface.
tions as part of services to their members. (3) From a database to specific software packages, such as
"Active" information transfer occurs when there is direct, for finite-element or other modeling software.
real-time communication between the transmitting and re- (4) From database to other databases or database gateways.
ceiving systems and where feedback is used to control the The idea behind such classifications as this is to identify
form of the information transferred. An intelligent agent us- those types of data transfer that could take advantage of the
ing active interchange can extract far more meaning from a same data transfer formats. Classifying data by the type of
transmitting system than the basic data transfer format used data it is (economic, high-temperature, corrosion, and so
would appear to allow, since queries and clarifications can forth) is usually felt to be less useful in this respect. However
add to the information's context and hence increase its this four-fold classification does not handle the important
meaningfulness. However, practical active transfer (without issue of where in the data-product cycle the information is
involving human agents) is many years away. being transferred, and therefore what its level of refinement
In the future, sophisticated software will be able to assume and abstraction is.

Data Entry great progress in capability, cheapness, configurability and

user-friendliness. The specific needs of materials evaluators
It is very rare for iflitial data entry to occur unless it is for a few functional presentations: Larson-Miller parameter
targeted at a specific database, and therefore it is almost in- fitting, Goodman fatigue plots, composites failure carpet
variably structured directly in the format of that database. plots and so forth, can now be configured from general pur-
The High Temperature Materials Database at Petten (Neth- pose software in only a few hours. However because there
erlands) makes available a software package that makes this are no materials data transfer standards every database re-
fact concrete, that is, the user-friendly package guides data quires a different configuration. In addition, data visualiza-
entry and produces files suitable for immediate review and tion packages do not handle metadata in any systematic way.
uploading to the main database.
When transferring, once only, a large quantity of materials
data from one (perhaps obsolete) database structure into an- Downloading Data
other conceptually similar structure, it is often worthwhile The action of "downloading" data from a database into a
to design a specific transfer format purely for that purpose. user's personal spreadsheet, database, or data visualization
Such a transfer format can be very simple since it only has package is usually perceived as forming part of the user in-
to allow for two different data structures, and often only a terface, as indeed it is. However, for our purposes it is
strict subset of some existing, more complex format is suit- dearer to consider downloading in two halves: (1) setting up,
able. If the format is textual, then occasional untranslatable selecting, and controlling the download, and (2) the format
idioms from the source database can be hand-typed in this of the data that is downloaded. Currently the data download
intermediate form thus saving the expense of producing formats available are very rudimentary, usually only a single
complex translator software. table at a time where the elements are numbers of various
Data capture from text or diagrams requires special aids types or test strings, the columns of the table have names,
and a transfer format designed to cope with very complex and everything in the same column has to be of the same
interrelationships between different types of data points, type (integer, number, text-string, and so forth). Examples
lines, and curves, and between data and metadata [1]. of such formats are DIF, Sylk, Lotus WKS, or dBase DBF.
This permits no complexity at all in the relationships be-
tween different data items; all metadata relationships have
Databases and User Interfaces
to be handled ad hoc using the setting up and control facil-
Chapter 2 covered program infrastructure and dealt in ities (the "active" communication channel). Downloading
some depth with the complexities of user interface design. data is further discussed under "SQL" below.
Even when the database and the front-end user interface Standards exist for the transfer of all kinds of data: Dia-
programs are running on the same machine and were pur- grams can be encoded as Computer Graphic Metafiles, im-
chased from the same supplier, it makes matters clearer to ages as Tagged Image File Format or Group III Facsimile,
consider them as distinct entities. Client-server architec- chemical structures as Standard Molecular Data format,
tures, where the two programs are distinct and where a complex text as Structured Generalized Markup Language
shared database on one machine is accessed by several in- (SGML), and complete page layout in PostScript | However,
dividuals interacting with their own personal computers, there are very few standards that relate to the meaning of
make the distinction concrete. the information being transferred and that is where the need
The background database and front-end user-interface exists for materials databases.
programs require a communication of both materials data
and control of the display of materials data. It is very widely
agreed that it would be ideal if there were standards for both
data and control information so that a user could access Database to Other Software Packages
many different databases using the same, familiar front-end
[4,5]. Such standards would have to be specific to materials Specific software packages are almost invariably highly re-
data since there are too many different ways in which ma- stricted in the type and variety of materials data they require.
terials information can be represented in standard business- Some configuration, however, may be possible, so that a fi-
type databases, and the ambiguity leads to conceptual mis- nite-element system may be able to handle temperature-
match [7]. A demonstration common front-end system has varying, anisotropic elastic moduli as an alternative to a sin-
been developed for metal-matrix composite materials data at gle isotropic room-temperature value.
the Concurrent Engineering Research Center, University of If any standard data transfer format existed then it would
West Virginia, using data from several different proprietary be cost effective to take pre-existing software packages that
databases running on different types of computer over a lo- use materials data and to encapsulate them with a translator
cal area network. 2 to transform the standard representation into package-spe-
In the past two or three years, "scientific visualization" and cific form. New packages would be designed to take the stan-
data presentation software for personal computers has made dard format as direct input. This is the role envisaged for
the proposed ISO Standard Product Information Represen-
2Up to date information on this project is available be electronic tation and Exchange (the materials format is described in
mail from tad @ cerc.; CERC publications can be Part 45 of the Draft Proposal 10303, issued at Tokyo, 1990).
obtained by anonymous file transfer from pub/techReports on It is universally referred to by its informal title "STEP: Stan-
dard for the Exchange of Product Data."

B e t w e e n Databases guage. It knows nothing about the handling of catalogues or

data dictionaries as distinct from any other data structure.
Database to database transfer is distinguished from data- SQL1 is defined for two levels of implementation: Level 1
base to-other software because although the receiving data- does not support NULL values for any field in the database,
base may be as restricted as any other software, it could have a vital requirement for most materials data, so the purchaser
the capability to represent highly complex data and meta- of an SQL system is advised to be aware of this. It also does
data interdependences. This is the most general class of data not define what happens when errors occur or how error
transfer problem, and all the other classes could be consid- messages should be phrased or handled.
ered to be aspects of this case. As a computer language SQL1 shows its age. It displays "a
It is the transfer of relationships and associations and the lack of orthogonality in expression and formats, a mismatch
degree of "associativity" that can be represented, which is with its host language," has "mistakes" in the implementa-
the root of the problem. Most data transfer formats are at tion of NULL values, and does not support at all some im-
too "low" a level, that is, they deal in numbers or sets of portant aspects of the relational model, such as domains
numbers (tables), not in the relationship that one set of num- [11,12]. SQL also has many minor deficiencies, such as the
bers has with another [7,8]. lack of support for time and date information, and for var-
A significant relational materials database can contain 20 iable length character strings (which is much more serious).
to 50 distinct tables where implicit data normalization re- It also reduces programming productivity because it was de-
lationships (not stored in the tables) are absolutely necessary veloped before many modern programming techniques be-
to give the tables meaning [9,10]. An analogy with natural came practicable and therefore retards their use.
language translation is relevant: one can easily translate in- The standard will be updated as SQL2 in the near future.
dividual words from one language to another--though there It too is defined in several levels. Level 1 is simply a superset
are known difficulties such translations are rarely exact--but of SQL1, for compatibility, but now including standardized
that does not produce a translated sentence. error handling. Levels 2 and 3 provide significantly better
facilities and correct the major problems. Level 2 provides
SQL for variable length strings, support for multiple modules, a
SQL is a query language commonly used for the commu- "match" operation, national character sets, comprehensive
nication and control aspects of data transfer to and from error analysis, outer join operator, datatype casts, CASE ex-
relational databases. To handle the actual transfer of data, pression for NULL value conversion, additional consistency
it must be embedded in a "host" language, such as C or Pas- levels, and the ability to dynamically construct SQL queries
cal, or some proprietary fourth generation database pro- at execution time instead of having to have them precom-
gramming language [11]. SQL statements have to identify piled. SQL2/3 (Level 3) tidies the syntax to make it "cleaner,"
the precise names of the tables and fields (columns) in the introduces domain checking, datatypes for dates and times,
database being queried, and there are no standards yet for time-zone handling, deferred constraint checking, self-refer-
automatically acquiring the relevant names when a database encing delete and update cascades, scrolling cursors, and
is first contacted. SQL produces the results of a query as simple assertions.
represented in data structures in the host language. If the A working draft of SQL3, the planned successor to SQL2,
data is to be transferred into another database then another already exists though it is likely that before it is issued other
SQL program is required to do the "upload," using the (dif- activities (such as object-oriented and/or "semantic" data-
ferent) precise names for that database, assuming that there bases, and perhaps the International Resource Dictionary
are direct one-for-one identities between the two sets of System [IRDS] work) will have rendered the whole SQL ap-
names with no omissions. Omitted columns can break the proach obsolete. SQL3 is planned to introduce assertions
integrity relationships on which relational databases are triggered by general events, generalized tables and subtahles,
founded [12,13]. external procedure calls, user defined types, and perhaps up
SQL is therefore an appropriate language for communi- to 17 different types of NULL value (not present, irrelevant,
cating with a known and well-understood database where inappropriate, and so forth).
the SQL statements have been programmed specifically to Therefore, although SQL is a very significant achievement
access specific pre-defined queries, such as the interaction in raising the level of abstraction available for manipulating
between a front-end user interface with fixed facilities and a databases, there are many problems in representing mate-
single, specific background database. rials data to which it is irrelevant. Most companies selling
If standard methods existed for describing in a catalogue database management systems will include some of the fa-
the representation of materials data in relational databases, cilities of SQL2 in their products before it becomes a stan-
then sophisticated front-end programs could use that cata- dard, but none plan to implement it fully before then.
logue to construct appropriate SQL queries. This would be
possible even if the database were one which was entirely Object-Oriented Descriptions
new and had never been accessed before. However, use of Object-oriented databases are specifically designed to rep-
SQL in this way, as one element in an effective data transfer resent varieties of relationships between data explicitly.
system, requires that all participating materials databases However, there is as yet no standard way of representing
strictly adhere to as-yet-unwritten rules defining how cata- object relationships except through using a particular pro-
logues are to be structured. It is thus at best a long-term prietary database. The standards that do exist, the languages
solution. C+ + and the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), are at
SQL as defined in ISO 9075:1987 (SQL1) is not a new lan- too low a level. They represent named objects but do not

have a standard way of naming the all-important relation- formal field stating whether the test did conform to stan-
ships between objects. To suppose that producing a system dard, so the danger can be overcome.
using C+ + will solve information transfer problems is equiv- Data resulting from entirely nonstandard tests, or re-
alent to assuming that if an Englishman and, say, a Spaniard corded from components in service, or from manufacturing
both learn Morse Code, then they may be able to converse processes, present the greatest problem. For tests, the ap-
intelligently. C++, like Morse Code, is a very low-level propriate ASTM abstract test recording proforma could be
standard. used to derive a test record format which, while not stan-
dardized itself, would be close to what would be produced
were ASTM to produce such a standard. This could then be
T R A N S F E R OF S P E C I F I C T Y P E S OF formatted using the same "item-based" system as might be
MATERIALS DATA used for real ASTM standard tests. Alternatively, the test (or
service conditions, or process) could be described using EX-
If a datum is classified as to what it is then the set of PRESS, the data modeling language used to define the ISO
relationships and concepts associated with each materials 10303 Standard on Product Representation and Exchange,
data class will be smaller than if it is classified by how it is Part 11. This requires specialized expertise. It has been per-
used. However, although individual data transfer formats formed (once, by an expert) for a British Standard for the
might be easier to produce, there will be many more of them, recording of "single-point" data for polymers.
and there will always be the continuing need to translate
from one type into another. General Issues in R a w Data Formats
Wherever a new format or a new variety of format is de-
Product Data Cycle vised, it is extremely important that great care be taken with
the use of terminology [14-16], that is, that existing terms
The different uses of materials data in testing, aggregation, not be used in cases where there is even a slightly different
design, and analysis (including simulation of manufacturing shade of meaning, and that new terms be documented and
processes) have already been described earlier in this book. defined explicitly, preferably with reference to existing the-
Each stage of materials evaluation has characteristic rela- sauri (for example, the ASTM and the ASM/Institute of Met-
tionships and descriptions that are more similar within each als glossaries, and the European Commission's Common
stage than between stages, but of course data necessarily Reference Vocabulary for materials information [17]).
have to progress between stages so designing transfer for- Whatever type of format is used, the fact that raw data are
mats to be stage-specific is of limited use. Nevertheless some recorded implies that certain characteristics would be useful
types of data do lend themselves to specific and useful for each datum:
(1) It could be logically simple enough to be machine-gen-
erated directly from testing machines (complexity in the
Raw Data format would not be a problem now that modern testing
machines are controlled by standard personal
Strictly speaking, raw data are those produced directly
from experimental measurement, but the term is also used
(2) It could be in text form and thus hand-edited to add con-
to mean experimental data together with ancillary experi-
ditions not monitored by the machine and typed by the
mental details (metadata) and after preliminary validation
operator where the machine is too old to do it itself.
(checking for conformance to standard test practices). Data
(3) It could be interfaced usefully with existing computer-
resulting from any standard test are very close to being in a
ized Laboratory Information Management Systems
standard format, and ASTM is improving this by regulariz-
ing data recording (as described in Chapter 5). However,
part of the problem is that ASTM data tables are not nor-
malized are therefore not straightforwardly machine-inter- Materials Index Transfer
pretable. The terminology and precise meaning of individual
data items for many ASTM tests is now defined, and it would One distinct type of materials information is indexes of
be a very small step to now define a formal, written record- materials databases. Any establishment of either a gateway
ing format. This would be most straightforward if it were an system to mediate between users and a number of distinct,
"item-based" format (see later in this chapter). narrow databases, or a market in materials information re-
quires the formulation of a format to support the exchange
N o n s t a n d a r d Test Data of indexes (meaning catalogues, data directories, data dic-
Data resulting from nonstandard tests are more difficult. tionaries, thesauri, data encyclopedias, information resource
These could come either from innovative research, or from dictionary systems, and so forth), so that different systems
tests that were intended to be standard but which did not can communicate their capabilities and limitations.
conform in some way (for example, though use of smaller There are organizational difficulties in communicating
specimens than usual because of limited material samples). catalogues since many database providers consider that their
The latter could be represented using the format for the stan- methods for structuring information convey competitive ad-
dard test with an added annotation, but many database man- vantage, and while they do not mind their own customers
agers would see this as dangerous since receiving databases taking advantage of such structuring, they would be loath to
may omit the annotation. ASTM test records do include a publicize it more widely. Note that the internal representa-

tion of any database, which presumably is tuned for effi- (in terms of individual bytes, or "bit octets," as they are
ciency and performance, is irrelevant. It is only the structure called in the EDIFACT standard: ISO 9735-1987).
of the information as seen by a client user-interface program
that is important.
Specifying Engineering Products
Materials information frequently appears in the specifica-
Techno-Economic Materials Data tion of a complete engineering product as part of the defi-
nition of the product's components. Frequently a simple iden-
There are data that describes availability, pricing, and de-
tification of a standard alloy and heat-treatment is all that is
livery timing of commodity materials products, but also data
necessary, but, as discussed above under "Commodity Ma-
describing individual shipments and their quality control
terials Data," it is increasingly necessary to define the ma-
and quality assurance materials property data. These indi-
terial with reference to its processing history.
vidual shipment data are similar to Laboratory Information
While a product specification may just require a specifi-
Management Systems (LIMS) data.
cation of the material and required properties, a product de-
Commodity Materials Data scription, where a particular individual instance of the prod-
uct is concerned, will require substantial audit and specific
Commodity materials information has to be up to date, history information if it is used in a safety critical applica-
and there is a niche here for on-line database services, but tion. Examples include pressure vessels, aircraft airframes
otherwise it is very similar to other materials property in- and engines, and most nuclear engineering applications.
formation defined for particular specifications of materials Since the materials information is only a small part of the
(metal alloys, polymer grades). There are no standards for data defining the whole product, its transfer formats have to
transferring this information specifically, but the data rela- conform to those used for the product as a whole.
tionships are simple: one grade at one delivery schedule has
one price, so simple tables with named columns (fields) are CALS
adequate. Since the information is almost invariably read The American Department of Defense Computer-aided Ac-
directly by a h u m a n being, formal definitions of terms ena- quisition and Logistical Support (CALS) program aims to
bling the information to be machine-manipulated are rarely completely computerize all technical data relating to the ac-
necessary. quisition of weapon systems. The method is to adopt subsets
This type of data is becoming increasingly problematic of existing standards for data transfer and archiving, and to
since a continuingly increasing proportion of materials are change these adopted subsets as new standards are devel-
not sold as commodities. Technical ceramics nearly always oped. Thus currently geometric design data are required to
have to be made for specific components; long-fiber com- be available in IGES form, but CALS will migrate to using
posites always are made for specific components; polymer ISO 10303 when it becomes available. Several American mil-
grades are frequently developed for particular customers; itary organizations are funding development work on ISO
and increasingly even metal alloys are being ordered to var- 10303 (usually known as STEP) through the PDES organi-
iant specifications that have been negotiated between mate- zation (Product Data Exchange using STEP) to ensure that
rial supplier and engineering customer [18]. Since negotia- it can meet their requirements. Other adopted standards are
tions depend on the current state of the materials supplier's SGML for structured text (Structured Generalized Markup
processing equipment, more sophisticated automated pric- Language, ISO 8879-1986), CGM (Computer Graphics Me-
ing information will have to await significantly more com- tafile) for diagrams, and Group III facsimile for images. Most
plex software implementations and carefully controlled in- Department of Defense (DoD) procurement activity centers
terfaces to suppliers' internal computer systems. around the production and transfer of documents, so SGML
has a special role since it can have data encoded according
X. 12 and EDIFACT
to any other format embedded within it.
Shipment data are currently encoded using standard ASC Nonmilitary industry has enthusiastically welcomed the
X.12 in the United States and EDIFACT in the rest of the CALS initiative because it permits greater control of engi-
world. A n u m b e r of proprietary and industry-specific for- neering information, reduces waste, and should permit more
mats, very similar to X.12, also exist. X.12 is approved by rapid response to market forces. CALS also generally adopts
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), but ANSI international rather than purely domestic standards.
recommends transfer to the UN/ISO Electronic Data Inter-
change for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDI- ISO 10303 (STEP)
FACT) standard, which is a development from it and from The draft proposal for the ISO Product Information Rep-
other industry standards. resentation and Exchange (ISO 10303) aims for a complete
These standards are not only highly specific, they are also specification of engineering products, including civil engi-
in practice ambiguous for materials properties data transfer neering, ship-building, power electrics, electronics, ma-
because the concepts they define do not precisely match chines, and process engineering. It covers project manage-
those used in materials engineering. Thus different people ment, version control, and records of the engineering design
might use different identifiers ("tags") to represent the same process. The standard is written in formal data specification
thing. The difficulty with them is that every different type of language, EXPRESS, which defines "entities," how they are
message has to go through the entire international standard- composed of each other and how they relate to each other.
ization procedure. The formats are defined at a very low level It is strongly conditioned by its origins in the requirement

to communicate geometry information (CAD data transfer), S C H E M A My 3D Demo;

and how such information should be displayed. Defining ge-
ometry using a fixed number of entities uses, as defined ear- ENTITY 3D_Point;
lier, the closed-world assumption. X, Y, Z: REAL;
The materials content of the standard when it is first is- END_ENTI~;
sued (probably some time in 1994) will be confined to ma-
terial designation and identification (including processing ENTITY Sphere;
history), independent variables, and other metadata, and lin- Radius: REAL;
ear elasticity parameters suited for finite-element analysis. Center: 3D_Point;
Note that input parameters to finite-element analysis are also WHERE
amenable to the closed-world assumption. IF (Radius < 0) T H E N
The representation of material designation and identifi- VIOLATION;
cation is based on the abstract closed-world principle. Suf- ENDIF;
ficient basic entities are defined that any process or proce- END_ENTITY;
dure used to create or refine a material should be describable
by use in combination. ENTITY Line ;
No test data formats are yet defined, which is something p0, pl : 3D_Point;
of a problem since many materials are identified, or more E N D _ E N T I TY;
properly distinguished, by characteristic values of certain of
their properties that are measured for quality assurance. ENTITY Triangle;
While any particular type of materials data can be repre- I0, ii, 12: Line;
sented in EXPRESS, such representation is not straightfor- WHERE
ward and takes a long time. It has taken over two years to ll.p0 =;
agree on a representation just for elastic moduli and neces- 12.p0 =;
sary metadata. 10.p0 =;
ISO 10303 uses the data modeling language, EXPRESS, END_SCHEMA;
to define and describe materials entities, such as material_
_product or material_spatial_structure. ISO 10303 also de- FIG. 8.2--Example of EXPRESS.
fines how a set of data conforming to these EXPRESS entity
descriptions should be represented in a "physical file," that
is, a stream of bytes. (The only byte codes used are those once defined (such as 3D_Point), can be used as a "type" for
defined as ASCII so the physical file is human-readable and a component of another entity.
can be changed with a text editor). EXPRESS also has a Separately defined is the standard translation of data into
graphical analogue, EXPRESS-G, which precisely represents a physical file format (bytes on a tape). All technical infor-
in "lines and boxes" the entities and their relationships. Sev- mation has a logical structure defined in EXPRESS. There
eral commercial "upper-CASE" (Computer Aided Software is then only one way to convert that data to the actual trans-
Engineering) software tools are available, which can be con- mission format, and it is the same for the entire ISO 10303
figured to define and maintain consistent EXPRESS-G dia- standard. This is the same sort of layered approach as used
grams [19]. by Open System Interconnection (OSI) in that by defining
The EXPRESS description defines the precise relation- interfaces correctly it is possible to reuse software and to
ships and dependencies between the data and metadata en- reduce complexity at each layer (see later).
tities and is thus capable of being used as a database schema,
the description of how a materials database is logically con- "Open-World" Information in ISO 10303
structed. Although ISO 10303 has been developed principally
Materials information requires an "escape" mechanism so
as a data transfer and archiving mechanism, several research that open-ended problems can be represented. Some facili-
teams 3 have developed software that constructs an empty re-
ties along these lines are being designed by the Materials ISO
lational database directly from EXPRESS definitions
10303 committees but are being strenuously opposed by
(whether these definitions appear in the ISO 10303 or not).
many other working groups, particularly those representing
Software which accepts the ISO 10303 physical file data and
the geometric "core" of the standard. There are two mecha-
uses it to populate such an empty database is under
nisms for allowing more general communication:
Figure 8.2 gives something of the flavor of EXPRESS, (1) the facility to declare a property variable as a text-string,
though it has many more facilities than are shown here. This and hence to communicate any property, and
example defines a triangle as being made up of three lines, (2) the standard facility to extend ISO 10303 (STEP) by
each line being defined by two points. Note that any entity, transmitting EXPRESS-descriptions of not yet standard-
ized entities, using the software apparatus developed for
3Rutherford Appleton SERC Laboratory (RAL)in the United King- STEP and the same physical file format.
dom and the United States Navy. Contact for in- The danger with either of these is that new properties will
formation on the RAL tools. have new names, and without agreed standardized property

names no c o m m u n i c a t i o n is possible. Thus these extensions TABLE 8.1--OSI seven levels and examples.
will be useful for industry-specific groups that can agree on 7 Application FTAM, X.400, STEP
defined terminologies. Realistically this is the only option 6 Presentation ISO 8822, 8823
anyway. The terminology problem is so large that it 5 Session Session Protocol 8327
can only be handled by industry-specific groups working 4 Transport ISO 8073
3 Network X.25
independently. 2 Datalink LAN logical link Control, LAP-B
1 Physical Token Bus, Token Ring, Slotted Ring
ISO 10303 (STEP) Invisibility
In principle, very few people would actually be aware of
the inner workings of ISO 10303. They would just interact
with ISO 10303-compatible software packages, which would nection (Levels 1 to 4, see Table 8.1) from those required for
ensure that any data transfer that was necessary would be software to actually interwork (Levels 5 to 7).
performed invisibly and painlessly. Such a scenario is un- Materials data transfer is, by definition in OSI, concerned
likely to be appropriate for materials information because only with the highest level, Layer 7, the application layer.
the materials data cycle, from raw to validated and then spec- The problem with m a n y transfer standards for materials
ification data, necessarily requires changes in the "data mod- properties and other data is that they do not generally adhere
eling" of the information as it progresses. This would seem to the eminently sensible OSI scheme. This means that the
to require more direct intervention into the precise defini- transfer formats are more complex than they need be since
tions of types of information that the ISO 10303 process an- OSI separates functionality into different levels in order to
ticipates. However, for designers whose primary task is to enable software at lower levels to be safely and effectively
interact with finite-element models of components, and who reused. Thus, it is advantageous if a purely seventh-level ap-
always use the same type of materials information that is plication, such as materials data transfer, restricts itself to
supplied to them by a separate data evaluation team, ISO purely seventh level implementation details and uses the
10303 will do everything they require. ability of other software to supply the underlying support
(such as error-checking). This simplifies the format and re-
ISO 10303 Recommendations duces complexity.
Anyone n o w beginning to specify a new materials database If datafiles are to be exchanged on a potentially noisy sys-
w h o is concerned about data transfer and wishes to even- tem, such as by sending floppy disks t h r o u g h the letter post,
tually make use of STEP technology should obtain a copy of it makes sense to use a separate commercial or public do-
Part 11 of ISO 10303 (or a more recent update) and learn m a i n software to compress the file and to calculate a redun-
the EXPRESS m e t h o d for logically defining database enti- dancy check (CRC), which can be checked by the recipient
ties. EXPRESS is now stable and will not be changed, so on decompressing to ensure that uncorrupted files are re-
delay cannot be justified on those grounds. ceived. If transmitted over a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s system then
A new database should attempt to use as m a n y STEP-stan- the appropriate lower-level protocols should be used to pro-
dard materials entities 4 as possible, particularly those cov- vide underlying error-checking.
eting material p r o d u c t (form, processing, and so forth), ma- All the standards that define OSI are written in a formal
terial characterization, material general descriptions language, Abstract Syntax Notation One [20], which helps to
(source, identification, and so forth), and the standard logi- ensure that the standards are precise and unambiguous.
cal relationships between the materials data environment (de-
fining parameters and independent variables) and sets of ma- OSI Profiles
terials properties. This is because a great deal of effort has
been expended on organizing these concepts, and it would Because there are several alternative OSI standards in
be a waste of m o n e y to attempt to repeat this work each "level" or "layer," for example, token-ring, token-bus,
needlessly. ethernet alternatives for local area networks, the total num-
ber of combinations is enormous. Thus purchasing and pro-
curement organizations have introduced simplifications for
O T H E R R E L E V A N T T E C H N I C A L DATA their o w n use. These take the form of "profiles" or "stacks,"
TRANSFER STANDARDS which are "vertical" sections t h r o u g h the OSI 7-layer struc-
ture, and which include only one or two standards at each
Open System Interconnection (OSI) layer. Currently both the United Kingdom and United States
governments have each defined a Government OSI Profile
OSI is an internationally agreed design template for infor- (GOSIP).
m a t i o n technology. This 7-Layer Basic Reference Model
(OIS 7498) splits the facilities required for network intercon-
MAP/TOP and miniMAP
4The materials schema draft is available to all interested parties The Manufacturing Automation Protocols and Technical
from the Chairman of the STEP Materials Committee, currently J.
R. Rumble Jr., NIST. Up-to-date entire STEP drafts in machine- and Office Protocols (MAP/TOP) are all based on OSI prin-
readable form are freely available, automatically, to anyone with ciples and adopt m a n y of the same standards. They also add
access to electronic mail. Send a message consisting only of the a few m o r e options at Levels 1, 5, and 7. MAP was devised
words SEND HELP, and then, on a new line, SEND INDEX to In- by General Motors and TOP by Boeing, but both are n o w
ternet address maintained by public bodies.

A cut-down version of MAP, called miniMAP, offers faster Material Tube Bar Strip Wire
response for the factory shop floor by compacting the 7-layer 'Ti-6AI-4V' No Yes Yes No
system into 3 layers (which renders it non-OSI compatible). 'AI 6061-T6' Yes No Yes No
As far as top level (level 7) applications programs are con- 'A@/Y-Ba-Cu-O' No No No Yes

cerned both OSI and MAP/TOP "look" the same so any ma-
terials transfer format that works with OSI will work with versus:

MAP/TOP [5]. Material Form

'Ti-6AI-4V' 'Bar'
'Ti-6AI-4V' 'Strip'
Open Distributed Processing 'AI 6061 T6' 'Tube'
'AI 6061 T6' 'Strip'
One problem with the OSI view of the world is that a very 'A@/Y-Ba-Cu-O' 'Wire'
large variety of functions and requirements seem to be
classed as Level 7. This is quite natural. It is because there FIG. 8.3--Different ways of expressing names and values.
is no "upper limit" to the functions that people would like to
embody in computer systems. OSI is only concerned with
the transmission of data, not information. It does not ad- requires a larger number of different categories, typically
dress any of the issues that are involved in distributed sys- several hundred, with complex interrelationships. The ex-
tems, where the processing of the information also moves pression of the degrees of associativity permitted in a format
over the system and changes location. Architectures for dis- must, however, always be part of the format definition since
tributed processing are now under development (an archi- it is a direct function of the syntax.
tecture in this context makes knowledge about a subject sys- In the past, these two aspects of materials property data,
tematic through frameworks of abstractions, design names, and associations, have often been confused.
templates, design guidelines, and recipes), and will define
where OSI "stops."
The United Kingdom Alvey research program set up a pro- Terminology
ject to study distributed systems called Advanced Networked
Systems Architecture (ANSA), and this work is now taken up The definition of names and the interpretation to be placed
by ISO (SC21/WG7: Open Distributed Processing), by CCITT on them (their "meaning") can be defined within the speci-
(Distributed Application Framework), and by ECMA (Stan- fication of a transfer format, or can be excluded and defined
dard 127 of TC32: ODP support Environment). Some inter- elsewhere in some other reference document such as a data
national standards already exist that are properly better thesaurus [21]. The naming problem is general and inde-
thought of as part of ODP rather than OSI, for example, pendent of the structure of the data transfer format. All types
CCITT's X.500 standard for directory services. of transfer format require that terminology be agreed: but
Open distributed processing standards will be important the precision and detail of definition for software systems is
for "active" materials data interchange and vital to materials much greater than that typically found in technical glossa-
index interchange. The notion of setting up "conversations" lies (for example, the CEC's Common Reference Vocabulary
is software in which information can be traded about which [CRV] or ASTM's on-going terminology projects).
databases contain the materials data relevant to a query falls A basic problem became apparent during the development
firmly in the province of ODP. Future materials information of the CRV. Software developers require sets of definitions
systems should ensure that they stay consistent with the de- precisely as they are used within the databases that refer to
veloping international standards in this area. them even if these definitions are more restricted or diver-
gent from those generally accepted. This is highly confusing
to general users who are used to "standard" definitions from
TRANSFER FORMAT ISSUES pre-existing glossaries, which may have many, slightly vari-
ant meanings. An example from the CRV is "paintability,"
which can be used to denote the ability to be covered with
A passive communication of some materials property data
paint, or the ability to be used as a paint.
must be able to express two things:
It is easy to say that database developers should only use
(1) the relationship between names of properties ("field- vocabulary that has already been precisely standardized, but
names") and their values, and the reality is that many databases built with nonstandard
(2) the interrelationship or associativity between sets of terminology now exist, and in any case standardization ef-
these names and values. forts will always seriously lag behind the need for terms de-
The associativity is necessary in order to express the re- fined with the precision required by data dictionaries.
lationship between the data and that data that describe or
modify the simple data. Examples of associations are those
between the maximum and minimum values of a measure- Names and Values
ment, the ranges of conditions over which some other meas-
urement is valid, or the existence of a functional dependence It is not always obvious what should be a name of a field-
of a measurement on some other property (for example, type and what should be a data value. For numeric data it
hardness depends strongly on the heat-treatment history is usually straightforward: a fieldname of "modulus" and a
whereas density does not). The design of materials systems value of "42.1" is unambiguous, but there is also the problem

of different ways of expressing the same thing, even using TABLE 8.2--Example of functional dependency.
the same names (Fig. 8.3). Material Hardness, MPa Plastic Strain, %
Here the terms "bar," "tube," and so forth, are fieldnames
Copper 424 0
in the first example, but data in the second. This also dem- Copper 752 25
onstrates that very similar databases, such as those repre- Copper 1334 48
sented by these two tables (Fig. 8.3), may find it impossible
to communicate unless there is a defined means to convert
from one database logical structure (schema) to the other.
This currently cannot be done automatically even for the pendencies are forced into this one mold, the definitions of
simple case illustrated here. This thus implies personal in- what are needed in a materials identification become more
volvement of human users in materials data transfer for and more complex, including such things as materials sup-
some time to come. The only alternative is the widespread plier, heat-treatment schedules, chemical composition, age
adoption of STEP-standard database schemas and a wide and so on, when many of these "designatory" properties
use of EXPRESS to define them, although it should be noted could be more clearly represented as metadata for a partic-
that the two tables shown here would have different EX- ular property measurement. Thus material subjected to dif-
PRESS descriptions that would be incompatible. ferent degrees of plastic strain (Table 8.2) would usually be
given a different designation for each strain to remove all
functional dependency between nonkey fields, but this trick
Capability for General Expression would not work for Table 8.3 where there is multifunction
In devising a data transfer format to be used between da- dependency.
tabases it is necessary to ensure that the format is at least What is needed for materials data transfer is a way of rep-
as capable of expressing relationships as are any of the par- resenting the dependencies explicitly in addition to the
ticipating databases. Many formats have been proposed for names and values. (Another problem with materials data is
materials data, but the specification of the degree of this ca- that in many cases, although the data are known and meas-
pability, of the degree of associativity, is often not well de- ured to some degree of accuracy, the dependencies are un-
fined, In some cases an arbitrary degree of "nesting" is per- known, for example, does polymer creep-rate depend on hu-
mitted, and it is naively assumed that this is generally midity or not? Should polymers with different water
adequate. What is required is some more formal argument contents be identified as different materials?)
that will convince potential users that the format's capabil-
ities have been precisely specified.
Functional Dependency
A relational database consisting of several tables and in-
Functional dependency is the dependence of the value of
tegrity constraints is capable of representing any logical set
a field in a row on the values of other fields in the same row.
of relationships between data that is describable by the re-
This is a property of the real world, which is being described
lational calculus [12]. This is a very wide capability indeed.
by the database and cannot even in principle be observed
It follows that a set of tables of data, communicated as a
from only the data. Any dependence is an unchanging aspect
data transfer format, has the same representational capabil-
of the database, like the names of the fields and the tables,
ity. However there are many different ways of representing
not an ephemeral, such as the values in the tables at any one
the same data in tables, so simple table formats are always
instant of time.
multivalent (as defined earlier). Another difficulty is that the
Table 8.2 shows a functional dependency of hardness of
relationships remain implicit in the tables. There is no stan-
degree of plastic strain (such as might be applied by repeated
dard way of representing dependencies even if the tables are
cold-rolling). There is a dependence of hardness on plastic
normalized up to 5th Normal Form [12]. Thus complex re-
strain that is fairly obvious from the data alone. There is a
lationships have to be documented to accompany any mul-
multifunctional dependence in Table 8.3, which is not ob-
titabular data transfer format (an attempt is described at the
vious, and in fact cannot be deduced from the data alone,
end of this chapter).
that is, the mutual and complex dependence of hardness on
Single tables are very important in practice, they are the
yield stress where the proportionality of the dependence also
single most commonly used basic medium of data transfer.
depends on the plastic strain.
Thus sometimes it is appropriate to denormalize an existing
Thus a simple transmission of just a set of data tables is
relational database and to generate from several tables a sin-
inadequate because the functional dependencies are not rep-
resented. However a set of data tables together with a set of
catalogue tables can represent the necessary associativity.
TABLE 8.3--Example of multi-functional dependency.
Hardness, Plastic Strain, Yield Stress.
Materials Identification Material MPa % MPa
In materials databases there is usually only one commonly Copper 424 0 60
assumed dependency, the dependence of a material's prop- Copper 752 23 134
erties on its designation or identification. Because all de- Copper 1334 48 476

gle table containing m a n y duplicated fields, which is then with any degree of associativity expressible in the relational
transferred to another system. This is potentially dangerous calculus. The xBase language however does not provide in-
because functional dependency can b e c o m e implicit. This is tegrity and consistency support, and functional dependency
an example of a general case: a transfer format can often use can only be expressed t h r o u g h hand-built catalogue files.
repetition of data as a strategy to avoid complexity in the xBase is typical of a great n u m b e r of proprietary database
format itself. file formats, and all have similar types of facilities and re-
strictions. Since xBase is soon to be a standard, and since it
is so typical, it is worthwhile describing some of its restric-
SAE Aerospace Standard 4159
tions in some detail.
This aerospace standard has been submitted to ANSI and xBase limits the total size of any file, the total n u m b e r of
proposes a standard w a y of encoding a single table of ma- fields, and the total size of each record. It imposes on the
terials data [22]. This imprecise d o c u m e n t also defines a new user the need to classify each column ("field") precisely in
type of datafile, a "table file," which contains a normalized terms of the type of value to be stored and its m a x i m u m
table of numerical data (1st Normal Form) packed into 80 length (in bytes). Values m u s t be classified as character,
character lines (card images) with initial label fields in ac- fixed-numeric, logical, date, or "memo." Character strings
cordance with MIL-STD-1840A (labels that merely describe m u s t be less than 254 bytes long and must not contain ASCII
the source and destination of the data). After the labels, this "NULL" characters. Numeric values must be less than 19
table file has a header containing a list of fieldnames and digits and exponential format is not allowed. Integers and
then the numerical data. floating point fields are not interchangeable. Free-form text
It imposes the requirement that the table be in "1st Nor- of up to 4000 bytes can be stored "in" a m e m o field, but the
mal Form" [12], so it resembles a single xBase file (see be- text is actually kept in a separate file; the datafile contains a
low) in its capability for representing relationships. There is pointer to it. Most important for materials data, xBase does
no defined m e t h o d for associating several tables. It also de- not permit any kind of NULL value for n u m e r i c fields.
fines syntax for the addition of footnotes, which means that
it is really only suitable for information oriented directly at Criteria for Tabular Formats
h u m a n beings who can read and interpret the footnotes. Ta-
The criteria for a useful plain-text tabular format [8] are
ble 8.4 is an example taken f r o m AS 4159 [22].
as follows
(1) The simplest useful format.
xBase a n d Equivalent Tabular Data Transfer (2) A flat-file table-like representation.
Formats (3) Convertible to and from xBase .dbf files.
Relational databases can always be t h o u g h t of as (and are (4) Plain-text to aid editing and word processing.
designed to be viewed as) a set of tables with labeled column (5) Possible to include as an external reference in an SGML
headings and unlabeled rows together with a set of integrity document.
constraints. Normalized tables always permit only a single (6) Compatible with being made c o n f o r m a n t to MIL-STD-
value at each location in the table, and column headings 1840A.
(fieldnames) have no units or other attributes. They are just (7) Designed for machine-readability, not just a way to rep-
labels (1st Normal F o r m [12]). All other information m u s t resent tables of data for presentation to people.
be stored in other associated normalized tables. (8) Extensible to arbitrary complexity.
The commercially supported database format (xBase) is
xBase already being used by m a n y materials properties database
managers to upload test-data into their databases. The main
The xBase database file format is simply a means of en- disadvantage of the xBase format is that it is defined in bi-
coding a single table as a single file of bytes, together with nary, and the contents of xBase files are not easily viewed or
a large n u m b e r of implementation-related detailed restric- edited, especially not if the files are transferred to minicom-
tions. The format (the ".dbf' file) is n o w the subject of stan- puters or mainframes.
dardization activity by an industry consortium, but it origi- The a r g u m e n t for supporting a simplest possible useful
nated with a proprietary software system and was originally format is that, whatever happens, people will use a simplest-
defined for files only on one type of personal computer. How- possible format because using formal international stan-
ever, it is equally valid for any c o m p u t e r that regards files as dards has very high overheads in programmer-training and
a simple sequence of bytes. A set of xBase files, in which software cost. If such formats are going to be used anyway,
c o m m o n fieldnames make cross-references, can contain data it makes sense to design one in such a way that it can be

TABLE 8.4---Example of AS4159.

UNS ASTM Form mire D max_D X-Area Tensile Yield Elong
M11311 AZ31B bars 0 6.32 all 241 145 7
M11311 AZ31B bars 6.35 38.07 all 241 152 7
M11311 AZ31B bars 38.10 63.47 all 234 152 7

(1) used as part of existing standards schemes (for example, The general lesson is to be aware of the NULL value prob-
SGML: ISO 8879-1986) and (2)extended smoothly to the lem when using xBase-like formats and to try to use such
higher functionality required by other users. formats in a simple, unsophisticated way because this will
aid format conversion later.
Simplicity and User-Editing
The requirement to be simple for users to edit by h a n d has Multiple Tuples
several implications. First, there must be no arbitrary
"counts," such as n u m b e r s of records or lengths of strings to In relational databases it is essential for tuples (rows,
be typed in. It is awkward to have to re-edit a n u m b e r at the lines) to be distinct. Multiple tuples have no meaning, and
beginning of the file whenever a spelling mistake is corrected even in cases where they can be entered into a database they
near the end. The user should not have to make unnecessary cannot then be retrieved. Unlike relational databases, tabular
decisions about the data that are not relevant to his own formats permit several tuples to be the same. This is actually
work, such as h o w long to allow for the length of text fields a c o m m o n occurrence in experimental data and only causes
or the n u m b e r of places of decimals required for numerics. problems if the data c o m m u n i c a t i o n is going to be imme-
There should be no artificial and arbitrary limits on what diately and automatically loaded into a relational database
can be typed so long as it obviously makes sense. Software on receipt. If it does cause problems then the cure is simple:
is quite capable of counting the n u m b e r of fields, of distin- add a field to all tuples that consist of a sequence number.
guishing between strings and numbers, of measuring the
length of the longest string, and of recognizing a wide variety
of n u m b e r formats; so it makes no sense to impose these Alternative Presentations
tasks on the user.
In a plain-text translation of xBase data files, data consist The freedom to change the layout independently of the
of a n u m b e r of "tuples" (rows or records) where each tuple content results from permitting a variety of separator char-
contains one value for each field name. The world "tuple" is acters and of making multiple separators m e a n the same as
used because a table's row structure m a y not be evident in a single separator.
the data transfer structure. The general lesson here is that a
m i n i m u m of formal formatting should be required.
The numeric and string types can be automatically rec- Multitabular Format
ognized by the values that appear. There is a slight danger
There are m a n y drawbacks of the simple, single tabular
that a single typing error, such as O ("oh") for 0 ("zero"),
exchange format even without considering the restrictions
m a y cause an entire set of n u m b e r s to be classified as strings,
imposed by xBase compatibility. These are as follows:
but the translation software should be aware of this possi-
bility and produce appropriate warning messages [23]. (1) Repeated data are repeated in the transmission.
(2) Single-point data require a whole file to itself.
(3) The available associativity is only very simple [7,23].
These can be alleviated by using multiple data files to de-
We must apply a n u m b e r of restrictions if we are to main- scribe the same set of data, a technique k n o w n as "normal-
tain free interconversion with xBase files [8]. The most no- ization." If all the data are sent (or stored) in a single table
table is possibly that which limits fieldnames to being only as defined above then it is "simply normalized" or "in 1st
10 characters long. Some of these restrictions are awkward normal form," further normalization removes r e d u n d a n c y
and unpleasant, but rather than extend them immediately, without losing information. The principle involved is very
it makes sense to define a base format and a separate, up- simple, that is, any one item of information should only be
wardly compatible extended format that removes the restric- represented once.
tions. A great deal m a y be gained by having a freely xBase- The simplest extension to the simple tabular format is to
interconvertible format because of its industrial prevalence. add an extra definition file to a set of single-table files en-
xBase does not permit NULL values for numeric (or date) coded according to the simple tabular form. No meaning
fields, although strings can contain the empty string, and should be ascribed to the order in which the filenames or
"logicals" can be "unset" (neither True not False). This lack the tables appear [8].
of NULLSis a severe disadvantage for materials property data
where absent values are very c o m m o n . With xBase the only
way to represent NULL is to associate every numeric field Integrity Restriction
with another field that contains a value determining whether
the numeric is NULL or not (which is h o w databases that do Using multiple tables to describe a single set of data gives
support NULLS actually do it). An alternative "workaround" more capabilities but also introduces a few more possibili-
is to use special numbers which will "never" appear in real ties of error. The tables are linked by having some fields in
data such as 0.0, - 9 9 9 , and so on, but this is dangerousP c o m m o n . Therefore every table m u s t have at least one field
in c o m m o n with another table, t h o u g h not necessarily the
5Many materials in some databases acquire melting points of 32~ same field. If a table has no c o m m o n fields then it is really
because unavailable values have been set to zero degrees, inter- describing a distinct set of data and should not be referenced
preted as Celsius by default. by the definition file.

E x t e n d e d Format C o n c l u s i o n s on Table-Based Formats

An extended format, with the requirement for xBase com- The dominance of xBase-like binary formats in personal
patibility removed, should have the following additional ca- c o m p u t e r systems has p r o m p t e d an analysis of their restric-
pabilities: tions for materials data transfer. Text versions of these for-
(1) Fieldnames can be arbitrarily long, can be in u p p e r and mats are entirely feasible and remove m a n y of the difficul-
lower case (but "Strength" is not distinct from ties. There are a n u m b e r of simple extensions to single-table
"strength"), and can contain any characters apart from formats, such as using multiple tables and implementing
quotes. NULL values, which while innocent and useful in themselves
(2) String values can be arbitrarily long. lead to problems in combination.
(3) Tuples can contain any n u m b e r of fields. A general lesson is that while very simple formats are pos-
(4) There is no limit on the n u m b e r of tuples in a data file. sible, the simpler the format the greater the load placed on
(5) Numerics can contain any reasonable, u n a m b i g u o u s software to produce it and, especially, interpret it. Develop-
representation of numbers, for example, ". le-0005." ing software (even if it is just spreadsheet macros) is expen-
(6) Numerics can be of any magnitude, that is, less than le- sive. Therefore simple formats have hidden costs.
17, and more than 1e 19.
(7) Comments can be inserted in the datafiles wherever
whitespace is permitted. C o m m e n t s can be nested. ITEM-BASED FORMATS
(8) NULLS are permitted and can be interpreted as a valid
string (distinct from the empty string) and as a valid The basic principle that distinguishes item-based formats
numeric (distinct from zero). is that they start by associating one n a m e with one value and
(9) A title and description can be included in the data file. then extend the concept to lists of values and sometimes lists
(10) Units can be described more straightforwardly. of names by making additions to the permitted syntax. Item-
This is a general list of requirements that cannot be met based formats are thus based on the NAME = VALUE system
by most c o m m o n xBase-like formats. If an extended format where the VALUE can, in some formats, consist of lists and
is required, then this presents reasonable criteria for other name/value pairs, that is, NAME=(VALUE, VALUE,
development. VALUE..) or NAME=(NAME=VALUE, NAME=VALUE,..). If only
Since the extended format can describe data not express- value-lists are permitted then the structure of the associa-
ible in xBase format, information could be lost if data files tions can only be tree-like (branching from a c o m m o n root)
of this type were translated into xBase. The extended format although several distinct trees in any set of data usually per-
is therefore intended as a transfer format in its own right, mitted (one per "record").
to be used between software and databases that contain di- Modern object-oriented data modeling techniques are
rect translators. This implies that the range of software avail- item-based. They add extra operators, such as inheritance,
able that could use this more powerful format would be which significantly complicate the semantics and greatly in-
smaller than the range available for the xBase compatible crease the required preciseness of definitions. They will be
version. required for future generations of materials concept-ontol-
It is awkward to have to set up a distinct table to contain ogles on which interoperating "active" data transfer systems
the units information. So in the extended format, a "unit list" will be based [16], but currently they are research tools only.
might be developed. Such a structure would contain the
same n u m b e r of strings as the "field list," with each string
P o s s i b l e Associativities
containing the unit information for the respective field
name. Item formats, since they resemble linear strings, can be
Multitabular capabilities can be added to the extended for- thought of as being one-dimensional (1D) c o m p a r e d with the
m a t by adding a structure for collections of tables in a def- clearly two-dimensional (2D) nature of tabular formats. The
inition file. Extensions to the definition file format itself con- reason for the emphasis on item formats is that a simple
sist only of the ability to include comments. Note that item format is simpler than a simple tabular format. How-
c o m m e n t s should be avoided if it is at all possible to put the ever, such simple formats have inadequate expressiveness
same information in properly defined fields. This is partic- for the associativity required for materials information.
ularly noteworthy because c o m m e n t s are often used to store What is required is some way of generalizing from 1D format
informal quality information (such as "this data no good"), m o r e dimensions without losing the simplicity of the origi-
which really should be represented explicitly. nal 1D.
A new restriction is necessary when combining the mul- More general associativities, such as those possible with
titable facility with the possibility of NULL values. For the relational databases, can be thought of as multiple-con-
fields c o m m o n to more than one table it is important that nected lattices rather than trees. This capability can be
no values in any of the tables are NULL. A m o m e n t ' s thought achieved in a list-oriented (item-based) transfer format or
will show that merely because two distinct sets of data (tu- data model only if "reference names" can be used that allow
ples) are lacking a data point (that is, have a NULL value cross-reference between distinct trees. This corresponds to a
somewhere) does not m e a n that they should be linked, as transfer format where a n a m e is permitted anywhere a value
they would be on any other c o m m o n value [12,13]. This is is required. There are other c o m m o n cases that even this
an example where two simple extensions to a transfer format technique cannot handle.
have an unpleasant synergy. The above discussion of trees, lattices, and tables is a re-

TABLE 8.5--Material designation guidelines. TABLE 8.7--Implicitly nested data (retabulated for clarity).
Characterization PROP
compositional detail "CmpYldStr", "MPa", "ksi", 0, 0.145038
phase composition COND
elemental symbols 20, "air"
measured weight % VALU
minimum weight % 1075, "t", "AA"
maximum weight %
Source COND
manufacturer 205, "air"
country of origin VALU
800, "t", "AA"
capitulation of the historical comparisons of hierarchical, 371, " "
network, and relational databases, but from the point of view 695, "t", "AA"
of their descriptive power for materials information. The da-
tabase aspects are discussed m o r e fully in textbooks [12,13].

Partial I d e n t i t y the fields from ASTM E-39's generic guidelines for materials
designation as shown in Table 8.5.
Partially s y n o n y m o u s terms are always a problem in ma- Table 8.6 shows a fragment showing a NAME=(VALUE,
terials databases. For example, "elastic limit" and "fracture" VALUE,VALUE..) type of format used by ASM. Here multiple
are identical for ceramics, but distinct for metals and poly-
values require repetition of the fieldname, and values are
mers (because they are plastic and not brittle). Any materials
separated by newline characters, not by -- symbols [24]. The
database system or transfer system based only on globally-
fieldnames, SPEC and COMP (specification and composition),
defined names cannot handle this problem unless the syntax are built-in to the format itself. This is typical of most item-
allows some way for the meaning or interpretation of the
formats in that they only allow predefined names entities to
n a m e to be modified u n d e r certain circumstances. Relational
have values, where the values must c o n f o r m to a predefined
databases, because the tables are treated as mathematical
implicit structure.
sets, must consider all names to be defined "at the same
This same format also has NAME=(NAME=VALUE,
NAME=VALUE, .) features in its representation of experimen-

This is an area where a strictly tree-structured transfer for- tal data plots. A sequence of numeric data is associated with
mat (or database) has no problems. The meaning of a term
the m o s t recent declaration of a property: PROP=(COND=20,
can be easily redefined to apply to all subtrees from that
Cmp YldStr=1075,..) (Table 8.7).
point. However as soon as cross references are added, then
This format also has open-world capability, in addition to
two policies for interpretation are possible: Is the m e a n i n g
the dosed-world nature of the earlier lists of predefined
of a term (1) that which derives from the access route (via
names. It permits the declaration of a new property (and
any cross reference) or (2) that which derives from its po-
metadata) [24].
sition as declared in the tree? Both policies have sufficient
These types of item-based format are very capable for rep-
drawbacks so that most practical databases find both to be
resenting a particular database's archive data, but are almost
useless for transferring data between different database sys-
tems with different schemas because the definition of the
Item Formats source database's schema is written into the format in an
The simplest item format is one where there is a single list indelible and implicit manner. Not only is specific transla-
of fieldnames, each of which is permitted precisely one tion software required to transfer data from this format into
value. Usually, however, only one fieldname need have a sin- a recipient database, but the format itself does not d o c u m e n t
gle value (the "key" in relational database terms), and mul- its own implicit data dependencies. This makes the writing
tiple values are both useful and sensible. A good example are of translation software dependent on the informal d o c u m e n -
tation of the format (in English) rather than on a description
written in a formal grammar. The situation would be im-
TABLE 8.6--ASCII data recording format. proved if format originators could produce formal d o c u m e n -
tation of their format written in EXPRESS.
"AMS", "4975", " "
"MIL", "F-83142", " " Problems of Complexity
"Al", 5.5, 6.5 It is possible to extend an item-format to arbitrary levels
"Sn", 1.8, 2.2 of dimensionality by introducing series of upwards-compat-
COMP ible additions to the format definition, but every level of ca-
"Zr", 3.6, 4.4 pability adds increasing complexity to such a degree, in both
FORM concepts and extra syntax, that it becomes harder and harder
to understand and to use. On the other hand, tabular (rela-

tional) formats have the a d v a n t a g e of a d e c a d e o r m o r e ex- TABLE 8.8--Material catalogue tables.

perience w i t h r e l a t i o n a l d a t a b a s e s [7]. #Material-Catalogue#
Short-Name Long-Name
Conclusions on Item-Based Formats
metal all pure metals and alloys, but not MMCs
Since i t e m - b a s e d f o r m a t s start b y associating one n a m e cu-alloys brasses, bronzes, etc.
w i t h one value a n d t h e n extend the c o n c e p t to allow lists of brasses copper and zinc alloys
values, they are well-suited to situations w h e r e the d a t a con- st-steels stainless steels (austenitic)
sist of a few, individual values. The l i n e a r o r tree-like struc- al-alloys aluminum alloys
ture, especially if extended using cross-references to sub- mid-steel mild steels
PE polythene: low and high density
trees, is perfectly a d e q u a t e for m a n y types of simple data. LDPE low density polythene
Thus unless the d e s i g n e r of a general transfer f o r m a t is
p r e p a r e d at the outset to h a n d l e the c o m p l e x i t y of extending
o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l to h i g h e r d i m e n s i o n [7], it is r e c o m m e n d e d
t h a t all i t e m - b a s e d f o r m a t s be avoided unless t h e i r require- McCarthy's Data Thesaurus [21,27]. The tables here are very
m e n t s are (and will r e m a i n ) extremely modest. F a r b e t t e r is r u d i m e n t a r y , a third catalogue table (in a d d i t i o n to p r o p e r -
to use E X P R E S S to formally define the fields for the item- ties a n d materials) should be used to define the r e l a t i o n s h i p s
b a s e d format, a n d t h e n rely on software p r o d u c e d for use properly.
w i t h ISO 10303 c o m p l i a n t systems to h a n d l e the transfor- Sets of catalogue tables are also possible to r e p r e s e n t as
m a t i o n into a physical file format, a n d r e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n follows:
b a c k into a relational database. 9 two o r m o r e related p r o p e r t i e s for one material,
9 one p r o p e r t y t h a t d e p e n d s on m o r e t h a n one m a t e r i a l (for
example, frictional coefficient),
CATALOGUE-BASED FORMATS 9 a function of a n i n d e p e n d e n t variable, a n d
9 e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a taking into a c c o u n t the relationships be-
As we have seen with t a b u l a r f o r m a t s there is a difficulty
t w e e n specimen, test, material, and sample.
in r e p r e s e n t i n g functional dependencies. In b o t h i t e m - b a s e d
a n d t a b u l a r f o r m a t s there is a difficulty in agreeing field- It is very likely that tables will be m a n a g e d by systems that
n a m e definition. This section outlines a n e x a m p l e of a table- use the relational a l g e b r a so fieldnames m u s t be u n i q u e
based, textual m e t h o d for transferring m a t e r i a l s p r o p e r t y w i t h i n a table. If we have a table that relates two p r o p e r t i e s
i n f o r m a t i o n including d a t a structure a n d definitions. The t h e n either we " n o r m a l i z e the tables" a n d generate m a n y lit-
principle is t h a t there are a very small n u m b e r of pre-defined tle fields whose only j o b is to k i n k up ones we a l r e a d y have
tables with predefined c o l u m n s (fields) a n d t h a t these rep- [12], o r s y n o n y m s have to be declared.
r e s e n t at a very a b s t r a c t level the concepts t h a t the d a t a are N o w it s h o u l d be possible to see the n e e d for a super-
b a s e d on [25,26]. These defined tables are u s e d to define catalogue of everything t h a t a p p e a r s in the set of d a t a (Table
m o r e specific fieldnames, w h i c h t h e n are u s e d in tables 8.12). It is so i m p o r t a n t t h a t as well as having a u n i q u e table
w h i c h b o t h define the n u m e r i c a l d a t a a n d the r e l a t i o n s h i p s n a m e , its fields are also predefined. The i n t e n t i o n here is t h a t
between data and metadata. everything of the f o r m # . . . # describes the s t r u c t u r e of the
First, a n d p e r h a p s surprisingly, we n e e d to be sure t h a t we set of d a t a a n d is u s e d identically by everyone. The i d e a is
all m e a n the s a m e things w h e n we use the s a m e n a m e s a n d that a n y field t h a t is n o t n a m e d in the # . . . # form could be
labels. Hence the first thing here is a table that relates ma- entirely different from d a t a b a s e to database, b u t they w o u l d
terial identifications to a textual description, followed by a still be able to t r a n s f e r data.
table that does the s a m e thing for p r o p e r t i e s (including de-
fining the units to be u s e d t h r o u g h o u t a set of data). These EXPRESS
are catalogue tables (Tables 8.8 a n d 8.9). They are given
u n i q u e n a m e s of the f o r m #TABLE-NAMF#(the descriptive text The d a t a m o d e l i n g here is done entirely in t e r m s of tables
w o u l d of course be m u c h l o n g e r in practice). t h a t r e p r e s e n t the data, the m e t a d a t a , a n d the r e l a t i o n s h i p s
Note t h a t there is no m e n t i o n of n u m b e r s of places of dec- a n d functional d e p e n d e n c e s b e t w e e n them. Since they are
imals, precision, the differences b e t w e e n c h a r a c t e r a n d nu-
m e r i c d a t a here. The software that interprets this d a t a a n d
l o a d s it in to the receiving d a t a b a s e has to do t h a t in a n y TABLE 8.9--Property catalogue tables.
case. This is all ASCII text. #Property-Catalogue#
Table 8.10 shows s o m e actual d a t a ( a b s t r a c t e d from sev-
eral u n d e r g r a d u a t e textbooks). Real d a t a will be incomplete, Property Long-Property Units
t h a t is, s o m e t i m e s only a l o w e r b o u n d given o r s o m e t i m e s price bulk selling, semi-finished, 1985 sterling/tonne
only a typical estimate. This table also shows several meth- yield yield point or fracture MPa
ods for r e p r e s e n t i n g precision. Note t h a t this w a y of repre- ductility ductility from yield to fracture dimensionless
density Archimedes method tonne/m 3
senting properties, as values in a table r a t h e r t h a n as field- stiffness Youngs modulus in
n a m e s , has several advantages, w h i c h increase flexibility. It compression GPa
is the a b s t r a c t closed-world method. E- 11 orthotropic in-plane stiffness GPa
Table 8.11 shows h o w i n h e r i t a n c e i n f o r m a t i o n can be rep- E-12 orthotropic in-plane stiffness GPa
r e s e n t e d using tables: n a r r o w e r a n d b r o a d e r t e r m s as in E-22 orthotropic in-plane stiffness GPa

TABLE 8.10--A data table using defined terms.

Short-Name Property Typical Low-Bound High-Bound -+ Range */Factor
st-steels price 1245 1100 1400 150 1.128
brasses price 899 750 1062 156 1.190
st-steels yield 386 286 500 107 1.322
brasses yield 350 60 960 450 4.000
st-steels density 7.8 7.5 8.1 0.3 1.039
brasses density 8.1 7.2 9.0 0.9 1.118
st-steels stiffness 195 190 200 5 1.026
brasses stiffness 135 120 150 15 1.118
st-steels ductility 0.55 0.45 0.65 0.10 1.202
brasses ductility 0.14 0.01 0.55 0.27 7.416

just tables, a n y m u l t i t a b u l a r transfer f o r m a t w o u l d be ade- o w n use. It m a k e s sense to forestall such a divergence of

quate for t h e i r c o m m u n i c a t i o n , including sets of s p r e a d - s t a n d a r d s by trying to p l a n a system w h e r e b o t h types can
sheets a n d xBase files. However, in p l a n n i n g the structure of coexist a n d are inter-translatable from the start. This could
the r e l a t i o n s h i p tables a m o r e a b s t r a c t d a t a m o d e l i n g tool is only be achieved by looking for c o m m o n a l i t y at a "higher
really required, one that explicitly represents functional re- level" t h a n that of the syntax, that is, the level of interpre-
lationships. E X P R E S S a n d its g r a p h i c a l design notation, EX- tation a n d m e a n i n g of the fieldnames, such as p r o v i d e d b y
PRESS-G, are a p p r o p r i a t e tools for future g e n e r a t i o n of cat- catalogues. Thus a c o m m o n system could be built only on a
a l o g u e - b a s e d formats. f o u n d a t i o n of a catalogue c o n t a i n i n g a c o m m o n reference
glossary, data-dictionary, a n d s t r u c t u r e d d a t a thesaurus.
CONCLUSIONS ON DATA T R A N S F E R This could profitably use the ISO 10303 m a t e r i a l s p r o d u c t
definitions as a starting p o i n t a n d use E X P R E S S as a m e a n s
Item, Table, and Catalogue Formats for definition a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
It has b e e n s h o w n that it is easier to d e m o n s t r a t e the ex- General Conclusions
pressiveness of t a b u l a r f o r m a t s c o m p a r e d with the expres- At p r e s e n t no s t a n d a r d i z e d f o r m a t for general m a t e r i a l s
siveness of i t e m - b a s e d formats, b u t a n i t e m - b a s e d f o r m a t data, index, or catalogue transfer exists. ISO 10303 a n d ED-
w i t h the right kind of formally specified g r a m m a r can be
c a p a b l e of all r e q u i r e d associativities. TABLE 8.12--Defined fieldnames.
B o t h item a n d table types of f o r m a t can theoretically han-
dle the associativity r e q u i r e d (though individual f o r m a t s al-
ways have limitations). However, only the m o s t c o m p l e x of #field# #description#
the existing p r o p o s a l s for i t e m - b a s e d formats are able to du-
#field# the fieldnames of all the
plicate the expressive p o w e r of the simplest m u l t i t a b u l a r for- columns of all the tables of
mat. The i t e m - b a s e d formats can (theoretically) handle d a t a data
d e p e n d e n c i e s directly w h e r e a s t a b l e - f o r m a t s require explicit #description# description of a fieldname
catalogues. #use-as# similar to "special" but for field;
needed to prevent duplicate
The c a t a l o g u e - b a s e d f o r m a t is an extension of the table fieldnames
f o r m a t a n d relies o n m o r e tables to describe the i n f o r m a t i o n short-name material short identification
in, a n d the r e l a t i o n s h i p s between, the tables c o n t a i n i n g the long-material-name material long identification
data. name
Because they derive from different needs, it is inevitable long-property-name property long identification
t h a t if only one of these types (item-based o r table-based) property a property of a material, or
were to be a d o p t e d b y a s t a n d a r d s - m a k i n g body, s o m e user- several materials interacting
c o m m u n i t i e s w o u l d then develop the o t h e r type for their units units for a material property; if
none then "dimensionless"
typical typical value for a material
TABLE 8.11--A table defining material designation sub-terms. low-bound low bound for a material
#Material-Subclasses# property, exptl, or specified
Short-Name Special high-bound upper bound for a material
property, exptl, or specified
al-alloys al-606 l-t6 -+ range usual plus/minus range of
al-alloys al- 1100 typical values for a property
metal al-alloys */factor usual mult./divide factor range
metal st-steels for typical values for a
metal cu-alloys property
cu-alloys brasses special specialization relationship
brasses Cu-60/Zn-40 between materials, requires
material metal #use-as# definition

IFACT are international standards that can handle some very from a draft of the directory. This is a very small fraction of
restricted types of materials information transfer in some the EDIFACT directories, but it should give a flavor of how
particular situations. ASTM E-49 is continuing to work in the standard works.
this area, and there are several industrial consortia in the
United Kingdom (supported in part by the Department of 6310 Measurement specification identifier
Trade and Industry) and the United States (supported largely
by defense contacts, notably the PAS-C consortium concen- BL Bundle Limitation
trating on polymer-matrix composite materials) developing BZ Batten size
materials information transfer techniques using EXPRESS CH Chemistry
and software developed to support ISO 10303. CN Core Notch Dimensions
On a smaller scale, the province of tabular spreadsheets DT Dimensional Tolerance
and xBase-type software packages, there are a plethora of LM Layer of Multi-layer Product
proprietary "uploading" and "downloading" formats specific PC Parting Cut (Sawcut)
to individual materials databases. This chapter has shown PD Physical Dimensions (Product Ordered)
some pitfalls and opportunities in using such simple RL Receiving Facility Limitations
systems. SH Shipping Tolerance
SR Surface Roughness

APPENDIX 6312 Measured Dimension Identifier

EDIFACT C o d e S e t s 01 Unit Net Weight

02 Unit Gross Weight
This Appendix is included because it is very difficult to 03 Total Net Weight
discover precisely how EDIFACT functions without access 04 Total Gross Weight
to EDIFACT standard working documents. Without this kind 05 Net Net Weight
of information it is impossible to make a rational evaluation A Consolidated Weight
of EDIFACT in comparison with other formats. AZ Arbor Size
Segments are denoted by a 3-letter code and elements by B Billed Weight
a l-letter and 3-digit code. This example shows initially one BO Lateral Bow (Camber)
of the groups of segments from the draft "Quality Data Mes- C Actual New Repeated for Combination
sage" for describing goods, items or services, either directly
to a product or to a batch of delivered items. This Group is 6410 Measure Unit Specifier
then followed by an expansion of one of these segments
(MEA Measurements) in terms of its component elements: BAG Bags
BL Barrel
Segment Group 5 - - - (100 repetitions permitted) BLI Blister
MEA Measurements BLK Block
DTM Date/Time References BOT Bottle
RFF References BOX Box
BRD Board
Now the description of the MEA segment. Details are from CAN Can
the EDIFACT Segments Directory issue 88.1. "an..3" means CAR Carboy
an alphanumeric code of between 1 and 3 characters long CAS Case
and "n.. 15" means a series of between 1 and 15 digits. 6320 Measurement significance code
MEA Measurements 04 Approximately
6310 Measurement Specification Identifier an..3 05 Equal to
6312 Measured Dimension Identifier an..3 06 Greater than or equal to
C174 VALUE/RANGE 07 Greater than
6410 Measure Unit Specifier an..3 08 Less than
6314 Measurement Value n.. 15 09 Less than or equal to
6162 Range Minimum n.. 15 10 Observed value
6152 Range Maximum n.. 15 11 Trace
6320 Measurement Significant Code an..2 12 True value
6154 Measurement Attribute Code an..2 13 Not equal to
Now the list of the allowable values for these 2 and 3-letter
codes ~s given for the elements 6310 (only first few elements 6154 Measurement attribute code
given), 6312, 6410, 6320, and 6154 taken from the EDIFACT
Code Sets Directory issue 88.1. Note that there is duplication 01 Clear
in some of the meanings in the values allowed for these last 02 Hazy
two elements; this could be because the information is taken 03 Excess

04 Some [13] Rumble, J. R. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science and
05 Undetectable Engineering, Adam Hilger, 1990, ISBN 0-7503-0048-5.
06 Trace [14] Nirenberg, S., Monarch, I., Kaufmann, T., Nirenberg, I., and
Carbonell, J., Acquisition of Very Large Databases: Methodology,
10 Present
Tools and Applications, Carnegie Mellon University Center for
16 Nil Machine Translation technical report CMU-CMT-88-108, 1988.
23 Absent [15] Parsaye, K., Chignell, M., Khosafian, S., and Wong, H., Intelli-
30 Less t h a n gent Databases: Object-Oriented, Deductive and Hypermedia
31 Greater t h a n Technologies, John Wiley and Sons, New York, ISBN 0-471-
50345-2, 1989.
[16] Sargent, P. M,, Downs, M., Greene, R., Rishel, D., and Subrah-
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Working Area 10, Publ., National Institute for Science and American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1989,
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[7] Sargent, P. M., Materials Information for CAD~CAM, Butter- [23] Sargent, P. M., Associativity in Materials Property Data, Cam-
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pp. 237-247; Sargent, P. M., "Technical Data Interchange Using man, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-
Tabular Formats," Journal of Chemical Information and Com- delphia, 1991, pp. 161-167.
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a Relational Materials Database," Computerization and Net- [26] Sargent, P. M., "Use of Abstraction in Creating Data Diction-
working of Materials Database, Third Volume, STP 1140, T. I. aries for Materials Databanks," Computerization and Network-
Barry and K, W. Reynard, Eds., American Society for Testing ing of Materials Databases: Second Volume, STP 1106, J. G.
and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992. Kaufman and J. S. Glazman, Eds., American Society for Testing
[11] Date, C. J., A Guide to the SQL Standard, Addison-Wesley Pub- and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 114-131,
lishing Company, Reading, MA, ISBN 0-201-05777-8. [27] McCarthy, J. L., "The Automated Data Thesaurus: A New Tool
[12] Date, C, J., An Introduction to Database Systems, 5th ed., Vols for Scientific Information," l lth CODATA Conference, Karls-
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ISBN 0-201-51381-1, 1988.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Building a Model Database: 9

Edward Stanton 1

OVERVIEW Estimating Costs and Benefits

Several billion dollars are spent annually generating ma-
To build a good database requires reliable data relevant to terial data worldwide [5]. Organizing this expensive resource
the user's application and a data architecture that efficiently in computerized databases for engineering applications has
loads the information into a database system. In this chapter many benefits and significant costs to consider. A comput-
we focus on the actual database building process and rec- erized edition of MIL-HDBK-5, for example, with over 1300
ommend other chapters of this book for additional impor- tables and 7500 graphs took several years to build and to
tant information on computerizing materials data. To allow verify computer data entry working from the paper edition.
this focus, we build a model database from test data from Parameters significant to the cost of building a database in-
an automotive composite structure without reviewing the de- clude:
sign requirements that led to this particular test matrix for 9 The source data type, paper or electronic, and how the data
automotive materials. In this model development we must are organized.
deal with a complication not usually found in building nu- 9 The number of data tables and the number of properties,
meric databases, namely, technical data requiring extensive units, metadata and footnotes per table.
metadata for safe use. 9 The number of graphs and the number of graphical data
As Rumble and Smith [1] observe, material databases con- types and footnotes per figure.
tain by their very nature heterogeneous property units, het- 9 The complexity of the database schema: how many entities
erogeneous test metadata (usually ASTM designations), and and attributes per material, how are the entities related,
technical footnotes all needed to clearly define conditions and how closely does the schema match the organization
under which the properties data are valid. Even tensile of the source data.
strength has over ten ASTM tests defined for different ma- In the case of the MIL-HDBK-5 example, about one man-
terial types and application environments. Westbrook and hour per table and two man-hours per figure were required
Grattidge argue convincingly that metadata are the most im- to develop and complete acceptance testing of the database
portant part of any database, especially a materials database from paper sources.
[21. The benefits from computerized material database use in-
clude better access to relevant data, reduced engineering
man-hours, reduced prototype testing, improved producibil-
ity and reduced maintenance costs for manufactured
Defining the Application
products. A benefit difficult to measure but of considerable
significance is improvement in the quality of the material
The design application largely determines the relevant
selection process, which is biased toward older more famil-
properties, the acceptable data sources, and the maintenance
iar materials when relevant property data for newer mate-
and quality control procedures that are appropriate for a
rials are not easily accessed.
particular material database. Sargent [3] provides an excel-
lent review of these issues for material selection in design
Here we take these to be properties and environments re- DATABASE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE
quired by the Automotive Composites Consortium for struc-
tural design [4]. This lets us focus on building a model da- Rumble and Westbrook [5] noted at the Fairfield Glade
tabase recognizing that many other property sets and related Workshop in 1982 that software was the primary shortcom-
metadata could be defined for other automotive composite ing in technology for computerizing materials data. Devel-
applications. opment of the EXPRESS language for modeling product
data [6] and advances in the SQL language have improved
'Vice-president, PDA Engineering, 2975 Redhill Ave., Costa Mesa, things, but the statement is probably still true. Many data-
CA 92626. bases are large "flatfiles" meaning there is no inheritance of
Copyright*1993 by ASTM International

90 ~
,I I 2s4mm I


[4 610 mm


FIG. 9.1-ACC specimen location template.

a t t r i b u t e s a m o n g entities. The i n t r o d u c t i o n of object-ori- a i d e d design (CAD) o r c o m p u t e r - a i d e d engineering (CAE)

ented features with E X P R E S S a n d s i m i l a r languages m a d e system then a PC o r low end w o r k s t a t i o n is adequate. W h e n
it easier to m o d e l m a t e r i a l d a t a a n d m e t a d a t a efficiently. the a p p l i c a t i o n is strongly interactive with CAD o r CAE sys-
These features will be used in the m o d e l d a t a b a s e architec- tems, o r both, then h a r d w a r e / s o f t w a r e c o m p a t i b i l i t y will dic-
ture where, for example, attributes at the m a t e r i a l p r o d u c t tate the choice.
f o r m level are i n h e r i t e d b y specimens. Older flatfile d a t a b a s e systems typically require a lot of
m e m o r y a n d r a w CPU p o w e r to load large h a n d b o o k data-
bases. These are "mainframe" c o m p u t e r systems with u s e r
Hardware Systems
t e r m i n a l s c o n n e c t e d to the m a i n f r a m e via a n e t w o r k file
W h a t criteria s h o u l d y o u r project o r o r g a n i z a t i o n use in server. The MPD N e t w o r k is a good e x a m p l e of this type
selecting h a r d w a r e for m a t e r i a l d a t a b a s e applications? A dif- h a r d w a r e system [7]. Newer PC-based systems range from
ficult question. First, let us note t h a t the h a r d w a r e used in collections of p r o d u c t d a t a s h e e t i n f o r m a t i o n to very sophis-
the building process very often will n o t be the h a r d w a r e u s e d ticated National Institute of Science a n d Technology (NIST)
in applications. I n a r e m o t e access a p p l i c a t i o n a PC o r even physical p r o p e r t i e s d a t a collections l o a d e d using relational
a s m a r t graphics device will w o r k if the d a t a b a s e a n d q u e r y d a t a b a s e systems. T o d a y m o s t CAE w o r k is done on work-
system are remote. If the d a t a b a s e is r e m o t e a n d the query stations c o n n e c t e d to a central file server o r "disk farm," a n d
system is local b u t n o t r e q u i r e d to interact w i t h a c o m p u t e r - m a t e r i a l d a t a b a s e s as large as m a i n f r a m e h a n d b o o k data-

TABLE 9.1--ACC Composite Material/Process Data Sheet. a

ASTM Name Value Units ACC Name
Material Reference . . . Dow 411-C50/CT U750 -0- Composite Designation
*Material Class Composite -0- -0-
*Matrix Class Polymer -0- -0-
*Reinforcement Class Fiber -0- -0-
Structural Detail RTM Laminate -0- -0-
*Prec. Type Dry Mat -0- -0-
*Prec. Name U750 -0- Product Code
*Prec. Manufacturer Certainteed -0- Manufacturer
Prec. Matrix Gel Cond. 121 Deg C Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
Prec. Matrix Viscosity 100 cp Viscosity
*Matrix Subclass Thermoset -0- -0-
*Matrix C h e m i c a l . . . Vinyl Ester -0- Resin Composition
*Matrix Commercial . . . DOW 411-C50 -0- Manufacturer
Matrix Density 1.12 g/cc Specific Gravity (cured)
Matrix Strength 79.2 MPa Neat Resin Tensile Strength
Matrix Modulus 3.30 GPa Neat Resin Tensile Modulus
Matrix Strain at Failure 1.00 % Neat Resin Elongation (D638)
*Reinf. Subclass Continuous mm Fiber Length
*Reinf. Common Name E Glass -0- Fiber Material Type
*Reinf. Chemical . . . Borosilicate Glass -0- -0-
*Reinf. Form Random Mat -0- -0-
Reinf. Density 2.60 g/cc Specific Gravity
Reinf. Manufacturer Certainteed -0- Manufacturer
Reinf. Yield 6633 g/kin Roving/Yam Yield
Reinf . . . . 2500 -0- Bundle Size/Splits
Reinf. Diameter 16.0 micro m Filament Diameter
Reinf. Sizing Siline KE6N850501 -0- Chemical Size Description
Reinf. Binder Thermal Plastic -0- Binder Description
Reinf . . . . 1.50 oz.CSM Fiber Product Form
Process Stage Spec Molding -0- Process
*Process Stage Type RTM -0- Molding Process
*Processor ACC -0- -0-
Process Date 19900210 YYYYMMDD Molding Date
Process Equip. Type Epoxy Mold -0- Mold Composition
Process Condition_l 2.1 kg/min Resin Injection Rate
Process Condition 2 275 MPa Resin Injection Pressure
Process Conditior~3 20. Deg C Mold Temperature
Process Condition 4 689. MPa Mold Pressure
Process Condition_5 90. sec Fill Time
Process Condition 6 1200. sec Cure Time
Process Condition 7 123. Deg C Postcure Temperatme
Process Conditior~8 3. hrs Postcure Time
*Part Form Plate -0- Plaque
Part Dimension_ 1 610. mm Length
Part Dimension~2 610. mm Width
Part Dimension 3 3.0 mm Thickness (Average)
Part Dimension~3 SD 0.1 mm Thickness (Standard Deviation)
Part Reinf. Content 39.9 % wt Fiber Content (Average)
Part Reinf. Content SD 2.0 % wt Fiber Content (Standard Deviation)
aThe symbol -0- indicates a null value in this paper.
*Essential field for identification of composite material.

b a s e s will l o a d o n t h e s e m a c h i n e s . A l a r g e d a t a b a s e c a n t a k e t r a n s f e r r e d t h a t d a t a to a S U N w o r k s t a t i o n f o r b u i l d i n g t h e
several h o u r s to l o a d o n a w o r k s t a t i o n a n d several days o n model database.
a PC. H o w e v e r , o n c e l o a d e d m o s t d a t a b a s e servers c a n re-
t r i e v e d a t a in a f e w s e c o n d s in r e s p o n s e to a q u e r y if t h e
s c h e m a is w e l l d e s i g n e d .
Software Systems
T h e A u t o m o t i v e C o m p o s i t e s C o n s o r t i u m (ACC) antici- W h e n s h o u l d a p r o j e c t u s e e x i s t i n g off t h e s h e l f d a t a b a s e
p a t e d t h e n e e d to o r g a n i z e l a r g e v o l u m e s of test d a t a f r o m s o f t w a r e a n d w h e n s h o u l d it c o n s i d e r b u i l d i n g a s p e c i a l p u r -
s u p p l i e r s u s i n g t h e i r t e s t p r o c e d u r e s m a n u a l [4], a n d t h e y p o s e s y s t e m for m a t e r i a l d a t a b a s e p u r p o s e s ? R u m b l e [1]
p r o v i d e a n I B M P C - c o m p a t i b l e p r o g r a m [8], f o r c o l l e c t i n g n o t e s t h e difficulty in b u i l d i n g a n e w s y s t e m a n d r e l a t e s ex-
s t a n d a r d i z e d f o r m a t r e d u c e d test d a t a a n d test m e t a d a t a . W e p e r i e n c e s f r o m a N I S T p r o j e c t of several y e a r s ago. T h e ex-

TABLE 9.2--Typical ACC structural property data set; test environment:

temperature = -40~
Property Value Units ACC Property Name
CTE11 27.9 micro m/m ~ Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (Avg D696)
CTE11 SD 1.6 micro m/m ~ Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (Std. Dev.)
USllT 152.8 MPa Tensile Strength (Average D3039)
U S l l T SD 21.6 MPa Tensile Strength (Standard Deviation)
E11T 10.26 GPa Tensile Modulus (Average D3039)
E l l T SD 0.97 GPa Tensile Modulus (Standard Deviation)
NU12 0.33 -0- Poisson's Ratio (Average D3039)
NUI2 SD 0.03 -0- Poisson's Ratio (Standard Deviation)
UE1 IT 2.54 % Tensile Failure Strain (Average D3039)
U E l l T SD 0.28 % Tensile Failure Strain (Standard Deviation)
ER11T 1.95 kJ/m 3 Tensile Failure Energy (Average)
ER11T SD 0.38 10/m3 Tensile Failure Energy (Standard Deviation)
US 11C 275.6 MPa Compression Strength (Average D3410)
US11C SD 22.2 MPa Compression Strength (Standard Deviation)
E11C 10.16 GPa Compression Modulus (Average D3410)
E l l C SD 0.81 GPa Compression Modulus (Standard Deviation)
UE11C 3.46 % Compression Failure Strain (Average D3410)
UE11C SD 0.24 % Compression Failure Strain (Standard Deviation)
ER11C 4.78 kJ/m 3 Compression Failure Energy (Average)
ERI 1C SD 0.62 kJ/m 3 Compression Failure Energy (Standard Deviation)
US12 108.1 MPa Shear Strength (Average ACC Direct Shear)
US12 SD 9.25 MPa Shear Strength (Standard Deviation)
G12 3.40 GPa Shear Modulus (Average ACC Direct Shear)
G12 SD 0.85 GPa Shear Modulus (Standard Deviation)
CTE22 25.3 micro rn/m ~ Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (Avg D696)
CTE22 SD 3.6 micro m/m ~ Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (Std. Dev.)
US22T 162.7 MPa Tensile Strength (Average D3039)
US22T SD 20.9 MPa Tensile Strength (Standard Deviation)
E22T 10.33 GPa Tensile Modulus (Average D3039)
E22T SD 0.78 GPa Tensile Modulus (Standard Deviation)
NU21 0.34 -0- Poisson's Ratio (Average D3039)
NU21 SD 0.04 -0- Poisson's Ratio (Standard Deviation)
UE22T 2.64 % Tensile Failure Strain (Average D3039)
UE22T SD 0.26 % Tensile Failure Strain (Standard Deviation)
ER22T 2.15 kJ/m 3 Tensile Failure Energy (Average)
ER22T SD 0.41 kJ/m 3 Tensile Failure Energy (Standard Deviation)
US22C 299.4 MPa Compression Strength (Average D3410)
US22C SD 23.9 MPa Compression Strength (Standard Deviation)
E22C 11.37 GPa Compression Modulus (Average D3410)
E22C SD 1.21 GPa Compression Modulus (Standard Deviation)
UE22C 3.20 % Compression Failure Strain (Average D3410)
UE22C SD 0.44 % Compression Failure Strain (Standard Deviation)
ER22C 4.80 kJ/m 3 Compression Failure Energy (Average)
ER22C SD 0.92 kJ/m 3 Compression Failure Energy (Standard Deviation)

p e n s e in t e r m s of people, direct costs, a n d schedule costs is define object-oriented d a t a b a s e s for p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n of

very high, w h i c h effectively limits this o p t i o n to large insti- a n y type. SQL d a t a types are available in EXPRESS, a n d
tutions with very special needs. However, m o s t projects will various g o v e r n m e n t agencies are c o m m i t t e d to the contin-
have t h e i r o w n s c h e m a a n d d a t a d i c t i o n a r y with, hopefully, u e d d e v e l o p m e n t of this language. NIST m a i n t a i n s a na-
a t h e s a u r u s to p r o v i d e s y n o n y m s for the c a s u a l user. tional PDES/STEP Testbed [9], w h i c h includes software that
Two d a t a b a s e languages are used to m o d e l m a t e r i a l s in- will translate a certain class of E X P R E S S S c h e m a into SQL
f o r m a t i o n in the p r e s e n t application, E X P R E S S a n d SQL. Tables.
The s t r u c t u r e d query l a n g u a g e (SQL) allows r e l a t i o n a l da- O u r m o d e l d a t a b a s e was built using a c o m m e r c i a l p r o d u c t
t a b a s e query a n d o t h e r o p e r a t i o n s as d e s c r i b e d in the Amer- [10] t h a t has an interface to the ACC test d a t a file. This par-
ican N a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d s Institute (ANSI) s t a n d a r d for data- t i c u l a r p r o d u c t allows o b j e c t - o r i e n t e d i n p u t d a t a m o d e l s to
b a s e languages. The b a s i c b u i l d i n g b l o c k is the Table, a be l o a d e d into a relational d a t a b a s e with special a t t e n t i o n
t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l a r r a y of s t a n d a r d d a t a types t h a t include given to units a n d m e t a d a t a for materials.
c h a r a c t e r strings a n d n u m b e r s . It is the o l d e r l a n g u a g e a n d
very widely u s e d in c o m m e r c i a l software p r o d u c t s . The EX-
P R E S S language is used to m o d e l i n f o r m a t i o n d e s c r i b i n g ELEMENTS OF DATABASE DESIGN
a n y product. It is being u s e d to write PDES/STEP Material
P r o d u c t s t a n d a r d s for different d a t a environments. The b a s i c We begin the m o d e l d a t a b a s e d e v e l o p m e n t b y first col-
b u i l d i n g block is the entity, a n d the l a n g u a g e c a n be u s e d to lecting relevant d a t a f r o m the source, here ACC, using ASTM

Matrix,Reinforcement.... I Note that relevant can be and usually is redefined several

times over the life of any product. Table 9.2 contains only
test results with our model database missing important spec-
/ :m ste
Material 1 ~'x , J
imen and test procedure information not normally consulted
by a designer. ASTM Guide for Development of Standard
~ ~ Molding Cure I
Data Records for Computerization of Mechanical Test Data
for High Modulus Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials (E
1434) for composite mechanical test data should be con-

~x Soarc: i
~ ProductShape,Reinforcement,. . .

ACC Material ,nf. . . .

tion Organization
sulted for a lab database.
We now organize the data into like attributes as illustrated
in Fig. 9.2. The entity names follow in general ASTM E-49
terminology that could be given synonyms for individual da-
~ t | Matrix.ReinforcemenLFiller,. tabases. What this figure suggests is an inheritance of ma-
terial attributes by all the specimens cut from each panel,
Molding,Cure.Postcure,... where for statistical coverage the ACC requires 27 panels per
material. If we design our database using this architecture,
ProductShape,ReinforcementSpatialStructure.... we save storing all the material attributes at the property
data set level. There are many ways to model materials in-
I Organization,Document,Table.... formation in EXPRESS. We next describe one for the ACC
I TestEnvironment[
material and then illustrate how to create a relational data-
QuantitativeConditions,QualitativeConditions base schema from the EXPRESS Schema (see Fig. 9.3).
It is at this point traditional ASTM activities and ideas are
I Name,Value,Units.Meladata,Precision.Footnotes
recast in the EXPRESS computer modeling language se-
lected by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to
define standards for the exchange of product model data. A
FIG. 9.2--ACC material information organization. specialist in information modeling may be required to pro-
duce an EXPRESS Schema. The one we present here is very
basic and meant only to illustrate the process, not to define
E-49 draft standards to organize like attributes. This model a standard. The Schema is a map that tells a database pro-
represents a commercially i m p o r t a n t class of materials, and gram how we want to model information about automotive
it is instructive to see what constitutes relevant properties composite material products. It is up to the database pro-
for automotive structural composites. This is the basis for gram to actually use the map to load data into our model
understanding which data architectures will produce effi- database, and there are many ways this can be done.
cient databases for this application. Note the use of a WHERE rule to check input values. This
is an important aspect of a Schema that we only highlight
here. Very sophisticated integrity constraints can be defined
Creating a n O b j e c t - O r i e n t e d M o d e l by the database builder to ensure all data loaded using a
Schema meet these constraints. There are compilers for the
The ACC defines an ensemble of test specimens shown in EXPRESS language that check a model for syntax, cross-
Fig. 9.1. and a collection of material product attributes references, and redundancies. There are also utility pro-
shown in Table 9.1 that define the raw material and process grams for generating a table of contents, schema index, and
information important to manufacturers of automotive com- EXPRESS_G diagrams of a model. These are important
posite structures. The ASTM composite standards consulted tools in the design of a database so it can be updated and
in preparing Table 9.1 were ASTM Guide for the Identifica- maintained without anomalies creeping in through convo-
tion of Composite Materials in Computerized Material Prop- luted functional dependencies. This process is called nor-
erties Databases (E 1309) and ASTM Guide for Identification malizing the database schema, and Colton [11] describes the
of Fibers, Fillers, and Core Materials in Computerized Ma- process in detail for aircraft composites. There are very few
terial Property Databases (E 1471) as well as ASTM Guide database programs today that can use an EXPRESS Schema
for the Identification of Polymers (excludes Thermoset Elas- to load data directly. Stanton and Rahmann [12] have loaded
tomers) in Computerized Material Property Databases (E composite data from a schema where all the entities but one
1308). It is interesting to note the large n u m b e r of process were explicit attributes, and these data then were exported
parameters needed to identify a composite material for au- as an EXPRESS physical file. Please note that EXPRESS
tomotive design. In fact, the ACC source contains data on modeling and STEP data exchange are emerging technolo-
cure initiators and mold release agents not included here for gies and not widely available in 1992 but will be in the fu-
lack of space. ture. The computer industry is moving to support PDES/
To these data we now add a property data set for structural STEP rapidly. However, today most database programs first
applications as shown in Table 9.2 for one test environment. convert or approximate EXPRESS models as an SQL rela-
These are the data produced by the specimens in Fig. 9.1 tional database schema. Some [3] would argue that today
from a series of tests at -40.0~ and the ACC source has only relational database systems offer a rational basis for
data for two other test temperatures. We now have all the material databases, with object oriented systems likely to be
relevant data for one material tested at one environment. the choice for future systems.

SCHEMA ACC Material Model ; ENTITY value unit metadata ;

ENTITY ACC_Composite_Material property_value : REAL ;

SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF ( ACC_Matrix, ACC Reinforcement, unit : STRING ;
ACCProcess, ACCMaterial_Product)) ; metadata : STRING
Material Reference : STRING ; precision : REAL ;
Material--Class : OPTIONAL material class list ;
Matrix Class : m a t r i x c l a s s list--; (* H e r e w e i l l u s t r a t e a WHERE rule
Reinforcement Class : reinfo?cemen[ class list u s e d t o c h e c k i n p u t v a l u e s *)
Structural Detail : OPTIONAL S T R I N G ; --
Ply_Type : precursor type_list ; WHERE
PlyName : STRING R1 : precision > 0.0 ; -- R a n g e Check
PlyManufacturer : STRING
SUBTYPE OF (ACC_CompositeMaterial) TYPE carbon = STRING ; END--TYPE
Matrix Subclass : OPTIONAL STRING ; TYPE composite = STRING ; END--TYPE
M Chemical Name : STRING ; TYPE user defined = STRING ; END--TYPE
M--Cormnercial N a m e : STRING ; TYPE fibe~ = STRING ; END--TYPE
M~Specific_G~avity : value unit metadata ; TYPE filler = STRING ; END--TYPE
M Glass_Trans_Temp : value--unit--metadata ; TYPE core = STRING ; END--TYPE
M_Viscosity : value--unit--metadata ; TYPE prepreg = STRING ; END--TYPE
M Neat Resin UTS : value--unit--metadata ; TYPE prelam = STRING ; END--TYPE
M--Neat--Resin--E : value--unit--metadata ; TYPE tow = STRING ; END--TYPE
M--Neat--Resin--UTE : value--unit-metadata ; TYPE BMC = STRING ; END--TYPE
TYPE preformlng = STRING ; END--TYPE
ENTITY ACC Reinforcement TYPE laminating = STRING ; END--TYPE
SUBTYPE OF (ACC_Composite_Material) ; TYPE cure = STRING ; END--TYPE
Reinforcement Subclass : STRING ; TYPE post_cure = STRING ; END~TYPE 9
R Chemical Name : OPTIONAL STRING ;
R--Form : OPTIONAL STRING ; TYPE resin transfer molding = STRING ; END TYPE ;
R--Product Form : value unit metadata ; TYPE in3ectionmold~ng = STRING ; END~TYPE ;
R_--Specific_Gravity : value--unit--metadata ;
R Manufacturer : S T R I N G ; -- TYPE
R~Length : value unit metadata ; material class list = SELECT
R Yield : value--unit--metadata ; ( metal, polymer,
R--Bundle Size : value--unit--metadata ; ceramic, composite,
R--Filament Diameter : value--unit--metadata ; user defined name ) ;
R_--Chemical~Sizing : S T R I N G ; -- END TYPE ;
R Binder : STRING ;
END ENTITY ; matrix class list = SELECT
( metal matrix, polymer_matrix,
ENTITY ACC Process carbon_matrix, ceramic_matrix ) ;
SUBTYPE OF (ACC_Composite_Material) ; END TYPE ;
Process_Designation : STRING ;
Process_StageType : process_stage_list ; TYPE
Processor : STRING ; reinforcement class list = SELECT
Process Date : STRING ; ( fiber, filler,
Process--Condition_l : value unit metadata ; core ) ;
Process Condition N : value--unit--metadata ; END TYPE ;
precursor_type_list = SELECT
ENTITY ACC Material Product ( prepreg, prelam,
SUBTYPE OF (ACC_Composite_Material) ; tow, BMC,
Part Form STRING ; SMC, XMC,
Part--Dimension 1 value unit metadata ; user_definedprecursor ) ;
Part--Dimension--2 value--unit--metadata ; END TYPE ;
Part--Dimension--3 value--unit--metadata ;
Part--Dimension~3_SD value~unit~metadata ; TYPE
Part,Reinforce_Content value unit metadata ; process_stage_list = SELECT
Part_Reinforce_ContentSD value~unit~metadata ; ( preforming, laminating,
cure, post_cure,
END ENTITY ; resin transfer molding,
ENTITY Material_Test_Environment user_defined~rocess ) ;
Material Tested : ACC_CompositeMaterial ;
Test_Temperature : value unit metadata ; END SCHEMA ;
Test_Humidity : value--unit--metadata ;
Test Results : mater[al~operty_set ;
FIG. 9.3--(Continued).

ENTITY material~roperty_set ;

CTEII : value unit metadata ;

CTEII SD : value--unit-metadata ;
USIIT-- : value--unit--metadata ;
Creating a Relational Database Schema
E I I T --
EIIT SD : value--unit--metadata ;
NUI2-- : value--unit-metadata ; We could m o d e l the ACC material information directly us-
N U I 2 SD : value--unit--metadata ; ing SQL or w e could translate our EXPRESS Entities into
UEIIT : value-unit--metadata ;
UEIIT SD : value~unit-metadata ; SQL Tables as described in the m o n o g r a p h by Morris [13].
(* T h e p r o p e r t y set can be completed
If w e limit the discussion to explicit attributes, it is possible
u s i n g T a b l e 2 *) to m a p an E X P R E S S entity into an SQL Table. The attrib-
END ENTITY ; utes b e c o m e c o l u m n s in a Table, and the data types for ex-
plicit attributes m a p directly. We illustrate this for the Entity
FIG. 9.3--Exampleofhowto modelmaterialsinformationusing ACC_Composite Material as follows:

CREATE TABLE ACC_Composite_Material (Material_Ref ASTM Practice for Use of the International System of Units
CHAR (40) NOT NULL (SI) (The Modernized Metric System) (E 380), that need to
PRIMARY KEY, be supported by the database server. The SQL data type
Material_Class CHAR(40), FLOAT(10), for example, indicates a binary precision of ten
Reinforcement_Class CHAR(40) NOT NULL, (10), and this must be preserved in units conversion. In
Matrix_Class CHAR(40) NOT NULL, many systems, precision is an implicit attribute not easily
Structural_Detail CHAR(40), available for operations on data. Here, of course, we have
Ply_Type CHAR(40) REFERENCES made precision an explicit attribute of the CTE11 value.
P_Type_List, The schema illustrated in Fig. 9.2, which shows the first
Ply_Name CHAR(40) NOT NULL, ENTITY, ACC_Composite_Material, loaded at the top level
Ply_Manf CHAR(40) NOT NULL, ); and the last ENTITY, material_property_set, loaded at the
lowest level, follows a natural hierarchy for this application.
Note that attribute names have been abbreviated for econ- It allows all the ACC_Process attributes, for example, to be
omy of screen space following the practice in fedex_sql [12], inherited by the property sets without having to load that
and the use of KEYs to help the SQL schema define con- data as columns in every property table. This can be a very
straints and functional dependencies. Even very simple ma- substantial savings.
terial models in this language require the database designer One final note about the model database schema is that
to manage low level details. This has led most commercial the tables in this model contain only numeric property data.
database systems to offer "enhanced query languages" to In general, a material database will also require graphical
simplify what can be a tedious and labor intensive process. data for nonlinear properties. Temperature dependent prop-
The job of translating EXPRESS schemas into SQL tables erty data and fatigue life data are typical nonlinear material
can get very complicated, and in general may require property sets where an analytic entity (X(Y),Y: Y1 <Y<Y2) or
changes that are not one-to-one. When the attributes are en- parametric entity (X(t), Y(t): TI<t<T2) is required. Most re-
tity data types it is not possible to directly map to an SQL lational database servers treat graphics as a post-processing
table without using pseudo columns or adding extra col- feature, but it is possible to store graphical entities in a re-
umns. We illustrate this for the entity material_property_set: lational database system if the data type is supported (Fig.


CTE 11u n i t s CHAR(40), -- units
CTE 1l_metadata CHAR(40), -- metadata We now have data and a database design (schema) for
CTE11 precision FLOAT(10) CHECK loading material properties for automotive composite design
(CET 1l_precision applications. Usually data from a test series are available in
> 0.0), ); spreadsheet form from the source. The ACC provides a PC
program, the Supplemental Data Reporting Package, for an
where every property attribute, here CTE11, has its units, automotive design application per ACC test procedures [4].
metadata, and precision entered explicitly as a column in the These data were made available to ASTM E-49 for a round-
table definition. robin test. The goal is a paperless transfer of information
There are "enhanced" relational database systems that from the raw data stage through data reduction, database
support loading units and metadata only once per property construction, and ultimately CAD/CAM/CAE applications as
attribute [10], and we illustrate that feature in the following illustrated in Fig. 9.5. In general there will be a number of
schema for a single column specification, databases serving different data environments, and we de-
scribe the steps in constructing one such database.
METADATA The intended use of our database is the design and anal-
CTE11 -- ASTM D696 ysis of structural composite parts. Members of the ACC use
DESIGN SCHEMA the finite-element analysis method for this application [8]
CTE11 REAL 1 1 " m i c r o m / m deg C", and the data we are about to load contain material proper-
"Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion in 0-deg, ties for FEA codes to use in structural analyses. There is also
Direction, Avg",, 0.1 enough process information to uniquely identify the com-
posite for other purposes such as molding simulation.
Here the units for coefficient of linear thermal expansion
and the metadata describing the test, ASTM Test Method for
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics (D 696),
Building Schema Based Physical Files
are part of the schema. They will be inherited by every table The physical file containing data organized using the
loaded using material_property_set. What this means to the Schema is called the instantiated model. The EXPRESS
material database builder is that, in general, SQL schemas modeling language has an exchange file syntax [14] that may
will require more resources than "enhanced" SQL schemas become a standard for this function, but today most com-
with features designed to support technical data with exten- mercial database programs have their own physical file for-
sive units and metadata. mat. We are using one designed for materials data and refer
There are other features, like precision in the sense of the the reader to the product literature for a more comprehen-


9 Curve I UNS A97075
9- , - C u r v e 2 CNAFE 7075 A l u m l n ~
.;' ,s o ........ ...... ..............i i ..............i i TREAT T6

i- ! ! ! ! ! DIMS 0. 090 inch

037 5 TYS 76 (Unnotched) ;

- : 9 ', ', ', ', ', (at RT)
SURFACE Electropoli
70 deg F
FREQ ii00 TO 1500
~ 0 specified
MSTRESS 0. ksi

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' :.iiii
' -' i - 9

: :
<< CURVE 1 >>
FORM Bare Sheet

x DETAIL Notched
o o I I I i
I 02 103 I 04 105 I O F' 107 108 KT 2

ffot ioue Li fe ( Cyc I es ) TUS 82 (rjrmotched);


FIG. 9 . 4 - - A g r a p h i c a l m a t e r i a l e n t i t y f r o m M I L - H D B K - 5 database.

sive description of that system's syntax [10]. Figure 9.6 is the

DATAREDUCTION ~ a t - e f i a l ~ ACC m o d e l database physical file used to input, that is, load
"SpreadsheetSystem" V data based on the E X P R E S S Schema. It w a s necessary to
m a p the S c h e m a into the syntax of that program, which is
similar to the SQL table schema.
Note that metadata and units are not re-entered for each
Test_Environment, only the property data are input. If data
for another form of DOW 411-C50/CT U750 were available,
for example, a thicker part, then another ACC_Material_
Product and m a t e r i a l p r o p e r t y s e t under the s a m e
ACC_Composite Material designation would appear next in
the load file. After all data for this particular material are
loaded, then a second material data set would be loaded and
so on until all the source data were in the load file.

Validating Data Entry

A data m o d e l can introduce integrity constraints for use

in validating data input by specifying <unique>, <referen-
tial>, and <check> SQL Table constraints applied after the
execution of each SQL statement. D o m a i n constraints are
FIG. 9 . 5 - - D a t a b a s e development steps and application available in E X P R E S S for performing the s a m e function on
interfaces. the load or input file as w e illustrated earlier using a W H E R E
ACC Phvsical File for M/VISION input: CTEII = 27.9
CTEII SD = 1.6
USIIT-- - 152.8
EIIT - ASTM D3039 USIIT SD ~ 21.6
E22T = ASTM D3039 E I I T -- - 10.26
NUI2 -- A S T M D 3 0 3 9 EIIT SD - 0.97
NU21 = ASTM D3039 NUI2-- = 0.33
USIIT - ASTM D3039 NUI2 SD = 0.03
US22T = ASTM D3039
(* The r e m a i n i n g forty p r o p e r t i e s for -40 deg C g o h e r e *)
UE22T - ASTM D3039
ERIIT - Fail Energy_3039 END
ER22T - Fail--Energy_3039
(* T e s t _ E n v i r o n m e n t 23.0 deg C property data *)
E22C = ASTM D3410
(* T e s t E n v i r o n m e n t 121.0 deg C property data *)
US22C = ASTM D3410
UE22C - ASTM D3410
FIG. 9 . 6 - - ( C o n t i n u e d ) .
ERIIC - Fail_Energy 3410
ER22C - Fail_Energy_3410
U S I 2 S A = ACC--DSI
G21 ~ ACC--DS 1 rule for an Entity. These can be very helpful in screening
U S 2 1 S A - ACC--DSI
CTEII = ASTM D696 clerical and basic functional dependency errors. Each data-
CTE22 - ASTM D696
M TG - ASTM D4065 base has its o w n property set and data environment that
= ASTM D638
= ASTM D638
need to be considered in developing these constraints. At the
M--UET - ASTM D638 m o m e n t there is no ASTM R e c o m m e n d e d Practices Guide
ACC--Mat e r i a l
~4P NAME - F i b e r g l a s s / V i n y l Ester at this level. A structural material, for example, should be
ACC--DESIG = Dow 411-C50/CT U750
PMC-- = M22GL100UP0320 checked for an elastic m o d u l u s of less than a 1000 GPa and
- Polymer
R--CLASS = Fiber
a weight density of less than 100 Mg/m 3.
PLY TYPE - Mat We can build on this idea and imagine views of our data
PLY MANF - Certainteed like the ones used to aid in material selection by Ashby et
R_T~PE - E Glass
R FORM - 1.5 al. If w e plot the elastic m o d u l u s versus density for all the
R--WPCT 40.00

- 2.60
materials in our database (Fig. 9.7), they should lie in very
R__MANF = Certainteed well k n o w n envelopes by material type, and w e can present
R PROD = U750
R--LENG ~ continuous a graphic of that integrity constraint. This particular view is
R--YLD - 6633
R--SZS = 2500 only one of many; another c o m m o n view is elastic m o d u l u s
R--FDIA - 16.00
R--CHSZ - Siline (KE6N850501)
versus coefficient of linear thermal expansion, w h i c h has a
R_--BIND - thermal plastic polyester "I/X" shape. The ISO 9000 standard for software [15] re-
M_TYPE - 411-C-50
M WPCT - 6 0 . 0 0 quires testing and validation procedures for acceptance that
M--SG - 1.12
M_--MANF - Dow Chemical U.S.A. can be m e t at least in part using integrity constraints like
M CODE - 411-C-50
M~TG - 121.00
these on the input data. We end this heuristic discussion of
M VISC = 100 data quality by referring the reader to Chapter 6 for a c o m -
M_--COMP = Vinyl Ester
MUST - 79.20 prehensive discussion of data evaluation, validation, and
MET = 3.30
M--UET = 1.00
ACC Process
INI--CON - 2.0
PRM CON - 0.3
CAD/CAM/CAE A c c e s s t o Material D a t a b a s e s
ACL--CON = 0.2
OCI--TYPE = Chemtrend 2005
The investment in developing quality materials data in
= Mold release
electronic formats benefits the design process m o s t w h e n it
0C1--CODE - 2005
OCI--INFO = M o l d r e l e a s e for R T RTM
PRC--DATE- 1,990/02/10
MOL_--COMP = epoxy
- 2.1
MOL--TEMP - 20 9 PI0stics
MOL--PRES = 689 [] Composites
FILLTIME - 90 10 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
9 Melols
CURETIME = 1200 A Alloys (MIL5F)
POS TEMP = 123
ACC PrOduct
PRD R WPCT = 39.9
10 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .4
PRD--R--WPCT SD = 2.0
PRD M WPCT - 60.1 (~ Failed lnmgn[y
PRD--M--WPCT SD = 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ ,,,o, . . . . Cons~raim
10 I
PRD SG = 1.5
PRD--SG S D = 0.0
PRD TG - 112.0 g
PRD--TG S D - 2.0
1Q 0
PRD TH = 3.0
PRD--TH S D = 0.1
TABLE NAME = Sample Test Data Summary
TEST ENGR = Peterson, Johnson, H a g e r m a n 10--I --
TEST--ORGN = Automotive Composites Consortium
DATA--USE = Structural Design (ACC M o d e l D a t a b a s e
Test Environment 10--2
T~P - -40. 10--I I0 0 101 1o 2
H U M I D - -0- Density (MCllm^ 3)

FIG. 9 . 6 - - A C C m o d e l s d a t a b a s e physical file used to input. FIG. 9 . 7 - - D a t a entry validation test graphic.

FIG. 9.8--CAE material database application.

is used in CAD/CAM/CAE applications. This integration func- judgment needs to be an informed decision. One approach
tion needs the PDES/STEP standards for product data uses graphical user interfaces to show the engineer the da-
exchange that are just now emerging for materials infor- tabase attributes in native mode (Fig. 9.8) before deciding
mation. The IGES standard has very limited FEA materials how to complete the property set for a CAE application.
data namely basic linear coefficient data like initial elastic More sophisticated rule-based systems can be imagined,
modulus and coefficients of linear thermal expansion. The which seems an appropriate point to end the discussion on
system used to load our ACC model database has an export how to build a material database.
feature to PATRAN and to IGES neutral files. Access to var-
ious application codes for process simulation or structural
performance analyses is then possible from these neutral SUMMARY
The problems with property data exchange include miss- In this brief model database development we have worked
ing properties required for a specific analysis and differences through the steps from test data source through the model-
between the available test property parameters and the re- ing process and illustrated concepts and procedures impor-
lated analysis property parameters. There are also serious tant to reaching the end user in a CAD/CAM/CAE applica-
problems with material designation that Sargent [3] de- tion. Many intermediate steps have been left out, such as test
scribes in some detail that we do not repeat here. An ex- data reduction, familiar topics for an ASTM reader, to con-
ample of missing data might be a transverse modulus in a centrate on the less familiar computerization issues such as
unidirectional ply material, and the CAE application re- material data, metadata, and modeling languages.
quires the missing property to function. An example of prop- The use of the database for structural analyses or any
erty parameter differences actually occurs in our model da- other application has not been covered. Also keep in mind
tabases; the elastic modulus in tension and compression are that the model database is just that, a model to illustrate the
unequal while linear finite-element models require a single database building process. Your application will likely have
value. In both instances engineering judgment is required to different property sets and less material process data if the
complete the data exchange for the CAE application, and the material type is a metal alloy. Commodity or product infor-

m a t i o n databases will be very'different, having limited prop- [6] ISO CD 10303-11, Product Data Representation and
erty sets b u t t h o u s a n d s of material products. Exchange--Part 11: EXPRESS Language.
Experience in b u i l d i n g a n d using material databases has [7] Kaufman, J. G., "Increasing Data Systems Responsiveness to
led to a n appreciation of the i m p o r t a n c e of a good design End-User Expectations," Computerization and Networking of
Material Databases, STP 1106, Kaufman and Glazman, Eds.,
(schema) for efficient use a n d the i m p o r t a n c e of s t a n d a r d s
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1991,
for efficient exchange of i n f o r m a t i o n a m o n g CAD/CAM/CAE pp. 103-111.
applications. The latter are just n o w entering the r o u n d - [8] Dearlove, T. J., et al., "Standardization of Test Methods for an
r o b i n stage a n d need the s u p p o r t of the entire e n g i n e e r i n g Automotive Database," Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ASM/
c o m m u n i t y , n o t just materials a n d process engineers. ESD Advanced Composites Conference, 1990, pp. 101-112.
[9] Clark, S. N., An Introduction to the NIST PDES Toolkit, NISTIR
4336, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990.
[10] MAzISION User Manual, Publication No. 2190011, PDA Engi-
REFERENCES neering, 1990.
[11] Colton, J. S., "The Design and Implementation of a Relational
[1] Rumble, J. R. and Smith, F. J., Database Systems in Science and Materials Property Data Base," Engineering with Computers,
Engineering, Adam Hilger Publisher, ISBN 0-7503-0048-5, 1990. Vol. 4, 1988, pp. 87-97.
[2] Westbrook, J. H. and Grattidge, W., "The Role of Metadata in [12] Stanton, E. L. and Rahmann, S. E., "Constructing Material
the Design and Operation of a Materials Database," Computer- Databases for CAE Systems," presented at the Sixth U.S. Japan
ization and Networking of Material Databases, STP 1106, Kauf- Conference on Composite Materials, Lake Buena Vista, FL,
man and Glazman, Eds., American Society for Testing and Ma- 1992.
terials, Philadelphia, 1991, pp. 84-102. [13] Morris, K. C., Translating Express to SQL: A User's Guide, NIS-
[3] Sargent, P., Materials Information for CAD~CAM, Butterworth- TIR 4341, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990.
Heinemann Ltd., 1991, Chapter 5. [14] ISO CD 10303-21, Product Data Representation and
[4] Test Procedures for Automotive Structural Composite Materials, Exchange--Part 21: Clear Test Encoding of the Exchange
Automotive Composites Consortium, Troy, MI, 1990. Structure.
[5] Westbrook, J. H. and Rumble, J. R. Computerized Materials Data [15] ISO 9000 International Standards for Quality Management,
Systems, Proceedings of a Workshop Devoted to Discussions of Part 3" Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001 to the De-
Problems Confronting Their Development, Fairfield Glade, TN, velopment, Supply and Maintenance of Software, ISBN 92-67-
1982, p. 23. 10165-X, 1991, pp. 21-47.
MNL19-EB/Nov. 1993

Subject Index

A Ceramics, identification standards, 39 type, database classification, 27-30

Certification, data sets, 62-63 type or statistical significance of
Access Characterization, engineering materials, 35 numeric values, 69
CAD/CAM/CAE, 101-102 Classification unintentional alterations, 73
methods, 32-33 by type of material data, 27-30 uploading limitations, 73
Allowed value, 3-4 by user group, 30-31 validation, 60-62
Alloys, standards for identification, 36-37 Coatings, identification standards, 41, 44 criteria, 70
Alpha testing, 22-23 Code sets, EDIFACT, 91-92 values exceeding known physical limits,
Aluminum alloys, standards for Composite materials 58
identification, 37 data transfer, 80 see also Raw data
Application identification standards, 39-40, 42 construction, 99-102
databases, 29-30 mechanical property data recording definition, 1
data transfer between, 31 formats, 49 moving between types, 31
defining, 93 Computer-aided acquisition and logistical peripheral, costs, 74
identification, 7 support, 80 testing, 73
types, 31 Computing facilities, 15 Data dictionary, 3 15-16
Arc welds, data recording formats, 51 Conceptual schema, 16 interlinking capability, 16
ASCII, data recording format, 88 Consensus seeking group model, for intemal consistency, 15-16
Associativities, 87-88 validation, 62 Data element
ASTM Committee E-49 on Conversion, unit of measurement, 21, 63, definition, 3
Computerization of Material and 70 dictionary, building, 9-11
Chemical Property Data, 4-6 Correlation, methods, 59-60 grouping, 10
ASTM D 4000, 39, 44 Corrosion, data recording formats, 50-51 identification, 8-9
ASTM E-39, 88 Costs, 73-74 Data entry, 16-17, 77
ASTM E 380, 10, 99 estimating, 93 validation, 100-101
ASTM E 1308, 39, 97 Data format
ASTM E 1309, 9, 35, 40, 42, 99 D generic, 46-48
ASTM E 1313, 8-9, 15, 46 "neutral," 76
annexes to, 48-49 Data standard, 45-46
ASTM E 1338, 9, 15, 37 compilations of known pedigree, 54 Data provider, 7
ASTM E 1339, 15, 37 completeness, 69-70 contribution, 13
ASTM E 1407, 8 consistency and quality, 70 Data record
ASTM E 1434, 9-10, 49, 97 constraints, 16 essential fields, 47
ASTM E 1471, 9, 40, 42, 97 correlation, 59-60 property descriptions, 48
ASTM E 1484, 60, 64, 66 costs standard, 46-48
ASTM G 107, 50 assembling, 73 test and specimen description, 47
Automotive Composites Consortium evaluation, 73 test conditions, 47-48
composite material/process data sheet, locating, 73 test results, 48
95 critical assessment of sources, 57 validity criteria, 48
database physical file, 101 dealing with gaps, 59 Data recording format
material information organization, 97 definition, 2, 53 arc welds, 51
specimen location template, 94 discontinuities, 65-66 ASCII, 88
structural property data set, 96 downloading, 77 corrosion, 50
AWS A9.1, 40, 43 evaluation methods and procedures, 58- erosion, 50
60, 70 high explosives, 51
B-C existence, 16 mechanical properties, 48-50
harmonization, 59 NDE, 50-51
Benefits, 1-3 nature of, 45 physical properties, 48
estimating, 95 provided on different storage media, 17 standard guides, 46-48
Beta testing, 23 quality wear, 50
Black-box testing, 23 indicators, 59-60, 63-64 Data reporting format, 16
Brief display, 20 standards, 21 conversion software, 17
CAD/CAM/CAE, access to database, security, 73 Data sets
101-102 sorting and organizing, 73 certification, 62-63
CALS, 80 statistical tools, 59-60 completeness of
Category set, 3 technical support, 24 material description, 65


Copyright*1993 by ASTM International


reporting of test data, 65 Erosion, data recording formats, 51 M-N

test method description, 65 Error handling, 19
groups of nominally compatible, Essential field, definition, 3 Machine-readable products, cost of
examination, 58-60 Expert system, 1 producing, 73-74
individual, examination, 57-58 using materials databases, 31 Mainframe packages, 33
unified evaluated, extraction, 59 Explosives, data recording formats, 51 Maintenance, 24-25, 64, 69
Data terminology, 2-4 EXPRESS, 81, 89 Management, operations, 68-69
Data transfer model database example, 93-103 MAP/TOP, 82-83
between databases, 78-79 External schema, 16 Material identifiers, 50
between materials applications, 31 Fabrication and service history fields, 36 Materials identification, data transfer, 84
CALS, 80 Fields, 16 Materials index, data transfer, 79-80
catalogue-based formats, 89 functional dependency, 86 Materials information, modeling, 98
classes, 76-79 Files, 16 Material source, 35
databases and user interfaces, 77 Formats Mechanical property, data recording
database to other software packages, 77 alternative presentations, 86 formats, 48-50
data entry, 77 associativities, 87-88 Menus, 17-19
difficulties, 75 capability for general expression, 84 Messages, cryptic, 19
EXPRESS, 81 catalogue-based, 89 Metadata, 1-2
express, 91 complexity, 88-89 ASTM E 1313, 47
format issues, 83-84 data transfer, 82-83 definition, 2, 66
history, 76 extended, 87 Metals
ISO 10303, 80-82 integrity restriction, 86 mechanical property data recording
item-based formats, 87-89 item-based, 87-89 formats, 48-49
MAP/TOP, 82-83 multiple tuples, 86 standards for identification, 36-37
materials index, 79-80 multitabular, 86 MiniMAP, 82-83
miniMAP, 82-83 restrictions, 86 Multitabular format, 86
"neutral" data formats, 76 SAE Aerospace Standard 4159, 85 Names, data transfer, 83-84
open distributed processing, 83 simplicity, 86 NDE, data recording formats, 50-51
OSI, 82 table-based, 84-87 Networks, 72
passive, 76 tabular, criteria, 85-86 testing, 73
product data cycle, 79 user-editing and, 86 Nonmaterials expert, using materials
raw data, 79 xBase, 85-86 databases, 32
software, 75-76 see also Data recording format; Data Numerical modeling, using materials
table-based formats, 84-87 reporting format databases, 32
techno-economic materials data, 80 Full display, 20 Numeric data, 20
X.12, 80 Full-screen mode interface, 18 Numeric values, type or statistical
Data visualization, graphics facilities, 21 Functional dependency, fields, 84 significance, 69
Debugging Functional requirements, defining, 8
alpha testing, 22-23 Functions, 1-2 O-Q
beta testing, 23
Demonstration system, 14 G-L Object-oriented databases, 78-79
building, 14 Object-oriented model, creating, 97
importance, 14 Glossary, 19 Online systems, 32
Design, elements, 96-99 Graphics facilities, data visualization, 21 ease of access, 72
Display Groups use, 72
brief, 20 relationships between, 11 Open distributed processing, 83
full, 20 retrieval characteristics, 10-11 Open system interconnection, 82
Document, identification, 10 Handbooks, databases derived from, 29 "Open-World" information, ISO 10303, 81-
Documentation quality indications, 63 82
software, 18 Hardware, 93-95 Operations, management, 68-69
user, 23 selection, 8 OSI, 82
Downloading, 20 Help, 19 Part of sample detail fields, 36
"context sensitive," 19 Performance requirements, defining, 8
E-F offline, 73 Personal computer packages, 32
online, 72-73 Personnel, qualifications, 68-69
EDIFACT services, user, 72-73 Physical file, schema based, building, 99-
code sets, 91-92 High explosives, data recording formats, 100
data transfer, 80 51 Physical property, data recording formats,
Engineering materials Implicitly nested data, 88 48
characterization, 35 Indexing, 19-20 Physical schema, 16
descriptions, 69-70 Information transfer, "active," 78 Planning, materials databases, 6-11
fabrication and service history, 36 Intemational Standards Organization, Polymers
generic description, 35-36 STEP Materials Team, 5-6, 31 data recording formats, 50
identification, 34 ISO/DIS 10303, 31 distinguishing from polymer matrix
material source, 35 data transfer, 76-77 composite, 39
objectives, 34-35 invisibility, 82 identification standards, 36-41
part of sample detail fields, 36 "Open-World" information, 81-82 matrix composite, distinguishing from
primary identifiers, 35 recommendations, 82 polymers, 39
processing history, 36 Joints between materials, identification Primary identifiers, 35
reference test results, 35 standards, 40 Processing history fields, 36
specifications, 35 Laboratory notebook databases, 28 Product data cycle, data transfer, 79
unified coding systems, 41-44 License agreements, 24 Project leader, 7
see also Specific materials Line-by-line mode, data display, 17-18 Project manager, support, 14
Engineering products, specification, 80-82 Linings, identification standards, 41, 44 Project team, selection, 7

Property descriptions, 48 Software engineer, 7 Terminology, 2-4, 53, 65-66

Prototype, 14 responsibility, 13-14 data transfer, 83
Quality Software packages, data transfer from diversity in, 6
assurance programs, auditing, 69 databases, 79-82 standardized, 6
control database, 7 Sources Test and specimen description, 49
indications, 63-64 of data Test conditions, 47-48, 70
Query language, SQL, 78 critical assessment, 57 Testing, quality control and assessment,
locating, 55-56 63-64
R-S rating an establishment, 59 Test method descriptors, 70
Specification fields, 35 Test procedure description, 50
Raw data Specimen Test results, 48
data about data, 54 description, 50 Thesaurus, 4, 22
data transfer, 79 test parameters, 50 Tuples, multiple, 86
definition, 65 Spreadsheet, 1 Unified coding systems, engineering
different sets, 55 SQL, 78 materials, 41, 44
formats, 79 Standard procedures, and practices, 69 Unified Numbering System for Metals and
locating sources, 55-56 ceramic identification, 39, 41 Alloys, 38
nature of, 53-54 composite materials identification, Unit conversions, 21, 70
nonstandard test data, 79 39-40, 42 quality indications, 63
precautions when collecting data, 56 EDIFACT, 80 Unit of measurement, 4, 70
refinement, 56 identification of Updating, 69
resources, 54-56 coatings and linings, 41, 44 User
from tests, 54 joints between materials, 40-43 community, vision of, 13
theoretically predicted data, 54 metals and alloys, 36 help services, 72-73
Recording format, 3 MAT/TOP, 82-83 involvement, in planning, 7-8
Records, 16 miniMAP, 82-83 groups, database classification by,
Reference contacts, 73 open distributed processing, 83 30-31
Reference test results, 35 organizations, 4-6 manual, 71-72
Relational database, schema creation, 98- OSI, 82 User interface
99 polymer identification, 37-39 data display, 17
Report databases, 28-29 X.12, 80 data sets, 77
Research database, 7 Statistical analysis, 22 full-screen mode, 18
Retrieval, group characteristics, 10-11 Statistical tools, data analysis, 59-60 Validation
SAE Aerospace Standard 4159, 85 Status lines, 19 criteria, 48, 70
Schema, 2-3, 16 Steels, standards for identification, 37 data, 60-62
development, 11 Subschema, see External schema entry, 100-101
Security, 18-19, 75 Supplemental information fields, 36 as group activity, 61
Software, 93-96 Synonyms, partial, 88 management, 61-62
alpha testing, 22-23 System methodology, 61
announcing new releases, 24 capabilities, 70-71 remedy evaluation process limitations,
automated installation, 23-24 content, 71 60-61
beta testing, 23-24 demonstrating, 26 definition, 65
conversion, for alternative formats, 17 System architecture, 15-18 Value, of database, 1-2
documentation, 18 data dictionary, 15-16 Values, data transfer, 83-84
error handling, 19 schema and subschemas, 16 Value set, 3
fine tuning, 23 Video monitor, display area, 17
license agreements, 24 T-V Visual real estate, 17
modules, 19 W-X
runtime packages, 24 Technical support
selection, 8 data, 24 Wear, data recording formats, 50
technical support, 24 software, 24 White-box testing, 23
translator, 75-76 Techno-economic materials data, data Workstation packages, 32
user documentation, 23 transfer, 80 xBase, 85-86

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