Cagayan State University - The Csu Communicator 12/26/2020

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OPINION: Police Officers dissociate Criminal Offenders

The world reverse into such reality that man who is privilege and had the power prevails its own very will
when his emotion clouds his judgment. The idealism of men wearing uniform gained such respectful
dignity and mirrored values that embodies them – which is an old idealistic theory and notion that all
uniformed personnel had the manners and the spotlight was given to them but that was already in the edge
of the cliff, that idealistic notion is in the verge of collapse. Generally, we made all the sacrifice before
attaining the degree and wearing the uniform that embodies us as a professional give us so much honor
and pride but that thinking should not be interchange to what we call glory which can be defined as pride
if it was used negatively applied in nature. Honor should be embodiment of integrity, honesty and
uprightness in the work place, in the society and on how we deal to the citizen into which the very
existence of the job is serving them.

Pondering this thing, you might startle by asking yourself; Does this a valid parameter of saying well-
groomed uniformed personnel is also a well-mannered person? Does their badge will tell us that they
deserved respect? Well, that would be answered by applying this well-known quotation “Respect begets

All this year we’ve been hearing police officers who committed grave misconduct and they themselves
are associated with such heinous crimes, they are even part of drug trading business and many more. The
Duterte Administration empowered police officers by giving them more power and privilege without even
thinking what would be the effect of open-opportunity to those who is abusive in power. In one instance
the war on drugs which killed millions of suspected people without enough valid evidence and without
the due process of law is one of the substandard and inferior Criminal Justice System in our country,
“Justice for Kian and Justice for all” you might be familiar with this phrase which drive and open the
burning desire of the Filipino Citizen for uniformed and equitable justice for those who get killed without
further discussing it with the court of law. Kian was one of the thousand suspected people who got killed
during the incident on year 2018 which was not by mere accident but by a planned intention because he
was dragged down to a dark alley and shot. The death of this innocent young man triggered massive
condemnation of Duterte’s war on drug and resulted to different movement of protestants and justice-
seeker patriots.

The question now is, why does this happen? Does the Duterte administration failed on proper
implementation of their anti-drug policy applying now the concept of DURA LEX SED LEX OR “it is
harsh, but it is the law” or what if the law enforcers just failed on the right implementation of the policy?
It is social contract in which Duterte as a president created a policy to the extent of creating a better world
by totally diminishing any person who had the power and influence to circulate drugs on our conservative
country however due to the existence Political Authority and on the grounds of individual self-interest
and rational consent Duterte himself allows police and military officers to act with impunity. Police
officers themselves followed their own very instinct in which according to Hobbes the state of nature was
one which there is no enforceable criteria of right and wrong. The state of nature was therefore a state of
war it is to whether or not individuals agreed to social contract (Anti- Drug Policy) or use the democratic
power of sovereignty and the enforcement of the law should then be in the circle of discussion however
law enforcers are the one who is suppressed of knowledge like there are 2,000 dismissed police officer

due to administrative punishment of wrong doing during raids on war on drugs. This uniformed
personnel creates such impact to the society which is why the term “Saludo” is in the verge of collapse.
Like the controversy about this police officer who gunned down a mother and son while on the intense
A lot of people posted and even personally commented and giving condolences to the bereaved family. A
lot of us shared and posted into their personal social media accounts about their personal views on the
incident which outrage us and reignites the Filipino to seek reformation on country’s criminal justice
system and police force.
There have been general criticisms about uniformed police officer and we can’t deny this fact even if we
really are so mad and wanted Nuezca to suffer death too. Its harsh but with that the only justice to be
given by the plaintiff is by doing injustice (killing Nuezca imposing Death Penalty to him) to served
Sorry is not enough for Nuezca even if he says it a million times or his apologies might be judged on its
credibility if its sincere or not. Yes, we all had the opinion, some might say that Nuezca was triggered
from the mockery of Sonya to her daughter but gunning them down is a heinous crime as a Police Officer
and should not only be penalized by giving writ of Habeas Corpus but by giving the penalty of death.
While we are all on the heated arguments as to whether or not death penalty must be imposed by Nuezca
and give all the Uniformed police officers the hate which for some is partially deserving but there are also
innocent police officers who is an embodiment of their so-called profession. Like the patrol police officer
named Rey Manadeg who saves a drowning child in Lingayen Beach. This set of police officers is truly
an embodiment as a True Police Officer and they deserved the honor of wearing their classy uniform with
their name in their badge.
The generalization would end by disassociating Police officers to ex police cops who is criminal offender.

There is no wrong as to what profession you have now for us long you are an embodiment and an epitome
of respect then respect would also be given to you. The only thing that is lack to ex police – criminal
offender is the right manners; they are blinded with the power given by them and the open-opportunity
that they have. After resolving the issue , let us then start dissociate Good Police officers and the Bad Ex
Police Cap and the same thing will follow to any other kind of profession.

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