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Fred. Olsen Production a.

Olowi Field Development

CNR International

Zl 18.11.08 As Built JMR NHH NHH

Cl 21.12.07 Issued for Construction JMR NHH NHH
Bl 30.10 ,07 Issued for Detail En ineerin JMR NHH NHH
Al 01.08 .07 Issued for IDC and Comments JMR BEO NHH
Rev. Date Reason for issue Pre . Checked Acee ted
Package Title :
1395 HVALSTAD - NORWAY Topside Knock Allan
PHONE +47 64 00 18 01 · FAX +47 64 00 18 01
NO 983 756 913 MVA Doc . Tille According to SMDR :

Functional Description

System number According to NORSOK SFI code Supplier Document / Project Number:
n/a tba KA40036
Pa es
Pro.eel Number Com an Code Disci tine code Se uential Number
0514 KA p 00004 1 of 43
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowl Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004 , rev . 21
KANFA ref .: KA40036


i) Revision changes described below . Revisions are shown by the symbol I located in left-hand
column .


Al First Issue

Bl General update according to P&ID changes .

LP Compression (system 23) and fuel gas (system 45) included.
Chapter 3.4 ESD/PSD/PCS deleted .

Cl Generally updated. Comments from FOP, ABB and GGT included.

Zl As Built (revisions not shown)

- 2 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Product ion
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . Zl
KANFAref .: KA40036
Table of contents

1. Process Description ........................ .................................................... ........................................ 5

2. Reference Documentation ............................................................. ............................................. 7
3. General Technical Information ..................... ..................................... ........................................ 8
3.1. Key Process Figures .......................... ........................................ ........................................ 8
3.2. Process Equipment Configuration And Spare Capacity ......................................... .......... 8
3.3. Process Segments Split-XV-Valves .................................................. ............................. 8
4. General Control Philosophies and Aspects ........................................ .................... .................... 9
4.1. Pump Duty / Standby operation ........... ................................................................... .......... 9
4.2. Start-up Interlocks and trip signal suppression ............................... ................................ 10
4.3. PCS Freeze at shutdown ............................ .......................... ........................................... 10
4.4. Fast Scan Times ................... ............................................ .................................. ............. 10
4.5. Calculations ............................................................ ........................ ................................ 10
5. Wellhead Area And Inlet Manifolds - System 13 ................................................................... 11
5.1. Inlet ESD I Slug Valves / Production Manifold (M0l) .................................................. 11
5.2. Pig Receivers 13-VL-001/002 (M0l) .................................................. ........................... 11
6. Separation - System 20 ....................................................................................... ..................... 13
6.1. Inlet Heaters 20-HA-001 A/B/C/D (M02) ..................................... ................................. 13
6.2. l st Stage Separator 20-V A-001 A/B (M02) .............................. ...................................... 14
6.2.1. Sand Jetting System for Separators ................ ..................... ................................ 15
6.3. Interstage Heaters 20-HA-002 A/B (M02) ............... ...................................................... 15
6.4. 2nd Stage Separator 20-VA-002 (M02) ..................................... .............................. ........ 16
6.5. Oil Pumps 20-PA-001 A/B (M02) ........................................................................ .......... 17
6.6. 1st Stage Electrostatic Coalescer 20-VJ-001 (M02) ........................................................ 17
6.7. 2nd Stage Electrostatic Coalescer 20-VJ-002 (M02) ........................ ............................... 18
6.8. Oil Coolers 20-HB-003 A/B (M02) ...................... .......................................................... 19
6.9. Jet Water Interceptor Tank 20-TG-001 & Jet Water Interceptor Drain Pump 20-PF-00 l
(M3 l) ........................................................ ..................................................... ........................... 20
7. LP Compressor Unit - System 23 ...................................................... ...................................... 21
7.1. Suction Pressure control ...................................... ................................ ........................... 21
7.2. LP Compressor Suction Cooler 23-HA-00 l (M02) ........................................................ 2 L
7.3. LP Compressor Suction Scrubber 23-VG-002 (M02) ............................. ....................... 21
7.4. LP Compressor 23-KC-00 l (M02) ........................................................ ......................... 22
7.5. LP Scrubber Pump (M02) ................................................ ............................................... 22
7.6. Start/Stop Sequence LP Compressor .......................... .................................................... 23
7 .6.1. Start Sequence ........................................................................ ............................. 23
7.6.2. Stop Sequence ..................................................................................... ................ 24
8. Gas Dehydration - system 24 ............................................................... .................................... 25
9. HP Compressor Unit- system 26 .................................. ........................ .................................. 25
l 0. Gas Production Manifold - System 27 .............................. ...................................................... 26

• 3 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref.: KA40036

11. Chemical Injection System - System 42 ............ ............................................................ .......... 27

11. l. Wax Inhibitor (M29) ........ ........................................................ .................................. ..... 27
11.2. Asphaltene Inhibitor (M29) .................. .......................................................................... 27
11.3. Scale Inhibitor (M29) ............. ......................... ............................. ................................... 28
11.4. Demulsifier (M29) .......... ...................................................................................... .......... 28
l 1.5. Corrosion Inhibitor (M29) ...................................... ................... .......... ........................... 28
11.6. Produced Water Clarifier (M29) ............................................................. ........................ 29
11.7. Oxygen Scavenger (M29) .............................................................. .................. ............... 29
11.8. Antifoam (M29) .............................................................................................................. 29
11.9. Spare Tank (M29) ........... .............................. ................................................... .............. . 30
12. Flare And Relief - System 43 .............................................................................. ................... . 31
12.1. Flare Headers ....................................................................................... ............ ............... 31
12.2. LP Flare KO Drum 43-VD-001 & LP Flare KO Drum Heater 43-FE-001 (Ml 1)......... 31
12.3. LP Flare KO Drum pumps 43-PA-00lA/B (M34) ....................................... ............ ...... 32
12.4. HP Flare KO Drum 43-VD-002 & HP Flare KO Drum Heater 43-FE-002 (Ml 0) ........ 32
12.5. HP Flare KO Drum pumps 43-PA-002A/B (MIO) ........................ .......... ........ ............... 33
12.6. Flare Tip 43-FD-003 (M32) & Pilot Gas Control Unit (M33) ....................................... 33
13. Produced Water Treatment - System 44 .................................................................................. 34
13.1. Produced Water Booster Pumps 44-PA-002 A/B (M02) .......... ...................................... 34
13.2. Produced Water Hydrocyclone 44-CE-001 A/B (M02) ................................................. 34
13.3. Produced Water Flotation Unit / Degassing Vessel 44-VD-001 (M02) ......................... 35
13.4. Produced Water Pumps 44-PA-001 A/B (M02) ......... ........................ ............ ................ 36
13.5. Produced Water Skimming Pumps 44-PA-003 A/B (M02) .................. ......... ................ 36
13.6. Produced Water Cooler 44-HB-001 (M02) ................................. .......... ......................... 37
13.7. Wash Water Recycle Pump 44-PA-004A/B (M02) ..................................... ................... 37
14. Fuel Gas - System 45 ............................................................................................................... 38
14. l. Fuel Gas Pressure Control ....................................... ............... ........................................ 38
14.2. Fuel Gas Scrubber 45-VG-00 l (M02) ............................................................................ 38
14.3. Fuel Gas Heater 45-FE-001 (M02) ................................................................................. 39
14.4. Gas Import Preheater 45-FE-002 (M02) ................................... ................................... ... 40
15. Methanol Injection - System 46 ............................. ................ .................... ............... ............... 41
15. l. Methanol Tank 46-TA-001 (M28) .................................... .................... .......................... 41
15.2. Methanol Injection Pumps 46-PF-00lA/B /C and 46-PF-011/021 A/B (M28) ............... 41
15.3. Methanol Filters 46-CB-001 A/B (M28) ........................................................................ 41
16. Fresh Water - System 53 ......... ........................................................... ................ ..................... 42
17. Open Drain - System 56 ........................................................................................... ............... 42
18. Closed Drain - System 57 ............... .............................. ......................................... ............... ... 42
19. Compressed Air- System 63 ............................. ...................................................................... 43
19.1. Plant Air Distribution ...................................................................................... ................ 43
19.2. Instrument Air Distribution ............................................................................................ 43
20. Nitrogen - System 64 ............................................. .................. ................................................ 43
21. Deluge - System 71 ........................ .............. .................................................. .......................... 43

- 4 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description . KAN FA
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref.: KA40036


The purpose of this functional description is to describe the Olowi FPSO Topside process plant
functionality, operation and control for all tagged equipment. Equipment and instrument set
points, duties, alarm levels etc. can be found on the reference P&IDs , they are not included in this
functional description.

There are four inlet riser lines; one from Wellhead Tower A & B, one from Wellhead Tower D
and two from CSP C. Each of the four lines is routed through a dedicated inlet ESD valve, located
close to the riser. The incoming gas and liquids from WHT A & B and from WHT D are routed
via the pig receiver skid to the slug control valve and the production manifold. The lines from
CSP C are routed directly to the manifold. Only flanges for temporary pigging and space for a
common, future slug control valve is included.

Because of solids production and potential wax deposition problems there will be two inlet beater
systems and two inlet separator systems. Downstream the 1st stage separator, further oil treatment
will be a single train.

The inlet heaters are designed for heating the inlet stream from 40 °C to 75 °C, but normal
beating will be to 70 °C. Steam is used as beating medium . Hydrocarbon gas, oil and water then
are separated in the 3 phase 1st stage production separator operating at around 5.4 barg.

The oil from the 1st stage separator is beat exchanged with steam in the interstage heaters ,
increasing the oil temperature to 90 °C, before it is routed to the 2 nd stage separator operating at
0.8 barg . In the 2nd separator gas, liquid oil and water are further separated.

Downstream the 2nd stage separator , the crude oil is pumped to the electrostatic coalescers which
are required to meet the crude BS&W and salt specification. The system consists of a 1st and 2nd
stage electrostatic coalescer , connected in series. The desalting is accomplished by introducing a
high voltage to break down the stabilized water droplets in the oil phase , and by diluting the
saline produced water in the stabilized oil with fresh water. There is a counter current flow of oil
and fresh water , with fresh water introduced to the 2 nd stage coa lescer. Separated water from the
nd st
2 stage electrostatic coalescer is routed to the 1 stage electrostatic coalescer, and separated
water from the 1 stage electrostatic coalescer is routed to the 2nd stage separator.

The oil from the 2nd stage electrostatic coalescer is cooled to 50 °C and metered before entering
the cargo tanks for storage . The flow in the cooler is co current to avoid wax deposition .

Produced water from the topside process is treated in order to reduce the oil in water content to
below 30 ppm , before being discharged overboard . Water from the 1st stage separator is routed
directly to a dedicated hydrocyc lone. Water from the 2nd stage separator and l st stage electrostatic
coalescer is pumped by the produced water booster pumps to meet the water from the 1st stage
separator . The hydrocyclone will reduce the oil content to around 30 ppm depending on the inlet
concentration . The hydrocyclone is followed by a degassing vessel, lowering the oil content to
below 30 ppm. The degasser is equipped with an induced gas flotation system, utilizing a re-
circulation stream from the produced water pumps to the degasser and an ejector to suck in gas

- 5 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
ntle: Functional Description
Document no . : 0514-KA-P - FD-00004 , rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

from the degasser gas phase . The degasser is further equipped with a skimming chamber for
manually controlled overflow and automatic discharge (to the 2ndstage separator) by means of the
produced water skimming pumps . The hydrocyclone reject flow is routed directly to the
skimming chamber .

The produced water from the degasser is pumped and cooled to 50 °C, before being metered and
discharged . If the BS&W specification is not met, the produced water may alternatively be routed
to slop.

Gas from the 1st stage separator is routed to the 4 x 33% HP compressor trains, where the gas is
compressed from around 5.4 barg to 174 hara for reinjection through the gas production manifold
back into the reservoir. The gas can also be used for gas lift.. Each HP compressor train consists of
a 4-stage compressor , with suction coolers, after coolers and suction scrubbers. There is a gas
dehydration unit (TEG) between the 3rd and 4 th compressor stage to satisfy the dew point
requirement for gas injection.

The gas from the 1st stage separator may also be routed to flare. Gas to the fuel gas system is
taken from the I st stage separators .

A minor gas rate from the 2nd stage separator is compressed by the LP compressor system to
around 5.4 barg, and further routed to the HP compressor train inlet. The 2n stage separator gas is
routed through a cooler and scrubber before entering the LP compressor.
The gas from the 2 stage separator may also be routed to flare.

Some of the gas from the 1st stage separator is routed to the fuel gas system, which prepares
hydrocarbon gas for combustion in the steam boilers . The gas is routed through a scrubber to
knock out any liquids , before being heated to 95 °C in the fuel gas heater. The fuel gas shall be at
least 20 °C above dew point temperature when entering the steam boilers. Liquid condensate from
the scrubber is routed to the 2 nd stage separator. Fuel gas can also be imported by reverse flow
from the injection well. The gas is then heated in the gas import preheater to avoid hydrate
formation when reducing the pressure before entering the scrubber.

There is a HP and LP flare and relief system with dedicated HP and LP flare KO drum and flare
tip arrangements. The Pilot Gas Control skid includes a local ignition panel. The ignition
sequence can however also be set in auto mode from the control room.

The closed drain header is routed to the LP flare knock out drum which is a common vessel for
LP flare knock out and closed drain. Open drains from the process facilities are routed to slop.

There is a methanol and chemical injection unit with storage tanks for both topside and subsea
chemical injection.

Utilities such as instrument and plant air , nitrogen , deluge , sea water and steam are provided by

. 6 .
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Funct ional Descript ion
Document no .: 0514 - KA-P-FD- 00004, rev . 21
KANFA ref . : KA40036


P&IDs (Process & Instrument Diagrams) for all process equipment of the topside . It
should be noted that all numbers for e .g. level setting , alarms etc can be found on the
P&IDs and not in this Functional Description .

Functional Description - TEG Dehydration and Regeneration Package ,

document 0514-KA-P-FD-24001

Functional Description - HP Compressor Package , document 0514-KA-P-FD-26003

PSD Cause & Effect Diagram for the Olowi topside , document 0514-KA-S-XR-00002

ESD Cause & Effect Diagram for the Olowi topside, document 0514-KA -S-XR-00001

F&G Cause & Effect Diagram for the Olowi topside , document 0514-KA-S-XR-00003

Safety Design Philosophy , document 05l4-GG-S-FD-00001. Description of design basis

for fire and gas detection system and emergency shut down system can be found in this

Control and Safeguarding Philosophy , document 0514-GG-I-FD-00002 . Overall

principles and functional requirements for the control- , protection- and safety systems are
described .

Flare and Relief Report , document 0514-KA-P-RA-00002. Relief valve sizing criteria and
calculations as well as blowdown calculations can be found in this document.

API RP 14C Analysis , docum ent 0514-KA-P-CA-00001

- 7 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. 21
KANFA ref . : KA40036


Before start-up of the Olowi topside, all process equipment , valves, instrumentation and the
control system needs to be clarified , prepared and ready for operation. All check points from
commissioning and start-up procedures shall be fulfilled, and there should be no punch points left
that could lead to hazardous operation of the plant. Operational personnel and supervisors shall be
available and properly trained for safe operation. All utility required must be tested, available and
ready for operation.


Olowi design capacity - oil: 25,000 BOPD
Olowi design capacity - water: 25,000BWPD
Olowi design capacity - liquid: 35,000 BLPD
Olowi design capacity - gas: 85 MMSCFD
Inlet temperature: 40 - 45 °C
Normal arrival pressure : 6.9 barg
Riser shut-in pressure : 101 barg
1st stage separator operating pressure: 5.4 barg
2nd stage separator operating pressure : 0.8 barg
Flaring capacity - emergency : 135 MMSCFD
Flaring capacity - continuous : 26MMSCFD
Fuel gas design rate: 15 MMSCFD
Cooling medium temperature : 20 - 30 °C
Heating medium temperature: 184 °C


The configuration of the process equipment is shown on the P&IDs . Due to the waxy nature of
the oil, 4x50% inlet heaters, 2x l 00% l st stage separators , interstage heaters and oil coolers are
included. Otherwise the general philosophy is sparing of rotating equipment only, like
compressors and pumps . Where parallel equipment is installed additional block-off valves have
been included to assure safe isolation of equipment without having to shut down the plant. For the
main compressions trains with 4 x 33% configuration , the philosophy is to shut down a complete
train in case of mechanical failure or maintenance. The Olowi topside valves are controlled by
pneumatic actuators.


The Olowi topside is sectionalized by actuated XV valves to limit the hydrocarbon inventory
according to API requirements and recommendations . All XV valves have limit switches to
indicate in the control room if the valves are open or closed.

- 8 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036


The wellhead area and inlet manifold (system 13) is the segment between the incoming riser flow
lines to the start of the separation plant (system 20). The well stream normally enters the wellhead
area at about 7 barg , but the pressure may vary from 5 to 24 barg depending on flow rate. Full
isolation to the well shut-in pressure is secured by inlet ESD valves . A slug control valve secures
the pressure in the production manifold to about 6,9 barg. The production manifold provides
routing of the flow to either inlet separation train A or inlet separation train B.


AU 2xl00% pumps (which are all pumps except the single LP Scrubber Pumps) shall be able to
operate in duty/standby mode, i.e. if the duty pump goes down, the standby pump shall start
automatically. Two off "soft" selector switches to be provided on HMI screens for each set of
2x100% pumps, where the first one is to be used for "Manual/Auto" mode selection and the
second one to be used for "Duty/Standby" pump selection. In "Manual" mode, the standby
functionality shall be disabled and pumps to be started manually. When the "Auto" mode is
selected , one of two pumps to be set as "Duty" - this will automatically put the other pump in
standby mode . The standby functionality will be operational e.g. 5 seconds after the "start
request" for the duty pump has been executed (5 second time delay is provided to allow pressure
to build-up after pump has been started).

The only signal to be used for changing over the duty pump to standby one is:
• "electric motor fault'' (when electric motor "not running" feedback signal received
without preceded motor "stop request" signal being executed)

In order to be able to start the standby pump automatically, the following overrides for PSD
action caused by "motor fault' ' alarm signals are required:
• PALL alarm and PSD action to be permanently overridden when motor "not running"
feedback signal received as a result of "stop request'' execution
• PALL alarm overridden for 5 sec. after pump "start request'' signal executed: this will
allow for pressure built-up after pump started
• PALL PSD action overridden for e.g. 5 sec. after PALL alarm activated when pump
running or when "not running" feedback received without "stop request' ' execution
("motor fault" alarm): this will allow system for stopping the faulty duty pump (the "stop
request" signal is a condition for overriding the PSD action) and for starting the standby
pump automatically ("start request'' signal to be activated for the standby pump)
• If the standby pump discharge pressure fails to build-up within 5 sec. after "start request''
signal has been executed, the PSD shall be activated with the pump stops signals sent to
the motor starters and suction valve closed . However , if the pump operates in Manual
mode , and the relevant PALL occurs , then the PSD shall be initiated with a 30
second time delay (this delay to be provided for the operator can verify the situation and
perform desired action manually)

- 9 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref. : KA40036


The only start-up suppression of signals and interlocks foreseen are:

• standby pumps PALL to be suppressed till 5 seconds after pump start-up (ref. section 4. 1)
• start of HP Compressors to be possible only when sufficient power available, i.e. to be
interlocked with the power management system (details on this must come from FOP)

Other start-up trip and alarm signal suppressions will be manual depending on start-up conditions .


In case of a shutdown, most control valves will be isolated from its controller and the control
valve is likely to go to fully open or fully closed position. This situation can affect the process
stability at re-start after ESD/PSD. Re-setting the shutdown valves may result in maximum flow
of some of e.g. steam to beat exchangers or crude oil/produced water from separators , generating
oscillations in the Process Control System. To avoid this scenario , the ESD/PSD signal shall
automatically change over the controller modes from auto to manual , "freezing" the controller
output signals . Resetting ESD/PSD will automatically change the controller status back to auto
mode .

The slug control valves, 13-PCV-0501/0502, shall however fail closed for a double block against
the pipelines in case of a shut-in (and possible pipeline ESD valve failure) .


A fast scan time (100 ms) is required for the following control loops:

• LP Compressor recycle (23-PIC-0102)

• HP Compressor 1st stage recycle loop (26-PIC-0308A/B /C/D)
• HP Compressor 3rd stage recycle loop (26-PIC-0301A/B /C/D and 26-PIC-0703A/B /C/D)
• HP Compressor 4th stage recycle loop (26-PIC-0808A/B /C/D and 26-PIC-0904A/B /C/D)
• HP Compressor 1S PSC controlled vent to flare (26-XV-0103A/B /C/D)
• HP Compressor 3S PSC controlled vent to flare (26-XV-0603A/B /C/D)


Calculation of daily and total production is required for:

• produced oil to storage (20-FIT-0807)

• produced water overboard or to slop tank (44-FIT-0403)
• gas to flare (43-FIT-0108 for LP flare and 43-FIT-0208 for HP flare)
• gas from HP compressors (27-FIT-0101)
• fuel gas to boilers (45-FIT-0108)

- 10 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description ~ KAN FA
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref.: KA40036


The wellhead area and inlet manifold (system 13) is the segment between the incoming riser flow
lines to the start of the separation plant (system 20) . The well stream normally enters the wellhead
area at about 7 barg , but the pressure may vary from 5 to 24 barg depending on flow rate. Full
isolation to the well shut-in pressure is secured by inlet ESD valves . A slug control valve secures
the pressure in the production manifold to about 6,9 barg . The production manifold provides
routing of the flow to either inlet separation train A or inlet separation train B.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-13001/2 /3/4/ 5-0l

The inlet ESD's 13-EV-0106 /0206 /0306 /0406 are full bore fail closed valves. The purpose of the
inlet ESD valve is to close in the well stream at ESD / PSD signal from the process . The ESD
valves are dual operated from both ESD system (total shutdown) and PSD system. Pressure shut-
down transmitters 13-PSIT-0101/0201/0301/0401 downstream the ESD valve will monitor the
well stream pressure and give shutdown on LL signal. HH signal will not be given as piping is
designed for full shut in pressure. During normal operation , the ESD valves are fully open for the
well stream. 13-EV-0108 /0208 are installed in bypass of 13-EV-0106 /0206 for pressurization of
downstream system from full shut-in pressure from the well head towers.

Slug control valves 13-PCV-0501/0502 controlled by pressure transmitter 13-PIT-0501- /0502 are
installed in the two flow lines from the wellhead towers, to suppress any potential slugging. The
downstream PIT is set at 6,9 barg . At higher pressure the valves shall close (throttle), at lower
pressure the valves shall open . The slug control valves operate at inlet pressure up to 24 barg , but
are designed for 101 barg shut-off pressure and are final barrier for the well stream pressure. In
case of shutdown, the slug control valves are provided with manual bypasses to bleed the
upstream pressure to below 24 barg before opening the slug control valve . Downstream the slug
control valves , the combined flow line from CSP C can be routed to either of the WHT flow lines.
There is a removable spool piece in the flow line from CSP C for future insta llation of a slug
control valve . Line 16"-PT-l3-0054-BC21-l Y enables the WHT flow lines to be routed to either
of the inlet separator train A and B. The pressure in the production manifold is monitored by
pressure transmitter l 3-PSIT-0509 /0510 , to give shutdown on HH signal. Due to possible gel
plug formation, the production manifo ld and inlet heaters are designed for 40 barg pressure .

5.2. PlG RECEIVERS 13-VL-001/ 002 (MOl)

P &ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-13001/2-01

In case of wax or solid formation in the production line , there is an arrangement to pig the lines .
A soft pig type is normally applied . Pigging operation is done by launching the pig from either of
the wellhead towers , through the production line to pig receiver 13-VL-001/002. The CSP Clines
are not equipped with pigging facilities , but there are space allocated and connections for future

- 11 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no . : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004 , rev . 21
KANFA ref. : KA40036

temporary pig receiver/launcher. Pigging operation can be done when the flow line is de-
pressurized and there is no production through the flow line, typically before start-up . It is not
prepared for pigging while the production is ongoing. There are pig indicators 13-ZI-0103/0203
installed on the pig receiver inlets. Each pig receiver is equipped with pressure indicators both at
inlet 13-PI-0104/0204 and outlet 13-PI-0107/0207, in case of pig to be stuck in the midd le. From
the pig receivers , there is a manual blow-down arrangement to the HP flare system. Both pig
receivers have a ' tell tale' arrangement at the opening hatch to assure de-pressurized equipment.
It should be noted that the inlet lines and valves between the riser connection and the pig receiver
shall have pipeline ID. The pig receivers are covered with drip trays to be drained to buckets .
The CSP C flow lines will be flushed with water from slop in a dedicated flushing line in case of
longer shut downs.

- 12 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description . KAN FA
Document no.: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

The separation system 20 is the segment between the wellhead manifold area (system 13), to the
gas compression (system 23 and 26), and produced water system (system 44). Because of solids
production and potential wax deposition problems there will be 2xl00% inlet separation systems
(inlet heaters and separators) . Further oil treatment will be a single train. Incoming well stream is
heated in the inlet heaters and then routed to the production separators, where gas, oil and water
are separated in a 3-phase separation process. The oil stream from the 1 stage separator is
metered and then heated in the interstage heater before entering the 2 stage separator. Oil from
the 2nd stage separator is pumped to the 1st and 2 nd stage coalescers for desalting before being
cooled and routed to storage.
Water from the l st and 2nd stage separators are routed to the produced water treatment for
reducing the oil in water content prior to discharge overboard. Gas is routed to the gas
compression trains and fuel gas system or to flaring.

6.1. INLET HEATERS 20-HA-001 A/B/C/D (M02}

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-20001-01/02

The Inlet Heaters 20-HA-00 1 AIB/C/D are 4 x 50 % (2x50% for each train) shell-and-tube heat
exchangers that utilises the heating medium (steam) to heat the incoming well stream to 70 -75 °C
before entering the 1st stage separator. Heaters 20-HA-001 A/Bare dedicated to 1st stage separator
A, while heaters 20-HA-00 1 CID are dedicated to 1st stage separator B. The well stream is on the
tube side, while the heating medium is on the shell side. Temperature control for 20-HA -00lA of
well stream to the 1st stage separator A is achieved by temperature transmitter 20-TIC-0 l 0lA that
controls the condensate level in the exchanger by regulating the temperature control valve 20-
TCV-0 101A. If the well stream temperature is too high , a signal is sent to throttle the control
valve . The condensate level increases , resulting in less area for steam condensation. The opposite
is to happen for low temperature. Level transmitter 20-LIT-0105A gives alarm at Hand L
condensate level. The set point for control valve 55-PCV-201 lA at the steam inlet may then be
manually adjusted between 2 and 10 barg (from the control room) to regulate the steam pressure
in the exchanger, and thereby the flow and condensation temperature and duty. At high
condensate level the steam pressure is decreased, which will reduce the flow . In addition the
condensation temperature and duty is lowered. The oil outlet temperature will decrease, and the
condensate level be lowered. Increasing the steam pressure will increase the flow and duty , and
increase the condensate level. The pressure in the exchanger is kept at the set value by pressure
transmitter 55-PIT-201 lA , controlling pressure control valve 55-PCV-201 lA. The steam pressure
shall be regulated to ensure the temperature of the condensate leaving the heat exchanger is below
l 00 °C. This is to avoid flashing when the pressure is decreased over the downstream temperature
control valve. Temperature transmitter 55-TIT-2022 /2024 will give alarm at H temperature .
Temperature shut-down transmitter 20-TSIT-0 l 02A will monitor the well stream temperature
downstream the heat exchangers to give PSD at HH temperature. Control of heaters 20-HA-001
B/C/D is analogous. The transmitter and control valve tags are the same , only the end letter in the
tag indicates which heater it is controlling .

- 13 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Funct.ional Description
Document no.: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

It should be noted that the heat exchangers are designed to 300# system, although connected
directly to the downstream 150# system. This is for possible pressure surges due to wax build-up .
Pressure protection is however designed for a 150# system.
In order to minimize solids and wax to the heater tubes during pigging, the inlet heaters can be
bypassed by routing to line 16"-PT-20-0l 13/0119/BC21-0N. Inlet heater A/Bis bypassed by
opening valve 20GT0120 in bypass line and closing 20GT0101A/B and 20GT0103A/B. Inlet
heater CID is bypassed by opening valve 20GT0118 in bypass line and closing 20GT0101C/D
and 20GT0103C/D . The bypass line can also be used for shorter periods in case of malfunctioning
of an exchanger.

6.2. 1STSTAGE SEPARATOR 20-VA-001 A/B (M02)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-20002-01 /02

In the 1st stage separator, the hydrocarbon gas, oil and water is separated in a 3-phase separation
process. The well stream will enter the separator inlet nozzle N 1 where an immediate separation
will occur . The inlet cyclones will reduce the feed stream momentum and ensure good gas and
liquid distribution thus creating calm conditions for separation. There is a perforated plate
downstream the inlet cyclones to further stratify the flow for optimal separating conditions.
Further perforated plates are installed in the vessel for wave dampening and also for optimizing
the water - oil separation. At the gas outlet nozzle N2 , there is a demisting mesh pad installed, to
avoid liquid droplets in the outlet gas. The oil outlet N3 and water outlet N4 has vortex breakers
to prevent gas suction . There is a fully welded adjustable weir plate near the oil outlet. A sand
jetting system is installed and hard piped for water supply from slop tank. Sand cleaning facilities
are not included.

The 1st stage separator temperature is controlled by temperature transmitters 20-TIT-

0 10 l A/8 /C/D downstream the inlet heaters. The temperature in the separator can be read locally
from temperature indicator 20-TI-0216A/B. The temperature can also be read from 20-TIT-
0219A/B located at the oil outlet line.

Pressure control of the l st stage separato rs are either by flaring or gas compression. Pressure
transmitter 26-PIT-0301A/B /C/D at the HP Compressor stage 1 inlet is controlling the pressure in
the l st stage separators by regulating the stage 1 - 3 recycle control valve 26-PCV-0703A/B /C/D.
Pressure transmitter 20-PIT-0201A/B controls the pressure control valve 20-PCV-0201A/B to
give flaring if the compression trains are not running or the compressors can ' t handle the gas
flow. The set point for 20-PIT-0201A/B will be set higher than the set point for operation of the
compressor train. 20-PCV-0201A/B will then normally be closed , and only open if the
compressor trains are not running or act as a spill-off valve in case of pressure peaks in the
separators . Pressure shut-down transmitter 20-PSIT-0209A/B will give PSD signal at HH or LL

Level control of the oil phase in the separator is provided by level transmitter 20-LIT-0206AIB
which controls the level control valve 20-LCV-0206A/B in the oil outlet line. Level shut-down
transmitter 20-LSIT-0214A/B will give PSD at HH and LL level. Level gauge 20-LG-0217A/B is
used for manual monitoring of the separator oil level.

- 14 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD -00004 , rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036
Leve l control of the water phase is by level transmitter 20-LIT-0213A/B that controls the level
control valve 20-LCV-02 13NB downstream the produced water hydrocyclone 44-CE-00lA/B.
Level shut-down transmitter 20-LSIT-0212A/B will give PSD at LL level. Level gauge 20-LG-
02 l 5NB is used for manual monitoring of the water level.

Oil outlet metering is by turbine type flowmeter 20 -FIT -0223A/B , and water outlet metering is by
turbine type flowmeter 44 -FIT-0222NB. Blow-down of the separators are by blow -down valve
20-BV-0204NB . The separator can be manually blown-down through line 4"-PV-20-0024 /0034-
AC21-0N. The fuel gas system is supplied with gas from the 1st stage separators through line 10"-

6.2.1. Sand Jetting System for Separators

The sand jetting system for the l st stage separators 20-V A-001 A/B consists of a manifold system
with spray nozz les. By injecting water through the spray nozzles , the sand will be fluidized in the
bottom of the separator. The slurry of water and sand is drained to the jet water interceptor vessel.
To minimize the consumption of water and the amount of sand/water slurry , each separator has 3
identical sand jetting sections to be operated batch wise.

The slurry of water and sand will be routed by the 3" drain header to the sand-collecting vessel.
Sand cleaning facilities are not included. Produced sand will be transported to shore for treatment.
The amount of sand drained from the vessel should be continuously monitored to establish the
required frequency of the sand jetting.

6.3. INTERSTAGE HEATE RS 20-HA- 002 A/B {M02)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-20003-01

The Interstage Heaters 20-HA-002 NB are 2 x 100 % shell-and-tube heat exchangers that utilises
the heating medium (steam) to heat the oil stream from the 1 stage separator A and B to 90 °C to
achieve a better separation in the 2 nd stage separator. The oil stream is on the tube side , while the
heating medium is on the shell side. Temperature control for 20-HA-002A/B is achieved by
temperature transmitter 20-TIC-0301A/B that controls the condensate level in the exchanger by
regulating the temperature control valve 20-TCV-0301 NB. If the well stream temperature is too
high, a signal is sent to throttle the contro l valve . The condensate level increases, resulting in less
area for steam condensation. The opposite is to happen for low temperature. Level transmitter 20-
LIT-0305A/B gives alarm at Hand L condensate level. The set point for contro l valve 55-PCV-
2015A at the steam inlet may then be manually adjusted between 2 and 10 barg (from the control
room) to regulate the steam pressure in the exchanger , and thereby the flow and condensation
temperature and duty. At high condensate level the steam pressure is decreased, which will reduce
the flow. In addition the condensation temperature and duty is lowered. The oil outlet temperature
will decrease, and the condensate level be lowered . Increasing the steam pressure will increase the
flow and duty, and increase the condensate level. The pressure in the exchanger is kept at the set
value by pressure transmitter 55-PIT-2015A, controlling pressure control valve 55-PCV-2015A .
The steam pressure shall be regulated to ensure the temperature of the condensate leaving the heat

- 15 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no.: 0514-KA - P-FD-00004 , rev . 21
KANFAref .: KA40036

exchanger is below 100 °C. This is to avoid flashing when the pressure is decreased over the
downstream temperature control valve. Temperature transmitter 55-TIT-2025 will give alarm at H
temperature. Temperature shut-down transmitter 20-TSIT -0302A/B will monitor the well stream
temperature downstream the heat exchangers to give PSD at HH temperature . Liquid returns from
other parts of the process with temperatures below 90 °C are routed upstream the interstage

6.4. 2NDSTAGE SEPARATOR 20-VA-002 (M02)

P&ID reference : 05l4-KA-P-XB-20004-01

In the 2nd stage separator , the hydrocarbon gas, oil and water is further separated in a 3-phase
separation process at 0,8 barg and 90 °C. The liquid and associated gas from the 1st stage
separator will enter the separator inlet nozzle Nl where an immediate separation will occur . The
inlet cyclones will reduce the feed stream momentum and ensure good gas and liquid distribution ,
thus creating calm conditions for separation. There is a perforated plate downstream the inlet
cyclones to further stratify the flow for optimal separating conditions . Further perforat ed plates
are installed in the vessel for wave dampening and also for optimizing the water - oil separation .
At the gas outlet nozzle N2, there is a demisting mesh pad installed, to avoid liquid droplets in the
outlet gas. The oil outlet N3 and water outlet N4 has vortex breakers to prevent gas suction . There
is a fully welded adjustable weir plate near the oil outlet. The vessel is prepared with spare
nozzles for sand jetting system . Liquid returns from other parts of the process are routed to the 2nd
stage separator inlet Line. Water from the 1st and 2nd stage electrostatic coalescers will enter nozzle
N20 in the water phase of the separator.

The 2nd stage separator temperature is controlled by temperature transmitters 20-TIC-0301A/B

downstream the interstage heaters . The temperature in the separator can be read from temperature
indicator 20-TI-0415 .

Pressure control of the 2nd stage separator is either by flaring or gas compression. Pressure
transmitter 20-PIT-0401 at the gas outlet is controlling the pressure in the 2nd stage separator
through 23-PIC -0 l 02 by regulating the LP Compressor recycle control valve 23-PCV-0 102 (ref
chapter 7 for recycle control valve details) . Pressure transmitter 20-PIT-0401 also controls the
pressure control valve 20-PCV-0401 through 20-PIC -0401 to give flaring if the LP Compressor is
not running or if the compressors can ' t handle all the gas. The set point for 20-PIC-0401 will be
set higher than the set point for operation of the compressor train. 20-PCV-0401 will then
normally be closed , and only open if the compressor is not running or act as a spill-off valve in
case of pressure peaks in the separator . Pressure shut-down transmitter 20-PSIT-0407 will give
PSD signal at HH or LL pressure .

Level control of the oil phase in the separator is provided by level transmitter 20-LIT-0413 that
controls the level control valve 20-LCV-0413 downstream the oil coolers. Level shut-down
transmitter 20-LSIT-0412 will give PSD at HH and LL level. Level gauge 20-LG -0416 is used for
manual monitoring of the separator oil level.

- 16 -
Client : Fred . Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no.: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

Level control of the water phase is provided by level transmitter 20-LIT-0411 that controls the
speed of the produced water booster pumps 44-PA -002A/B . Level shut-down transmitter 20-
LSIT-0410 will give PSD at LL level. Level gauge 20-LG-0414 is used for manual monitoring of
the water level.

Blow-down of the separator is by blow-down valve 20-BV-0404. The separator can be manually
blown-down through line 3"-PV-20-0073-AC21-3N .

6.5. OIL PUMPS 20-P A-001 A/B {M02)

P&ID reference : 05l4-KA-P-XB-20005-01

The oil transfer pumps will increase the pressure of the produced oil to be able to pass through the
downstream electrostatic coalescers, crude oil cooler and level control valve . There is a temporary
strainer (TS) included at the pump suction to protect the pump during start-up operations .
Pressure shut-down transmitter 20-PSIT-0503A/B on the pump discharge line will give PSD
signal at LL level. Pressure indicator 20-PI-0501A/B upstream the pump will measure the
pressure for local reading. 20-FIT-0504A/B will monitor the flow from the pumps , and give
signal through 20-FIC-0504A/B to 20-FCV-0504A/B to open on minimum flow to protect the
pumps . The minimum flow is routed to the 2nd stage separator inlet. 20-FIC-0504A/B will at L
alarm give signal to stop the pump (signal via PCS). Crude oil min flow return valves 20-FCV-
0504A/B to be closed when the pump 20-PA-00 1 A/B is not running. The pumps are centrifugal
pumps that can be operated from the control room, and there are local push-buttons for stopping
the pumps. The pumps are sealed with nitrogen , and the pump casings are cooled with fresh


P&ID reference : 05l4-KA-P-XB-20006-01

From the oil pumps the oil stream is routed to the 1st stage electrostatic coalescer , to remove
remaining water and salt from the oil. Water from the 2nd stage electrostatic coalescer is routed to
the oil line upstream the emulsion mixing valve 20-SI-601 . In the mixing valve , the water is
dispersed in the oil as small droplets. The pressure drop over the mixing valve can be read locally
from pressure differential transmitter 20-PDl-0619 . The oil and water emulsion enters the bottom
of the vessel through nozzle Nl and flows vertically upwards through a distributor , to create a
uniform flow across the vessel. The emulsion is then projected into the electrical field created by
the transformer 20-ET-001. The electrical field accelerates separation of the oil and water, and
enhances coalescence of water droplets. As coalescence proceeds , the water droplets grow large
enough to overcome the viscosity of the oil and fall due to gravity . The water outlets N3A/B in
the bottom of the vessel are equipped with vortex breakers. The water is routed to the 2nd stage
separator. The oil outlet N2 is at the top of the vessel. Line l "-PL-20-0086-AC2 l-l Y connected
to nozzles N9A and N 1 lA is a bleed line for continuous venting of any trapped gas. The vessel is

- 17 ·
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no .: 0514 - KA- P- FD- 00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

prepared with spare nozzles for future sand jetting system . Nozzles N14A/B /C/D are for sample
collection .

The 1st stage electrostatic coalescer temperature can be read from temperature transmitter 20-TIT-
0609 .

Pressure shut-down transmitter 20-PSIT -0604 will give PSD signal at HH pressure . The vessel
can be manually depressuri zed through line 2"-VF-20-0126-AC21-0N .

Level control of the water phase in the coalescer is provided by level transmitter 20-LIT-0607
that controls the level control valve 20-LCV-0607 at the water outlet. Level shut-down transmitter
20-LSIT-0601 will give PSD signal at HR and LL level.

The coalescer shall be filled to the top with oil, as any trapped gas will bleed off continuously .
Level shut-down transmitter 20-LSIT-0602 will give PSD signal at LL level.

When there is 0 % water cut, desalting of the oil is not needed and the 1st stage coalescer can be
bypassed through line 6"-PL-20-0081-AC21-0N. The coalescer can also be bypassed in case of
malfunctioning. Bypass of the coalescer is a manual operation. When the 1st stage coalescer is
bypassed, the water from the 2nd stage coalescer shall be rerouted to the 2 nd stage separator
through line 2"-PW-44-0042-AC21-3N .

The transformer 20-ET-001 is equipped with a level shut-down transmitter 20-PST -0611 to give
PSD signal at LL pressure . Temperature shut-down transmitter 20-TST-0612 will give PSD
signal at HR temperature .


P&ID reference : 05 l 4-KA-P-XB-20007-0 l

The oil stream from the 1st stage electrostatic coalescer is routed to the 2nd stage electrostatic
coalescer for further desalting. Fresh water is introduced to the oil line upstream the emulsion
mixing valve 20-SI-701. In the mixing valve , the water is dispersed in the oil as small droplets .
The pressure drop over the mixing valve can be read locally from pressure differential transmitter
20-PDI-0719 . The oil and water emulsion enters the bottom of the vessel through nozzle NI and
flows vertically upwards through a distributor, to create a uniform flow across the vessel. The
emulsion is then projected into the electrical field created by the transformer 20-ET-002. The
electrical field accelerates separation of the oil and water , and enhances coalescence of water
droplets . As coalescence proceeds , the water droplets grow large enough to overcome the
viscosity of the oil and fall due to gravity . The water outlets N3A/B in the bottom of the vessel
are equipped with vortex breakers . The water is pumped to be mixed with the oil stream
downstream the oil pumps . The oil outlet N2 is at the top of the vessel. Line 1"-PL-20 -0091-
AC21-l Y connected to nozzles N9A and N l lA is a bleed line for continuous venting of any
trapped gas. The vessel is prepared with spare nozzles for future sand jetting system . Nozzles
Nl4A/B /C/D are for sample collection .

- 18 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Product ion
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA - P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036
The 2nd stage electrostatic coalescer temperature can be read from temperature transmitter 20-
TIT-0712 .

Pressure shut-down transmitter 20-PSIT-0711 will give PSD signal at HH pressure. The vessel
can be manually depressurized through line 2"-VF-20-0120-AC21-0N.

Level control of the water phase in the coalescer is provided by level transmitter 20-LIT-0709
that controls the speed of the wash water recycle pumps 44-PA-004A/B in the water outlet line.
Level shut-down transmitter 20-LSIT-0706 will give PSD signal at HH and LL level.

The coalescer shall be filled to the top with oil, as any trapped gas will bleed off continuously .
Level shut-down transmitter 20-LSIT-0702 will give PSD signa l at LL level.

When there is 0 % water cut, desa lting of the oil is not needed and the 2nd stage coalescer can be
bypassed through line 6"-PL-20-0088-AC21-0N . The coalescer can also be bypassed in case of
malfunctioning . Bypass of the coalescer is a manual operation . In case the 1 stage electrostatic
coalescer is bypassed , the water from the 2 stage coalescer shall be rerouted to the 2nd stage

separator through line 2"-PW-44-0042-AC21-3N . This line is equipped with a self actuating
control valve 44-PCV-0111 to keep the back pressure for the wash water recycle pump and to
close if the upstream pressure is low to keep the water level in the 2nd stage coalescer .

The transformer 20-ET-002 is equipped with a level shut-down transmitter 20-PST-0714 to give
PSD signal at LL pressure . Temperature shut-down transmitter 20-TST-0715 will give PSD
signa l at HH temperature .

6.8. OIL COOLERS 20-HB-0 03 A/B (M02)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-20008-0 I

The oil coolers will reduce the temperature of the oil before cargo storage. Temperature control
20-TIC-0801 A/B will give signal to temperature control valve 20-TCV-0801 A/B for control of
sea water to the crude oil coolers , and thereby controlling the oil outlet temperature. There is no
shut-down at high or low temperature , but alarms will be given , also to the control room . The
seawater supply temperature and pressure can be read locally from indicators 51-TI-2001 and 51-
PI-2002 in the common supply line. For the seawater return there are dedicated temperature and
pressure indicators for cooler A and B, 51-TI-2003A/B and 51-PI-2004A/B. ESD valve 20-EV-
0803 isolates the topside from the downstream cargo system.

The flow in the heat exchang er is co-current in order to avoid wax formation at exchanger walls .
Pressure differential transmitter 20-PDIT-0808 will measure the pressure difference between the
oil inlet and oil outlet streams. At H pressure difference , an alarm is given. To melt any formed
wax, the sea water flow can be turned down or off for a period . The exchangers can be bypassed
through line 6"-PL-20-0096-AC2 l-3N .

- 19 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

Blow-down for the segment is by blow-down valve 20-BV-0804, which is common for volumes
st nd
of 1 and 2 stage coalescers as well. The turbine type flowmeter 20-FIT-0807 will meter the
produced oil rate to cargo tanks .

PUMP 20-PF-001 (M31)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-20009-01

Jetting water from the 1st stage separators and produced water degassing vessel is routed to the jet
water interceptor tank inlet nozzle NI. The slurry of water and sand will be separated by gravity
in the sand collecting tank. Water will overflow the vessel through line 3"-WJ-20-0128-AC2l-
0N, and be routed to slop tank. Vent line 4"-WJ-20-0127-AC21-0N is installed to avoid
overpressure in the tank and is routed to slop.

20-LS-0901 will give alarm at high sand level in the tank, and the sand is to be removed
manually. Water is drained through nozzle N4 and pumped to the overflow line by the jet water
interceptor drain pump. The pump is air driven and installed to overcome the elevation difference
between the water outlet and the overflow line. The water outlet is equipped with a wedge pipe to
avoid sand entrainment. Sand will then be removed through nozzle N6 equipped with knife valve
20-SI-902 at the bottom of the tank to a sand removal trolley. Sand cleaning facilities are not
included at the topside. Produced sand will be transported to shore for treatment.

- 20 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description ~KAN FA
Document no. : 0514-KA-P -FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref.: KA40036

Gas produced from the 2nd stage separator can be compressed in the LP compressor system for
further routing into the HP compressor system. The LP compressor system includes a suction
cooler, suction scrubber, liquid return pump and a compressor. The LP Compressor is a single
stage vane compressor coupled to an electric motor, with water cooling jacket and a dedicated
lube oil system.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-23001-01/23003-01

The flow and pressure in the system are controlled by recycle valve 23-PCV-0102, routing gas
from the compressor discharge side to upstream the suction cooler. The valve operates with a
turndown rate from 0-100% . There will be a continuous recycle due to the compressor having a
larger capacity than required. The valve fails open.

The recycle valve (23-PCV-0102) is regulated by 23-PIC-0102, receiving a signal from

transmitter 20-PIT-0401 at the 2nd stage separator gas outlet. Meaning the LP compressor recycle
valve is also controlling the pressure in the 2nd stage separator.
The recycle valve will be fully open during start-up and revert to controlling mode after a nominal


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-23001-01

The gas from the 2nd stage separator is cooled from maximum 95 °C to between 45 and 65 °C in a
shell and tube cooler. Fresh water is utilized as cooling medium, before being routed to the
coalescers for use as wash water. Normally all water required for the coalescer is routed through
the LP compressor suction cooler. There is no temperature control for the suction cooler, and the
amount of cooling water is decided by the coalescer requirements, hence the variations in the gas
discharge temperature. The gas discharge temperature can be read locally from indicator 23-TI-
0101 and the cooling water temperature from 53-TI-2301 and 53-TI-2302 upstream and
downstream the cooler .


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-23002-01

When the gas from the 2 stage separator is cooled, condensation of water and HC liquid occur.
This liquid is separated from the gas in the LP Compressor Suction Scrubber, and pumped to the
2 nd stage separator.

- 21 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
ntle : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

The scrubber is fitted with a mist eliminator , and is oversized to allow for liquid to accumulate in
order to reduce on/off cycles of the LP scrubber pump . The scrubber is equipped with one DP
type level transmitter 23-LSIT-0201 giving shut down at HH and LL condensate level, and one
level gauge type level transmitter for control of condensate level (23-LIT-0202) . The level is
controlled by on/off control (23-PA -0001) of the LP Scrubber pump (23-PA-001) to start at high
level and stop at low level.

23-KC-001 (M02)

P&ID reference: 0514 -KA-P-XB-23003-01/23005-0l

The cooled and scrubbed gas is routed to the LP compressor. The gas is compressed to meet the
HP compressor suction pressure (I st stage separator pressure) .

The compressor is protected against high and low suction pressure by 23-PSIT-030 l , to give PSD
signal at HH and LL level. 23-PSIT-0303 will give PSD at Im and LL level to protect the
compressor and downstream equipment against high and low discharge pressure. 23-TSIT-0304
will protect the compressor and downstream equipment against too high discharge temperature ,
by initiating process shut-down at HH level.

The LP compressor is equipped with a cooling jacked using a small amount of fresh water as
cooling medium . A flow orifice (53FO2303) is installed in the line and is sized for a flow rate of
l m3/h. The compressor casing is protected against high temperature by temperature shut-down
transmitter 23-TSIT-0302 located at the cooling jacket. An alarm will be given at H temperature.
The cooling water is routed to open drain , and temperature indicator 56-TI-2301 is installed in the
return line.

The LP compressor is a rotary vane type compressor , which is a positive displacement

compressor equipped with a dedicated lube oil system . A Flow switch (23-FSS-0503) will shut
down the compressor at low lube oil flow.


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-23004-01

The lxl00% LP scrubber pump will increase the pressure of the condensed liquid from the LP
scrubber liquid outlet to be able to enter the 2 nd stage separator. The pump is controlled by 23-LIC
0202 to start on H and stop on L condensate level in the suction scrubber. There is a temporary
strainer (TS) included at pump suction to protect the pump during start-up operations . Pressure
shut-down transmitter 23-PSIT-0402 on the pump discharge line will give PSD signal at LL
pressure . Pressure indicator 23-PI-040 l upstream the pump will measure the pressure for local
reading .

• 22 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Product ion
Project : Olowi Field Deve lopment
Title : Functional Description
Document no.: 0514-KA-P - FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036


7.6.1. Start Sequence


..... ....

_ _....,._


=:::--------- --- -.r: --""'-- \


Nrwcydo-123-"CV-0102) PIDtooo~1112J'1 CITO'DI"""'

lowam &n,-

- 23 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no .: 0514-KA-P - FD-00004 , rev . 21
KANFA ref .: KA40036
7.6.2. Stop Sequence




N recycle v;t,<a (23-f'CV-0102) PIOloop (23-PIC-0102 111CXllW'OI

Ol)l!ll l ~

Ac:Nal8 1s Pl'8S1Ur8 n.PSIT-030 1 10Walarm & Ulp ovarride

Aarva-.e Id pn!SSlft n. PSIT-0303 loWalarm & lrip ovarride

t----- - -------- -.i~ SequenceC<rl1*!:e

- 24 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref. : KA40036


Reference is made to separate functional description (document 0514-KA-P -FD-24001) for the
TEG dehydration and regeneration package.


Reference is made to HP Compressor unit vendor Flotech functional description (document 05 l 4-

KA-P-FD-26003) for this system.

• 25 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Product ion
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA -P-FD-00004 , rev . 21
KANFA ref. : KA40036


P&ID reference: 0514-KA -P-XB-27001-01

From the four HP compressor trains, the gas is routed to the gas injection manifold and the gas
injection flow Linesto keep the pressure of the wells and maintain the production to the topside .
There are currently two injection lines hooked up, one line to WHT A, B and D, and another line
to CSP C. Metering of the gas injection is by flow element 27-FE-0101 and flow transmitter 27-
FIT-0101 giving signal to 27-FIQ-0101. Pressure transmitter 27-PIT-0101 and temperature
transmitter 27-TIT -0101 are included for flow correction . The flow meter can be bypassed
through Line6"-PV-27-9008-FCl 1-0N. ESD valves 27-EV-0102 /0103 will isolate the injection
lines on ESD and PSD signal.

Fuel gas can be imported from CSP C by closing valve 27GT0107 and routing gas from the
injection line to line 4"-GF-27-9004-FCl 1-0N. Pressure transmitter 27-PIT-0106 is installed in
the fuel gas line for pressure reading.

· 26 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
ntle: Functional Descript ion . KAN FA
Document no.: 0514-KA - P-FD-00004, rev. 21
KANFA ref .: KA40036


The chemical injection plant includes pumps and storage tanks for injection of required chemicals
for the topside production plant, and also injection to the X-MAS tree through the service Line
umbilicals. The chemicals are stored in multi-compartment tanks , with a chamber for each
chemical. Each chemical has two dedicated 2xl00 % injection pumps. Each chemical storage
chamber has a l " tubing connection for chemical filling.


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-0 l

Due to possible wax formation from the producing wells, there are provisions for wax inhibitor
chemical injection into the wells to prevent wax from forming in the inlet risers and the topside
equipment during production . Wax inhibitor is stored in storage tank 42-TB-001. The level can be
manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0101. There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-001) for
flow calibration and control. The wax inhibitor chemical is pumped up to injection pressure by
the wax inhibitor pump 42-PF-001 A/B , and routed to CSP C for downhole injection . There is a
minimum flow return line downstream the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and
control. The minimum flow is controlled by the self-actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-
Ol 04 . Pressure indicator 42-PI-0 103 is installed for local reading of discharge pressure . 2xl 00%
wax inhibitor filters 42-CB-00IA/B with pressure differential transmitter 42-PDIT-0105 is
installed in the injection line downstream the pumps . The transmitter will give alarm at H level.


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-42001 -01

Asphaltenes are the most polar fraction of crude oil, and often will precipitate upon pressure ,
temperature , and compositional changes in the oil. Asphaltene inhibitor is injected into CSP C
subsea to avoid asphaltene precipitation in pipelines separators and other topside equipmen t.
Asphaltene inhibitor is stored in storage tank 42-TB-002 . The level can be manually monitored by
level gauge 42-LG-0106 . There is a calibration gauge (42-SI -004) for flow calibration and
control. The asphaltene inhibitor chemical is pumped up to injection pressure by the asphalt ene
inhibitor pump 42-PF-002 A/B, and routed to CSP C for downhole injection . There is a minimum
flow return Line downstream the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The
minimum flow is controlled by self-actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-0109. Pressure
indicator 42-PI-0 l 08 is installed for local reading of discharge pressure . 2x 100% asphaltene
inhibitor filters 42-CB-002A/B with pressure differential transmitter 42 -PDIT -0110 is installed in
the injection line downstream the pumps . The transmitter will give alarm at H level.

- 27 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036
-- •

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-02

To prevent scale depositions in the production systems, there are facilities for injection of scale
inhibitor subsea. Scale inhibitor is stored in storage tank 42-TB-003. The level can be manually
monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0111. There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-007) for flow
calibration and control. The scale inhibitor chemical is pumped up injection pressure by the sca le
inhibitor pump 42-PF-003 A/B, and routed to CSP C for downhole injection . There is a minimum
flow return line downstream the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The
minimum flow is controlled by self-actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-0114. Pressure
indicator 42-PI-0 113 is installed for local reading of discharge pressure. 2x l 00% scale inhibitor
filters 42-CB-003A/B with pressure differential transmitter 42-PDIT-0115 is installed in the
injection line downstream the pumps. The transmitter will give alarm at H level.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-02

For 3-phase operation, demulsifier may be required for breaking emulsions to obtain satisfying
separation of the oil and water . Demulsifier is stored in storage tank 42-TB-004. The level can be
manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0116. There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-010) for
flow calibration and control. Demulsifier is pumped to injection pressure by pump 42-PF-004
A/B, and routed to CSP C for topside injection. There is a minimum flow return line downstream
the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The minimum flow is controlled by
self-actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-0 119. Pressure indicator 42-PI-0 118 is installed for
local reading of discharge pressure. As injection of demulsifier is critical, flow element 42-FE-
0120 is installed in the injection line to give alarm at no flow.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-03 /05

There are facilities for injection of corrosion inhibitor to the CSP C flowline , to the gas injection
line, and to the TEG regeneration skid.
Corrosion inhibitor for the CSP C flowline is stored in storage tank 42-TB-005 . The level can be
manually monitored by leve l gauge 42-LG-0121. There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-013) for
flow calibration and control. Corrosion inhibitor is pumped to injection pressure by pump 42-PF-
005 A/B, and injected to CSP flowline. There is a minimum flow return line downstream the
pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The minimum flow is controlled by self-
actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-0124. Pressure indicator 42-PI -0123 is installed for local
reading of discharge pressure.
Corrosion inhibitor for gas injection is stored in storage tank 42-TB-006 . The level can be
manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0125 . There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-016) for

- 28 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . 21
KANFA ref .: KA40036

flow calibration and control. Corrosion inhibitor is pumped to injection pressure by pump 42-PF-
006 A/B, and routed to the gas injection line. There is a minimum flow return line downstream
the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The minimum flow is controlled by
self-actuated pressure control valve 42-PCV-0128. Pressure indicator 42-PI-0127 is installed for
local reading of discharge pressure .
Corrosion inhibitor for TEG regeneration is stored in storage tank 42-TB-009 . The level can be
manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0145. There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-026) for
flow calibration and control. Corrosion inhibitor is pumped to the required pressure by pump 42-
PF-009 A/B, and routed to the TEG unit. Pressure indicator 42-PI-0147 is installed for local
reading of discharge pressure .


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-4200 L-04

Produced water clarifier is injected to the produced water lines downstream the 1 and 2nd stage
separators to enhance the separation of oil from water. Produced water clarifier is stored in
storage tank 42-TB-007. The level can be manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-0129 . There
are two calibration gauges (42-SI-020 /021) for flow calibration and control of the three headed
pumps. Produced water clarifier is pumped to required pressure by the three headed pump 42-PF-
007 A/B, and routed to the separation module . Pressure indicators 42-PI-0135 /0138/0141 is
installed for local reading of pump discharge pressures .


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-05

De-oxygenation of water is required to reduce corrosion and aerobic bacterial growth . To lower
the oxygen content , 0 2 scavenger is added to the fresh water feed line. Oxygen scavenger is
stored in storage tank 42-TB-008. The level can be manually monitored by level gauge 42-LG-
0142 . There is a calibration gauge (42-SI-023) for flow calibration and control. Oxygen scavenger
is pumped to required pressure by pump 42-PF-008 A/B, and injected to fresh water feed line as
far upstream as possible . Pressure indicator 42-PI-0 144 is installed for local reading of pump
discharge pressure .

11.8. ANTIF0AM {M29)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-06

To minimize foam formation in the TEG regeneration system , the topside has facility to inject
antifoaming chemical upstream the glycol contactor if required. Anti foam is stored in storage tank
42-TB-010. The level can be manually monitored by Levelgauge 42-LG-0148. There is a
calibration gauge (42-Sl-029) for flow calibration and control. Antifoam is pumped to injection

- 29 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref . : KA40036

pressure by pump 42-PF-010 A/B, and routed to the TEO regeneration unit. Pressure indicator 42-
PI-0 150 is installed for local reading of discharge pressure.

11.9. SPARE TANK {M29)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-42001-06

The multi-compartment tank contains a spare chamber 42-TB-011 . A level gauge 42-LG-0 1451
for manual monitoring of tank level is installed .

• 30 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036


The flare system consists of the High Pressure (HP) flare system, the Low Pressure (LP) flare
system and the atmospheric vent system. Both the HP and LP flare system has individual flare
header , flare KO drum and flare tip. The LP flare KO drum is a common vessel for LP flare
knock out and closed drain .


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-00002-02

There are dedicated HP and LP flare headers for the different modules on the topside . Blow-down
relief lines from HP sources are routed via the module HP flare headers to the common HP flare
header in the piperack, and further to the HP flare KO drum for flaring . Blow-down relief lines
from LP sources are routed via the module LP flare headers to the common LP flare header in the
piperack , and further to the LP flare KO drum for flaring . For continuous purging and positive
flow , purge gas is supplied to the flare headers.

12.2. LP FLARE KO D RUM 43-VD -001 & LP FLARE KO D RUM IIEATER 43-FE-001 (Ml 1)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-43001-01

Gas from the LP flare header is routed to the LP Flare Knock-Out drum . The gas is distributed
inside the vessel in the vane inlet diffuser, otherwise there are no internals in the vessel. The
purpose of the KO drum is to remove any small amount of liquid in the gas flow before flaring
during normal operation . The KO drum is also sized for blow-down scenarios. The KO drum
provides a liquid hold-up volume for additional safety in the system according to API
requirements to prevent liquid carry-over to the flare tip. Liquid from the closed drain header is
also routed to the LP flare KO drum via the LP flare header , as this is a common vessel for LP
flare knock out and closed drain collection. Level transmitter 43-LIT-0103 monitors the KO drum
liquid level and gives signal to the PCS system to start/stop the downstream KO drum pumps for
liquid removal. Shut-down level transmitter 43-LSIT-0102 monitors the level of the KO drum.
The signal is routed to the ESD system instead of the PSD system in order to achieve an
independent instrumented 2 nd safety barrier with respect to upstream PSD PSHH and LSHH
barriers. The LL alarm is deleted in order to avoid spurious ESD trips (pump protection only).

The flare KO drum pressure can be read locally from pressure indicator 43 -PI-0 LOL.

An electric heater, 43-FE-001 , is installed in a pipe connected to the bottom of the vessel. The
heater will avoid waxing in the vessel. The heater is controlled by 43-TIC-0111 to turn the heater
on and off at Lowand high temperature of the vessel liquid . Temperature switch 43-TS-0 110A
monitors the temperature of the heater element to give signal to the PSD system on HH
temperature . Temperature switch 43-TS-0 11OB monitors the temperature of the heater flange to
give alarm on H temperature .

- 31 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no.: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

The gas flow from the LP flare KO drum to the flare tip is measured by the ultrasonic flow meter
43-FIT-0 108. It consists of the ultrasonic flow element 43-FE-O I 08 with corresponding pressure
transmitter 43-PIT-0108 and temperature transmitter 43-TIT-0108 for flow correction. The
instruments give signal to the overall PCS system via 43-FIQ-0108. The ultrasonic flow
instrument is attached to the pipeline leading to the flare tip .

12.3. LP FLAREKO DRUM PUMPS 43-PA-00lA/B (M34)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-43001-01

LP flare KO drum pumps transfer liquid accumulated in the LP flare KO drum, and pumps the
liquid upstream the interstage heaters. Alternatively , the pump discharge can be routed to the slop
tank ifrequired . The pumps are started on H level signal from level transmitter 43-LIT-0103 in
the LP flare KO drum and will stop on L level signal. Pump allocation is done manually in the
control room. Pump inlets have temporary strainers for start-up protection . Pressure shut-down
transmitters 43-PSIT-0106A/B in the pump discharge line will give signal to the PSD system on
LL pressure signal. Pressure indicator 43-PI-0 l 05A/B upstream the pumps will measure the
pressure for local reading .


P&ID reference: 05 l 4-KA-P-XB-43002-0 l

Gas from the HP flare header is routed to the HP Flare Knock-Out drum . The gas is distributed
inside the vessel in the vane inlet diffuser, otherwise there are no internals in the vessel. The
purpose of the KO drum is to remove any small amount of liquid in the gas flow before flaring
during normal operation. The KO drum is also sized for blow-down scenarios and full flow
release from the upstream process. The KO drum provides a liquid hold-up volume for additional
safety in the system according to API requirements to prevent liquid carry-over to the flare tip.
Level transmitter 43-LIT-0203 monitors the KO drum liquid level and gives signal to the PCS
system to start/stop the downstream KO drum pumps for liquid removal. The self-actuating
valves 43-PCV-0109A/B downstream the HP flare KO pumps closes when the upstream pressure
is low , i.e. the pumps are not running , to keep the level in the HP flare KO drum . Shut-down level
transmitter 43-LSIT-0202 monitors the level of the KO drum . The signal is routed to the ESD
system instead of the PSD system in order to achieve an independent instrumented 2 nd safety
barrier with respect to upstream PSD PSHH and LSHH barriers . The LL alarm is deleted in order
to avoid spurious ESD trips (pump protection only).

The flare KO drum pressure can be read locally from pressure indicator 43-PI-020 l.

An electric heater , 43-FE-002 , is installed in a pipe connected to the bottom of the vessel. The
heater will avoid waxing in the vessel. The heater is controlled by 43-TIC-0210 to turn the heater
on and off at low and high temperature of the vessel liquid . Temperature switch 43-TS-0209A
monitors the temperature of the heater element to give signal to the PSD system on HH

• 32 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD-00004 , rev . Zl
KANFA ref. : KA40036

temperature. Temperature switch 43-TS-0209B monitors the temperature of the heater flange to
give alarm on H temperature .

The gas flow from the HP flare KO drum to the flare tip is measured by the ultrasonic flow meter
43-FIT-0208 . It consists of the ultrasonic flow element 43-FE-0208 with corresponding pressure
transmitter 43-PIT-0208 and temperature transmitter 43-TIT-0208 for flow correction .
The instruments give signal to the overall PCS system via 43-FIQ-0208 . The ultrasonic flow
instrument is attached to the pipeline leading to the flare tip.


43-PA-002A/B {MlO)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-43002-01

HP flare KO drum pumps transfer liquid accumulated in the HP flare KO drum, and pumps the
liquid upstream the interstage heaters . Alternatively , the pump discharge can be routed via the
closed drain header to the LP flare KO drum . The pumps are started on H level signal from level
transmitter 43-LIT-0203 in the LP flare KO drum and will stop on L level signal. Pump allocation
is done manually in the control room . Pump inlets have temporary strainers for start-up
protection. Pressure shut-down transmitters 43-PSIT-0206A/B in the pump discharg e line will
give signal to the PSD system on LL pressure signal. Pressure indicator 43-PI-0205A/B upstream
the pumps will measure the pressure for local reading . The pump discharge pressure is controlled
by the self-actuating valves 43-PCV-0109A/B


P&ID reference : 0514-KA -P-XB-43002 -01

From the HP Flare KO drum , the line 18"-VF-43-9101-AC21-0N routes the gas up via the flare
stack to the HP flare tip. From the LP Flare KO drum, the line 8"-VF-43-9105-AC21-0N routes
the gas via the flare stack to the LP flare tip. To keep the flare tip burning even at shut-down , pilot
gas is required for the pilot burners in the flare tip. Gas is routed from the fuel gas system through
line 2"-GF-45-9023-AC21-0N , and the pilot gas pressure is controlled by the pilot gas control
unit. The pilot gas is further routed via the flare stack up to the pilot burners . There is a propane
bott le rack connected to the pilot gas control unit as back-up in case the source of pilot gas from
the fuel gas system is closed .

The HP and LP Flares can be ignited remote ly from the control room and manually from the
ignition panel located at the Pilot Gas Control Unit. Reference is made to vendor John Zink
drawing 0514-JZ-R -XB-00009 .

- 33 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no . : 0514-KA-P - FD-00004 , rev . Zl
KANFAref. : KA40036


Produced water from the separation process will be treated to reduce the oil in water content to
below 30 ppm, before produced water is discharged overboard . The produced water from the l st
and 2 nd stage separators are routed to a hydrocyclone where the bulk volume of oil is removed.
The oil content of the produced water is further reduced in the flotation cell / degassing vessel.
After cooling the produced water is discharged overboard or routed to slop tanks , depending on
the oil content. Separated oil from the hydrocyclone and degassing vessel is pumped to the 2nd
stage separator.


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-44001-0 l

The produced water booster pumps will increase the pressure of the produced water from the 2 nd
stage separator to meet the pressure of produced water from the l st stage separators. There is a
temporary strainer (TS) included at pump suction to protect the pump during start-up operations .
Pressure shut-down transmitter 44-PSIT-0109A/B on the pump discharge line will give PSD
signal at LL pressure . Pressure indicator 44-PI-0108A/B upstream the pump will measure the
pressure for local reading . Produced water from the booster pumps can be routed to hydrocyclone
A by opening valve 44GT0413 in line 3"-PW-44-0041-AC2l-3N , or to hydrocyclone B by
opening valve 44GT0412 in line 3"-PW-44-0023-AC21-3N


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-44002-01

Water from the 1st stage separators A and Bare routed to dedicated hydrocyclones A and B,
which will reduce the oil content from to about 50 ppm. The hydrocyclone will separate dispersed
oil in water on the basis of density through the application of centrifugal forces . The produced
water enters the top chamber of the hydrocyclone tangentially. This promotes a fluid spin within
the hydrocyclone head, resulting in the formation of a vortex motion that spirals down the conical
section . As the liquid moves down the conical section , oil droplets migrate to the central oil core .
The oil core moves upward in a smaller spiral, and exits from the centre of the hydrocyclone head
as the reject phase . Separated oil is routed to the produced water degassing vessel skimming
chamber. The bulk Liquid flows out of the tail section at the underflow, and continues to the
produced water degassing vessel. The clean water outlet and oily reject chambers are split into
three separate sub chambers , and creates three separate banks of hydrocyclone liners within the
same vessel. All three banks of liners can be brought on/off line independently to meet the flow

The hydrocyclone control is based on a constant pressure differential ratio (PDR), i.e. the ratio
between the inlet to reject pressure drop and the inlet to outlet pressure drop . The pressure
differential transmitter 44-PDIT-0201A/B monitors the pressure loss between the produced water
inlet and the produced water outlet , whereas 44-PDIT-0202A/B monitors the pressure loss

- 34 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD -00004 , rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

between the produced water inlet and the reject oil. The flow, and hence the pressure drop, from
inlet to outlet is regulated by the 1 Stage Separator interface level controllers 20-LIC-02 l 3AIB
regulating the level control valves 20-LCV-0213AIB located downstream of the hydrocyclones .
At changing produced water flow, the PDR controller shall regulate the reject control valve 44-
PCV-020 l AIB correspondingly based on the following calculation:

PDR = DP (inlet to reject) / DP (inlet to outlet)

= 44-PDIT-0202AIB value I 44-PDrT-020lA/B value = l.7

The ratio between 44-PDIT-0202A/B and 44-PDIT-0201A/B is kept constant by regulating 44-
PCV-020 l A/B , and thereby ensuring the effectiveness of the hydrocyclones. In case the l st stage
separator level control valve will open, the pressure drop between the produced water inlet and
the produced water outlet from the hydrocyclone will increase. The pressure differential ratio
controller 44-PIC-0201AIB will send a signal to the reject pressure control valve to open in order
to increase the pressure drop between the produced water inlet reject oil, and thereby achieve the
set pressure drop in the pressure differential ratio controller.

The bydrocyclones can be backwashed by opening the valves 44BL0414A/B and closing the
valves 44GT0201A/B and 44GT0227A/B. Produced water will then be flushed through the
bydrocyclones from the reject oil outlets , nozzle N5-N7 , to the produced water outlets , nozzle


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-44003-01

Produced water from the deoiling hydrocyclone is routed to the produced water flotation cell /
degassing vessel, for further reduction of the oil in water content. The oil content of the produced
water leaving the degasser will be approximately 30 ppm. The pressure in the degassing vessel is
floating on the pressure in the LP flare knock out drum through vent line 6"-VF-43-4403-AC21-
0N from Nl4 , to enable gas to escape. Produced water from the hydrocyclones enters the
degassing vessel tangentially through inlet nozzle NI, positioned near the liquid level. The
tangential entry will induce a swirl within the vessel, which will create both a radial and axial oil
concentration gradient and allow the oil droplets to migrate to the centre of the vessel as they rise
to the liquid surface. The flotation mechanism in the inlet zone will be due to dissolved gas
flotation due to the pressure drop across the deoiling hydrocyclones and the 2 stage separator
water level control valve. In the lower polishing zone, induced flotation gas from N 12 in top of
the vessel is induced tangentially through nozzle N 10A/B after being mixed with produced water
from the produced water pumps in the eductor. The flow from the eductor maintains the swirl in
the lower region of the vessel, and introduces micro bubble flotation gas.
Clean water is routed to the produced water pumps from nozzle N2 at the vessel bottom, while
separated oil will build a layer on top of the water in the vessel. The vessel contains an axially
centred skim tube. When a significant oil layer bas formed, the interface level can be increased
manually to overflow hydrocarbons into the skim tube. Reject oil from the hydrocyclone is routed

- 35 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description .KAN FA
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . 21
KANFA ref . : KA40036

directly to the skim tube through nozzle N4. Recovered oil is pumped from nozzle N3 back to the
2nd stage separator by the produced water skimming pumps 44-PA-003 A/B.

The water level in the tank is controlled by level transmitter 44-LIC-0304 that controls the level
control valve 44-LCV-0304 downstream the produced water cooler . Level shut-down transmitter
44-LSIT-0303 will give PSD at HH and LL level. Level gauge 44-LG-0304 is used for manual
monitoring of the degassing water level.

The liquid level in the hydrocarbon skim tube is controlled by level transmitter 44-LIC-0307 to
give on/off signal to the PCS system . The produced water skimming pump shall start at H level
and stop at L level. Level shut-down transmitter 44-LSIT-0301 will give PSD at LL level. Level
gauge 44-LG-0307 is used for manual monitoring of the oil level in the skim tube.

The pressure in the degassing vessel can be read locally from pressure indicator 44-PI-0302 .

Sand can be removed from the vessel by introducing jet water through nozzle Nl IA . A slurry of
sand and water is then removed through nozzle Nl lB.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-44003-01

The produced water transfer pumps will increase the pressure of the produced water to be able to
pass through the downstream produced water cooler and level control valve. There is a temporary
strainer (TS) included at the pump suction to protect the pump during start-up operations.
Pressure shut-down transmitter 44-PSIT -0312A/B on the pump discharge line will give PSD
signal at LL level. Pressure indicator 44-PI-03 I0A/B is installed upstream the pump for local
pressure reading. The pumps will be protected by the recycle line 4"-PW-44-0029-AC21-0N ,
routing produced water from downstream the transfer pumps , to the eductor and further back to
the degassing vessel. The flow in the recycle line will be monitored by 44-FE-0313 , to give signal
to control valve 44-FCV-0313. The pumps are centrifugal pumps that can be started from the
control room, and there are local push-buttons for stopping the pumps.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-44003-01

The produced water skimming pumps will increas e the pressure of the oily water return to be able
to enter the 2nd stage separator. Pump inlets have temporary strainers for start-up protection . The
pumps are on/off pumps controlled by level transmitter 44-LIC-0307 to start at high level and
stop at low level. Pressure shut-down transmitter 44-PSIT-0308A/B on the pump discharg e line
will give PSD signal at LL pressure . Pressure indicator 44-PI-0306A/B upstream the pump will
measure the pressure for local reading .

- 36 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA -P- FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036
:.. •


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-44004-01

The produced water cooler will reduce the temperature of the produced water before being
discharged to sea or to slop . Temperature control 44-TIC-0402 will give signal to temperature
control valve 20-TCV-0402 for control of sea water to the produced water cooler , and thereby
controlling the produced water outlet temperature. Signal is also given to Cargo Control System.
There is no shut-down at high or low temperature . The seawater supply pressure can be read
locally from indicators 5 l-PI-4401. For the seawater return both temperature and pressure can be
read locally on indicators 51-TI-4402 and 51-PI-4403. ESD valve 44-EV-0404 isolates the
produced water system from the downstream slop tank.

The electromagnetic flowmeter 44-FIT-0403 will meter the produced water rate .


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P -XB-20007-01

The wash water recycle pumps will increase the pressure of the water from the 2 nd stage
electrostatic coalescer to be able to mix with the flow from the oil pumps . Pump inlets have
temporary strainers for start-up protection . The pumps are variab le speed pumps controlled by
level transmitter 20-LIC-0709 to control the water level in the 2nd stage electrostatic coalescer.
Pressure shut-down transmitter 44-PSIT-O 104A/B on the pump discharge line will give PSD
signal at LL pressure. Pressure indicator 44-Pl-O I 03A/B upstream the pump will measure the
pressure for local reading. If the 1st stage coalescer is bypassed , the flow shall be routed to the 2 nd
stage separator through line 2"-PW-44-0042 -AC21-3N by opening valve 44GT0129 and closing
valve 440B0124. This line is equipped with a self actuating control valve 44-PCV-O 111 to keep
the back pressure wash of the water recycle pump and to close if the pres sure is low.

- 37 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036


Fuel gas is utilized to supply the steam boilers. The fuel gas system consists of a scrubber and a
fuel gas heater . A fuel gas pre-heater is installed for use when wet gas from 1st stage separator is
not available, and gas is imported from the gas wells . The fuel gas system also contains a
flowmeter which registers the fuel gas consumption .


P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-45001-0l

The pressure in the fuel gas system will during normal operation float on the pressure in the 1
stage separator. There will therefore be no pressure control when fuel gas is taken from the 1
stage separator.

When fuel gas is imported from the gas wells, the pressure is too high to be routed directly to the
steam boilers . Pressure control valve 45-PCV-0113 is installed on the fuel gas import line and
downstream pressure transmitter 44-PIT-0101 controls the pressure decrease over the control
valve. The import gas pressure can be locally read from indicator 45-PI-0120 .

If the fuel gas pressure decreases to low alarm on 45-PSIT-0 l 02, an automatic change over from
fuel gas to diesel shall be initiated for the steam boilers. This will however not initiate a process
shut-down. 45-PSIT-0102 will give PSD signal on HH pressure.

14.2. FUEL GAS SCRUBBER 45-VG-001 (M02)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-45001-01

The gas from the 1st stage separator is saturated with liquid, and is routed to the fuel gas scrubber
for liquid removal. The bulk liquid will be separated in the bottom of the scrubber due to gravity ,
and the liquid is then returned to the 2 nd stage separator. To enhance the removal of small droplets
and particles the scrubber is equipped with an inlet vane and a vane pack section.

The condensate level is controlled through 45-LIC-0115 which controls 45-LCV-0115 on the
liquid discharge line from the scrubber. The level control is based upon on/off control. At high
level 45-LCV-0115 shall open, and at low level 45-LCV-0115 shall close. If the condensate level
reaches LL or HH level, 45-LSIT-0114 will give a shut-down signal to the PSD system.

The scrubber is protected from overpressure by 45-PSIT-0102 to give a shut-down signal to the
PSD system at HH level. The pressure in the fuel gas scrubber outlet section can be read locally
from pressure indicator 45-PI-0 12 l .

• 38 •
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project: Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514 -KA- P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFAref .: KA40036

45-FE-001 (M02)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA -P-XB-45001-01

Vendor schematic drawing: 0514-TI-E-XT-45001 sheet 1 - 5
Vendor interconnecting diagram : 0514-TI-I-XT-45001-01

The dry gas from the scrubber is superheated in order to avoid any condensation and thereby
prevent liquid from entering the steam boilers . The gas from the fuel gas scrubber will be at its
dew point. To achieve the required temperature above dew point the heater shall give a fixed
temperature increase of20 °C. The temperature is measured upstream and downstream the heater
by temperature transmitters 45-TIT-0IOSA and 45-TIT-0105B . The temperature difference
between these to measurements is calculated by 45-TIA-0105 , and will send a signal to the heater
control panel 45-EC -0O!(thyristor panel) . The control panel will control the electrically driven
heater (45-FE-001) to obtain the required differential temperature (45-TIC-0105) .

The fuel gas heater (45-FE-001) is equipped with 3 thermo elements . One thermo element is
installed for measuring of flange (tube sheet) temperature (45-TE-0 109A) and two are installed
for measuring the heater element temperature (45-TE-0 l 09B and 45-TE -0 I 09C). Each thermo
element has a dedicated transmitter , sending a 4-20 mA signal to the heater control panel (45-
TST-0109A/B /C) . HH temperature for the flang e and one of the heater elements (45-TST-0109A
and 45-TST-0109B) will, together with high heater control panel temperature (internal) and
electrical failure , send a common PSD signal out to shut down the heater . The second heater
element temperature (45-TST -0 I 09C) will only give alarm on H temperature .

In case of a PSD shut down of the heater , this will be done by a PSD signal to the heater control
cabinet. The control cabinet will shut down the heater.

In case of an ESD shut down of the heater , this will be done by an ESD signal to the heater
control cabinet. The control cabinet will shut down the heater. In case of an ESD the main power
supply to the heater shall be switched off as well.

45-TSIT-0 l 06 provides a shut-down signal for the PSD system if the heater discharge
temperature reaches HH level.

The fuel gas is metered down stream the fuel gas beater by flow element 45-FE -0 I 08 and flow
transmitter 45-FIT-0108 giving signal to 45-FIQ-0108 . Pressure transmitter 45-PIT-0108 and
temperature transmitter 45-TIT-0 108 are included for flow correction . The flow meter can be

• 39 •
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P - FD- 00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036

14.4. GAS L\1PORT PREHEATER 45- FE-002 (M02)

P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB-45001-01

Vendor schematic drawing : 0514-TT-E-XT-45002 sheet 1 - 5
Vendor interconnecting diagram: 0514-TT-I-XT-45001-02

If fuel gas is not available from the 1st stage separator fuel gas can be taken from the injection
system (gas wells) . The pressure needs to be reduced before entering the fuel gas system. To
avoid any hydrate formation as the temperature drops due to pressure reduction across 45-PCV-
0113, the gas import pre-heater ensures that the imported gas holds a temperature of
approximately 55 deg. C. The gas import pre-heater outlet temperature is measured by 45-TIT-
0 111/ 45-TIC-0 111 and send a 4-20mA signal to the heater control panel , 45-EC-002(thyristor
panel).The control panel will control the electrically driven heater (45-FE-002) to obtain the
required outlet temperature (45-TIC-0 111).

The heater (45-FE-002) is equipped with 3 thermo elements . One thermo element is installed for
measuring of flange (tube sheet) temperature (45-TE-0 110A) and two are installed for measuring
the heater element temperature (45-TE-0110B and 45-TE-01 lOC). Each thermo element has a
dedicated transmitter , sending a 4-20 mA signal to the heater control panel (45-TST-0 110AIB/C).
HH temperature for the flange and one of the heater elements (45-TST-0l lOA and 45-TST-
0110B) will, together with high heater control panel temperature (internal) and electrical failure ,
send a common PSD signal out to shut down the heater. The second heater element temperature
(45-TST-0 110C) will only give alarm on H temperature.

In case of a PSD shut down of the heater, this will be done by a PSD signal to the heater control
cabinet. The control cabinet will shut down the heater.

In case of an ESD shut down of the heater , this will be done by an ESD signal to the heater
control cabinet. The control cabinet will shut down the heater. In case of an ESD the main power
supply to the heater shall be switched off as well.

45-TSIT-0112 sends a shut-down signal to the PSD system if the pre-heater discharge
temperature reaches HH level. To ensure that the temperature downstream the pressure control
valve is above hydrate formation limit 45-TSIT-0117 gives a shut-down signal as the temperature
reaches LL level.

- 40 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA - P-FD-00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref .: KA40036


Methanol is utilized to inhibit hydrate formation on the production plant. The methanol injection
system consists of a storage tank and pumps for injection to the topside production plant, and also
downhole injection through the service line umbilicals. Filters are installed in the pipeline for
downhole injection.

TANK46-TA-001 {M28)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-46001-01

Methanol is stored in storage tank 46-T A-00 l . The level is monitored by level transmitter 42-
LIT-0 IO 1 to give alarm at high and low liquid level. The storage tank has a 2" connection for
filling of chemical. A nitrogen connection through line l "-VF-46-0004-AC21-0N is applied to
pressurize the methanol tank by pressure control valve 46-PCV-0 l 16B. Nitrogen is released
through pressure control valve 46-PCV-0 116A and line l "-VF-46-0005-AC2 l-ON to the LP flare
system. Both 46-PCV-0 116A and 46-PCV-0 116B are self-actuating valves.

INJECTION PUMPS46-PF-00lA/B/C AND46-PF-011/021 A/B (M28)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-L-XB-46001-01

There are three methanol injection lines . The two injection lines routed to the topside CSP C and
FPSO , are equipped with two dedicated 2x100% injection pumps each. The injection line routed
downhole CSP C is equipped with 3x50% three headed pumps . There is a calibration gauge for
flow calibration and control in each injection line upstream the pumps . Methanol is pumped up to
injection pressure by pump 46-PF-001 A/B/C and routed to CSP C for downhole injection. For
injection topside CSP C methanol is pumped to injection pressure by pump 46-PF-0l l A/B , and
by pump 46-PF-021A/B for injection topside FPSO . There is a minimum flow return line
downstream the pumps back to the storage tank for start-up and control. The minimum flow is
controlled by the self-actuated pressure control valves 46-PCV-0104 /0107 /0110 . Pressure
indicators 46-PI-0 112/0113 /0114 are installed for local reading of discharge pressure .

46-CB-001 A/B {M28)

P&ID reference : 0514-KA-P-XB-46001-01

2xl00% methanol filters are installed downstream pumps 46-PF-001 A/BC in the pipeline for
downho le injection , due to varying methanol quality . Pressure differential transmitter 46-PDIT-
0 103 is measuring the differential pressure over the filters , to give alarm at H level.

- 41 -
Client: Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title: Functional Description
Document no .: 0514-KA-P-FD -00004, rev . Zl
KANFA ref. : KA40036


P&ID reference: 05l4-KA-P-XB-53001-01/20007-01

Kanfa is responsible for routing fresh water to the utility stations at the process deck, and to the
safety shower on M28 and hand wash sink on M02 . Fresh water generation is FOP scope. Fresh
water is utilized as wash water in the electrostatic coalescers, and introduced to the oil separation
system upstream the 2nd stage electrostatic coalescer through line 2"-WD-53-200 l-AC2 l-0N . The
flow of fresh water to the coalescer is measured by flow element 53-FI-2004, and controlled
manually by valve 53GB2005. Before being used as wash water, fresh water is routed to the oil
pumps , LP compressor suction cooler and LP compressor casing for cooling purposes . For better
controllability of the process, fresh water used for cooling can be routed to slop through line 2"-
WD-53-2002-AC21-0N. Fresh water from the LP compressor casing is routed to open drain due
to low pressure . Fresh water from the coalescers will be routed to the 2 nd stage separator and enter
the produced water system.


There is an open drain header system to collect the flow from all drip trays located under the
topside process equipment. The open drain headers from the different modules are routed via a
common open drain header to one of the ship's (port or starboard) slop tanks for oil/water
separation. The separated water will overflow (from the bottom of the tank) from one slop tank to
the other and consequently be checked before discharge to sea. The separated oil will be pumped
to a storage tank.


There is a closed drain system to collect drainage of liquid volumes from the topside process
equipment. Liquid is routed via the dedicated closed drain headers for the different modules, to
the LP flare header and further collected in the LP flare KO drum. The LP flare KO drum is a
common vessel for LP flare knock out and closed drain. Drainage to the closed drain system will
only be from de-pressurized process equipment, and all connections to the closed drain header
have double block-and-bleed arrangement with spectacle blind to assure that the closed drain
system is never pressurized.

- 42 -
Client : Fred. Olsen Production
Project : Olowi Field Development
Title : Functional Descript ion
Document no. : 0514-KA-P-FD-00004, rev. Zl
KANFA ref. : KA40036



P&ID reference : 05l4-KA-P-XB-63001-01

Plant air is routed to the various utility stations. Plant air is also used for driving the TEG make-
up pump and the jet water interceptor drain pump. Plant air generation is FOP scope.


P&ID reference: 05l4-KA-P-XB-63002-01 /63003-01

Instrument air is routed to the shut down, blow down and control valves at the process deck.
Pressure shut-down transmitter 63-PSIT-0001 is located in module M02 due to accessibility , and
will give PSD signal at LL level. Instrument air generation is FOP scope.


P&ID reference: 05l4-KA-P-XB-64001-01

Nitrogen is routed to the utility stations at the process deck . Nitrogen generation is FOP scope.


P&ID reference: 0514-KA-P-XB- 71001-01/71001-02

Deluge is routed to the modules at the process deck for general area protection and dedicated
equipment protection . Deluge is activated through the deluge valve (FOP scope) . Supply of fire
water is FOP scope.

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