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Create NWDI track in 5 simple steps

Ameya | Jul 20, 2010 | 12 comments

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for TATA Now Over past few months, I am regularly observing search terms related to NWDI track creation process. So guys, this for you. I am not going to talk more on what is NWDI and its use in SAP’s
NetApp® Pulses Strength netweaver development. This post would be more like a tutorial on creating NWDI tracks. What you should not miss while
Discover How NetApp is Revolutionizing creating a track. For e.g. what should be the production state of a software component; archived, planned, released? Or
Enterprise Storage should we add dependencies at the runtime or designtime? These configurations would have serious impact of your development cycle.
Tired of False promises? Come learn from a NWDI is SAP’s own version management tool that supports sliced development. it’s major components are Change
Consultant directly! Management System (CMS), Component Build Service (CBS), Design Time Repository (DTR). In short, CMS is responsible for maintaining version of your software. CBS is required for the building of software components and DTR
maintains the code.

Now, let’s see how do we create a track in 5 easy steps.

1. First step is to create a new product version. This is a parent component that’ll hold software unit (SU) and software components(SC). Product, Software Unit & Software
Component are created in SLD and the track is created in NWDI Landscape configurator. Follow the steps for creating a product

SLD > New Product Version > enter required data > Create an SU > Create an SC and keep production state as started

2. Now, we need to add dependencies to SC that will support the development and building of a component. There are 3 dependencies we must add. However, if your development
is somehow related to Guided Procedures, you also need to add CAF related dependencies in addition to 3 std. dependencies.

Go to Software Catalogue > Software Component tab > Select application SC and navigate to Dependencies tab > Set context to Build Time > Click on Define prerequisite software
components > Search and add following dependencies.

 SAP J2EE ENGINE <release version> | SAP-JEE

 DI BUILD TOOL <release version> | SAP_BUILDT

After this, our application component is ready to be used in track in NWDI

3. Here we will reserve a NameSpace for our developments. NameSpace and NameSpace prefix are used while creating a Development Component (DC). It make sure that
everything developed is clubbed under same NameSpace. This is to avoid conflict in the component build and transports. You can skip this step if you want to use already created

Go to SLD > Name Reservation > Define Name Prefix >Specify name category and name prefix and choose create

Here we did not create a new NameSpace, if you want to create a NameSpace, you can click on New NameSpace and use it while creating Name Prefix.

4. In this step, we are going to create a track, provide domain data, track data and define runtime systems.

Go to NWDI (http://<host>:<port>/devinf) > CMS > Landscape Configurator > In right hand side, click on New Track > You need to have CMS & CBS URL and password for further
steps > Fill domain and track data > Here you need to add a software component that we created in SLD to the track > Search for the SC and add it track.

PS: Make sure all three dependencies are also added along with SC and are in Green state

Now, go to runtime systems > and select the check boxes for system you wish to define. For e.g. if you want to configure development, test and production, select the corresponding
check-boxes. Select Configure without wizard > provide user id and a password > Similarly add other runtime systems

5. This is the final step of NWDI track creation process. Here we are only going to check-in the dependencies to the development system that we defined in runtime systems of
landscape configurator.

Go to Transport Studio > Check-in tab> Select all three dependencies and click on Check-In > after successful Check-In, these dependencies should be moved to Development

You can leave these dependencies in waiting for import state and import them along with your released development activities. Its stage will not hamper your development. 02/16/11
Create NWDI track in 5 simple steps | Ameya's Blog Page 2 of 6

With this, you have successfully


 Create New Product

 A software unit and a component
 Added dependencies to SC
 Defined a new track and added an SC to track
 Configured runtime systems
 Check-In all dependencies to development system

You are all set to start development in NWDS. I feel it is equally important to know how to delete NWDI track and its DTR workspace. You can read more on this here How to
delete NWDI Track and DTR Workspace and also more on NWDI Troubleshooting

Related posts:

1. Troubleshooting SAP NWDI errors

2. How to delete NWDI Track and DTR workspace
3. SAP Portal tip of the day: Update CMS
4. Part 2: Install SAP Widgets Foundation in 4 easy steps
5. 5 points reckoner to prepare for Netweaver Portal Interview
6. jQuery for beginners

Filed Under: Tutorials

Tags: Create NWDI track, How to create NWDI Tracks, NWDI CMS CBS, NWDI track, NWDI Track creation steps

Related posts:

1. Troubleshooting SAP NWDI errors

2. How to delete NWDI Track and DTR workspace
3. SAP Portal tip of the day: Update CMS
4. Part 2: Install SAP Widgets Foundation in 4 easy steps
5. 5 points reckoner to prepare for Netweaver Portal Interview
6. jQuery for beginners

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SAP Netweaver consultant, writer, blogger, budding SEO analyst, learner & fun loving being.

Comments (12)
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1. Sherif says:
August 10, 2010 at 7:25 am

really gr8 blog, thank u very much


2. Ameya says:
August 10, 2010 at 9:10 am

Thank you Sherif. I am gald that it helped you in some or the other way.


3. Ladislav says:
October 6, 2010 at 8:48 am 02/16/11
Create NWDI track in 5 simple steps | Ameya's Blog Page 3 of 6

Thanks for info.


4. Raja says:
November 18, 2010 at 2:57 am

Thank you Sherif,really usefull stuff .

5. Ameya says:
November 22, 2010 at 3:06 am


Thank you for appreciating, one change though. Sherif has commented and I have shared the post.

Have a good day,

Many Thanks,


6. New: SAP netweaver portal interview topics & updates | says:
December 22, 2010 at 8:53 am

[...] Creating NWDI tracks in 5 simple steps- Most asked topic and probably most favorite topic of interviewrs. [...]

7. Fifi says:
January 11, 2011 at 9:37 am

I have one question.
Is it possible if we want to change the namespace in the existing DC?How to do it?

8. Ameya says:
January 11, 2011 at 9:45 am

You cannot change the namespace once assigned. You get an option to select namespace while creating the DC. However, once created, you cannot change the


9. Fifi says:
January 11, 2011 at 10:00 am

Thanks for your reply.

Actually I need to copy one JDI track to new track but with different namespace.example from change to with the same content.
How can I copy this track and change the namespace? Because if I just forward the content in CMS to the new track it will copy the content with the old namespace and
regarding to you once created we cannot change it.

10. Ameya says:

January 11, 2011 at 10:24 am

You mean that you are moving developments from one track to another track? If you are moving content to another track, there will be different namespace defined for that
track. However, you cannot change the namespace of the DCs on the first track even though you move them on second track.


11. Fifi says:

January 11, 2011 at 10:56 am

yes! we are moving development to another track.Is there any other way to change it? Or maybe I can to download to NWDS, change it and check-in to the new track. is it
possible? 02/16/11
Create NWDI track in 5 simple steps | Ameya's Blog Page 4 of 6


12. Ameya says:

January 11, 2011 at 12:51 pm

Fifi: If you want to move only the developed components then I don’t think there is any way out for you. Even though you import the configuration in NWDS, all you can do is
create a project. It’d not ask you any information while creating a project from existing DC. However, if you’ve a local DC and then you’re creating a DC on track, then surely
you have an option to select the namespace of your choice.

Hope this helps you


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