Area 51

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Area 51

The convoy approached the huge metal complex called Area 51. It was the dead of night and no
wind blew through the cold desert as it usually did. Heavy set gates stood at the front, with cords of
barbed wire all over the top. Tall chain link fences surrounded the massive structure with solitary
guard posts erected along it every so often, with silent marksmen perched on top, looking down at
the plains. The building itself was very large and could only be described as indestructible as it was a
gigantic steel and concrete dome as a roof with no windows and could be viewed at any angle from
the posts.

Looking closely, he could just make out big, heavy anti aircraft guns mounted on top. He whistled,
stunned and pulled his head back through the rough canvas.

“It’s huge,” he said in awe. He was a new recruit and it was his first time here as a guard for the
mysterious place. He had already previously asked the question which was on the tip of his tongue
which was whether Area 51 actually had any aliens in it. The soldiers simply laughed and said that
they didn’t know. They were never told of what they were guarding and simply assumed that there
weren’t any in there.

One of the guards nodded to his comment. He was one of the more senior officers and was the one
in charge of most things.

“It certainly is,” he said knowingly, “it even goes underground and with around a hundred floors, it’s
a lot bigger than you think.” The truck stopped suddenly with a squeal of brakes. The recruit swayed
in his seat.

“Are we supposed to stop here?” he asked. They weren’t at the gates yet and something seemed
wrong as the other guards in the truck sat up and tried to peer out as well.

“No, we’re supposed to be let straight in,” he said, uncertainly. He crouched near the front of truck
and opened a small window to the driver’s seat.

“What’s going on Bob?” he asked but then went silent as an ear splitting roar filled the night sky. The
young soldier cowered in his seat as it went on and on and on, setting teeth on edge and hair on

“Damn,” the officer muttered and crawled to the back. He flipped over a section of floor and
revealed a selection of new, shiny guns and armour. He picked up a heavy looking gun and buckled
on a bulletproof vest.

“Everyone arm themselves and follow me,” he ordered. They took a few seconds to assemble and
set off. The new soldier saw a scene of utter terror looming out of the desert background. The dome
had completely split in half and a few of the guard posts had been knocked down and blazing wildly.
What was most shocking, to him at least, was the huge alien standing in full view. Slime dripped and
bubbled as it thrashed about, sending chunks of debris flying everywhere. He promptly dropped his
gun in alarm and fainted at the sight.

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