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Mannun: 100 m,rk.

Tiod i I hor and 15 hi.ut g

1, Tlree .esist!n@. hsving a valu€ of d Onm are connel€d to fod . v st ucie. If a
il pha* bdlaned supp\ *ilh . line eltagc ofl mlts is lpplied. ihen thd pdwer dra*! pe.
phiNe trom rhe lupply i6
\A,) A"t\d (B) 3A'1d
(A Atto () None orthe ah.v;
2, A 230v-, 5oEa .uplly is @o4ted io thc .enes @mbination or, pure Esi6t:ile of 50O !
trd varidhl€ epacitor oI 25l!' and a ptd va;,bl. of l.inlt By pbp€dy
adju.tins tne donporent vdu66, it ie ntde tlar the cud.nt'nductor
thrcug! tho circuit is n6aimun.
Wbat is the pw€! lactor of ilc circuit nos?
(A) 0.366 (B) 0.i
(c) %o (D) I
3. ln 3t F{d nca6uren€ni !si.s 2 wllln€t€r nelhod, toth the wtttioiers aE t!di!8
po.iiiv€ and equal. This is lecau4 :

(A) Th€ load ie pwlr re.iotrve (B) The lotd po*er flctor i. 0.5
(C) The pha& 6e{uene isRBY (D) Tl.l@d tu put€ly ctpacihvo
,r, A dc sllE of DMF E Volt€ snd itrt€ruI R..istan@, R ObE6 i! conn*ted td a va;dl€ l€d
ald it io adjusted rucn drat the load absimct6 EanBun lower fton ib€ su@. Ilt€ creDt
dEwn trcm the 8ou@ id l
lA') 4A/E G) 2D'z t&
(c) ElR (D) E/24
6. Th. mininu nuEber oINAND sat€s reqdred io inplem€ni. NOR gat i.;
(A) 1 (B) 2
(c) 3 (D) noneotthe'bov.
6. If,4 a B arc b@led vdiable., $e b@rean elpresior a + na is :
(A) o GIB
(c) 1 (D) ,4

?. Whi.h one aoors AluminM, Conststanta. Mercurv, Ca or hwe bish€.t E.istivitv :

(A) Ahdinue (B) cotutlotdt€'
(c) Mercury (D) Carbon
8. Por s tso t hiEal devi@, re6isia.ce decremes qh€; th€ tenperaiuE infta.os, the

(A) Dad6lpolanet l (B) a.eni6ndmio.

(c) ! aiebdnc (D) non€ ofthe abos

,. $'rricn on€ amns $e foudinc has 2 fu\ 3.abl€ 6lates?
(A) &trble ndtivibruto. (B) $cep goeratd
(C) FlitfloF (D) None ofthe tbft
r0, In a nydft etat i. s€n€ra.ior 6y.ien, pFeure variatioft du€ to npid chad3@ in vdeitv of
warer is nihaar.d :
(A) Dip€
Tailrace (B) Peruiocl<
(c) surye lank {D) Nore ofthe above

u. In , dnplex fttrurk @ntaini.s tciive rcliase soures with zerc int lMl ftsistanes snil
ried bn,brsl el€hent! tne opet circuit voltage .6ss 2 teroillL i! 26V a.l itB Eilla.d
of the &r*dk ri€*.d frcb tle open circuiled tmilet b 6 25o- lf m eqivaleni circui.
mdpris'ng of cdly t ctrrutrt eure oDd iDted!.e i3 nade, tne .l@rt &!re ntitg i3 :
(A) 25A (B) 6.25A
(o 12.6r{ (D) 4A
12. A i!ree phase balan@d d.lia coDected load of 5+i6ohn in €tch ph@ is conrect€d to t
Ine voltace of ,lOoV i. dra{ing a cu..ent fsd tbe supply lr arcther delta @m{t d load or
oan€ @tur 6nd m.sniild€ i! conneci€d in parslel, tle line cl:reni dlawn lbd ile supplv

(A) Itoubl€ (B) Fou r@3

(c) I*s thsn har (D) oneidorih
r3. In ab synchMout ced€ntoa *ldtire €UEilatioD of add ndDdic. cu be done bv :
(A) Dbtriburio.vidins
or G) srdn6|ri€.1 tinding
(C) Shol| @dins ofwindine (D) Ndne ofthese

1a, Tne rurfe int69x.l of the norBdl conponori of El4iric Fi€ld ldi6n.ily ovd s closeil su.fa.e
seualb-- ilEe.!!eloral'b,4e,n.'d€E11$'sdrsrsFD€nrof :

(A) Ga!..rTh@rD (B) Stoke 3Tbsrcn

(C) MrFeU's thorcD (D) PoisD'r lh@en
16. Snmth cylin&ic.l trTe ror.E wittr less di.neter dd larc€ ui.l lengtt dE @d for
Itncb.ou. generat@ driv€n by:
(A) wat4rturbines (B) Radral iubin..
(c) st€ah turbines (D) Nore ofih€ lbove
16. If tL€ nub.! of polee in a sydroloqe nlchin€ i: 6, a slot arsle of 1Cr' wlen
€rp$sd i! elaii@l d€{red is :
(A) 60 (B) 20
(c) 30 (D) r5

11. If the nunber oft{rhs ofan induciive coil b doublod and ere length id quadruplo{I, other
parameters being th6 8dn€, the inductsnca of th€ coil becsno:
(A) doubled (B) halved
(q q&drupled (D) un hans€d

r3. ll,hich one .ions the followins i6 TRU! ros.rdins the *lectior of *odtins lu density in
(A) FisL [u dsnsily i! th€ @re 4.ul& iolo th€ educiion in Co.o lGr
(B) Hisn nux d.n6i!y in th€ @ro resulrs int an iocddde i. Coppe! lGs
((, Eigh tru dendity in the @re r€6ulk inro hisn 6il day efEciency
(D) llisn 0u deEity in tha @!c rcs'l]b iato 6aving id @r of ircn
19. lf lhe ratio of .wns! cbarye voli.g€ lo !ver4. di.char€p volrase i. , lead ,.iil all i3 !|/3,
the latio of ii€ Watt Hour €oici€ncy to Anp€E hour cllici€n t i3 :
{A) o.?5 (B) 4/3
{O l6a O) Non. orth€ above
!0. A $tu plu* irduction Eotor rus r! 296 .li! $d it! rcto. lrequoncy i. lEz Stltor
&eqencr ir ltdrz b :

(A) 50 (B) 50
(c) 40 (D) 20

21. To hare d .bmtL quit@ rlminc of an indmlion moto. by Edu.ins hudning anil to pEEnr
oeging, the dlniq@ ucd b caled:
(A) D.dping (B) Con@attllils
(() $.ewi.s (D) No.€ or rhe ,bove
22. If fte Ild per goL of . shunt*otnd DC c€.€ra!o! is balved anil ile rudber oa poles i3
ilouble{ the sedd.ted €.n.t rt onstsni sp€ed :
(A) rcdrins th€.abe (B) doubled
(c) idbarred (D) nonc of the
,3. ln ac senor.tors, ih€ *inding used in a iachine d€lirein: lw volt ce, high crlnnt

(A) ptusr€$ire sidDlet sare widins (B) btwindins

(O any itT€ of wqw windins (D)..vofihealove
21. which mors th€ IoUoNi.g can dupport . gynchrc.oud notor ir Stadins :
(A) Dsbp€r*indi4 (B) lequercv divide!
(C) Inte$ole (D) All the abovc

25. Two lieory j6 used in ihc anu)ysis.lSynchrunous nachine 10 lalc illo.ccounl lhc:
(A) Diltbion& in ihe numbet or poles ln stai.r rct f !r n Cvbrdlnral lrle
1g) uilorDiry Dfair eap L,ciweer slalor and rolor ofa salent pole mr0hi.e
(C) Non loiro.nity ol aLr sap stuior lnd rotor of a c$ pole muchine
(D) DirT€Ene inrhe numherolp.l.* in shror and rotorofz szlientpole nachirc
26. ln a tronstouer deli!€ri's r rariable load, Z€rc lolta*€ rccul,lion un du !l :
(,1) 0.,15l,ssing p;ser fac.tor load (B) u ty poft.,actor lo,d
((r) 0 s l,sginc po*€r iacbr nBd (D) 0.? leadinspNer lactor lodd
2?. h an ultcrnating vothse supplt of Fas!$i voliugc reodi4 a lidnsi&bor. tbc pcsence of
h'sl,"r. ldrr G rr rLdu d rn'i, rnr 'l'"ns'" if
(A) C.pper lossec (ll) Rlsuratm
(C) Core lo$es (D).iJofthesbove
23. The Maxioun pcEoniase elfLci.ncy ol0 IKVA lranslo.m.f wLft iron losses equ.l to lzt W

0) 72

29. whrh dtuDB th" tullu$rs l"gr. fmrlca urc fa6kt in opcrdbon"
(c) cMos O) DTL
30. D€ Moa;qn e ra* says :

(,{) NoRcare t NoTedAM) Odtc (a) NAND cata iB NoT€d oh Oat€

(c) Doih (A) and (rt) above (D) None ordre sbove

31. $ hicl, df the fallowing is/are tne fertures of un Aeynch{.ous counter?

(A) 'tlr gan. .lo.l. pd*s N rpplicd to ull lhe colstituent Flip flops a1 s time
(B) OuFuts of the flip 0op are cohnd.t d to thd inputs ol ihe y€.y next 0ip llop
(C) Prepdsaiior delay lidils spced ofope.,rion
(D) r*one or rhe 3bore

32. W1$ch onc ol i[e fo[{ vinE ; ful} CORREC'I re garding a035 m'cmprcsor?
() h des not supp.rl landshahrg in l/O ope.,tions
(R) lrh3sonly6flacs
((r) It queua
(D) h h$ hardwarc and soliwdrc intoNptg

t3. Which ddons ibc follosins is TnUE tbout a! 8086 m'cmp@3$r?
( Its lddFs 6nd d!1e Eurdcbx€d
(B) li€ seunul,b! sia i! 32 bi!
(C) Ii .uppor6 tb. qu€u€r'pip.lining &r1@
(D) li dcs not htrc Mstd 6d Slav€ Modc oparati@
8a, the exes-3 @de @rrespoddinst d4in.l tumber 156 b:
(A) roooloooloro (B) 010ol0lr0oll
(C) Oro0loo0lool (D) NoE of tle sboe
t5. A Mod-31 .ytcbFlond Counre! ideallv ha3
(B) 3
(c) 4 (D) 5

86, rnolg !h6 6ltNi.s i/are TRUE Egaldins the OP AMP circuit?
(A) volrlso foUdcr esplov€€s pdilift fs.db&l
(B) anPli6.. noie
(O In Dif.rertiltor, sait is itceo&d sith e incBs4 i. AeqeDc'
@) Ad{ter tls.ys htv€ an .tt€nuarion
37. Wno! @dpanng AdiE dd l"siE filtcB whi.h of tho follo*ins 6t!ten'nt' are Werd
(A) A.tire flr.6 requirc !d3r sue(6)
(B) Actw lilieF harc his! itput inpcdat@
(O Acrito 6li€E htv6 loq outpur iEpedtne
(D) Al| lb. .r cmct
ts. Fd uiDolat opfation tn I bit Digihl to Analoc Con@ner hat I l@lution or :
(A) 123 (B) 266
(c) 6.i (D) civer dat! iEulEci.nt
t9. In r ciruit @nt iniDg ! ihnsilto! hoth of i6 julcti@ aF fodald bi$€d lt opent"

(D) Pin.hofi
,0. Nunbar of valaoe €l4tron. in Gedaniun i. :
(B) 6
(c) 6 (D) 4

al, The Swiichc.l Mode Pw6r Supplio. h.E hiah€r €nersv o6ciencv @E Aeit !o Li@t' Po*tr

(A) it ue. i$latid ktGroder.

(B) it Id dovtFs wirb ldrs! .p@ ctptcii!@
(C) it dcs nor torL in &liE Eeion
(D i !a3 h*h c{it hitafteqEncy
A? 03012010
lP.t ol
,12, Gqin ofnn nDplifie. can bc 6hbili&d b,
() hn!)oyiDsPo6itire f*db&k (B) Enployi,e Nesarive f..dbadh
(C) l,r.perdd bias (D) ftoper dc isolarion
If orny 5 bjho aE ued for addFssihg rhe m€nory of a conprter systeh, rhc nenory
G! 64 (ts) rza
(c) t]2 (D) 256
4!r. Tho rin0le t ctor dd ef6cien r ol r h.U sarc reciif.r are EspediEty j
(]\) L2l ed8r 2% G) r zr and4o.6%
(C) 0.{82ed 3r.29 (D) 0.432 dd,().6%
45, For aahlrl l.aDsmission witb serics ibpcdsnce Z, all rhe capacit€n e6 b€ins n€slilibly snaD,
the ASCD comla.ts of the line re :
<A) A=t,B- Z,C =O,D=r {BJ A_Z,B_1C=r,D=O
lc) A =l,B-0,c - z,D =r lD) A=z,B=r,c=o,D-|tz
4G. Th. lord llow aralysG slcoitbm havins rhe teacl Fte of@nre4€nce is:
(A) Nwt n Rdphe.Medoa (B) Fast Deoupted Morhod
(L) Caus Seidel Method (D) No.e of rhe sbo,e
47, The OpDcrron b rhe 0or ol orFnt rn q ududor .sn incrcase rn itrarn.t,ng .ruib
€Dpared b dc circuit6 due to:
(A) PExinity efed (B) Skin efisr
(c) Fcn nti efiecl @) (A) and (B) alove
44. What is neanr by a llat line or tnEnit€ linc?
( Line op€r.inited
G) r,i.e with inpsds.ce equrl. ihc chalact dsticjDpedance
(C) Li.e rernilat€d rfth chare9reric jmpo&.e
(D) Lin. ti'reugh rbich potr€. ..!trMifted is hish
49. Wtich * dn6ng rhc folloEiDg is r n€lhod 6r equ,lit.g rhe poEnnal ac,@ che v.riou
uits ofn sr.tng iMul.ror?
( ) U3sg6 olAnaller ctus ,rE (B) Usas€ ofst p sEdins
((j) Dynabi 6heilding O) All.drhe ahore
50. Under gruund cables are less p.€ferabl€ jn high voltsce r!$sbr$io. because of :
(A) p@r ihsulation (B) hich ch,.sirs cuEanr
(C) s.fery (D) none of ,he aboeo

030/2016 8
5L Tnc moials no.bdly Ed in a ERC f$e arc :
() Tin and lead (B) Tin d.d Silrer
(C) Aluninium and lead (D) Alubininn !d C@per

52. Th€ transi€nt st,bility of a powsi systen .an bc ioprov.d by :

(A) Usilc mlor or rorcr Monent of Ineltrd ror sEnerator
(B) Ueing p'del rine
(q Usns low rvsteE wltage
(D) No@ of.[e above

69. Fo €cononic l@il dispatcl :

(a) Iuenental €lficiency of each sade
bachire should 6e
(B) lNenert3l prciluchon dt ol sach Eaclile shodd b€ sde
(c) Indenental tuel @6t of each nehine 6hould be 6ans
@) None ofth€ ab@.

64, In a pow€! syttdd, lhe mst of C€ne.dbd el4dctl €negxv win he ro' iI:
(A) boil' ldd Lc{Dr and diverdity factd aro low
G) Loih led6ctor and di@6ity factd .!e high
(C) t ad factor high. DireBiit flctor ld
(D) t .d &ctor low, DiveEity factot lisl
55. Ar over exiled syrchsnous mehine I|!s a logsing pose.factor' Tbe nachine is :

(A) Moioring (B) cen€Eting

(C) Floati.g (D) Can be C€neraiins or motoiog

56. Wlich sEons the f.

owirg is/a.e CQ&EEEI about a. RC phe shift oenlator?
(A) The RC @t{.rk providos a ptra& shilt of 18(}
(B) IIB*e.Eof positive t€edback
(C) Lop sain of the o*ill,br n dlmot on€
(D) Altile alre
57. ln cla* B oDeatio! ofpowe. dtli64, th.ouetot cft ndsfor:
(A) t s ihd a qualter ola ctcle (B) Th?vhole.tcle
(C) Elurhe sycle (D) ris than !.lI a c}cle
58. For the chanc!6!'sri. .qutun 25' ' St
+asr -tt + l0 =0, t;" trmb'r of Eotl i! th€ hn

(A) 2 (B)1
(c) I (D) 4

59. Tbe udi.y Es.tiE Gcdblct lo! + l) Miltrtas .t &r.Vr orJy

(B) I-2 ard a=r

(C) I=l d d=2 (D) o-2

_./^. 3
u\s/-G;E.od n(s)=Fh ror t

(c) 0.26 (D) 1094

01. Tt !s!io of iotll Dwor in tho Anpl'turl6 modulat€d wave to the uloddit€d ceid gord
*Lenth€ EduLtio! i td ir'n

6l. rt. hlilse.@.. r l@d eledetrt is 402-16 and th€ curc $su3h ib. ele6.or
2.52 - 30. The cinit Ddarfrcto. i! :
G) lr.dhg
(O Unity

6S. r00 DuDhd! of ro liDe.r bilater.l reliltsn@. ar onnet€d in p.n[.] ard tlF @Dbimito!
i! f6d by a roA @.t!rl cq@ft ouM, Tb. pow il€liEF.l Ly th. l('tre i! :
(B) rw
(c) 100 w (D) 0w
6a. Rlerio3 r. . Do*6! plslt, th€ tam loi Bcre Eftr to :
(A) R.*re 3enenting capscitr nbt itr sdi6, bur in ope6rio!
(B) naeFs s.!.!.tiry eprciiy rct enic.. but avribbL
(C) R.&ro t n.ratins ep.cits in .wic€, hi mi ln oDelarion
(D) ltl i!€ abd!
66. Porer lupDly u*d tu die&c.lic h€rtins wiU no@rlly a fteq@ncy i! tb. rDsl :
(B) I to 5 MEz
G) rot 50 MHt (D) l0t loLE

0stvt0l6 10
66. A! per (elvi!. L!w, the boai.ononical sitf, ot dnductar is th.t fo. thich :
(A) The vdiabl€ Dart of th€ annual cha.ces is €qual io the @st ol qnnual €relF'

G) Tno con.tant part of the annual charg* E equdl to ile cost oI eners' lo$e6 p€r

(C) The !.n,bb pdi ol the ene.s is equd to ilF @st ol snnudl eneryv lo@e
(D) Thc onstut part of th€ energy cha.Sca is equil to Oe @st of arnual €n€4v

6?. Outpui voltoge ot a dinple buck type dc_dD convei€r sorLina in continuous current
Eoda sit! .n inpui voltage of I2V dd tum ON tiD€ 6n3 and .wit ling teq@lcv sollz ir :
(A) 6V (B) -3v
(c) 3v (D) -3v
68. A power ele.trcDi. cimit whi.h can crve . 2 5V, 30Ez ouiput stE &!m I 3uppb of 5v'
60Hr .upply ia I
(A) volt!:e conrelt€r
SoMe (B) cvclo@nv€rrer
(c) Flybaclt conet.r (D) None ofthe abo'€

60, h a posa. eloctrcnrc c]Nr( , fFe whecbns diod. 6 u*d &rosr s dc losd 6 :

(A) Rldue ourput volt{. ripple

(B) PEwlt EreEsl of load rclt ge
(C) Cdnt|ol outpnt cuaent rippLe
@) All ofth€ above
?0. T.n, rov batt6.i4 each havilg uinl€rtal E!i6&e€ of 3() aF @q!*ted ir *ncs sucn tl.r
one i. riding l,he othe6. lt Nodots equivalent ciEDit 183 :
(A) A cuodt 6ou@ .f 0 5.{ lnd pdall€l of 3 {)
(B) A curen! 6ou@ of 64 dnd larallel Psistance ol iro aI
(C) A @rent &l)re of 2 5A and DamU6l tsittue
of 3OO
(D) No!€ ofth€ alore

?1. Ths r€lue of apecidc $lviiy of . lead acid betterv und€t fulv cary€d @nilitior n

(A) 1.21 (E) 2

(c) 2.8 @) None oftlt€ ahore

72, Wlict ole of ilE folowing is equal to one of curent?

(A) Sionenrmond (B) watts.@.d
(C) Joulo/sdnd (D) C.ulont'/seon{r
lt 0302016
73, An Amnel€r i6 fomd to hale a drhpad &ale. Tli6 is beause :
(A) it €nplorles eddr .urftn. ddmping
(B) it h.s Bpnng ontol
(C) ib dcnecdng to.que bas a nonlinear ldnadm eith respRr to clrenr
(D) ofboth (B) add (c)
?4, Of the power ole.honic circuits, circuit onploinc lover MOSFETS h$ a hishef swiiching
ti€quency ba.Eude :
(A) MoSFET is E najonry carier dovie
(B) MOSFET 6d. nieh i.put inperlm@
(C) MOSFET har ic at"d satc
(D) MOSfBT hes lo* siclll t noi6e 6!io
75. A ne*@ of ep€atability Df measu@oeot ot a quanhry is :
(A) PFi.ion (B) Accu.rcy
(c) Sisnjficdnl (D) None ol ihe ,bde
76. th" ,nslogou{ ele.rii"sl corFspond ng tb rhe hrgnetic oEUn qJanoty,
p€me,biury is I

(A) C..dlctiviry
(C) SsEptibility
?7. In l@d !@ a,aly.ia the ml€ of. slact bu is :
(A) s the ret Fne bls
(B) $ a b$ which catr absrb and siv€s our dive pos€r
(c) asa bu6wnichcanlb$.b snd gives aui r€riiv€ powc!
(D, tll otlhe obovc
,3. Rodtiod of , tuiating Indtrction tlTe Eners M€ter under no loqd @nilitior 6n
(A) Coppd .nrainsbs.ds (B) otlprulrirgcoil6
(c) Eddy cllnni daipidE (D) Drilirs hole6 i. rhe die
79. The neodle of a MI Aon€tlr oeilaie6 arcund e @ntral value. Ir nay be dle to pobr :

iA) D.mpinstoque (B) cont.olli.g rorque

(c) Ddt..tinsrorque @) Nohe of rhc abde
30. Th€ lanse oa .n Ahnet r b to b€ exLndcd ftun 250 bA t 2A. Il rhe 260 d\ Deta ha6 an
int m.l E.i.trn@ oa 10 o , q hai i5 tha appondrr€ vahe oarle .h{nr etutlNe EqliEd to

rA' (Bi 2.;O

(c) 5l) {D) 3.5O

C'onetituent As*Dbly to prcpsre Consriluiion

az, ln hdis Futrdahelbl duri$ ue adopt d ftod

(A) ux Coa6hturion (B) USA Constitution
(C) USSR ConstituLion (D) Cdnan Consiitution
31. Who il ihe aulhor of Elt€ Gurunathan?
(A) Vallthol Nday,na Menon (B) C Sanla.d Kuup
(C) Kunlrala6dn
8{. The pb€ rLde Ar?an}ali lta.ied a eboo! for
(A) N€rratinkaa

86. who 3refted the Nass Psper'Mitldvadl id 19m?

(A) Mm*oih l{mdan
' (c) Dr P6lpu (D) rheruvath nanen
8i- who *or€ sahilhya vich6nn ?
() JGsph MMdassow
(C) IIC I{€$va Pilldi (D) M.P Poui
3?. U@ dany p@Dle .ismd in Ez[avaM.nonal,?
ca) 10023 (B) 13716
(c) 131?6 (D) r00oo1

88. Jlthy KuDmy uhich cndciad lhc pavailirsd6t sysr€m wae writt nby:
(A) T l< Madhavan
(C) KPv€non
39. Who indu@d the Sublidilry A]riane systen ?
(A) warfen Ii$iinc.
(c) Ld w€uesly
90. Ihe naiion,l Anthen tndi. 'Jam gsns MaM wa drei .uds,t :
(A) Calcu$a 1911 (B) Dclhi 1919
(C) Mmbai l9$ (D) tahoE 1919
9t. Who ia Inw! e'K€nta Kali.lasar'?
(A) A R Rqja nala Vama
(B) Raj! vad6
(C) IGrala V!.n! Valiya roil th8mpumt
@) xodungrlof (ujilufta. Thahpu.ln

13 030/2016
s2, OruTh€ruvrnF K,dhr sJs qlrkn by.
(,1) Ponkunn"h varke, (B) Poftdrldd
(C) vailkam Muhahnsd Bas}ee! (D) Tnaldzhr Sivasanlrra Pilai
9r, wllo *'s t to rhe Bitish pdrlianoni?
rhc tusi lndiar to
CA) Cop,la rrishlucho&hrie (B) Motrilrt Nelru
(C) Balacaneadba.A Thilak (D) Dadabhd Na@ji
94, IlE rea. Vict .ir Deserr js lftar.d in :
(a) Africa (B) Eurcle
(C) A$t alia (D) Nor|[ Anerica
96. Ajdt! C.vec are lGa!€d in the shre of:
(A) Gqja,,l (B)!
(c) M.taastra O) r,Earula
J6, Ar {hrrn plaee ljaurlah6 Buddno deLver.d hr66rs' oerron?
(A) Llnbiri (B) Masadha
(C) Vrhlly .(D) Sbfun,rh
e?. In which of ile rouosing sldl* d@6 166 Narionat \tohen Bonng Chanpid.hiD ialc pl,e?
(A) Mechrhv, (B) a$'a
(q On$a (D) Manda€tF
t& who hs been el€ctad as the tusr n3b oebber of M.ionll 6r *onell
(A) AlokRawrt (B) Cherhan Bhagai
(C) Sud*p NaBeIar (D ysnr.h S!rr&!hy
90, wlo he won th€ Nobel Prire 20t5 itr Lileretu.e?
(A) P.rnct Modia.o (B) youlou Tu
(C) Sletlane Alexi€vich (D) Jo*p[ Wil]aD
100. world wsEr Day is celeh'rFd €v€n redron:
(A) 12
July @) Mzy 22
(C) Mmh 22 (D) Jus 24


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