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Analysis and use of peaks-over-threshold data in flood estimation

Pamela S. Naden, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK

Techniques for flood estimation using peaks-over-threshold (POT) data are discussed.
This involves using a Generalised Pareto distribution to describe the flood magnitudes
and a Poisson distribution for the occurrence of the peaks. The fitting technique used is
that of probability weighted moments. The question of the choice of threshold is
discussed as well as a strategy, using L-moments, for pooling data_ Use is made
throughout of examples from the UK POT database held at the Institute of Hydrology.

Statistical estimation of flood risk in the UK has primarily focused on the use of annual
maximum data, and methods of analysis are well established. Use of peaks-over-
threshold data, however, can offer a number of advantages. These data consist of all
flood peaks greater than some selected threshold. Thus, more than one flood per year is
usually available for analysis, and exceptionally low annual maximum values, which may
cause problems in estimation, are not included.
Furthennore, POT data are necessary for providing estimates of low return period
floods, such as the return period of bankfull flow (Naden and Crooks, 1991) which is
useful in the assessment of channel dredging requirements, and for seasonal flood
frequency estimates as might be required in future "standards of service" applications
(Taylor and Candish, 1991). Other advantages which accrue from the larger number of
data values analysed are that flood characteristics such as stationarity and seasonality of
flood events can be explored (Crooks and Naden, 1992; Reed, 1992a; Reed, 1992b).
POT analysis also supplies a further alternative set of flood estimates for
consideration alongside those based on annual maximum data and those derived from
flood event modelling. Indeed, Wang (1991) concludes that there is no reason to prefer
annual maximum analysis to POT analysis even for high return periods. Thus, while the
main uses of POT analyses will probably remain those relating to low return period
floods and, therefore, based on single-site analyses, the facility to extend to higher return
periods by standardising and pooling POT data should also be provided.
This paper discusses the analysis of POT data, focusing particularly on the choice
of threshold, and methods of standardisation for comparison between stations and
subsequent pooling. Use is made throughout of examples taken from the POT database
held at the UK Institute of Hydrology. This database has recently been updated and now
holds over 77000 independent peaks for 859 gauging stations throughout the UK (Bayliss
and Jones, 1992).


A. J. Saul (ed.), Floods and Flood Management

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 1992

Models for POT data

In the analysis of POT data, there are two characteristics of the data which need
description - the magnitudes of the floods; and their occurrence through time. Recently,
significant theoretical work on the analysis of single-site POT data has been reported by
Davison (1984), Davison and Smith (1990), Hosking and Wallis (1987), Smith (1984),
and Wang (1991). The currently accepted methodology for analysing POT data is to fit
a Generalised Pareto Distribution (GPO) to the magnitudes and use a Poisson model for
the number of events per year. The GPO has the distribution function

F(x) 1 - (1 - k (Xa- U»)1<

k I< 0
F(x) 1 - exp ( - (x a- U») k =0
where F(x) is a non-exceedance probability
x-u is an exceedance in the range O$x-u<oo if k~O; O<x-u<cr/k if k>O
u is the threshold
cr is a positive scale parameter
k is a shape parameter.
For k=O, the GPO reduces to an exponential distribution for the exceedances, with a
mean of cr.
The GPO has a number of attributes which make it particularly suitable for
analysing POT data. The first of these is that of threshold stability. This means that if
(x-u) is distributed according to the Generalised Pareto distribution then the conditional
distribution of (x-u'), given that x>u', is also Generalised Pareto with an unchanged shape
parameter, k. Thus, provided the threshold, u, is high enough, the same distribution will
fit the data no matter what arbitrary threshold is chosen. For positive k, the scale
parameter will decrease in a linear manner as the threshold is raised; for negative k, the
scale parameter increases linearly. The second advantage of using the GPO is that, when
coupled with a Poisson distribution for the number of events per year, it is equivalent to
the use of the Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distribution to describe the annual
maxima. The parameters of the corresponding GEV distribution, censored below at x=u
and assuming a rate A for events x>u are given by {u + ~(1_A.-k), crA -k, k} (Mason,
The Poisson model is consistent with the assumption that the peaks are scattered
in a completely random manner throughout the year, although this is not a necessary
condition for the model (NERC, 1975). It is defined by
Pi = -'-1- (2)
where Pi is the probability of j events in a single year
A is the mean number of events per year.
The one parameter, A., is estimated as the total number of events divided by the total
number of years of record.

Methods of fitting
In fitting a POT model, there are essentially two points to consider. The first
question relates to which parameters to fit, while the second question is the choice of
fitting technique.

The GPO has three parameters - a threshold, a scale and a shape parameter -
while the Poisson distribution has the one parameter, A, denoting the mean rate of the
process. In principle, the threshold parameter is arbitrary and, in the case of a single
station, it is usual to choose a convenient threshold and fit the scale and shape
parameters of the GPO, in addition to estimating the parameter of the Poisson
distribution. However, in the case where comparisons between stations or attempts to
pool data are to be made, then it is clearly important to standardise the data with respect
to some common parameter. (It would clearly be inappropriate to compare, for instance,
the scale parameters of two distributions for which different numbers of events per year
were selected.) As the threshold is a parameter which is peculiar to the observed range
of flows, it is suggested that the first step in standardisation is to select a fixed number
of events per year. Having fixed the value taken by A., the three parameters that remain
to be estimated are the value of the threshold (fulfilling the same role as a location
parameter), as well as the scale and shape parameters of the GPO.
In tenns of fitting the GPO, simulation expe:riments of Hosking and Wallis (1987)
suggest that, for parameter estimation with the smallest root mean square error, fitting
by moments is best when k>O and by probability weighted moments (PWMs) when k<-
0.2. For the region -0.2<k<0, there is little to choose between the two methods, although
the estimates obtained by PWMs have a lower bias. The maximum likelihood estimation
method only out-performs these two when N is large (N)500) or when k is large and
positive. In flood estimation, concern generally centres on the region kg), and so
estimation by probability weighted moments is preferred.
For the most part, this paper, therefore, uses a three-parameter fixed-A. model
using the fitting method of probability weighted moments. The method is described by
Wang (1991), but, using the same definitions as Hosking and Wallis (1987), the
equations are as follows:
-6 ~()~2 + 2 ~O~I + 6 ~1~2
U =

a =
18 ~()~i - 36 ~I~i + 24 P~~2 - 6 ~~~2 + 4 ~I~~ - 8 ~i~o (3)
(-3 ~2 + 4 ~I - ~O)2

k =
9 ~2 8P + Po
- I

-3 ~2 + 4 PI - Po
where ~o, PI' and ~2 are the first three probability weighted moments.
The probability weighted moments are estimated from the sample data using the method
recommended by Landwehr et at. (1979) for the Wakeby distribution (of which the GPO
is a special case), Hosking et at. (1985) for the GEV, and Cunnane (1989) for
hydrological applications in general:

~s = ~ f, (1
N ,.1
- (i -0.35 )iYx
N ~

where /3, is the SIll probability weighted moment

N is the number of observations
are the ranked observed flows (with i=l denoting the
smallest value).
This paper goes on to consider useful diagnostic tools for choosing the appropriate rate
of occurrence, A., or threshold value in the case of single site analyses and to comment

on the pooling of POT data for application to higher return periods.

Choice of threshold
There are two tools which can help in determining the choice of threshold in the case
of a single site analysis. These are the mean excess plot and the log-survivor function.
Both are independent of the chosen fitting method.

Mean excess plot

The mean excess plot, also referred to as the mean residual life plot, is useful in
assessing the appropriateness of the GPD in the description of the POT magnitudes. It
is simply a plot of the mean of the exceedances against a series of chosen thresholds. If
the complete data set is truly GPD then the plot should follow a straight line with a slope
of -k/(k+ 1) and an intercept of the expected value, or mean, of the distribution, 0/(1 +k).
Thus, within the range -l<k<l, a plot with a negative slope indicates a positive k
parameter, while a positive slope indicates a negative k parameter and a horizontal line
indicates a k parameter of zero. In addition to the mean excess, confidence limits can be
added to the plot by calculating the standard error of each set of exceedances. Mean
excess plots have been produced for all 859 stations on the UK POT archive. From those
stations which have 40 or more years of record, four have been selected to illustrate
particular features of the mean excess plot (Figure 1).
Figure la, the Brent at Monks Park, shows a classic case in which the k
parameter is zero across the full range of thresholds plotted. As the threshold
progressively increases and the number of observations in each data set is reduced, so
the 95% confidence band (1.96 standard errors) widens. In Figure I b, Ise Brook at
Harrowden Old Mill, the negative slope of the line indicates a positive value of k and
hence an upper bounded distribution. Flood frequency curves with an upper limit are
often considered inadequate for extrapolation to high return periods. It is, therefore,
useful to note that, if only three events per year are taken (as shown by the vertical line
in Figure Ib), a k value of zero, as represented by a horizontal line, would still fall
within the confidence bands across a wide range of thresholds.
Figure Ic, the Avon at Melksham, shows a fairly common type of plot in which
the mean excesses increase over the lower thresholds and then decrease over the higher
thresholds. Points beyond the peak of the graph are computed from less than six
observations and the decline in the graph is largely an artefact of the small number of
data values and their range with respect to the sequence of thresholds. Thus, it is the left-
hand portion of the graph which is indicative of the GPD model and a negative value of
k (positive gradient) is the appropriate one. Figure Id, River Wye at Belmont, is another
common type of plot and most acutely raises the question of the choice of threshold. On
extraction, the data for this station attained an average rate of 6.3 events per year above
a threshold of 235 m3 s· 1• Using all the data, the mean excess plot shows that a GPD is
totally inappropriate. However, as the threshold is raised (the vertical line is for A.=l),
it is clear that a straight line with a positive gradient fits the exceedances above higher
thresholds and, in this case, a rate of occurrence of less than four events per year is
desirable to achieve a good fit (see Figure 3 below).
Table I gives the values of fitted parameters using the method of probability
weighted moments (see above). In the case of the complete data set, an arbitrary
threshold has been fixed and so the rate of occurrence and two GPD parameters are
fitted. The other cases refer to fixed rates of occurrence and, therefore, it is all three
GPD parameters which have been fitted. The fitted parameters for an uncensored GEV,
using biased PWMs (Hosking et al., 1985) applied to the annual maxima, are also given.
A number of interesting points may be highlighted.

a. Brent at Monks Park b. Ise Brook at Harrowden Old Mill

Mean Excess (cumecs) Mean Excess (cumecs)
11 7.0
10 6.5
9 5.5
8 5.0
7 4.5
5 3.0
4 2.5
3 2.0
0.5 -
0.0 .

10 20 30 40 50 5 10 15 20 25 30
Threshold (cumecs) Threshold (cumecs)

c. Avon at Melksham d. Wye at Belmont

Mean Excess (cumecs) Excess (cumecs)
60 275
250 ,
50 225
200 ,'"-,
175 ,,' '
- ,
75 ----"---'
....... -......
10 50 ---... _- .....\\
30 60 90 120 150 180 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 110
Threshold (cumecs) Threshold (cumecs)

Figure 1 Mean excess plot:1 for selected sites

First, it is apparent in the case of the Brem at Monks Park that the GEV fit to the
data indicates a positive k parameter (i.e. an upper asymptote to the curve) while the
mean excess plot and the fitted GPD parameters suggest a k value of zero. The reason
for this is the effect of very low annual maxima on the fitted GEV distribution. There
are four years (1943, 1947, 1962 and 1964) in which the annual maxima are below the
extraction threshold, and a further 17 years in which the annual maxima are below the
threshold for A=1. Figure 2 illustrates the point by showing the fitted distributions for
the case of a fixed rate of occurrence of four events per year compared to that for the
annual maxima. The effect on estimated floods, especially at higher return periods is
apparent. While this is a heavily urbanised chalk catchment and, therefore, somewhat

Table I Parameters fitted to the POT data from stations shown in Figure 1
(shading denotes fixed parameters)

Mooks Park

Ise RIO"k


River Wye

a. b.
Flow(cumecs) Flow(cumecs)
55 55
50 + 50 +
_4!L. _ _ _ _ _ _
45 45 __4:3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
40 -~----- + \ 40
~L _____
_--->16_ _ _ _ _
35 -~---- \ 35 '1-\

30 \ 30 \

25 \ 25 \

20 \ 20 \

15 \ 15 \

10 \ 10 I
5 \ 5 I
Return period 5\10\20\ sol Yen
0 Ret"" period 10\ 201 sol V. . .

o 1 2 3 456 7 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5
Reduced variate for exponential Gumbel reduced variate

Figure 2 Probability plots for the Brent at Monks Park

a. POT data with four events per year; /). annual maximum data

atypical, it clearly illustrates the role which POT analysis and the mean excess plot can
play in flood estimation.
A number of general points regarding Figure 2 should also be pointed out. The
reduced variate in the case of the POT plot is that of the exponential distribution,
-In(l-F), and the return period is given by T=l/[A(I-F)]. The position of the return period
with respect to the reduced variate in the case of POT data is, therefore, dependent on
the mean rate of occurrence, A. It should also be noted that the meaning of return period
is slightly different. In the case of annual maximum data, the return period has the
somewhat artificial meaning of the number of years between years which have an annual
maximum equal to or greater than a given flow. In the case of POT data, the return
period is more straight forward and simply denotes the number of years between events
equal to or greater than the given flow. For return periods greater than five years, there
is very little difference between the two, but, for lower return periods, some method of
converting between them may be appropriate (e.g. Langbein, 1949; Beran and Nozdryn-
Plotnicki, 1977). One final comment on Figure 2 is that, following general practice
(NERC, 1975), Gringorten plotting positions have been used for both the annual maxima
and the POT data.
The importance of the choice of threshold is also brought out in Table 1. With
the exception of the Brent which is well fitted by an exponential distribution throughout
the quoted range of thresholds, the examples quoted confirm the observation of Hosking
and Wallis (1987), made for the River Nidd at Hunsingore Weir, that it seems best to
use a fairly high threshold. As mentioned above with regard to the mean excess plot, this
is particularly apparent in the River Wye at Belmont. Here, a GPD fitted to the full
extracted data set is totally inappropriate (Figure 3a) and the best fit, detennined by eye,
is that for A=I, as shown in Figure 3b. Figure 4 shows probability plots for the River
Avon at Melksham. Again, the fit to all the extracted POT data does not perform well
and the best fit is probably given by A=3 events per year. From these and other
examples, a value of two or three events per year seems to give the better estimates in
most cases. However, it is clear that, in this choic:e, the mean excess plot, coupled with

a. b.
Aow(cumecs) Flow(cumecs)
1000 1000
+ +
900 900

800 800

700 + + 700
600 ++++ 600
I 500
I 400

300 I 300 I
200 I 200 I
100 I 100 I
0 Roturn pe<Iod 101 l!Ol Yo.. 0 101 l!Ol Yo..

o 2 3 4 5 6 01234567
Reduced variate for exponential Reduced variate for exponential

Figure 3 Probability plots for River Wye at Belmont

a. all extracted POT data; b. one event per year

a. b.
Aow(cumecs) Flow(cumecs)
200 + 200 +
180 180
160 ++ 160
---.13~ _____
140 140 _128 _ _ _
120 ---.l1~ ___ I
---.10~ __ I 120
I I 100
60 I 1 80
60 1 I 60 I
40 I 1 40 I

20 1 1 20 1 1
0 RoIum pe<Iod 101 l!Ol
0 RoIum p8I1od 101 mI_
o 234567 01234567
Reduced variate for exponential Reduced variate for exponential

Figure 4 Probability plots for River Avon at Melksham

a. all extracted POT data; b. three events per year

the more familiar probability plots, is an invaluable guide for model fitting and flood

Log survivor function

Additional information as regards an appropriate threshold may be gained from the log
survivor function. This provides an assessment of whether the Poisson assumption is
adequate. For a Poisson process with rate A, the time between successive events has an

exponential distribution with an average time between events of IA. The survivor
function is the probability that the length of an interval is greater than a given length of
S(x) = p(X>x) = exp(-xA) (5)
where Sex) is the survivor function
x is the length of time between successive events (days)
A is the rate of the Poisson process (number events per day)
Thus, the theoretical distribution can be written as
-log(S(x)) = Ax (6)
The empirical survivor function is given as the proportion of intervals between
successive events which are greater than x;. Thus, if the observed intervals are ordered
from the smallest to the largest,

= N - i + 0.5 (7)
, N
A plot of -log(S(x) versus x; should, if the Poisson assumption holds, yield a straight
line with a slope of A where A is estimated by the total number of occurrences divided
by the total period of record in days and is equal to 365.251...

a. b.
Log survivor function Log survivor function
7 7
6 6 I
I /
I /
5 I 5 /
I /
4 4 /
I /
I /
3 3 /

o 200 400 600 800 1000 o 200 400 600 800 1000
11me interval (days) 11me interval (days)

Figure 5 Log survivor functions fo" the Brent at Monks Park

a. five events per year; b. three events per year

Figure 5 shows the log survivor functions for the Brent at Monks Park for the
complete data set (6.4 events per year) and for a threshold which allows only three
events per year. In the fIrst instance, the solid line, which denotes the empirical log
survivor function, veers away from the dashed line of the Poisson assumption. However,
in the case of the higher threshold, the two lines more nearly coincide with only the final
point plotting away from the theoretical straight line. Consequently, in this particular
case, which is representative of many, a higher threshold is more consistent with the
Poisson assumption. However, it should also be noted that the Poisson assumption is

much less critical for the flood estimates than the shape of the fitted distribution (NERC,
1975) and so the fonn of the log survivor plot should not be an overriding consideration.

Application to higher return periods

The standard method of extending a single-site analysis to higher return periods is by
pooling data either from nearby sites or from sites with similar flood or catchment
characteristics. However, before pooling, it is necessary to standardise the data. (For
example, it is not possible to pool directly two stations, one with a threshold of 10 m\·1
and the other with a threshold of 350 m 3s· 1.) Standardisation, in the case of annual
maxima, is achieved by dividing the observed flows by the mean annual flood. In the
case of POT data, a first step in standardisation was the use of a fixed rate of occurrence,
A. It is now necessary to take a second step and it is suggested that, as with the annual
maxima, the data are divided by the mean POT flood for the chosen A.
Bearing in mind the above discussion on the choice of threshold, a value of 1.=3
was selected for the following analyses based on the 826 stations held on the UK POT
database for which three or more events per year had been extracted. Ideally, in any
individual study, an examination of the mean excess plots for all the stations being
pooled would be carried out to determine whether the chosen value of A was suitable for

a. b.
scale parameter shape parameter
1.0 1.0 +
+ +
0.9 0.8
+ + ++
0.8 0.6 +
0.7 + 0.4 +
0.6 0.2 +

0.5 + 0.0
+ +
0.4 -0.2

0.3 -0.4

0.2 -0.6

0.1 + -0.8
0.0 '.-....,........-r--....-""T""-r---r.....-,~..-....---,- -1.0 'r--....--.....-,-,..-....-""T""-r....--.....-,---.---,-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
threshold scale parameter

Figure 6 Parameter space for GPD fitted to UK stations

all stations. Figure 6 shows the parameter space for the GPO as fitted by PWMs to the
standardised data. The threshold and scale parameters are plotted in Figure 6a and the
scale and shape parameters in Figure 6b. As can be seen from Figure 6b, the shape
parameter estimated 'blind' takes some extreme positive numbers (one case of k=1.6 is
not shown) and all cases, especially where k>O.2, should be examined carefully using the
mean excess and probability plots described earlier. However, as the GPO fitted to the
full UK data set is used here for illustrative purposes only, a detailed examination of
each individual station has not been carried out.
Following Hosking (1986; 1992), a preferred characterisation of the data is via
the L-moments. Using the definition of PWMs given in equation (4) and the PWM

equations given in Cunnane (1989), the L-moments are given by

LJ ~o
L2 = ~() - 2 ~J (8)
L3 6 ~2 - 6 ~J + ~()
L4 = -20 ~3 -/- 30 ~2 - 12 ~J + ~()

where Li is the i lh L-moment

Pi is the i 'h probability weighted moment.
The ratios LiLI' LJL2 and LJL2 are known, by analogy, as the L-coefficient of variation
(L-CV), the L-skewness and L-kurtosis. A plot of the L-skewness against the L-CV
(Figure 7a) is more useful than the parameter plots in Figure 6 for selecting similar sites
for pooling as the three parameters are reduced into two variables. A plot of the L-

a. b.
L-skewness L-kurtosis
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 + 0.7
0.6 + 0.6 +
0.5 0.5
0.4 +
0.3 0.3
0.1 0.1

0.0 "'~.....;;.~~.,-,-~....~~~~,.. 0.0 'i""--:'-"'--'~'--'-,.......-.-"""-.......,.-'-'r---""'-,..

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
L - coefficient of variation L-skewness

Figure 7 L-moments jor GPD jitted to UK stations

kurtosis against the L-skewness (Figure 7b) is useful in identifying the correct
distribution for the data. For example, the line drawn on Figure 7b represents the
theoretical line for a GPD. As can be seen most of the 859 stations shown on the
diagram are adequately described by the GPD.
Once a plot of L-skewness versus L-CV has been produced, similar stations can
be selected or dissimilar stations rejected (Reed, 1992b) and the analysis then proceeds
by calculating the mean PWMs, perhaps weighted by record length, and then using
equation (3) to derive the parameters of the pooled distribution.
Thus, it is clear that in the extension to higher return periods, POT data can be
treated in much the same way as annual maxima. Similarly, it is anticipated that, for the
un gauged site, regression equations to estimate the mean POT flood, for given rates of
occurrence, from catchment characteristics will be developed alongside those for the
mean annual flood.

This paper has examined the analysis of POT data from a practical point of view, using
examples from the UK POT database held at the Institute of Hydrology. The general
methods of analysis for a fixed rate of occurrence using PWMs to estimate the three
parameters of the GPD - threshold, scale and shape - have been presented. The special
issue of the choice of threshold has been examined using the tools of the mean excess
plot and the log survivor function. Standardisation by the rate of occurrence, 'A., and by
the mean POT flood for the chosen 'A. are pre-requisites for the pooling of POT data.

The work reported in this paper was funded by the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
and Food. Thanks are due to Jason Duckers for writing the programs for the data
analysis, and to Nigel Cross and Robert Skeen for preparing the diagrams.

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