Corporate Image Building

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Course Title: Corporate Image Building 3 - - - 3
Credits: 3
Course Code: HR714

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to:

• Enable students to understand the techniques and process of identification of components of corporate Image and reputation..
• Help students to practice the tools and techniques of positive corporate Image Building..
• Enable students to strengthen case of corporate Image building and corporate communication as an important strategic initiative
undertaken by organizations for employer branding.
Pre-requisites: The students must possess basic understanding of corporate communication branding concepts.

Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course the student must be able to:

• Understand the concepts critical to building positive corporate Image

• Analyze various dimensions of managing corporate image.
• Identify , implement and evolve strategies for positive and consistent image of an organization
• Evaluate the actionable outcomes and Impact of branding activities in enhancing corporate image
• Enable students to align strategy, culture and identity through corporate branding
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I 20
Introduction and The Challenges of Corporate Image Building
Introduction: Meaning & Concept of Corporate Image and Reputation, Corporate communication
issues and challenges facing organizations, Components of Image and Reputation, Balancing
organization identity, The organizational Identity Dynamics model, Diagnosis of corporate Identity,
Servqual Model, The Vision-Culture- Image alignment model, Reputation Track Model
Module II 20
Managing and Enhancing Corporate Images
Managing Corporate Image as organization grows, stages of corporate image growth, Greiners growth
stages model, Influences of employees and their cultures on corporate image , Role of HR on
Corporate Image, Building Image by Branding HR Practices, Third wave corporate branding model,
Managing dilemmas of Corporate Image building, Case study on Employer Branding
Module III 20
Employer Branding and Media Planning
Concept and role of employer branding, Difference between corporate and employer branding,
Employee branding concept and techniques, Integrated corporate communication, Role of
Advertising, Media Planning and strategy, Impact of social media, Case Study on role of social media
Module IV
Public Relations and CRM
Impact of Public Relations and CRM on Image Building, Developing PR strategies and reaching out to
stakeholder, Relevance and impact of press releases in promoting organizations image, Event
management and brand promotion activities, Brand Value Chain Model
Module V
CSR and Ethics
Corporate Citizenship and role of CSR, Application and Impact of ethics in organizational branding,
Managing Crisis Communication , Rumors, grapevine and Propaganda, Branding of Non Profit and
Non Government Organizations, Concept and calculation of Brand Equity

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

Classes will focus on a combination of lectures and case studies. The structure of each unit includes a daily compulsory reading,
followed by oral presentations and activities. Students will be expected to do live projects to assimilate the subject better.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

100 -
Theory Assessment (L&T):
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components (Drop Class Test Case Discussion Home Assignment Attendance
down) End Term

Weightage (%) 10 10 05 05
Text & References
• Davies Gary, Corporate Reputation, Wiley & Sons.Henry Stewart - Olympic Sponsorship and Corporate Reputation, Corporate
Reputation Review
• Taking Brand Initiative, Mary Jo Hatch & Majken Schultz, Jossey Bass an imprint of Wiley,2008
• Lindstorm Martin, Brand Sese, Duel Books
• Charles Fombrun, Reputation; realizing value from the Corporate Image, Wiley & Sons.
• Charles Fombrun, Frame and Fortune, Wiley & Sons.
• Martin Lindstorm, Brand Sense, Dual Books.
• Ronald Alsop, The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation.
• Stewart Henry, Olympic Sponsorship and Corporate Reputation, Corporate Reputation Review.

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