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The real origins of sin and evil article


N E X T   A R T I C L E



Modern Christian theologians
assure us that most of the world’s population is headed for the eternal
tortures of Hell,
a Hell without end and without mercy or escape. It is the
final destination for all those who have never heard of or
believed upon the
name of Christ Jesus. Now truth be told, most of the world has never heard of
Jesus – countless
billions have gone to their graves without the soul saving
knowledge of Christ. It is a terrible and unfortunate fate,
one (it is said), that
we ourselves have chosen, a deadly and foreboding inheritance whose shadow cast
from the
sins of Eden echo towards a hopeless eternity for the majority of the human

But Christian teachers do not

stop there. Even the majority of self confessing Christians are destined for
this terrible
fate as it is argued that – “many
are called and few are chosen”, fewer still being faithful. After all, many
“on that
day” shall say “Lord, Lord”.....only to be turned away
as ones the Lord says he has never known, a narrow way

Now few decent pastors would ever

publicly preach or teach such a
message, on the contrary. In fact if any church
member was to doubt their salvation they would be encouraged to “proclaim their salvation in faith”
knowing that it is
by faith alone that we are saved. They would be encouraged
to rebuke such doubts as “lies from the
enemy.” Yet
privately, this strange and often confusing paradoxical theology
sets upon the fragile faith of Christians the world
over, casting shadows of
doubt and ebbing away at unspoken fears for lack of understanding and sound

There are millions of Christians

all over the world desirous of the truth of God’s Holy Word, this much is true
– yet
how many really understand the
teachings of the scriptures? What about the big theological questions of sin,
Heaven and Hell? Few are even aware that some of Christendom’s most
important doctrines exist outside the
current Bible cannon that we have today.
Take the Devil for example.   What of
Satan and his mission here on
earth? It is a strange fiction indeed, this
Christian myth (and oh yes IT IS A MYTH!) of pride, rebellion and exile of
world’s most villainous and notorious angelic rebel.

Yes, modern theologians claim

that while God in his infinite power and wisdom was busying himself in the
details of creating mankind, he became inadvertently distracted only to
find on his return to the garden that “Lucifer”
had ruined everything forever! Who would have guessed that while our (all
knowing and omniscient) creator left the[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Garden of Eden for a fifteen minute

tea break, Satan his arch enemy unknowingly swept in and broke Gods new toy.
Yes this is the teaching of the modern, enlightened and illuminated community
known as the Christian church.

After all, is Jesus then truly “the saviour of the world” or has Satan won by default destroying an all
Gods creation at it’s very conception and effectively tying 99% of
mankind to his very own eternal fate? It is a
strange oxymoron this balancing
act of preaching one thing but privately believing another. Indeed it would
that Christians are in just as much danger of Hells fire as are the
countless unbelievers of this world. There are
many such versions of this
theological proposal, but the numerous grey areas surrounding the doctrine of
punishment and the destiny of mankind are often glossed over as mere
distractions to the reality of this “sound
Christian doctrine.” But how much or
any of this above theological endgame scenario is scripturally true?....would
you believe - NONE OF IT!

The wisdom of Man

We have all heard
world-famous televangelists stating that it was never God’s intention
that Adam and Eve disobey
His command and sin by eating of the forbidden tree.
Most Christians would agree. They think God did not want
Adam to sin; and Adam
did not need to sin. If Adam had not sinned, we would all be living in a
giant Garden of Eden
to this very day. We would be in perfect health, there
would be no sorrow, we would have pleasure twenty-four
hours a day, we would
never die, we would be happy and God too would be happy.

If Adam had shown

just a little restraint the world wouldn’t be in the giant mess it is in today.
Oh really? Well, why
then didn’t Adam exercise restraint. What went wrong? Did
the first humans malfunction? Was there a flaw in their
design. God was the Designer; is God the blame? Not according to
Christendom. Is He at least responsible?
Not according to Christendom.
But why not?

Now listen
carefully. Here is wisdom beyond its years. When a scientist creates an
experiment or machine that
malfunctions, is he responsible for the malfunction?
Yes. Does he hold the experiment or machine responsible? No.
Does he hold God
responsible? No. Okay. Now then, according to Christendom, when God creates an
or machine that malfunctions, is He responsible for the malfunction?
No. Does He hold the experiment or machine
responsible? Yes. Does He hold man
responsible? Yes. See the wisdom? This is the reason why God calls the
of this world, STUPIDITY!

"For the
wisdom of this world is foolishness [Greek: stupidity] with God. For it is written, He takes the
wise in
their own craftiness" (I
Cor. 3:19).

Christendom assumes that God’s creation of humans malfunctioned -- they
did NOT!

Second, they assume

that God is not responsible and does not take responsibility -- He DOES!

One unscriptural
assumption added to another unscriptural assumption does not equal a Bible

Few Christian
theologians have ever stopped long enough to consider any other possible reason
for our current
state of wrath other than what they have parroted
unquestionably throughout the centuries. This is a daunting
prospect to the
carnal Christian mind but it is a profound possibility....maybe.... just maybe
God intended for the
world to
be in the hellish mess that we find it. Not for all eternity, but for the
present, for a period of time, for a

 It just seems so wrong to Christian thought to

believe that God would have purposed such an evil and unhappy
world. But LOOK at the alternative!!! Are we to
believe that God (who is perfect) tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to
make a good
creation, but was unaware of its potential to run amok? And ever since, God
must therefore either lack
the love for humanity to straighten it out, or He
lacks the power and ability. But either way it disowns God’s
sovereignty and
presents us with a God Who either CANNOT defeat his enemy or WILL NOT STOP
INSANITY! They would have us believe that God’s solution to rid the
world of sin and evil is to torture most of
humanity in fire for all eternity!
What does this eternal suffering accomplish? it but a continuous reminder
of the
most ultimate failure that ever existed? God forbid.

The whole idea is

blasphemous. If a carnal-minded human can take responsibility for an invention
that malfunctions,[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

then common sense dictates that God is bigger and more

responsible than puny man.

The truth
at last
Be it known to
all that God takes full
responsibility for His creation, and absolutely nothing in His creation is
malfunctioning. Here’s the proof: If a thousand Christians were given the
assignment to write an essay describing
the world as it was after God completed
it, but before man sinned, we would get one thousand essays describing
unbelievable beauty, harmony, and perfection of all creation including man and
beast. However, would such
essays be based on the Scriptures? Let’s look at a
little understood Scripture.

"For the
creature [and/or
creation itself] was MADE subject to VANITY NOT
WILLINGLY, but by reason of Him
[that’s God] Who HATH SUBJECTED the same
in hope. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered
from the
BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION into the glorious liberty of the children
of God. For we know that the
WHOLE CREATION groans and travails IN PAIN
until NOW" (Rom.

Wow! Did you know

that Scripture is in the Bible? Have you ever meditated at length on its
meaning? This one
Scripture does much damage to Christian doctrine. From a
strictly carnal-minded approach, this Scripture is
devastating. Let’s see what
these words entail from Strong’s GREEK DICTIONARY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT:

VANITY: empty, profitless, vain,

transientness [temporary], depravity [wickedness].

BONDAGE: slavery, subjection,


CORRUPTION: shrivel, wither, spoil,

ruin, deprave, defile, destroy, decay, perish

GROAN: moan, calamity, be in

straits, murmur, grief, grudge, anguish.

TRAVAIL: pangs, to pain together,

travail as in birth.

PAIN: anguish, toil for daily

subsistence, starving.

The force of
these verses in Rom. 8:20-22 is
inescapable. It was God HIMSELF who
subjected the whole creation
to vanity, and He
didn’t ask anyone’s permission before He
did it. And it is only God Himself who will deliver the
whole creation
from the bondage of corruption, pain, and suffering. Make no mistake about it:
God is the Creator of
evil, and He
takes full responsibility for the deliverance from the consequences of
all the evils that have caused the
creation to "groan and travail in PAIN until NOW" as Paul describes.
God takes responsibility for the temporary
failures of creation so that He can
take all the credit and glory for its successes. And most of the glory that God
receive is from the glory that He gives to all mankind.

The root
of sin and evil
Here’s a truth
you will not hear often or in fact – at all! It was not possible for Satan NOT
TO SIN -- he was created
the express purpose of being God’s Adversary, and so, of course, he was a

It was not
possible for Adam and Eve NOT TO SIN -- they were created for the express purpose of being moulded
into the "image of God," and so of course, they had to eat of the forbidden tree of the
knowledge of good and evil
or they would have NEVER reached this first spiritual
step in becoming LIKE GOD (in His IMAGE), a step of
paramount DIVINE

"And the
LORD God said, Behold [consider, to perceive, to know, to understand], the man is BECOME AS ONE
[Hebrew for ‘God’ is elohiym which is the plural of elowahh,
hence ‘us’], TO KNOW GOOD AND EVIL..."
(Gen. 3:22).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Knowing "good and evil" is one of the

most essential requisites in being formed in the image of God. To truly
"know" both good and evil
they HAD to partake of its source, which was the "TREE of the knowledge of good
and evil," which then
DEMANDED that they SIN in order to obtain this "knowledge." NO OTHER TREE IN THE
KNOWLEDGE! Not only that, but notice that this tree contained both
GOOD and
EVIL? Why not just a tree of evil or just a tree of good? Well, you don’t know
what good is if you don’t
know evil, you don’t know up if you don’t understand
down! Why can’t theologians see this!

It is astounding to all of us caught up in Christian theological

tradition then, that all this HAD to happen to Adam and
Eve. This is in fact
the sequence of redemption. The sequence of God’s plan of salvation for mankind
is most
important—First is the physical and then comes the spiritual.

Without the knowledge of this principle of Scripture, it is impossible

to understand what man is and what is his
destiny. Have we not been taught that
the first Adam was indeed a "quickening, living, immortal spirit,"
and that
afterward, at the resurrection; his immortal soul will be given an
ETERNAL PHYSICAL BODY? (Then there is also
the ungodly doctrine called the
"Law of Circularity" which teaches that we have always existed as
spirits, and are
now spirits having a physical experience—just the opposite of
the truth).

 [A] "And so it is
written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the Last Adam [Jesus
Christ] was made
a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first
which is spiritual, but that which is NATURAL; and afterward
that which is
SPIRITUAL" (I Cor. 15:45-46).

[B] "It is sown [first] a NATURAL BODY [a physical

body which dies]; it is raised [afterward] a SPIRITUAL BODY
is made immortal and never dies]…" (I Cor. 15:44).

[C] "Who shall change our [first] VILE BODY, that it may
be fashioned like unto His [afterward] GLORIOUS
BODY…" (Phil.

[D] "If I have told you EARTHLY things [first], and you
believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of
HEAVENLY [spiritual]
things [afterward]?" (John 3:12).

It was the natural body of Adam that became a living soul after
God breathed into him. And that living soul was
subject to death (Gen. 2:17 and Ezek. 18:4 & 20).
Even this simple, straight-forward truth of Scripture is universally

God said that Adam would "SURELY die" (Gen. 2:17). But most have been taught that Adam was an immortal,
spiritual soul that can NEVER, EVER DIE. Most pastors claim as truth the
immortal soul argument,  the "Once
are born, WE NEVER DIE." The same argument that Old Serpent who told
the world’s first recorded lie, when he
proposed "you shall NOT SURELY
die" (Gen. 3:4)

It is universally taught (and believed) that Adam and Eve were already
formed and created in the very spiritual
image of God way back in the garden.
This is not, however, how the Hebrew manuscripts read, as a perfect
creature formed in the very spiritual image of God, that not only does not sin,
but cannot sin. The reason that Jesus
(made unto sinful flesh) did not sin, was
not that He could not sin, but rather His Father WOULD NOT LET HIM SIN.
was born with a physical body, and therefore that body had to die. But I assure
you that Jesus did not
possess a "carnal mind" in that body of flesh.
He sinned NOT.

Making mankind into God’s own Image is a process that involves a

lifetime of trials and tribulations that includes the
crucifying and mortifying
of the carnal human mind and body. From the King James and many modern
translations it
sounds like it was a "past tense" made in His image
at creation, but actually it was not. Gen.
1:26-27 is equivalent to
our English imperfect. Here is how one Version
translates it:

"And saying is God, Make WILL WE [a continuing action]

humanity in Our image…"


"And CREATING [a continuing action] is God humanity in

His image" (Gen. 1:26a & 27a Concordant Literal Old

Man is not a "spirit being" having a "physical"

experience, but rather man is a "physical and mortal" being having a
"spiritual" experience. We are first born mortal [physical], but in
the resurrection God gives us immortality (the
spiritual). Throw away this marvellous
truth of Scripture, and you will be as deceived as most pastors when stating[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

that when Adam was created, he was so shining, so glorious, so spiritual, so

GOD-like, that one could not even see
his body for the glorious radiance of his
spirituality. Oh really? And is that why he was "naked," although
he "…
knew not that he was wretched, and miserable, and poor,
and blind, and NAKED" (Gen. 3: 7 versus Rev.

Just prior to Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, we read that Eve:

"…saw that the tree was good for food [‘the

lust of the flesh,’ I John 2:16],

and that it was pleasant to the eyes [‘the lust of the eyes,’
I John 2:16],

and a tree to be desired to make one wise

[‘the pride of life,’ I John 2:16],

she did eat… and he did eat" (Gen. 3:6).

It is not just the eating of the fruit that was a sin, but the "lust
of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life" that
went before
the eating. And just why where they so filled with sin at their very creation?
Because they were in the
"perfect spiritual image of GOD?" Poppycock.
They were natural, physical, carnal, and "…the carnal mind [with
which Adam and Eve were created] is enmity [hatred] against
God, for it is not subject to the law of God [‘But of
the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it…’ Gen. 2:17],
neither indeed can be" (Rom.

So, do the Scriptures really teach what the world has been taught—that
Adam and Eve were made into the perfect
spiritual "image of God?"
Get real.

Here is how GOD says He created Adam and Eve:

"For the creature was made subject to vanity [King

James Margin: "futility"], not willingly, but by reason of
[God] Who has subjected [Gk: ‘subjects’—aorist tense—subjecting
is still going on] the same in hope" (Rom.

In Dante’s inferno, "all hope is gone…," but in God’s realm He

subjects the entire creation "…in HOPE,"

God wilfully, wantonly, knowingly, purposely, and wisely, created

mankind "subject to vanity," subject to failure,
but beyond
the failure, God also subjects the same in "hope." Once again,
contrary to all orthodox doctrine, there is
hope for all of God’s
carnal-minded, God-hating people on planet Earth. God Himself says so, in the
same breath:
"because the creature itself [the same creation that
God subjects to vanity, futility, failure, and carnal-minded
hatred against
God] also shall be [ah, did you catch that? ‘shall be’], delivered
from the bondage of corruption
into the glorious liberty of the children of
God" (Rom. 8:21). Do you believe the Scriptures?
Really—what about
this one?

And so God, "made the creature subject to vanity"—failure,

but later in mankind’s development, the creature
"shall be"—
[future tense]… shall be delivered from the bondage of
corruption." Ah yes, God created them in a
condition of "bondage"
and "corruption," and therefore not "immortal"
as is taught, but rather in "bondage of
corruption." But
thanks to God, in the resurrection of the dead, ‘…this corruption must put
on incorruption, and
this mortal must put on immortality’ (I Cor. 15:54).

Yes, of course, first comes the PHYSICAL (death), and then the SPIRITUAL
(life). There it is—the hope of all
humanity. Corruption and mortality (the
physical first) must put on incorruption and immortality [the afterward

In the image of God

So God is creating, NOT created - finished - done. Let’s
put this simply. If God created (ed - past tense) man in His
image, why oh why
did he sin?  Think about it, are we saying that the image of God is a
sinning image?  How could
the very image of God, sin?  Well that’s
what most Pastors and theologians say, they say he (Adam) was perfect.
even claim that Adam was so glorified, so majestic, so spiritual that you
couldn’t see his body, that he glowed
like a white star. He was so
glorious you couldn’t even see his body, that’s how glorious he was before he
sinned.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Well why did he sin?  How could anything so God-like

sin?  Because he wasn’t God-like at all!  He was as carnal as
slob who has ever drawn breath.  That’s why he sinned. 

So this is the plan of God, He is making children in His very own image. 
We are going to be like God. We are going
to be God’s children.  You know
what children are like.  So we’ll be like God, if we’re going to be the
children of
God.  We’re going to be like Christ.  Christ is called
God and we are going to be brothers and sisters.  We’re going
to be sons
of God.

And God created man in His [Own] image; in

the image of God He created him. He created them male and
female.” (Gen 1:27)

In the Hebrew Interlinear, reading from right to left: “And He is creating, Elohim, the human in the image of Him,
in the
image of Elohim He creates him, male and female He creates them.”

And now from the Concordant Version:

“And creating is the Alueim [God]
humanity in His Image.  In the Image of the Alueim [God] He creates
Male and female He creates them.”

Did you get that?  God is creating man in OUR image. Clearly the point
is made that creating mankind in the image
of God is in the indefinite tense
[past/present/future] and not in the pasted tense as in the King James and most
bibles.  This creation continues. God wants children in HIS VERY OWN
IMAGE.  This is God’s plan.  This is God’s
purpose.  This is the
reason for the creation of humanity.  This is “The WILL of the Father.”

Old Testament:  “And creating is

God humanity IN HIS IMAGE.  In the image of the God He creates it. Male
and female He creates them.” (Gen. 1:27)

New Testament:  “ For whom He

[the Father] did foreknow, He also did
predestinate to be [complete is yet
future] COFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, that He might be the firstborn among
many brethren”
(Rom. 8:29).

It’s a spiritual thing He’s making here.  We think that it’s a physical
thing, we have physical life, and die a physical
death, and then it’s all
over.  No. This creation represents a spiritual creation.  It’s not
finished yet, and when we die
it’s not finished.  If it were, we could
just pack up our books and go home. Now He doesn’t want this just for the
elect, though He calls out the elect first, but it’s for everyone.

And so it was
GOD, and none other than GOD, Who intended from the beginning that Satan and
man SIN! That
does not make God a sinner, for a sin is a "mistake," a
"missing of the mark," a "falling short of the glory of
God knew what He was
doing and how things would turn out BEFORE He created
ANYTHING! "Declaring the end from the beginning..."
(Isa. 46:10). Satan and man are
"accountable" for their sins, because they sinned willingly from
their heart, but God
takes "responsibility" for their sins, and
therefore had already provided them a Saviour BEFORE the foundation of

"But with
the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Who verily was
manifested in these last times for
you" (I Pet. 1:19-20).

"And all
that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the
book of life of the
Lamb [Christ] slain from the FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD" (Rev. 13:8).

Is anyone so
naive and blind as to believe that God had prepared a Lamb, a Sacrifice, His
SON, to be slain for the
sins of the world at a time when theologians would
have us believe God didn’t even KNOW there was shortly
coming such a thing as
SIN? God knew; God is smart! It was God Who created the tree of the
knowledge of good
and evil It was God Who placed it right in the middle of the
garden to catch Eve’s eye. It was God Who made the
tree particularly attractive
and desirable. It was God who placed in the humans the desires and passions
that would
CAUSE them to partake of the forbidden fruit. It was God who placed
Satan the serpent in the garden to tempt Eve
and fill her head with the glories
of enlightenment. It was God Who had ALREADY made preparation for their
salvation through the slain Lamb of God.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Only ignorant and

foolish theologians would ever charge God of being ignorant of the conduct and
behaviour of His
own creation. It was not the temptation or deception entering
INTO Eve that caused her to sin and bring separation
from her Creator and God.
It was what was already in her that caused her to sin. Proof:

"For out
of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications,
thefts, false witness,
blasphemies" (Mat.

Notice it: "And

when the woman saw [in her heart] that the tree was good for
food, and that it was pleasant to
the eye [in her heart], and a
tree to be desired [in her heart] to make one wise [an
idol of the heart], she took
[’For out of the heart
proceed ... thefts...’] of the fruit thereof, and did eat" (Gen. 3:6).

Notice that last

phrase "...and did eat"? It was not the "eating" of the
fruit that made her a sinner -- she had
ALREADY sinned by looking, lusting, and
fantasizing about her potential wisdom. It was AFTER she sinned that she
"did eat."

The good news is

that all of our suffering is for a grand purpose and will ultimately bring huge
rewards. Just two
verses before, Paul tells us how God subjected the
whole creation to these many evils and he gives us this
comforting thought: "For
I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [’groaning and travailing
in pain
together until now’ Ver 22] are not worthy to be compared
with the GLORY which shall be revealed in US"
(Ver. 18).

Genesis -
know this. All this suffering and groaning was purposed by a perfect, all wise
and all knowing God...right from
THE BEGINNING! In fact the word “genesis” means “origin” or “beginning,” and the
Book of Genesis gives the only
true and reliable account of the basic entities
and conditions of the universe and of life. 
Genesis yields vital
information concerning the origin of ALL
THINGS – and therefore the meaning of ALL THINGS and ALL THINGS
Let every man know that in the whole of the universe there is no greater truth
than this one sublime truth
belief concerning his origin will inevitably determine his
belief about his purpose
on earth and his destiny.

“Let us make man in our image,”

said the Lord, whose purposes stand forever and whose hand shall never cease
from man until the very last vestige of the image of Self and of Satan has been
obliterated from the universe. It was
the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans,
“In my opinion
whatever we may have to go through now is less than nothing compared
with the
magnificent future God has planned for us.  The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the
wonderful sight of the
Sons of God coming into their own.  The world of creation cannot as yet see
reality, not because it chooses
to be blind, but because in God’s
purpose it has been so limited – yet it has been given hope.  And the hope
is that in the end the whole
of created life will be rescued from the tyranny of change and decay, and
its share in that magnificent liberty which can only belong to the
children of God!” (Rom. 8:18-21, Phillips).
“And the Lord God
planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had
And out of the ground made the
Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil” (Gen.
The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is also the greatest
parable in the Bible. Now it should not disturb
us in recognising the story of
the Garden of Eden as a parable.  After
all, most dictionaries or Bible Concordances
will tell you that a parable
simply places one thing alongside another for a variety of reasons.
There are quite a
number of English words which sound a little like parable; in
fact they all start with the same four letters, P-A-R-A.
This prefix “para”
means “by the side of.” Think - parallel.
Now we can ask the question: If a parable is only a story, why not call
it a story? Why use an unusual work like
parable, if an ordinary word like
story will do? The answer is simple: A parable is more than a story. It
is a story plus,
it has a bonus added to the story. It has two things that run side
by side – the lesson and the reality![2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

It is in fact the blueprint of man’s experience on earth and his destiny
in God.  When we thoroughly understand
Garden of Eden we understand the nature of God, the nature of man, and the
nature of Satan. This parable is
placed at the beginning of human history,
because it is the foundation upon which the whole plan of purpose of God
built. The entire revelation of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, assumes
an understanding of the great
principles and characteristics in the Garden of
So that’s where a parable is different; it’s more than a story – it has
a story line and then a parallel line – a new idea,
concept, or meaning to
comprehend! Also – parables may be based upon actual events. For instance, when
begins His parable by saying, “A
sower went forth to sow…” if there were no such things as actual farmers,
and seed we would miss His point altogether. The natural and outward
corresponds in principle to the spiritual and
inward – the one is set along
side the other. That’s just what makes it a parable! 
So do not be distressed by the representation of Adam and Eve and the
Garden of Eden as a parable! In the
Garden of Eden many people seem to think
that Eve symbolizes woman as a sex and that Adam somehow stands
for man as a
sex.  The truth goes far beyond this
however! Adam and Eve in the Garden represent the whole of
humanity in the
first Adam.  They represent every man and
woman who has ever lived or shall live. What happened
to him happens to us.
What he was we are. His experience is our experience. His destiny is our
destiny. Adam in
the Garden speaks of spiritual realities even in the
beginning of history, before history, beyond history and yet in
history; it is we
ourselves of whom the Garden speaks, it is we ourselves who are
confronted, intended, addressed,
accused, expelled, instructed, and
GOD HIMSELF is the One who blesses and curses. It is our
pre-history, truly our own. It is the beginning,
innocence, guilt, redemption
and perfection of every one of us. What happened to Adam there is what is
to us here!  Adam and Eve stand
for what man is, how man is, why man is. They stand for
man as we know him,
with all his capacities and potentials, under the gracious
hand of God, being brought from innocence to sin, from sin
to salvation, and
from salvation to THE IMAGE OF GOD.
From garden to garden
It is not commonly recognised that
this idea of creation and a garden is in fact a re occurring theme. It is
thematic in
portraying mans spiritual progress – remember “let us be creating”
God placed Adam the first in the Garden of
Eden. We find by the Word of God,
that in the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden belonging
to a
rich man named Joseph. it was in a GARDEN, overshadowed by darkness that
covered the whole land, amid the
quaking of the earth and the rending of the
rocks, that Jesus Christ, the second man, the last Adam, died. Death
through the first Adam in the Garden of Eden, and ‘eternal’ life came through
the second Adam in the Garden
of the Cross and of the Tomb.
Furthermore, in order to open the way into the greater Garden of the Lord, or the Kingdom of Heaven, our Lord went
through two gardens. The first was the Garden of Gethsemane, in which He chose concerning the last garden,
which is the Garden of the Cross and the Tomb. In the last, He finished the work which would open the Kingdom of
to all who would believe on His Name. It was in the Garden of Gethsemane that
He chose that the will of
the Father should be done and naught else. 
“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away
from Me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt”
(Mat. 26:39). 
The word Gethsemane means “oil
press.”  What a contrast – Eden the
garden of beauty, pleasure, and perfection,
Gethsemane the garden of the oil
press!  It was essential that the second
man, the last Adam should pass through
Gethsemane, that He might be perfected
through suffering, and thus win for man the right once more to enter into
garden where blooms the tree of life. 
Now it became the master Himself to enter into that awful pressure,
the last vestige of man’s will had been dealt with, opening the way back
into the Eden of God!
The second garden through which
Jesus passed was the Garden where He was crucified and buried, the Garden of
burial and resurrection. It was not Jesus alone that came out of that tomb, but
He brought with Him EVERY[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article


Him. Only through Him can any enter this Garden
that Christ has set up on
earth, and which will have its full fruition in that glorious age which is now
at hand.  It is to
those that enter this
Great Garden and became a part of it by being planted therein, that God gives
“beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the
garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they
might be called TREES
There it is. Man began in a Garden.
He sinned in a Garden. He died in a Garden. 
He was driven forth from the
Garden. Jesus came. He passed through two
Gardens. He opened up the third Garden. As the first Adam died in
the Garden
(of Eden), so the last Adam entered into death in the Garden (of the Cross and
Tomb).The first Adam
brought forth death out of life in the Garden while the
last Adam brought forth life out of death in the Garden. This is
all the design
of GOD ALONE NOT a random series of events caused by MANS CHOICES!!!

Only God
is responsible!
In the light of
today's spiritual darkness and global apostasy, it is most needful to
understand some basic spiritual
truths before launching into a word-for-word
explanation of the dozen or so verses related to the lake of fire-second
and the purpose and destiny of mankind. Most Christians have a one-sided and
often evil concept of
judgment. They think of it primarily in the negative –a terror
that wicked people must go through before being
sentenced to some fabled fiery
hellhole of torture and eternal damnation.

Judgment is not
reserved exclusively for the wicked, nor is it a one-sided sentence of doom.
There are many
problems with the orthodox teaching of judgment. Much emphasis
is placed on a few Scriptures taken out of the
context of all of God’s counsel
regarding judgment.  Judgment has both a
positive and a negative side. That is
judgment itself contains both. The result
of the two faces of judgment, however do not perpetuate the dual masks of
comedy and tragedy for all eternity as taught by mainstream Christendom.

If people could
only see that God is not a carnal-minded human as themselves. He is GOD -- The
Great Creator,
Sustainer, and Saviour of all -- GOD! God has a plan, a
procedure, and a purpose for this creation. Precious few
have even a basic
understanding of what it is. Nothing in creation is out of control from God’s
perspective. Nothing
ever surprises God or catches Him off guard. God does not
view the activity of His creation from His celestial
vantage point unaware of
what people will do next. God knows all in advance. God doesn’t just know what
happen in the future, He causes
all that will happen in the future. God IS the future. God is the Alpha and the
Omega -- He IS the beginning; He IS the end, and nothing can be different from
what God says MUST BE.

We have got to
get away from the "God allows
certain things" mentality and syndrome. God CREATES, God
HEALS, God KILLS, God CAUSES, God BRINGS ABOUT. God SAVES. God does not "allow"
things that He has not
foreordained to be! This popular doctrine among the religions of the world is
utter unscriptural
foolishness. The teaching suggests that man does things that
God had no previous knowledge of, does not approve
of, wishes would have never
happened, but nonetheless, He "allows"
them. Certainly He "allows"
them in as much
as He does not "disallow"
them, but this still begs the question as to their true origin. God is the
Creator, not Satan.

"For OF
Him, and THROUGH Him, and TO Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for
ever.  Amen" (KJV Rom.

that OUT of Him and THROUGH Him and FOR Him is all..." (Concordant

Does this also

include EVIL?

they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none
beside Me, I am the
LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create
darkness; I make peace, AND CREATE EVIL (Heb
“ra”): I the LORD do
ALL THESE THINGS" (Isaiah 45:6-7).

So many Christian teachers

are so willing to lie about the word of God. The word rendered evil in the KJV
translated “calamity."  Why? Because carnal men can’t handle the
truth of God’s word. It doesn’t fit their carnal[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

theology! Could THE HEBREW

WORD be rendered anything else but evil? It’s not possible! 

Look up the word

"calamity" in Strong's Concordance and you will find that calamity is
found 19 times in the Bible, all
in the Old Testament. Three times calamity is
translated from the Hebrew word "havvah" and it means "ruin or
calamity."  Sixteen times calamity is translated from the Hebrew word
"eyd" which is defined as "oppression,
misfortune, ruin,
calamity and destruction."  And here is an example of how it is used
in Scripture:  "I
also will laugh
at your CALAMITY" (Prov. 1:26).  God is not going to "laugh at your

Now then, what word did the Holy Spirit of God inspire to be used in Isa. 45:7? Was it
"havvah" or "eyd" which really
does mean
"calamity?" NO. It was another word.  And what word might that
be?  Well, it would be the word "ra"
which means "bad or
evil" and is translated "evil" FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO TIMES
in the Old

Here are just a few examples of how this word is used:

"And out of the

ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and
good for
food; the tree of the life also in the midst of the garden, and the
tree of knowledge of good and EVIL" (Or
does anyone think it should be "the tree of
knowledge of good and CALAMITY?" (Gen.

"And God saw that

the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart was only EVIL continually" (Or does
anyone think that God say, "...his heart was only
continually?" (Gen. 6:5).

"Come now
therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say,
Some EVIL beast has
devoured him..."  (Or does
anything that that they really said, "Some CALAMITOUS beast has devoured
(Gen. 37:20).

Look up EVERY one of the 442

verses where "ra" is
translated evil, and you will easily see the truth of this word.
"Ra" never, EVER, means

God creates and uses EVIL for GOOD!

And thus far too many
theologians misrepresent the Word of God, and therefore pervert it to suit
their unscriptural
biases. Most theologians who graduate from seminaries still
don’t  know that God says in Isaiah 45:7: "I ... create
EVIL." And most who have read it, don't
believe it. Most Christians have an extremely hard time in comprehending
sovereignty over his creation, let alone understanding the real origin and
purpose of evil in God’s economy.

In reality, evil has no moral

bias. God does not sin when He uses evil for His good purposes. Men sin when
they do
evil to other men. Evil [Heb. ha' = TO SMASH] is only a
"sin" when it is used wrongly. God uses evil for good. The
culmination of God's plan will justify His use of evil a trillion times to the
power of infinity! Notice how often
God uses evil in the Scriptures:

form the light, and create darkness; I make peace [good], and create evil: I the Lord do all these
things" (Isa.

of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?" (Lam

... an experience of evil hath God given to the sons of man to humble
him thereby"
(Ecc. 1:13).

... I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will
take thy wives before thine eyes,
and give them unto thy neighbour, and he
shall lie with thy wives..."
(II Sam. 12:11).

which is molded will not protest to the molder, 'Why do you make me thus?' Or
has not the
potter the right over the clay, out of the same kneading to make
one vessel, indeed, for honor, yet,
one for dishonor?" (Rom.

... I have created the waster to destroy." (Isa.
54:16).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

LORD hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day
of evil."
(Prov. 16:4).

... I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction." (Jer.

... Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people ... " (Jer.

he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his
prophets." " ... And He
said, ... go forth, and do so." (I Kg. 22:22).

[God] turned their heart to hate his
people ... " (Psa.

... Thus said the Lord; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a
device against you ... "

... For God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be
merciful to all."
(Rom. 11:32).

LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart
from thy fear?"

... so shall the Lord bring upon you all evil things, until He have
destroyed you from off this good
land ... " (Josh.

... shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord has not done it?" (Am.

whom the Lord is loving He is disciplining, Yet He is scourging ever son
to whom He is
(Heb. 12:5).

His spirit He hath garnished the heavens; His hand hath formed the Crooked
serpent" (Job
26:14). "And the great dragon was cast out, the Ancient
serpent called Adversary and Satan ... " (Rev.

he who is doing sin is of the Adversary, for from the beginning is the
Adversary sinning."
(I Jn

shall we receive good at the hand of God and shall we not receive evil?
In all this did not Job
sin with his lips." (Job
2:10, see 42:7).

saith the Lord of hosts ... go and smite Amalek ... destroy ... slay
both man and woman, infant
and suckling ... " (I
Sam. 15:2-3).

... God will be sending them an operation of deception for them to
believe the falsehood ... "
(II The.

Scripture proves that God not

only created evil, but that He, Himself, is responsible for it! Maybe these
Sunday school verses, but they are Scripture! These are strong verses.
At times it is hard to emotionally deal with
the evils of this world. But thank
God that it is HE and not Satan or man who controls evil. It is important to
understand that God puts limitations on evil. He doesn't use it
indiscriminately. Jeremiah 18:11
says: "I frame
against you" This verse alone shows the boundaries
and limitations that God Himself puts on evil.

God is NOT evil, lets get

that straight and we can accomplish no good of ourselves. What we are to
learn is
contained in the next passage: "Be
not deceived [but of course, most people are deceived], my beloved brethren!
ALL GOOD giving and
EVERY perfect gratuity is from above, descending from the FATHER of lights ...
(Jas. 1:16). That is the lesson we, not God, are to
learn and our trials are a great aid in understanding God's

How much more comforting it

is to believe the Scriptures? God created evil and uses it for a good purpose.
existence is only temporary (like the scaffolding on a new building).
When the building is completed, the ugly
scaffolding is removed-it serves no
further function to the finished building. Only a knowledge of evil, not
evil itself,
has eternal value. How awful to think that God did not
foresee the coming of evil, can't justify its existence, can't
dispose of it,
can't save most of humanity because of it. There is no justification for, nor
redeeming value in, eternal
torture. None.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

God is Wise. God wants Sons

who will know both "good and evil." God's "end" more than
justifies His "means." As
Paul said:

the momentary lightness of our affliction is producing for us a transcendently
eonian burden of glory ... " (II
Cor. 4:17). Concordant Literal New Testament.

There are many things

in life that are very hard to accept and deal with in our weakened spiritual
state. We are
beset by a multitude of evils daily and commit evil ourselves
just as easily. But what is gained by trying to take all of
these things out of
the realm of God’s responsibility? God and God only has the
"ability-to-respond." Man is not
running God’s creation, God is. How
can any doubt it?

We all have our

own personal financial, health, social, mental, and spiritual trials in
addition to thousands of other
problems in our home, community, state, nation
and world which can easily overwhelm us if we are not well
grounded. Do we
think all these things just invented themselves and brought themselves into
existence? No; these
are all the design of an all-wise God.

People freely
admit that God knows every sparrow that falls, the individual names of one
hundred billion stars, and
the number of hairs on five and one half billion people’s
head at any given second of the day, but that He is,
nonetheless, just not
concerned with the smaller details of your life or the formulation and out
workings of our carnal
nature! God knows....everything!!! He knew what would
happen in the Garden –he PLANNED IT THAT WAY!

 “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in

Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed. 
And out of the ground made the Lord God to
grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for
food; the tree of
life also IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN, saying, of the tree of the knowledge of
good and
evil… the fruit of the tree which is IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN… ye
shall not eat of it, lest ye die” (Gen.
2:8-9, 16-17; 3:3).
So against the background of this
picture of the Garden of Eden it is related how man was put into this Garden in
order to live in it and how two trees stood in the middle of the Garden:
one the tree of life, the other the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. It
wasn’t by chance that there just so happened to be a “tempter” in the garden. For
upon these two trees IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN the destiny of man was to be
decided.  There were,
indeed, three kinds
of trees in the Garden. There was the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, and
then all those other trees denoted as “all the trees of
the garden.” Man began his sojourn upon earth living in the
realm of “all the
trees of the garden.” But man’s future experience and destiny were to be
decided by his relationship
to the two trees in the middle.
The tree of life is mentioned very
casually in Genesis 2:8-9. It was IN
THE MIDDLE –that is all that is said about it! 
It was right there in man’s consciousness, in man’s nature. The life
that comes forth from God is in the middle. This
means that God, the source of
life, is in the middle. This means that with God as his center man would
have life.
But, like the tree of life, the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil also stands in the middle of the
Garden! To this
tree is attached the command not to eat of it upon penalty of
death. Death in the middle. Within. In man’s very
nature. Thus is it declared
with unquestionable certainty that man was formed with the capacity to LIVE IN
to be CARNALLY MINDED is death” (Rom. 8:6). Two trees, two
realities IN THE
MIDST of the Garden of man’s experience and being. Both realities are in the
middle – within man.
One or the other is every man’s centre, the plane of his
consciousness, the sphere of his existence. But mark it well
– both
cannot be the centre of any man’s life!
But how could Adam grasp these
mighty realities?  How could Adam, living
as he did in the “soul realm” of “all the
trees of the Garden” understand what
divine life is when he had not yet tasted of the tree of life?  How could Adam
comprehend what death is when
he had never yet experienced anything of its dread power?
How could Adam even know what
difference there is between life, good, evil, sin, and death, living as he did
in the
unblemished innocence of his child-like beginning?  As well explain the mysteries of biology or
astronomy to a new-
born infant!  Could
all of this really mean anything more to Adam than empty words?  No, Adam could not be
expected to understand
such awesome things, but under the gracious and skilful hand of God he would be
instructed and taught. To this end man was placed on earth in a Garden with two
trees in the middle – and with both
God and a Serpent walking and talking with
him! Can we not see the grand DESIGN in all this![2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article


modern Theological view of the Gospel
For the most
part, Christendom teaches that when a person dies in his sins, without
repenting or accepting Jesus
Christ as his personal Saviour, that person is
then doomed to the damnation of the fires of hell for all eternity! And it
matters not whether that person was a loving husband, a loving father, or a
fearless hero for his nation. According to
this immutable Christian doctrine of
eternal torment, all who have ever lived without accepting Christ as their
personal saviour are right now burning and suffering unspeakable torture in the
fires of some eternal hell. Why?

Observe for
example a few quotations regarding the gospel from world famous preacher,
teacher, author, and
theologian, Dr. James Kennedy.

"This is the light of

Christ. It is the light of grace, and it is not incumbent upon God to extend it
to everyone.
Let us make it very clear that it is not incumbent upon God to
extend it to anyone."

"Therefore, the light

of Christ is not extended to everyone..."

"And thus we see the

exclusivity of the Gospel..."

"But because God

extends it [the light of Christ] to some does not mean He must extend it to
any other."

"He [God] doesn’t have to be

gracious or merciful to any guilty sinner..."

"So the idea that God

owes to everyone some offer of
mercy is totally foreign from [to?] the Bible."

"The great Charles

Spurgeon said that the amazing thing is not that everybody isn’t saved; the
thing is that anybody
is saved."

"Heavenly Father, I
pray that your Spirit will give us a clear vision of the plight of the lost --
those who are
on their way to eternal perdition, to damnation forever."

The above
quotations are from a Sermon by James Kennedy, A.B., M.Div., M.Th., D.D.,
D.Sac.Lit., PhD., Litt.D.,
D.Sac.Theol., D.Humane Let., entitled: “What
About Those Who Have Never Heard?” Can anyone say blasphemy?
It is no
wonder that God lists as greatest enemies and adversaries, "the shepherd," the "Scribes,"
the "priests,"
and those
inimitable religious leaders in every era -- The Pharisees!

Yet the
scriptures state that all the dead are in God’s keeping. They are all asleep
(there are dozens of Scriptures
that say that the dead are sleeping until
resurrection) awaiting the resurrection of the dead.

And those that

were not believers will be judged. That judging will involve the lake of fire
which is the second death.
But does that mean that nonbelievers will be
tortured for all eternity? The big question to answer now is how will
GOD feel
when YOUR loved ones stand before the judgment seat of Christ?

Will God hate your

loved ones for being deceived and not accepting Christ as his Saviour? Will God
teach them his
his truths so that they too can know the Truth (Jesus) and be
set free? Or will He throw them into a lake of fire that
will torture their
flesh with steel-melting fire for all eternity? Is there a single Scripture in
the entirety of the Bible that
actually says God will torture anyone for all
eternity? There is NO such Scripture and NO such thought. Proper Bible
scholarship PROVES IT!

The fate unbelievers

according to the teaching of Christendom, is inescapable. Since they rejected
Jesus Christ as
their personal Saviour, they are right now this minute
screaming their guts out in the fires of hell in agonizing pain
and terror fare
worse than the horrors of any man made torture device. That is what this
teaching demands. Will all
those presently burning in hell until judgment, be
transferred to the lake of fire to burn for all eternity? Is this mercy’s
destiny?  No, No! This is unscriptural
insanity and the poorest display of Christian scholarship EVER!

Why is the world

full of evil? Who is responsible and where will it all end? There is a way to
understand these things
from God’s perspective. He has not left us in the dark
as to the source, meaning, and purpose of all the evil in the
world today even
though things are often difficult to emotionally and spiritually accept.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

It is after all the

painful side of our human experience that is sometimes difficult to believe has
a reasonable purpose
for its existence. Even our Lord, Who was involved in the
creation of all things (Col. 1:15-20),
and knew the purpose
of all things (Eph.
1:11), and knew that He was to be the Saviour of all mankind (I Tim. 2:4), and the Saviour of all
creation from vanity, slavery, and corruption (Rom. 8:21), nonetheless, when seeing Jerusalem headed for utter
destruction because of rejecting Him and His gospel, He WEPT over it (Luke 19:41)! God has pity on weak and
foolish humanity, whom He Himself has created that way.

Either God
Himself is the Creator of good and evil and all that is and will bring about a
total healing, restoration, and
perfection of all there is, or, God is not the
Creator of good and evil and all that is, and therefore is not responsible
the mess the world is in today which supposedly will end with most of humanity
going to hell in a hand basket to
suffer -- insanely suffer -- for ALL
ETERNITY! All Scripture and sanity itself tells us the former is the Truth.
Christendom and insanity tells us that the latter is the truth.

Did God create an unpredictable world?

Here is one of
the most profound Scriptural Truths that you will ever learn. GOD is the
originator and Creator of the
entire universe and everything that is in it! GOD
is responsible for the entire universe and everything that is in it! And
to say
otherwise in both unscriptural and foolishness!

There are only

three possibilities as to why things are the way they are;

Why there is evil

and tragedy in the world;

Why people do
evil things to other people;

Why the innocent

must suffer at the hands of the wicked;

Why people are

born with debilitating defects;

Why the whole

world lies in spiritual darkness and paganism;

Why billions live

and die without ever hearing the name of Jesus Christ their Creator and

Why men are often

tortured by providence and nature itself which operates completely and
independently apart from
any man.

When we
understand these things we will understand the “lake of fire” and “second
death,” and a thousand other
things that happen in our lives today as well
as in the lives of all humanity since Mother Eve!



human race is the byproduct of a blind, unintelligent, accidental,
process started billions of years ago by a humongous cosmic BIG BANG. Therefore
HIGHER POWER is responsible for anything. If anyone believes this, then the
Scripture speaks to YOU when
it says:

"The FOOL has said

in his heart, ‘There IS NO God’" (Psalm 53:1).


The human race and angelic messengers are the perfect creation of an
all-powerful, all-knowing, undeceivable, untrickable, unfoolable, intelligent,
and loving GOD. That’s
the good news. Here’s the bad: God’s first and most
perfect specimen created out of the combined
intelligence, power and wisdom of
a perfect God, was a great spirit archangel they call, Lucifer. (Incidentally
and Scripturally, "Lucifer" was never a proper noun or name for anyone)!

The Christian teaching is that before God ever created the first man, this perfect
archangel whom Christians
call Lucifer, went bad! He was perfect
but he turned bad! He turned into a bad angel. Did God create him
turn bad? No. Did God know that he would turn bad? No. Did God wish
that he hadn’t turned bad? Yes. But[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

was there anything God could do

about it? No. Why did God’s first and greatest creation to that time,
malfunction? How can a PERFECT creation by a PERFECT Creator ... malfunction? "Houston
A PROBLEM"! God doesn’t have a problem; Christendom has a
problem. And it is the BIGGEST single
problem in all Christendom! It is
huge. It is this very Satanic LIE that has given birth to the most evil
on the face of the earth in the history of the world!

According to this Christian theory [hypothesis], the very first thing that The
Omnipresent, Omnipotent,
Omniscient, Creator God made, not only malfunctioned,
This devil has ever since,
relentlessly wreaked havoc on every facet of God’s creation which will consummate
with a lake of fire that will continue to insanely torture most of the human
race for all eternity! Salvation is
pictured as God’s nearly vain attempt to
salvage but a few from the grasp of this colossal cosmic experiment
gone amok!
God’s Spiritual Frankenstein Monster has turned on Him and His children. And it
has already
been predetermined that Satan will be the final Victor when all the
marbles are counted. Not a pretty picture.
This is the god that the world of
paganism is supposed to put their eternal confidence in! A god who cannot or
will not protect his own children from this cosmic wolf in sheep's clothing.
(Small "g" intended).

Hence it is Satan that is supposedly responsible for introducing

evil into the world. Satan supposedly chose to
disobey God and therefore we
also must choose, on our own, by our own power, as to whether we will follow
and obey Satan; or follow and obey God. This is the Christian position on this
matter of good and evil.


SCRIPTURES: Don’t get us wrong, Christendom did not originate this
problem (Satan did); they merely continue to parrot the original author. Satan
LIES! Yes he does.
He is a LIAR, and the FATHER of lies and he has ALWAYS been
that way since his CREATION (John 8:44).
Satan was NOT "Lucifer" (a
supposed perfect archangel) from the beginning; Satan was "Satan" from the
beginning. Satan is an EVIL creature. He
has been an evil creature from his very creation. Satan is not the
result of a
Godly experiment gone wrong! Satan is functioning PERFECTLY as God’s adversary.
Satan is
essential to the purpose and salvation of the whole human race. That
is why God created him in the first
place. Dare we believe it?

Satan the Devil?
There is a
pertinent saying; “A lie told often enough
becomes truth.”How true that saying is in the midst of today’s
apostasy. It is incredible how pervasive myths can become even in our advanced
and enlightened society.
The subject of Satan has to be one of the most
incorrectly taught in all of Christendom. Few realise that most of
what is
taught in the pulpits about the Devil today has nothing to do with scripture
but everything to do with pagan
esoteric teachings and tomes of pseudo
Christian demonology. The “Lucifer” myth is one such teaching. 

According to
Christendom, Satan created himself. He was supposedly a perfect archangel and
HIMSELF INTO A DEVIL. There is no such scripture to confirm this
of course. Is this Scripturally true? Who created

You are of
your FATHER the DEVIL [the GREAT DRAGON, OLD SERPENT, the DEVIL, and SATAN {Hebrew for
-- I Pet. 5:8} Rev. 12:9], and the lusts of your father ye will do... He was a murderer FROM THE
BEGINNING, and abode not in the truth [from the beginning],
because there is no truth in him [from the
beginning]. When he speaks a
lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar [from the beginning], and
the father [the
beginner] of it" (John 8:44).

"Now the
SERPENT was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD GOD had MADE..."
3:1) God "made" this serpent which TALKED with Eve as an
articulate, intelligent, creature. Satan did not possess
this serpent of
the field, Satan was this serpent! Satan doesn’t possess snakes! Satan
himself was CREATED A
SERPENT. Even Paul acknowledges that it was "the
SERPENT" that deluded Eve, and not some other creature
possessing a snake (II Cor. 11:3).

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between THY SEED
and her seed, it shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel"
(Gen. 3:15).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

This serpent that shall bruise the heel of Eve’s seed (singular seed --
Christ) is clearly Satan the Devil who also has
seed, "thy seed."
Jesus said, "You are of your father the Devil...?" (John 8:44). Satan the Devil has "seed"; he is
"father": a father has children and followers of like nature.
No literal snake ever produced a seed that bruised the
heel of Jesus. Snakes do
not "eat dust" but Satan dines on mankind

 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your

adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he
devour [Greek: (lit. or fig.) gulp entirely, swallow up] I Pet. 5:8). And he seeks to devour
mankind who are
"dust" of the earth ("...for dust thou
art...." Gen. 3:19).

SPIRIT He hath garnished the heavens; his HAND has FORMED THE CROOKED

God garnished the

heavens by His SPIRIT, because they are a thing of great glory, beauty, and
splendour. But the
crooked SERPENT God formed by His "hand" -- at
ARMS LENGTH. Thus indicating it was something necessary,
but not of His HEART
AND SPIRIT! Satan is called "the crooked serpent." This word
crooked comes from a Hebrew
word that is not translated "crooked"
anywhere else in the Bible. The word in Hebrew is bariach, and it means
fugitive," Strong’s #1281. And "fugitive" is from
the Hebrew word nuwa, Strong’s #5128, among its several meanings
"to [go] up and down," and "to and fro," and to "sift."
Remember that God names things according to what they
are and what they do:

(A) "And the LORD [is this a high enough authority for
everyone?] Said unto SATAN [not a heretofore archangel],
comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, ‘From going TO AND FRO
in the earth,
and from walking UP AND DOWN in it" (Job. 1:7 and 2:2).

It is the "crooked [fugitive] SERPENT" SATAN who goes "TO

AND FRO" and "UP AND DOWN" in the earth! God
created Satan for
this purpose.

(B) "And the LORD said [is this a high enough authority for everyone?],
Simon, Simon, behold, SATAN [not a
heretofore archangel]
hath desired to have you, that he may SIFT you as wheat"
(Luke 22:31).

It is the "crooked [fugitive] SERPENT" SATAN who

"SIFTS" men like wheat! God created Satan for this purpose.

I have created the smith [that’s me] that blows the coals in the fire, and that brings
forth an
instrument for His work, and I have CREATED THE WASTER TO
DESTROY" (Isaiah 54:16).

["waster" -- Hebrew: shachath, decay, ruin, batter, cast

off, corrupt, destroy, lose, mar, perish, spill spoil -- UTTERLY
WASTE, #7843,
p. 115, Strong’s Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary].

God created the "WASTER,"

not the archangel who later supposedly became Satan, but from the BEGINNING
said He created "The WASTER" and He created him "TO DESTROY"
Now then, WHO’S role is it to "destroy" the
flesh of man so that the
spirit may be saved?

"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, and
my spirit, with the power of our
Lord Jesus Christ, To deliver such an one UNTO
SATAN for DESTRUCTION of the flesh, that the spirit may
saved in the day of the Lord Jesus" (I Cor. 5:4-5).

It is SATAN who was created from his very beginning to be "the WASTER to DESTROY"
men’s flesh (carnal
mindedness) so that they learn not to blaspheme (I Tim.
1:20). Satan started with Adam and Eve and he isn’t
finished YET!

"And no
marvel [Gk:
to wonder with ASTONISHMENT]; for Satan himself is transformed [Gk: meta
transfigure -- to change the outward form or appearance,
to make GLORIOUS] into an ANGEL OF LIGHT" (II Cor.

I am the LORD,
and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded you, though you
have not known
me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the
west, that there none beside Me. I am the
LORD, and there is none else. I form
the light, and create darkness: I make peace, AND CREATE EVIL: I
LORD do ALL [even the creation of evil and even the creation of Satan]
THESE THINGS" (Isaiah 45:5-7).

Satan is evil, God created evil, God CREATED SATAN![2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

"He that
commits sin is of the DEVIL [Gk: Adversary, Satan] for the Devil SINS FROM THE BEGINNING.
this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the WORKS
of the Devil" (I John 3:8). So
was it AFTER a supposed
"Lucifer archangel" metamorphosed into Satan that he sinned, or did
Satan the
Adversary sin "from the BEGINNING?

Can the high

priests of Christendom ever get anything Scripturally correct? They cite Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28
incorrectly as proof that Satan was once a perfect and
glorious archangel.

They claim that a

THE DEVIL, whereas we just read in the divine, inspired, infallible
Word of God that contrariwise, it is
LIGHT! Amazing!

The Scriptures
teach the diametric opposite from what Christendom is teaching. But it is
mandatory that they teach
this lie, because it is mandatory that they deny
every Scripture that says GOD CREATED EVIL or EVIL
CREATURES! It doesn’t fit
their theology. They must find a way that allows God to torture billions of
people in fire
without being evil Himself or even responsible for doing so. The
origin of sin and evil must be placed on the creature
rather than the Creator.
This way the creature is responsible for everything and the Creator is
responsible for

And so it is
stated that men CHOOSE to go into the lake of fire and suffer eternal pain, and
God’s hands are tied by
a doctrine that Satan has planted into the hearts of
all men everywhere. An idol of the heart of such magnitude that
men will DIE to
preserve it. Deceived humanity has perceived this idol to be of the greatest
value of anything that
can ever reside in the heart of man including the Holy
Spirit of God!

“The Serpent”
the SERPENT was more subtle  than any
beast of the field which the Lord God had made...and the
SERPENT said unto the
woman, Ye shall not surely die... and the Lord God said unto the SERPENT,
Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every
beast of the field; upon thy
belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt eat all the
days of thy life: and I will put enmity between thee and the
woman, and between
thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel" (Gen.
The ancient serpent, having beguiled
Eve, became the recipient of the FIRST CURSE in history. Most students of
Word know that man was cursed, the woman was cursed, the ground was cursed, and
the earth was cursed, but
few remember that before all this the serpent was
cursed. The curse is first mentioned in Gen.
3:14. "And the Lord
God said unto the SERPENT, Because thou hast done this
THOU ART CURSED above all cattle, and above
every beast of the field; upon thy
belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life."
The serpent, called before the
tribunal of the Almighty, received a two-fold curse, recorded here in strong
figures of
speech which sternly emphasize the power of the judgment: UPON YOUR
This is a symbol and the Deceiver,
Satan, that old serpent, has to eat dust! What is the dust? Not the dirt of the
ground! In the passing of the judgment-sentence, God began with the serpent and
said, "DUST shalt thou eat."
Then to the man, God said, "In the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for
out of it wast thou taken: for DUST THOU ART, and UNTO DUST shalt thou
return." So that first Adam, sinful,
fallen, and cursed is declared by
the counsel of the Lord TO BE DUST. Said the Psalmist,
He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that WE ARE DUST" (Ps. 103:14).
That we are DUST! By the very nature
of things, when the serpent eats, he seeks to SATISFY HIS APPETITE and
HIS DESIRES. Originally he found pleasure in higher things and had access
higher realms, but the curse
of "eating dust" limits the object of
his devouring. Today, the sphere of Satan's activity is earth, and the object
of his[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

devouring is the man of the earth.

sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about seeking WHOM
HE MAY DEVOUR" (I Pet. 5:8).
There is also the sentence: "Upon your belly shall you go."
This judgment speaks of infinitely more than a literal
snake slithering along
upon a literal belly of flesh and blood. The very fact that God states that the
serpent was now
to crawl upon his belly, which obviously he had not done
before, reveals that there was a DESCENDING from one
realm to another, from a
higher to a lower, from a greater to a lesser. Previously he walked in loftier
realms, his
sphere of activity extended to higher domains, but he is now
lowered into the dust realm, into the sphere of man,
confined to the earthy,
limited to action upon and expression through THE MAN OF THE DUST. Thus we read
Eph. 2:2,
 "And you hath he quickened, who were dead
in trespasses and sins: wherein in time past ye walked
according to the course
of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, THE SPIRIT THAT
spirit is IN MAN!
It is not difficult for us to
acknowledge that GOD was manifest in the flesh through the incarnation of Jesus
What we have often failed to perceive is that there has also been AN
Just as God was manifested in the flesh
through Jesus, the last Adam, and now through His body, so it is becoming
knowledge to us that Satan has been manifested in the flesh of the first Adam,
and now in his posterity!
Of course, while earthly races vary in
stature, physical features, and colour, the nature of man is invariable and
universal. For the carnal nature there are no national boundaries, no aspects
peculiar to a certain tribe, no ethnic
group or national entity has any
monopoly on the serpent that lies in the heart of man. All men of every country
every tongue and every race are possessed of the very same thoughts,
impulses, desires, emotions, and state of
being, for they are all partakers of
the collective nature of Adam.
The mind of Satan is the mind that
worketh in all the children of disobedience. This is the mind that inspires the
increasing evil and confusion that today is running rampant among all
nations. This is also the mastermind that
dominates the religious confusion of
this dark hour.
From the day of the fall in Eden even
unto this hour man has borne the imprint of the satanic mind, the mark of the
serpent, the mark of the beast. That mark in his mind has been
manifested in everything he has set his hand to do.
We need not be surprised to learn that
the serpent lurks in the corruption of the mind and heart of man. Can there
found in all the universe a more possessive, blinding, or deceiving devil than
the devil of SELF? Over and over
again in the Word of God we find this terrible
truth reiterated. "We hear Jesus say,
FROM WITHIN, OUT OF THE HEART OF MEN, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,
fornications, murders,
thefts, coveteousness, WICKEDNESS, DECEIT,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
all these evil
things come FROM WITHIN and defile the man'" (Mk. 7:21-23).
Every sin-category imaginable is
contained in this discourse. Everything that a man could ever do or think that
is evil
is said by Jesus to come - not from outside himself but from within!
Among those things that come out of a man is
DECEIT - that strong characteristic
of SATAN. More interesting than that, however, is the word here translated
WICKEDNESS. There are, in the Greek, two words for wickedness. One is “KAKOS,” which means, simply, bad or
wicked or worthless. The other word is “PONEROS”
which carries with it the meaning of something that is not only
bad itself but
desires to make everything it touches as evil as itself is.
It is a CONTAGIOUS EVIL! When used in
the masculine singular (Greek) according to Dr. Strong, it is 'the Devil.' It
is the word used in the Lord's prayer which says 'deliver us from THE EVIL' (in the Greek it appears with the
definite article and would more accurately read, 'deliver us from the evil ONE'). This word is strongly related by
perniciousness to that 'roaring lion
who walks about seeking whom he may devour.'
“PONEROS” is, furthermore, the word selected by
the Spirit of God to pen the words of I
Jn. 2:13 which says, 'I
write unto
you young men because you have overcome the WICKED ONE.' The reference is obviously
to the
Devil, and he is called HO PONEROS: THE EVIL! Paul, also, chose to use
the word “PONEROS” in Ephesians in
his exhortation to take the shield of faith
'wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

(PONEROS)' (Eph. 6:16).
The word, of course, is not always
used in speaking of the Devil as a personality, but when the Devil is
described, it
is this word “PONEROS”
that is used. In Mk. 7:22, then, we
find “PONEROS” used to describe the
that comes OUT OF THE HEART OF MAN and it is that form of wickedness
When Jesus began to reveal to His
disciples that He must soon go to the cross and suffer and be put to death,
began to rebuke Him. Where did he find the senseless courage that would dare
to rebuke the Lord? Ah, the answer
seems disturbingly evident - far, far
too clear to be a comfort to any of us! The Lord Himself gives us the answer,
turned and said unto Peter, Get thee behind Me, SATAN! thou art an offence unto
Me; for thou savorest
not the things that be of GOD, but those that be of
What a shocking way to talk to the
great apostle Peter! Atrocious: that is, according to accepted standards! "Get
thee behind Me, SATAN!"
And our Lord was not merely on a name-calling spree when He uttered these
either. He never uttered words in vain, without a definite meaning.
Peter as Satan on what basis? That he was
demented, insane? That he was a
medium, bringing spirits out of the supernatural sphere? No, merely that he
SPOKE AS A MAN!!! "Get thee behind
Me, Satan, you who think and speak like a man!"
Is this not also what James was saying
when he described the wisdom of man by saying, "If ye have bitter
envying and strife in your hearts, glory not,
and lie not against the truth. THIS WISDOM descendeth not
from above, but is
EARTHLY, SENSUAL and D-E-V-I-L-I-S-H!" (James 3:14-15).
Here we see that that which is EARTHLY
and SENSUAL is that which is considered by the Spirit of God, DEVILISH!
the apostle goes on to say, "Where
envying and strife is, there is CONFUSION (Babylon) and EVERY evil
work" (James 3:16). There is, according to
James' words, no need to look any further for the source of EVERY
the face of the earth than that DIVISION and ENVYING and STRIFE that emanates
from the human
Again in Jn. 6:70 we read, "Have
I not chosen you twelve, and one of you I-S A D-E-V-I-L?" Here
our Lord of
course referred to Judas. In these Scriptures we have some very
plain statements to the effect that certain men
Yes, Satan dwells in man, that is his
abode, the realm of his existence. The Devil, hates above all else to have his
real identity and location made known. The only way he can carry on his
business is to deceive men and women
into thinking he is what he is not. As
long as we think he is some funny little man with horns and a pitchfork we can
never be DECEIVED by him! Satan and the carnal mind are inseparable!
II Tim. 3:1-5 we read
this: "This know also, that in the
last days perilous times shall come. For MEN shall
be lovers of their
own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, DEVILS
(diabolos), incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those
that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of
pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of
godliness, but denying the
power thereof." What an indictment against human nature, and against
religion! "In the last days perilous times shall come. For MEN
shall be...DEVILS...having a FORM of
godliness, but denying the POWER
Yes, the Churches are, full of devils
too ! And they have no more desire to go to the cross than Peter did. Well does
this enemy of God, enthroned in the human heart, this adversary of redemption
and of all mankind, know that, in the
blessed hour when the "I" is
crucified and brought to death, all his power and all his authority and sway in
that life is
broken forever.
His appetite is denied, his desires
are rejected, and his work is destroyed in every fully the cross of Christ and
the "I"
of self has become forever dead with Him, then shall it be
even as the firstborn Son in triumph declared: "I will not
talk with you much more, for the prince (evil
genius, ruler) of the world is coming.
And he has no claim on
Me, there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, he has
no power over Me" (Jn. 14:30, Amplified).
How unspeakably wonderful the hour for
any man when Satan shall find nothing in him upon which he can feed or
lay hold, nothing upon which he can satisfy his evil desires or his
corrupt nature, for all that is of the flesh has been[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

crucified with Christ.

The lust of the flesh is mortified. The lust of the eye is dead. The pride of
life is nailed to the
cross. The Adam man exists no more, Satan's ground is
destroyed, and from then on it is NOT I, BUT CHRIST!
Planned out - “from the Beginning”
So, It needs to be perfectly clear and
forever settled in our minds that God makes no mistakes – his word is
consistent and true, its symbols and themes unified and conclusive. This PROVES
He is omniscient. He is never
taken by surprise nor is He ever forced to
alter His plans, for He is immutable. He never fails in His purposes,
because He is omnipotent, glorious in power, fearful in praises, doing
wonders. It is only foolish and ignorant men
who picture God in heaven taken by
surprise at Adam's sin, pacing up and down Hallelujah Boulevard wringing His
hands, hastily trying to concoct some new scheme by which to rectify an
unforeseen and unfortunate situation.
Woe to those preachers who purport to
be the ministers of Christ yet posses no more spiritual understanding than to
teach that Adam's sin took God by magnificent surprise. God didn't plan it that
way, they say, but that's how it turned
out! If this be so then God is not omniscient,
God is not omnipotent, and God is not immutable.
It was the Mighty God, the Creator and
Sustainer of ALL THINGS, who in the beginning proclaimed, "Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion" (Gen. 1:26).
The blessed Lamb had, in the
determination of these councils, been slain before the foundation of the world
(Rev. 13:8); the names of
all the redeemed of earth had been written in His book of life before the foundation of
the world
(Rev. 17:8); and all the blessed Sons of God, predestinated to be holy and
without blame before Him in
love, predestined to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF
THE SON OF GOD, were selected and chosen in Him
before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:3-5).
 This is profound and mysterious truth,
impossible to fully comprehend apart from the Spirit of wisdom and revelation
from God, but it does show us that God is omniscient, that nothing took Him by
surprise, that the fall of man was not
an accident, that GOD PLANNED IT FROM
ETERNITY before the worlds and ages were ever framed.
Paul speaks plainly of this
predetermined purpose of God to bring forth Sons in His own image, saying,
be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in Christ
with every
spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm! Even as He chose us -
actually picked us out for Himself as His
own - in Christ before the foundation
of the world; that we should be holy and blameless in His sight...for He
us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as
His own children through
Jesus Christ, in according with the purpose of His
will...making known to us the mystery of His will - of His
plan, of His
purpose. And it is this: In accordance with His good pleasure which He had
PURPOSED and set form in Him, He planned for the maturity of the
times and the climax of the ages to unify
all things and head them up and
consummate them in Christ, both things in heaven and things on
we first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed to live for the
praise of His glory!" (Eph. 1:3-
5,9-12, Amplified Bible).
The entrance of sin in Eden's fair
garden neither destroyed nor aborted this wondrous plan to bring forth
divine Sons in the image and likeness of God Himself. Did not God take to
Himself all the responsibility for the fall of
man when inspiration penned the
words: "For the creation was
subjected to frailty - to futility, condemned to
frustration - not because
of some intentional fault on its part, but BY THE WILL OF HIM Who so
subjected it.
Yet with the hope that creation itself will be set free from its
bondage to decay and corruption and gain an
entrance into the glorious freedom
of God's children" (Rom. 8:20-21).
God has some great and magnificent
plans for those who become His Sons. "He
that overcometh shall INHERIT
ALL THINGS; and I will be His God, and he shall
be My Son" (Rev. 21:7).
if children, then HEIRS; HEIRS OF GOD, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be
that we suffer with Him,
that we may be also glorified together" (Rom.
8:17).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

has been solemnly and earnestly said in a certain place, What is man that You
are mindful of him, or the
son of man that You graciously and hopefully care
for and visit and look after him? For some little time You
have ranked him
lower than and inferior to the angels, You have put EVERYTHING IN SUBJECTION
his feet. Now in putting everything in subjection to man, He LEFT NOTHING
2:6-9, Amplified Bible).
him that overcometh will I grant to sit WITH ME IN MY THRONE, even as I also
overcome, and am set
down with My Father in His throne" (Rev. 3:21).
In these verses we watch but a
flickering glimmer of the glories the Spirit intended to convey when He by
guided Paul's hand to pen these sublime words: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not
worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in
us and for us, and conferred
on us!" (Rom. 8:18, Amp. Bible).
We see God's purpose - to bring many
Sons to glory, a family of Sons brought to their highest conceivable destiny
co-sons and co-heirs of the universe with His own Son. He had this in mind
before the creation, from before the
foundation of the world, and this meant
one thing - that the Sons must be mature, capable Sons, not a bunch of
irresponsible little children, but knowing their destiny and able to fulfill
it. That means training and development from
innocent little children to Sons,
and thus to Sons who can represent their Father and share His business with
And this is the history of the human family!
Adam for all his wisdom did not know good
and evil. For that very reason he fell prey to the shattering calamity of
temptation. Because he did not know evil, he did not know good
either, for nothing in this world is either big or small,
beautiful or ugly,
hot or cold, black or white, up or down, alive or dead, good or evil, except as
it stands in contrast to
that which is opposite to it.
He who lacks the knowledge of both
good and evil will fall an easy prey to the devil and this vital knowledge,
beautiful, indeed, but
innocence, knowing nothing of experience, falls an easy
prey to every harm and danger before it. How we all love
the simple innocence
of little children, but how swiftly do they in their innocence stick their
finger in a light socket or
dash into the street in front of the speeding
 Innocence is sweet but it is fraught with all
kinds of dangers. Because of this very thing the beloved Paul wrote in
wisdom that
"strong meat belongeth to them that
are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their
senses exercised to
discern both good and evil" (Heb. 5:14).
Thus in making man in the image of
God, the first great step must be to bring him to the knowledge of both good
and evil. For the Lord God said, Behold, THE
MAN HAS BECOME AS ONE OF US, to know how to distinguish
between good and evil,
and blessing and calamity" (Gen. 3:22).
And here we have God's perfect wisdom
in the birth of the human race, and in the placing of them in a garden, in a
condition, in a state of being, in which BOTH LIFE AND DEATH, good and evil
were set IN THE MIDDLE. Through
this interplay of good and evil God would bring
His vast company of Sons to maturity then finally all mankind.
And at that tree of the knowledge of
good and evil in the middle the deceptive voice of that "old serpent, the
came to them, and what it did for them was to awaken them to
discover what it is to be a Self. Enormous awakening
with its vast potentialities.
THIS was the glory of the Tree of Life
in Eden! And what was that glorious Tree? "In
the beginning was the
WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God HIM WAS LIFE; and THE LIFE was the light
of men" (Jn. 1:1,4).
This life-giving Tree, the LIVING WORD OF GOD, Christ, was from the beginning
"In the world"
but yet "Not of the world." When Eden's
gates clanged shut behind our banished foreparents, that blessed Tree of
eternal life was never again seen by the wondering eyes of mortal man until the
day in which Jesus stood upon the
earth and declared: "I am the LIVING BREAD which came down from heaven: if any man eat
of this bread, he
shall live forever: and the bread which I will give is MY
flesh, which I will give for the LIFE OF THE WORLD"
(Jn. 6:51).
The reason Jesus came forth as the
visible expression of the Father, the Tree of Life re-planted, was so that
might be a focusing, a manifestation which would become a MEETING PLACE
for us to come to know God, and[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

become one with Him, as it was in the

ARE MADE ONE. Christ WHO IS OUR LIFE has come and has been planted in the
garden of
the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, that all may come and eat and drink
and have life.
The illusion
of “Free Will”
And just what is
it, specifically, that gave this fictitious archangel the ability to
metamorphose himself into a devil?
Which thing also then permits God to torture
humanity eternally in fire, without it being His fault? Which thing also
empowers man with the ability to thwart the VERY WILL OF GOD ALMIGHTY?

Here it is, the

magical source of man’s imagined deity. It is, of course, "HUMAN FREE
WILL." Or as in the case with
WILL." And just what is human and satanic free will? It is a fictitious
power that Satan and
all humans imagine they have, which gives them the power
to make choices that have NO CAUSE. But choice is not
the power to MAKE
choices. We all have that power. Choice is a power of the brain, mind, and
spirit. It is a logical
functioning mechanism. Even a sophisticated computer
can "make choices" based on other data at its disposal
contained in
its memories. But making choices is NOT, judging, determining or selecting something

The first edict

of the physical universe is "CAUSE AND EFFECT." There cannot be an
effect anywhere in the
universe, on earth, in a laboratory under strict
controls, or in the mind of a human being that does not have A
It is axiomatic! It is not debatable! It is a LAW OF GOD! And therefore, the
most lawless of all lawless
conceptions possible is that man can make choices
and decisions that are NOT BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE BY
EXTERNAL CAUSES AND FORCES!!! It is, in fact, an attempt at nihilism of the
very laws
of physics.

And so
theologians, philosophers and the world’s greatest wisdom thinkers would have
us believe that free will is a
power even greater than God Himself, seeing that
even God does not think things, or create things from NOTHING!
God does NOT
operate the universe by decisions based on nothing and therefore having no

"In Whom
also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the
purpose of Him Who
works [Greek: ‘is operating’] ALL things after [after what? His
‘free’ will?] ... After the COUNSEL of His own will"
(Eph. 1:11)!

Nor does God

create things out of NOTHING:

"...IN [Greek is ‘in’ not ‘by’]

Him [Christ] is ALL CREATED, that in the heavens and that on the
earth..." (Col.

"For OUT [the Greek is ‘out’ not

‘of’] of Him and THROUGH Him and FOR [Greek is ‘for’ not ‘to’] is
ALL" (Rom.

So creation is
"IN Christ," but "OUT of God." Not, out of "nothing."
The universe consists of the things of God’s
already eternally existing SELF.
God is SPIRIT (John 4:24). And what
is matter but invisible spiritual power and

faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that
THINGS which are
seen [physical matter] were not made of things [were they then
made of nothing? NO] which DO APPEAR" (Heb.

There it is. God

made everything out of things that DO NOT APPEAR [invisible things] not out of
things that do
appear [physical things], and this is because GOD HIMSELF IS

"Now to
the King of the eons, the incorruptible, INVISIBLE, only, and wise God..." (I Tim. 1:17).

God follows His

own spiritual laws. "Free will" sounds like a marvellous and magical
thing -- it is rather, however, the
god of stupidity. It is the height of man’s
foolishness and human wisdom. It is both ungodly and unscriptural! It is an
affront to the Sovereignty of God. Man and Satan are not deities that
can operate independently of the Creator! The
theory is a hoax, a farce, a
sham. Its only reality is as an IDOL OF THE HEART which will be burned out of
every[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

son whom God scourges.

Of course all
theologians are quick to point out that man does not possess total free will.
Man's will is obviously
limited we are told. Oh really? So it is
"limited free will" that Satan and all humans possess is it? Does no
one ever
bother to question the contradictions of Christian doctrine?

a. restricted,"
Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, page 963.

"free, a,
without restriction," Webster’s
Twentieth Century dictionary page, page 682.

Does everyone
know the meaning of the word "contradiction?" Only Satan could
convince otherwise intelligent
people that they have a "limited" --
restricted, "free" -- without restriction "will."
For sure man has a will, however, it is
anything but FREE!

"For it
is GOD which works in you both to WILL and to DO
of His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).

will" requires a "work" of GOD! We all choose as we choose
because there are things and forces and situations
by the millions beyond
anyone’s control that CAUSE US TO CHOOSE AS WE DO! It matters not that you
see or feel the cause. It is there and it does its work on you. And when
causes make you choose, then that
particular choice could not have ever been
otherwise. God is the great CAUSE of all there is. Christians by the
of millions deny it and deny God's Word that teaches it. That unbelief and lack
of faith, however, does not
change the facts of God’s Word or the laws of

That God creates

good and peace, there is no question. That

good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father
of lights, with
whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (James. 1:17),

There is also no
question about it among Christians. That God is the creator of evil and
preordained the sin of
Adam, however, is believed by virtually no one.

And so it is that
neither man nor Satan can do anything contrary to the intention of God. God has
a will that includes
a final destiny of total perfection of His whole creation.
God has set man and Satan (his very name means
for a period of time. But during this period when everyone goes against God’s
will, God INTENDS them to do so. And when God no longer "intends" for
there to be any more adversaries or
enemies opposing Him or His will, He will
remove all such opposition (See I Cor. 15:21-28). ALL OF GOD’S WILL,

Therefore it
should come as no shock to us when we learn that even the destruction and
crucifixion of His own Son
was God’s INTENTION from before He even created the

The Kings of
the earth stood up, and the Rulers were gathered together against the LORD, and
against HIS

"For of a
truth against Thy Holy Child JESUS Whom THOU [God the Father] hast anointed, both
Herod, and
Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel [God
anointed them ALL for this purpose], were
gathered together, For to do
whatsoever THY HAND [the very HAND OF GOD], AND thy counsel [God
ALL according to His ‘counsel’ Eph. 1:11] determined BEFORE [God
predestined His Son’s crucifixion before the
foundation of the world Rev. 13:8] to be done" (Acts 4:26-28).

And so we see
that ultimately, behind the scenes, it was really God the Father Who planned
and brought about the
Crucifixion of His Own Son! We are all accountable
for the death of His Son, because He died on OUR BEHALF
and for OUR SINS which
we voluntarily sinned, but it is God Himself Who is RESPONSIBLE for His Son's
And God takes responsibility. And He takes responsibility for EVERYTHING
that happens in His creation and
universe! Therefore God will bring all things
back to restoration and perfection. It is so sad that this grand truth is so
violently opposed by the enemies of the Cross.

There are three

Scriptural reasons for this evil doctrine of eternal torture in a lake of fire:

1.    "The heart [of carnal unconverted

who can know it" (Jer. 17:9).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

2.    "And the great dragon

was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVES
WHOLE WORLD..." (Rev. 12:9).

3.    "Because the carnal [natural] mind is

enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can
be" (Rom. 8:7).

mind set or “the Mind of Christ?”
The more one
spends time studying the scriptures truthfully, the more one realises how inconsonant,
inconsistent the teachings of Christendom actually are. The
thinking processes of theologians are as carnal and
superstitious as any pagan
religious culture. There is one way alone that we can transform our thinking of
things and that is to put on the “mind
of Christ.”

We have all have

heard it taught that God hates SIN, not the SINNER. Why then, according to
Christendom, doesn’t
God save the sinner and abolish the sin? Wasn’t that the
purpose of God in the first place? "Behold
the Lamb of
God, which takes [Greek: ‘is taking’] away the SIN OF THE WORLD" (John 1:29). "And He is
the propitiation
[to be favorably inclined to the sinner because of the
sacrifice for him -- merciful] for OUR
sins: and not for ours
only, but also THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD" (I John

 As Christ died for the sake of all sinners and

paid the penalty for all the sins of the whole world, why does
teach that these same sinners for which Christ died, must still be tortured for
eternity? Because they
Christ died?  It is concluded by modern
religious theory that most of
humanity have DIED IN THEIR SINS, neither having repented nor accepted Christ
as their Lord and Saviour. And
this is their simple (albeit totally
unscriptural) answer as to why most of the human race will be tortured in a
of fire for all eternity! For they know not the Scriptures, nor the
Plan of God, nor the Wisdom of God, nor the Power
of God, nor the Sensibility
of God, nor the LOVE OF GOD.

When one learns

the Truth about our All Wise, All Powerful, All Loving God, the unscriptural
theories regarding an
eternal hellhole of eternal torture will vanish like the
dew in the morning Sun.

Yes Christendom,
this world or system of doctrines and beliefs promulgated by the clergy and
theologians of the
institutionalized church – (many who profess Christianity), do
not know or understand the doctrines of those they
follow. Of course Christendom
is made up of dozens of millions of wonderful, sweet, loving and kind people.

Many if not most

of our neighbours, friends, relatives, and immediate family members are
professing Christians. And
we love them all! God loves them all! Sadly,
however, much of their doctrine and religious beliefs have no basis
in the Sacred Scriptures. Much of Christendom is a religious system of beliefs
that are both unscriptural
and contradictory -- at times even evil. There are
countless examples that show the unscriptural contradictions of
Christian teachings.

speak with forked tongue
For example, most all Christian theologians would claim to believe the first statement of Scriptural Truth presented
below, especially when citing a Scripture verse with it, but they will then contradict and refuse to teach the second
statement of Truth.

Do they believe
the fire in I Cor.3:15 burns mans’ works, but not the man himself?

But do they teach that this same fire in Rev.20:15

also burns works, not
the man? No.

Do they believe that God is the Creator of ALL? Yes.

But do they teach that God created EVIL as He says in (Isa. 45:7)? No.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Do they believe that God is absolutely and totally sovereign (Eph. 1:11)? Yes.

But do they teach that God exercises sovereignty over man’s supposed
"free" will? No.

Do they believe that Jesus Christ IS the Saviour of the whole
world (I Jn 4:14)? Yes.

But do they teach that Jesus Christ will SAVE the whole world? No.

Do they believe that presently Christ only has immortality (I Tim. 6:16)? Yes.

But do they teach the truth therefore that men’s souls are mortal and not
immortal? No.

Do they believe that the original manuscripts of God’s Word were
inerrant? Yes.

But do they teach us that the King James translation, which they say is
"inerrant" has gone through
THOUSANDS of error corrections since
1611? No.

Do they believe that the soul that sins shall DIE (Ezek. 18:4)? Yes.

But do they teach that souls of deceased sinners are actually DEAD? No.

Do they believe there are many cults today that need exposing?

But do they teach that Christendom, by its OWN definitions, is also a cult? No.

Do they believe that Sodom is "suffering
the vengeance of eternal [aeonian]
fire? Yes.

But do they teach that Sodom will be restored to their former estate (Ezek. 16:55)? No.

Do they believe in a future resurrection of dead people back to
life (John 5:29)? Yes.

But do they teach that a resurrection is imperative for dead people to live
again? No.

Do they believe the first half of I Cor. 15:22 that "For
as in Adam ALL die?" Yes.

But do they teach the last half, "even

so in Christ shall ALL be made alive?" No.

Do they believe that "...the end of the world [Gk: aion
-- age]" ends in Mat.
24:3? Yes.

But do they teach that this same "aion -- age" in Matt. 25:41 & 46 will also end. No.

Do they believe that Jn
3:13 & Acts 2:34 are truthful Scripture (II Tim. 3:16)? Yes.

But do they teach this truth that "NO man," including David, has gone
to heaven? No.

Do they believe ALL God purposed, spoke, and willed (Isa. 46:10-11), He will do? Yes.

But do they teach that God’s "will"

to save all, I Tim. 2:4, etc., will
be done? No.

Do they believe that Satan lied when he told Eve, "thou shalt not surely die?"

But do they teach the truth that sinners really do DIE at death as God has
stated? No.

Do they believe that the Apocryphal books do not belong in the
Bible? Yes.

But do they teach us that the 1611 so-called "inerrant" King James
Bible contained fourteen such books,
including "Tobit,"
"Judith," "The idol Bel and the Dragon"? No.

Do they believe that Christ is totally responsibility for our
salvation? Yes.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

But do they teach that "no man can" come to Christ of himself (John 6:44)? No.

Do they believe that Satan is the greatest sinner of all? Yes.

But do they teach Jn. 8:44 which

states that Satan "sinned from the beginning?"

Do they believe Christ really died for the sins of the world? Yes.

But do they teach that Jesus Christ was dead when they placed Him in the tomb?

Do they believe the many Scriptures that liken death to "sleep?" Yes.

But do they teach that dead people are unconscious, "sleeping" till
resurrection? No.

Do they believe that the last enemy to be destroyed [Gk:
abolished] is death? Yes.

But do they teach that ALL death, including the second death, will be
abolished? No.

Do they believe that all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27)? Yes.

But do they teach that it is possible for God to save nonbelievers after they
die? No.

Do they believe that every tongue in heaven and earth will confess
Jesus as LORD? Yes.

But do they teach that the Holy Spirit inspires this sincere voluntary act (I Cor. 12:3)? No.

Do they believe that good and evil are both in the same tree of
knowledge? Yes

But do they teach that good and evil both come from the same root source? No.

Do they believe that God absolutely "knows all" (I John 3:20)? Yes.

But do they teach that God knows in advance ALL who will reject Christ? No.

Do they believe that God’s love will never fail (I Cor. 13:8)? Yes.

But do they teach that God’s love will never fail in saving the world He loves?

Do they believe the apostles spoke in foreign languages in Acts 2:4-11? Yes.

But do they teach that of the hundreds of thousands who claim to speak in
tongues today, not one of them
can speak in multiple languages which they did
not already study? No.

Do they believe that the masses did not understand Christ’s
parables (Mat. 13:13)? Yes.

But do they teach that Christ purposely didn’t want them to understand, (Vs. 14-17)? No.

Do they believe the Old Covenant contained the Ten Commandments (Deut.4:12)? Yes.

But do they teach a New Covenant which contains a much higher law (Heb. 8:8-9)? No.

Do they believe that God created all the spirits and messengers of
heaven? Yes.

But do they teach that God also created Satan who was always His adversary? No.

Do they believe that loving our enemies means doing good and not
evil to them? Yes.

But do they teach that God will never subject His enemies to eternal torture
and evil? No.

There seems to be
no end to the Scriptural contradictions of Christian beliefs. But we can learn
from their mistakes.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

It is good for us that God makes us dig deep for the

precious gems of His word. It really is like searching for hidden
Each new discovery brings more appreciation for God and His plan of salvation
for all.

There are also

those scriptures that most clergymen avoid like the plague, scriptures that
even if they quote it, they
will not explain it. One such Scripture debunks
the heresy that a sin against an infinite God demands infinite
punishment. This
scripture proves God loves sinners even while they are yet sinners. It proves
one doesn’t have to
prove himself "worthy" of God’s love before God
gives His love, that proves God knows in advance that He will save
the very
worst of sinners and indeed ALL sinners long before they ever even think of

Now then, are you

ready for the Scripture? First, does anyone doubt that God the Father ALWAYS
heard Christ’s

I thank thee that Thou HAST HEARD me. And I knew that thou HEAREST ME ALWAYS..."
11:41-42). Okay then, here’s the

"And when they were come to the

place which is called Calvary, there they [everyone --
you, me, the WHOLE
WORLD] CRUCIFIED HIM..." But before our Saviour
died, He prayed this prayer:

... FORGIVE THEM ... for they know not what they
do" (Luke 23:33-34).

Can we not see

how profound this scripture is? Meditate on that verse for a few hours -- or
years! Who can deny
Christ’s prayer for the forgiveness of the world's worst of
the worst sinners, before any of them even thought to
repent? What’s done is

Now if any of
you, in your holier-than-thou self-righteousness, feel that you had no part in
the death of your own
Saviour, Who died for you and your sins, you will still
have to contend with the fact that God honoured Christ’s
prayer by forgiving
those who did, literally, crucify Him, before they ever repented or accepted
Him as their Lord and
Saviour. Do you think that just maybe our Lord knows
something about the future judgment of these, as of yet
unrepentant murderers,
that is not taught in Christendom today?

THEM, for they know not what they do." Was this just a benevolent gesture on
Christ’s part that has
no real meaning? Do we believe that Jesus’ God and
Father turned His back on this prayer? Will God answer "THE
Don’t the theological giants of Christendom have Scriptures written in
figurative, metaphorical,
and spiritual symbolism, that if ignorantly taught to
be literal, will contradict our Lord’s prayer? If it is not possible for
God to
forgive sinners before they repent, then our Lord’s prayer is doomed. It was
then a prayer in vain. Jesus
prayed in vain. His Father never heard Him.
Doesn’t it just grind on your spirit to even hear such inane and

Millions of times
a week people around the world repeat what they believe to be "The Lord’s Prayer" (Mat. 6:10-13).
Now Matt. 6 is not the "Lord’s prayer." He didn’t "pray" that prayer. It was a very short outline of
what we are to pray
for. But this verse in Luke
23:34, really is, "The Lord’s Prayer!" Jesus really DID ... PRAY
... THIS ... PRAYER!

Unlike the
hypocritical Pharisees, Jesus did not make a habit of praying in public. He
commanded us to pray in the
private closet of our hearts. Other than blessing
the bread when feeding the multitudes, Christ seldom prayed in
public. But
hanging in total agony on that Passover cross, He prayed in public. He prayed
for the whole world to
hear. And that is because His prayer was not for
Himself, but for the whole world!

Who is
accountable for crucifying Jesus?
True, the Romans
did crucify Christ, but so did the Jews, but so did you and everyone else for
that matter.

"For he
is NOT a Jew, which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision, which is
outward in the flesh.
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision
is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the
letter; whose
praise is not of men, but of God" (Rom.

"For WE
ARE THE CIRCUMCISION, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in
Christ Jesus, and have
no confidence in the flesh" (Phil. 3:3).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Who are the true

circumcision which then becomes the True Jew? Paul says "we." As soon as we know who the
"we" is,  we will also know who is the
"them." Paul was writing to the Phillipians, who lived in Phillipi, a
Gentile city
in N-central Macedonia. So these Phillipian converts were both
Gentiles, and true Jews ("we [Phillipian Gentiles] are
the circumcision --
Phil. 3:3, which are the true inward
Jew -- Rom. 2:28-29, the true
"Israel of God" -- Gal. 6:16).

Now then, let us

see the plain Scriptural truth as to who the "them" are that Jesus
asked His Father to "forgive." For
whomever the Father "forgives"
will certainly not be tortured in an eternal hellhole of fire.

In Acts 3:6-8 Peter asks Christ to heal a

man. The whole city was privy to this miracle. Peter speaks to the crowd:

OF ISRAEL [that’s
us, WE are the "Israel of God" the "True Jew"] ...
Jesus, Whom ye [that’s US]
delivered up, and DENIED [along with
Peter] Him ... For ye [that’s US again] DENIED the Holy One and Just,
and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and KILLED the Prince of life
... And now, brethren, I am
aware that through IGNORANCE [‘for they know
NOT what they do’] ye did it, as did your rulers ... The priests,
and the
captain of the temple, and the Sadducees ... Annas the high priest, and
Ciaphas, and John, and
Alexander ... Ye RULERS of the people, and ELDERS of
Israel ... Be it known unto YOU ALL, and to ALL THE
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom YE CRUCIFIED..."

Why did the

HEATHEN rage, and the PEOPLE imagine vain things? The KINGS OF THE EARTH stood
up, and the
RULERS [see I Cor. 2:8]
were gathered together AGAINST the Lord, and AGAINST His Christ ...

"For of a
truth AGAINST thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and
Pontius Pilate,
and the PEOPLE OF ISRAEL [that’s also US], were gathered
together, For
to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy counsel determined before to be done [CRUCIFY
(Acts 3:12-4:28).

The "Romans
only" theory has just bit the dust. So again: Who crucified our Lord and
Saviour? And who is it that are
to be forgiven because they know not what they
Do you still think your name is left out of this list somehow?

The whole world

is accountable for crucifying their Saviour Jesus Christ. But as it was done in
"ignorance" (for they
know not what they do), the whole world will be
forgiven. So what do these things have to do with the lake of fire?
This is the mind of Christ!  This is the
way God thinks, and feels, and forgives, and LOVES! Since you
haven’t learned
these things in Sunday School, or Wednesday night Bible Study, or Sunday
sermons, or even
theological seminary, Gods word of truth is  showing you them now. Weigh God’s Words very

The worst sin

ever committed by the worst sinners in the history of the universe, was the
cruel beating and
crucifixion of Jesus Christ -- the Perfect Man and Son of
God! Did the men immediately responsible (ultimately we
ALL were responsible)
for His crucifixion show any remorse or repentance except Judas? Yet, Jesus
Christ asked
God to "forgive them" at the very time that they
showed no remorse whatsoever.

Will the Father

HEAR these words and ANSWER these words of Christ’s prayer? Are these just the
words of Jesus that will not be heard or answered by a HARSH God in
Heaven? Just Whose "words" are these,
anyway? Where did these words
of Jesus "forgive them" really come from?

thou not that I am in the Father, and the FATHER IN ME? The WORDS
that I speak unto you I
speak NOT OF MYSELF; but the Father that dwells in Me,
HE DOES THE WORKS" (John 14:10).

Or was this
doctrine of "forgive them for they
know not what they do" before they ever repent, a doctrine of
that God did not approve of?

answered them, and said, My doctrine is NOT MINE, but HIS THAT SENT ME. If any
man will do His
will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of GOD, or
whether I speak of myself " (John

Any questions as
to WHOSE words these were? It is not only our Lord’s prayer, but it is the will
of God the Father to
forgive them all (US all) for none of them "knows
what they do."

But the church

leaders cry, "They do TOO know what they do; they have REJECTED their
Saviour; they deserve to
you see, God is not like men who DELIGHT in the eternal death
and torture of
the wicked.[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

"As I
live, saith the Lord God, I have NO pleasure in the death [including the second
death] of the wicked; but
that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn
ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will you die, O
house of Israel?"
(Ezek. 33:11).

Killing people
for their sins is NOT PLEASURABLE FOR GOD! But it is needful -- for a season.

everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time
to die ... a time to kill, and a time to heal..." (Ecc. 3:1-3).

God does not

delight or take pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he TURN from his
way and LIVE! But
neither Israel (nor the Gentiles) knows how to
"turn" from their ways. It takes the "goodness of God" to
"turn" people.
All the billions of "free-willers" in the
world poke fun at such an idea that man of themselves can do nothing: "...for
without Me ye can do NOTHING" (John

But we must
believe God over man. "Turn, turn,
turn" says the Lord God. But how shall Israel "turn" when
have no such power or ability? Will Israel (all Israel) ever
"turn" and be saved and LIVE? Not by anything they can
conjure up in
their phantom of free will. Enter GOD:

"For I
would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant [but the WORLD is ignorant
and deceived -- God created
a special creature to accomplish this very purpose,
Rev. 12:9] of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your
own conceits;
that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until [remember there are
‘seasons’?] The fullness
of the Gentiles be come in. And so ALL ISRAEL SHALL
BE SAVED [how so, I thought they have to ‘turn’ from
their wickedness and
sins, Who will ‘turn’ them?] As it is written, There shall come out
of Zion The Deliverer,
and shall TURN AWAY UNGODLINESS [’evil
ways’ Ezek. 33:11] from Jacob [that’s
Israel]: For this is my
covenant unto them, when I shall TAKE AWAY
THEIR SINS (Rom 11:25-27) [it
will be pretty hard to torture
people for all eternity for sins that they NO

This is not
rocket science. These Scriptures are easy!

Who is it that
"turns away" ungodliness from Israel? Must sinners really, by
themselves, by their phantom "free -will,"
by their own power, by
their own choice, by the goodness that lies within them (we speak as a fool),
by their self-
concocted love of God -- "turn away from ungodliness"?
Get serious. What is the only thing in the universe that can
ever bring a
person to repentance? Never ever forget it!

"Or are
you despising the riches of His goodness and forbearance and
longsuffering; not knowing [here’s
that ignorance thing again -- Satan who DECEIVES the whole
world] that the GOODNESS OF GOD leads you to
(Rom. 2:4).

Once again we are

brought back to the CAUSE OF ALL -- GOD!

And so, it is the

"Deliverer" (Christ the Lord), not man’s ‘free’ will, which
"turns away ungodliness" from Israel. Let’s
continue the thought:

concerning the gospel, they [Israel] are enemies for your sakes [the ‘casting away’ of
Israel, Ver. 15]: but
as touching
the election [the sure thing that God had predetermined long before there
ever was an Israel] they
are BELOVED for the Father's sake. For the GIFTS
and CALLING OF GOD are without repentance [changing]"
(Vers. 28-29).

"Forgive them" are the very words and the doctrine of GOD THE FATHER! So the
truth is we have Jesus Christ
and God the Father BOTH agreed that "FORGIVE
THEM, for they know not what they do" WILL BE ANSWERED,
ACCOMPLISHED, AND DONE ! God’s words went out of God’s mouth in this
prayer for the whole sinful world to
hear, and God’s words do not return to Him
VOID (see Isaiah 55:11)!

Dare we believe
all these Scriptures? It is self-evident that these Scriptures contradict a
plethora of doctrines being
taught by the high priests of Christendom. Will God
somehow change his mind toward this world of sinners which
crucified His Son
when they are raised at the great white throne to be judged? Forget all the
Scriptures for the
moment that theologians think they "know"
contradict this prayer.. Right here IS the mind of God. Right here IS the
attitude of forgiveness and love that God has for sinners -- the world’s worst
sinners! Why does most of the world of
Christendom refuse to believe our
'LORD'S PRAYER' which really has its origin in the will of the Father? Because
is TOO GOOD! Many will not tolerate a God THIS GOOD![2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

Is God fickle? Is
God all-forgiving one day at the cross, but then CHANGES into an unforgiving
Indian-Giver at the
white throne judgment by taking it all back?

"I am the
LORD, I CHANGE NOT; therefore ye sons of Jacob [Israel] are NOT
CONSUMED" (Malachi 3:6).

"But He [God] is in ONE MIND,

and who can TURN HIM? And what His soul desires [I Tim. 2:4 & Isa. 46:9-11],
EVEN THAT [whatever He wills
or desires] HE DOES"
(Job 23:13).

Christ is the SAME yesterday, and today, and for ever [Greek: ‘for (into) the
eons also’]" (Heb. 13:8).

No, God is not

fickle: forgiving today; cursing tomorrow. Forgiving the worst sinners in the
whole while they are yet
sinning is the mind, attitude, and love of God!

Truth and
purpose revealed in symbols!
All that we have
learnt here is only amplified further by piecing all the scriptures together.
Few realise how
profoundly consistent are the scriptures, that convey the true
purpose of creation at the hands of a masterful and
loving genius. Yes, line
upon line,  law and precept and
symbol....God’s plan is right there in front of us, even right
from the
beginning. Just take the symbol of the tree for example.

"And the Lord God planted a garden

eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed. And
out of the
ground made the Lord God to grow EVERY TREE THAT IS PLEASANT to the sight, and
good for
food; the TREE OF LIFE also in the midst of the garden, and
AND EVIL" (Gen. 2:8-9).
of the many Oriental symbols which, when understood, opens the door to a
storehouse of marvellous truth is
the word TREE. Trees are used to represent men all through the
Scriptures. In Isa. 61:1-3 the trees
represent God's
chosen ones at the end of this age.
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord hath anointed appoint unto them that
mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of
joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit
of heaviness; that they
be glorified." (Isa. 61:1-3)
In Ps. 1:1-3, speaking again of God's elect people, the Spirit
declares: "Blessed is the man that
walketh not in
the counsel of the ungodly...but his delight is in the law of
the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day
and night. And he shall be like a
TREE planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his
season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall
Again in Ps. 92:12-13: "THE RIGHTEOUS shall flourish like the palm tree: he
shall grow like a cedar in
Lebanon. Those that be PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE
LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God."
Pointing to the day when the Lord
shall come forth to deal with all the nations and bring His glorious Kingdom to
pass in all the earth, the Spirit says: "Say
among the nations that the Lord reigns; the world also is
established, that it
cannot be moved; He shall judge and rule the people righteously and with
justice. Let the
heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice...THEN SHALL ALL
THE TREES OF THE WOOD (the people) sing
for joy before the Lord!" (Ps. 96:10-13).
Of wicked and impious men David said,
:I have seen the wicked in great power,
and spreading himself like a
green bay tree" (Ps. 37:35).
Jude described certain apostates in
the early Church in these terms: "For
there are certain men crept in
unawares, who were before of old ordained to
this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of God
lasciviousness...these are spots in your feasts...TREES WHOSE FRUIT WITHERITH,
without fruit, twice
dead, plucked up by the roots" (Jude 4,12).[2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

There is a most wonderful statement

made concerning Christ in the Song of Solomon. The Shulamite proclaims of
Him: "As the apple among the trees of the
wood, so my beloved among the Sons. I sat down under His
shadow with great
delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste" (S. of S. 2:3).
The word, "apple," in this
place, means orange, pomegranate, citron, as well as apple, and is applied in
the Hebrew
to this entire family of fruit trees. Though one searched through
all the forest of earth, he would not find one fruit
tree; and though one
searches through the whole forests of unregenerated humanity, there is not one
tree there that
can bear any fruit excepting that which is poisonous and
bitter. Before the Shulamite found the one fruitful Tree,
Christ, she searched
throughout the forest, seeking life, seeking food, seeking fruit; but upon no
tree did she find
anything but leaves. Where are such wonderful truths taught
in the halls of Christendom today?
 It has pleased God, on the unveiling of His
great plan and purposes to couch His truth in Semitic symbols which are
natural to the Oriental mind. Both the Old and the New Testaments are full of a
pictorial symbolism which, when
understood, is far more expressive than a
thousand words in many instances.
the symbolisms of Scripture also force those who would understand to plunge far
beneath the surface to
see its more profound meanings. Two things are
absolutely essential to understanding of the great truths of God
contained in
symbols. One is to search out and understand Oriental customs and the
characteristics of the Hebrew
mind. The other is the SPIRIT OF REVELATION from
employed this method of teaching - using symbols. In fact, the Scripture says:
"All these things spake Jesus unto the
multitude in PARABLES, and without a parable spake He not unto
them" (Mat. 13:34).
word "parable" is translated in the Old Testament from the Hebrew
word "mashal" which means
"a similitude or
likeness." In the New Testament it is translated
from the Greek word "parabole"
meaning "a pithy and instructive
saying, involving some comparison and having perceptive or admonitory force."
Another Greek word translated
"parable" is "paroimia" which is "a symbolic or figurative saying
which shadows forth some didactic truth."
It is
interesting to note exactly when Jesus began to use this method of teaching. So
abrupt was the change in His
form of teaching that His disciples asked Him why
He did this. Jesus answered,
"Because it is given unto YOU to
know the mysteries of the Kingdom of
Heaven, but to THEM it is NOT GIVEN" (Mat. 13:11).
has pleased God to set forth much of His deeper truth - the mysteries of the
Kingdom - in such a manner that it
becomes revealed to the Spirit-anointed mind
while at the same time remaining concealed from others. And so it
was that
Jesus often closed His public teaching with this statement: "He that hath ears to hear, let HIM
May God give us ears!
Yes, It is profound the
depths of God’s word. Few teachers of the word will ever be privy to the
revelation of the
divine purpose of God’s creation. The real purpose and reason
for creation is stated loudly and clearly in the book of
Genesis for those who
have been given the eyes to see it! Now we know that Jesus Christ, Satan, life, death and
were right there “in the beginning.”
Jesus is the beginning (firstfruit) of the creation of God!  How can
the church lay claim to this profound
truth and in the same breath accuse God of failure in the Garden of Eden?
Christ is the image of the Father. Nothing failed here! God’s creation is NOT
failing! Jesus WILL NOT fail his mission
to save ALL mankind!
First in order come the younger sons of God, the
extension and increase of the second Adam race of New Creation
men, then the
rest of humanity.  Our redemption draweth
nigh and perfection in His image is even now near at hand,
bless His wonderful
The glory of God is the IMAGE OF
CHRIST, and we shall be fully satisfied when we awake in His likeness.  Oh that
the eyes of men might be opened to
clearly see that back of all things and before all things, yea, in the
beginning of
all things, standeth God – , immortal, invisible, almighty,
omniscient, immutable, holy, loving, and greatest and most
glorious of all,
FULL OF PURPOSE!  In the beginning…  GOD![2020/1/7 9:45:42]
The real origins of sin and evil article

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