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Sexual Communication DVD TRACK LISTINGS A Man's Guide To Understanding And Using The Secret Language Of Attraction MENU 1 MENU 1 MENU 1 Introduction Failure Get The Message History Sparking & Building Frequency Elusive Obvious Emotions Tyler Attraction Sexual Tension Autopilot Sexual Theory Chemistry Very Important Courtship Flirting Girl Humor Four Steps Practicing Teasing Girls Concepts Ben Don't Forget MENU 2 MENU 2 MENU 2 Wusses Q&A Q&A Masculine Traits Five Ways Getting Physical Women and Testing Cocky & Funny Eye Contact Passing Tests Balance Voice Tone Rules of Thumb Examples Men & Risks Attitudes Paradox You Don't Have To Double Your Dating Homework Anticipation Q&A An Experiment Confidence © 2005 Al Righls Reserved - Double Your Dating “Sexual Communication” With David DeAngelo Sexual Communication Program Workbook DVD Video Series David DeAngelo (©2008, All Rights Reserved ‘22005 NI tts Resered.- Double Your ate “Sen! Conemunletn” Wh Obld DeAngelo (22005 A ighs Reserved Cele Your Baba “Sema Communes” hh Dad ekage Disc 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS a Section 1: History, Theory, Background . Some Men Are Amazingly Successful With Women . They’re Masters Of "Sexual Communication” .. The Elusive Obvious .. Attraction Vs. Affection . Sexual Theory, Biology, And Evolution . Instinctive Courtship... The 4-Step Process Of Sexual Communication . Exercise: The Power Of Belief Section 2: Concepts And Rules .. How Women Treat Wusses Why Does This Happen? Back To The Stages Of Sexual Communication Masculine Qualities . Qualities Of The Sexually Attractive Man Women And Testing The Fascinating Why Passing Women’s Tests Rules Of Thumb . Attitudes Strategies Double Your Dating Techniques . More Techniques . Masculinity Exercises . XSSSCRURREREOONEE Soba AM Sy wane +21 Section 3: Sparking And Building It's All About Emotions .. ‘A Quick Review To Set This Up . Sexual Tension .. You Must Spark Chemistry First Flirting .. Flirt From The Very Start . Flirting Example Practicing . Non-Verbal Flirting .. Five Ways To Spark e Chemistry By Flirting .. {22005 A ahs Resared ~oeube Your Datng"SewslConmunkaton" Wh Davis Deknpe> Disc 3 ....... Contact Information ........4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guest Speaker: Ben Cocky And Funny . Once Again: ATTRACTION ISN'T A CHOICE It's Cocky BALANCED With Funny . Why Does C&F Attract Women? Low-Risk Example Don‘t Back Down Cocky And Funny Examples . More Cocky & Funny Ideas To Build Sexual Tension Continuing The Conversation . Other Ideas For First Conversation Here's A Paradox Exercises .... Guest Speaker: Patty . Guest Speaker: Patty . Guest Speaker: Tyler . Section 4: Getting Physical Body Language . Eye Contact 41 Voice Tone . 41 Dashes Of Romantic Spice 42 Men Take The Risks . But YOU Don’t Have Anticipation ... Two Steps Forward, One Step Back . Men Usually Create All The Resistance Without Realizing It Confidence, Certainty, Knowing What Happens Sample Physical Progression Resistance & PERSISTENCE! No, No, No...YES! Summary And Wrap Up . Notes ... (22005 At pts Reserved ~ Double Your Ding “en Conmunistln" Wh David Dekngee (©2005 A its Reserves ~ Double Yeu Dating Sena! Comerunatin” Wt ObviéDekrgelo Seminar Slides Disc One Seminar Notes S SECTION 1: History, Theory, Background ‘+ "Sexual Communication’ Using your words, voice tone, body language to trigger a woman's “Attraction Méchanism” ‘+ You don't have to be tall, rch or handsome as long as you know the communication secrets that we're about to discuss S Some Men Are Amazingly Successful With Women Here ar flow vary nteresag examples ram soma. my vars ands who ae Nghiysucosst kh woman _ ota prafare beaut ‘olds NS peod high on from ames oregon enon we ran ih one wl wate ou, ha ‘crag wn rose Wn ad far ess Sag © SSSR ey od tea ncn apo in Saas a ‘asin an lig"averyumere he goss, atenye gots dat, eter bey Zar aa ha sanensy ore wom tio bar trade” * Setar Src ta macs ta he a ea foo He dosiatask be hat lence dptbony es ata club wh Hs aypertracive, supe personaly gia an wend nto na aed very few winlay en's lc acc oa ‘Shing rg rnd Hn ate er neste ‘ikothanwze hod alow Sets mest is poston ‘+ When Ee rosches sana ni nconvasaton otha roman shone 279 don, Frnsg Tear Gav you iS that hse gues ee an eye yo0? Eco sed one + Bag tant cacao omens had, and they commantonE,stsays (©2005 AN gts Reserved ~ Deuble Your Oobng“Sensl munication” Vth Oa Dasasele Seminar Slides & Disc One Some Men Are Amazingly Successful With Women ‘Biptlionts any of Grom stervares~ondl fx¢ women eventual make Oe Way Rim, Sandi round sna vying to cu ne tones ‘ck dats super-ho buena nomen only tepuenty and easly, and asks pew ‘toman he moots if theyre Gleesual wehit Bho Rt 3 mates ‘shad oan option ofa wary sony drs by an atractva gt eyeg on cthes, Sion reopendon costly "06 yo have anfeg Soe? Segara cee tenes tet ‘women kissing Rim ond they often fuse ge Home wh him. ig bch andres ne aay an etre Sometow ins winds vp with ge pursuing MI: ne th ands 1 ut manitoned hs tid me tak you mest make your Sporsechnhninatondro meng eye contac uh a nomen Bal over (ne nah at. gt and our fie Interaction war on arcu: 9 real eral pie a dtm nates she yas stg tn ny op bling fee a over ‘irs or ier Pong esr fore naar ben ae wn cyclase meant t rca, Tey suns kes, They’re Masters Of “Sexual Communication” ‘We all know quys who are unusually goed with women. Usually not the tallest, richest, or most handsome. But somehow they always wind up with attractive women. ‘These guys know something most man don't. They ttarslly speak 2 diferent language when dealing with women. I call his language Sexual Communteation” ‘Sexual communication Is another language. I's diferent from frost "typical communication. but not elfferant lice English ond Spanish. tts ike the dlferenca batwoon English and Mathematies, fof betwean English and binary computer coe, Tt has to start immediately... you must set the context right away by using ferght away. If you cont, it won't "develop" aver time. “The deor wil slam shut, end the opportunity will end forever S Seminar Notes (£205 A Rigs Reserved ~ Dubie aur Data “Seal Comer th SawéDatngss Seminar Slides Disc One The Elusive Obvious + In my Advanced Dating Techniques Program I discuss @ concept called "The Elusive Obvious” go the term from Moshe Feldenkraise Most people don't notice the subtle communication patterns that humans use with each other. Knowing what to look for, ‘observing, and finding patterns is the key to discovering this different level. Picture the following diagram of two people communicating with each other: (Ul socerrenons toms crmuntaton “© @ gen om > & it Seminar Notes/ The Elusive Obvious + Different levels (softwere and hardware) + The persona ‘© The conscious mind The unconscious mind ‘The brains Ifyou know how to “speak” the powerful language of Sexual Communication, women will BECOME SEXUALLY ATTRACTED WHETHER THEY INTENDED TO OR NOT (22005 a ts Reserved - Dut Your Osting "Sens Carman” Vth David DeAngelo niQin Seminar Slides Disc One Seminar Notes se Attraction vs Affection 8 ‘Most guys try to CONVINCE a woman to fel attracted to them with compliments or its, ete, of NOME tat vil appen If they ae fost nice Soe” But the can never work + What tney dont understand Ic the diference between ATTRACTION and “affection " atracuon int 3 eRole, sha happens QUkIy oft 3 Il IF Yyou walt goon dates etc, afeton may develop, but never atracion Jtecion brings frendsip,atrecton bing parson lal, Inner sexuality Is protected by the persona. You must learn to ‘ommuniate direct through to Once you know haw, you can Make & ‘women fel sexual action very rapily "No gf, dlones, or complments required ‘+ Thelieve that men ae lf bon with the abit to communksate on thls evel 8nd to tigger semua atvaeton Inside a oman. Avarley of sources, Inetuding our cute, region ez, have buried thls natural aby of never iloed itt cevelop of maybe we jst never realized tht Ie was tere tn fe st place ‘+The goa of hs program Isto lp you understand and develop that satualy“sexuahy magnetic” pero yourself a's alvaye bao tare 2 ‘+ To-ezplain why 1 belleve inthis ability even though it’s Maden, let's Bley ee egy ett os, sei a rt Sexual Theory, Biology and Evolution ‘+ en and women have evolved fzcinatng sexual diterencee over the a Scverl hunted milion yeats. Though tee dlarences are hidden Ih Ot Sub-consclousness, they‘ geaty fect everytxing we 2 + we produce 500 rion sperm but ess thn 1% af eng fetlizers—the rest te Marmtor-spar doesn fa Might eff ether mens spor + why have we developed this compative system? | + Segute eventhough we thnk of tem a the mnogsmots so, WOME | 1+ World, ten percent of ys humans fave wafferent ater than they think they do. th some places Is twie hat + Amazingly, woman ae bolagiealy encouraged to cheat. A womsn'scexu deste peal ot ovtlation, and tote ie afatis tnd to have aex with thet over but nt thle legate parrer at tis most ferle time ‘+ Furthrmore, women are much mare ily to have an orgasm—which makes fer much more ely to get pregnant~nlth their overs an thelr *relotonship pene" — + These discoveries even a shocking drive In women Though ths behavior ie Eonecousiy raloraled, theres denying the Dclogiel impulses 3 rb eq Santon ©2005 ts Reserved = Double Yeu Dt “Seal Canesten” wth Geld Coke £10: Seminar Slides Disc One Seminar Notes; Instinctive Courtship + 1p tg anal ngdom, here arena “words “peu nes ere'g ne way Ee say “Excuse me Tor Interrupting You, DUE You're Eeaubfulcan't fate you out to's movie and ginner + Yat gamehow a animate know exact now to cour ech thes ans to respond to sourting. Every spaces knows what to leak for {and How to react interested oF not interested “+ Watch, two buttorflies fying in ccles around each other. oF two Birds doing a mating dance. Next time youre watching Discovery, think about the emacing fact that none of thase animate has ever Hletrned™ how te attract a mate Tes all in there fram bith ‘+ As humans, 1 belave that we have the exact HARD-WIRED Systems. Us just that, as T martioned earlier, for various reasons thase natural powers Kave never bean developed by mast men. + Human sexuel oinamentation is much mora complex than Peacock. feathers, bid calle, or antler size." ast men dor realize what their sexual ernarriantation is, mich fess Row to damonsttate I ‘+ Discuss Inner Ornamentation, Inteligence, Humor, Art, Musle Instinctive Courtship ‘+ vinat ats humans above the animals ls our capacity for coneeous thought Wile muscle atvactve to, we actully cour with our mins: ar, Humor, musi, ste + moidero cutvate your powers of sexual communleaton, (ls therefore VERY important thet you relze that thsi someting we'e going to DEVELOP inside of yu, not amething tats totaly new or “agalnst what you'd do naturally” The mors you develop, the mare natural this st wil feal tour, and the beter youl become sit 1+ ust like anything elze, Ht you've neve exe these muscles before, x0 to Speak, te neal farning curve might be saeper Bt stick witht Ae YOu Iraprove, you'll tar to become more ans more success ‘+ Note: You may nave to ale up ideas, perception, ballets, or other closely ‘ctues that are dar to your sellleensty You might have ta change the Way you loo, tall, wak, Behave, communist, and tink + This lent easy fr most people. For now, Jus keep an open mind 92 we get deeper ana deeper nto the material. A he places star to ogatner ans you notice them in the natural word itl come more ely. ‘Ss g) e2005 AI nigh Revered — Doble Your Dating "Seal Carmmriatin® Wh Davi Deaeo tii Seminar Slides Disc One & The 4-Step Process Of Sexual Communication ‘+ When it comes to attraction, many rules of communication are Teversed and tummed on thelf heeds. Tt k doesn” wor the way you thinket does, just clear your existing beliefs and start fresh, + Timabout to reveal the actual stages of sexual communication, and wall go int each step in detal over the courea ofthis Book + For now, here's the 4-step process of sexual communication: 2 Sparkag atacton or chemistry 2 ullang sexual tension 5 Amplfying the attraction 4: Physteatyadvencng Exercise: The Power Of Belief ‘+ Tyou belteve tinge are one way, then you'l use averting that you learn to prove yourealright rather than secing a naw way "Tike you to start ‘easing that there fs another language being spoken all around you Tiss {he language of SexealCommunteation you lea to sped tis onguage, youll begin raking Worn fel 2 powerful Eenva stration for you 1+ Solet’ do an exercae on “éentying Limiting elias ~ i ‘+ Us tan of your betel about your abit to sexually attract women, + Think about where those belles came from, how they frst started 1+ For each bala, come up with 2 rea or hypothetical stuation where te belie not tue, and ure to out the belloh + ow ist the nea ates you'd ike to repace the old onas + Come up with £0 present tense, postive statements about your new bellels + tte those 10 affemations every day for the next 30 ays, and imagine the Winds of auccess that wl lw fra them as yu belleve them mare and 22005 A los Reserved, - Double Your itn “Sen Commuto 12: Seminar Slides Disc One Seminar Notes/ Exercise: The Power Of Belief For example: + I.get nervous when I talk to attractive women, ‘Tt started when I was rejected by a cute git! in junior-high. + Tm not nervous when I teach physics, even to cute coeds. ‘+ Tan stay calm and confident in any situation. + Lam calm and confident in every situation. Exercise 2: + Get Julius Fast’s book Body Language and read chapter 7 Soa eee “The Silent Language OF Love” while thinking about what is See eee eee going on with the main character, "Mike." Think about the beliefs that Mike carries around inside his head, and how -_ they compare to yours. SECTION 2 Concepts and Rules In this section, 1 talk about the rules of conduct for sexual communation, some of the atitudes and rules of thumb for creating sexual tension, and hovr to handle soma common stations youl face when dealing with women. Geese ese seeeeseseee| (22005 Al gh Reseved ~ Doble Your Dating “Sem Crmmurzatn” Wh Dav Deane 13 Seminar Slides Disc One Seminar Notes How Women Treat Wusses —__—_———_ ‘+ Have you ever had a woman chellenge you or demand something in a way that gave you a sick, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach because you just didn't know what to do, but you wanted to do whatever you could to please her? — ‘+ Have you ever done something to please or appease a woman, but by her response you could tell that she wasn’t actualy pleased by i? ‘+ Haye you ever pursued s woman with everything you hed and done everything You could think of to show her you were falling for her only to have her pull away? + Have you ever had e women choose a jerk or an abusive guy foyer you oF even worse, cheat on you with one of these types oF guys? gs Why Does This Happen? ‘+ It’s.a combination of things. + Women are attracted to certain traits naturally. If you don’t display these traits and quickly create the impression that you | embody these traits, then she's not likely to feel attracted to | (ou... and shell often challenge you directly to QUICKLY see | OW much of @ WUSSY you are ‘+ Women test men on a constant, ongoing basis. IF you start falling these tests, they'll only get tougher and more intense Unti she leaves. + Ife woman begins to LOSE her ATTRACTION to @ man, shell become uncomfortable and start doing all kinds of strange things. which usualy end'n her leaving for another man and its net uncom'non for that man tobe en abusive perconaty whose Sexual Commuricstion causes ATTRACTION. & S 14 Seminar Slides Disc One &S Back To The Stages of Sexual Communication ‘Communication. at's revien th there fe pect segue Sena ra gta ihe more aed a + Spatngeeraton or chemi (Fin, openers ang with heey, sey fi : 4+ Bsrg renal terson (Cocky and Fury, arogaece) + font th traction (Two stops forward oe back. leaving the ote ted + Pyscaly avancng (Smotng, Hang ete) 1 this section, wate gong to fru on tos ins yo need to have orto ‘resent your na aay tet WATURALIY sae AACN, ane ss ak ‘lout seme the nes of hime for Sxval Communion seme ancy. e women mak econs mite mans "my ‘hese dorigone only overeme. erin aaaeed + Tey meke them uch ond amcor A women doesn choot fel ‘ede ereutan she unctanace ayo tare rare rac tere + Ansthes guaston: What CUES do worn la fr onan uncon avo gure ‘at wimhera mann aesualiy ower ond confer ov tts Haw cn ou progen tfege ces so et women fed ATTRACTION for you ard Sema Terson und vr Seminar Notes ( Masculine Qualities ‘+1 lke to talk about cultivating “traditionally masculine qualities.” Women have powerful gut level emotional responses to extremely masculine qualities in men. It may be ‘an over-used saying but "BE A MAN" is still generaily good advice when it comes to attracting women. ‘+ If {had to sum it.up, I'd say that women are attracted to the ‘ualities of the LEADER. The Leader doesn’t lock to others for approval, and instead does what he decides is the right thing ‘moving forward without signs of fear, self-doubt, or cowardice. He lives in his own world, his avn reality, and he doesn't Iet outside events emotionally destabilize him. He hholds and carries himself in a naturally confident way, and he projects AUTHORITY in everything he does and says. g (©2005 A ages Reserved Coble Your Dating “Stal Commun" veh Oat Deana eee Seminar Slides Disc One Qualities Of The Sexually Attractive Man ‘over-confidence that's charming, funny, etc. Leadership/net needing approval onfidence/lack of insecurity Dominance Control Solfishness (A spocfic kind) Composure, unflappability Being Unapologetic Crass (In & funny way) Pieky Sudgmental (With twist) Not accepting 2nd class behavior or treatment from others Overiy selective “Territorial In control of selt/sox drive, but just barely Teli ethers what to do Your reality Strong Posture/Gestures, Strong eye contact Seminar Notes & Women And Testing + Women test men. They do this for various reasons, and as far as I'm concerned it’s mostly unconscious. In other, words, they've done it so much and for so long that it's Just become part of their way of communicating, + Tests include: canceling plans with little or no notice, challenging you in front of other people, playing games like ‘asking for your number instead of giving hers, asking for fifts Gr favars, getting unset or dramatic and Seeing If Youll accept it, and a million others. ‘+ But the question is WHY? Why do women test us? What's their motive? g 2005 igs Reserved — asl Yau ata “Sen! Comunenton” Wh Oo Dehnges 116: Seminar Slides Disc One S The Fascinating Why ‘+ Women test man because they need to QUICKLY floure out what they're dealing nith, ana they can't expect a man to just be Straight up and honest about his strengths and weaknesses ‘+ Limoan, let's face it... we guys lke to talk a bia game, but when It comes to walking the tall we often can’t Back ie up. ‘+ Also, attractive woman have 2 lot of options. They have thelr pick of man. And attractive warnen srefer STRONG men, ‘+ Not physically strong (although this can be an advantage), but strong In CHARACTER and PERSONALITY. + So let mo ask you... if you were an attractive woman that was bbaing chased around by 100 guys, how would YOU go about figuring aut which one or ons was the "real deal” and Which were imately FAKING strength and confidence? ‘+ Of course .. you'd have to TEST. ‘+ But you couldn't test by saying "OK, I'm golng to give you a test ‘nov 59 get ready. The Fascinating Why “+ You'd have to use "bind" rests. Teste that would allow you to see 2 man's true strengths aod weaknesues. And in fact, you'd want ‘Use tests that Ideelly DIDN'T ALLOW HIM TO KNOW THAT YOU WERE TESTING... OR WHAT YOU HAD DISCOVERED ABOUT HIM WITH THOSE TESTS. This way, iFhe turned out to be # WUSSDAg, ‘you could slip awey quiekly and easily. + This would give you the power. “+ And Ifyou did this OFTEN, you'd eventually become so accustomed ‘2'doing It that MANY of tha tests wauld become UNCONSCIOUS and warke that way Into Your NATURAL, EVERYDAY way of "You can't break up with me! I'm net ‘even your girlfriend.” © Me: "That's all the more reason.” + you get what's going on here? ‘I'm taking a normal conversation tople (her jab and income) and redirecting the conversation in a flirtatious way to craate a fun mood and sexual tension (by suggesting marriage, divoree, and breaking up over her not supporting me, etc.) 2 ‘©2005 Al ts Resred~ Dele Your Catia “Sea Commanctn” With Das Deana Seminar Slides 27 ‘isc Three S Flirting Example Her: "Oh, no... I won't support you." * Me: "Wel, then I'm breaking up with you. I's over between Us. I was going to marry you, then divorce you a week later and take half your money.” + Her: "You can't break up with mel I'm not even your girlfriend.” + Me: "That's all the more reason.” ‘+ you get what's going on here? ‘+ I'm taking a normal conversation topic (her job and income) and redirecting the conversation in a flirtatious way to create a fun mood and sexual tension (by suggesting marriage, divorce, and breaking up over her not ‘supporting me, etc.) Seminar Notes Practicing + If the above example doesn't make any sense to you, then ‘take thet 2s a sign that you need to gat out and practice more. Try it on a waitress or two. + When you ask for somathing and she says "I'm sorry, we don't have that,” just sey “OK, this relationship isn't working cut... I'm going to have to break up with you." ‘+ In fact, you can say this in just about ANY situation with ANY woman where she's saying something that you don't like, and it's funny. ‘+ When you communicate like this, you're FLIRTING, you're TEASING, and you're initiating a’ DIFFERENT KIND OF COMMUNICATION than mast men initiate. ‘+ And as soon as the woman you're talking to "engages" you in this kind of dialogue, THE GAME IS ON. 2) 152005 A be Restrie.- Soule Your itn “Senn Carentan Wh Oa Daknges 28 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes) Non-Verbal Flirting ‘+ Thore are a LOT of ways you can lire that OON'T REQUIRE WORDS, Ifa woman looks at you and raises one eyabrou, look back at het and do the sare... only exaggerste Ie ‘+ If woman puts her hand on your arm, look down at It, than look Up attherIn'a surprised way, then raise your eyebrows 9s If you {st had a major “ah hal” realization - then start smilag and ‘nodding your head as if you just realized that she wants you. This [Ga ponerful combination because I's funny, and It exaggerates the meaning In her touching you ‘+ There are a MILLION ways to fit like this, but the point that I'm trying to make is that you NEED TO START DOING IT RIGHT FROM ‘THE BEGINNING OF YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH WOMEN, Five Ways To Spark The Chemistry By Flirting 1. Giving her a hard time about something ina fry way In person, when responding to her personal 2, ee 2, Mentioning how the relationship just doesn’t seem to be working. 3, Faking despair at something she's doing. shaking your head and exhaling 4. Overly dramatic complaints about her job performance, behavior, difficultnass, ete, 5. Behaving like you could take her or leave her... and like she’s just a good friend (too comfortable), unlike all the other men who communicate that they're awed and in wussville because they're INTERESTED. Ss S ‘02005 A ghs Reserved. = Double Your Dag “Sema Communal” With David DeAnaele Hae ere ea Ben Notes ©2005 igh Reserves -Dowee Your Dag “Sena! Conmuncsten” i Covié Datrgeo Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes‘ Ss g Cocky And Funny + Now t'm golng te talk about one of my favorite concepts, which might be called "EXTREME FLIRTING" . Cocky & Funny, and (ts Something that almost EVERY “naturally successful” guy does to ‘attract women, + Cocky & Funny is simply 2 powerful, concentrated way of flirting ‘and creating sexuol tension with a specie kind of humor + Now, It ust dossn't make sense to some guys that teasing women, busting their balls, baing slightly arrogant, not kissing up to ther, ‘te, could of should make them fea! attraction. ‘+ can understand this, because I was exactly the same way the fiat Few times I heard ieand sow it ‘+ Tkept thinking to myself “IF I do this cocky and funny thing, em onl going to coma across as arogant.. ad that cant make Once Again: ATTRACTION ISN’T A CHOICE + You must always remember that ATTRACTION ist logical. + It doesnt follow the rules that it "should" follow ‘+ ATTRACTION is a very powerful emotion that has reasons and triggers that don't make any sense at first glance. I'm sure you've seen many attractive woman with guys who mistreated them, abused them, and were exactly the ‘opposite of what you'd expect a wornan to accept. - Why? ‘+ ATTRACTION. In the beginning she felt attraction, and as bad as it may sound, almost no amount of being bad’, abusive, or jerkish can convinca a woman feeling @ strong attraction to leave. rs * Solet me take the opportunity to talk a bit about the Cocky+Funny attitude, why it works, and how to use it to attract women (without having to be an abusive jerk) 1205 Al his Reserved - Double Your Dating “Sen Cemeruiain Wit Cad Detyele 31 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes 3 It’s Cocky BALANCED With Funny + estar wage ou have to remember thatthe fermula Is Cocky PLUS Funny + Tryou at too eoekt, you'll come off as arrogant and insecure only ‘+ Mypure jut fonny, aways telling foes, and making people lugh, you will rbbably come setter ay Yio gost 1+ Buti you use BOTH together, you wl create magte + cocky Funny is tke gparing.. 1 pores fan. es ehallenging. es Intrdcting whan sed with Sal, 1+ Solet's get lear about what "Cocky Funny" Ie + Hare's a cocky statment: "Her dress makes her look fat" + res a Cocky +Funny statement: “she doesn't nd «dress that fs batter, te feehionpotic ae going ond Inte SWAT teem for ber ass + stat with artogance, then add humor Why Does C&F Attract Women? "+ Well the short answer Is: COCKY aul FUNNY ATTRACTS WONEN BECAUSE I QUICULY AND DIRECTLY SA¥s ALC THE RIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOU ‘+ Women ae attracted to "alpha male” types. We all know that Women are Stracted fos sense of humor We al tow tutor too + Women ARENT attracted to man who give away thelr power, Hiss up fo them, sither ther ith attention act Ike whipped pupoies, and get nervdus Just belng in ee same room + you mest an auractve women, and THNEDIATELY stat giving her 2 hard tie about something, bunting on her, and have fn, Te bastesly say + "You me nterertingenouah to ko, but ove going te hae ado 2 ot Fervvs inthe sghst, tm petcty xin, and in fm co comorsble (a fat eetced something’ about you that m golng io make fun ot 1+ There fs no faster way on earth to communeate all he vght attitudes, Bolte, suiamageesatory, confidence, an power than fo be Cocky and 7 Funny + (Except maybe to put on perfect rod Pit costume) + Once you start using this attitude, you wil be totally astounded a the ie ™ g ane Seminar Slides Disc Three eS Low-Risk Example: + Next time you're at the grocery store in the checkout line paying for your groceries, say: "So how much of this cash do you get to keep?" (es you hand her the money) ‘+ Shell probably laugh and say: "None... I wish " + To which you can respond: "Oh, 1 figured you were pocketing 10 or 20%... 1 assumiad you were rich and could Support me, But now i'm not interested... [ want a rich girl." (Tum up your nose) ‘+ This is 2 great one. It's always fun to ask a woman if she's rich or famous, then when she says that she's net, tell her thet it messed’ up her chances with you, and that you're not Interested anymore, Seminar Notes‘ gs) —____ Don’t Back Down + One of the keys to the Cocky+Funny attioude Is to naver “rac! Tr she opens her mouth end gives you the "I cant baliave you {ust sald that" look, you need to turn it up & notch ‘+ Most guys will crack ang say “Oh, 1 was just kidding.” ‘+ DON'T DO THAT! It makes you look like 2 wussy, ‘+ In the example above, ifthe checker looks at you and gives you the open mouthed “1 éan't believe you sald that" look, end sovs "Heyl T may not be rich, but I'm nigel” you just look st her ana say “Wee isn't goed endugh, I need RICH AND niga.” ‘+ Your goal is not to upset a woman, but to get under her sn ‘enough by teasing, busting on her, and acting cocky and funny that itlgntes the magieal ettraction mechanism g {©2005 Rts Resovee ~ Cable Your Dating “Sea Camm 33 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes & Cocky and Funny Examples + A.universal way to open by firtng isto say “You know whet they S52 about women who.” and then DON'T TELL THEM. Just look at them in 2 knowing ay. + "So whats with the big purse? Are you carrying @ gui in there? ‘If she says that she likes something, say "You would” + “Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you, like 4 feet, without them?” + Compliments: “Look, I'm net like other guys. This compliment thing isn’ going to get you anywhere." "Already starting with the compliments, huh? Look, let's just get this over with... go buy me the drink aiady." “Pm hot giving you ry phone number, so just ule” "Cummon, can't you at lanst think of samathing erginal to compliment me on?” ‘+ Mimic something thet she's doin ina funny way. For instance If | Sha hes realy pld posture, pull your shoulder back, sit up extra Skralght, and say “1 real thnk you should work on Your peste.” ‘This usally gets a confused laugh because fe sande a mined Tesage, People only do things ike this if they e fecting Comfartsble, so thig sends the message that" infu, ey Steet ed gS) Cocky and Funny Examples ‘Pick up something small and swat her with te! This is one of ry very favorites. Now, don't mean hither ina way thet will hurt or leave @ mark. mean pick up @ napkin end swat her in the arm with when she male a tmare-alee comment. What's ths all about? For some reason, whan you de this VERY childish thing, ft Jus lightans up the situstion, and makes her get into a playful ‘mood. T alsa lke to use this one after Tve made fun of her and she's pretending thet the comment bothered her. Try napkins, small menus, or other things that won't hurt, but will be funny. ‘+ Soy "Get!" and push her avy. ‘+ Suspense, being serious while joking, W's lke heevy sarcasm ‘mixed with suspense. (F she ass "How long has leben since You've boon on's date?” pause, look serious, and say "Does my mom count? ‘the Idea is to always be arroganty funny. and to practice until yourcan Improvisa with any situation, and turn anything around. ©2005 igh Resered ~ Double Your Dbng “Sena Conmencaon” WA Cad Dates 134: Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes‘ ie oe 2 More Cocky & Funny Ideas To Build Sexual Tension ‘+ These are things to do after you're out on the first meeting, maybe sitting down for a cup of tea, ori you raet In a situation where you're going to continue talking-you didn’t wan to just get her hone number and walk away, maybe you're at a bar and after {alking for five to ten minutes you want to star turning ie up, ‘+ Sexual Misinteypratation’ interpreting her comments from the “she wants me" ffarmemas if they're sexual innuendo. For ‘exemple, respond to “its ite, time for bed,” with “I don't think WWelve fetown each ather fong enough for that!” + There's Jots of common phrases and words to teat this way: “golng home, 'going to bed, of going out, ‘sex,"moving,’ etc. You ean make them ail imply'that she already wats you, trying to pick ‘You Up, and isn being subtle or classy about I. +f she sighs and says “Mmmm, you know, {think it might be time to go home” you can answer with a respones lee looking at your watch and saying “Ive been talking to you for fiteen minutes, Vm not gang heme with you.” More Cocky & Funny Ideas To Build Sexual Tension ‘+ Her saving "Oh, I need to go out more,” might make you ask "Wal, where are you taking me?—lt battar ba good.” ——_— ‘+ If she tals about sex, accuse her of being sexually frustrated. + If she mentions moving, tll her you're not maving in with her, you baraly know her in. somewhat surprised fashion, then add th humor with a cornment like "And besides, T don’ ie that area!” ‘+ And then of course, bust on her because she's not being subtle or classy by making these sexual innuendos so soon. ‘+ Use backhanded comaliments, if any: "Those shoes ere beeutful Tlbet they looked great whah they were new." ‘+ Dangle ‘ake aways' ke "Well if you would have been nice, 1 would have taken you to this other place.” Ss S Seminar Slides 35 Disc Three Continuing The Conversation + Maintain the lead and keep the initiative as you tall Communicate that you're Selective and that you're the selector. Continue flirting by being picky about other things, saying she might, screw up her chances, talling her Sun-oh, that's strike one" when she does some little thing wrong, ete. + Play games... would you X? How much money would it take to get you ta X? What would you do if 1X? Come up with, funny, preposterous situations, role-play older/younger gold-diger relationships, lesblan scenarios, etc. Imply Strange and unusual sexial lifestyles without being overly crass or lewd. + Also, play analyst to the stars, or start guessing games about others nearby. + Naver be explicit, Women are always interpreting a hidden hearing behind ine word, so aleve np Dont Commusicate cirectiy ike 8 man, but suBbly and suggestively the way women communicate 3 Other Ideas For First Conversation + The best way to deal with women’s teste? Simply laugh. See them as cute. + Always act like you have the power, and that whetever you do she's {aging to love. Never give your power away verbally, non verbally, or ‘otherwise. Don't panier, try to get approval, epologize, or ack weak +I you do somathing that she obviously dozen‘ ke, dont act like I's YOUR problem, act lke I's HER problem. This is 2 great way of dealing with ANY challenge that comes Up. ‘+ Sometimes I mest a TALL woman that I think is attractive, but something tells me she's not atvracted to me because I'm not that tall. In responce, I automaticaly take the mindset that “I don't Usually te taller women, BuE Tl make an exception for thie one. ‘Then I figure out a way to communicate ths to her... T might start tallang to her and then say "Well at rst 1 wasn: gaing to come over and talk to you because tal women ate usualy a pain. but I'm glad that 1 talked to you, because you're fun font] C=) g Seminar Notes 1365: Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes iS S Other Ideas For First Conversation “+ This turns a disadvantage completely around Into en adventage for “+ YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE THAT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S MAKING THE EXCEPTION. Or, IF you wank to fealy give her a hard time, you could make her laugh and have fun with her, then say ‘Wellies really too bad you're so tall." then give her a ha ‘and tention how if she were caly a few inches shorter you'd asie har oue are you with me? ‘+ Don't imagine imitations for yourself, and don't let her limitations bbe yours, Remernber that this can ba used in ANY sitvation Where Vou think that a woman has a certain "typo" that she's attracted to {nd tum Ie around Inta a Cacky & Funny, charming dialogue, Here’s A Paradox + Yos. In fact, confrontation can rapidly accelerate attraction when done right. Cocky and funny, teasing, busting on, ete. is minor Conflict, and it gets RIGHT TO THE POINT. Te pastes tasts quekly, because if you're willing to rsk rejection so soon, you must be the “raal deol.” This means that you have to became comforeable with Aight confrontation and conic + Wes 0k 1+ Can aterection arise From confi er contrantation? ee ‘+ Ught conflict is no blo deal. Just because @ woman happens to be attractive i no reason to be afraid of her taltng you the wrong, ‘nay. When someon you've just mat gets upset with you, Just femember the child's reply: "sticks and stones may braak my bones, but words wil nevar hurt me." ssaeeesinienseesaiineaeee ‘+ Agreat model for atuactive confrontation isto watch the new sa ae James Bond movie DIE ANOTHER DAY and watch hie atstude, body language, and Cocky & Funny lines laden with saxual Innuendo, SS eae Seminar Slides & Disc Three Exercises + Start firing with every single woman you meet Make it 2 goal to fire with 10 women a day for the nex® 10 days. Cheose one to three ways to start sexual communteation, to set off the spark, and have them ready co that whan you moet @ woman you can simoly try out wheat you'd Imagined beforehand. ‘+ Ton care If it's your aunt or some hundred year old woman that you run inta on the sidewalk: fr, tease, make jokes, etc. You can try with every woman you meet. Some of thar might net ba ones You want to ack out, but Iryou stare communlesting with wornan In this way you set-off ofa diferent pattern of interaction than the fone you're used to—and youll learn from it. If your work fenvitonment hess lot of women in It then Ws'8 Grest place to get this practice. + Make i: 2 goal to gat out and do this, This exercise alone will gve you 100 clfferent experiences with starting the conversation with the sper of chemistry. Seminar Notes Exercises +The next thing Isto take some examples I gave of belng Cacky and Funny, lke "You know what they say about women who. ," and begin using them all the time, with every women you Interact with ‘Taka the 10 mest common infarviaw type questions youre asked, lke “Where do you ive/what do you eo/Family/Sehodl,” and coma Up with an answer you're going to give whenever you're asked those questions. THEN USE THEM, ‘+ Communicating inthis language takes practice, especially If you're not fami with i, Just Ike any ather foreign lenguage, Just ke eur frst language did when you were 8 baby. + Having standard, stock, default responses to common situations is fine because the’ stustions themselves are standra, sock, and sefaule, and baing able to respond wil tach you how to Improvise Fesponses that communicate the same desired meaning. S 122005 A Ritts Reserved — Double aur On “Sena Commutation” th Devil Dedages 33138 nr: Patty Notes (02005 A Rghs Reserved ~ Dole Your Ostng “Sena Communaton” Wh Dave Dekng20 Tyler Notes (22005 At lgts Reserved Deuble Your Dating “Sexual Commutation” th Dav Deseo mn: 40: Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Note: iS 9) SECTION 4: Getting Physical + We're at last going to discuss the PHYSICAL aspects of sexual communication. From eye contact and spectic body language to kissing, and transitioning into sex. + A final review of the four steps in the process of Sexual Communication: ~ 1, Sparking atwaction or chemistry (flting, openers, starting with cheelg, sessy humor) = 2. Bulling sexual tension (Cocky and Funny, arrogance) = 3. Amplifying the attraction (two steps forward, one back leaving house immediately) | ~ 4, Physically advancing (smelling, kissing, et.) + We're going to focus in this section on 3 and 4, Amplifying the Attraction, and Physically Advancing. So I'm going to, start with eye contact, voice tone, and body language. & 2) g Body Language * As you've probably heard me say before, about 93% of ‘your communication is your voice tone and bady language, and only about 7% is the words you use. Lat me give you ‘few pointers about the body language and voice tone you ‘need to use when communicating SEXUALLY with a woman. + lve read some estimates that women are approximately TEN TIMES as good at reading and communicating with subtle body language than men. + Women can generally always tell what kind of mood another person is in just by looking at them. Your body language communicates SO MUCH to women. You need to pay attention to everything you do, from your posture and how you hold yourself, to how you walk, to how you gesture. + A few pointers: Hold yourself upright with good posture raise your chest, keep your shoulders back. Don't lean toward, lean back. Move slowly and comfortably; walle 2 slowly and gracefully "22065 A gh Reserved. = Doble Your Dating “Sema Carman” Wh Dad Dedages 440i Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes Eye Contact + Eye contact reveals how comfortable you are with yourself—or how insecure you are with yourself—and many other things. Hold initial eye contact until SHE looks away—demonstrate your “confident, masculine, sextially aware male” status. Blink and move your eyes more slowly. Voice Tone + Deepen your yolce, speak from your chest and stomach, not from ‘your nosa and mouth. Work on speaking deeper, slower, and Using PAUSES: + Deliberate, articulate, rhythmic voices are very distinetive and ‘straciva, The confidence these voices demonttrate le powerfully mesmerizing to women, ‘+ Ifyou think you've got a higher pitch voice and you're just stucke with ty youve wrong. Yeu CAN lover your vole If you went to: Congclousiy draw ale from deeper i your lungs, and consciously Falearn the cound of your volee. In time the ceepar Votes wil come al the way from the unesnstlous level 12005 kgs Reserved ~ Cele Your Dang “Sema Cammunieaton” uth Dav Beange Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes S Dashes Of Romantic Spice + Awoman actually gets a tangible sense off of men who're aware of thase deena levels of Sexual Communication AND who also sprinkle traditional "romanti,* “chivalrous,” or gentlemanly” tras into the mix too. ‘+ When a woman detects a man who really “gets i and finds him attractive even when he lst interested In Fer. + When you open a door for a woman, walk on the outside of the curb, order her food, chooce a butte of wine, of any of 100 ether ser Eaerreeeueemecman? actions ofthis nature, can powerfully AMPLIFY the interaction, + dust makes sure you don’t do these things WITHOUT using also a using the context of Sexusl Communication, Use them a spice, hot the main dah, ‘| Now iets talc about some of the physicel aspects of Sexual Communication meaning the Kissing, touching, and evan sex Men Take The Risks ‘+ Have you ever bean sitting and talking to a woman, wanted to kiss her, Int then een unble td so because you didn wow How fo go ‘+ Hove you ever not progressed further than Kssing because you ws \wortiad that balng more sexual might offen her and serew Yall up? Has the tsk of rejection ever stopped you from evan tying tobe senualy aggressive? ‘+ Have you ever been making out wth a woman oply to have her stop at ome point and say" think we shoulé walt" or Wis Is too fost,” Tike pearance fo ltake stony, + Think most of us have bean in these stuatons + Hen are expected to lead the nay trough the entire eres of physical Spa: heding her hand, kissing her, ragoing her boa, eke TA aso means the man haz to take every rk along the enie’advancomant to Sox-thich, perversely, gives te woman te power f REIECT him at ny pot aiang the a +The man fly at ek, and ihe serous up he doesn’ jut get a ui, he loses a lances forever Atanat tee te way seems Se" S 22005 A Ris Reserve, ~ Buble Your Ota “Sen Caren ith OaidDedngea 43 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes & 2) But YOU Don’t Have To ‘The reality Is that If you understand how Sexual Communication and arousal work for women, you can avoid most of these esues, and virally ellmnate these problems. + There if a universal mistake that men make. and thls one mistake probably leads to more resistance and rejection than ary ether one they make. ‘+ The average man falls because he behaves as if HE'S trying to GET something FROM HER, when simply using this secret language Would demonstrate that SHE could get great pleasure FROM HIM, + Stop acting Iike you're trying to GET something. + Start DEMONSTRATING in the language women listen for that they're going to GET grest pleasure FROM YOU. ‘+ You can build a small stare gradualy ll the way up to the highest levels oF sexual arousal, TF you speak the language oF ANTICIPATION understood by all women ® a g Anticipation ‘So let's talk about this particular KEY to sexually stimulating @ woman, ANTICIPATION. ‘+ Awwise teacher once sharad this principla with ma: a person wil tly do samething thay ve already seen thamselves doing in thelr rind FIRST. ‘+ In other words, untlla woman has FIRST IMAGINED boing with You sexually and ALREADY EXOYED THE THOUGHT, sha wan't do Ie" When you tease, use anticipation, and arnplify séxval srOUsal, Youll ereate emotions which AUTOMATICALLY BRING HER IMAGINATION TO VIVID PICTURES of the Sv of you together. ‘© Men don't have ths Issue, because they can objectify the female body, become sexually aroused in 1 saconds, and have sex with @ blow lup sheap doll if there's one handy. 1 Men, are ke light witches while wemen are more lke volume knobs You need to curn women ail the way Up before they're fn the seme "ON position you are. — & S ‘01005 a gts Rerernd = Deuba Your Dating “Sena Conmuneaten With David DeAngelo 44 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes‘ & g Anticipation ‘+ Study how to make women feel good! Creating total confidence that She's going to feel amazing wil lead you both forward. All Your behavior, and everything You communicate through f, must show a sexually aware, confident man who's golng to make her fol incredible “+ Wanting to be fkes can be an actor's blagest problem because ft distracts them from doing what they really need to do in order (2 play their role properly. "Same with men, + You need to be able to control yoursef end do what you know is ‘nght, even inthe face of uncertainty and emotional furmall. Dont Uy t8 be liked. Just turn her ont Two Steps Forward, One Step Back + THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT KEY TO AMPLIFYING ATTRACTION [AND SEXUAL AROUSAL WITH WOMEN, ‘+ Start eariyl The setup for powerful physicel electricity that leads to passionate kissing and sex can begin right away, and ic affected by ‘even seemingly Insignificant things. For instance, if she comes to {Your Rouse, then leaving the house quickly sets up a magnetic Girosity and comfort shell want to explore later + Ukowiso, not taking advantage of mora than just a kiss if you can, creating ANTICIPATION by making suggestions but then not doing them. making her think about it uni happens unexpectedly and she can be swept away by fe ‘+ Another is stopping things, especially when you couldn't do ‘anything about anyway. S (22005 At gs Reserved ~ Cele Your Dating “Sexual Communica vith Dad DeAngelo Seminar Slides Disc Three Sy Men Usually Create All The Resistance Without Realizing It ‘+ Most men approach sex in a way that makes women resist, protest, and often ultimately decide against ANY kind of future physical relationship with the man. + This is characterized by trying to touch before she's ready, immediately groping her after kissing, and generally not understanding the whole process of sexually arousing 2 + The answer is to approach physical advances from a different perspective. In sales, it's best to always focus on the needs of the buyer by demonstrating how the product OF service will solve @ problem of the buyer's and never to focus on the needs of the seller. With sex, it's about demonstrating: Men Usually Create All The Resistance Without Realizing It «That you understand tv process and exactly what's happening ‘+ That you have control of yourself and the siuation ‘+ That you have the abilty to turn her on without any overtly sexual {ale or touching. co she's turned on she'l feel sex was her Idea, and shel Intiate the sexual gestures, such es grinding, touching, or tak ‘Then there's no more resistance, ‘+ On the other hand, if she dossn't become turned on, then trying to progress wil only cause resistance. gS | g g Seminar Notes 12005 Al ts Reserved ~ out aur Dat "Sem! Conernatn Wh David Deangeb Seminar Slides S Disc Three Confidence, Certainty, Knowing What Happens + Moving forward naturally from one step to the next shows you Understand what's going on, that you *oet Ie" and know wht to do, + Two steps forward and one step back demonstrates that you are in {rl ha tuoon and outset, Teng and sametinss een oF cout, but T won > eae ‘+ At the start, alight, slow touch Is what turms women on most—and ‘without being overtly sexual. + But this is haauily contrasted lata by pulling, grabbing, and other passionate physic! displays thay really anjojo Sample Physical Progression Now 1d like to show a spacific sample progression that strongly ‘amplifies ® wornan's sexual arousal at each step, accelerates the process feading to sex, and mates fe mare powerful, passionate, and intense than anything she's ever experienced, so that she becomes literally swept away, unable to control herself. ‘+ Sit on your bed, far away from her Give her # hand massage. Get massage lotion or oil and use It, rub further up the arms. ‘Stop, end lean back. Put your hand out as ifto take hers, then when she gives it to you, aive it back. ‘+ Turn her around and rub her shoulders for awhile + you need to learn, get massages and massace books to 4 Stroke her neck and exposed neck/shoulder skin very gently and slowly S (22005 Ags Revved - Dubie aur Dati Seminar Notes; “Seal Camm th Dav Dednasa 47 Seminar Stides Disc Three Seminar Notes & Sample Physical Progression Stop, and Jean back. | + Pull her over gently to cuddle, spoon and put arm around her Sndreloxs = z + Continue talking casually; say “You're comfy.” ‘+ Smell her neck, then lean back and comment on her smell. + Relax for a few minutes. + Smell her neck for 10 minutes straight, moving your nose on her neck, “+ Pull her close as you're smelling and say "I want to bite you.” *+ When you cap tll she's VERY worked up tease her with an almost kiss” ‘+ Keep simeling, and touching/rubbing her in the NON-X rated ‘+ Run your fingers around any seams where her skin is showing, even pull up her shist slightly; tease, S S a Sample Physical Progression + Kiss her deeply, and keep pulling her towards you. + Kiss for at least 10 or 15 minutes. ‘+ Stop and lean back, maybe take a break to use the restroom, get water, etc. + Set some mood by lighting candles, playing music, etc. + Start kissing again, and this time move her Into different sexual positions. ‘+ When she’s on her stomach, pull her halr while kissing her. + When she's completely hot and bothered, test to see If she's comfortable being touched between the legs by putting your hand NEAR her crotch, but not on it for a few minutes, then taking it away. Repeat. > S 48 Seminar Slides Disc Three Seminar Notes‘ Sample Physical Progression ‘+ Touch her breasts through her clothes, and gently pinch her nipples. ‘+I she's very turned on, run your hand from her upper leg up to het crotch as you're kissing her and rub her there for sust a moment land make a deep "Mmmm" sound. If she enjoys tis, then stop It and just kiss, emel, and make out for awhile, ‘+ Reach down, and unbutton her top pants button, and put your fingers down the front of her penties... Touch her down there, and then put your finger in both of your mouths as you're kissing. + If she enjoys ths, then take off her pants, and have sex. Tease her ‘with your mouth sexual tool. Keep building ancepation, all the ‘Way f0 the ond ‘+ You can naturally transition to all postions now, because you tried ‘and tested them while kissing her + Always use protection and take safe sex precautions! + After, Ifyou really want to make the experiance wonderful, feed egy Tae he anes se ah Resistance and PERSISTENCE! No, No, No... YES! + Awoman's resistance is often more about her wanting a different pace than the man. Mest men don’t realize that Women enjoy the anticipation and literally fantasize about finding a man who knows how to take things slow... and takes the time to get her aroused, ‘+ Persistence ~ nothing forceful or pushy of course ~ builds anticipation for the riext level. Enough anticipation eventually generates enough desire for the next level to allow her to lead you there herself a Seminar Slides 149 Disc Three Summary And Wrap U; Why do women break: it off with men after one or two or three dates? Or after one or two or three YEARS? Because the ATTRACTION is gone. Because she doesn’t FEEL it anymore, Most women cannot explain this to you specifically, but that’s what's going on, They don’t know wihy its happening or how it happened, and they don't So if you want to keep = woman feeling attracted to you, NEVER be predictable, kesp up the sexual communication, the Cocky and Funny, always build the anticipation, and create the ability to give her mind-blowing sexual pleasure. g Seminar Notes 122005 A hts Reser ~ Double Your tng "Soul Communion” ith ObviéDetngco ee ee Notes 27005 tights Reserved ~ Dobie Yur Can “ensl Communication” Wath Dav Desnoeo Hesse Notes 22005 gts Revered ~ Doble Your Dang “Sexssl Cormuniin” With David Dedngee Contact Information i Ben ittp:// Patty itty litysect CO! Tyler i http://www. i Boe Wes f ; > 2.92005 A Rights Resved. Deb aur Dating “Seal Cemmuniaton® th David Dedngeo

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