As of June 30 2015 The Computation Date For The

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As of June 30 2015 the computation date for the #6863

As of June 30, 2015 (the computation date for the 2016 tax rate), Amanda Company had a
negative balance of $1,015 in its unemployment reserve account in State A. The company's
average payroll over the last three 12-month periods amounted to $525,000. The
unemployment compensation law of State A provides that the tax rate of an employer who has
a negative balance on the computation date shall be 7.2% during the following calendar
year.Using the tax rate schedule presented in Problem 5-12B, compute:a. The smallest
voluntary contribution that Amanda Company should make in order to effect a change in its tax
rate ................................................................ $_________b. The amount of the tax savings as a
result of the voluntary contribution if Amanda Company's taxable payroll for 2016 is $650,000
........................................ $_________In Problem 5-12BReserve Ratio Contribution Rate0.0%
or more, but less than 1.0%......................................... 6.7%1.0% or more, but less than
1.2%......................................... 6.4%1.2% or more, but less than 1.4%.........................................
6.1%1.4% or more, but less than 1.6%......................................... 5.8%1.6% or more, but less
than 1.8%......................................... 5.5%1.8% or more, but less than
2.0%......................................... 5.2%2.0% or more, but less than 2.2%.........................................
4.9%2.2% or more, but less than 2.4%......................................... 4.6%2.4% or more, but less
than 2.6%......................................... 4.3%2.6% or more, but less than
2.8%......................................... 4.0%2.8% or more, but less than 3.0%.........................................
3.7%3.0% or more, but less than 3.2%......................................... 3.4%3.2% or more
........................................................................ 3.1%View Solution:
As of June 30 2015 the computation date for the


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