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Corse Name : Textile Wet Processing I

Course Code : TEX 211

Submitted by Submitted to

Md. Mehedi Hasan Sajib Md. Mahbubur Rahman

Id : 191003017 Lecturer Wet Processing
Section : D1 Department of Textile Engineering
Department of Textile Engineering Green Green University of Bangladesh (GUB)
University of Bangladesh (GUB)
1. What do you mean by water hardness? Why water hardness remove is important from
water? Explain. 04 [CO1]

Answer to the question no. 1

The presence of Calcium, Magnesium salt i.e. bi-carbonates, sulphates, Chloride in water is
called causes of hardness of water. The water which contains these salt is called hard water.

Hard water does not easily form lather with soap as the salt of Calcium and Magnesium react
with soap to form insoluble organic salts.

CaSO4 + 2RCOONa = (RCOO)2Ca↓ + Na2SO4

MgSO4 + 2RCOONa = (RCOO)2Mg↓ + Na2SO4

Heating hard water containing bicarbonates eliminates dissolved carbon dioxide and the
causes precipitation of calcium carbonate. This type of precipitation inside a boiler is also
undesirable because the scale reduces the efficiency of heat transfer.

Mg(HCO3)2(aq) = MgCO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O

MgCO3(aq) + H2O = Mg(OH)2(s) + CO2(g)

Problems of Using Hard Water In Wet Processing:

1. Precipitation of soaps.

2. Redeposit ion of dirt and insoluble soaps on fabric being washed. This can caused
yellowing and lead to unlevel dyeing and poor handling.

3. Precipitation of same dyes as Ca and Mg salt react with them. 4. Scale formation on
equipment and in boilers and pipelines.

Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O

Mg(HCO3)2 MgCO3 + CO2 + H2O

MgCO3 + H2O Mg(OH)2 + CO2

Hence [CaCO3 + Mg(OH)2] is called Scale. 5. Corrosion of boiler: Corrosion can be a

serious causes of wear in boilers if suitable water is not used.

6. Reduction in activity of enzyme used for desizing.

7. Decreased solubility of sizing agent.

8. Coagulation of some types of printing paste.

9. In compatibility with chemical in finishing recipes.

10. Decomposition of bleaching bath.

11. In mercerization form insoluble melt oxide and reduce absorbency and luster .

Name of the chemicals which is needed to remove water hardness :

Hard water can be problematic because the calcium and magnesium ions react with the
higher fatty acids of soap to form an insoluble gelatinous curd, thereby causing a waste of the
soap (this objectionable reaction does not take place with modern detergents).
Water softening is achieved either by adding chemicals that form insoluble precipitates or by
ion exchange. On a small scale, chemicals used for softening include ammonia, borax,
calcium hydroxide (slaked lime), or trisodium phosphate, usually in conjunction with sodium
carbonate (soda ash)

 Chemical softening - lime softening, hot and cold; lime-soda softening

Remove Hardness of Water (Temporary)

By Boiling:
Soluble bicarbonates are converted into insoluble carbonates which are removed by filtration.
Ca(HCO3)2 → ΔCalo3↓ + H2O + CO2
⇒ Mg(HCO3)2 → ΔMgCO3↓ + H2O + CO2

By Clarks Method:
Calcium hydroxide is Clark’s reagent. It removes the hardness of water by converting
bicarbonates into carbonate.
Ca(OH)2 + Ca(HCO3)2 → 2CaCO3↓ + 2H2O

Remove Permanent Hardness of Water.

Gan’s Permutit Method:

In this method, sodium aluminum ortho silicate known as permutit or zeolite is used to
remove the permanent hardness of water.
Na2 Al2 Si2 O8.KH2O + Ca++→ 2Na+ + Ca Al2 Si2 O8.xH2O

Calgon’s Process:
In this method, sodium-hexa-meta-phosphate (NaPO3)6 known as Calgon is used. The
hardness in water is removed by the adsorption of Ca++ and Mg++ ions.

Ion Exchange Resin Method:

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In this method, the permanent hardness of water is removed by using resins. Ca ++/Mg++ ions
are exchanged with Cl–, SO4-2 ions are exchanged with anion exchange resin (RNH2OH).
Dematerialized water is formed in this process.
⇒ 2RCOOH + Ca++ → (RCOO)2Ca + 2H+
⇒ RNH2OH + Cl– → RNH2Cl + OH–
⇒ H+ + OH– → H2O

Harmful Effects of Hard Water

Some of the most common signs of hard water include:

 Linens and clothes look dull and feel rough.

 Ugly stains on white porcelain and scale build-up on faucets
 Low water pressure from showers due to clogged pipes.
 Chalky, white residue or spots appear on dishes.
 Strains appearing in the shower.

2. Why nonionic detergent is suitable for textile wet processing? Explain. 04 [CO1]
Answer to the question no. 2

Basic detergents are surface active compound. The compounds which get orient at the
interface (between water and air) and reduce interfacial tension/surface are called active
compound or detergent

Detergent molecular structures consist of a long hydrocarbon chain and a water soluble
ionic group. Most detergents have a negative ionic group and are called
anionic detergents. The majority are alky sulfates. Others are "surfactants" (from surface
active agents) which are generally known as alkyl benzene sulfonates.

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Classification of Detergent:
Detergent is classified on the basis of ionic nature-


Ionic Non ionic

Anionic Cationic Amphoteric

Ionic detergents contain a head group with a net charge. They can be either negatively
(anionic) or positively charged (cationic).

Anionic detergent:

When the detergents are ionized into anions and cations but the anion is dominating ion in the
solution. Therefore the surfactant is called an anionic surfactant or detergent.

When Sodium stearate is dissolved in water, it ionizes as follows:

CH3(CH2)16COONa CH3(CH2)16-COO- + Na+


Among the ions, anions CH3(CH2)16COO- is comparatively very large to Sodium ion. So
anion acts as dominating ion here. This Sodium stearate is called anionic stearate

Cationic detergent:

When the detergents are ionized into anions and cations but the cation is dominating ion in
the solution. Therefore the surfactant is called a cationic surfactant or detergent.

Among two ions cation is very large compound to the chloride ion. Therefore cation acts as a
dominating ion in case of cationic surface active agents.

Nonionic detergent:

Surface active agent which are soluble in water and get oriented at the surface of the solution
and reduce when dissolve in water hence they are called nonionic detergent.

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CH3(CH2)16-COOH + 6CH2 CH2 CH3(CH2)16-COO(CH2-CH2-O)6H

Stearic acid O Nonionic detergent

Ethylene oxide

Amphoteric detergent:

Detergents when dissolved in water, ionizes and produce large segments carrying both
anionic and cationic ions(these segments are called zwitter ions). Thus amino carboxylic
acids in which amino and carboxylic groups are present at the molecular chain ends dissolved
in water to give zwitter ions.

H2N(CH2)n-COOH H3N+-(CH2)n-COO-

The reason of using nonionic detergent in the textile industry :

Non-ionic detergents are characterized by their uncharged, hydrophilic head groups.

Typical non-ionic detergents are based on polyoxyethylene or a glycoside. Common
examples of the former include Tween, Triton, and the Brij series.

a)Non-ionic surfactants do not ionize into water.

b)These are compatible with either an ionicor cationic surfactants.

c) These are stable over a wide range of pH (from acidic through neutral to alkaline

d) These can be used as wetting agents, detergents, emulsifying agents, leveling agents in vat
dyeing, softening agents, scouring agents etc. They can also be used in polyester dyeing and

Non- ionic detergents are available in liquid form- Their lach of affinity for textile fibres
make them easily washable from textile material. stable over a wide range of PH Being Non-
ionic in nature they are compatible with many dyes and surfactants and they may be used in
many formation. so, that non- ionic detergent is suitable for textile wet processing.

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3. Why singeing is necessary for fabric preparation? Identify the best singeing technique
and give your opinion. [4] [CO2]
Answer to the question no. 3
singeing is necessary for fabric preparation the following reasons:

i. Singeing of a fabric is done in order to obtain a clean fabric surface which allows the
structure of the fabric to be clearly seen.

ii. Singeing improves the end use and wearing properties of textile.

iii. Fabrics, which have been singed, soil less easily than un-singed fabrics.

iv. Singeing is essential for printed fabric because if the loose hairy fibers protruding
from the surface of the cloth are not and raw appearance after finishing.

v. The burning-off of protruding fibres results in a clean surface which allows the
suructure of the fabric more clear.

vi. Singeing reduces the fogginess caused by differing reflection of light by the
projecting fibre and the dyed fabrics appear brighter.

vii. Singeing is an effective means of reducing pilling in blended fabrics containing

synthetic fibres.

viii. A closely singed fabric is essential for printing fine intricate patterns.

Fabrics normally singed:

Shirting and suiting material, saris, dress-war fabric, voile cloth, poplin, polyester cotton-
blended fabric, etc.

There are three tyres of singeing machine

1. Hot plate singeing.
2. Roller singeing.
3. Gas Singeing

Among these gas singeing is the best singeing technique Because in this type of Singeing
m/C, the fabric Passes over a burning gas flame Such a Speed that only the protruding fibres
burn and the main body of the fabric is not damaged by the flame. This is the most common
type of m/c used for singeing as well yarns

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 Both sides of the cloth are singed simultaneously.
 Uniform singeing of the cloth is obtained.
 There is no question of unwanted cloth sheen (lusture) as there is no contact with any
metal surface as in the case of the other singeing machines such as the roller and plate
types of singeing machine.
 Fibers in the interstices between the warp and weft threads are also burnt effectively.
This is
not entirely possible in the case of the other singeing machine.

 Machine speed can be high and in the range 80-125m/min, a feature not achievable in
the other types of singeing machine.
 The flame can be controlled so as to be equal to the width of the cloth being singed.
 Different varieties o0f cloth can be conveniently singed.
There are some disadvantage of Gas singeing techniques . But by perfectly monitoring we
can avoid these easily. So, in that case we can say that Gas singeing is the best singeing

4. Describe the benefits of using novel desizing techniques with proper explanation. [3]
Answer to the question no. 4

The process to remove the sizing material from fabric is called desizing. It is necessary to
remove the size from the cloth, otherwise the hydrophobicity of the wax and the fallow
hinder the subsequent dyeing and printing process. Desizing is the process of removing
the size material from the warp yarns in woven fabrics. Sizing agents are selected on the
basis of type of fabric, environmental friendliness, ease of removal, cost considerations,
effluent treatment, etc. Sizing components such as starch, thin boiling starch
CarboxymethylCellulose(CMC), Polyvinyl alcohol(PVA), vegetable oils, mutton tallow

Objects of Desizing:

 To break 1,4-glycosydic linkage in starch and make it soluble in water.

 To remove the sizing material and sizing additives in water from the fabric.
 It is necessary to remove the size from the cloth, otherwise the hydro Phobicity of
the wax and fallow hinder the subsequent dyeing and printing process.
 To prepair the fabric for subsequent process e,g scouring, bleaching and dyeing.
 To give hydrophilic character.
 To increase absorbency of the fabric.

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There are three types of desizing methods .

1. Hydrolytic Methods
2. Oxidative Methods
3. Novel Methods.

Novel method:

Other than the conventional desizing methods, various novel methods have emerged. These
include solvent desizing, low- temperature plasma treatment and ‘desizing 2000’.

Different types of benefits of novel desizing:

 The electron in low temperature plasmas are able to cleave co-valent chemical bond
There by Reducing Physical and chemical modification of the Surface of the treated
Substrate without charging the fibre Properties.
 There is a mineral consumption of chemicals and no dyeing Process is required.
 The Process have a high level of environmental Competibility
 The Process can be applied to almost all Kinds of fibre.
 Represents an energy-efficient and economic alternative to classical textile finishing
 The desizing time is low as the floor space area required is less.
 These process are simple, retiable.

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