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We Focus Classes – Chemistry Notes

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Previous Year Questions:

1) The main Fuel present in natural gas is:

a) Methane b) Butane c) Propane d) Coke
2) In Modern Submarines the Fuel used is?
1) Petrol b) Rocket Fuel c) Kerosene d) Natural gas

3. The liquid Metal

1) Mercury b) Iodine c) Sugar d) Lava

4. The chemical used to write on the glass

1) Hydro chloric Acid 2) Hydro floric acid

3) Hydrogen Chloro Floric acid 4) none of these

5. National Science day is celebrated on

a) Feb, 28 b) May 11, c) April 22 d) Dec 3

6. National chemical laboratories is located at?

a) Hyderabad b) Pune c) Bangalore d) Delhi

ATOM: The smallest particle of an element that takes part in a

chemical reaction is called an atom.

 Atoms are not visible to the naked eye and are the basic

 Atom is by its symbol Ex: H (one atom of Hydrogen),O,N etc.

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 Atomic Theory was first introduced by John Dalton. Therefore

John Dalton is called the father of atom

Element: The substance made up of same kind of atoms is called

an Element.

The term Element was introduced, by Robert Bayle.

 According to him an element cannot be split into simple

 An Element is represented by its symbol Ex: H, N, O, etc.
 The symbols for elements were first introduced by Berzelius.

Molecule: - it is the substance formed by the combination of two or

more identical (or) dissimilar atoms and stable.

Ex: 𝑁2 , 𝑂2 , 𝑂3 , 𝑐𝑜 𝑒𝑡𝑐.

Compound: - It is the Molecule formed by the combination of two or

more dissimilar Elements.

Elements and Molecule are made-up of Atoms. Thus in turn gives

us a Compound. Hence we can say that Compounds are always
molecules but Molecules need not be compounds.

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Ex: 𝐻2 𝑂, C𝑂2, , 𝐶𝐻4 , 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4 𝑒𝑡𝑐

Water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are

compounds because each is made from more than one element.

Mixture: - It is the substance formed by the combination of two or

more elements or compounds combined in any ratio by weight.

Ex 1) Air (𝑁2 + 𝑂2 + 𝐶𝑂2 , +𝐴𝑖𝑟) 𝑒𝑡𝑐

2) Salt Water ( Nacl + Water)

3) Gun Power (KN 03 + 𝑆 + 𝐶𝑜𝑘𝑒)
4) Gun powder is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate, Sulphur
and Coke
5) The first man made explosive is Gunpowder
6) Dynamite was first prepared by Alfred Nobel. Dynamites
are 5 times powerful than Gunpowder

 Which one of the following cannot be split into simpler

substances (i.e. and element)?

1) Water 𝐻2 𝑂 2) Ammonia 𝑁𝐻3 3) methane 𝐶𝐻4 4) Gold Au


The elements were first classified by Dobereiner

 Dmitri Mendeleev classified elements basing on their

atomic weights

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 Henry Moseley classified elements basing on their atomic

 The elements in the long form of periodic table are arranged
on the basis of their Electronic configuration.

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IA GROUP ELEMENTS: - (Alkali Metals)

Li – Lithium Rb – Rubidium

Na – Sodium Cs – Cesium

K - Potassium Fr – Francium

 Cell phone batteries are made up of lithium.

 The metal stored under Kerosene is Sodium.
 The alkali metal needed for growth of plants is K.
 The metal used in the construction of atomic clocks is

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IIA Group Elements (Alkaline Earth Metals)

Be – Beryllium Sr – Strontium

Mg – Magnesium Ba – Barium

Ca – Calcium Ra – radium

 In Nuclear reaction the moderator used in Beryllium Oxide.

 The metal present in chlorophyll of plant leaves is
 The most abundant metal present in human body is
 Strontium and Barium salts are used in fire crackers to give
bright colours.
 The two radio active metals discovered by madam curie are:
Radium and Polonium.
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B – Boron In – Indium

Al – Aluminium Tl – Thallium

Ga – Gallium

 In Nuclear Reactors the control rods are made up of Boron.

 The most abundant metal in earth is ‘Aluminium’
 The metal which is known as summer liquid is Gallium (its
melting point is 300 𝑐)

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IVA Group Elements

C – Carbon Sn – Tin (Stannum) Si – Silicon

Pb – Lead (plumbum) Ge – Germanium

 The king of Elements is carbon. The element having maximum

catenation property is carbon.
 The element used in the manufacture of solar cells or
photovoltaic cells is Silicon.
 The copper cooking vessels are coated with Tin to prevent food
 The only metal that writes on paper is Lead.


N – Nitrogen Sb – Antimony

P – Phosphorus Bi – Bismuth

As – Arsenic

 The most important element needed for the growth of plants


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 The non metal stored under water is Phosphorus.

 The metal that enters into human body during snake bite is
 Antimony and Bismuth are diamagnetic substances. They
are repelled by the magnetic field.


O – Oxygen Te – Tellurium

S – Sulphur Po – Polonium

Se – Selenium

 The most abundant element on Earth is Oxygen.

 The most abundant element is Human body is Oxygen.
 The element used in vulcanization of natural rubber is
Sulpher .
 Selenium drum is used in Xerox machine which is a semi
 Polonium is a radioactive metal and it is discovered by
Madam Curie.
 The strong Odour of onions is due to the presence of
sulpher compounds in it.
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F – Fluorine I – Iodine

Cl – Chlorine At – Astatine

Br – Bromine

 The element needed for the growth of enamel of teeth is :

Fluorine ( enamel mainly contain calcium Fluorine 𝐶𝑎𝐹2 .)
 The element used to kill disease causing micro organism
and bacteria is drinking water is chlorine.
 The liquid non metal is Bromine.
 The Non-metal having metallic luster Is Iodine.

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VIII group elements(Inert Gasses or Noble gases): These are zero

group elements. They are chemically inert in nature. These are all
monatomic gases.

 The inert gas which has chemical reactivity is Xenon.

He – Helium Kr – Krypton

Ne – Neon Xe – Xenon

Ar – Argon Rn - Radon

Food is packed in inert gas to remove oxygen gas. This prevents

bacteria from growing

 Aeroplane tyres are filled with Helium gas.

 Bar shop decorative lamps are filled with Neon gas to give
rid light.
 Fluorescent tubes are filled with Ar + Hg vapor to give bright
white light.
 Coal miners head lamp is filled with krypton gas to give red

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 TV picture tube is filled with xenon gas.

 High mast lights used in sports stadium are filled with
Krypton + Xenon gases
 The ointments used on cancer wounds are made up of
radon compounds.

Symbols derived from Latin Names

Na – Natrium (Sodium) Sn – Stannum (tin)

K – Kalium (Potassium) pb – Plumbum (lead)

Cu – Cuprum (copper) W – Wolfram (tungsten)

Ag – Argentium (Silver) Fe – Ferrum (Iron)

Au – Aurum (gold) Hg – Hydrargyrum (Mercury)

Sb – Stibium (antimony)


Element Atomic .no Element Atomic .no

H 1 Na 11
He 2 Mg 12
Li 3 Al 13
Be 4 Si 14
B 5 P 15
C 6 S 16
N 7 Cl 17
O 8 Ar 18
F 9 K 19
Ne 10 Ca 20

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(1) Hydrogen:
The lightest of all elements is Hydrogen.
 Hydrogen was discovered by Henry Cavendish.
 The element with At. No.1 and atomic Mass No.1 is
 It is the element which undergoes fusion in Sun’s
atmosphere is Hydrogen.
 It is the gas used in the manufacture of vanaspathi (or)
Dalda from vegetable oil.
 It is the most abundant element is universe.
 This gas is a combustible in nature.
 𝐻2 Gas burn with Blue colour flame and makes pop
 Hydrogen Fuel cause less environmental pollution.
 The liquid rocket cryogenic fuel is liquid 𝐻2 and liquid 𝑂2
 When liquid burns in air the effluent formed is water
 The solid fuels used in Rockets are;
1) Ammonium per chlorate (𝑁𝐻4 𝐶𝑙𝑂3 )
2) Hydrazine (𝑁𝐻2 − 𝑁𝐻2 )

Q) Which of the following Fuel doesn’t cause environment Pollution?

a) Coal b) Petroleum c) Kerosene d) Hydrogen gas

HELIUM: The Atomic number: 2,

The lightest inert gas is Helium.

 Atmospheric balloons are filled with He gas.

 It is the most abundant element in universe after
 The gas mixture used for respiration of Asthma patients
is :𝑂2 + 𝐻𝑒

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 The deep sea divers carry a mixture 𝑂2 + 𝐻𝑒 for

 The gas mixture used for respiration of patients is
:𝑂2 + 𝑁2

LITHIUM: The Atomic Number 3.

The lightest of all metals is: Lithium (Li)

 The heaviest of all metals is Osmium (Os).

 The cell phone batteries are made up of lithium (Lithium
ion batteries)
 In recharge batteries the electrodes are made up of Nickel
and Cadmium

 In Dry Battery cell

 Chemical Energy is converted into Electrical Energy.

1) The Graphite rod is used as Cathode

2) The zinc vessel is used as Anode
3) The electrolyte used is N𝐻4 𝑐𝑙 + 𝑍𝑛𝑐𝑙2
4) The depolarizer is Manganese dioxide 𝑀𝑛𝑂2
5) These terminals are made up of Copper and zinc.

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6) The emf of dry cell is 1.50 volts.

Car Battery:
 The car battery is called lead storage battery (or) Lead acid
 Cathode is lead (Pb) and Lead Peroxide (Pb𝑂2 )
 In car battery the electrolyte used is dilute sulphuric acid.

BERYLLIUM (Be):- The element with atomic number 4 is Beryllium.

 In nuclear reactor the Beryllium Oxide is used moderator.

Boron (B): In Nuclear Reaction Boron rods are used as control rods.

 The formula of Boric acid is 𝐻3 𝐵𝑂3 . It is used as Antiseptic.

CARBON (C): The king of Elements is Carbon.

 The king of Chemicals is sulphuric acid 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4

 The element having maximum caternation property is carbon.
The self linkage of atoms of same element to form long chain
compounds is called caternation.
 The most abundant carbon compound is nature is cellulose
 The artificial silk is Rayon. Rayon is prepared from cellulose by
using Nitric acid (𝐻𝑁𝑂3 ).
 The hardest natural substance is Diamond. Diamond is hard
because each carbon in it is connected with four other carbons
by strong covalent bond. Due to its hardness diamond is used
to cut glass.

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 The soft substance used as lubricant is heavy machinery is

Graphite. Graphite is soft because
a) it is having hexagonal layer lattice structures
b) Between these layers weak
vander waal forces are present.
 Diamond acid Graphite are the allotropes of carbon
 The element that exists in hard and soft forms in carbon.

Difference between Diamond and Graphite:

Diamond Graphite(Black Lead)

Hard in nature Soft in Nature because
Strong Covalent bond 1) Weak Vanderwal forces
2) Layer lattice structure
It is Bad Conductor of Electricity Good conductor of electricity
due to absence of free electron
 Diamond glitters better than glass because
a) It has maximum refractive index of 2.46
b) It encourages total internal refection of light.

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 Graphite is called black lead. The only metal that writes on

paper is lead.
 Pencil lead is a mixture of Graphite and clay.
 The percent of lead in Pencil lead in Zero.
The allotrope of carbon used to make black printing ink is
carbon black. It is also used rubber tyres as coloring agent.


 A substance having single layer carbon chain recently

discovered is GRAPHENE. It is discovered by Scientist Geim
(Noble prize 2010 in chemistry)
 Grapheme is
1) Thinnest substance
2) Hard like Diamond
3) Good conductor of electricity
4) Transparent nature. Therefore graphene is nowadays widely
used in LCD, LED and Touch Screen Technology.

Some general important facts:

 The type of steel used to make helmets is manganese steel.

 The chemical that can dissolve glass is HF (Hydro Fluoric acid)
Hence HF is used to write names on glass
 The solution that can dissolve gold is Aqua regia. Aqua regia is
a mixture of Hcl + HN𝑶𝟑 in 3:1 ration.


Coal exists in Earth Crust and contains solid, liquid and gaseous
components. Hence on burning it produces smoke. Coal on
destructive distillation gives

i) Coal gas,

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ii) Coal tar and coke

iii) Coke: it is known as Cooking Coal and it does not produce smoke
on burning.

Types of Coals:

Coal exists in the following four varieties

1) Anthracite Coal (90%C)

2) Bituminous Coal (80% C)
3) Lignite (70% C)
4) Peat (60%C)
 The purity of coal depends upon the percent of carbon in it
 The purest form of coal in Anthracite coal. The olden form of coal
having maximum calorific value is also Anthracite Coal.
 The most abundant form of coal available in Telangana state is
Bituminous coal
 The type of coal used for domestic and industrial purpose is
Bituminous Coal
 The type of coal known as Brown Coal (or) rock coal is lignite.
 The type of coal which contains residues of plant origin is Peat.


Nitrogen was discovered by Daniel Rutherford. Atomic Number is


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 The most abundant gas in atmospheric air is Nitrogen

78.32% followed by oxygen (20.16%).

Composition of Air

Major Gases Minor Gases

Trace Gases 𝑁2 = 78.32%
Ar = 0.93% Ne, He,
Co, No

𝑂2 = 20.16% 𝐶𝑂2 = 0.03%

S𝑂2 , 𝑆𝑂3 , 𝑂3 𝑒𝑡𝑐

 The ratio of 𝑁2 and 𝑂2 gases in air is 4:1. Air contains volume
𝑁2 gas and parts by weight of Nitrogen.
 The most important element needed for the growth of plants is
Nitrogen (NPK fertilizer).
 Nitrogen is liberated from decomposition of Dead Animals.
 The element that enters into soil through rain water is Nitrogen.
 Leguminous plants absorb 𝑁2 gas from air and convert it into
Nitrates (N𝑂3−) in their roots. So Nitrogen is fixed into soil.
 Chips packets and pickle jars, Dry fruits packets are filled with
Nitrogen gas to provide inert atmosphere.
 The sperm of animal (mainly sperm of OX) is preserved in liquid
nitrogen at
- 1960 𝑐
 The gas mixture used for the respiration of patients is 𝑂2 + 𝑁2 .

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OXYGENO (𝑶𝟐 ):- It was discovered by Joseph Priestly.

 The most abundant element on earth is OXYGEN followed by

 It is the most abundant element in Human body,
 It is the gas needed for the respiration of living cells.
 It is the gas needed for the combustion of fuels.
 The gas evolved during photosynthesis in plants is Oxygen (𝑂2 )
 The purity of river water is estimated by knowing the amount of
dissolved Oxygen in it. If the dissolved Oxygen is less than 2mg –
4mg per litre then water is considered to be polluted.
 Gas on burning with Hydrogen gas gives Oxy hydrogen flame,
this oxy hydrogen flame is used for welding (𝑂2 + 𝐻2 ) spectacle
frames. (oxy hydra flame gives 22000 𝑐 temperature)
 Oxygen gas on burning with acetylene (𝐶2 𝐻2 ) gas gives
oxyacetylene flame which gives a tersperatere of 33000 𝑐. This
Oxyacetylene flame is used for welding of Hard Metals like Iron.
 Acetylene gas is produced by dissolving calcium carbide in water
𝐶𝑎𝐶2 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 Ca(𝑂𝐻)2 + 𝐶2 𝐻2

CO POISOING: - The most poisonous gas emitted from motor vehicles

is Carbon Monoxide CO.

 CO is emitted when coal is burnt in closed doors and is

also present in cigarette smoke.
 It has the more tendency to combine with Hemoglobin of
Human blood and when it combines with Hemoglobin, it
forms a complex of Carboxy Hemoglobin
CO + Hb CoHb (Carboxy Hemoglobin)
 The color of this complex is cherry red. Due to formation
of this complex Blood loses its Oxygen carrying capacity
and a person dies of Heart Attack.
 The antidotes for CO poisoning are
1). Carbogens and 2) 𝑂2 gas at high pressure
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Carbogen is a mixture of 90% 𝑂2 + 10% C𝑂2 gases

High P
CoHb + 𝑂2 𝑂2 Hb+ CO
𝑂2 Hb = Oxy hemoglobin
 The safe limit of CO in air is 9ppm (Parts per Million).
If Co concentration is 1000 ppm death takes place immediately.


(1) The gases which produces large amount of heat on burning

are called fuel gases.

1) Natural Gas 5) Producer Gas 9) Coal Gas

2) CNG 6) Water Gas

3) Gobur Gas 7) Semi Water Gas

4) LPG 8) Oil gas

 PNG is piped natural gas. It is used as domestic cooking fuel.

 CNG is compressed natural Gas. It is used as motor fuel.
 CNG Doesn’t Cause Environmental pollution.

Natural Gas

 Main Fuel: Methane(𝑪𝑯𝟒 )

 The natural gas mainly contains methane and it is about 85%.
 Methane gas explodes with air in coal mines. Hence it is called
Fire Damp
 Methane gas is liberated from paddy fields when vegetable
matter (Biomass) decomposes in water. This causes global
warming ( green house gas )

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GOBUR GAS: - it is also known as Biogas

Main Fuel: Methane(𝑪𝑯𝟒 ).

 Gobur gas is prepared by the fermentation of Dung of animals.

 Gobur gas has five times higher fuel value than Dung Brickettes.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

It is Compressed Natural Gas. It is prepared from natural gas.

Main fuel: Methane(𝑪𝑯𝟒 ) and Ethane (𝑪𝟐 𝑯𝟔 )

1) The motor gaseous fuel which do not cause Eco pollution in

2) The first city in the world to introduce CNG as motor fuel is
New Delhi.
3) CNG = methane(C𝐻4 ) + Ethane (𝐶2 𝐻6 ) (fuels)

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LPG: It is liquefied petroleum gas.

It is obtained by the fractional distillation of Natural gas or petroleum

Main Fuel: 𝐵𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝐶4 𝐻10 + 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑒(𝐶3 𝐻8 )

 LPG a liquid during transport and it is a gas during its usage.

 During usage the LPG pipe is cool due to Joule Thomson effect
because as per Joule Thomson Effect, When air moves from high
pressure region to low pressure region, cooling takes place. This
is known as Joule Thomson effect.
 The chemicals added to detect the leakage of LPG is
a. Methyl Mercaptan (or) Methanethiol (𝐶𝐻3 𝑆𝐻)
b. Ethyl Mercaptan (𝐶2 𝐻5 𝑆𝐻)

Producre Gas: - It is a mixture of 𝐶𝑂 + 𝑁2 gases.

It is prepared by passing air over red hot coke.

Producer gas is used as a fuel in Blast Furnace in the extraction of


Water Gas: - It is a mixture of 𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2 gases.

It is prepared by passing Steam over red hot coke.

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C + 𝐻2 𝑂 (Steam) CO + 𝐻2

 Since Co as well as 𝐻2 gases in it bun with Blue coloured flame,

Water gas is called Blue Gas.
1. Water gas is used a fuel in glass industry.

Semi Water Gas- It is a mixture of Co + 𝐻2 + 𝑁2 gases.

2. It is prepared by passing a mixture air and steam on red hot

 Semi water gas is used as an industrial fuel.

Coal gas: Coal gas is prepared by the distructive distillation of coal. It

mainly contains Co and 𝐻2 gases.

Oil Gas: it is prepared by destructive distillation of kerosene and it

mainly contains Ethylene𝐶2 𝐻4 and Acetylene𝐶2 𝐻2 gases.

Carbureted Water Gas:- It is a mixture of water gas and hydro

carbons. It has higher calorific value than water gas and producer gas

 Carbureted water gas is used as industrial fuel.


 These are the gases used in chemical wars.

The following three gases are used as War Gases.

 Phosgene ( CoC𝒍𝟐 ):- it is prepared by reacting Co gas with C𝑙2 .

The chemical name of phosgene is carbonyl chloride.
Co + C𝑙2 CoC𝑙2

 Tear Gas(CC𝑙3 N𝑂2 ):- It is prepared by reacting chloroform with

nitric acid.
The chemical name of tear gas is chloropicrin.
CHC𝑙3 + HN𝑂3 CC𝑙3 N𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂

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Thus the two chemicals needed to manufacture tear gas are

1) Chloroform 2) Nitric acid

3. Mustard Gas: - This gas is used in 1st world war. It’s formula is

C𝐻2 𝐶𝑙 C𝐻2 𝐶𝑙

C𝐻2 ____S______C𝐻2
It is prepared by reacting Ethylene gas with Sulphur mono
chloride(𝑆2 𝐶𝑙2 ).

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The purity of gold is measured in carats.

 The carat value of pure Gold is 24 (100% gold)

 The carat value of Hallmark Gold used as ornamental Gold is
22. It contains 2 carats of copper in it.
 18 carat Gold contains 6 carats (points) of copper in it.
 % of pure Golden 18 carat Gold = × 100 = 75%

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 % of copper in 18 carat Gold = × 100 = 25%
 % 1 carat Gold has % of pure Gold = × 100 = 4. 16%
 Percent of pure Gold in 22 Carat Gold is?

 Percent of copper in 22 carat Gold??

 Percent of pure Gold in 14 carat Gold

 The weight of Diamond is also measured in Carats.

Weight of 1 carat Diamond = 200 mg = 0.2 gm.
The weight of 5 carat Diamond = 5 × 0.2 = 1 gm


It is a chemical reaction that takes place in presence of light

(Photo = light; Graphy = recording)

The Process involved in Photography is Reduction.

 The photography paper is mainly effected by the visible rays

 The chemical coated on photography paper is Silver Bromide
 In photography the fixer used is Sodium Thiosulphate
𝑵𝒂𝟐 𝑺𝟐 𝑶𝟑5𝑯𝟐 o. Its commercial name is Hypo.

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Importance of IR, UV, X, Micro and Radio Waves:

 For taking photographs in dark Infra Red (IR) rays are used.
 To study the ancient documents IR rays one used.
 In physiotherapy for relieving muscle pain IR rays are used
 Breath analysis makes use of IR rays.
 The fake notes are detected by using UV rays
 UV rays are used to detect spoiled eggs.
 The rays used to check luggage in Air ports is X-rays.
 CT scan is computer Tomography. It makes use of X-rays.
 MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This makes use of
Magnetic waves.
 For wireless communication Radio waves are used.
 To find the speed of approaching car the policeman shines
Radio waves.
 RADAR makes use of Radio waves.
 Mobile Phones, Satellite Communication makes use of Micro
 In long distance wireless communication makes use of Micro

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 The element having maximum electro negativity. It is the most

reactive Non-metal is Fluorine. It is called super halogen.
 The element needed for the growth of enamel of teeth is
 In Drinking water, If Fluorine content is less than 1mg/Litre
then it causes dental decay. The antidote for dental decay is
Fluoride tooth paste. In fluoride tooth paste the chemical added
to supplement fluorine is NaF

 If fluorine is greater than 3 mg/lt. Then it causes fluorosis.

 In fluorosis, bones become weak and yellow plaque is formed on
the teeth.

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The state having maximum fluoride problems is Rajasthan

 The cheapest method to remove fluorine from drinking water is

Nalgonda method. In this method to remove fluorine from
drinking water the three chemical mixed are
1) Bleaching Powder 2) lime 3) Alum.

 The Nalgonda process was discovered by NEERI (National

Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nagapur).
 The safe limit of fluorine is drinking water is 1.5 mg/lt.

NEON (Ne):

 The Aero plane the head light is filled with Neon gas to give red
 In shopping malls, the advertising signal is filled with Neon gas
to give bright red light.

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 The metal stored under Kerosene is Sodium.

2Na + 2𝐻2 2NaoH +𝐻2
 When sodium metal reacts with water the gas liberated is 𝐻2
 Sodium metal is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of
Artificial Rubber.


 The metal directly extracted from sea water is magnesium.

 The metal present in chlorophyll of plant leaves is magnesium
and plant leaves attract sunlight and gives the leaves green
 Magnesium Hydroxide Mg (𝑂𝐻)2 is called milk of magnesia. It is
used in antacid tablets to reduce acidity of stomach. It is also
used as purgative for children in gripe waters.
 The formula of Epsom salt is MgS𝑂4 7𝐻2 𝑜. It is used in purgative
for adults.

Importance of some other metals:

 The metal present in vitamin 𝐵12 is Cobalt.

 The metal present in Hemoglobin of Blood is Iron and Red
Colour of Hemoglobin is due to the Presence of Iron.

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 The most abundant metal used by human beings is Iron.

Magnetic field of earth is also due to the presence of iron in it.
 The first man made metal in Vedic times is Copper.
 Some of the soils are red in colour due to presence of Ferric
Oxide F𝑒2 𝑂3 in them.
 Cement has Grey colour due to presence of Ferric Oxide F𝑒2 𝑂3
 The main compounds present in pearl are MgC𝑜3 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑜3


Rain Water:
 The purest natural form of water is Rain water and it is acidic
in nature due to presence of dissolved C𝑜2 , 𝑁2 gases in it.
 The 𝑝𝐻 of rain water is 5.7
 Nitrogen enters into soil through rain water.
 On Earth 97% of water exists as Sea or Ocean water. 2% of
water exists in Ice caps and Snow Mountains. Thirdly 0.6%
water exists as ground water.
 The ground water having hardness up to 200 mg/ltr is fit for
human consumptions.
 The purest man made form of water is Distilled water and it is
used as injection water after sterilization.
 The 𝑝𝐻 of pure water is 7

Ground Water and Sea Water:

 The ground water is basic in nature due to dissolved salts in

 The most impure natural form of water is Sea water. The sea
water is basic in nature due to dissolved salts in it. The 𝑃𝐻 of
sea water is around 8.1.
 Form sea water drinking water is prepared by Reverse
 The most important impurity in sea water is𝑁𝑎𝐶𝑙. The most
abundant element is sea water is chorine followed by sodium.
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 The sea water 𝑁𝑎𝐶𝑙 is prepared by Solar Evaporation.

 The sea weed is an important source of Iodine.
Iodine was first discovered by Bernard courtois.
 We need 𝐼2 for the growth of Thyroxin hormone. The deficiency
of Iodine causes Goiter disease. The antidote for goiter is
Iodized salt. In iodized salt the chemical mixed in India to
supplement Iodine is Potassium Iodate (𝐾𝐼𝑂3 ).

Hardness of Water: -

 Water exists in Hard and Soft forms in nature. Hardness is

due to Bicarbonates, Chlorides and Sulphates of Calcium and
Magnesium. Soft water does not contain any dissolved salts in
it. But hard water contains dissolved salts in it.

 How Hardness is detected?

 Hardness of water is detected by using Soap solution. Soft
water form Lather with soap and hard water do not give lather
with soap.
 If hard water is consumed it may cause kidney stone. The
main chemical formed in kidney stones is calcium oxalate
Ca𝐶2 𝑂4 . Tomatoes contain oxalic acid 𝐻2 𝐶2 𝑂4 in them.

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 If Hard water is used in Boilers white scales are formed on the

inner sides. This is due to formation of calcium chloride Ca𝐶𝑙2
and magnesium chloride MgC𝑙2


 Soap is a salt formed from higher fatty acids and alkali. Soap
is a Sodium or Potassium salt of Stearic acid, Oleic acid and
Palmitic acid

Oil/Fat + NaOH gives Washing soap + Glycerol

Oil/fat + KOH gives Toilet soap + Glycerol
 The by-product always formed in the manufacture of soap is
 The main chemical present in Soap is Sodium Stearate.
 In shaving soap the chemical added to get lather is Potassium
Stearate and chemical in After shavelotion is Ethyl Alcohol to
give cool and smooth feeling.


 The temporary hardness of water is due to dissolved calcium

bicarbonates(Ca(𝐻𝐶𝑂3 )2 )and magnesium bicarbonates
(Mg(𝐻𝐶𝑂3 )2 )
 In water C𝑎2+ , M𝑔2+, HC𝑂3− ions produce temporary hardness
to water.
 The temporary hardness removed by the following 3 methods
 Boiling and Filtration
 Soda Method using N𝑎2 C𝑂3
 Clark’s Method using Ca(𝑂𝐻)2
 In Clark’s method of removing temporary hardness of water
the chemical Hydroxide (lime)

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 The permanent hardness of water is due to calcium

chloride(CaC𝑙2 ), Calcium Sulphate (CaS𝑂4 ), Magnesium
chloride(MgC𝑙2 ), Magnesium sulphate(MgS𝑂4 ) in water.
 In water C𝑎2+ , M𝑔2+, C𝑙 −, S𝑂42− ions produce permanent
 The permanent hardness of water is removed by using the
following 5 methods.
o Distillation
o Soda method N𝑎2 C𝑂3
o Calgon Method N𝑎6 (𝑝𝑂3 )6
o Permutit Method N𝑎2 A𝑙2 S𝑂2 O8S
o Ion Exchange Method
 The most modern method used to remove permanent hardness
of water is Ion Exchange Method
 After removing Cation and Anion impurities the water formed
in this method is called deionized water to this water small
amount of Na, Mg salts are mixed to preserve mineral water.
 In the manufacture of Mineral water the principle used
Reverse osmosis.
 In the manufacture of Mineral water bacteria is killed by using
ozone gas or UV rays.


The most abundant metal present in Earth’s crust is Aluminium

followed by Iron.

 Aluminium is self protective metal. This is because it forms a

layer of on it which protects further corrosion of the metal.
 The main chemical compound present in Ornamental stones like
Sapphire, Ruby etc is Aluminium Oxide(𝐴𝑙2 𝑂3 )
 Silver paint is a mixture of Aluminium Powder and linseed oil.
The percent of Silver in Silver paint is zero.

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 Thermite is a mixture of F𝑒3 𝑂3 + Al in 3:1 ration. This is used for

welding rails.
 Ammonal is a mixture of Ammonium Nitrate and Al powder. It is
used as an explosive.
 Ammotol is a mixture of Ammonium Nitrate and TNT (Trinitro
Toluene). It is also used as explosive. So Ammonium Nitrate
declared an explosive by government of India recently.
 The most important ore of Aluminium is Bauxite. Its formula is
A𝑙2 𝑂3 2𝐻2 o
 The impurity present in red bauxite is F𝑒2 𝑂3 and in white
Bauxite is Silica Si𝑂2


The most abundant element on Earth after Oxygen is Silicon. Silicon

is an element and Silica Si𝑂2 is a compound.

 The best semiconductor is Silicon followed by Germanium.

 Silicon and Germanium are used as metalloids in Transistors.
 Solar cells or photo Voltaic cells are made up of Silicon.
 Computer chips or Microprocessors are made up of Silicon
 Sodium Silicate N𝑎2 𝑆𝑖𝑂3 is called as water glass. It is used as
caking agent in detergent Cakes.
 The pure form of Silica is quartz. Quartz crystals are used in
wrist watches to measure time accurately. The latest type of
watches used to measure time very exactly are Atomic Watches.
 In Electronic Gadgets, Medicine bottles to absorb moisture silica
gel are used.


 The non metal stored under water is phosphorus. White

phosphorus when exposed to air burns to produce phosphorus

𝑃4 + 5𝑂2 2𝑃2 𝑂5

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 𝑃2 𝑂5 has garlic smell Hence white phosphorus has garlic smell.

 The most reactive allotrope of phosphorus is white phosphorus.
The least reactive allotrope of phosphorus is Red phosphorus.
 The allotrope of phosphorus used in match industry is Red
 White phosphorus glows in dark. It is known as
 The match stick tip contains :
o 1) potassium chlorate KCl𝑂3
o 2) Antimony Tri Sulphide S𝑏2 𝑆3 and
o 3) glue
 The striking surface of Match box contain
o 1) Red phosphorus
o 2) Antimony Tri Sclphide S𝑏2 𝑆3
o 3) ground glass powder
 The chemicals used for Rat poison are
o 1) white phosphorus
o 2) Zinc phosphide Z𝑛3 𝑃2
o 3) warferene.

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The element used in vulcanization of rubber is Sulphur. The element

sulphur is called Brimstone in olden days.

 The most stable allotrope of sulphur is Rhombic Sulphur

95.60 𝑐

Sulphur Monoclinic Sulphur

(𝛼 − 𝑆𝑢𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑢𝑟) (𝛽 − 𝑆𝑢𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑢𝑟)
 The transition temperature of sulphur is 95.60 𝑐

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 Natural rubber is a polymer of Isoprene and is when heated to

1400 𝑐 it is converted to vulcanized rubber

1400 𝑐

Natural Rubber Vulcanized Rubber

 The Vulcanized Rubber is 1) More Elastic 2) Bears more weight

3) More heat resistant and 4) more durable than Natural
 The vulcanization of Rubber was discovered by Good Year.
 Onions, Garlic and Ginger have characteristic strong odours.
This is due to presence of sulphur compounds in them.
 The sulphur drugs are used for treating skin diseases.


 The element having maximum Electron Affinity is Chlorine.

 The element used to kill bacteria in drinking water is Chlorine.
 The common element which is absent in fertilizers is
 The gas which is absent in air surround us is Chlorine (𝐶𝑙2 )
 The purification of drinking water is carried out in the following
3 stages:
 SEDIMENTATION: In this stage alum is added to water. Then
The heavier particle settle down at the bottom due to coagulation
 FILTRATION: In this stage, the water is passed through a thick
layer of sand and the tiny particles are filtered out.
 CHLORINATION: In this third stage, Bleaching powder is added
to water to sterilize (kill bacteria).
 The formula of Bleaching Powder is Cao𝐶𝑙2 (Calcium Chloro
hypochlorite or Calcium Hypo chlorite of Calcium Oxy chlorite)
 When bleaching powder is dissolved in water 𝐶𝑙2 gas is evolved
Cao𝐶𝑙2 + 𝐻2 O Ca(𝑜𝐻)2 + 𝑐𝑙2

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 𝐶𝑙2 Gas again reacts with water and forms finally nascent oxygen
which kills bacteria
𝐶𝑙2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 Gives HCl + HOCl (Hypochlorus Acid)
HOCl gives HCl + (O) Nascent Oxygen


 The most abundant inert gas in air is Argon.

 Argon gas is nowadays filled in Electric bulbs to enhance their
shelf life
 Argon +Hg vapor is filled into a fluorescent lamp to give bright
white light.


 The alkali metal needed for the growth of plants is Potassium.

 Liquid potassium is used in high temperature thermometers


 The most abundant metal present in Human Body is Calcium

and The non-metal needed for the growth of Bone is Phosphorus
 The main compound present in Bones is calcium phosphate
C𝑎3 (𝑃𝑂4 )2

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𝜶 𝜷 𝜸 RAYS:

These rays are called radioactive rays.

Radio Activity: The emission of rays by unstable heavy elements like

Uranium is called radio activity. Radio activity was discovered by
Henry Becquerel and The name Radio Activity was given by Modem

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 𝛼, 𝛽 rays were discovered by Rutherford

 𝛾 rays were discovered by Paul Villard
 X-rays were discovered by Roentgen.
 UV rays were discovered by John Ritter.
 IR rays were discovered by William Herschel.
 Cosmic rays were discovered by Victor Hess.
 Radio waves were discovered by Maxwell
 Micro waves were discovered by Spencer
Alpha Particle:
 Alpha particle is identical with Helium Nucleus. It contains 2
protons + 2 neutrons.
 An alpha particle is represented by 42𝐻𝑒 (or ) H𝑒 + + . Thus the
Alpha particle contains 2 units of positive charge and 4 units of
Beta Particle:
Beta particle is a fast moving election that comes out of a
radioactive atomic nuclear
1n 1𝑃 + + 1𝑒 − + Ante neutrino
 Beta particle has one unit –ve charge and negligible mass.

Gamma Rays:

𝛾 - Rays are electromagnetic waves. They travel with velocity of

light. They have neutral charge and negligible mass.

 𝛾 - rays contain small energy particles called photons.

 In 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾 rays, bleachingthe unsafe rays are 𝛾 rays

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 The rays used for cancer treatment are 𝛾 rays.

 The metal used for cancer treatment is CO – 60 and CO-60
releases 𝛾 rays.
 The doctors doing 𝛾 ray treatment protect their body by using
lead jackets.
 For preserving vegetables for 1 or 2 months the rays X (or) 𝛾 are
passed on them. This process is known as irradiations.
 The instruments used to detect rays or radioactive rays are
1) Geiger Muller Counter
2) Scintillation Counter
3) Wilson cloud Chamber


Nuclear fission is a reaction in which a large nuclei breaks apart into

two smaller nuclei, releasing a great deal of energy. Nuclei
can fission on their own spontaneously, but only certain nuclei, like
uranium-235 and plutonium-239, can sustain a fission chain

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The principle involved in the construction of Atom Bomb is Nuclear


 The principle involved in the construction of Nuclear reactor is

Nuclear Fission.
 In Atom Bombs and nuclear reactor the fuel used is U-235. It
is bombarded with a neutron
n U – 235 56 𝐵𝑎 + 36 𝐾𝑟 + 30 n + 200 Mev

 Nuclear Fission was discovered by Ottohann strassmann.

 The first atom bomb was designed by: Open Hammer.
 The First Nuclear Reactor was designed by E. Fermi.
 The country having maximum reserves of Uranium is
 The country having maximum production of Uranium is :
 The country having maximum usage of Nuclear energy is
 The important mineral of Uranium is Pitch Blende ( 𝑈3 𝑂8 ).
Purified Uranium oxide is known as yellow cake it is smuggled
across countries in the name of yellow cake.
 The country having maximum reserves of Thorium in India
(32%). The important Ore of Thorium is Monazite (Th𝑜2 ). The
state having maximum reserves of Monazite is kerala
 When Thorium is bombarded with neutrons, U-233 is formed.
It is used as nuclear fuel in some reactors in India
 The first Indian Nuclear Reactor is Apsara.

Nuclear Reactors:

A nuclear reactor produces and controls the release of energy from

splitting the atoms of certain elements. In a nuclear power reactor,
the energy released is used as heat to make steam to generate

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Components of Nuclear Reactors

Fuel. Uranium is the basic fuel. Usually pellets of uranium oxide

(UO2) are arranged in tubes to form fuel rods.

Moderator. Material in the core which slows down the neutrons

released from fission so that they cause more fission. It is usually
water, but may be heavy water or graphite

Control rods. These are made with neutron-absorbing material

such as cadmium, hafnium or boron, and are inserted or
withdrawn from the core to control the rate of reaction, or to halt

Coolant. A fluid circulating through the core so as to transfer the

heat from it. In light water reactors the water moderator functions
also as primary coolant


In nuclear physics, nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which

two or more atomic nuclei come very close and then collide at a very
high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. During

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this process, matter is not conserved because some of the matter of

the fusing nuclei is converted to photons (energy)

 The principle involved in the release of huge amount of heat

energy from sun and stars Nuclear Fusion.
 The principle involved in the construction f Hydrogen bomb is
Nuclear Fusion.
 Hydrogen Bomb was discovered by Edward Teller. So he is
called as Father of Hydrogen Bomb.
 The main reaction taking place in Sun and Stars is:
1𝐻 + 1𝐻 2𝐻𝑒 + Energy
2 2 4

 The element that undergoes fusion on Sun’s surface is

Hydrogen and the inert gas formed is Helium.
 Nuclear Fusion is a Thermo Nuclear reaction. It needs Kelvin
temperature to start it. Therefore an atom bomb is used as a
match stick for the function of Hydrogen bomb.
 Hydrogen bomb is 1000 times powerful than an Atom Bomb.


 The place surrounding us comprising Air, Water, soil, Plants,

Animal, Human beings and Bacteria etc is called Environment
and it provides is favorable conditions to live.
 Compared to Plants, Animals, Bacteria, The Human beings
causes more Environmental pollution.

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 Out Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Sound pollution and Soil

Pollution, The Soil pollution do not spread to other parts.

The four important segments of environment one

1) Atmosphere (Air)
2) Hydrosphere (water)
3) Lithosphere (Rock)
4) Biosphere ( living beings)
 The layer of air covering earth is called Atmosphere and It is
extended up to 1000 km above earth.
 The percent of Earth’s surface covered by Hydrosphere is 70%.
Human body cells contain 60 – 70% of water in them.
 Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas exist in lithosphere.
 In the above four spheres the spheres which is extended in
other 3 spheres is Biosphere.


The atmosphere is mainly made up of following 5 segments.

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(1) Troposphere (0 – 11-12 km): It is the layer of atmosphere

covering earthand cloud float in it due to their low density.

(2) Stratosphere (11-12km – 50 km) :

 Jet planes Travel in stratosphere became they need Oxygen
gas for the combustion of their fuels due to almost low
constant temperature and low air density.
 The ozone layer is present in Stratosphere.

(3) Mesosphere (50km – 85 km)

(4) Ionosphere (85km – 500 km)
(5) Exosphere (500km – 1000 km)
 The radio waves are transmitted to earth from Ionosphere.
 When a Rocket is approaching earth from outer space it fist
enters into Exosphere


The protective umbrella that absorbs 99% of UV rays coming on to

earth from Sun and Stars is ozone layer.

 The ozone layer is present in stratosphere.

 The ozone layer is mainly spoiled due to Chlorofluoro carbons.
 If UV rays fall in small quantity on our skin it produces
vitamin D.
 Due to depletion of ozone lays if oxen of UV rays reach earth
they cause (1) skin cancer (2) Cataract (3) decrease of
Photosynthesis (4) increase of food Crisis.
 The type of glass which filters UV rays is crooks glass. Crooks
glass contains Cerium oxide CeO therefore it filters UV rays.

Note: - In shampoos to dispel dandruff the chemical added is

Selenium Oxide (SeO)

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 In stratosphere when UV rays fall on Oxygen, Ozone gas is

formed. Ozone is an unstable gas and it decomposes to give
3𝑂2 2𝑂3

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These are known CFCs or Freon gases. Chloro Flouro carbons are
used as

(1) As coolants in A/C and refrigeration industry

(2) In the manufacture of plastic foams

(3) As solvents to clean electronic equipments

(4) As pressurizing agents in spray scent bottles.

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 The domestic refrigerators make use of Freon as coolant. In

older days they were using liquid 𝑁𝐻3

 The two important Chloro fluoro carbons are:

(1) C𝐹2 C𝑙2 Dichloro Difluoro Methane ( Freon 12)
(2) CFC𝑙3 Trichloro Fluoro Methane (Freon 11)
 The chlorofluorocarbons undergo free radical chain reaction
with ozone.
 Each CFC spoils one lakh 𝑂3 molecules into 𝑂2
 The average life of CFC molecule is 100 years.
 Even today the use of CFC is ice factories and cold storage
plants are banned. So they make use of liquid Ammonia as
 Note:
1) The air pollutant that affects TajMahal is 𝑆𝑜2
2) Thermal power stations produce air pollutants 𝑆𝑜2 , C𝑜2
3) Urban people suffer more with lung diseases because of air
pollutant 𝑆𝑜2 than in rural places.
4) The air pollutant emitted from public toilets and poultry
shed is 𝑁𝐻3


 The acid rains are due to Nitrogen Oxides and Sulphur oxides
formed in air
 Motor vehicles produce Nitrogen oxides into air (more
important is them is N𝑂2 )
 Industries produce sulphur Oxides by burning of coal in them
(more important in the is N𝑂2 )
 These oxides dissolve in rain water and form Acid rain
 2S𝑂2 + 𝑂2 2S𝑂3
S𝑂3 + 𝐻2 O 𝐻2 S𝑂4
4N𝑂2 + 2𝐻2 O 4HN𝑂3
 The two main acid present in Acid rain are 𝐻2 S𝑂4 and HN𝑂3 .

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 When acid rain fall on crops the main damage is due to (𝐻2 S𝑂4 )
 When acid rain falls on marble structure like TajMahal stone
lepracy is formed. In white(Stone) leprosy the substance
formed is Ca𝑆𝑂4
CaC𝑂3 + 𝐻2 S𝑂4 CaS𝑂4 + C𝑂2 + 𝐻2 O
 The pH range of acid rain is 3.5 to 5 or 4.4 to 5.5
 The pH of rain water is 5.7 or 5.6

Effects of Acid Rains:

The acid rains cause

1) Skin diseases
2) Decrease of quality of Drinking water.
3) Decrease of Ancient monuments like TajMahal
4) Soil pollution and Food crisis.

The best methods and to reduce acid rains are

1) Zooming of Industries from cities.

2) Increase of use of Electric mode of transport
3) Use of CNG type of Eco friendly motor fuels.


It is also known as Green House Effect. The gases C𝑂2 , C𝐻4 , CFC,
𝑁2 O, 𝑂3 , water vapour (𝐻2 O) etc are called Green House Gases. If
these gases are in excess in atmosphere then the temparature
increases. This is known as global warming

 The most important Green House gas is 𝐶𝑂2 . It absorbs IR

rays from sun causes global warming.
 The Green House gas emitted from paddy fields is Methane.
 Global warming causes untimely rains and evaporation of
surface water. The crop yield decreases and increases food
 The best method to control global warming is Aforestation.

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DDT Pollution:

DDT is Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro Ethane and it was discovered

by Paul Muller

 The type of pollution caused by DDT is

1) Air pollution 2) Water pollution
2) Soil pollution 4) All above
 BHC is Benzene hex chloride its formula is 𝐶6 𝐻6 𝐶𝑙2 . The
common name of BHC is Gammexane. It is used as pesticide.
It is also used to kill ants.
 The dispel moths, cockroaches and silver fish from dress
material the substance used in Naphthalene.
 The chemicals used to kill rats (Rat Poison) are
1) White phosphor
2) Zinc phosphide Z𝑛3 𝑃2
3) Warferene
 The chemical used to kill mosquitoes is Pyrithrin (used in
liquid mosquito killers like Allout )


 The chemical sprayed on clouds to get artificial rains is Silver

Iodide (AgI) along with Nacl.
 The Beijing Olympics the chemical sprayed on clouds to stop
rains in liquid sodium.

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