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What is the purpose of the Johari window?

To help you see things from a new perspective To help you make a life-changing decision
To develop self-awareness and group dynamics To demonstrate that you are better than
your peers
1. What do subjects and peers select for the Johari window?
Adjectives describing the subjects' personality
Verbs to suggest actions to take as a solution to a problem
Nouns that they associate with themselves
All of these are selected.
2. In the Johari window, what adjectives go into the open or arena square?
Those selected by the subject but not the peers.
Those selected by both peers and subject.
Those selected by peers but not the subject.
The original list of 55 adjectives

In the Johari Window, the information about yourself that you don't know but
others do is your
  open self.
blind self.
unknown self.
hidden self.

In the Johari Window, the things that we know about ourselves and keep to
ourselves represent our
  unknown self.
blind self.
open self.
hidden self.
When you move information from the hidden self into the open self, you're


The most hospitable setting for self-disclosure is

  large groups.
small groups.
a dyad.
a public speaking situation.

Which of the following is NOT true about self-disclosure?

  Self-disclosure increases relationship satisfaction.

Women generally self-disclose more than men.
People who self-disclose are less vulnerable to illness.
Reciprocal self-disclosure occurs at higher levels face-to-face than it does online.

The more you perceive a situation as one in which others will evaluate you, the
greater your _________ will be.
Affirmation involves

  saying "yes" to another's requests.

engendering self-acceptance.
empathizing with someone who wishes to disclose.
taking risks with self-disclosure.

Acquiring communication skills, focusing on success, and reducing

unpredictability are ways of managing

To increase you self-awareness, you should

  seek out information to reduce your blind self.

listen to others.
increase your open self.
All of the above.

_______ disclose more to members of the extended family than ______ do.

  Single men, married men

Men, women
Single men, married women
Women, men
Instead, multiple intelligences represents different intellectual abilities. Learning styles,
according to Howard Gardner, are the ways in which an individual approaches a range of tasks.

What is your definition of success?

This is important. Most of us are chasing success that has been defined by society or someone
else. First you need to get clear on what your own goals are and what benchmarks you'd like to
2. Have you achieved this thus far in your career?
You may already be successful in your own eyes, yet have not acknowledged it. If you are,
celebrate the fact that you have created a success that is meaningful to you.
3. If you already feel successful, how did you create it?
What was the root cause of this success? Make a list of actions or attributes that led to this
triumph. If you already feel successful, then they key is getting clear on what has created this
success and how you can continue to cultivate these behaviors in your life.
4. If you have not created the success you want yet, what is preventing this from
occurring? Is it you, or something else?
This is a tough one, but it's important to be honest here. There are so many ways we--and
others--can keep ourselves from achieving what we truly want. Be conscious of
the psychological baggage you may be harboring. Note any toxic people, behaviors, or personal
thoughts that you need to eliminate from your environment.
5. Are you seeking approval from anyone else besides yourself?
Sometimes it's hard to tell when you are seeking approval from others, but think of the important
people in your life. Do you get a jolt of joy from sharing your accomplishments with them, even if
the accomplishments don't feel good to you? If you are measuring success by other people's
metrics, then you will never feel it yourself.
6. Do you care what other people think?
We all care what other people think. It's part of being human! Are you doing work that looks
good to others but doesn't feel good to you? Is money clouding your ability to do work you
enjoy? Do you ever feel that the work you do is for "show"?
7. Are you making an impact in the world that feels good to you?
Are you helping other people or creating a change in the world (no matter how small!) that gives
you purpose? If not, then you may lacking fulfillment in your life. Feeling fulfilled is just as
important as covering your bills and feeding yourself. Fulfillment is key to accessing motivation
and the energy to get up in the mornings.
8. Today, make a choice. Do you want to feel successful or look successful?
Most people are optimizing how they appear, rather than how they feel. It's important that you
know which one you want and which one you are living your life for.
9. Do you believe that you can create the opportunities that you desire?
Confidence, tenacity and constant belief in yourself are key ingredients to being successful.
Find a daily practice that allows you to overcome any negative messages in your mind and any
baggage that could be holding you back.
10. Do you have someone that supports you regardless of your ability to be successful?
It's important to have support. Whether this is a partner, friend, family member or coach, you
need to have someone to turn to who will help you no matter where you are in life.
Answer all of the questions above and get clear on one area that you can focus on for this week
that will allow you to move the needle towards your own definition of success.
Having that clarity will allow you to notice when you are exhausting your efforts on something
that is really for someone else--not yourself.
Nothing is better than feeling successful every day, no matter what others say. 

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