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Knee Anatomy the femur has a medial and a lateral condyle, each of

which has a distinct shape that corresponds to the

shape of the tibial plateau (Fig. 2). The shape of these
condyles is important in the movement of the tibia
A Brief Review on the femur. The proximal end of the tibia flares to
create a plateau with medial and lateral sections
divided by the tibial spine (Fig. 3). The menisci
TURNER A. BLACKBURN, MEd, deepen the contour of these plateaus to provide a
and EMILY CRAIG, MS good "seat" for the corresponding femoral condyles
(Fig. 4). This added depth is extremely important
because the lateral femoral condyle and lateral tibial
plateau are both somewhat convex.
Key Words: Knee joint. EXTENSOR MECHANISM

The extensor, or quadriceps femoris, mechanism

To understand knee problems, you must know the consists in part of six muscles (the rectus femoris, the
anatomy of this most complex joint. This usually calls vastus intermedius, the vastus lateralis, the vastus
for repeated trips to the anatomy laboratory to dissect medialis longus, the vastus medialis obliquus, and the
and study knee anatomy. As it is impossible for us to articularis genu), one tendon (the quadriceps fe-
share the dissection with you physically, we are pro- moris), and the patellar ligament (often referred to as
viding the following drawings and photographs as a the patellar tendon) (Fig. 5). The patella (the largest
brief review for your continued research and study. sesamoid in the body) is a critical component of the
This article will concentrate on structures about the
knee that have clinical importance and will not at-
tempt to be a comprehensive review of knee anatomy.
The knee is usually viewed as consisting of the
tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints. The tibio-
femoral joint is divided into medial and lateral com-
partments. The following information is organized
according to the structures found in either compart-


The osseous portions of the knee are the femur,

tibia, patella, and fibula (Fig. 1). The distal end of Fig. 2. Distal femoral topography.

Fig. 3. The surface of the intercondylar notch of the

femur and the tibial spine providing bony stability, much
Fig. 1. Osseous anatomy of the knee. like a horseback rider straddling a horse.


Fig. 4. The menisci shown here
in their figure-eight pattern upon
the tibia. Fig. 5. Muscles of the extensor mechanism.

extensor mechanism: its location allows greater me- are subject to inflammation caused by trauma (pri-
chanical advantage for the extension of the knee. The marily to the prepatellar) and by overuse (infrapatel-
direction of pull exerted on the patella by the muscles lar). Other bursae are present about the anterior,
provides for a great amount of dynamic stability of medial, and lateral portions of the knee.1
the patella. The articulating surface of the patella The synovial membrane of the knee develops from
consists of five areas (Fig. 6). three separate pouches. Seams from this fusion are
The extensor mechanism includes still other struc- present in the synovial membrane. These seams are
tures. The fat pad lies beneath the patellar tendon as are termed plicae and are somewhat inconstant in
it runs from the inferior patellar pole to the tibial nature.2 The plica usually courses medially beneath
tubercle. The patellofemoral and the patellotibial lig- the extensor mechanism and runs distally along the
aments, thickenings in the extensor retinaculum that medial patella border across the medial femoral con-
covers the anterior portion of the knee, stabilize the dyle, finally attaching to the fat pad (Fig. 7). Because
patella. The prepatellar bursa lies between the skin the synovial membrane of the knee is large, in fact
and the anterior surface of the patella. The infrapa- the largest synovial membrane in the body, it obtains
tellar bursa lies deep to the patellar tendon but in needed support from the articularis genu during
front of the infrapatellar fat pad. These two bursae movements of the knee.

▲ Fig. 6. The five regions of the articu­

lating surfaces of the patella.
Fig. 7. Other components of the ex- ►
tensor mechanism.

Volume 60 / Number 12, December 1980 1557

Fig. 10. The menis­
cus (black wedge),
closely attached to
the capsular liga­
ments. (MF—menis-
cal femoral ligament,
TC—tibial collateral
ligament, and MT—
meniscal tibial liga­

Fig. 8. Muscles of the medial compartment niscus as well as to the tibia. The muscular attachment
to the medial meniscus pulls the meniscus posteriorly
from the joint as the knee flexes (Fig. 9).
MEDIAL COMPARTMENT The medial meniscus is intimately attached to the
capsular ligaments at its periphery. Thus these cap-
The medial compartment of the knee is supported sular ligaments are divided into the meniscofemoral
by a portion of the extensor retinaculum (Fig. 8). and meniscotibial ligaments (Fig. 10). These capsular
Other muscles of the thigh aid in dynamic stability of ligaments lie deep to the tibial collateral ligament,
the knee. Ligamentous stability of the knee involves which originates at the medial femoral epicondyle
several planes of motion, as explained in another and courses distally and attaches beneath the pes
article in this series (Classification of the Knee Insta- anserinus group on the tibia.3
bility). Dynamic stabilization is of the utmost impor- A superior view of the tibia (Fig. 11) shows the
tance when dealing with individuals who have knee capsular ligaments. The medial capsular ligaments
instability. The pes anserinus group (sartorius, gra- are longitudinally divided into three groups. The
cilis, and semitendinosus muscles) crosses the poste- anterior third is seen anteromedially. The middle
rior medial area of the joint and attaches to the third provides stability through its thickened struc-
anterior medial part of the tibia at the level of the tures. The posterior third is often referred to as the
tibial tubercle. The adductor magnus muscle attaches posterior oblique ligament and is important in con-
to the femoral condyle at the adductor tubercle. The trolling anteromedial rotatory instability.
semimembranosus muscle with itsfivebranches is an The posterior cruciate ligament is also included in
important medial stabilizer of the knee. Fibers from the medial compartment (Fig. 12). It is often referred
these branches support the posterior capsule and the to as the "main stabilizer" of the knee and is com-
posteromedial capsule and attach to the medial me- posed of posteromedial and anteromedial bundles.

Fig. 9. Medial structures of the knee demonstrating the

superficial tibial collateral ligament and the branches of Fig. 11. Superior view of the tibial plateau showing cap­
the semimembranosus muscle. sular ligaments.


Fig. 12. The two bundles of the posterior cruciate liga­
ment providing stability throughout the range of motion of
the knee. (PM—posteromedial bundle, AL—anterolat­
eral bundle.)

Fig. 14. Ligamentous and other supporting structures of

The tension within each bundle varies as the knee the lateral compartment.
moves from flexion to extension. The posterior cru-
ciate ligament tightens as the tibia internally rotates
on the femur. Its origin is on the intercondylar surface structure as it reinforces the posterior third of the
of the medial femoral condyle and its insertion is on lateral capsular ligament.
the fovea of the tibia.4 The fibular collateral ligament overlies the lateral
capsular ligaments (Fig. 14). The lateral capsular
LATERAL COMPARTMENT ligaments attach to the lateral meniscus (Fig. 14) in
much the same way that ligaments attach to the
Lateral compartment structures of the knee are medial meniscus. These lateral ligaments are divided
somewhat analogous to the medial compartment into the meniscofemoral and meniscotibial sections of
structures. Muscular support is provided by the ilio- the lateral capsule. The anterior third of the lateral
tibial band and iliotibial tract (these structures are capsule provides little static support. The middle third
divided by their orientation according to the inter- of the lateral capsular ligaments is responsible for
muscular septum). These structures attach anterolat- providing support against anterolateral rotatory insta-
erally into Gerdy's tubercle (Fig. 13). The biceps bility. The posterior lateral third of the lateral com-
femoris has two heads that attach as shown in Figure partment is supported by the arcuate complex (Fig;
13. The popliteus muscle originates on the lateral 15). The complex is composed of thefibularcollateral
femoral condyle and inserts on the posterior, medial ligament, the popliteus tendon, the posterior third of
edge of the tibia. Its insertion forms an important the capsular ligament, and the arcuate ligament.5

Fig. 15. Posterior structures of the knee, including ar­

Fig. 13. Muscles of the lateral compartment. cuate complex.

Volume 60 / Number 12, December 1980 1559

Fig. 16. Bundles of the anterior cruciate ligament. A) During knee flexion a majority of bundles are lax and only a
portion taut, B) during knee extension most bundles are taut, and C) during severe knee hyperextension the bundles
are torn by the femur.

Also included in the lateral compartment is the muscular actions. The soft tissue components about
anterior cruciate ligament. One of its three bundles is the knee were described in relation to the osseous
the anteromedial bundle, originating posteriorly and components that divide the knee into medial and
superiorly on the medial surface of the lateral femoral lateral compartments. This article is to serve to intro-
condyle and inserting on the medial aspect of the duce this special issue, giving the clinician a greater
intercondylar eminence of the tibia. More anteriorly understanding of the interaction between structure
and distally is the posterolateral bundle on the medial and function rather than a comprehensive view of
surface of the lateral femoral condyle, which inserts knee anatomy.
lateral to the midline of the intercondylar eminence.
The intermediate bundle is between these two bundles
(Fig. 16).6 The tension on the bundles is altered as REFERENCES
the knee moves from flexion to extension. The func-
1. Goss CM (ed): Gray's Anatomy, ed 29 (American). Philadel­
tion of the anterior cruciate ligament is still unknown. phia, Lea & Febiger, 1973, p 3 5 3
It has become apparent that it is an important stabi- 2. Harty M, Joyce J: Synovial folds in the knee joint. Ortho­
lizer of the knee. Its structure allows for several paedic Review 6(10):91-92, 1977
3. Hughston JC, Andrews JR, Cross MJ, et al: Classification of
different areas of stability and whether to repair it knee ligament instabilities: 1. The medial compartment and
after injury is controversial. cruciate ligaments. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 58:159-172,
4. Hughston JC, Bowden JA, Andrews JR, et al: Acute tears of
SUMMARY the posterior cruciate ligament. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 62:
4 3 8 - 4 5 0 , 1980
5. Hughston JC, Andrews JR, Cross MJ, et al: Classification of
This article provides a basis for understanding the knee ligament instabilities: 2. The lateral compartment. J
anatomy involved in knee disorders and was directed Bone Joint Surg [Am] 58:173-179, 1976
6. Norwood LA, Cross MJ: Anterior cruciate ligament: Func­
toward structures of clinical importance. The osseous tional anatomy of its bundles in rotary instability. Am J Sports
portions of the knee were discussed in relation to Med 7:23-26, 1979


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