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T5 bENEF1T & 175 Use As
AowERFUL loo o Cor18AT: 6vERTy


Kou NumMBER> 10
would kke do Cxpres my BÞecial
thanks o grakikvcde to my
Ho.Rohd bisaya
S, who gave me the goldern opporknity to
do this wonderul proect en the tobic,Gsus
the evokukion olCoricept ol Bocial
enek 2 tk» Uge ab a poverk kool security,its
Cormbat poverky and inequndi1t roke în
&economic developnnent- How tay Indian
kepitslatimha3 led Ahe cbject o 3otiak
Becuriy, which alo helped me
ot doinga
Kepeach Ond Come to Knos abovt
0Mor ne things
ntroduc lion.
e inikiob.
06iectives o Social Security 2
Evokukion 3
tvokulo Q Social Securik, in Indiq 4
PHe- Dteptndencs Pesioc
Post-Tdepencent feriod
Bere it o Socal Securi
t o ro in Social & economic
Hs ve a þowerkl tool to
Combat þoverky & inequalrky
ndan legislaton on
Socinl Secuity 11
Conckubion. 13
Btbliogroph 15
he Corncebt o 90ciol 9ecuhAb esbenfiol
helade o to he igh ideals ohoraan digniky
9ocial jvslice 1{ iin a woyene o) the
Weoe State 5ocaR Secw measil
ove itroduceo on element a/
Bk06i 2
poiection in he midst o he Btres5ef Ona
Birainb omoden Ke
n geneha 9enge, 9ocial 9ecuuiky e/eps to
Dootec ion providecd by the ouet tD sts metbers
Ggoinsbroidential mibhobs over hich a berkon
ros no Controk "he underkying phikogobhy o
9ocal Secorid ib a t eSHate ha ke
t 2el responbible enBUring a minimum BtOndarc
raferial welane to all is cilizens en a
69i Wide enough to Cover al the main Contin-
gencieb Q ite- In other 9enGe, Bocial ecorik
rirnoi an instrumert 3ocia& eConomic
he tem Pociol 90CUiky is all embhacing.he
BCobe o 9octal gecua , hele{ohe, Veyide
e initiong :>
According to 11O publicakion, Social Secohi
the ecoriky had 30ciety Umishes trovgk
abbrobricte Ouganisation ogainst Cedoin ibks to
which s members aue exoBeol. hebe ibKs ake
eSentfally Contingencieb o e which he ivhdn
mall meanb Cânnot Neciveky prtvide by his
own abi Kiy» OoMebight alone o even îtivate
Combinat ion with hi ellowb."
Willom Beverndge ho deineo ocal Beconiky
asa nmeans O Becuing ak inCome o take Ha
blace eani hos vshenHhey a4e
irdemubBed by
Unemblojmed, $ckness o acciderd provde a
the iedsemert through old oge, to brovide adhd
Kob ebopbouf,by death aanothe eren f
meet DexcepBional expendtkure Connecked with birth,
death, o mavriage he opose Q) Docial ecuity
b to Dvide an inCome t o d minimum X
olbo medical reatmert to bring the irteuptio
ec&ningb to an end as bocm ab
Cbectiveb Socia Securi
he objecdives el 0cial becuviky COn be Sub-
|bummed indo 3 Categories
Compenaion '> Conbenbadion enbtres Cunt
tincome ib based en hib Conbidlerationh
luting the es Tod Contirgency i b s , Hhe
indli dual his tamik3hould hot be ubjecte ol
Ho q deuble calaiky, ie., deikutin & lo33 qf hel
or Work.
ivmb, lile
(RestoratonIt Connoteb Cohe o one'b ichre
Lueemployment, Bo Qs to Hestote tim to lier
Condrlion.In a en e, it is an ertenbim o Compenb
(t evendion > hib meabure impky to Ovod he
o39Qboductive cobaciky ducto icknes.
Unebloimett o inyaliditiy to eain inCome- In
othe wOLdb, thebe megtureb 09e dlebigned with
an obsective to încheabe the materia irctellectn
&mora wel-beîng othe Communik y ederirg
avarable HeBourceb hich ase ubed by avoiclable
diseabe and idlenesb.
Evol dion
e r mony wab the rst Covntry o intbrokuce
|Social ecori ty chune in 1888. Money yro
this und wabUbed oh ood, lodgîng höapitot
and kunerak expenge aged and obled
MeM oeybe
he tem Soctal econi come înto obulav
ter the US Grovernment pa3ed the Social
Cui Acd in 195, îrtoducing the old Qge
enbion bybtem he omalion oTternationd
gbou OÃoniaalon tn1919o_poade ocial
Utice thiCLgh )Intenakional Hancoads.
(t)Providing infomafion
(tt)Technicol asbkonte &quicdonce
(iv) Cooper odion with other Tmtneti
- Onal oiuganibadionb, brovide ho impefub and
litec tion needed by mobt CoUrt rieb
Evolukion Sacial ecuiky in India
he evolokion Q ocial ecorik in Indiq
COn be Audied oady in tuoo egnentb
(e-hdepedence eriocl
b-lndependen ce Period.
Pe-Grdeben dence Period
here wabkavge 9cale îndurfiali zadion în
India trom 1850 ebpecially in the Textik Indsied
6ut abWorKesb beng tokay urogonized. no
aftendion Could be aicd owads the wellase
n 18T dird labour Unrest took ace
0d Embrebb Mis (Nogbu " qor imbovingace
her wogeb In 1890 iYst sade unian bomby
Ml Mords association was touned unde he
Reoderb hip N.M.Lokhande
nie8s Ahe prot total accidet act was
pubbed.Inapte o this workers were lving nde
Very PooY inhumane Condiionb. hehe was hho
provtbions any meokre for B0cial ecuriku
beove 1926
In 1920 Intemational Labour Ohgonialion
gave a boogt to Aabour welare Ond ocial
ecoriky Bchemeb. In he Convent in o 1129 o
TLO e workess Bocial ecuriky chemes-T
he Convention o 1929 o TLO Ye workes
ecuriky Woh CoHbideed s o high importonte
hen rere Came the abþointmet ol Btong
YeCommendadions n lobour welae &octa
Ayle the lr9t world wah, due to Indan
Nadional movemenf Buikish Grovemment 9tauteol|
hinKing about he employees and accoudirg
(tWorkrnen'p Combengation Act, 1923
(he oymend o wages Het 1986
iMinimum woges oyment fct
iMatermit Cene!° Hct, weve passeevom kime
|to ime M. RR. Ambedka wos appointeol as a
Mabouy membeh ol he victory Counci{akter
econdWorld wdy.
he Whitley Commibsion Ae commended hat
pome Aoble Measvres Bhould be -taken to
Ae stote health to ~he workers On the hecommerdk
he Comni6bion and in the Conbulkotion wih
the"adonding Hdvibory Cornmittee o obour Ond
Indsdries"he govemment og eeok foh a
Condsibokony Meclicalcheme rn whih both
employe drdd employee vwil Cordribute touðovds
a common und
In 193tg Condributoly Health Un&wronce
cheme wa Joamulated- A he me time, the
ombayler{ilë enquiry Commitee alo heCommended
the orm vlation helth Inauronce Scheme in
whuch the() employeh.
in) The Stte G1ovevnment Condrihted
touwamds the nd
19h0 duing the p t Labour Minister
Conehence the needoh Bickness Benet tond was
del Tn 1943 Indton Grovemmed appointed a
|Commitbion uncde the choirmonshi|s o 6R.
Ambedkay and is ejport was bubm?Elecl in 194.
B.R. Pebecd kasy Comnision Bdcqy e coMMeucded
the ubbe 0ge limit o 60 ueaus and Cmpleypment
wab dvdedto 3 Catebories-fermanert, 'epay
&casual. The embloue was hequireo to pay
Coni bulion fowa db inuYance $Chemes /o
a the wouKead, vhereab on ybemarcnt nd
dempora y workers were equi reol o Pay {huir
T1943, the hdutrial dtbporte Hct wab enoct
wi-h he main objecfive wob to make brovisions
oot the învebkigalion and sefillermedt oindutrial
disbuteb. Most nfortont Contribrlion emplosge's
Sate în Uronce Hct 1923.
ndepenclence eriod
n 1941 ndia Qol 1ndependente & Tndion
GOvernnent intenbie he lobooh welahe Ond
Social ecority mesUhes Tn 1948 emBloyes kate

n 9urnce wab duly modified and hat was

beainning tho eso o Social Inwrance Q
Indion kabeul
M 1952 TLo roviclecd he expert advice
erght exbertb on ocial BeCuiky kong 6kth
opes imble nmentation o) he chemel

employee tate Ingulonce Ad. hey cdevigbl &

Odvised tho methods o) Th
deveopmend tho bormel ystem med icalzhe
be neft and toining the necesbboyta in
OHde Ao etend tho chene thooughot dhe
miq43 Tndon 610venm ent macle cerkain
imporkand amerdmed in erfbting Indion tachris
aci A934 Qnd CaMe with an ertirely ne
homenclatore. "he actovies oct 1948"wikh a main
UY pose egulating Condrtionb work in
monolectulung ebtab h ment dor enbuing odtante
heath welaote measureb , hOUL owork ard leove
with wageb.
In 1948 mdion goveynMend wace Cerkain
tmportont Oniendmerda 'n exiking Indan acories
1954 Qd came with On ertire néLo mcmen-
-clature "he facton Ac 1948 "withg main
burbose egulahg Conditions ework in
antdactungiabomext o enbiîrg adtqunte
|heah, weledte meabuhs, hoUYS QwoYK and leave
with wageb
n 9 the Giovernment enacked MarimuM
|wage Hct foh bievendicn eploikadion lobour
ldeo boumend o onduly bo wageb
In 1952 Goverhnent enacted Employe
rovi dent Hnd ancd mibcelaecUs provin ac{
with a ain oliective o boovidirg ubetantial
Meabuhe) anoncfal ecoriky ad {imely
Monetau ösistance to ndustttal con kshair
Bepicleo {hib)he Hp9om teq lardations Þrovidei
Hond act 1995
C he beraoral injoies (Compengation Insuace) Ac4, 1963
ihe DEAmen's rovidet Und Act,
(ivhe plorttalton labour Act.1951
he aleniky benet Act.1961
LOee eracdeol Jor proiding Boial ecurky
o weakes ectnl he oce ky wheHe hote
WeHe moe chonceh exploikokion& ickii zation
benetta oSociak ecoAiky
1 t ole th DOcal &economic
()ocal ecuik chemeb e pooviding oca
QbistanCe Docial inbunarnce empoy ees,oho
have to face challengeb a te without iequla
eauning due o ome Cortindencjeb in thir Lite
(hese 9chemes ase implemented by enactmerds
o la the Covtr°
Ciohey gereraly aue ueliel broviderb to emplueeb
ho oue exposed to e miks q economic
DOCiol ecoky his rotectiom boovided to
them by
them oy medes18 Q tho pociety which he

hebe Dche meb have a broad pebbeclve -hey

het enly provide îmneadiae eliels to h
employees who have bulkeed onq Cccortt o
Contimgencieb, bul albo brovide sycholcycal eerry|
|ko tho ho moy -Jace tho e poblons
T uge a PowelkooB to Combad poven
&tnequaltky >
ocial securiky is the main instrumentol
bringing about Bocial and econonnic juslice and
equeliin he ociey
Money pent n 9odalecAik is he best
investent which yielck gooo fadvest. 1he workfare
Maintenance i6 very ebsentiak nof enyo he
Ougonfsadtion but also Jor the Coundryat longe
he imbortance o Boc?al gecutky în DoaK
Ond economic develobhment has becoke move 2
MOre abptent Soca 3ecuriky bhoold rot be
Deen as a copt. but as an investment in human
Cobital thai leadb to better broducfviky 1t is
also an eective NO ecucng rverty
enCouaging equiky Ond ubring ecoromic and
Bccalb:(kSubpot{ 'To gdtoing for the
po9kion dhat, éven om an enaly Slage o
CConomic devekopment, Countries cou Provide busic
Bocia ecuriy bene/ts & doing his will help
hem gow a me dmore eqUHable mgnnèr
Social e cuiky hos is advontages ince
provides 9-efiement n come,gNes lecipient
a choice when hey wad to recerve ene)als &
ollows elgible hon- workiyg rues o aceive bevets
Jn a Weltane Ptate, Docial ecurik isan
importont at o bubic poicy n Codries whue
ocal ecuriky isDrnbt gîven adequate Corbiclerahion
in public oltey, the govenment remains tngwceyuA
in maindoaning equnli Ond Usice
hup, 2ociaf Wcoily Constlofes on împorkond sheb
touOMds the goal ol weae Stake, b Imbrovin
ing Ond working Conditions Qnd adg ople
otclion againsd he varicos Kinds o) Mq~ordb
Lncian kegtakakion Social Securtiy
Sociaialecunky benet Coe brovidein Tnda
throuph egisatinin major way
1 Social Ingurance >In thib Dche ,
me, a Common
ond ib eskablishecd with beriodical Contrihtions
rom worKers, according toheir nominal bayin
Copociky. he embloyas ond Btte provide tho pation
he inonce. ovidert ond &oroub ino once
oeexample o thib pe
2Social Hps1stance >Uncler fhis, the Cost ol
benetsboovided is non oy geACmMeit
witheut Ony Codributions tro worKers aud &upoye
tloweves,bneis ane baid 'olter jvdaing th vQntial
opitibn o e beve iciay. Old oge ersion
an exaple
nClen to þrovicle brotecAton o the heecly
WorKers, the C1overnment o nda has made the
VO foub enactimend om hne do kime .he
-tont mong Bhem se mbor-
he WorKmanb Combenbad ion Hct, 1923.
(he tmbloyses Kovident nds & Mibcelloneeus
Acd,1952 bovision
(iü) he tnmployeeb SHake Inbuarte Acd, 1948
tv) he Matemity benlit Acf, 1961.
(he 6yment Guatuiky Ak, 192.
vihe Bot kding & ether Coustrutou
workes Welesu Cess
Vi Tha Unorganized worKera Social
Secoiky Hc{t, 2008
Various chemes hos also
been launchod utcaalls
(D Atal Pension Yojna
Radhon Mondri Jeevan Jyoki 6îma
i )odhan Montri SUraKsha
6inma ojna
adhan Mantbi Kisan Sommon Nidhi.

tnburing ocial pecority meakore or
Cikizers Country tb the qondamendal reipoi
biLiy he govenntndg. ndia beng a welae
Ate,he Condikkinu o) Indg hab debcribec if
b a de MOCYatic Ond 9oCl vebublic
he clauses that delne Hundaimendal aightsb&
omukate the dreckve priuciples o Stete olicy in
OU Constikutn eove no doubt abt tha contem
&Commitment ol the governmert to o ilts o
Cikizens o ensou ocial gecuuty Ourb is
ceMDCctic courty 6osed on he bremie o
ecual?ky & aCcountabsity
ktc 4! o) the Cons Askion o Ivda_lays Cown
The State hall thin he ini q oroic
Cobacty & developMent nake ellectve brovision
becuringe ight ko work, ecmcatiou & to
bublic asiAt ance n cos une mployment,.old age,
icknes & diablemtnt & otht Cones ungnecd
fAicle 42 othe n dian Cowstikokon provicles
The take Bhal make brovisions or 6ecuring
Ugt & humane Conditrons wor &Matemity
We oe albo a Boclist state which aCcpis
|Aho vebponbibility or brovilig ensuvinq Socin
|Secon o all iHe cilizeb without Ony disoiinafi
Kroady pegKing, the fclea o ocncurid ib
4hat,e Cente& the Stete overnmet &halt
make itsel ebponybl fov enbwring C minîman
9rlavdao.d matcoind welaoe to a its dki20
bsis wide enoug Coves a Contingende
hEe î5 berhaps ho cOuntry in tho wor{o
hich doeb net keke Coe c tScocal Seraiky
MeAsUY eb. But tho types Soctal securi ty
measvreb ovided bOAhe
oDm County
o Ceunto

cia Co
www.Jlasbabq. ConA
www. luciagov. in
www.KS india.Org
wwwSimplance in
www.advocakesindia. ovg
www.Negeanchgale . in

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