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5 Educational Technology

Trends for 2020

by Emma | Jan 6, 2020 | Apps, Blog, Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Educational Technology, Interactive
learning, Online etiquette, Online Learning, Pedagogy, School Safety, Teachers, Technology, Virtual Reality

Immersive learning through virtual reality. Digital lessons personalized for each
student. Online games that teach important information while showing students
that learning is fun. At the beginning of the 21rst century, these three things
seemed like futuristic, far-off fantasies. Now, technology has evolved to make
these and other dreams a reality in many classrooms. Here are the top five
educational technology trends to look for in 2020.
Immersive Learning and Virtual Reality
According to EdWeek’s Market Brief, by 2021, over fifteen percent of schools in
the United States will have a set of virtual reality (VR) classroom kits. Worldwide,
over 70 million students will experience immersive learning through virtual reality.
Students benefit greatly from VR’s ability to make theoretical information into an
actual experience. For instance, VR kits allow biology students to travel inside the
human body. This gives students a deeper, richer understanding of, for instance,
how the circulatory system works, or how the human body fights off disease.
Gamification of Learning
Game-based learning, also known as gamification, is nothing new. However,
gamification was often dismissed as frivolous in the past. Now, educators
increasingly turn to game elements – including interactive video games – to
motivate and inspire students. Game-based learning takes away the pressure and
anxiety of earning a grade. It also shows students that learning is an exploratory
process rather than rote memorization. Incorporating game-like elements can be
as simple as replacing some grades with learning badges. For a more involved
experience, try programs like Kahoot!, a game-based learning and trivia platform.
Artificial Intelligence Learning
Research shows that students learn best when lessons and activities are
customized to their individual needs. However, it’s impossible for a teacher to
fully tailor a different learning experience for each student in the classroom. From
prep to grading to after-school responsibilities, teachers already feel stressed and
overworked. That’s where AI learning comes into play. AI learning apps meet each
student where they are, both in terms of their skill level and their learning style. A
language learning app like Duolingo, for instance, helps students learn at their
own pace by showing them when they need to practice certain skills. It also keeps
track of all of the vocabulary words a student has mastered.
Social and Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning, also known as SEL, helps students understand and
manage their feelings. It also helps them develop empathy for others. Both of
these things help students to develop positive relationships with others and to
make sound decisions. SEL also helps students academically. According to
the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), students
who experienced SEL lessons were less likely to drop out or act out behaviorally.
Furthermore, SEL students excel academically, gaining an 11% increase in their
grades. As students spend increasingly more time online, it’s essential to address
digital citizenship in SEL lessons. Common Sense Education offers an e-booklet on
SEL and digital citizenship that includes digital tools and further resources.
Safety and Security
As of November 19th, 2019, 46 school shootings had taken place in the United
States. School safety and security, therefore, is an administrator’s primary
concern. According to Forbes, in 2020, schools will seek to secure student
data through blockchain and multi-factor authentication. Schools will also seek
technology to help assess and address threats. Monitoring software
like LearnSafe can detect multiple threats to school safety, from weapons to
cyberbullying to self-harm. As such, LearnSafe assures a safe learning
environment, which enriches each student’s educational experience.

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