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Questionnaires on research title:

Nature Explorium Reading Space to Attract Patrons to Public

Dear, sir/ madam, Redeat moges

This sample questionnaires are planned to get information on the current status of public library
in Addis Ababa specifically to analyse the gap in service, capacity and reading environment
which apply on current usage of libraries.

Part – I personal data

1) Resident location
a) Addis Ababa b) Regional town c) Others
Age a) 15 – 24 b) 25 – 35 c) above
Sex a) Male b) Female
2) Educational background:
a) Diploma c) M.Sc.
b) Degree d) other
3) What is your role in this public library?
a) user c) Library Clerk e) library technician
b) Librarian d) Archivist f) library director g) other
4) How many hours would spend on library per week?
c) 1 to 5 hours b) 5 to 10 hour’s c) 10-15 hrs. D) 15 to 20 hrs.

E) 20 to 25 hrs. F) not using at all

Part II pediatrics specialized based data

5) Is there any special unit for disable person and children in your public library?
A) Yes B) No
6) Most problem exist in public library and its compound?
a) Space management b) Psychological considération
b) Inside environnement d) Unorganized / unsuited outdoor
7) Do you think reading phobia problem is critical issue of the country?
A) Yes B) No

8) Did your library have outdoor environment or compound: suited to read?

a) No, never, unsuited c) yes, much enough, unsuited
b) yes, little space, unsuited d) no, other
9) How could you measure your public library serviceability and working environment?
A) Good B) poor C) very good D) other
10) How many toilet facilities were provided in your library?
a) 1 – 4-person b) 5 – 8 pr’s c) 9 – 14 pr’s d) other
11) Do you think space give great effect on reading, or any other service? Café and other
facilities were provided?
A) Yes, yes, enough B) No, no, never c) other
12) How, do you think that inside color of library determines reading pending hours?
A) Yes B) No
How Color can be utilized to evoke aesthetic responses and generate specified atmospheres
in indoor spaces. Color is recognized as an important element of interior design, playing an
essential role in constructed interior space. It significantly affects the mood, emotion,
performance and behavior of the people who occupy the space.
13) Do you think design of your current public library gives better serviceability or easily
accessible? Away from main road?
A) Yes, * meter. B) No, ________meter.
14) List the major thing to improve reading skill of youth society.
a) Working on Provide facilities c) Keep space psychology aspect
b) Rise the availabilities of material d) Working on outdoor environment
Other; you want to mention:
15) Do you think the capacity and service area were balanced?
A) Yes B) No
16) How many users may visit your library per day?
b) 10 – 24-person b) 25 – 48 pr’s c) 49 – 69 pr’s d) above
17) What do you think the major cause for less effectiveness of public library; due to?
a) society usage skill b) less reading habit c) poor space quality
18) Do you think children need unique environment? Or unique space?
A) Yes B) No

Why because children learns from what they see Safe, responsive, and nurturing environments are

19) Do you think your reading center gives feeling of comfort in public library?
A) Yes, why
B) No, why

The indoor environment is not comfortable it’s not well ventilated the circulation area is
not proper and the space quality is very poor.

20) Who plays a great role to ensure better reading indoor/outdoor Environment?
a) city governor, national archive c) Society,
b) city educational ministers d) other
Why? /How? Because most of the libraries are not welcoming and well designed.
By providing a well-designed and comfortable libraries which welcome people.
21) When you entered on public library compound: what sense gives to you?
A) Inspired B) bored c) excited d) other
22) Have you aware of physical interior environment should be considered in design public
libraries? A) Yes B) No
23) Do you have any concept of green architecture? Or Adaptive reading phobia healing?
A) Yes B) No
Your opinion about natural healing?
Green architecture, or green design, is an approach to building that minimizes the harmful
effects of construction projects on human health and the environment.

24) What is the ideal architectural approach that is suited to enhance usability of public library?
a) Spaces/room/ b) color c) quantity d) other
25) Do you think architecture science can solve problem in your public library?

A) Yes B) No

How by using different guidelines and passive strategies to solve the lighting and
ventilation problem that exists.
26) What kind of future development would you suggest for the public library to create better
environment and satisfaction?
An outdoor library which creates a visual connection to the outdoors it increases focus
and productivity and provides a sense of well-being.
27) Is there any left-out question that could you rise?

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