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What May the Future Hold for Histotechnologists?

Michael Titford, HTL(ASCP)HT, and Blythe Bowman, MD

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ABSTRACT New techniques, some already in use in some hospitals, will involve
flow cytometry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), DNA and
The hospital-based histology laboratory experienced several changes genetics studies, proteomics, telepathology, and digital imaging. New
in the 1960s and 1970s when cryostats, enclosed tissue processors, antibodies in immunohistochemistry and new biomarkers will assist
plastic cassettes, and disposable knives were introduced. Other than in diagnoses. Accrediting agencies will raise their standards to meet
the emergence of immunohistochemistry in the 1980s, few major the new challenges. Although no one really knows what will happen in
changes have occurred. But now, driven by costs, higher expectations, the future, this article reviews the new changes that will likely occur in
and a desire for faster turnaround times, these laboratories are on hospital histology, based on present predictions and technology.
the brink of changes that will involve additional new duties for the
pathologist and the histotechnologist. Keywords: Future, histotechnology, pathology, immunohistochemistry,
molecular pathology

“Prediction is very difficult, especially about the fixation, for instance, which have been all but
future,” the physicist Niels Bohr is reputed to have abandoned in the histology laboratory. This article
joked. Nowhere is prediction more difficult than in examines possible avenues of change that may occur
the hospital laboratory. Hospital clinical laboratories in patient-care histology laboratories based on present
constantly improve their equipment, technologies, predictions and technology.
and tests; however, these types of changes haven’t
touched the histology laboratory in recent years. Now,
the histology laboratory is poised for change. But what
changes will occur? All predictions by their very nature History
are speculative; those who work in the field cannot help
but wonder what will happen. Those who have worked Seasoned histotechnologists have seen many
in the field for a few years will remember the promise changes in the laboratory, including carbon dioxide
of glycolmethcrylate sections for small diagnostic cooled microtomes replaced with cryostats and the
biopsies, the Specimen Management System offered introduction of plastic cassettes, enclosed tissue
by one major company,1 and alternatives to formalin processors, and the advent of immunohistochemistry
(IHC) in the 1980s.1,2 Still, these changes have been
gradual: the field of histology has traditionally been
a veritable backwater compared with the rest of
DOI: 10.1309/LMXB668WDCBIAWJL the hospital laboratory. Working with solid tissues
from patients, tissue processors, and paraffin
Abbreviations wax, the histology laboratory is unique compared
FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; IHC, immunohistochemistry; with the clinical laboratory. Computerization, for
H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; CAP, College of American Pathologists;
ACIS, Automated Cellular Imaging System; JCAHO, Joint Commission example, followed in the technological wake of its
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; CMS, Centers for adoption in rest of the laboratory. A second wave
Medicare and Medicaid Services; CLIA, Clinical Laboratory of computerization included computer-generated
Improvement Amendments; TATs, turnaround times; UPMC, University slide labels and work logs, use of bar codes, and
of Pittsburgh Medical Center; ER/PR, estrogen receptor/progesterone
receptor; HER2, human epidural growth factor receptor 2; PSA, electronic record transfer. Whereas pathologists
prostate-specific antigen; CA, carbohydrate antigen previously pushed to gain the maximum information
from histochemically stained slides and electron
Pathology Department, University of South Alabama, Mobile microscopy, interest has waned in those areas; instead,
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. pathologists now focus on new IHC antibodies and
E-mail: molecular pathology tests. Fall Supplement 2012 |  Lab Medicine e5


fellows. More histology laboratories will work 2 or 3

Who Will Be Affected? shifts to continue to produce slides for evaluation and
diagnosis. Hospital administrators will want histology
The amount of change experienced by laboratories to run like hematology or chemistry
histotechnologists will depend on their work settings. laboratories, handling racks of specimens 24 hours
Laboratories in smaller or community-based hospitals a day and using Lean and Sigma Six managerial
will see lesser, slower change than in larger medical principles.

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centers, busy commercial laboratories, and teaching
hospitals. The commoditization of the laboratory will continue,
with investors seeing the hospital laboratory as an
A crucial factor will be the type of specimen a histology investment opportunity. Hospitals will want to contract
laboratory receives. Small biopsies, such as those from out laboratory services, thus removing this running
the cervix, skin, and gastrointestinal tract, usually only cost from their budgets. Some well-known reference
require routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. labs (LabCorp, its offshoot DIANON Systems,
Other tissue samples may not be processed at all. Ameripath, etc) are publicly traded companies anxious
Uterus with leiomyoma, gallbladders and appendix may to enlarge their market share.4
merely be examined on a gross level by the surgeon or
pathologist and then discarded. The College of American Pathologists (CAP), aware
of the coming changes, has sponsored several
Presently, much of the attention and new techniques Futurescape of Pathology conferences; papers
are directed at the diagnosis and management of presented have been published in its journal, the
cancer. Because cancer is the second-leading cause Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. In
of death in the United States3, the entire medical 2008, several authors describe scenarios5 including
community is anxious to improve patient outcomes a world without microscope slides and paraffin6
through earlier diagnosis. Insurance companies and and further computerization of the histopathology
hospitals will want to prepare proper care for the aging laboratory7. Another author8 predicts that areas of
Baby Boomer generation. change will include early health models, the rise
of molecular medicine, greater emphasis on early
diagnosis, increased pressure for cost-effectiveness,
the merger of pathology and radiology, use of multiple
What Will Drive the Change? biomarkers to improve prediction, and increased use of
digital tools in pathology.
Physicians and other clinicians want the best available
treatments for their patients and expect the newest,
most sensitive laboratory tests to result in accurate
diagnoses. They also want their test results as soon New Duties for the Pathologist
as possible. The laboratory wants to produce these
results as quickly and as inexpensively as possible. The Future medical professionals will expect the surgical
rising cost of health care will apply increasing pressure pathology report to include gross and microscopic
on the laboratory to provide more for less. Insurance photographs of the specimen. For tumor specimens,
companies, Medicare, and Medicaid will play a larger the report may also include results based on flow
role in the treatment of patients by dictating what tests cytometry, DNA studies, proteomics, and the
they will and will not pay for. Insurance companies may Automated Cellular Imaging System (ACIS), as well
contract with histology laboratories directly, dictating as references from the literature.9 Instead of handling
to which laboratory a patient’s specimen is submitted. predominantly surgical pathology and cytology reports,
Hospitals want to continue to attract physicians and the pathologist will be able to collect the various
the patients they bring to the hospital. laboratory reports on surgical pathology specimens
and generate a consolidated report that gathers and
Larger academic medical centers want to have the interprets all the results for the clinicians. This is
best, most current diagnostic tests available to already happening at some medical centers.10 Such
attract excellent teaching physicians, residents, and detailed molecular pathology reports will aid the

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health care professional in selecting which treatment working for pharmaceutical companies follow these
or chemotherapy regimen to provide to the patient for more stringent requirements as they perform extensive
maximum effect. tests on new medications.

New Duties for the Faster Turnaround Times

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Histotechnologist A major change for histology laboratories will be an
The role of the histotechnologist is closely aligned with increased desire for faster turnaround times (TATs).
that of the pathologist; as the latter changes, so will Because patients occupy expensive hospital beds after
the former. New procedures first draw the attention an operation or procedure, physicians will want biopsy
of pathologists, chief technologists, and laboratory results back the same day so they can start treatments
administrators; however, once those individuals immediately; physicians of outpatients will want to send
become acquainted with a new procedure, those their patients home with a diagnosis and treatment
duties are delegated to the workers who implement plan. This requirement for cost effectiveness has been
them on a daily basis, namely, histotechnologists. described by one author as a “huge macroforce.”8
In most hospital settings, the pathologist is assisted
by the histology laboratory, which is the first party to
receive fresh tissue samples removed from patients
during operations or procedures. The histotechnologist Telepathology and Digital
will no doubt become responsible for the routine
submission of tumor samples for flow cytometry,
FISH, DNA studies, and other types of studies, as well New information systems in histopathology are
as for sending samples to the correct section of the not limited to computer accessioning, bar codes,
laboratory or to a reference laboratory. reporting, and faxing of reports. New high-definition
slide scanners are available to scan slides (in their
entirety or partially) in as little time as 30 seconds.11
The definition of the images is so improved that
Accreditation diagnosis can be made solely from these images. The
images are then stored or can be sent electronically
Increased requirements by accrediting agencies such anywhere in the world for diagnosis or consultation.
as the CAP and the Joint Commission on Accreditation In a similar development, radiology departments
of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) will drive changes are contracting with companies such as NightHawk
in the laboratory. These agencies meet approval Radiology12 to read X-ray images submitted to them
to certify that a laboratory has reached standards electronically during off hours, such as overnight,
required by the Federal Government’s Centers for weekends, and holidays. Microscope slides present
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), including technical challenges; still, technology is improving and
the articles of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement costs are decreasing. Storage cost is estimated at US
Amendments (CLIA). Laboratories will need to be $0.25 per slide; however, those costs will decrease as
certified to receive compensation for their services. technology improves11 and images are able to be filed
These changes will affect all histology laboratories electronically.
regardless of size, workload, or the type of specimens
they handle. The CAP will most likely continue to raise Advances in telepathology will also help smaller,
its standards, more closely following those of the isolated hospitals. A recent article13 described a
quality management and safety programs organized histotechnologist at Ketchikan General Hospital in
by the International Organization for Standardization. Alaska preparing a frozen section with the surgeon and
The ISO 9000 family of standards focuses on 18 areas the consultant pathologist in Bellingham, Washington
of the laboratory with an emphasis on more-detailed viewing the procedure by live video. The frozen section
manuals, closer attention to equipment, and Good was then scanned and the image diagnosed by the
Laboratory Practice. Presently, research laboratories pathologist over that long distance. A Norwegian Fall Supplement 2012 |  Lab Medicine e7


hospital conducted a similar study with the same An optional attachment to the Sakura Xpress
results.14 Small hospitals in the future may not have processors is the Autotec embedding center, in
a full-time pathologist on staff and may routinely which the preoriented tissue blocks are hardened in
use telepathology processes for frozen sections and sectionable plastic cassettes. On some instruments,
consultations. printouts monitor processing solutions, indicating when
solutions should be changed. Other instruments can be
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) connected electronically to the manufacturer, which will

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has taken a lead role in telepathology and digital contact your laboratory or your on-call employee if a
imaging. UPMC has recently signed an agreement with problem occurs during processing.
a large independent medical diagnostic laboratory in
China that serves more than 6000 hospitals and clinics Other new technologies now available include
to provide second-opinion pathology consultations; automated H&E staining, histochemistry and IHC
this service will involve telepathology.15 stainers. These methods represent an improvement
on the “dip and dunk” instruments of earlier days. The
Computers programmed for pattern recognition will be automation of these processes provides consistent
used to microscopically determine changes in tissues. results in a timely fashion. Quicker turnaround times
Researchers have studied the use of computerized ultimately benefit the patient. But what about lost
image analysis to score estrogen-receptor and blocks? Passive radio-frequency identification (RFID)
progesterone-receptor biomarkers in invasive ductal tags containing bar-code information can be included
carcinoma.16 Whereas that study was developed to in the cassettes during processing, sectioning, and
improve inter- and intraobserver reproducibility, it subsequent storage; the block can be located later if
seems only a small step to score other tumors and it becomes misplaced, or “lost.”18 Synoptic reporting
disease conditions, possibly in H&E-stained sections.17 and speech-recognition dictation facilities aid in gross
descriptions of tissues. Typing of these reports will
occur off site to reduce expense.

New Histology Laboratory

New Antibodies
For several years a new breed of tissue processors
has captured the attention of pathologists and Much attention is being given to the field of tumor
histotechnologists alike. These new processors use diagnosis as the medical community realizes that
thin slices of tissue and process them in little over an early discovery, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer
hour. Some of these instruments run continuously; increases the life span and quality of life of the
some use old technology with faster schedules patient; this is known as the early health model.8 New
and others use new technologies and proprietary antibodies for use in IHC for the diagnosis of tumors
solutions. The Sakura Finetek Tissue Tek Xpress ×50 and other conditions are continually being evaluated
and Xpress ×120 processors (Sakura Seiki Co, Ltd, and identified, with algorithms showing which proteins
Nagano, Japan) use a xylene-free schedule, low- are most likely to be expressed by which tumors.
energy microwaves, and proprietary solutions. These Some antibodies are sensitive to the technologies used
processors can be continually loaded and unloaded in processing and sectioning and only work reliably
throughout the day. The Leica Peloris II and ASP 6025 when the techniques of the laboratorian are consistent.
processors (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, In the future, we will see increased attention to
Germany) use heat in place of microwaves; use of standardization of these new techniques as is the case
xylene is optional. In the newer LOGOS processor now for fixation time in formalin for estrogen receptor/
from Milestone Srl (Sorisole, Italy), tissues are progesterone receptor (ER/PR), human epidural growth
processed directly from isopropyl alcohol to paraffin factor receptor 2 (HER2)/neu, and Ki67 antibodies.
wax assisted by heat. The STP 420ES from Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc (Waltham, MA) uses a tilted This technology may change in the future. Aptamers,
chamber and conventional or proprietary solutions, a new class of human-made oligonucleotides, may
assisted by heat; it processes samples in an hour. take the place of antibodies prepared from laboratory

e8 Lab Medicine  |  Fall Supplement 2012


animals; the clinical applications of aptamers are still example, declines to pay for a certain laboratory
being studied. Aptamers would be easy to produce, procedure, laboratories may decide to no longer
have greater stability, have longer shelf life, and may handle those specimens. Some examples that come
cost as little as US$0.002 per assay.19 to mind are gross only–type specimens, such as those
associated with orthopedic devices, and certain other
specimens, such as uterine leiomyoma, gallbladder,
and appendix. The surgeon’s report of the operative

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Proteomics and Biomarkers procedure and their removal may be the only record for
the patient.
The field of proteomics is still in its infancy: prostate-
specific antigen (PSA) is the only widely used
biomarker studied at this time, to our knowledge.
Other tumor markers studied include α-fetoprotein, Autopsies
carbohydrate antigen CA 19-9, CA 15-3, estrogen
receptors, progesterone, and HER2/neu. Putting The number of autopsies will likely continue to
tumor markers to another use, the ACIS (Agilent decrease for several reasons. First, newer imaging
Technologies, Inc, Santa Clara, CA) uses HER2/neu methods and laboratory tests better inform health
staining to quantify the disease in breast-cancer tissue care professionals of the reasons for a patient’s death.
sections. Another factor is that there is no reimbursement for
autopsies, and as a result, pathologists are not anxious
The field has tremendous potential, as researchers to give up large amounts of time for such procedures.
continue to identify new biomarkers from neoplasms, In the future, we will witness virtual autopsies,10 in
which they then link to genes; their studies focus on which the deceased receive a CAT scan or similar
the proteins encoded by the neoplastic cells. When imaging method to visualize their bodies. Fine-needle
identified, antibodies can be used to identify those aspiration will be used to examine any tissue or lesion
proteins in tissue sections; pharmaceutical companies requiring microscopic examination. Nevertheless, there
will want to develop medications to interfere with the will always be a need for complete or partial autopsies
production and behavior of those proteins. for patients with complicated disease processes.

Specialist Laboratories Conclusion

With rapidly changing technology in histology The next few years will bring several changes in
laboratories, it will be more cost-effective for some histology laboratories, including faster turnaround times
to send samples out for low-volume tests. In this requested by physicians eager to make diagnoses
scenario, it is not hard to imagine the evolution of and start treatments and improved capabilities of
specialist IHC laboratories that stock a wide range of the histology laboratory and surgical pathology
IHC antibody reagents and controls. Other tests, for areas stemming from new types of equipment. The
DNA, flow, genetics, FISH, etc, may be sent out. Again, discovery of new biomarkers will enlarge the field
the histotechnologist will be the most likely person to of proteinomics and add new immunohistochemical
handle the specimen and to make sure it is delivered tests. For these new tests to be accepted by the
to the correct specialist laboratory. These laboratories medical community, histology laboratories in different
may function like the present-day Athena Diagnostics hospitals will need to collaborate to standardize their
and Mayo Clinic laboratories, or there may be smaller processes. Telepathology processes will be used for
laboratories servicing a group of hospitals or a certain consultation and diagnosis; however, laboratorians will
geographic area. need confidence that a slide prepared in one location,
scanned, and sent to another location for diagnosis
An important factor dictating the future of the has met certain criteria. For this to occur, specimen
laboratory will be reimbursement by insurance collection, fixation, and processing will need to be
programs, Medicare, and Medicaid. If Medicare, for consistent between laboratories.20 Telepathology Fall Supplement 2012 |  Lab Medicine e9


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