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Felipe C
G.R. No. 121087, August 26, 1999


Enrique Lingan and Stanley Jalbuena, both radio reporters went to a police station to
report an incident. During the course, a heated argument arose between police officer
Felipe Navarro and the two reporters. Navarro then poked his cocked firearm on the
face of Jalbuena. Lingan interfered, this then irked Navarro and another argument
ensued. Lingan then challenged Navarro to divest himself of his gun so that they can
have a fistfight. Thereafter, Navarro mauled Lingan which resulted in Lingan’s death.
During trial, Jalbuena, testified and presented in evidence to confirm his testimony was
a voice recording he had made of the heated discussion at the police station.
WON the voice recording is admissible in evidence in view of RA 4200, which prohibits
Yes, the tape in admissible. The law prohibits the overhearing, intercepting, or recording
of PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS. Since the exchange between petitioner Navarro and
Lingan was not a private conversation, its tape recording is not prohibited.

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