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Online Quiz


Project Coordinator:- Prepared by:-

1.Avijit Karmakar(11/CSE/17)
Abhijit Saha 2.Satyaki Mitra(11/CSE/49)
3.Pranab Sahoo(11/CSE/59)
4.Souradeep Hazra(11/CSE/51)
Table of contents
Topic Name Slide No.

Introduction 1

Objective and Purpose 2

Brief Description 3-8

Functions 9-10

Technologies Used 11

Data Flow Diagrams 12-14

Working Principle 15-20

Snapshots 21-24

Benefits and advantages 25

Conclusion 26
 We have designed this website with the
purpose of allowing the students to give exams
and view their results. This site is an attempt to
remove the existing flaws in the manual system
of conducting exams.

 Students
are provided the flexibility to choose
among different types of aptitude and
programming language tests.
Objective and Purpose
 After learning sophisticated subjects like Database
Management System , Networking and JAVA in the
field of Computer Science, we did not have much
opportunity to use them to develop some real life
 Moreover, we were yet to step into the ocean of web
development. These are the reasons which
encouraged us to take a topic like this and develop
our own online quiz application which covers the areas
mentioned above.
 This topic also allowed us to gain the necessary insights
to develop a real world application.
Brief Description
Server End:
The functions of Server End are:
 To register an user who will appear for the
first time
 To authenticate an existing user
 And the most important to route the
information from source client to
appropriate destination client
Client End:
The functions of the Client End are:
 To instruct the users who want to
 Provide proper interface to sign-in,
login, and test.
Technologies Used
5.1 Tools used in Development
Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software
Requirement specifications.
1. Eclipse KEPLER
2. Oracle Database Express Edition 11g
3. Apache tomcat server 7.0.55
5.2 Development Environment
1. Windows 7/8/8.1
Dataflow Diagrams:
Working Principle(Developer’s view)
Step 1: (Database Creation)
There will be two tables and these are:
 Question_Bank table
 Personal_Information table
 Storing questions and answers in the
database within the Question_Bank table.
 When the user register here the details of
the user will be stored in the
Personal_Information table.
 New user have to be registered here to give
the tests.
Step 2: (Website Design)
 We will create a home page, about us, contact us and
various test pages like: c, java etc.

 Evaluation page will be displayed after submitting the test

successfully and the evaluation page will be show the
results of the test and the answers of the questions.
Step 3: (Logic)

 When the user registering in this site at that

time the details of the user should be
 The given answers will be tested from the
database and the result will be calculated
according to the right answers. Then the
result will be shown on the screen.
Working Principle(User’s View)
Step 1: (Signing in)

 User requests for authentication to the server.

 Server checks the database.
 Server modifies the user(client).
 On successful authentication, the server initializes the client. If
authentication fails, the user is notified to check his data or to
Step 2: (Registration)

 Users can apply for a registration form from the server.

 The server then provides the form.
 The user submits the form after filling it up.
 Server checks the form to ensure the data given in the form does not
violate any constraints.
 The server updates the database and notifies the user about the
Step 3: (Online test)

o Only authorized person can access related details.

 The users can login by using User-ID and PASSWORD and give their
 Administrators will be responsible for updating the site.
 Administrators can change questions and test papers whenever they

 Step 4: (Test Analysis)

 The user gets the result of the test.
 Explanation of the questions of the test.
Benefits and Advantages
 Allows registered users to take test and view their
result online.
 Provides a platform where users can choose from a
variety of aptitude tests.
 Uses can view the progress they have made.
 Users are allowed to take each test several times.
 The application also provides hints for difficult
 Users can also view explanatory answers.
o This project has helped us in getting a
clearer understanding of real world
application development.
o It has provided us a deeper insight into
connecting databases with servers.
o The entire learning outcome of this project
has proved to be immensely beneficial for
our future application development.

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