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Virtual facebow technique

Eneko Solaberrieta, PhD,a Asier Garmendia, PhD,b Rikardo Minguez, PhD,c Aritza Brizuela, PhD,d and
Guillermo Pradies, PhDe

In dentistry, digital workflows ABSTRACT

are becoming more popular
This article describes a virtual technique for transferring the location of a digitized cast from the
and more accurate. However, patient to a virtual articulator (virtual facebow transfer). Using a virtual procedure, the maxillary
some procedures are still being digital cast is transferred to a virtual articulator by means of reverse engineering devices. The
developed, and not all the following devices necessary to carry out this protocol are available in many contemporary practices:
steps have been digitalized. an intraoral scanner, a digital camera, and specific software. Results prove the viability of integrating
Nevertheless, virtual environ- different tools and software and of completely integrating this procedure into a dental digital
ments constitute the present workflow. (J Prosthet Dent 2015;114:751-755)
and future of the field.
Over the past few decades, the mechanical articula- using an electronic jaw movement registration system
tors used to simulate mandibular movements have been called Jaw Motion Analyser (Zebris) and then to move
replaced or supplemented with dental computer-aided digitized dental arches along those paths in the com-
design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) sys- puter. With these tools, static and kinematic occlusal
tems.1-4 These digital systems, consisting of 3-dimen- collisions could be calculated and visualized.
sional (3D) CAD of dental casts, have improved design However, the main problem with those virtual artic-
by introducing new materials, automating, or reducing ulators was transferring data from the patient to the
manual labor and providing higher profitability with simulation. The technique presented here overcomes this
better control of quality.5,6 Nonetheless, room for problem because it can align digital casts directly onto the
improvement remains in terms of CAD/CAM systems virtual articulator. This virtual facebow was developed to
and digital workflow. Progress in development and locate the maxillary digital cast of the patient in a cranial
improvement of these systems is bringing about better coordinate system. The protocol presented in this article
results at reduced costs. describes a method of virtually locating the digital casts
Currently, several CAD/CAM systems provide a vir- onto a virtual articulator by means of an intraoral scan-
tual articulator simulation. The first virtual articulator ner, a digital camera, and software (Agisoft and reverse
developed by Szentpetery at the Martin-Luther Univer- engineering software).
sity of Halle, Germany,7 was based on a mathematical The facebow10 and centric relation record have long
simulation of the mandibular movements that take place been used to orient dental casts on an articulator in the
in an articulator. The second version was developed by same relationship as that in the patient’s mouth.11-14
8 9
Kordass et al and Gaertner and Kordass at Greifswald However, the shift to the virtual environment has only
University in Germany. That articulator was designed to just begun in terms of the facebow, and standard
record the exact movement paths of the mandible by methodologies need to be developed and tested before

Assistant Professor, Department of Graphics Design and Engineering Projects, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Assistant Professor, Department of Graphics Design and Engineering Projects, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Occlusion, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Assistant Professor, Department of Buccofacial Prostheses Stomatology I, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


752 Volume 114 Issue 6

Figure 1. Patient data acquisition. A, Scanning with intraoral scanner. B, Placing infraorbital and temporomandibular target.

Figure 2. Three-dimensional (3D) geometry of patient’s face and facebow fork. A, Left lateral view. B, Frontal view. C, Right lateral view. D, 3D geometry
on Agisoft software.

the virtual facebow15 is part of routine practice. The temporomandibular joints and the third point onto the
present protocol also allows the dentist to locate the infraorbital point (Fig. 1B).
mandibular digital cast exactly on the maxillary digital 3. Locate irreversible hydrocolloid (Pragl’x; Pierre
cast by using the virtual interocclusal record.16,17 Roland) or scannable elastomeric impression ma-
terial on a plastic, colored facebow fork and intro-
TECHNIQUE duce the facebow fork into the patient’s mouth,
pushing it against the maxillary arch.
Phase 1: obtaining photographs and transferring data 4. Make 8 to 10 photographs (Fig. 2A-C) by using a
digital camera (Nikon D3200; Nikon) and reverse
1. Scan the maxillary and mandibular dental arches of engineering software (Agisoft Photoscan; Agisoft
the patient with an intraoral dental scanner (3Shape LLC) (minimum of 5 MB and constant values for
TRIOS; 3Shape A/S) to obtain digital casts (Fig. 1A). minimum ISO [exposure index] setting, lens F value,
2. Place 3 adhesive targets onto the patient’s and no flash) to obtain the 3D spatial relationship of
head. Locate the first 2 points next to the the shape of the head with target points related to


December 2015 753

Figure 2. (continued). Three-dimensional (3D) geometry of patient’s face and facebow fork. A, Left lateral view. B, Frontal view. C, Right lateral view. D,
3D geometry on Agisoft software.

the facebow. Load the images into the software

(Agisoft Photoscan; Agisoft LLC) and build the 3D
geometry of the patient’s face with targets posi-
tioned on the facebow fork (Fig. 2D).
5. Scan the impression and the front side of the face-
bow fork with an intraoral dental scanner (3Shape
TRIOS; 3Shape A/S) (Fig. 3).
6. Using reverse engineering software (Rapidform
CADv2006; INUS Technology), load the facebow
fork 3D geometry and align it to the maxillary digital
cast by using the best-fit command (Fig. 4A).
7. Repeat step 6 of this protocol, aligning the 3D face-
facebow fork and impression-facebow fork (Fig. 4B).

Figure 3. Scanning facebow fork with impression.

Phase 2: alignment of 3D face-facebow fork and
impression-facebow fork
11. Locate the mandibular digital cast, scanning the
8. Blend the different surfaces of the scanned maxil- virtual interocclusal record with an intraoral scan-
lary digital cast into a single virtual cast, eliminate ner in centric occlusion from 3 directions (left,
surface abnormalities, remesh the organization of right, and front). Match these scans with the
the triangulated mesh of points, and fill in the maxillary and mandibular digital casts, positioning
surface gaps that remain after data elaboration. the mandibular digital cast towards the maxillary
9. Create the cranial coordinate system by using the 2 digital cast in the virtual articulator in maximum
temporomandibular points (Fig. 5A, B) and the intercuspation (Fig. 6B).
infraorbital point, locating the maxillary digital cast
on this reference system.
10. Transfer the maxillary digital cast to the virtual
articulator software, bringing the cranial coordinate The technique presented in this article describes the
system to coincidence with the virtual articulator’s virtual facebow. The first attempt at digitizing this pro-
coordinate system (Fig. 6A). cess was based in reverse engineering techniques using


754 Volume 114 Issue 6

Figure 4. Alignments. A, Alignment of maxillary digital cast and impression-facebow fork. B, Alignment of 3-dimensional face-facebow fork and
impression-facebow fork.

Figure 5. Location of maxillary cast on patient’s face. A, Two temporomandibular points and infraorbital point on patient. B, Maxillary cast inside
patient’s virtual head.

an optical GOM industrial 3D scanner, and all the steps patient’s face (Agisoft). The best-fit alignment can be
were integrated into the digital workflow.7 Since its performed with reverse engineering software (Meshlab
development, this procedure has been improved to or Rapidform).
minimize deviations.15 The primary advantage of this technique is that it
The technique presented here enables location of works with any type of virtual articulator, thus generating
the maxillary digital cast on a virtual articulator. Apart a universal virtual facebow. Because the procedure results
from this, the digital location of the mandibular digital in a dental digital database, patient information can be
cast on a virtual articulator can only be achieved by transferred to any machining or sintering center in the
using the virtual occlusal record procedure, that is, by world, resulting in greater flexibility and autonomy. In
using an intraoral scanner that is available only in addition, this technique provides a digital copy of the
leading dental clinics. The only specific equipment patient’s face that is available throughout the diagnostic,
needed is the software for the 3D reconstruction of the planning, and treatment phases.


December 2015 755

Figure 6. Transfer to virtual articulator. A, Location of maxillary digital cast on virtual articulator. B, Maxillary and mandibular digital casts on virtual

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411-4. Copyright © 2015 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.


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