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Unit 4: Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

1. In which of the following given faults, all the sequence currents are equal?
1. LG
2. LLG
3. LLL
4. LL
2. The zero-sequence current of a generator for line to ground fault is j3 pu. Then the current through the neutral
during the fault is
1. j3 pu
2. j1 pu
3. j9 pu
4. j6 pu
3. The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a 125 MVA, three-phase, 15.5 kV, star-grounded, 50 Hz
generator are j0.1 pu, j0.05 pu and j0.01 pu respectively on the machine rating base. The machine is unloaded and
working at the rated terminal voltage. If the grounding impedance of the generator is j0.01 pu, then the
magnitude of fault current for a b-phase to ground fault (in kA) is __________ (up to 2 decimal places).
1. 73.0 to 74.0
2. 74.0 to 75.0
3.75.0 to 76.0
4. 76.0 to 77.0
4. When a line-to-line fault occurs, the short circuit current of an alternator depends upon its
1. Sub transient reactance
2. Transient reactance
3. Synchronous reactance
4. Short circuit reactance
5..Positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of line are 2,2 and 5 pu respectively. Find self and mutual
impedances respectively?
1. 1 and 3 pu
2. 3 and 1 pu
3. 2 and 2 pu
4. 2 and 5 pu

1) Answer: - 1. LG
2) Answer: - 3. j9 pu
3) Answer: - 1. 73.0 to 74.0
4) Answer: - 3. Synchronous reactance
5) Answer: - 2. 3 and 1 pu

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1)What percentage of faults occurring is a single line to ground fault?

2)Which among these is the connection diagram for line to line faults?

a. Only a
b. Only b
c. Only c
d. Only d
e. None of these
3)For a fully transposed transmission line_________________________
a.Positive , Negative and Zero sequence impedance are equal
b.Positive and Negative sequence impedance are equal
c.Zero and Positive sequence impedance are equal
d.Negative and zero sequence are equal
4)For a fault at the terminals of a synchronous generator, the fault current is maximum for a __________
a.3-phase fault
b.3 - phase to ground fault
c.line to ground fault
d.line to line fault
5)When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current in a faulted phase is 100A. The zero sequence current in this
case will be
a. Zero
b. 33.3 A
c.66.6 A
d.100 A
6)A power system is subjected to a fault which makes the zero sequence component of current equal to zero. The
nature of fault is
a. Double line to ground fault
b. Double line fault
c. Line of ground fault
d. Three-phase to ground fault
7)The zero sequence current of a generator for line to ground fault is j2.4 pu. Then the current through the neutral
during the fault is
a.j2.4 pu
b. j0.8 pu
c. j7.2 pu
d. j0.24 pu

8)Zero sequence current flows in a transmission line when there is

a.Double line to ground fault
b. An over voltage in a line caused by charged load
c. Line to line fault
d. Fault across all the lines
Ans:1)d 2)c 3)b 4)c 5)b 6)b
Ia0 =(1/3)Ia
Ia=In=3Ia0 =3*j2.4=7.2 pu

1. Which sequence component is represented by the following phasor?

a. Positive sequence.
b. Zero sequence
c. Negative sequence
d. . None of these

2. Phase shift of symmetrical components happens in which among the following?

a. Delta - delta
b. Star – delta
c. Delta – star
d. Both (b) and (c)
e. All of these
3. In the manufacture of transformers, ANSI prescribes certain standards. What is this standard?
a. High voltage side should lead the low voltage side by 30° with Y - Δ or Y - Δ connections.
b. High voltage side should lead the low voltage side by 60° with Y - Δ or Y - Δ connections.
c. High voltage side should lag the low voltage side by 30° with Y - Δ or Y - Δ connections.
d. High voltage side should lag the low voltage side by 60° with Y - Δ or Y - Δ connections.
4. What percentage of fault occurring in the power system is line to line fault?
a. 5 %
b. 30 %y
c. 25 %
d. 15 %

5.What is the expression for fault current in line to line fault?

a. If = √3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2)
b. If = 3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2)
c. If = √3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 + Z0)
d. If = 3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 + Z0)

1) Answer: option C
2) Answer: option C
3) Answer: A
4) Answer:D
5) Answer:A

1.) The positive, negative, and zero sequence reactances of a wye-connected synchronous generator are 0.2 pu,
0.2 pu, and 0.1 pu, respectively. The generator is on open circuit with a terminal voltage of 1 pu. The minimum
value of the inductive reactance, in pu, required to be connected between neutral and ground so that the faults
current does not exceed 3.75 pu if a single line to ground fault occurs at the terminals is ___________ (assume
fault impedance to be zero).(Give the answer up to one decimal place.)

2.) In an unbalanced three phase system, phase current I a =1∠(-90o) pu, negative sequence current Ib2= 4∠(150⁰)
pu, zero sequence current Ic0 3∠90⁰ pu. The magnitude of phase current I b in pu is

(A) 1.00
(B) 7.81
(C) 11.53
(D) 13.00

3.) What is the value of zero sequence impedance in line to line faults?

a. Z0 = 1
b. Z0 = ∞
c. Z0 = 3 Zn
d. Z0 = 0

4.) What will be the sum of (IB + IY) in case of line to line fault, if the fault is occurring in the B and Y lines?

a. ∞
b. 0
c. 1
d. IR

5.) What is the value of fault current I f , in case of SLG fault?

a. 3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 + Z0)
b. 2 * (Ea / Z1 + Z0)
c. 3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 )
d. 2 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 + Z0)

1. Answer : 0.1 to 0.1

2. Answer : (C) 11.53
3. ANSWER: Z0 = 0
4. ANSWER: 0
5. ANSWER: 3 * (Ea / Z1 + Z2 + Z0)

1 .Find out the correct statement

(A) The negative and zero sequence voltages are maximum at the fault point and decrease towards the neutral
(B) The negative and zero sequence voltages are minimum at the fault point and increase towards the neutral
(C) The negative sequence is maximum and zero sequence minimum at the fault point and decrease and increase
respectively towards the neutral
(D) None of the above

2 . The positive, negative and zero sequence impedances of a solidly grounded system under steady state
condition always follow the relations
(A) Z1 > Z2 > Z0
(B) Z1 < Z2 < Z0
(C) Z0 < Z1 < Z2
(D) None of the above

3. What happens to the value of the fault current in case of SLG fault, if fault impedance is introduced?

a. The fault current increase

b. The fault current remains same as in case of SLG fault.
c. The fault current becomes zero
d. The fault current is reduced

4.The most severe fault on power system is

(A)Three phase short circuit
(B)line to line fault
(C)double line to ground fault
(D)line to line fault
5.The short-circuit kVA is maximum when fault occurs
(A)near the generator
(B)at the end of transmission line
(c)in the middle of transmission line
(D)none of the above
6.A short circuit current lead to
A)excessive current
B)fire or explosion
C)low voltage in system
D)all of the above

1.(A) 2.(A) 3. (D) 4.(A) 5.(A) 6.(D)

1.‘a’ is an operator used to symmetrical component analysis

a)Which rotates the vector, it operates upon, through an angle 90° in the clockwise direction
b) Which rotates the vector, it operates upon, through an angle 120°, in the counter-clockwise direction
c) Which rotates the vector, it operates upon, through an angle 120°, in the clockwise direction
d) Which rotates the vector, it operates upon, through an angle 240°, in the clockwise direction
2.Which of the following statement is true?
a) a = 0.5 – j 0.866
b) a = 0.5 + j 0.866
c) a4 = - a
d) a2 = - (1 + a)
3.For a line to line fault analysis using symmetrical components,
a) the positive and negative sequence networks at the fault point are connected in series
b) the positive and negative sequence networks at the fault point are connected in parallel
c) the positive, negative, and zero sequence networks at the fault point are connected in parallel
4.The positive sequence component of voltage at the point of fault is zero when it is a
A. 3-phase fault
B. L-L fault
C. L-L-G fault
D. L-G fault
5.A transmission line has self and mutual impedances of 0.8 pu and 0.2 pu. Find the positive, negative
and zero sequence impedances respectively?
A. 0.6, 0.8 and 1.2 pu
B. 0.6,0.6 and 1.2pu
C. 0.8,0.8 and 1.2 pu
D. 0.8,0.6 and 1.2 pu

1) Ans: (b)
2) Ans: (d)
3) Ans: (b)
4) Ans : A
5) Ans: B
Zs = impedance due to self inductance
Zm = impedance due to mutual inductance Zero sequence impedance
Z0 = Zs + 2 Zm = 0.8 + 2×0.2 = 1.2 pu
Positive sequence impedance Z1 = Negative sequence impedance Z2 = Zs - Zm = 0.8 - 0.2 = 0.6 pu


1. What is the need for short circuit studies or fault analysis? Nov/Dec-2014, Nov/Dec-2012, May/June-2011
The short circuit studies are essential in order to design or develop the protective schemes for various parts
of the system. The protective schemes consist of current and voltage sensing devices, protective relays and
circuit breakers. The selection of these devices mainly depends on various currents that may flow in the
fault conditions.
2. What is meant by fault calculations?
The fault condition of a power system can be divided into sub transient, transient and steady state periods.
The currents in the various parts of the system and in the fault are different in these periods. The estimation
of these currents for various types of faults at various locations in the system are commonly referred to as
fault calculations.
3. What are symmetrical components?
An unbalanced system of N related vectors can be resolved into N systems of balanced vectors called symmetrical
• Positive sequence components
• Negative sequence components
• Zero sequence components
4. What are sequence impedances and sequence networks?
The sequence impedances are the impedances offered by the devices or components for the like sequence
component of the current.
The single phase equivalent circuit of a power system consisting of impedances to current of any one sequence only
is called sequence network.
5. What is Zero Sequence Current?
The unbalanced current flows in the circuit during the earth fault is known as the zero sequence current or the DC
component of the fault current.The zero phase sequence means the magnitude of three phases has zero phase

6. Give the reason for faults in power system?

Faults occur in a power system due to insulation failure for equipments flashover of lines initiated by a lightening
stroke, permanent damage to conductor and towers or accidents faulty operations.

7. What is meant by a fault?

A fault in a circuit is any failure which interrupts with the normal flow of current. The fault are associated the
abnormal change in current, voltage and frequency of the power system. The faults may cause damages to the
equipments, if it is allowed to persist for a long time.
8. Give the reason for occurrence of L-G fault.

• Lightning
• Conductors making contact with grounded structures like towers or poles.
9. What are the causes of unsymmetrical faults?
The causes are due to breaking of one or two conductors or actions of fuses and other protective devices that may
not open the three phases simultaneously ,breaks due to excessive ice loading, shorting lines, trees falling across the
lines, wind damage.

10. Write the symmetrical component currents of phase ‘a’ in terms of three phase currents.
Ia0 = 1/3(Ia + Ib + Ic)
Ia1 = 1/3(Ia + a Ib + a2Ic)
Ia2 = 1/3(Ia + a2 Ib + a Ic)

11. Express the unbalanced voltages in terms of symmetrical components

12. Define negative sequence and zero sequence components.

In negative phase sequence component, the set of the three phasors are equal in magnitude, spaced 120° apart
from each other and having the phase sequence opposite to that of the original phasors.

In zero phase sequence components, the set of three phasors is equal in magnitude to zero phase displacement
from each other.

13. Draw the zero-sequence network of Y/∆ transformer with neutral ungrounded.
It is assumed that the Y-connected side is grounded with the impedance ZN . Even though the zero
sequence current in the primary Y-connected side has a path to the ground, the zero sequence
current flowing in the Δ -connected secondary winding has no path to flow in the line. Hence we
have Ia0 = 0. However the circulating zero sequence current in the Δ winding magnetically balances
the zero sequence current of the primary winding.

14. Define the operator ‘a’ and express the value of ‘a’ and ‘ a 2 ‘ in both polar and rectangular form.
The letter ‘a’ is used to designate such a complex operator of unit magnitude with an angle of 120⁰.
a=1 ∠120⁰
a2 =1∠240⁰
a = – 0.5 + j 0.866
a2 = – 0.5 – j 0.866
15. What are the types of unsymmetrical fault? Give the probability of occurrence.

Unsymmetrical faults types:

Single line-to-ground fault (LG)– In single line-to-ground fault, one conductor comes in contact with the ground or
the neutral conductor. Single line to ground fault is the most frequently occurring fault (60 to 75% of occurrence)

Line-to-line fault (LL)– A line-to-line fault occurs when two conductors are short circuited. This type of fault
occurrence ranges from 5 to 15%.

Double Line-to-ground fault (LLG)– A double line-to-ground fault occurs when two conductors fall on the ground or
come in contact with the neutral conductor. This type of fault occurrence ranges from 15 to 25% of occurrence

16. What is the condition taken when fault occurs in phase ‘a’ of single line to ground fault?

17. What is the condition taken when fault occurs in phase ‘a’ of line to line fault?

18. What is the condition taken when fault occurs in phase ‘a’ of line to line fault?

19. A three phase generator with constant terminal voltages gives the following currents when under fault: 1400 A
for a line-to-line fault and 2200 A for a line-to-ground fault. If the positive sequence generated voltage to neutral
is 2 ohms, find the reactances of the negative and zero sequence currents.
20.A generator rated 11 kV, 20 MVA has reactances of X1=15%, X2=10% and X0=20%. Find the reactances in ohms
that are required to limit the fault current to 2 p.u. when a line to ground fault occurs.

Consider the fault current expression for LG fault given by:

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