Power System Analysis MCQ 7 PDF

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Power System Analysis - Unit 3 MCQ

1. Which portion of power system is least prone to faults?


A) Alternator

B) Switchgears

C) Transformer

D) Overhead lines

2. The maximum short circuit current occurs I case of


A) Three phase fault

B) Double line to ground fault

C) Line to line fault

D) Sigle line to ground fault

3.Fault calculations using computers are usually done by


A) Y bus method

B) Z bus method

C) None of the above

D) Any of the above

4. The pu impedance of synchronous machine is 0.242. If the base voltage


is increased by 1.1 times, the per unit value will be

(A) 0.266

(B) 0.242

(C) 0.22

(D) 0.2
5.For limiting the short circuit current

(A) Capacitors are used

(B) Resistors are used

(C) Reactors are used

6. Transients in electric circuits normally disappears while time equal to


(A) 1x time constant

(B) 4x time constant

© 8x time constant

(D) 2x time constant

7. A power system network with a capacity of 100 MVA has a source impedance of 10% at a
point. The fault level at the point is

(A) 10MVA

(B) 3000 MVA

(C) 1000 MVA

(D) 30 MVA

8.Three phase short circuit MVA to be interrupted by a circuit breaker in a power system is
given by

(A) √3 x post fault line voltage in kV x SC current in kA

(B) 3 x pre fault line voltage in kV x SC current in kA


(C) √3 x pre fault line voltage in kV x SC current in kA

(D) (1/√3) x pre fault line voltage in kV x SC current in kA

9. Zero sequence impedance of different elements of power systems is generally


(A) Different

(B) Zero
(C) Equal

(D) None of the above

10. The ratings of the circuit breakers are generally decided based on

(A) Normal circuits current

(B) symmetrical circuits current

(C) Un symmetrical circuits currents

(D) None of the above

11.A 100 KVA Transformer has a reactance of 5%. Its reactance at 2000KVA base is

(A) 2.5 %

(B) 20%

(C) 5%

(D) 10%

12.Shunt reactors are connected with transmission lines for


(A) Limiting fault current

(B) Absorbing reactive power

(C) Absorbing high voltage surges

13.When all three phases of a synchronous generator on n load are suddenly short

Circuited then symmetry of the short circuit currents depends on which of the following?

(A) Position of fault

(B) Symmetry of fault

(C) Instantaneous Voltage at which fault occurs

(D) Resistance of the armature winding

14. In synchronous generator for how much time sub transient period of symmetrical

And short circuit currents last?

(A) for 30 cycles

(B) for 2 cycles

(C) for 500 cycles

(D) for 200 cycles

15.Transient in synchronous generator s similar to which of the following circuit?


(A) Parallel RLC circuit

(B) Parallel RL circuit

(C) Series RL circuit

(D) Series RLC circuit

16.Which of the following methods of protection is used to achieve earth fault operation?

(A) Core balance method

(B) Relay connected with neutral grounds

(C) Frame leakage method

(D) None of the above

17. The following sequence currents were recorded in a power system under a fault

Condition I positive =j 1.753pu, I negative= j 0.6 pu , I zero =-j 1.1253 pu . The fault is

(A) Line to ground

(B) Three phase

(C) Line to line ground

(D) Lie to line

18.A short circuit current is identified by


(A) Voltage rise

(B) Heavy current flow

(C) Voltage drop

(D) None of the above

19. Fault level means


(A) Voltage at fault point

(B) Fault current

(C) Fault MVA

(D) fault Power Factor

20.The rated breaking capacity (MVA) of a breaker is equal to


(A) Product of rated voltage (KV) and rated symmetrical breaking current(kA)

(B) Product of breaking current(kA) and fault voltage(kV)

(C) Product of rated voltage (kV) and rated breaking current (kA)

(D) Twice the value of rated voltage (kV) and rated current(kA)

21.If a sudden short circuit occurs on a power system (considered as RL series circuit)

The current wave form consist of

1.Deacying AC Current

2.Decaying DC Current

Let the alternator reactor be X and the power system resistance R . Which one of the
following is correct

(A) The decay in 1 is caused by increase in X but in 2 is caused by R

(B) The decay in 1 is caused by R but in 2 is caused by increase in X

(C) The decay in 1 and 2 is caused by R

(D) The decay in 1 and 2 is caused by increase in X

22.Interruption due to fault and maintenance is minimum in


(A) Main and transfer bus arrangement

(B) Single bus arrangement

(C) Double bus double breaker arrangement

(D) Sectionalized Single bus arrangement

23. Short circuit kVA is minimum when fault current occurs


(A) at the middle of transmission line

(B) near the generator

(C) at the end of the transmission line

(D) none of the above

24. Cables and lines are mostly


(A) Inductive

(B) Capacitive

(C) Resistive

(D) Noe of the above

25. In case of a 3 phase short circuit in a system, the power fed into the system is

(A) Mostly active

(B) Active and reactive both equal

(C) Reactive only

(D) Mostly reactive

Part B- 2 marks

1.What is Short Circuit MVA and how it is calculated?

ans: The short circuit capacity or the short circuit MVA at a bus is defined as the
product of the magnitudes of the rated bus voltage and the fault current. S.C MVA
capacity of the circuit breakers = sq.root of 3 * pre fault voltage in KV *S.C current in

2.What are the types of faults?


a) One open conductor fault 

b) Two open conductor fault


a) Symmetrical or balanced fault :i)Three phase Fault 

b) Unsymmetrical or unbalanced fault i)Line to Line fault ii)Line to ground fault

iii)Double line to ground fault.

3.What do you mean by symmetrical faults?

ans: The fault is called symmetrical fault if the fault current is equal in all the phases
and the phase difference between any two phases is equal.

4.What do you mean by transient and sub transient reactance?

ans:Xd’(transient reactance) is the ratio of no load e.m.f and the transient

symmetrical r.m.s current.

Xd’’(sub transient reactance) is the ratio of no load e.m.f and the transient
symmetrical r.m.s current.

5.What is synchronous reactance?

ans:It is the ratio of induced emf and the steady state r.m.s current,


It is the sum of leakage reactance and the armature reaction reactances.It is given
by Xd=X1+Xa,

Xd=Synchronous reactance,

X1=Leakage reactances,

Xa=Armature reaction reactance.

6. What is meant by fault calculation?

The fault condition of a power system can be divided into sub-transient, transient and
steady state period. The current in the various part of a system and in the fault are different
in these period. The estimation of these current for various type of fault at various locations
in the system are commonly referred as fault calculation.

7. Mention the objectives of short circuit studies or fault analysis.

The short circuit studies are essential in order to design or develop the protective
schemes for various parts of system. The protective consists of current and voltage sensing
devices, protective relays and circuit breakers. The selection or proper choice of these
mainly depends on various current that may flow in the fault condition.

8.Write down the balanced and unbalanced fault occuring in a power system.

BALANCED FAULT:- 3 phase short circuit fault.

UNBALANCED FAULT:- single line to ground fault, line to line fault and double line to ground

9. Distinguish symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault.

If the fault current is equal in all three phases it is called symmetrical fault. Example, ,

three phase short circuit fault.

If the fault current is not equal in all phase it is called unsymmetrical fault. Example ,
single line to ground fault, line to line fault.

10. Define bolted fault.

A fault represents a structural network change equivalent with that caused by the
addition of impedence at the place of fault. If the fault impedence is zero then the fault is
referred as bolted or solid fault

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