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Q2-5 is all IRF150 or BUZ24 Power FET transistors (TO-3) - all placed on heat sink

V-/A-meter (1mA)
A Q2 A
F3 d s
S1 5A
Z2 R17
g 1k R21

230V main 0.1 ohm/5W R25
15V 12k
R13 Q3
R1 Z3 R18
VR250 1k R22
F1 0.1 ohm/5W R26
Fuse Thermal 15V 12k

D1 Z1 LED2 R14
B40C Current limit indication 2k2
T1 Z4 R19
26 VAC 37V 1k R23
0.1 ohm/5W R27
D3 15V 12k R29
1N4148 Current limit indication adj. R3 R5 R15 Q5 1k
330 2k2 1 2k2
R4 Z5 R20
C1 D4 R2 47 2 Q1 1k R24 A mtr. reg.
1000uF 1N4148 4k7 BC547 0.1 ohm/5W R28
15V 12k
3 R16 R30
C3 2k2 820 ohm
47nF 1 NC NC 14
+ 13.8V
2 Cur. lim. Freq. co 13
3 Cur. sens e V+ 12
4 Inv. input Vc 11 R10 R30: R31
F2 R6 5 Non inv. inpVout 10 R8 2k2 R30 can be changed to change 18k
Fuse Thermal 3K3 6 Vref. Vz 9 1k5 the power supplies current limit
7 Gnd NC 8 V-reg. More then 0.65V over R30 SCR1 C6
R11 results in current limitation. 50A 500uF/25V
T2 R7 LED1 C5 1k The power supplies current limit

V mtr. reg.
21VAC/40A IC1 2k2 100nF R9 off cause still depends on the
LM723 1k limits of the transformer T2, the R32
C4 R12 rectifier D2 and the capacitor 5k
1uF/25V 2k2 C2!!!
D2 6 * 10.000uF in parallel SCR1 is connected directly to the
Power rectifier on heatsink Power Supplies 13.8V output
To SCR1 gate connectors
Z6 12k

3 Over voltage protection (14.8V)

Q6 2

R33 Title
1k 13,8V 30-40A Power Supply
R34 R36 C7 C8
1.5k 8.2k 4.7uF 100nF Size Number Revision
Date: 08-02-2006 Sheet 1of 1
File: D:\Drivers and software\..\Diagram.SchDoc Drawn By: OZ2BKK
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