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OLM Questions



1.What is the use of Self Enrollment Check box while defining a class?


When a learner enrolls into a Class where the Self Enrollment check box is checked the
enrollment does not go for any approval. The learner has to still enroll into the class but
the enrollment is auto approved.

2.Can a Learner be enrolled into a session?


Enrolling a learner to a session is available till OTA.I. It is a forms interface, only available
for administrators

3.What is Learning Path (LP)?


Learning paths are basically of two types

a) Learner/Manager Learning path

This learning path is specific to a learner and this cannot be shared across users.

Learning path contains the list of courses that a learner needs to complete.

Learner LP is said to be complete once the learner has completed all the courses in the
LP (i.e. attended status for at least one class inside a course)
b) Catalog LP

These LP are shared across learners

The LP is divided into sections which is further divided into components (Courses)

Section can contain mandatory and optional courses.

Various types of sections are

a) All components mandatory:

Learner should complete all the courses under this section

b) All components optional:

Learner may or may not enroll into any of the courses

c) One or more components mandatory:

Learner is expected to complete a particular number of course.

4.Why does the application allow enrollment end date to be greater than Class End


This is basically a feature given to upload/enter legacy data.

OLM does not allow learner to enroll into a class after the class end date.

The above feature is given to administrator where he can enter the enrollment details of
the employees after the training class is complete.

5.What is a secure class?


Secure class is restricted to learners of a specific organization. Only learner/user who

belong to the sponsoring organization (This is mentioned while creating a class) can
update/delete a class or enroll into a class.

6.Can a learner subscribe to a class?


No, Learners cannot subscribe to a class. Learners can only enroll into a class.

Subscription is applicable only for Learning Path. A learner can subscribe to a learning
path directly or the manager can subscribe a learner to a learning path.

7.When a Learner subscribes to a LP does he get automatically enrolled to all the

courses (classes) under the LP?


No, Subscribing to a LP does not enroll students to the classes attached to the learning

Behavior is the same while unsubscribing from a LP

8.What is a Restricted Class?


Only learner who has access to the class can enroll into a restricted class. The access to
learner is given using learner access.

9.What is learner access?


Learner access defines the set of learners who can view and enroll into a class.

There are two ways in which learner access can be specified.

a) By Assignment (Organization, Job, Position)

b) By Person (Provide access to individuals by entering their names)

10.Can Learner access be specified for unrestricted class?


No, Learner Access is applicable only for restricted classes.

11.Can a learner subscribe to more than one learning path?


Yes, A learner can subscribe to as many learning path as possible.

12.How do we get rid of following error when a learner tries to enroll into a class
"The Booking Status for Oracle Training Administration have not been set up
correct in order for the Enroll in a Class web module to work. Each booking status
type that could be used either needs to have a type prefixed with 'W:' or a default
value for the type, or have at least one value which maps onto each system type."


The above error is raised due to enrollment status not being defined in the application.
Use Oracle training Administration responsibility to define the enrollment status.
13.How do we resolve System encountered unexpected error when a new learner
tries to access OLM using the Learner Self Service responsibility?


The user attached to the learner does not have a person attached to it. Navigate to
System Administrator> User and attach a valid person to the above user

14.How is online delivery modes setup in the application?


Online delivery modes are of two type Online synchronous and Online asynchronous.

For the Online delivery modes to appear in the application please check the following.

The value of profile OTA:Online Learning Option Licensed profile by default is set to No at
application level. Please set the value of this profile option at User/Application level to
Yes bounce the apache

15.How are learning path reminder notifications set in OLM?


Learning path notifications are of two types

a.Learning Path Completion Target Notifications

b.Learning Path Component Completion Target Notifications

The above notifications are sent on the specified number of days before the
LP/component completion target date.

The above notifications are sent only to the Learners and not to the Managers. The user
guide mentions that the notifications are sent to both learners and managers for which
documentation bug 4369017 is logged to correct the user guide.
Note: The above notifications are not sent automatically. The following concurrent request
needs to be run to send the notifications.

a.Send Learning Path Completion Target Notifications

b.Send Learning Path Component Completion Target Notifications

Key Flexfields
You can set up an unlimited number of structures for key flexfields. Each
separate structure can contain up to 30 segments.

The Training Resources key flexfield is an essential feature of the application, but

you do not have to define its structures before you begin using OLM. Define
them only when you want to define learning resources.

If you do not run Oracle Financials, you must also define an accounting flexfield.
If you already run Oracle Financials, the flexfield you require already exists.

Note: Avoid segments containing information that may change regularly. The

application does not keep a history of changes to the combinations you create.

User-Definable Descriptive Flexfields in OTA

Descriptive Flexfield Title Window and Page Titles

Additional Course Information Courses

Additional Course Version Information Courses

Additional Address Details (HR) Address, Applicant Entry Contact

Additional Booking Deal Information Enrollment Agreements

Additional Booking Status Information Enrollment Statuses

Additional Budget Values Details Training Plan Budgets, Training Plan Member
Budget, and Training Plan Events Budget

Additional Category Inclusion Details Category Usages

Additional Delegate Booking [Learner Enrollments
Enrollment] Information

Additional Class Association Information Customers for Restricted Classes

Additional Class Information Scheduled Classes, Programs, Development

Events, One-Time Events

Additional Finance Header Information Finance Headers

Additional Finance Line Information Finance Lines

Additional Learning Object Information Catalog

Additional Learning Object Folder Catalog


Additional Learning Path Information Create and Update Learning Path

Additional Learning Path Member Create and Update Learning Path Component

Additional Learning Path Category Learning Paths

Inclusion Information

Additional Letter Details (HR) Letter

Additional Location Details (HR) Location

Additional Non-OLM Training History Learning History


Additional Organization Information (HR) Organization

Additional Organization Unit Details (HR) Organization

Additional Plan Details Organization Training Plan

Additional Plan Cost Details Training Plan Costs, Training Plan Class
Costs, or Training Plan Student Costs
Additional Plan Measure Details Training Plan Measurement Types

Additional Plan Member Details Organization Training Plan (Training Plan


Additional Price List Entry Information Price Lists

Additional Price List Information Price Lists

Additional Question Information Questions

Additional Question Bank Information Question Banks

Additional Resource Bookings Resource Bookings

Additional Resource Usage Information Resource Usages

Additional Suppliable Resource Details Resources

Additional Test Section Information Test Sections

Additional Training Details--replaced by --

Additional Non-OLM Training History Info

Additional Vendor Supplies Information Suppliers

Add'l Certification Category Inclusion Info Add, Update Learning Certification, Category

Add'l Learning Certification Information Create, Update, View Learning certification

Add'l Learning Certification Member Info Create, Update Learning certification


The Soft Coded Legislation Flexfield holds legislation specific information.

The Soft Coded Legislation Flexfield structure that a user will see is
determined by the legislation of the Business Group.

Localization teams determine the data that is held in this flexfield. Each
localization team defines a flexfield structure and uses qualifiers to define the
level at which each segment is visible. Segments can be seen at business
group, payroll or assignment level. The type of information that is held in
this key flexfield varies from legislation to legislation.

If you are using a legislation for which a Soft Coded Legislation Flexfield
structure has been defined you should not modify the predefined structure

Oracle HRMS provides 2 key flex fields and 6 descriptive flex fields that are predefined and

Localizations team defines these flexfieds to meet specific legislative and reporting needs of
your country.

The protected Key flex fields are Soft code Legislation key flex filed and Bank details key flex

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