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Submitted to Dr.Sisay D. (Ass.Proffessor)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Oct, 2019 G.C
Above all and before any others we would have thanksgiving to our almighty lord to his
shepherd. Then after who are praiseworthy are our families to support financially and look
take care off us from nasty activity. At the last but not the least we would like to express a
great appreciation to our instructor Dr. Sisaye who is giving his knowledge and guidance’s
without tiredness.

This assignment describes about pressure distribution in hydrostatics and the hydrostatic
force on a surface, the surface may be horizontal, vertical, inclined or curved surface.
At the beginning the document acquaints the pressure distribution at a point and the variation
of the pressure from point to point or through depth. Under this we can also proof the
pressure distribution at a point are equal in all directions, Pascal’s law.
The document also covers the hydrostatic force on a surface when the body submerged either
horizontally, vertically, inclined or curved and also its center of gravity and center of
pressure. At the last the document also includes its conclusion.

List of Figure..............................................................................................................................v
PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION IN HYDROSTATICS..............................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1
1.2 Pressure at a point............................................................................................................1
1.3 Pressure Variation along depth........................................................................................3
HYDROSTATIC FORCES ON SURFACEAS.........................................................................6
2.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................6
2.2 Total pressure and center of pressure...............................................................................6
2.2.2 Horizontal plane surface submerged in liquid..........................................................9
2.2.3 Inclined plane surface submerged in liquid..............................................................9
2.2.4 Curved surface submerged in liquid.......................................................................12

List of Figure
Figure 1. 1 pressure at a point....................................................................................................2
Figure 1. 2 Pressure variation.....................................................................................................3
Figure 1. 3 Pressure relative to the surface of a liquid...............................................................4
YFigure 2. 1 Vertical surface submerged in a liquid…
Figure 2. 2 Horizontal plane surface submerged in a liquid.....................................................9
Figure 2. 3 Inclined plane surface submerged in a liquid....................................................…10
Figure 2. 4 Curved plane surface submerged in a liquid..........................................................12

Hydrodynamics assignment one


Hydrostatics deals with the study of fluids at rest or moving with uniform velocity as a solid
body, so that there is no relative motion between fluid elements (or layers). There is no shear
stress in a fluid at rest. Hence, only normal pressure forces are present in hydrostatics.
Engineering applications of hydrostatics principles include the study of forces acting on
submerged bodies such as dam faces, gates & others and the analysis of stability of floating
In hydrostatics, all forces act normally to the boundary surface and are independent of
viscosity. The analysis made on hydrostatics is based on straightforward application of the
mechanical principles of forces and moment and exact solution can be obtained without
experimental evidence.
1.2 Pressure at a point
The pressure intensity or more simply the pressure on a surface is the pressure force per unit

area expressed by the relation P= but the force should be applied normal to the surface.
Pascal’s law
He states that the pressure at a point or intensity of pressure at a point in a static fluid is equal
in all directions[ CITATION DrR10 \l 1033 ].
Proof: Consider a finite but small element (the small triangular prism) of liquid at rest, acted
upon by the fluid around it. The values of average unit pressures on the three surfaces are P x,
Py and Pz which act on the plane d zdy, dzdx and dydx respectively but in the Z direction the
forces are equal and opposite and cancel each other.Let the inclination angle between surface
force and the horizontal plane is θ. Then the forces acting on the element are pressure force
normal to the surface and weight of the element in the vertical direction.

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Hydrodynamics assignment one

Figure 1. pressure at a point

Force on face dydz = Px * Area of face dydZ- PdSdZcos θ = 0
= Px*dy*dz
Similarily Force on face dxdz = Py* Area of face dxdz
= Py*dx*dz
Force on face dydx = Pz* Area of face dydx
= Pz*dy*dx
Weight of the fluid element = mass of fluid element *g
= Volume*ρ*g
= γ *1/2*dx*dy*dz
Resolving the surface force (P) in x and y direction
Surface force in x direction = pcosθ*area of face dsdz
= p*cosθ*ds*dz, But ds cos θ =dy
= P*dy*dz
Surface force in y direction= psinθ*area of face dsdz
= p*sinθ*ds*dz, But ds sin θ =dx
= p*dx*dz
For equilibrium condition
The force in x direction is equal to zero
Px*dy*dz - P*dy*dz = 0
The force in y direction is equal to zero
Py*dx*dz - p*dx*dz + γ *1/2*dx*dy*dz = 0
Since the element of fluid is very small so weight is ignored (γ *1/2*dx*dy*dz = 0)

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Hydrodynamics assignment one

The pressure force along in the z direction (P z) is equal to zero but the surface force (p) act in
all direction (i.e pz = p)
 P=Pz=PX=Py
1.3 Pressure Variation along depth
Consider an elementary cylindrical volume of fluid (of length, L, and cross-sectional area
dA) within the static fluid mass, p being the pressure at an elevation of h and dp being
pressure variation corresponding to an elevation variation of dh.

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