Tennis Is A Sport For Passionate People

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Tennis is a sport for passionate people.

Today there are many more opportunities to access all sports, which did not
happen in the past and there was only the idea of playing football in general, but
over time and this was changing and one of the sports that goes in a steady growth
is tennis many young people have been interested in this sport, either in a
competitive way or as a hobby. Tennis is considered one of the most complete
sports and most beneficial to health, helping the physical and mental development
of a person.

Tennis has a very controversial history because we can’t define completely where
this sport was born, since nothing is confirmed but if we talk about the origin of
tennis we have a very remote antecedent of this game that was practiced already
in Persia and Egypt in the sixth century aC but yes, with the knowledge that it was
played by hand. The Greeks and also the Romans became fond of this game and
expanded it by all the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. Officially this sport dates
from the end of the last century. Walter Clopton Wingfield is considered the
inventor since it was the one that patented this sport appeared in 1874 with the
name of "Sphairistike," name soon replaced by the one of "lawn-tennis", being
today his modern version "tennis" Diffused in the world whole by the English,
tennis has the same rules in all the countries, which facilitated from its origin the
international championships and their great diffusion and acceptance.

In conclusion we can say that this is a very complex sport because of its number of
rules and very varied in its courts since there are different types of terrain where it
is played, but in spite of this it is a sport very dear around the world thanks to that
the player achieves a connection between the human body and its spirit helping to
show the defects and virtues of a person

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