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Alcohol and drugs, two of the most common problems we can find in Manizales;

but I will focus my attention on the drugs issue, because is illegal, thus there is no
enough control over them. This problem is especially critical amongst the city’s
teenagers, because they are consuming both -Alcohol and drugs- in an
uncontrolled way. We can easily spot this problematic around the various university
campus in the city, you can find from the drug dealer to the drug consumer in and
outside the campus, as well with the alcohol. I think that many people just do it
seeking acceptance within a particular social group friends, acquaintances but
others just do it because is trendy now, but there is another bunch of people that
do it to feel the pleasure. These problems can negatively affect people’s lives
because they became addicts and do not know how to get out of it or at least
control it. In my opinion is very difficult to end this problematic, still a good solution
would be to legalise drugs as alcohol is.

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