Vocabulary Words Related To The Unit

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The presentation of the unit

Materials: Pictures - Handouts Time allowance: 15 min

Final Objective of the presentation : By the end of the presentation learners will have a clear idea
abou what they are going to deal with in this unit i.e the most used topics and vocabulary words. They
will have a clear vision about the theme of the unit.

- Teacher writes the title and the theme of the unit on the board .

Unit 02 : Our findings show

Theme : Communication the press

- Then, he interacts with Lrs asking different questions about the key words in the unit’s titles .
- What does it mean our finding show ? what about communication the press ?
- T interacts with learners using pictures and other questions

- What do the pictures represent ?

- How do we call people in the first picture ? what about the second one ?
- What are they using to do their work ?
- Teacher provides lrs with vocabulary words related to the unit through the following table ( lrs have to
complete the table ) :
Verbs Nouns Adjectives

To find Findings Founded / found

To show Show Showable / shown

To communicate Communication Communicated/


To interview Interview / interviewer / Interviewed


To report Reporter Reported

Vocabulary words related to the unit

Lesson Plan
Level: 1st year ‘L& S’

Unit Two : Our findings show Sequence one : Listening and Speaking
Rubric : Anticipate // Listen and Check

Materials: Pictures - Handouts Time allowance: 1 hour

Competency: interacting orally+ producing a written expression
Function : Interpreting // Instructing Language Forms : Reported speech

Objectives : By the end of the lesson , learners should be able to understand vocabulary words related to
journalism and report the interviewee point of view . Also , they will able to differentiate between tabloids
and serious newspapers .

Lesson Steps
Tasks/inte Procedures/correction Objectives Tim
ra-ction e

Anticipate Interacting with lrs using pictures:

 T asks Lrs to match each picture with its corresponding
headline and helps them interpret the context by interacting
Pre-listening 8 min
with them using some questions: To tune in the
 Newspapers – Reading newspapers - Magazines – learners to what
Newspaper headline will come next in
 What do the pictures represent? the listening and
 What is the main purpose of newspapers? speaking
- To inform us - To educate us - To entertain us sequence.
 When you read newspapers do you believe everything you

Tabloids newspapers Magazines

Newspaper headline Newspapers

Lrs Expected answers:

- The pictures represent
Magazines and newspapers.
- The main purpose of newspapers is to inform us. Because they
provide readers with new information and news everyday.
- When I read newspapers I don’t believe everything i read
because they may write some wrong information just to attract
readers .
-listening Listen and check :

Lrs will isten and check their answers to the pre-listening stage.
Task 15min
To listen
Task 02 p. 79
Lrs listen to the interview and tick the information they hear. Then, and identify
they report the inf they have to the class . specific set of
Types of news papers the Frequency
interviewee reads
- Tabloids - Monthly
- Quality newspaper - Weekly
- Serious newspaper - Daily
- Yearly
Reasons for choosing this Reasons for not choosing
type others
- Subjectivity - Objectivity
- Objectivity - Subjectivity
- Sensational stories - Half – truths
- Reliable information

- Lrs complete the sentence from the table above

- The interviewee says that …………………………………… To report the 15 min
… which are ………………………………………………… . He interviewee’s
also says that ………………………………………………………... answer and
……………………………………………………………………. point of view
Key :

The interviewee says that he usually reads quality and serious

news papers which are objective in reporting news. He also says
that he hates tabloids because it includes sensational stories.
Lrs match word in column A with their definitons in column B
Column A Column B

1. Journalism A. based on personal opinions, interpretations,

points of view, emotions and judgment.

2. Subjuctive B. Tell sensational stories 15 min

Learners will be
able to
3. Objective C. the activity or profession of writing for understand
information newspapers, magazines, or news websites or words in context
preparing news to be broadcast. /enrich their
4. Tabloids D. Causing intense feelings of shock and vocabulary
newspapers interest .

5. Sensational E. based on real facts, analysis and logic .

Key :

1 2 3 4 5


Post -listening Task 4 p. 79:

- T interacts with lrs using the picture and questions in the book :
a picture and
15 min

Key :

A. They are reading newspapers and magazines.

B. They are probably going to work.
C. No, none of them are/is talking.
D. Very few people do.
E. They talk to one another about various subjects related to
politics and society in general. g- (Learners‟ personal
Listening script unit 02 : Our findings show

Interviewer (A) : Excuse me , sir . My name is Alinson Smith. I’m a reporter , and work for
daily messenger . May I ask you few questions ?

Interviewee (B) : Certainly.

Interviewer: Thank you. Tell me; how often do you read newspapers?

Interviewee: Well I always read daily newspapers, especially on weekdays when I travel to
and from work.

Interviewer: Quite interesting. Now, what sort of newspaper do you usually read?

Interviewee: I usually read quality newspapers, I mean serious ones.

Interviewer: Fine. What do you mean by serious newspapers?

Interviewee: Well, I mean newspapers which are objective in reporting news.When I read a
newspaper, I want to have reliable information. That’s why I hate those sensational stories you
read in tabloids. You know those papers which people generally call popular.

Interviewer: I see. And why do you exactly hate them, may I ask?

Interviwee: Let me think. The news content is so sensational that one doesn’t know where the
truth is. They are full of half-truths. They report events subjectively. They just want to shock
you with their screaming headlines, and thus get you to buy them. But they are so boring

Interviewer: Okay. Thank you very much . Good bye.

Interviewee: Bye

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