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Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1.    Follow 1.    Following directions 1.    Verbal 1.    All homework
directions can help with safety and warning in on time –Sticker
immediately. make sure you are doing for chart
your work correctly. 2.    Color change
2.   Raise your –as a warning (-) 2.    Special
hands before you 2.    Everyone will get the privileges
speak. chance to speak. When 3.    Recess time-
others are talking it is notout (5 mins) 3.    Extra Recess
3.    Keep hands, okay to talk over them.
feet, and objects to Raising your hand insures 4.    Recess time- 4. Prize Box
yourself. out (10 mins)
that everyone gets their
4.    Always do your chance to speak. 5.    Parent
best work. contact
3.    If you bother others,
5.    Listen to others someone might get hurt or 6.    Referral to
with your eyes and get their things damaged. office
ears. 4.    You learn by doing. 
  It’s ok not to know
everything.  Everyone
make mistakes.  By
practicing and making
those mistakes, our brains
5.    By closing our mouths,
and listening with both our
eyes and ears, we can
hear what someone else is

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