HOLLOWAY - The Tomb of The Diver

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‘American Journal of érchaeolocy > Vol.110,No.3,vul, 2008 = The Tomb ofthe Dive, JOURNAL ARTICLE The Tomb of the Diver R. Ross Holloway oa American Journal of Archaeoioy Vol. 110, Na. 3 Glu, 2008), pp. 365-288 HAEQLOGY a, Putliched by: Archasolocioal Inctitute of Amorica Stable URL: http://www. jetor.org/stable/4D024540, Page Count. 24 Abinct Paving om abou POC, the recente Tom fe Taller (lamb the Byer a Dues ae he ‘a enaype Gace wel paling wh igure sees tom te Oneang Arche, e Casts eros Stitketer enigen Cone enamine pane Tip sho the wering en of the wrt Tech ‘thn ewe stular thaw ofthe parc Enea ‘ini of te ped. Thee ken of ilreace oe inet between the purpose ape coe pilin of Etre mb ii at re ae ff the Det Farnerore, able mterpreaions ‘timing Oricon Pxhageean sgticance have bee Laine somerset sont dink tate fect decoration ata tneas em prneerom Mirmerpa ise yo de “th te der fclerence wo te meinen ath ae he ‘Srposnm mss have teen intended cee sea ieee o sean the Gel ra the tom, he ‘resto thew fcoesaynermace the athe ‘Oe iter tha oa caplet a pik = “The Ton oF the’ Diver I the only example of Greek pairing vith figured scenes date fe the COventalaing, Archie, ot Casal pric os In asencery ti 1)-Amang the tousands of Greek ont kro em his tie (rough 7-H B.C), thisiethe only one io have been decorated with fee cocnef human subjects Itwas ceated about 70B in the Greek ciy of Poseidonia (in Roman simes nowt as Paestum) on the Tyshenan euast af Taly jw seth of Salerno. Although He ofthe skeleton ‘es presen is widely acaumed that the accepant ae yong aan, A plain blacked leketbos of ovat 40 accompanied hsn did the enrapace of { tortie, which most surely had been the su ing box of « bre the wooden frarve of which fd competey disintegrated. Por separate sats fered +The mat eprom hegre fo Dr Clin Toe ‘Sturt Siperartdearl Canes PopembethePrasae stSclemae Ate eer scr Maes pa Dctred the Nail efarlopcd Meva Pana. Forth may coc a connection wih the sta) dee pacing ae te peau fee Ae eh frets debe nome oth ne Pr to Nad deed ‘Tense yenroen ned. Tan fetta sd sheaf anh ite oe ‘Sed arrphag ee dimen 2) Ah ‘Sihfonedtbe et The mann cat sened dhe ont The pins eneting the al te tomb par never a ecto topmpolun ‘ke eening gathering of cree Ce Sort is dorian conven potted po sed abled powrek ed nc ad eae oe {Se Dery be lges sat toni peng orb of the Der ‘xy thar brn th ne tmp Sterno it rn the Staten Teaser papas laa eae sectencniag voce ied fr ee int bo hep ad Si teeing ofthe otis ee of er nin Gav taeda wee 3 cng pet's taser owe ne Thad the yi Fortine uo ae the pining of the tomb two day alte thee isconery. 5 fae 1908, sn 1.30 m ssh he ty wal Paes {a the company of Prot Mari» ape, then Superior tennent of Angus forthe Princes af Siero, eneven, and Avene, aid dhe dncenerer ofthe wm, and Fre. Yenturino Paretsanco, then Dice tof ofthe Museums ofthe Proance of Salerno! We ss the pinings ofthe tomb in he darkened tre ‘ge room of the museum at Pues to wih they tad been taken, The comets asiong us turned without dela othe slientproblens presested bythe appearance ofthis hitherto unstypected dncocery Panebianco wanted i t remember that Paes location near the month of the Sele River, comet cred bythe ancients tobe the border between Greek Soa HalieRiruican aby mean that mb pining Sc Paetem should be viewed in relation ornare fio the Faruscann, whose tcl a aia vm tn Alce Wat ding ae Bente Hae or Sipypbeeara| yearn pa wee ln pent Napa 1970, = ®. ‘-mecolorphuugrapsot heron recone the ale ainda ae wel Laon and ace deen a nan Campana. Nap empha erates the verted the epost tps hae decid cheb by Napolexh, La Fb de Ta evo he aterpree ation. The recrpion of thew publi Te the be of my knoe, only to review of aol book ere pubis in aly pee ih Tepinsgaf armpit tubes ie pontioned 4 to appear 0 rx tend fd adil There ae Se oceans he om, but the cicudon hn the eared terme devloped sy Si on smoot therm ws et ey bo ecco {ive ingencedeolionar et face a Tie perp ofthe pres atc ft ol 0 re documentation ofthe tb, review oat La! 1g. 2 Pace Tb he De: sate With lenin ang by ML jong mo couches Bach of the figures icoered teow the wat by connie They are all comes nd addtional crowns ate placed on the seni. lables. The serving tables hase Whee legs, and d= tiled reconnect them were madetby Nepali “The Klnal ave painted in undercoat on ‘On the rh wal the single impose prepares toy hintuck at he ted game, He ssighting vet is be which there ae wine leer rea to be projected toward the erge (nr shown), as bei ‘Soot by the ner opeposion voting om Ure ee ‘ual each Te older aun of the pat en the centea conc hae bin ae xj 09,110 "pagar cr th ser he Ar iy eto the wa tes behind the sip pw a eapesrinnetheloer belek abe hte ‘adsiheaoesndaue rk Tacaesconethe a> Ign signe ean cod emt se see doicadedcr the kaltmevo thc conan othe ‘hehe hewn wad Teena oe ar ae feat tein ar cnt eed The Hach Ineo eek dest to ge Ihesincortelnnve eh hate the lscmet he wt do ether dees pp be Wetec line Theatr curing ups Thecenret one the rae oe wu ve mapas 3 faveste Theis dab a lin be ae "pee rep. the Fears bso he Mac ther kine. Here the youth grspshis veto hisehest while dnconneging the eances ofthe older ma ‘who caress hi head! (he want al she Seytcoucs to dhe ef) ae srg symposia holding his ve balanced agaist istic we tok bark Weare Hs companions Inthe center thera gers cepy the enh com ‘sere aright. the younger nan plas ede ded hi companion rales Ms vice sg? "The west sort wall of the wm represents 3 spon, debut with sole oer hi arse fr te yaherag (as ndcated byhisgesure of se Mes paced by a hte gland followed Anning ed erm te “remo dc neec iene deen bet Be vou ght Ian ith: etn ele oe oe eet oe ah Se ost teckel apn ch danny ‘Serta Sa relat Peer irreimerioet ay ereinluih aslo (anton drab ans ato ite tly droge ae i geneindicenein np 98 2 Ine ‘qt ba ane word pars pcan sane ‘escape og he wage tite 2006 THE TOMB OF THE DIVER =” ya an wearing ation ad wig sale Sek" Alla he Fes are reathed Th hte ‘eaneapnitvakiotr loa to.attavarath Se fete a alae has as deep brea (On the ee short wall serv ba, de at ‘rowaed, cen odes ubie on Whe there as $ave which ao weathed There a atonal ‘eats ot the tate The pining of dhe ein ey snare 0 he vob di). Widhis ahck fave ae at seo rer by lteter deve ata po oF sean ut blaeieen wate” Belo i 2 ner Fn fr the ater and edie te crow ‘ou ihe ame othe pene a ii were a sar thing clif fice, Asccnaduce eth the aber boa “ryol die warce The dives anatomy deal 1s ‘Share deans cance dyer Hs pate isa eal deineated Magenta recut tendered sel astnal grt of at an Bee ae tora can i le pan, The Hine aly ot Btn bck The cos th ng alls ee sees ihe ie alle Te cover rete on te tall thus bonded vo mains weight. The coer Ab, Never ccc ctr i ae, Avene ‘ack hich edo the separation ola cover of the ‘ig lab lon oe ightand bee thee, twee ud polrete a dhe righ seo the pling ‘The ah hed spre bendy Ht x comer hen eee GihgnineQrhtenesbbededgieam aa Ba nie teen eri Perostep peel eer TEE arsaunaincinuution soar e aia Se ern SS ee Seren eae See ees ‘Shpardccuuce ere ja towed ering on pre sono he at ‘incu rani esrb The aye the haat niet te ‘he panting wa ati out, Hany the sie Ingo he Hack tame and the dplacernent of one Sites spor andi econ The tings the Tom the Ther were ee cuted in tue tesco. The plate wa applied in Singlet “andewo meth were emped te fds ws fs cle wh shi (presumably ‘made of yond} avd then rendered wh 3th line” Napa scart a tee pli say shes which are vale siden for iow the pangs were created, expla fer the ‘anges onthe rial designs the preiinary Sich of te pale of pesto shang «syle ‘Couette ens bots te north ad wu l= (On the work al, dhe fal seven of ee pacing ers aby fon the pcsnmany sete a he pair simp apiey the visa cone ‘he yn ead as ape bn were vepsione, ‘and histghan ntih fad onigiah bese (ret hie tare! the sre ot re ak sree inthe Bal ping. Asolo epi [the head Hoan the Young spent ate plyerom thenoudvvall The sketch fe bode hes ‘ements ofthe ympedun sree sin eerie eu by “The color crplonediae Bh ren ab cr eatin ptodecig sans rab el eng ebm vs deep red, Ue, pees ad white. A (sina emo 18, Sheps th ing Fic rate tn td ‘cco it ert pnt ic asp ‘eran une Reps eco o ‘is poten afte sath cal Grp se) ea tt eater hehe enantio Te yosanreio cane paid ene seepage at Boe 1H) Nap Putman Bante 9 inant toby nfoemedin or ereseme nae fin écnoaof Reta a er ng er Sligo pana er the peasy she es ee Ha opi ns 8 ihn eae ef Moir hee na clos hPa thn Neng moral igh i Bi ge Pig 9. Pac, Tom ofthe Diver Cone al, olivecoloris used forthe wreaths worn by ees figure in dhe symponiuan scene the leaves of the tees in the living scene. and, i the symposium seen, for the ‘wreaihs adorning the krater on the west all and de played on the serving tables beside the Kina. There Isalo evidence of a grayish underecatng, visible on the Mini and in the costume of the Mute get of the ‘west wall The coveret of the smpesast an the far Iefiof the north wal hin the same shade The prnel- pal color red found in the flesh tones and the palette petals stems and end of the votes the Aiving scene: is also used forthe tree trans, aswell ts forthe high dado below she ympostum weve. The application of the re color over large areas of the ping somewhar uneven. This expectaly vi ible on the dado, More than once, droples of pint ‘an down unto the dato (e immedately below the fate girl on the west wall). These nels show that ihe final coatthe punt as apotiedin a denve tate toproduce the one of there ofthe serving tables: it is also found among the pillows on which the symponiaats recline ad in other details such as the ap and double flutes ofthe Mate gil. The expoved eh of the reining fumes of the nmpostats and the male figures ofthe twoend walls wa ao painted bo stages: fin in a lighter shade and then in the Henne inl coat This was applied uneven, howver, producing an imerexing pattern of vertical, narrone Ibeushstrotes on the nude youth oF tbe went walla ‘08 the older symposia of the ylr on the righchand ‘ouch ofthe net wal, The feftarm of theater rests ‘on a pillow, a part of which ia unfinished. Kwa en ‘deny intended to be red, and the same red would hhave been carried up onto the arm ofthe weposast. ‘But this was not done, leaving a Wight area on the ‘sinpeniae’c arm exacts matching the unfinibed zea ‘ofthe pills: The procedure canalso be seen clearly the ene althe Hees ofthe ceiling paiming The under coat isa red-pink. The upper coat, wed only foe che ‘ark the ain tru, deep ved? Blick cline is used extensively both to sithou- ‘ine Ggures and to ender anmenieal Goal 1's ta ‘portant to note, hovever; that the figures were not [aed by begging with a lack oxtine. The i ‘ermal anatomy nd thie outlining were aided ater ‘the flesh tones had been painted on the plaster: In ‘many parts of the paintings, there i no eutline For the figures beyond that provided by the preliminary sketch. However, the figure of the flate elon the ‘west wall suggests the use ofa pale undercoating te areaof the figure before back cutie was walle of the tomb, cm the cotelet of the smposiat ‘om the far let of the north wall. and on the frames {F the Mina om both long wall. Rather than repre senting a faded condition of dheieSnal state, they bcd, The serving able the center of the north wall deur (oF the couple he same technique was employe fr dhe pier atthe fou comes ofthe oper slab. 2006 THE TOMB OF THE DIVER a8 deep ted over this undercoating, tthieh fe vnble wutside the finished aren of both legs Presunabls the Mina frames woud have been completed in thesame deep red nthe xing tables, “The caver ofthe central group and of the single symponiast on the south wall also appear to be Finished, lef im white or tedlish creat with no far ther decoraion sich 35 we find in dilute Black om the covert ofthe couple oceupsing the far # ‘couch on the nor wal The Back ines ofthe chest and stomach musculature ms representedon the Hom and west walls are a stereotype taken from onten: porary Ate figure poten, sed without variation ‘9 the single sympesast at the ef, the righthand igure on each ofthe otter ewe couches, ae wth some foreshortening, om the youu in ibe center of the scene withthe fae get on the wes wall al anatomy, sot found on all is one ofthe elements dha sugested 1 Napol tht wo maser painters were involved! in "The Maestro del Talfatore © Hoth wall and the scene of the diver ‘on the ceiling, He may also te erated with the pala log of the: me abort walla. Hin ae the remastahly ‘ariel and expressive heads of thesymponiass ofthe inal eave bearded mara two yes, wh, however, are not replicas of one another bu each datnctve individual; the more graceful ts the yous fon the righthand Kline, the more masculine, the Kottabs placer with his raed Asti on the cental couch, This atts. worked exily with overlapping planes. especialy in the rendition af the couples of symponizatt on the Hor wall He was t honte seth foreshertening. of which there is 4 remarkable «x: sexple i the rpraied wight hand of the ottatey plier ofthe central Mine ofthe noth wall. The teat ai wonderfully etal, carly beardsis rendered wih “aveparate line, a weatient tat continues along the ‘edge of the hair over the neck and foreeal™ Bs the Macsro det Tuflatore shares this technique wih second painter dhe Maestro dell Laiwra Sed. who seas respotiile fo the south wal ofthe wa" And fn the work of heih painter there isan enlivened facial expresion becatne the white ofthe eyeballs Indeed white, a characernic dha of couse, et in reefigure pouery. Napoli characterned the Moe st del Tutttore 2 “[a] tre and more sefeuntiden cach strand of thesho Thcundecntdet thee en dine extend raftsman "The Maes della Lastea Sud yas, i his worl, “Hse enpert ane here ad there apaying, an uncertain an le incisive hand." Certainly the Macsero deta Lanta Sut avoided ete complenten of overlapping found in his colleague's war and made no experiments with foreshorteni However, the overall layout of the eve Tong als ‘ith the reclining symposia way lea a singled ‘sign, and its pone that twas prepared bs neither ofthe geo raster but by the Jealer of their ater. 1 executing the design, the Moestey del Tatfatore Introduced signiicant variations from the original sete in his best Figures on the mora wall of the tomb, The Maesio della Listes Sud on the other Inu, as more tittul fotlowing the preiniary sleteh, OF course, even whi reengnizng that there ‘mere two min hands at work on the pintings for fhe tomb. oie must sill suppose a workshop with the wal complement of assistants, Certainly the ‘completion of the couch every on the north vall ‘eas emiuste to sich a apprentice, wh, in his haste, of the main painters cay be soted in the sasnnary ‘riping of the coveret of we youth with the far righthand Wine of the noeth wall. Black eat line ws use by the Maestro deli Lastea Sud more sparingly than bythe Maestro del Tultatre, His work is notable for the simplicity uf its anatomical markings. “The land of the Maestro del Tulfaone emerges the we wall in the head of the man seroring 9 ‘imation inthe anatomy ofthe yout in the center Wace. an in the igure ofthe fle i i the lapping planes of her two arms and of her hands tthe doule fice The cas wal aso appears ta be the work of the Macs del Tutfatore. The leg of the serving boy ha the same thee lines marking. the shia that are found on the ky of the youth of the west wall A characterise "hoo for the ankle hone is also found on the serving bes, the yout, sind the ma the himation os the west eal, RELATION 10 PIRUSCAN TOM As ceceptional ay i was in the Grech werd, the ‘Tomb of the Divers painted interior was fa from uique in contemporary la. Indeed, geri wth "And. aceeine Nae 50 a R ROSS HOLLOWAY the pained tom of smile date at Capua, i eepre- ‘sentea southern extension ofthe ase fo painting it the interior of torbs that was panicuasly suong i sonthern Etruria but pot unknown, though repre: sented by tnt licking Figural decoration on their palnted walls, in Messapia (Ugentum) and at Ticentun.* {isin Eusria, homer, that tomb painting had developed inio an Important and frequent proce tice ar, Etrasean chamber tombs began to be decor fated daring the seventh century.” The line of seaterfow inthe Toma delle Amare (Tomb of the Water Fowl 2 Veit begins the series figured scene In the same group of early tombs. the Tomba dei Leoni Dipine (Tomb of the Painted Lions) and the “Tarmba deqli Ania Dipinti (Tomb ofthe Painted Animals) at Cerveteriintroluced fierce and apo twepsic animale lh the obsious purpose of detest ing thone influences malevolent to the living or to the ead fv the sith century, Bieuscan painters at “Tarquinia made an isolated exe Fesentaon of Tori (Tom of the Bulls) in which the scene ofthe ambush of Troilos raises the question af the pen- eration of Etruria by Greek eultare,” While some ‘scholars have gone s0 fr as to hold that Frroria was sin frnced by Greek imagery, Greck religion, nae the cusioms of Greek saci) (Seen especially in the Ianquct) that t beanie no more than a provincial serion of Greece and Magna Graeca, is aso ps be, andl én ny opinion eloser to realy, to recom rive the independence in tinguage; religion, and probabiy funeral belie’ among dhe Faruscans,de- spite the wholesale adoption of Greek visual imagery by the Etruscan, the presence of Greek merchants he Eri’ abo tna the arrival Grek expatriates an Etruncat soil” So, inthe ease ofthe “Tam of the Bulls Lave aeyed that the armbuals apd sacrifice of Tiles was used for expiatory and ‘potrepale purges than asa gesture wo any aspeet of Hellen "Cap Wenge Hh na 15: gra: oe ‘emu Sapo 190,89 ig 2 ee alo Tin Bevin oe. M, Del Agi an appa 29, 1. "Fo paling ine Base chabe win, see See ss (ys (1) he ate a werk a he ‘Ssuroleolctngthemam ample otheumpletae oes ‘oempluiteae ince dreamcast one nxt ‘hake pate nf ep roa N's (aa After 340, and inthe hands of the Fenian painters lho ariedin Euvusia in the wakeo the Persian con questsin Asa Minor, a recurring convention doni- rated Etruscan painting a Tarquin. A scene ofthe foneral celebration in and arouod the tent erected for the purpose was reproduced pictorial in the tenho plarate and honor the deed although ele iments of the former preoceupation will apotropaic Imagers wete tot lacking. This is exidenced by dhe fierce animals stil found in the gable triangles of these enn and touches stich as the gesture of the ‘soman dancer of the Toma dell Leanesse (Tomb ‘ofthe Lioness), her fingers forming the horn of roe tection against the Evil Eve "Ati eath sage ithe femation ofthe tent and Faneral banquet convention at Tarun, set of few ches was executed that constitute an nice in Eanacan tomb painting, Thete are the paistings of the Tomba della Cacia e dela Pea (Torn af Het ng uel Fsting). The program of decoration of this tomb can be described = both conventional and ‘uniquely adventurous. The outer chamber has clear tics with the past of womnb painting at Tarquinha Around its four walls a sene of frensied dancing takes place ina grove wherevarions objects (wera, Imskets, mirrors) hang from the tees. This is no the int appearance of trees in the Tarquinian painted tombs, These sa tieze of trees below the Troiles scene in the ‘Tomb of the Ball und the sg nificance of rees in defining place in these scenes thas beem pointedout.” Over the doorway leading the inner chamber we find a return from the hunt lwo sere earr the game suspended os a poe) There are two figures un hoesehark anda huntstray ‘on Foor with two dogs, Becase thi v3 eetur from the hunt. it cannot be interpreted asthe beginning of journey tothe underworld. Bat the lush vegeta tion intehich the procetion takes pace, sofannibar from the seventh- sign. That they based their selutions for their un ‘eel comminion on wake paintings imported tr sourhern Haly from Auhens is hardly a mark against them, That the comininson wat exerted wih acer tain haste ont reflects the way in whieh mula fi eral artisereated, One ight wish that some sample ‘of their work inthe city were preserved, Were then, like Damophilus and Gorgasis, who Irescoed ‘als ofthe Temple of Ceres ai Rome, coroplasts 36 well as painters?™* Almest everything about therm ‘must retain speculation. But the Tomb of the Diver will remain unchallenged ax atte of thore experi= ‘ments. sithoutelear precedent and without clove wie sors in its own tie, that sparkle xo brig in Istony of art “Te JOURDWSAI INSTITUTE FoR ARCHAKOLOGY 0. BOX 1857 PROVIDENC?, RHODE BLAND ough WorksCited Ampoto, © 199, “Tulfo € FOletamba: Una ote ‘ila Tema del Tilfatoe ¢ Fut, Mor. SE.” PP weings Arian, PE, 1973, Review of La Tombs de Tafa, by Mario Sapolt Aafia Sel set, 2916-18. Arias, PE, and M.Hirmer. 160. 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