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Many developed countries have a rather low birth rate. Why do you
think that this is so?
It is true that in many places of what we tend to call the developed world birth rates
are alarmingly low for some reason. Governments have become aware of this reality
and have adopted policies to change this situation. However, in many countries birth
rates still remain stubbornly low. Actually, there seem to be some reasons to explain
this falling trend.

Our values over the years have changed and people have started seeking for happiness
in the abundance of material goods. Obviously, such changes have considerable
effects on the way people live. Therefore, a large family is no longer considered to be
a source of happiness whereas an expensive car is thought to offer much tangible

Many parents prefer giving birth to no more than two children even if they could
afford raising a third child. The main reason to explain such a decision is that parents
wish to raise fewer children and provide them with more material goods. Attitudes of
this kind gain in popularity even in countries like Greece and Spaip which are known
to suffer low birth rates and are badly in need of more babies.

Moreover, adults have changed many of their priorities and have adopted more
individualistic approaches to life. For instance, many couples reject the idea of having
a third child as they feel that raising a third child will claim much of their time and
energy. Also, women have other concerns outside home. Many of them wish to
pursue careers and therefore care less about maternity than their mothers and
grandparents used to do. To some extent, they can be said to be right as modem
families need two bread-winners.

Of course, low birth rates remain a problem quite worthy of our attention. European
countries, especially, should take different steps to solve this problem. Actually,
European countries are in need of more babies if they wish to avoid future problems
pensions and insurance funds.

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