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Pollution and progress: Do they relate?

It seems that pollution and progress relate and there are a few things to verify that this
relation does exist.

Firstly, the previous century saw industrialisation of an unprecedented scale. Initially,
this was considered to be a positive development but the long-term results of it can be
seen to be rather negative. More specifically, over the previous century factories were
built in different places of our planet and different items, ranging from shoes to cars,
could be industrially produced.

This was heralded with much enthusiasm as it ensured more material wealth for
everybody but its impact on the environment was rather grave. Industrial units dump,
their waste in rivers, lakes and seas, thus polluting our water resources. In many
places of the planet water which used to be drinkable is no longer so as it has been
found to contain dangerous chemical substances. Also, industrial units can be held to
be accountable for much air pollution as through their smokestacks dangerous fumes
are released in the atmosphere.
consumer market
the previous century saw the consumer market coming into being.
Obviously, this development can be said to bear some relation to industrialisation
which sped up the production of all sorts of items. In today's marketplace
there are
more material goods available to be bought by consumers holding different
and having different tastes. Up to now there seems to be nothing wrong with such
development as it has admittedly left most of us better off.

However, it seems that the huge consumer market of our day has self-evident links to
the production of large volumes of litter which are rather difficult to manage.
specifically, none of these consumer items are to last for ever, so after a specific
period of use they become problematic and therefore useless. Once this has
they usually find their way to one of the local landfill sites together with thousands
tones of other litter. Landfill sites are a constant source of pollution.

Internal combustion engine

Finally, another thing to be mentioned is the internal combustion engine. The
in question was greatly improved over device
the previous century and many claim that it
actually reached perfection. This device has made possible the
realisation of many of
our ambitions. For instance, it made possible the production
of speedier cars and
thanks to it air travel is enjoyed by millions of people
the geat amount of C02 emissions However, it is also blamed for
produced on a daily basis and the phenomenon of
global warming.

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